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Biochemistry Notes-study guide

Biochemistry Notes
Energy transfer through cells

from photorespiration.jpg


CO2+H2O+water -> sugar + O2
Two parts
Light reaction: hydrogen is removed from water to form oxygen
Dark reaction: carbon dioxide is converted to sugar.
Opposite reaction to respiration
Takes place in the chloroplasts (using chlorophyll)
sugar + oxygen -> energy + carbon dioxide
Completely the opposite of photosynthesis
takes place in the mitochondria of cells

place in the mitochondria of cells
2 parts
aerobic respiration -- takes place in the presence of oxygen
anaerobic respiration -- takes place without oxygen
also called fermentation
produces alcohol (plants) or lactic acid (muscles)
energy released from glucose converted to a more available form of energy
ATP <-> ADP + P + energy
C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6H2O + 6CO2 + 36 ATP
Organic molecules
top 3: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
next 2: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorous
Organic Compounds
Made up of sugars
Elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
Made up of amino acids
Elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur
Made up of fatty acids and glycerol
Elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen (just like carbs)
Enzymes are proteins
Enzymes speed up the process of just about every chemical reaction in a cell.
They are called catalysts
Enzymes work according to the lock and key theory
Enzymes attache to substrate at active site
This "connection" serves to speed up a chemical reaction
When reaction is completed, enzyme and substrate separate.

Structure determines function
Factors influencing enzyme function
7 is optimal
too high or too low is no good.
Factors influencing enzyme function

too high or too low is no good.

Biochemistry Notes
too high - enzyme is denatured (destroyed)
too low - not enough energy for reaction
concentrations of enzyme and substrate
too much of one and/or too little of the other is no good.
Basic Concepts
Chemical elements tend toward stability
adding or losing electrons
organic compounds are the result of this trend toward stability
Structure is the key to biochemistry
example: lock and key theory for enzymes, neurotransmitters
Energy moves from where there's more to where there is less
2nd principle of thermodynamics: entropy increases toward randomness
Organic systems seek to maintain homeostasis
maintenance of stable internal environment despite changes to external environment.
Dynamic equilibrium
The process of various cellular and organ systems working together to maintain the homeostasis of a living, complex
Systems rely on feedback mechanisms
example: thermostat and furnace
feedback can be neural (nerve messages) or chemical (hormones, blood levels)
Surface area
Many body systems make use of increased surface area
Allows systems to do a lot of processing in a relatively small space
Example: digestive system

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