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AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES Near Eastern Translation Program ‘Number Five \ OUR BEGINNING IN WISDOM Muhammad al-Ghazzali | Trae trom the Aube by ison elfen oO OCTAGON BOOKS | “Aaa or Pea, ee Oa Co 9 teen patent E32 kyus34/ : edtios } OCTAGON BOOKS ‘A pnson’ of Fansan, Sema & Gitovy, Ne 19 Union Sguare West [New York, N00 | ‘The Near Eastern Translation Program a8 an operation ofthe American Council of Learned Societies cifeced throogh Ite Committee on Near Eastern Stier, was initiated in 1950, Th the difficult prablemn of choosing booke for translation, ‘ought written by the various peoples of this region for them- elves, Only in shis way, itis Belteved, ean Aen Sshich the inking and atitudea of the various peoples of the fone of the original text, made to repreaest the on of the Sr the Committee on Nour Eastern Stadien. Both the Covnetl Penge, Manammad ot-Ghansait contents whom it hereby 1 The Prohibitions and the Need for Their The Instinets of Religious Government sine a 1 “ye? Deliberate Errors 3 1% % 23. An Original Constitution and Subsisiary 3. A War of Extermination L Alckshar's Atttede towards Nationaiiam Service a the People * Chapter 1V. Between Crescent and Croes hpi vs Women and Scity Woman's Awakening and the Oriental and erm Traditions chapte "Fue Sociliom of bles ‘Two Possible Courses of Material Birth Promotion, Not Birth Control BeTRODUCTION SeYounded ané as 4 ower by which the pillar of injecticey oTolam and spreed the convition that in there teachings isan Acharite-atim [schelnr]; he openty seeks to separate ‘Such has been the teak of His Eminence Shetty Mohamad fsa refutation of the argument o€ “From Here We Start", many nod grave crrore, “Our Beginning in Wisdow!" Pas ‘tod mankind dlepoved:. These leno change in whet Goa part of men know it not."* bene grees LHe HEM was fe itor of the bok in hearer izensine “lama {scholars} an Injestice when he confounded the Latter with the talze prieets snd ministers of Brahms has docuseed the Jolamic doctrine that granted women thelr TATE EGP When ar rom ones complete rights, defined thelr true rote in life, and pro- ! PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION pled with diverse philorophicsl speculations ‘When Christianity made ite appear "sau Tahmiwi ‘To the present day the Egyptian Gopts nave been far more tonarram, 1910 act faith to thelr Chetan, far more consistent oboervant Europe. In tact, the tny Copt observer hie religious date ‘doctrine and investigating Ito principles, the nations were ‘The Egyptians were among the sillingty fotned the religion of God Sincerity and wits complete com fomed 20 accept the rgat and the trae chad sar a8 ayo and Sought ta Genray lala’ ost inimte countries trembled wit fight wom he uler destra= Stood up agnint thie fear and eststed fot Guo whale cu “getty emotion isthe hey to Eayatianpernoatty. 2f great good not Cor Egypt an the Asap lands aloney bet for ‘The imperialistic powers which have colonized the 16- that aims at reuniting uo with our past--a past directly con- Sehich played havoc withthe Tatar hordes, tre to shrede 7capurating religion im tv way lng \ Sounterparts ‘The sbject of domestic ioperialiem tn pre= psclltn, towly husitntion, and the acceptance of the states fous revolt aginst the Engliahy thas shaken their pride sad st-Arhar Mosque, a i te religions apieit eel were wall thie grest rebelion upto the present, To! day, thels finger io tetognteatie even fo nsigniicent sefvi- books that speak itl of our great Prophet, Muhammad, a {or rolarey and sableih without religion iste possible a te ‘ACE TO THE SECOND EprtioN Muhammad el-Ghassslt stu andthe Fundarenste of Government), in which that religion an the state have no relation to exch sther ‘aides at Sful, who tried to “From Here We star, to-which we dediente tie work 08 ‘he Very beginning. Thus we shail accept the doubt, fhestionsy eritciems, and opposition and allow these 10 ork evi we ch rg thm ace fae th he edge} of Be st rae no sop ats init ol gover sn egres=| {sine dumb! This iss matter tat concerns selegion di- Theat and hereby we hs ve lowed ‘eto be forgotten. Later, ighte and fatere of te people, fell into the clutches fyrantes reiting td er abacrvaec, at sy deat fence in the future,” They didnot consider patting an end to fhe unjust social circumelances thet mate bad governenent Tove whe ave raled fn selighonts name dié veh and such those who look upon religion only aa 8 prep and support for Gt generat reconetruction of indivi@sal societies and states IE wostd be ils claim that Sn a program of reconstruction {ate over the government of the world, ie would net be Nooprleing if eoviented steelf towards the seisure of worldly Russia never doubted that political power was indispensable shame, the occurrence of which should be regarded a 8 fweetionable right. ‘The attempt to famtty se ima way auch sive us the idea that Ge ministers of a religious government ‘Ei spend their time worrying about the hefeafter and thus tim backwards the wheele of worldly life. Devoting, ae come, the business of this world and its reform will re~ teange and suspicious tile of "men of religion”. ‘There ‘the study of the Book and the Suntah. Such a field of study Inctaden the whole body of the arts tnd sciences, and erm~ Siacee ll aetedge bees sutvil or eiitnl Sens Retigiae tated be ever bean prevents Ais tntrprctane ‘Beimcong oe torn nd he Soaitcineeatwatte oF a Sonat ear a Chay seve inte edo morgen, dications | et or ee cee No ous person Yas nny stronger lef oetong to fare tan any eters Tesinee “sana fe sate shel gina sete perce kiereds Iris he pete scinteae retereeccth ote of fneatowatd I miiary eaders0, 2 A oe rehane Guy he expats on {Gites abun etnguich them among te many end secount Svere it has degenerated to thio, fees smophy SERS! [Sia Instances supporcaly abound fn the Arsbian Deeee Sethnen inthe South, Nejd and Hejae inthe Nor, ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL Bt Intitated devoid of groun Sod tarned down she pleas of ble dearest atende for lenlency the witnesses. This hes led certain jurists Yo accept immeds= in ene the hand hat the Prophet eked certain into crime. Ihe lg an ardent believer, his conscience will 1s appropriate to cell auch helpless victims criminals, whose business is to corner the accused where he may be ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE of good faith and remove the obstacies (rom their paths ‘With God's help none of them would fal.” ny most sensitive conscience and a rare morat integrity, Tt [the signe of society nad mmenkind to safogunré his life that Sette tv forte surge and ernment of he breen. {Tus practacly wht the Prophet meant “ She came beck with her brby, saving agoin to be ened, wd Sins sent back forthe second time. Later sill, she res Sivned witu er young child and repeated her zequest for Sentstment. fe ft parable thatthe Prophet withheld sen Eince so tt this wemen might repeat ber crime and far ich'on tvit example? No, That woman was repentance Ta purty persntod the Propet tented ber até ber Command and teaching of God. ee ceases ahere everation was witubeld thatthe law iteei(had Soules of Jootice do consicer the clecumatances surrounding {Ee aceueed and accordingly Jodgs the misdemeanor erie ‘Sscumetances sino stand a5 e part of 1? Shin tthe odgueat ef common sense. 189 sarpriting Thwas reported by "iol thatthe Qurays ie wus thowght at ony Catia Sb-2aye, he Prophet ing him whether be would consider forgiving a person who ‘eatiaing Ustmal's motive, immediately called the be- punished the guilt ofthe wesk and fargave the pitt ot the “eae ne reported by lbn-Ormar tat he heacd the fore Judgment. If it comes after judgment, accused and se- pert ef moter eviinnin's scheme for freaking Hs Fe tcling of tow the Mastin were progzenately tacarcing Separated, if we shold ever abandan the latter, ae in the ‘wa al-"Awgs" al-lgtissdiyah” without attacking God's proki- bitone in the least. Them I examine thoroughiy the variations ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE ry Pact of » Religions Government's Program stabilehed snd should be applied, they con be added tothe Steular ordinances and their execution can be taken over by ‘are part of the Islamic teaching, and that itis the duty of « overmment having any religious pride st all to support their ir Tingland were to enter the probsitions In tts ordinances, 4 wouttiot on tat account become an Inlamie sate. The Sate in Totam ke the emauodiment of am iden bY and for whic “The view thatthe purpore of the state so the application tion of the people will be effected and their movat standards Cananced are the concern of te state. It is its duty 90 to lend the people and organice their lives as to attain the ideals set Uke al-Hajjaj and any, “These are the froits of religions ule," ie a mintake and an anacceptable charge * the ectastihment ofthe rights of mans-of Uberty, equality, fhe Ieateznity-csince true monoeheiem implies at sll ZEQIEELME its ted ipreie ho wi agen tanya” and injure not him who is convincegt sn TEM Progress in this worid except through the. they clapped tet hands tole With which ye pretent tobe seat, and eens oe sito aka ceil ot ene Sita cnc of believers mit and te 1 ditticult beginning suttered ‘ast out by the ating a. “Daring te as centri t sought andachieved dominion over te Imeesions ae She quotations Tram ek ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL ROLE Romanum. Islam, wbich, unlike Christianity, Is funda ing lala by sanelling Ite Ins and Sing, the Wet aos nde te guitance othe from the bands of those whe mena to exploit t for the own opite this, however, Professor Khilid insists apon ‘ the case of ai-Hjjsj aa a revelation of Islam, seligiouaness of ralere and their abare of barman life. Had Sl-ubjiaits punishment fates to him in thie world, would fot have been anything (ere tan hanging. 