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Referee Statement

Applicants for employment as a teacher in a Queensland state school are required to include two (2) Referee
Statements in their Professional Folio. This statement must be completed by professional referees who are
able to comment on the applicants demonstration of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

Meegan Brushe

Applicants Name
University Name (Graduates only)

Please provide honest and explicit comments about how the applicant has demonstrated the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers.
Professional Standards Domains


Professional Knowledge
Know students and how they learn
Know the content and how to teach

As District Relieving Teacher, Meegan has had the opportunity to be exposed to and observe a
number of effective classroom practices. Through mentoring sessions Meegan has been able to
describe and explain how some of these would cater for a diverse range of students. The
combination of knowing students and how to teach them is a knowledge she has deconstructed in a
few classrooms. This was through formative assessments and subsequent planning informed by
that assessment. Meegan has briefly investigated differentiation as opposed to adjustments and
also in terms of what she has observed or used in classrooms. ICPs have also been discussed as
an adjustment for students.

Professional Practice
Plan for and implement effective
teaching and learning
Create and maintain supportive
and safe learning environments
Assess, provide feedback and
report on student learning

Meegan has moved through a variety of classrooms and has had the opportunity to experience these
environments. She has recognised that having a consistent classroom process for behaviour,
particularly PBL practices maintains and supportive and safe learning environment. Meegan has also
participarted in cluster moderation where we premoderated the peice and she then presented to the
group. This process affirmed for Meegan the relationship of evidence in students work in relation to the
curriculum and in particular the Achievement Standard.
Another opportunity to which Meegan was afforded was to analyse a PM running record with a group of
experienced teachers to create an analysis exemplar. During this process she contributed and asked
valid questions.
She has also participated in a case management meeting where she provided warm and cool feedback.
Her cool feedback included relevant suggestions of strategies that could be used with the student.
Meegan has also observed a lesson on feedback and was able to use an observation tool to provide
feedback. she was able to provide examples of when she has had the opportunity to provide
immediate, corrective and affirmative feedback to students.

Professional Engagement
Engage in professional learning
Engage professionally with
colleagues, parents/carers and the

Meegan has contributed to the development of an induction booklet by providing a beginning teachers
perspective and feedback about how the information is presented. She was able to prioritise what was
important for a new staff member to know. As a staff member she has demonstrated an ability to build
positive relationships with staff throughout the school both professional and personal. Her professional
relationships have allowed her to develop professionally through discussion about our current school
priorities of Explicit Instruction, reading and PBL. She has an understanding that much of her
professional learning will be provided by her colleagues with job embedded relevance.

Referee Details - Referees may be contacted by the interview panel.


Nicole Martin


Head of Curriculum

School /
Relationship to

Laidley District State School





Eg. Supervising Teacher, Colleague






Information about how to complete the statement is included in the Information for Supervising and Mentor
Teachers document.

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