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Algebra 2 Honors Unit 4: Polynomial Functions

Universal Essential Question: Why is resilience crucial for success?

Goals of the Unit: Develop techniques to help graph, factor, and find the zeros of polynomial functions

Learning Objectives
At the completion of this unit, I

The vocabulary related to polynomial

functions and equations.

Properties of polynomial functions

Be able to

Operate on polynomials add, subtract,

multiply, divide, and factor

Use the Remainder and Factor

Theorems to factor a polynomial

Graph polynomial functions and identify

key features of the graph (intercepts,
turning points, increasing/decreasing
intervals, end behavior, multiplicities of

Use the Rational Roots Theorem, the

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, and
Descartes Rule of Signs to solve
polynomial equations

Solve real world problems by describing

the situation mathematically using
polynomial functions

Solve a system involving a polynomial

equation and a linear equation

The links below connect resources to specific learning objectives from the unit.
These resources are intended to be supplemental and are helpful for review,
study, or catching up after absences.

Quizzlet Vocab
Properties of Polynomial Website
Review Video of Add, Subtract, and Multiply Polynomials
Polynomial Division Video
Long Division Video
Polynomial Division Video 2
Synthetic Division Video
Synthetic Division Video 2
Factor Theorem and Remainder Theorem Video
Graphing with Multiplicity Video
Graphing using intervals and end behavior video
Rational Roots Theorem Video
Fundamental Theorem of algebra theorem
Descartes Rule of Signs Video
Example of poly in real life
Solve a system of polynomial and linear video


How the degree of a polynomial

function can be used to understand
characteristics of the graph of the

Vocabulary of Polynomials (Incomplete list)

Turning points
End behavior

Multiplicities of zeros

Reflection (write in your INB)

Polynomial Function Operations

Graphing Polynomial Functions

Solving Polynomial Functions

Describe 3 key characteristics that

help define a function as a polynomial

Describe 3 things you can use to help

you determine end behavior of a
polynomial function.

Select or make up a polynomial

equation. Demonstrate how the 3
methods interact to solve the

Compare and contrast the 2 ways you

can divide a polynomial by a
polynomial. Give at least two
similarities and two differences.

Compare and contrast the Remainder

Theorem and the Factor Theorem.
Give an example to highlight the

Describe and give an example of 2

common errors when using the
Rational Roots Theorem.

Identify 1 key idea to remember when

subtracting polynomials

Identify 1 thing multiplicities of zeros

tells you about the graph of a
polynomial function.

Identify 1 important thing to

remember when using Descartes Rule
of Signs.

Give two examples of how the activities in this unit answer the units Content Essential
Questions and explain your selections.

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