18 OUR BEGINNING Br WISDOM Islam would never have survived a nogle Gay oF converted ‘gts eto prentnoepermestes fw he at, "ete Sheikh Khuild arrived st this conclusion through teany re Tendily understandable throughowt the agen. That Le part St precincoss” Generality and flnibitioyof meaning ave one ‘hing, and obscurity end ambigely are another. The Khai~ to support their claims. But Ali and the jurists were well {hat both tne Kovan ard the Sunnah are ‘ambiguous, obecere AU the-abi-fulib recommended that be quote not the Kovan those verses falaely. All wanted to oppove the Kharijites ‘gomentaork, He rernrdcd the Sanaa nina elas the Sunoch itll susceptible of pany interpretations, is = Some ofthe versee that speak of God nnd his attributes may lhe greater part of the Rovunscace clear and rational. "Fhe Initerslone are the tource of legislation and the groundwork ISLAM NOT NATIONAL RULE 19 flexible meaning that ean be interpreted according tthe logis and ayntax of the Languages Sut there te geet c= books in which the meanings of the tents ofthe Koren and the ome leadert and Judges, then comes Sheith Kadlid to prover through tis fgment and aderrtanding, he enone t Ligion or tranngrers its lnwa,, Bet Sheikh Katlid rees ft fo binme religion when rome of ite sone go nateey.. Strange logic indeed! Hf stale) (el into evil, the cause was the obscurity” of the law, net the character of al-Waije And so many al-tiaitjetnally prove that religion itself unit fo rule. Iieis the ence tat the violation ot law be proct ofits unuitability, then the violation of oar epiritual and troral sladards by the poli ef macnn times should by st- lest step towards otal annihilation, Tn reality, the question {2 not one of diversity of inter- nother.” Fundamentally, the qucation ip whether the law ia foing tobe applied at all or whether ie will be made nebeerei= Metiwiyah were supporting their opposing cases with the 20 oun nEcinNe my wispoM Provoking the people aaiat Mutniyahaebtantitg ele ‘yee a grave misunderstanding of the reasons for he bi omens tahissef-dlengy he guated the allowing verse ‘tnt Gane created?” On one oceasion, the Eytan ‘their deportation, the following verse was quoted in support ot te government's action” "The punishment of owe who fight Cod and His Prophet snd spread dissension shall be sth byte sord or he crony oy a amputation oftheir tne porpost of encouraging the Arabs to cooperate with the Srlbe tthe covetousness of the fgnoble.” We shroud we ‘lee with tre ttsey and say thatthe Koran fs" ausceptble Srimany interpretations”. hen the righteots lapute withthe Sivihowt ond wach party hévanes the ane vee oe Titimcican misinterpretet and restoring the right where St Selonges "Thus Proteseor Khia takes a midway stand Feepett tothe dapute of Yast® and al-Huseein, of AW and the truth regarding thove old tragedies or watever ight ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE a Nobody would have been surbrized had the Jews called Such name corresponding tothe neta state of affeirss The form of polldeal arganiestion they have choten in clearly teightors in Fordaa, Hojaz or Yemen, who are ruled by Geepiy-rooted artrtocratc families which give thelr own ames tothe states and governments” in Yemen itis the Following their example, the Jewish government would be kind to the Jews as it was to the Arabs! Nor would the Jews Ihave missed the ruth i shey had called their Hate "sociale vades thir indastsinl snd commercial activites, ‘There le “Yet the Jews have completely orgotten thers auspicious ‘ational front. Inatendythey have cetaraed to thelr ancient Iistory, dug out ite roote and eppesred two thousand years tier Christ with the name of “israsie, Thia name le the ymboi of hele atfschment to thelr religion and Sir res pect (or thelr gncred memories, Ht shoulé be observed that Ihe Jews who have chocen ta foliow thls course are tnem= None of these men felt ashamed to belong #0 thelr zeligion fF thought of discarding i Tole happens among Jews ata time when there is hardly eld of sctence they have not pencteated, © foreign lane fgonge they have not mastered, « Western tradition or custom they have not Known and practiced, Bot when they spesk of Peligion, they twist their tongues and speak only he language 2 OUR BEGINNING IN WISDOM The gradual process of depriving relison oft ight to Uimnit it fo the spiritual field, Tn'a sense we sympathise with the leaders of the Christian church for having trled to achieve Entatianity suoseeded tn exposing the early Christians t2 [e's natural thatthe latter sought to fake away power from " eveatuslly, worlely governors: formed itself and regained most of tie power and influence they wenr no crowns. The power of the Chatch is operat in grienting the internal and foreign policies of the Western SiS, ed by England and Arericn_ The declarations and ‘A hundred years ago the situstion was one of enmity be~ ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE a any other special airinate nt raises hies to Gna Thee alpha who red in Weis Jgment were cor cated to their calling. The governments established by them lve eojoyed, moresver, a enigue character of auintinces itthey were the orientations of religion tse, andthe situe to religion except trough these prelates. When, however, they discovered that the conduct ol the fahere of the Church "Phe difference between Inlasn and Chaistianity in this Py (OUR BEGINNING IN WISDOM ‘eaine and found the Jews farting on the day of Aahusas UP> ‘Prophet of God no less than the Muslims did, But they were far from giving ee eriptre practical dveton, 0 he thie aesoclation too, for these divine laws were enjotned BY ing bas no place today except among the followers of Mcham~ 4o fight ungodliness with zeal, to do justice to Moses and Jesus, nd fo prevent thelr Vollowers from masquerading in tel remember that Maftre Wahth Dus al-Mabami once wrote se he mtgpeoe “ast itis ya [Sota Atlas, {SLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE 2s Se is ciatood?, Was ot the rat's funding a6 the Torah picked up by a carpenter? v. ‘As soon as this article appeared, the whole of al-Ashar it anything short of Blasphemy to call the prophets Jeaus and Mowes “Coundlings"? Or to call the Virgin's son "picked up by acarpenter”? The author, evidently, was a prominent, Egyptian Cheatin but the datendr of Cat was aioamho pits eed of the wort fora Ini rte tat segue 1s. Splritaa and Temporal Power In order better to reatine the need of Islam for tafe power book, Halston wa al-Manshi)al-ihtirshiyab® [slam and the Socialist Programs), the following puseage {rom the Staples ented ihe Baines of Baten tonal effort alone, Such are prayer, fasting, and other af- [listed duties, Bet there are, in addition to these, social require the instrumentality of the state, Of these, there are nnd [holy war). punishment, charity, and others...