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Ukiseljeni umbir

Ukiseljeni umbir koji ide kao prilog sushiju mozete spremiti sami kod kuce i koristiti ga kao
dodatak juhama, salatama ili mesnim jelima
Sastojci za 4


200 gr korijen umbira

1 alica riinog octa (moe i jabuni)
3 v eera
2 v soli

Priprema 10 min

Korijen umbira prethodno oprati te ga oguliti, rezati ga uzduno kako bi dobili glatke
listie, to otrijim noem i to tanje.

U posudu ulijemo vodu i 2 lice soli te vodu prokuhamo, kad pone kuhati dodamo
narezani umbir te ga kuhamo 30-50 sec.

U drugoj posudi pomjesamo riin ocat, eer i sol te zagrijemo dok se eer ne rastopi.

U steriliziranu staklenku dodamo prokuhani, ocjeeni umbir, prelijemo mjeavinom i

poklopimo te pustimo da se ohladi na sobnoj temperaturi.

Najbolji za konzumaciju je nakon 2-3 dana, ako se uva na hladnom mjestu, rok trajanja
mu je neogranien.

U ovo doba godine u trgovinama nalazimo stariji umbir pa preporuam prokuhavanje

od 50-60 sec.

How To Make Tahini

Makes 1/2 to 1 cup, depending on the amount of oil used

1 cup sesame seeds
2 tablespoons or more mild olive oil, a
neutral oil such as grapeseed oil, and/or a
small amount of sesame oil
Salt (optional)
Measuring cups and spoons

Skillet or rimmed baking sheet

Wooden spoon
Food processor (or mortar and pestle, or
Storage container

1. Toast raw sesame seeds (optional): Toasting raw sesame seeds gives
the tahini a nuttier flavor. On the stovetop, place the sesame seeds in a
dry skillet over medium heat, stirring them frequently with a wooden
spoon. Toast the seeds until they are lightly colored (not brown) and
fragrant, about 5 minutes. Transfer the toasted sesame seeds to a large
plate or tray and let them cool completely. Alternatively, toast the seeds in
the oven: Preheat the oven to 350F. Spread the sesame seeds on a
rimmed baking sheet. Toast the seeds, stirring once or twice, until they are
lightly colored (not brown) and fragrant, about 5 minutes. Transfer the
toasted sesame seeds to a large plate or tray and let them cool completely.
2. Place the sesame seeds in a food processor: Place the sesame seeds
in a food processor fitted with the S-blade. (Alternatively, you can use a
mortar and pestle or a blender, although success may depend on the
particular blender.)
3. Grind the sesame seeds: Process for 2 to 3 minutes until the sesame
seeds form a crumbly paste.
4. Add oil: Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the food processor. Process for 1 to 2
minutes, scraping down the sides as necessary, until the mixture forms a
thick and fairly smooth paste.
5. Add more oil (optional): For thinner tahini, add more oil, 1 to 2
tablespoons at a time, and process until the desired consistency is
6. Add salt (optional): Add salt to taste and process until combined.
7. Store the tahini: Transfer the tahini to a jar or other airtight container.
Store it in the refrigerator for a month or longer. If the mixture separates,
stir the tahini to redistribute the oil.

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