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Persuasive Essay

Should Religion Even Exist?

Theories say, kidding or not, that technology and the very foundation of
civilization itself should have been really advanced by now if not for the existence of
religion. I remember seeing a cartoon where theyve travelled to a different
timeline, but still the same planet, our earth but much more advanced specifically
5000 years by us simply because a book didnt exist to put a hindrance in peoples
capabilities. And a book that divided us all.
Throughout history, wars have always existed, part because of territorial
disputes but a huge chunk of it was because they argue whose God is better. One or
a hundred, an old man or a muscular man with a beard or a sword, real or not, these
so called beings has caused us massive physical damages. I would not get much far
in setting an example but just look at our country. We were conquered because the
Spaniards wanted to spread Christianity. Yes, among other things but this belief
mainly caused our defeat because it made a division between us, our Muslim
brothers and the new born Christians.
Various progresses of knowledge and ideas have also been suppressed by the
church. Organizations that realized the monopolization of information in the society
was quickly seized and branded as the spawns of Satan. They were called
Humanists in the middle ages; they studied Greek and Latin history and philosophy.
Much later then, the scientific revolution began. Johannes Kepler, a mathematician
that proposed a formula that said the movement of the planets around the Sun and
the planets changing behavior in its journey. He also protested against the church
but he had it better compared to his contemporary Galileo Galilei, the moment the
church had a catch on what he was researching about, he was investigated which
led him to withdraw some of his research so as to stop the disaffiliation that comes
with his work which would ultimately cut his funding unabling to research further.
Luckily, he didnt cease his research. His works became the basis for the
understandings of the physical world and the universe which earned him the title of
the Father of Modern Science.
Its been said that the only way a nun could get pregnant is dressing him up
as an altar boy. Priests may seem all-glorious and stuff but beneath those white,
saint like, all-sparkling robes are 11-year -olds and corpses of innocent people that
didnt join the club. Exploiting peoples fear of whats beyond death, these skunks

labeled following their house rules moral and just. Humans, yes, ought not to
live individually and that a leader is a necessity, but to leave it to the hands of
2000-year-old worshipping hypocrites is just pure delusional.
Word Count: 453
Submitted by: Edzel Joseph Generoso
Year/Section: 10-Star

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