+ The igi and ground test social regions denise conscientiously to understanding the method by whieh bens % (OUR BEGINNING IN WISDOM Ay nthe fashion, can ibe ani tat Islamie society Thee nag settled the religious requirement? Nor” Toeze ak be'no je in te proper sense ofc term, walese ere SF Sorunte foret, aston gener eben, Satire ond history have taught dsr to fll Be Gy, i int, which Enowe beter than be Mimeelf how ose Wn tebe iret ot find he Seliger pero Son the inticdua-val ot wich wou Sigua Be impos- ‘us'dtiee ofthe state are clear and precisely outined ih Se agian atin el wan ned trent once ‘tee parpous of state rate a nt ony sdmintstreion of jice SE machina saan. "heel ene prayer [i coure psnetnces his verdict athe ane of the hes of Se personify ofthe sulery who ia se once supreme come tuner, sopreme Jodge, aid supreme tse h is only ‘Sathas scprated them in oor inde and In acta. (iri regio tisneton ie Crytctnee Sule In'ac meeeageofteligion,* er, fn other wordy tat re- ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE a east if they to desires He tlatess "+1 -Or ibe » pootenged Dighvey st the beginning of which stand various informative signs about its rection, condition and vafety--avch are in KbBLi¢"s view, like the red and green traffic signals; st Soaelavact reaton te goverment, egarding iin, mich Sremendous tank that occupies it Doth day and night. Telare grief athe duty f fhe sate o prec he faith sod ‘evation tothe faith and to emplay the beneite of modern Teligion is Like the traffic sign, and hence has no need for unless backed by the state executive power, even the traffic traffic lame, and courte stand as visible evidence of our Cention by argument consttete the pivot of reconstrection eu Na he oman ma Protections pe hd inetectanl way?” What society bas at any time Been slatlished opos s foundation shaky? Ob- pice, oF for any ofthe other Institutions indispensable sed punishments. Counsel and advice never meen the cl ing few of crarstndprincnn”Long go, “Ua ti through the word. gf ecteting eit town ware when eek fo Many governments were established in the name of uberty, ‘none of which allowed it citizens the liberty to do every ‘So excesding the limite of its aature iit sought to ght hi ‘Sheth ielid anewers, ">, But when these methods be- 6. sintes ‘Thies an obvious fact that calle for o further evl= Ha ateunge quetion ined for presupposes te Sction adverseiy alfects the Idea, 1s though the iden were Eerever daomed to verain t mere dren entertained by F¢- formers in their silent moments, What evil is there inthe formation ints « living progratm aod an energetic state? sania, "How can ft be porsible {or feligion to become a state Sha evove, chang, an prove iccenyt™ dead society because the religious veritioe are etezasl? If Cruntworthinessy and all other virtues that are no les ‘According to is logic, virtue woald be excluded from ‘the state, jast az zelipton hte beens Despite the fact that sot only she state but so the whale of amen lite changes nilid means to say tat the corte and challenges of lle are fhe ater” Tracy a goverment i alway sand tack upon the government is in itselt an attack upon religion. Sheikh Knflle's missing premise ix that the conduct of re Lghoas gverntcs in pa ane parca of voici 2 (ouR BEGINNING IN WISDOM. eeraee mete een ee warez oy wehtatd inno Sacre Sere Tee ae atemgt oven seg Hon ha tasks ed hace eee a Religious Government and the Opposition ‘Seti Mhalid claimed that religious rule is founded upon blind despotiem where “false pride, the worst instinct of Te= Uigious government, Ie consecrated." He states, farther: lon from the outsige, Opposition, criticism and the right loeriticie, freedom of tought: all these things are for~ aden and Contreband, The sanve ite thet befell Mare ‘ands ready to sancton a repetition of that occurrence.” Gan me accept the statement that zeligious rule prosper’ in ch fout atmosphere? Ove lock atthe teuchings of islam { sdtteient to make anyone realize that Islam demande the reation of « Benevolent sad daring opposition which allows sromental act withost bins or prejudice” "Any generation of dhae thereby violated Islam tacit. "The Prope! haw said)” THE ony people should ever tent to tall = deeper: "Thou eopotl they might aa well be dead nod forgotten. Opposition and reatstance to despotic government tthe very last breath is, In Islam, the highest and most worthy sartyrdom possible. "The greatest of martyrs is Hamaab, heitood ap agit a despot and wa Kile by Wnt herelore sbmite silently to Beir terzor and injustice. Not ‘only dacs ie dowand thatthe people rine aguinat their bad rulers, bet i also defines and regulates the zelations of (government of any nation may at any time degenerate into a het maton ts Moslio or Cheistinn, Arab or Persian, “Why ‘The Prophet said, “My people's greatest per may come trom a low youths from Gurayshe.-* Can we corclade from thie, followlag the example of Shih HBS, that the Prophet twas actanlly ertiesning the principle of religious rales i Tait, sather than Ste exemplitiction & Quraysh? Totem considered the eritiiom of error and the fight against tvil--whather porgetrates by a governor or @sub- Jectrcae Caralnal pointe of doctsine, However, stag taken Nasty sevells which often bring ruin snd dlenster to all con fectom to sevelts in ancient timer, dlangreement with the Hovercign didnot mean anything other then » challenge to ‘Dotno one expects islam to allow tls Kind of Iree~ {for the purpose of preventing civil war is this saying of the Brophel, “There may be setbacks: whoever seeks to 4ivide ltinen. On the other hand, to regard lawful opposition as SSvlotion of religion and claim ut this la the purpose of the above-mentioned Hadith, 4s radical méstate the tyrants have tilled any people and inflicted great sulferinge spon many tore; but im this they followed thelr Agpot passlone, wot the teachinge of God. It does nat be hhoove us to forgive there criminals onthe grounds that they for they honored neither the one nor the other. 18. Between Religious Rate and Netionat Rate State carries out this touching in ita entirety, Tolam will state in called nationalist oF religious, The important mat {cnchings of lelam sod gives the Ielamie civil snd celina He hs fener sigaton te renpet auc «governs der sucha sepie to lg if the ead and nt, i provides for the rule of a wire Inlamic government. Tela 19, Sennah of Hin Prophet, its light bes hone in the world for ‘mony long centuries. Ite history ie far more illustrious tan a ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE » sein mete inte cS sig at es See et mesh igatwcarictsrncd som Sean cia ara ae ech e Ee nig sine tblpatncnscte ap ene nm ema ace attra tcratan a aay, Ba a a edie ee “iulised natlonaltt governments have Been gaity of the SOT REED: MSS hates goverment Sat gore u (OUR BEGINNING mY WispOM stray cansot live long. Behind it stande « pale opinion powerfat enough to force it out of oftice teoner or laters Ia fhe care of religious goveramenty on te contrary, al fsuthority goes Back toy st can admit nee ‘wnen it ns no relation to veligion {Bat supposedly tends to the separation of Feligion and sate Bh omen et the vende Joge for hast te mete td SEB Be retenng of the Itami sate, the cormution Prested, indlferent people, aud with he dismemberment ‘Some af the greatest sen who gave farmesives tothe recestalishment ofa sane islamic rale and a Korancobeezy- ing society are J fe aIcAghSsl, Mahammad ‘Abdsh, ‘Arad ‘Arabi, Htssan al-Banaty Ad ai-Rabymtn al-Kewt fbi" of whom regarded the Mi body and thelr various affuctions work wes directly nepired by the more unfavorable than they thought. Or, more exactly, the Small portion of thelr dear. who tock Europe as thelr model and acted an the principle ‘hat to imitate her was the sure way to reconstructions ft | ‘han the doskey londed with sponges whoy in Imitation of his We'rmade ewenyihing dependent on st in the construction f he modern sates Every day 4 leader of Terkey, Irary Egyots trag, tejas, Linya, or some place else, presches {Sites cadena Every ay Matin ste ace tout sacred sieht. Istar le « body of general principles valid forall, {r= find His will Se reality, where all believers are equal there there are neither tyrants nor dictators, neither Philosophers of power nor aavocates of terror ‘Are we going to dincard thin great religion forthe de> fous ravings of impostore and tyrants eho rob whole boonies af their rights? Are we going to exchange the bets rote, tnd theveby forsake our mensuge and happiness and x our Ecnauic my wisDoM \ minded ura uretehed fellas [pesca] ton woriderttenr ‘his mationalist trend fe folly. "Whoever tigate Slnaly for ‘ ‘i faoatie cause,” said the Prophet, "wil perish for Ne that are now driving out regionailem. The advocates ofthese vissuce of eis vial and compaiiog Beary acupy owes ‘els aduerents, Row can the Maslims give Isiem only 3 psc af ccondary portance? How an laan give my 12 Fosiion tothe eget a he Koran i pons, nd ne, . Crank, wbether they are Negroes, Saxons [eic), Sig eine eee {er conuries ey waged woren Resion sols Tos, Taskey ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE a Uses inthe ovbit of the asolste democracies, The Turks {che than tom por cent of Uels former empire. To what Lenbegen to str, and they ied theresa with the Bog fe seetagees=, entaved by either the Eng sino SEL! setive in their thinking, ad ite elfecte are still Dertiene, omelynatenstan, so the ange words the dele~ SXjya naj edgy af Os aictatinsy te aleAshar maga- CPunatlc by Heke King Abdullah whieh seeks to spread Scattering he arabe of Eayts King Ablah Gomot have the right do eal Shemectves Arabs-nnot to men- Udor the right to be lenders of the Arabe. Sayyid Rajah “The Arabian roots of Egypt run so deep in history that no Arab countey bas ever questioned them. Hagar, the Trothcr of fmt’ (lstinee, ton af brahim (Abraham) was ‘ence, every Bayi most be an tue is further consolidated by one on the father's, created iy the rst conquering Arabs, Moseover, Egypt had the nbaitionat honor of paying ance onthe mother's Torahimn, 20m of the Propbet, whose mother w Womans Marys, Which Arab land then cen claim a8 mech ‘Aeabs too--they form the solid base apon which Arabions ke his father, a Hebrew. He was Arabicizes through his Yemenite inelaws, ‘The Arabicized Arabs have even tar= ‘With these and other proofs Sayyid Rajah refuted King: But, we ask, what fa the point of this whole debate? Of shat good are tlood relations even i they extsied? What he arabe? Why do we not repeat after the great Prophets "Let tose who Boast of their dead ancestors give up thelr are children of Adam, and Adam was created an earth.” aut ove and all obedience is ates He is the one grest God, All peoples are one single nation. ‘No origin, race, color, ‘or country thal ciferentiate thera. ‘Their siperiority to Human beings are sll one in their submten : thority. “Taore is no exception to thie ‘Divine revelation i the basis of jstice fn the affairs state aad society. Where there i2 0 justice, there te either revelation nor divine law. “God sent down the Bock in Justice tad measure.” "We move sent our prophets with fevidence, with the Book and the acale that men tay mists Oat Jstice t6 one anomer. ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE 3 ‘ere are in Isa many sbslany tnwn, none of which fo es Sts omer verses and Hadthe., Some deal with per= seercedeeameate meters peneraiyevury, snenopty a= erpority affers are many and diverse, The SbarF'ah dae ne rameters ete eitocttvolving Ou of liom, Let then whosoever wishes refer to the original Sealey uiSopy and tccretherctrors the slements o fo {struiontiam and eto of sen Sligo too Conviction that God is one de the pivot of political and sect SEUSS rene to relies nce aa rater ‘ro dowte = suns we Scppoue a person tas formed he iden fat Chore pls stern, ins spear and t man of tiers oy, ‘SWpporealrey thie person believed that Courebil bnows, olting of pelties und has never Been active in this Held, Sehpose tis sume person were told that Charchil was Dorn Sini'rateed in politics, thet be wert through two great wars Englands Now, i nuch s man contended that Churchill is thelrewmstances ale ed Chutcilto wage ware neo sre precisely “prophetond, tt pers gusta, a0 re freaties, ed armies and enjoyed ail the senifestations ef power. is ira tat some of he caliph stabbed rest cnt fen Sidhe Prophet exerclas power, letslte, ite soci rcometancer ony Stina, * led the Prophet to teek the welfare sad happiness of his seme thos majatadnnictes Jntce te acondnnee with Got the Bock who refused to subrst tothe udginent of the Norn wien they were called upon fo 0 ¥0r" God's reqiremest sil doubt tat he came ony to adminiaterapietonligy God id! “Hast thou not observed thore into vhom part ofthe fcriptore was given? They wore called tnt the Book af Ged at might judge between therm: ‘Then some af them fered their back and retired alan’ This they did becasse Hse deceived tens in hie celigions” Imanomner hhold a part of them retired; bat {f the right had been ox their alde, they would bave come and submitted ato bin 1s there ah infirmity in theis beavis? ‘Do they doubt? Os do ‘ther than that they say, We have heard, and do obey." TF vorig te anuage a lipoma oieee {Evin Go’ conempatno ose me eee teed sitet fc bee nl ey me Pes feo Siig foe edomntncs aeeopanng ees Sinee SELLS a Taifeel ted net ot eters” Tae cos be Ign oe woe fot sso ete, Wenn ITY and ou someingcncenng your Cogn ae 4 ‘OUR BEGINNING IN WisDOM SEES Evie pe ae eins he Pro the Prophet laid the foundation for sn Islamic rule which waa ‘rorit nen atthe mes Once the preparations, peyehologt- iircagin “te Propet essbge wos Oe sornagprecee ig ear tern an teen." a Sg {he whole world, He fougne Wl Sabyah ln onder te ghey SBicah thm the Pharusnom, Chore and Casares SEAS Shei mone a porto he eater Regarding this matter, Maslin old he fottowings, "Cel People of the Book. “He then said to Muhammad "We have inde Ppt eta ataris Sie bgt Seria Ehaletcatteceataeme ee ene ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE 2 ive the samme of “religion”, nor would its Prophet Duslding «state that would adopt the right enuse everywhere ‘he was able to order the people in lines for prayer at the that belongs to me...” "There will be no Chesros after Ghearo, nor Gacsura after Caesar. By God, you wil spend et performed by the first caligh was the saving of Ustmah's Shay forthe war with Byaantium. Az the armies of the tod might went crown, of tnt hs successors might ive ring the rate goveraor becnutepropetbood ia far aobee “ UR BEGINNING ns WisnoM nity and worth to prophethood ud tnt the Prophet's dis charge of governmental duties ia detrimental fo hlen in Fes~ {he word a Koos and wi cma te ke ten pase tiple andra who toe hemanives Intel ace n= Ghisgy re tal pote: Sask sae Shine ee Tovey nom lash, sought and ohne th porto Sees oie“ aclecy, Jap tn ef uc"? ‘sought the position through which he could bring victory more ents Boll were tne seranin af Gedy annus tly to tetve sol A sens ree tor erga prin, ISLAMIC, NOT NATIONAL RULE 4s ‘Dents by neglecting certain fexts and misinterpreting others forsuit their purpose. Their promises to God had all been, Sroken. in ils anger against their conduct God sa Wherefore because they have broken thle covenant, we tulten part of what they were admonished. fare, the religious staey crumbled to pieces.” When the Prophet came, he found the laws of the Torah discarded. It ne happened that when » certain married Jew committed little punishment. The Prophet argued with them antil they scknowledged thatthe law of the Torah prescribes stoning ingion, dlapersed them and allowed them to fall under fhe tutelage of the believers He ns given'ce the Koren an a basis for fllgion and state, Endy therein, tare regarding te faith, society, and polities, Certain duties while Iv observes othera-~such as fastog-- Sita pomp and etc tnother?.1- What reward cus You then expect eneas it be 4“ (OUR BEGINNING Is WISDOM ISLAMIC, NOT RATIONAL RULE ” religious rule aa ft ba Deen practiced by He advocates, lone including the Security Counei, iz veally #0 compare theorice, But to answer bose who are wont #0 attack re~ nar cooiies by ts Baropen evogntcn wo cae ber “he Generation hat France broght ap alter te revo: from monurchical bondage--that generation came t0 the (rine inorder f nit jon eet peoples what the Znglish, te taliane, andi more reveatly, the Americans, “ab attempt to uncover the recesses and bide Boglish Democracy Fels porson who, win desiring «certain thing, "He is an aelistocrat who doce what he kes and sete his hand upon everything he way desire. Baty atthe ‘shopkeeper, he pursues the object of bis desire vigi- gence with deep-rooted religious conviction and» deep ‘man of principles. He conquers and colonizes half the (SH champion of berty aad independence. Waen be fraws Bs sword In defense of Chrletianlty, Cghis for “In order to defend the shores of his island, ke pots ‘2-Bibie on top of hi ships he Pulses the flag eth fhe oss ome highest pols and then aie toc nde ot Children te werk ander the whip im bs factories for eix- toon hours a day. He went through two revolstions for the sake of the rights of the peopie: but he went to war sguinat the French Revolt fo te abe of sfegeraig internacional (nw setonalist principle; he robe you on t commercial Principte; he enalaves you na imperialist principle; Le threatens you on a gallantry principle. Furthermore, oun BEGINNING mY WISDOM "The render will be further convineed of tis truth, when fyps of aellisinees, and thatthe instincts of tls ungodly ind of rate have filled the world with corruption and Iguited {hen of eam ae sorte for the sepazation of Egypt from lata la really = Thitmelese, pernicious, and perverse group of European, tact twenty-five years have been estimated atten Sllon pounds, excluding the calories and personal emoluments of he evident Singlish enployecer The pent ote an Fog tive years as that was considered suficient time to make Tels porsible to gather an idea ofthe situation in Inia com the Baglish weiter, Mr. Hindman, woo wrote, "IE16 feel larming tet the northern provinces of aisha ATER AT Arabiyan (La Civ Arabs], by Gustave Lebon. THERE 15 MORE THAN ONE HISTORY 8s save oe 30409 et sons rom sarvton within a fw Mange Te tote wry ss farer Btn be ae nyt aca opr ‘tat gan enor si Sapecats ae ligt ote tact che es ying of “There isu reason,” said Gestave Lebon, “for every scconaion ot atonsty tnd immorality the Oriente being ‘What would out children of the future think of the opiam rar through which the English introduced thet deadly potsen chine ty ree of arma oul ey condone te Deli ded prabibtea 37 "From the oplum trade Englend derived » yearly protit of ing to the Centos of Be, Chelating " - sho try to convert them to Christianity truly confounding? 