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Yulianingrum, Almira. 2015. Effect of Nutrient Recovery Park Activity

(TPG) Toward Improved Weight of Toddlers (12-59 months) in
Puskesmas Jatiwates Tembelang District of Jombang. Writing
End, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malang. Supervisor (1)
dr. Gita Sekar Prihanti, MPd.Ked (2) dr. Maryam Abdullah.
Background: Innovation tackle malnutrition Jombang has been done
through the launching of a star studded program (together to tackle
malnutrition through the family development, weight measurement, and
give balanced nutrition. One of the programs was the nutrient recovery park
(TPG) which was a nutrition recovery place for children with less nutrition
became good nutrition. Puskesmas Jatiwates was one of the puskesmas that
had a prevalence of malnutrition (1,1%) and less in nutrition (7,3%).
Objective: this study aimed to determine the effect of activities TPG to
weight gain in infants (12-59 months) in the sub district Puskesmas
Method: This was a quasi experimental research. The sampling technique
was purposive sampling and the was using the kolmogorov-smirnov test,
paired t-test, and anova test repeated.
Results: The result of kolmogorov smirnov test was obtained normal data
distribution. It used paired t-test to determine differences in weight infants
in the control group and the treatment group. The result was significant
increase. And the all of the significant value for repeated anova test in the
control group and treatment group all of which had increased significantly,
because the significance value of 0,000.
Conclusion: There was influence of Nutrient Recovery Park Activity (TPG)
of weight gain in infants (12-59 months) in the sub district Puskesmas
Jatiwates Tembelang Jombang.

Keywords: Nutrient Recovery Park Activity (TPG), weight of toddlers

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