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The deep ocean is the largest life habitat on Earth, but also

the least explored.

Squid Worm
Teuthidodrilus samae

The scientific name of this animal is

The depths of the ocean

Characteristics :
Worm squid has that name because it has
characteristics of squid and worm

Macropinna Microstoma
transparent head fish inhabiting the rea Mesopelagic
(between 200 and 1000m ocean depth), between 600 and 800
meters deep. It is distributed throughout the North Pacific
Ocean, the Bering Sea to Japan and Baja California, Mexico,
always present in the mesopelagic zone.
Characteristics :
The Ojobarril is a small fish, 4 to 5 inches
in length, presenting their side fins and some rough ridges,
and its tail is in a "V". Almost all its body is an opaque
magenta gray, while its tail and head are transparent, the
latter allowing you to see inside.

Stauroteuthis syrtensis

Characteristics :
The suborder is named for small, cilia-like
strands (cirri) on the arms of the octopus, a pair for each
sucker. These are thought to play some role in feeding,
perhaps by creating currents of water that help bring food

closer to the beak. Cirrate octopuses are noteworthy for

lacking ink sacs.

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