70 pestay,” they aay, "You give ue poveon with te ination ight in this nat accusation, De try nt know tn the Englishman is endowed sith tead(tonal esthasiaam for Mis Senerous sepport of minsionaries and preachers who prepace ‘The Europenn amvigrante hunted down he oviginl i fine The edna Save ast vane aa renal of te ‘erid zones which they cannot leave without losing their lives. The retd suey the opti of ngs sip 0 ‘withthe promise ot returnag ihe laborere after awhile hich, of course, they never did. ‘The exchanged laborers ‘white man hae no right whatever to criticize the most savage ‘his own record in history and remember the wars he has Tealize the destruction of which he hae been the author. He Throaghout the history of the institatons these democratic countrive have establsehed, there has never been m single eahed nigh aber of te nenher non Tench aa aiegracet an arlicte trom which we thal quote in part . ‘The trogedy thet French savagery a perpetrating at present in Morocca in not the first. It hae bean sepented is France who fired hey gune {ram the Qal'ah, dese- crated with ber cavalry the holy ground of alcAsha? in 1798, and bomberded Demascus in 1925 snd 1941. is France who did in Morocco in 1944 what she fe dcing perpetrated In Algeria in 1945 Crimes that would have times mectng othe commen for covers that forty-one villages have been bombarded from sea, hatred and enmity of the natives.” ver ar they could cot fom it Seay hat per rad parts, aod the destroction of the state that Maren 6, 1921 ‘shall sacceed tn doing 20... .b¢ tp order 19 prove that itis the Arabs who have civilized Please accept my respecte, De. Gustave Leton ‘inappointed in the so-called American civilization, We Were under the Impressian that w higher humanity bad found ‘whom covetousness had not yet corrupted, ‘This lmpression Wilson in 1919 at the end of the World War, This man re~ fused to join the states of Europe in their sbamelene treat= tment of the Orient. He came forth with noble principles for the regulation of worid relations; bet when the colonin~ only to take part im international robbery, but also fo be Ste slowly east azide, tod we found ourselves facing 8 tragic ‘Standards and ideale bad been completely destroyed. The Symematic violation of every moral vistee humanity baw General activity n America is based entirely on the principle of uility, ‘The mendacity and deceptign of a8 ‘Sertisement and propaganda has reached fantastic neigh. Morais have become a part of trade and are eabject, like i tothe standards of profit and lone,” Fraternity bee proved fiereteeabegro, and ey te tame in banging com direction of higher politics isin the hands of he Jews; hence international sesemblies bave, wit their help, be sermertiats were intrigues tnd contlracies are bar having their voices ‘THERE 15 MORE THAN ONE HISTORY a Ater what we have witnenaed of America's covetousness have been expressing his own personal opfnien, and that the Tet the world be warned against the spreadiog American aytsf alot the tvrican way ot ite uta ito Eeextremely dificult, We have previously succeeded in Breaking other imperialist chains ster 2 long nd bard ‘suet ht o trogale weld by great eoagh to erate Jared agree that we should be apprehensive and that we mast Betcarefets The editor of al-Mlget= [the Egyptian] bee sptly deaciibed te domestic and foreign sitestion of Amert= (mitt wretched dlctatraiip masked by Smpty super AS fost dove Troman want? And wat does he seek fo *eDoct be want to see the countries of the wortd deprive one-third of theit peoples ofthe right to vote, as Ameri= $W'dben, so that be masters of Well treet may be Pieptee he want to see the natlonal governments peree- gt ont ceed Sn pelts Im ae concent poes ewan to aes aliens f leven denies 8- TAS ayn ate The etocophere in which Be” Siwy woutd te wish to tee them segregated iy peblc sf the masters might be vealtned in fll? ‘Does he want to tee the countries of the world bang the one great goa so tat American pockets may Bulge ‘Doee he want to see the world sutfer another worle owndtese?” Bose he snderstent only the engunge of stom tnd hydrogen bombs? Dove he amet only ood and gone “Doce he want to see the world perstet in believing in he does hte ao tt commit, an enemy ‘Does he want to see the world accept American im- perlaliam in econonnie und military spheres, togetter ‘rit hin dictatorship, which fa hasdly rurpassed by tat ing destroyed? resident Tracan seeks to achleve allthis and much ‘ne will not achieve it, that hin atar--at least in the cor~ en thick gygt ont her Arsh saierslive-has ast tates perpetrating scch sinter crimes, we love hope and ‘THERE 1S MORE THAN ONE STORY 6 cak our hearts, nonetheless the memories ofa distant Er the incomparable golden age of the tate founded by man {rom the Katba the Mastime t9 prayer, ‘Mir state sino included ‘ASSth tbo-al-Glmat, a ne9r0, Sirists and theologians were non-Arab Muslims ‘The state founded by the Prophet Is the only state of which te constitution has demanded sbsclutely complete fulilment eligion and racer And when the Jets sald: "We sball not promises, Islam went 40 {ar as to discard the tie of com~ ‘ion religion where it conflicted withthe flflitment of 8 Promise. "And if thy brethren in zeligion call thea for 8¢~ Eotance, thou ebalt go out to help them unless thou art "Thore who call for help are here the Maatime, and the Shela idual while the modern Gemocraie state phos "Phe modern world is im dire need of tray seligious and noble state tat would soe ite strength for doing jute Udotag evil. tothe nation of Muhammad, whose legacy consists of social 4, and who attack its representatives rom political and isla stengpoiat shuld aie thet foreboding fly ition and those hat went astray, a Cae eve perished im Atrios and Asia in their aternpte to wi, he attempt to place religion on th ISLAM BETWEEN ITS ADVOCATES AND ENEMIES wY aaoragtl bin ‘Abbas ‘by Moses to the Pharaohs, ‘The Prophet too has often, 6s 6 ‘oun Brcmne m wispoM “The immediate intention of cla saying Sa the paritiation own is theirs, and Bat the Prophets ertortations to religion preaching or in both thie and worldly rule, have sways be Faindful ot this trath. "They oeves toga ne for profit. ke Islanic “Bayt st-Aa [netonal ‘Sreasury] may have allocated, in the past, certain solertes to the calipha, jodges, and preachers. But such salaries were mere subsistence sllowances designed 10 fill the of not suffer inthe least from Ferunerating tose who orgenize 1s alfaira honesty and efficiently, if such remuneration were ‘Te those who work for the sake of Allah, salaries and ‘nly proper for the "mujthia® [colder ims the preacher to consecrate thelr services In ely work, any ruler oF opponent, Such spiriaal leaders ong" to their sovereiga’s entourage, for thir would consti {ste ctr mora ru. The good of Ail sos alone te ISLAM BETWEEN ITS ADVOCATES AND ENEMIES 67 The Inamnte Front im Egypt Islam expects every ong of ie people, and partiealariy te preachero, to renee his services to God spon ths Basle ‘ndander the guidance of hese values.” tte di bheve befallen th fvclared lis enmity fo lelnm and every other religl fate that overtook the caliphate wos n great eslamity to lam: Then come Western imperiatinan, » mistare of shame= Tioplousvess and vicious crueeding, which enveloped the whole lolamic world and love ito shreds. This polit fal defeat was succeeded by legsl, social, and cultaral deo fate which brought etter rin to isla, so tat all that Semaine of its past glory is few gly carcauses which tenitonty a town-plansing-commissions” décirion to be en~ bely removed from sight. Te ie not the cows that the civil Snatitstions of modernity Janiliyah has appeared on our Rorizone and filed the sir th ite wicked Paitosophies, yet it treete with no resistance. The ctory of Sheikh Xhaite and bis book, “Fram Here Stast", 1s only the tragedy of am Azharie alin who Hew op tn Iolamic touchinge, bat went astray by considering empty SRperaiitions and vicious prietthood ae typical of Islam-= ‘Setitations around Min, Sheikh KRAItd might have been saved “ oun BEcIINING IY WISDOM. ‘com his aberration. Today, ovr people are taught ungod LUness and doctrines prejudicial to Totem. Our exitiersm of pinion, the origins of aach misunderstanding. We shail Shalyze Sheth Kbnlle's reasoning and expoes the fallacy of ‘ust at our government saively invites foreign spectaliste to stir peebeny of ple Plation at are een i hele Fesdrted to number of foreign experts in matter that Ine been the subject ofthe most acid juigment in bth the ‘The discussion of “Priesthood and Religion” does not go ‘beyond these limits. Sheikh Khalid launched the most strenuous campaign againet thone who only pretend to be fligious or work in religion's nanve while they violate every divine rule or couneel religion has established. Such at tacks upos irzeligoas “mien of religion” cannot bat win the ver allowed that the “ilatna of Tain might ait Sole and rect ‘feats aod tragedies that have befallen Islarn in our days Inake it absolutely imperative forall tras believers ts be bbe totally absorbed in the stroggle for existence and con fort woold be the depth of ignominy, Shelkh Kiaisd called “prleste” ail ose who seek sell-advancement in their ‘people's defeat and care only #0 conscidate their power ‘then Be people are being devoured by foreigners of al Binds. "He quoted from H.