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1. Define Self Harm (Write self harm in the middle of the flip chart, ask students to
suggest different types of self harm, write on chart).
2. Define Self harm without inflicting physical harm eg harming reputation,
relationships, adopting addictive behavior.
3. Discuss how self harming behaviours can have immediate, mid-and long term
4. Determine addictive traits eg. signs & symptoms of being too dependent on
social media.
1. Write self harm in the middle of the flip chart
2. Ask them to define
3. Ask them to suggest different types of self harm and let them write it on the flip
4. If they do not include self-harm without physical injury; then I will introduce that
aspect and let them think of the different types.
5. Divide them into groups and give each group a type; (a) Ask each group to
discuss their experience and observation of how persons have done acts
resulting in self harm around each type. (b) How their actions have impacted on
their live in the immediate and the future
6. Show a short you tube video and facilitate a discussion on how social media can
self harm through addictive behaviours.
7. Ask persons to identify signs and symptoms of addictive behaviour .
8. Close by drawing parallels between addiction to social media and substance
Self-harm is when somebody intentionally damages or injures their body. It's usually a
way of coping with or expressing overwhelming emotional distress. ... However, the

intention is more often to punish themselves, express their distress or relieve

unbearable tension.
Self-harm is often thought of as only physical (i.e., cutting, burning, etc.), but self-harm
can also be emotional. Self-harm is just that, harming the self. Anything you do to
intentionally make yourself hurt for reasons that are not socially acceptable, can be
viewed as self-harm.
Ways to Self harm
Some emotional things people do that may be classified as self-harm are: staying in an
emotionally-unstable relationship and purposefully doing things that you know may
make you feel sad, upset, or depressed.
I think that you can harm yourself emotionally as well, in ways such as telling yourself
you aren't worth it. By breaking your confidence you can hurt yourself. Not loving
yourself, or not standing up for yourself. .
It is possible to self harm mentally, which will lead to harming yourself emotionally.
Harming yourself mentally is like calling yourself names or saying you're "worthless" or
a nobody.
You can also self harm or hurt yourselves by being involved in:
addictive behaviours (eg) drugs
Food binge eating
Law breaking activities
Social Media

Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of an Online Addiction

The short-term implications of an online addiction/social media include unfinished
tasks, forgotten responsibilities , weight gain, isolation, increased bullying, lack of
privacy/boundaries, constant distraction.
Mid to long term implications are seen more in the physical symptoms such as
backache, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and vision problems from staring at
the screen. It can also lead to bankruptcy, especially if the time spent online is
focused on shopping, gambling and gaming. Obesity, other illnesses resulting
from lack of sleep, exercise and proper nutrition, Stress, Warped sense of reality,
Lack of empathy, depression, increase violence

The signs and symptoms of social media addiction

Julia Perla Huisman
Jun 20, 2015

A sense of euphoria while plugged in

Neglecting friends and family

Skimping on sleep

Dishonesty about usage

Feeling anxious, ashamed, guilty or depressed as a result of technology use

Withdrawing from other activities that were once pleasurable

You have tried to cut back but without success

The first thing you do as you wake in the morning is reach for your phone/ tablet;
need to get on social media as soon as you are awake, if you do not go you
cannot function.

Feel preoccupied with the Internet (meaning thinking about previous online
activity or anticipating the next online session)

Feel the need to use the Internet with increasing amounts of time in order to
achieve satisfaction

Feel restless, moody, depressed or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop
Internet use

Stay online longer than originally intended

Use technology as a way of escaping problems or relieving feelings of

helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression

Feel the need to respond immediately to your Smartphone

Constantly check the phone even when it does not ring or vibrate? (Phantom
vibration, or thinking the phone vibrates when it hasnt, is a real phenomenon.)

Ignore whats happening in real time in favor of whats happening in the virtual

Feel anxious when away from the device or computer

Emotional meltdown if parents take your phone from you as a form of


You cannot visit the toilet without taking your phone with you.

PHYSICAL SYMPTOM OF SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTION (discussed in the implications)

o Weight gain or weight loss
o Carpal tunnel syndrome
o Headaches
o Neck or backaches
o Dry, red eyes

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