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Nama : Thatit Argadahana

Nim : 0911223034
Jurusan : Ilmu Komunikasi
Judul Skripsi : Representasi Peran Gender pada Film Animasi Non-Human
The film is a medium that is growing as one of the entertainment for the
community; it will also have an informative, educative and persuasive (Ardianto
2007 p.145). The film is also very strong on humans, as it not only affects when
watch just yet continue for a longer period (Effendy, 2002 h.208). The animated
movie is one kind of film that is not foreign to the community. The animation was
created by drawing one by one frame to be photographed. Each frame of her
image with different positions that will make an impression when motioned
(Omar and Isaac, 2011).
In this study, researchers wanted to give an idea of the representation of
gender roles in animated films, both male and female characters. Researchers are
trying to figure out how an animated film represents gender roles, creating a
position that gender in the movie along with the ideology and hegemony behind.
To know that this study using semiotics of Roland Barthes. The semiotic
analysis attempts to find the meaning of the sign including the things hidden in the
sign, which including the text, advertising and news (Kriyantono 2006, p.266). In
this analysis, the researchers used a semiotic analysis of Roland Barthes to
identify the sign-up stage of the myth.

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