-G. Wells's Oatines of World story” aa tothe characteristics of thie class of mem, “the priesthood", and thelr profane methods of deception ISLAM BETWEEN ITS ADVOCATES AND ENEMIES 69 they exhort “the people to ploas and humbie suticiency, ‘wesith, end vainglor Ec ethorte the people nto fart and thereby grow jer"_ Teconstracts palatal lodgings, appropriates sgeniestaten and exorta the people to "the poverty tt the chitiven of God. No doubt, opposition to, and the ght against hese men 42a daty; bat iti one that Ila sigted tte ators Log belre hee of FS oe ‘old verse of poetry, "You accuse people of doing things that ‘Tho seek the world, and you are more ansious terelor “Yahye blo Mad al-RSzi goed to say 1 the slams of bis day!) "Your houses ate Chosrolte palaces, your vehicles fre ike Quran's, your urns are Pharaonle, your crimes INS Taniligas, your doctrines are entanie. Where then is the fling saying ofthe Prophet “Towne the en here Money, but thes hearts woutd be ta Black ax piteh."? Ge SD soa "De ye seek ty dnceve oe Arey foimpuient Sead ye men who will dlaperse end rain you.” “However, our concer is not one of tcholanly research in tevtual statements, We wish instead to drew the Fender's tention to the fact that inthis age Islam neces mex to de fend i, to eafegenrd it and to racrifice for it ther tives Sou propery, de agree with Shelth KMEIid thatthe men so now Ie the defen of Ina rey witht exception ringing shame to themselves and their enuse. ‘Thin iv te tenet that can be said of heme. ‘The service of Cod and Mam- thon connect be combined; nor ean the ty of Sad be eom- realy deranged mind to bring nse opposes togeter So Auharitoe who grow fat while Taam grows thin, and repose 0 (OUR mrciNNING mv WISDOM sng the genuine duties of lela, ‘They are more crafty ad sly than those hashish emagglers who escape justice and ‘On one hand, we have © group of men aatitied merely withthe pesforimance of personal worship. When they are sr business.” They fil fo ee that their foolish mtaunde= Ealing Soto Jewish hands. These piouss and "deveut™ lepton any Paletine ca witout fling es anda sectarianism and worship of the dead, yet ite members profess to belong to Mchamomoad bin Abd al-Wahab.*. They ently worrhip the living and sheepiebly subrnit to he Ayrante and deapote of their "Wahab [Saudi Arabia] land. Their government fought Ore Bedouin gangsters who ued to raid the carsvans of pilgriina in order to monopolize the ste and appropriate te oay for ast sone xaciy ‘And how many butcheries and scandals lie on the conscience ‘have remained dambt! Another group devotes itself to the hip as sasignifteant, wherens there dates are the pillare (of alam and the prime object ofits teaching and ethi would be long ilet indeed if we were to tention all cach fnrich and glority themasiver at the cot of debasing Fe- Uigion iol Bo too, we have acen may lendere ofl pockets bulged with richer, though they el claimed to be Efpirital costinuations” of the legacy Of Muhammad -Abiah “How far are such men ftom Jam&t al-Din, who fought the tyrants Ul his tat breath and fell by their sword! Perhaps the cloreat approximation to Jamal al-Din ie the marty, The only Heat IETAIEE i Saad Ar ISLAM BETWEEN ITS ADVOCATES AND ENEMIES 71 there 2's common solicttude for their own tranqaillity and Concern for the security of their persons and porsessions, Jost oe tmong the wareiors of Islam sad their tin there te the bate of Kavbattt,e» te poet said: "The daughters of by it, however great that wealth may be. He would spend Tails thie for thie season that the great Prophet ea tics, let it be as tar removed trom this lesson as Sheikh ‘ULAMAS AND RULERS goed, and'when Be people look pon their Leaders as ough fey were of them and fos them-vtnt in to aay, when Wey saeinated in Cairo on Febresry 12, 199. Tr roth batite of Karballe took place on OCIGBer 10, 680, between 'Ubaydullahy the Umayyad ruler of Iraq, and a= Fuseeintm-Ale_ gay the cine of = rligio=poltical ne ir, the property ote gets he ple, we ‘tn Egypt,” he goes on, "itwar the termpies, Pharack the aged, or the nobility that received the proceed Of the tarde The rainy cltisn fell Sherey inten chrome state of ub eminion. The whole pent te that the majority of he people ‘After qooting these (historic!) texts, Sheikh Khsiid goes fd aecks fo apply the Angl-Snemn medicine. He tyres no Sle en ack By he repanaibe “mn of elon” hae not changed for thoueand of youre. The sedent, hood ‘Me te silent acceptance and resignation. His scceptance istarbances reported that what mort setonisbed bin nee {he stribtion of evrything tothe hing of Yemen, the sheep and goat, and 20 on. In thort, the pricatiood seske, People would then follow any sovereign and acclaim hirn, ying with the pect: "0 Peter or Pant, thou art our lesder, ISLAM BETWEEN ITS ADVOCATES AND ENEMIES 75 Syl, contemportty feats ponteaseacty the seve Support and acclaim every unjust act and crime they inflict Ene tictory, philocephy, or ober system of law should bis thesia, a great revolt against the “priesthood” occurred, fer God's protection and justices "This tok place despite 1789, Sheikh Kd would have had anather story to tall But as the poct says, "The people are fall of compliment OUR BEGINNING IN WISDOM great exror, 4s a claim that there ts an Islamic priesthood which de~ Tnyeelt nave becn a preacher and a mosque inspector many preachers Like the one mentioned shove, Let us oup- those of Nel or Yemen, Further, teraz sappore that al- ‘geinet the horn ind and reason om every pestle oe Ghsion and bullt courthouses in which 49 judge them? Never! 6 in discussion of islam aed. ano eg Senne prtestons sigoiy an eh apna Sole eery singe thing in the wortd by mean of the Book retsionin monethaaic ss walls plybeaticcomtien lender an Egyptian party prociaim to Me {ollowers: “Go want is here ft cli bidered te be all one whether religion ie ured for spiritual Communion with Ged or the fartherance of pubic zecerity ‘Bato consider lam at a religion endowed with « gen~ te wise men of the Church (1If) should be formed for the forgone ct rienting if the creation an service of 8 ENrouge Srowtcaating, the tnenter, and contests for the 16> the titizens fo honor? Obviously, itis aot the one intended Got is Islan, "Deo they therelore seek any older religion “irhosocver foloweth any other reiglon ta God"? Or, i he wishes fox n personal reconciliation with #0 oun BrGmmNG ms wispoM nse Sun” Wout ne rfeain from waging ¢ war fo te the teve path and gone astray? tals modern Jabiliyeh which row takes the form of national~ tact slonsy for love af ane"e home ie wove than » auly-nit doctrine anda world policy, ail sts own. Ita sinister INC Srery citioan to liven tightecusy abundanty eguttarian, ind jort fe, no matter what fie denomination or ect mony ‘ive that our reconstruction be carried out on a genuinely: ISLAM BETWEEN IT ADVOCATES AND ENEMIES @1 ‘a5 being something inevitable with which it is well to be on Incas common atonal among inherent tecting agsinst immorality sd vice. And when we recognize This the minorities will always gladly and shemelersly lai hen cacouraged by » wean fesan power, Every. ‘kis surprising that these bitter facts have all escaped ua BEGINNING IK WISDOM fagsinat oatlonalism and ite evils anil very recently. itis hare already allowed the devil to plant his crop and watch “war a voice raised in protest, Here is part of an appeal depts to which religion an morals have ron shout decadence have apread among the multitudes, who par~ risk alcohol, gamble with their fortanes, and bring Deople while they are so being robbed of their money. Shameless beaaty contesta are eld which omiy increase vit and provide farther temptations” Oge shores are [trewn with nade bodies, snd all thece siniater activitien to degrade out morsis and uproot our traditions, Trstyy, Imorbnd tages, and has made of ut a morbid eommaniey {Eat Locke pon ite wa morbidity and Geeay sem thing ISLAM BETWEEN ITS ADVOCATES AND ENEMIES 62 rte and sgn of progress. Or cnet governs Srganized them and even collected taxes and (eet fromm” ‘Once corrupt, the grestest corruption isto regard Woat bas happened as # result of this petition? Nothing! And nothing wilt ever happen! ‘Those whe carried the petition sven « dignified re hers?” Everything the peton sake So be slshed fa ‘The Ideal way to accomplish reform is neither by writion nor by verbal preaching. ‘The Prophet preached only i the ‘eanane in which preaching wae complementary to his frat isk, namely, the education and development of men Arup ghteoue acts, impecesble character and shining virtue Tin ‘Abbie once commented fo‘Alrammahs fo them three times is too mach: The People should vot be siples. They should also, of course, keep the people in formed of he government's vlan sy religious co shoald not be astiafied with sitent condemnation; nnd if they ot people are so important thay iC