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Syed Waqas Haider Shah

Prepared By: Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah


Lecture 04

Management Styles

Many Different management styles

The management style often used is determined by
the personality of the manager which is not
Many styles of management and a manager often
displays many of the attributes of these styles.
Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah


Types of Management Styles


Time Servers
Nice guys

Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah



Look to company rules and regulations for solving all problems

Live by the book and are usually very good employees
Loyal to organization and have probably been with organization for many
Very Formal in their approach and work with strict line demarcation between
Usually not very good communicators, using the official company channels for
all communication
Not good at resolving conflicts, look to company rules for resolving conflicts
Expect everything to be black and white, even for practical situations to
match theory; they are at loss when this does not happen.
Logical and practical and have good planning skills
Generally respected by their staff, and by peers due to their organizational
loyalty and knowledge
Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah 10/17/2016

Time Servers

These are generally old managers who have lost interest in

their job and are marking time until retirement or moving to
another organization
They take all necessary action to avoid stress, and maintain a
low profile
Their low personal motivation is reflected in the people who
report them
Although these managers are not generally lazy, their low
motivation means that they do the minimum amount of work to
hold a job.
They usually have good management skills, and if motivated
become a very valuable asset to the organization
They recognize achievements in others and are ready to
Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah 10/17/2016
acknowledge them


These managers are driven by extreme ambition and will

sacrifice everything, including self and family, to get to top
They want to achieve and to be seen to have achieved,
especially by those superior positions.
Climbers usually pursue personal advancement by fair means
or foul
Climbers become de-motivated if advancement does not show
quick results, this eventually lead to stress
Personal knowledge is very important to them, and they try to
learn from their staff.
Climbers look after those reporting to them knowing that they
are measured on the output
Engr. Syed
Haider Shah


This is usually a younger person who exhibits lots of

They are achievement oriented: power is used to get work
They work extremely hard, driving themselves and those
under them
Generals are sociable and mix well at all levels
Status is important to generals, but for the luxury
associated with it, not as a symbol of seniority
Usually they are strong-willed individuals often with a
characteristics as a self-made entrepreneur
Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah



Maintain a balanced view about the world, the organization,

subordinates and themselves
They are usually experienced managers and knowledgeable in
management techniques and apply them where they can
Supporters work through people in achieving their aims
Supporters develop their subordinates by giving them responsibility,
people working under them are highly motivated
Their technical knowledge is usually limited, but are compensated by
the support they receive from fellows within their department
They are good facilitators and very good at managing changes,
recognize achievement and reward it
They are good compromisers and exhibit effective intuition
They are flexible but very persistent in carrying tasks which they
believe need to be done Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah 10/17/2016

Nice Guys

These managers are usually weak-willed and are more

interested in being liked by peers and subordinates, than in
achieving targets
They do not criticize their subordinates, even when they are
poor performers, and may in fact support them too much, so
unconsciously retarding their development
The productivity of the group under nice guy is low and
conflicts simmers under the surface, waiting to burst out
When conflicts burst out, they do not know how to handle them
They make very few decisions and these are usually poor, since
they are ready to surrender to pressure from almost any source
Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah



These managers are bullies!

They like to have their own way and bully their subordinates in order to enhance their
own sense of power

Bosses occur at every level, often quiet low within the organization

They operate in Administrative mode, plying things by the book where it suits them

They use the power of their position, real and imaginary

They drive the people under them and expect recognition from peers, but often do
not get it
Bosses are extremely inflexible, they are only strong talkers, and hide behind abusive
Boss category managers are often brought into a company to hatchet men, in short
term they can show results but in long term are very destructive, causing more harm
than good.
Engr. Syedof
They advance by pointing the mistakes
not 10/17/2016
by their own achievements

Tasks and People


Many different and complex factors have been

considered in describing the various management
styles, it is usual to use two main factors for
comparing them: the strengths of various styles in the
management of people and tasks
The figure of next slide shows how one style is better
than other. On the scale of people and tasks the
balanced style is that of a climber.
Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah


Compartmentalization of management

Engr. Syed Waqas Haider Shah


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