they are righteous, the sehole of society must be righteous, nad if Wey are corzapt, ‘Phey are the mont evil ana God-accursed peoples The Islam today haa been afflicted with large namber of re Gad, shoud decide first to worship the idels and beg BETWEEN CRESCENT AND CROSS. Ye will conquer Egypt... Be good unto ite Bae oder ak ahaeeeh ts soaacs of ae IDSC dlartcra, factors prtersne some ore SETLIST The dogs ot sets cme ana gee sve ate he oer paps raph gery 6 (UR BEGINNING RY WispOM ‘oth aia he prope “i my atnding for ance ne youth Ga a pt my trate heseone i yur Sot your denign be cerricd on by you in he tah s, Andy sSranam ‘so apna tbe is ee ie eras answered, We will worship thy God, and the Goa of thy toile sillye be veslgueds Es trom Soloman, and thie ia the tenor thereat: In he mame ‘Yeu! [Joreph] whom God allowed to be « prophet and to whom He gave power and glory in thie world and the next, "0 tors, thou hast piven me 2 part a the Kingdom, ‘The prophet Tas [Jeaus] worshipped God most devotedly He also tried to parity Als fellowtnen oftheir bane eravingt Twas by reason of these statements thatthe Muslims d- dressed Jews and Christions aa though they were their critical, the Prophet advises his companions to take refoge {Ethiopie where, be thought, the Christan king would pro= ‘Arebs felt au though the Chrlatlan defene had been ® Muslin rseeave bean eytcome bye Pesan ne mares lenge ie dlpova ef as maces both or what le pst ‘ots neem gases by Cot the protection of signs ani defence against ngceesion, in- geste he timepegn igi, They a ops sccordance with their Torah, they would pronounce Jost Sue Ite were tw only athonty for Jtce and nants teres "the antetievers wil spe Thos wrt st seat st es ‘sewer, Got ie» sulci witacosbatneen te a oss thdite bo onocrstndcls the serptren ‘tee tan the Teliyion of huromedh suvous fo tahoe eveyone ond sate They roupt [Ses one on te a teh an ress tay mere ‘Thos, God snide “Behold, ye love them, and they do not {ce on yee fal he srry and when ey Prvatytgeier hey bite ee gee eae oto rath Be Svte ripe, to manier his coerce fore tit Sch pt tron eligi nt ke be Scand EC Stin ata tw prove Bes gcse ‘Sisto by nomen a str Se noon vere Bogan lor tepa,tne Labo Pasty te ely te seas ‘Eile ery tns aes te st ue rat Sibi Sfteas eeu cre cxueanuee Be cece st sacs ard 'eoes sont fore conte fo waking Sha ponte. ° UR BEING IN WispoM ated {rom their own religions and dented their own faiths nor the Torah, Only recently, the newspapers reported fclentiats in the world, He shorted Ra collengues fo gah sapertion ofthe “Hen of Galan tase Christan, who have vetementiy defended adatcry ana cor= {igton,"thets opinion fone withthe devil's ‘the Mortione aad the Copte in Bayt sndtSrorsy tt tons tes ani of owe a bale Ing to trouble the watare ih order to lish in them. bar BETWEEN CRESCENT AND CROSS. a te The destraction of Lela, by fighting an incessant Sbtaining the greatest and the highest number of posts in ‘fe thalt abserve inthe sequel the facts attesting to these seem, at fret eight, plot agalset Tela sone. exoup foes the wellknown slogan: “Lie, lev and le ‘tat the Muntime sce the enemies of the minorities Weing In Beir lande {Hi}. thatthe Muslim roority in egypt tee in wait for the Christian sn Fewinh minorities (By and 20 The testimony of fslam's rate In Egypt daring the last tretande of tvnge and barbarous rope out the icant injustice baliling thorn ae 8 community. Dar He sal ot loos a ota of our ovine! virtues, bowers? ‘Yon, the ingratitade of these men will not alter oa noble Gt Jews who committed daliberate trenson against wo and trorla regarded biting Jeve nea meane of wet-reconei= ‘and Islam teaches that we should do justice to everyone: ‘even though the rent might be unfavorable to oursetves ment of nan-retigions vale among the twenty milton Me~ Tin a eye icine lnwe, thie faction cries for help, claiming tat the sai minority inn danger and thn ature ows have puna published by these lease we ead the ‘ust differentiate between ovr polley and that of the re~ ‘tainted with a religious dye--a tendency we must suppress patible with modern mee. tn the pty ear polley wae ‘and ail the improvements he brought about were Western: emo and King Fu'td did Likewise alter him. Even 5 BETWEEN CRESCENT AND CROSS ” Znahal he al-Anbr gaaute, sto for «prey Egan, tow an Islarnic policy? Of whet good can ouch a change be?’ “siter quoting hevs words Ds. Zaghth, « member of Salish bse’ group,writes: "Can anything be more clear fr fsank than Urese words ofthis bighly endowed, anlave thing tat contributes tothe sapping of Islam inv im ble view, "God tna revested fo ue lis wiadom which we should ob: le eotier a the groays pablcations the flowing state ‘rom tho tragedy of Palestine Secaure of our obsession with aiven tothe Jews, thatthe religions enthusiasm with which Mgious sectarianism, Our daty, hese people might aivies, sold te Ben te shencing of ou fslings of Baety and gar country. Opposition io a regnrbed by Bem se Is gone (oo be saya!l; we ave entered s war pretending that we sball provent the establishment ofthe Je a aa ea BETWEEN CRESCENT AND CROSS 8 2 And he * OUR BEGINKING ne WISDOM He then addrestes the Muslims of Egypt, exhorting them foie ce eta Se rate ie prees rts et egal an are lh: rca aetna Tier rat aie eee ‘The universalisation of disbelief can never be accepted: et abeyance BETWEEN CRESCENT AND CROSS ” ‘wholly with religion, thatthe state gather its subjects from Secon mpertve, ieegpectve of ether the state ‘ide the form of things in the country concerned. But in Thun, wherever we torn, it is always we who are the ‘Those who oppose gion in Egypt mean Hise an fore Sein ve bythe pretnae ot wanting to destroy bla TGome of the lender of the Chrintian Charen, powever, Christian Infittration witch is but one aspect of the conspiracy Sgainst islam and its nomerieally raperior adherents. Ever ithe "hey landed in Eye ana oaghost tr occepaton, the commen porta, ninety per cent o€ al Mgher poste, and refagees, we noticed that, as if with the necessity of a cste~ Christian staff officers. Whenever a Muslim was employed, sce whether the Muslims or the otvere are right, 1a 1924, the Wald Party represeated the whale people they he reat a that te Cotsen 190 oat 24 herein Cope poyttin amounted fo ne per balance had to be slowly restored; but the enemies of justice inn protest. They began a campaign of intrigue oe De, agit, ‘then why do they not show their true feelings and say boldly, "We woutd gladly sell Egypt tothe devil rather then hear ® Koranie verse recited" Egyptian Copta are te mor fortanate minority im the world Neigh at ai hold be giant he nin Wa te Cope Slamerica were the Tedahing! ‘Phe Coptic year called the ortyes" yeurstzell provides proot the when the Copte Soghtered by the tho Winas upon them. They gromted the ener {uch mrovey snd land wall rany became big lanl ‘Phe Copte ave stl wealthier than the other Egyptians ia proportion to Unis numbers, ‘This, to, ina decisive Droct that the majority ve tolerant and generous, fOr fact, the Egyptian Copte are. them. God knows that this parvena seeks only to ve © hero, Sead cera ot he way to become one. in um, TE Tnecatity in government poste 3) Religiges education in government echeot * ti renaon tt oun i segue 4 Being towards their husbands in lke manner at helt husbands WOMAN AND SOCIETY should nave towards them, according to what is fort: bat ‘the men ought to bave a superiority over ther. ‘hin sopesiovty in porly = state of worly eleney, nature or society.” Worn prayer for otdaye Rrv'ts equal number of days in Ramadan,” The imperfection In the “Salm” (a sound and well-docamented collection, {faa in, if you know how to Gave yourveveer po don't have to veil.) ‘This opinion, nowever, le compileated by so beloved iis Seis for women to pray at ho ‘who oppose this contention will tiv up trouble by referring Se the home sober, tie contradicted byte Prophet WOMAN AND SooIETY 7 fo say to ber, "Don't you ever Learn tht Ido ac tke tla? ‘And abe was in the Tae mat ty?” Wame oF Tee Hazints Book ‘WOMAN AND SOCIETY z g 5 z g 8 rao q_ OUR Bram IW Wispom yolyteiam Dandie onde lating tt are barca a8 fd proot the evi are ax strict in the one case aa inthe thers The situation ere fe exactly opposite to tat in the Wert, where everything fx designed to tecourage bath evil ‘He should safeguard his integrity at all times. Since Islamic: Hal flfilment oft cannot be tong meintained withoat Support from other regions, we should be alt the mare care= would sil be itl-advised Hf they were fold to leave Phelr ‘When & number of women asked to become judges and re= ‘quested the right of tilling other public officer, long dizeus fone toe place in which ala was argued ns having a oe owcien for Ge tent of he hers who ae setlnly Under Islam, the testimony of one woman t# unacceptasie, ot acceptable nt all How ten could she become 6 Judge "The third point is that although woman enjoys a complete right to rennage hee own legat and financial afaire ard to Choose ber husband, yet she cannot, by tht token, be Her work and duty at home will stways eurpaas in importance burdens and responstilities im bot private and public Le; It {a not by accident that God nes never sent s woman propel, nor is it hy accident thatthe pager of history aze [nd with the amet of men walle those of women seldom ‘Though there has never been « prophetest, however ‘woman haa been » ood wile to a prophet. She har beet "bie to help hen convey his mecenge and lead men. Why then may abe act devole her energies to complement mam hind perfect Ris work? Why must the stagd om © pee with im tnd compete mith, inetead of perfecthimn? 126 OUR BEAMING Its WISDOM ver, although Islam encourages fermale Yolormers in every ‘age and place, st doce not require woman to participate in I-RagRil, compored the following poem, ex- be better developed than inthe I WOMAN AND socIETY wer We repens ignorance a he protection, her to stay at home and think that she is sale Ing thei before they le. ISLAM AND SOCIALISM. Whenever the Asharites suffered hunger through {pins conte « stile system fer combating poverty to almegiving that itis hard to alt whether one tives ta Glen Uincowey of Wells thea he seks Slisten wa alsa l-letobdiyah [lslen andthe Beo- Many lamas think ‘that trough this means 1 ISLAM AND SOCIALISM 2 ‘sna slgical, Alms can never be any more thn something ima tobe dlobursed peat to this gratuitous atare of ale Onn life of society easnot ation dependent pon the alr contsibuted by another part. ‘end upon the charity of others ‘Otkerwise, slagiving would become a corrupting nd degenerative duty tink encourages Insineos and enemploy- iments Tt cannot be doubted that ists not the intention of Hesity men shoulé be given work, Thsis well-earned Teallze this nobte objectives In order to provide constant Croptoymsent forall the people and constrain idle persons to Wore, the government Se indeca under the obligetion to Sithwuitary mobitieation fov the service of froth, virive touay should leave unused no ounce of enezgy in the whole conte. tor modern war Suan uch am agrcateaty i fencrat momenta ofthe rocial machin, wich must Oper- ent and socal injustice, All workers would then be te Sujal [ooliers ima oly wee]. Mach o he wae fn 130 (OUR BEGINNING Ie WISDOM. Sv tght thors tata we ap tnkerstand thei Skee teen tem inna hen be wrote the Sects eA rca te enn ena notte were oudden binge Propet nt tng curt ate ohce ince Et te) ood teog eee buds Hassan edie rw nett gee Gf he chit's mouth tying Phony Poem, tnt ono oe Slums oor his tay bat for te colle Were then Makau fe an arstcratic claws mae abhorree ougt to proves forthe tanger commonly athe called ‘Dearing mind wha we Bove Jat ould regarding he Sires neu was sbotanaforbagen wo we Proper Shes tomlyereih good season” it Tv'ae he wrstchate ‘Mitsir omeroizey Af the Propet at i ere In avon, bot the premige ofthe Prophet ae Gates messenger tuee't any nnat motives’ Brory geagen beers Hen ‘BEd fu Shae ot sre pry ef ientin he Fits ingulred sr hie sbos bis Casio Neate he ISLAM AND SOCIALISM ia PieReeager unto yous wherefore fear God, and cbey me. T Tino Soeera teow you for my presching nto yous Hexpest Sif Tewurdtvom no other than the Lord of all crentaren tnrcnplonetion ofthe Prophet's action, we may siste, tarety, Batt charity tn one ote pillars onlay tke arrose” oui hl uch an ncbon hve given roe theta Props be perfect and tot he Sacard every prton BMiptechiogt"auks the Roveny soot they are Coden Uy preaching? since the reintenance of thy Lord le betters foe fst most Hotes provers” "oo Sey, tank not Go ive oy not” my sewnrd a tobe expected from God alone Shdie fo witness over all things.” econaly, the Prophet ins ender of men,_ in relation to him, the aiitde ofthe people should be one of followers Estes" indedy tw mora cance ot a psi Ste ty fe, ow he cou suc 2 pean nei, ‘Thivaty, suppore the atate had epproprinted a sum of money tor the help of iavalide and other need citineas. Goutd he nenevotcstatenecegt a haze of at money? And and'tie prohitition of this to any member of hie household ts isage phing tint was permite te eer ne foun aEGINNENG IN WispOM becomes public property upon Bis death. Obviously, this Tule does not apply to the people at large. Similary. the peohi- ‘the passions, forms a basis for tolerance, and strengthens, ‘ther nd purty thems thereby; and pray for sem for toy prayers shall be a security of mind unto therm) mad God both ots atonlzation of begging tn serpioyment, bet» paralleled, In cach of my publications Ihave shown that owerer ct our sich men might give fn chat, thee the greatest part of it was amassed through iniquitous means, ‘the deserving, there is litite wonder that people reject it and vid Raja writer: Heze tthe source felon alto goodnens and the lnsttution sf harity, whichis 20 important bp stam, ‘Almagiing ts necessary fo the partcation of the Many ot the earihshatig events tak vie pope Sivison being tat of Bast ana Went, Comment ane Korante command, "ake alma of their substance, Mat thou mayest cleanse them and purity them thereby.” We perceive the value ofthe Prophet's own advice to ‘best treatments ofthe subject that has appeared lengthy discussions of material reconstruction, “AG Tong ‘cam never be overemphasized, 8 survive oly aa wating tetany estou ot bo Eovlchoea” ‘They are! iest, an absolute, bet mere er Hess eee Prcapective ofthe I lor, individual EIDAus he Sppoctnityw de tkewine, ‘These and ‘40 realizing equality and jastice among the people, farnishes Sithnt is necessary fo safeguard faith, Moreover, secon but lstamiam’. The thought of Muslim scholars everywher crises of their comntries on the basis of Islam. Instead of ‘The exhortations of fraternity and mercy which ft she sce in combating the tyrannous government thet rated the fevarnment vad eretet nate of vr guns oem {in injttce on someane, ‘he teachings of stare rou st an earthquake oF a wer disaster, ‘ind punishments outright, az if he were telling the Almighty ‘Tou hast given the Love, but I shall anal st" proprictors of lands belonging to their subjects. Indeed, ts rulers divine nares {fer instance, "Owner of all Property") period of our history wes « gloomy one; the goverament was les ana thatthe sutlors ot such crimes ceald survive for the truth is that thowe tyrants lived « long time and spread socialigm ave only the consequence of service to fatze gods ‘sites, upon the labor of the peopte. All their glory and people worked solely that thelr dynasty might tive welts tough ey were ge. _ heaviest burdens. When the enemy strikes, wey not ‘hey, imust goon te ment tim, OF anything ty decide stopiity, whlch, we may sey, te their only mark of {es of Islam and ofthe people of Istam is one we must feel atiebich they have given ene tlemsclves, God hee eon sen receives.) The common aborer receives n wage of And ha wife normaly live on an income of 609 rubles per ‘month. ‘Supposing a family includes three working rem Seras-and nobody ia unemployed who fe of employment nge-= they would have an income of 1200 rubles, which wilt Amp ‘What attracted my attention most is the Russian child ach blots, with ull pay. Public playgrounee ave pleattal im every community. Children's medicines are given free, hd public education is obligatory for seven pent “When we asted Hs Excellency about the sate of public health, he sala, “It $4 good. Medical knowledge and service “What in wort stteactive in particular ig the absence of Feligion as though st were a social need, i seems 22 Hf they ‘and cooperation, with hunger, want, fesr, and persecution. Indeed, what purses nowadays for Feligien isnot religion ISLAM AND SOCIALISM of God and justice among men. The true believers should Orient of its idols of slavery, poverty, and irreligion, sina trngthy oe sie sprove mot of a sugpertine That of those mea who belong to religion in aamne only. How- In" at-Abya” condoning it, and the vesponsible men national wealth were distributed only among thoae who do apr ten Deport ppaatin of oy mon zon it ining, expioit ovr broad sear, our Fich Nile, and take a0~ TINE rate becasse we fear to face them. itis known that an ue oun aechnane my wispow Sc buy ot hagman: ror we rps afauette Paina easter get sora tire has provided them with bounty and power, their n= Aolence nae parsiyzed their ingenuity snd put them atthe rear of the human caravan, ‘We see sany a region ado downeredden men whe Live by larceny, Beg¥ing, siugeling, ‘ind the Uke, We slao ate foreigners go te hove seme fas and transtovm them into Sich and prosperous gerdens, Hence, ou poverty can be only a poverty of wil and ot norantawhich they now ore, the Orient will indeed be too fair The Maas dono spend al igh oy praying of foo8. Comparing the care Muslime and non-Musiione Aevate to religious tatters, [have artived at the following ‘Among Maclime! ove per ent the ime spent on veigous ace Sify per cet oe ime ia tpent on worl affairs

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