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Digestive System

A. Phrasa
1. Digestive system
2. Alimentary canal
3. Oral cavity
4. Small intestines
5. Large intestines
6. Salivary glands
7. Large gland
8. Parietal parts
9. Gastrointestinal tract
10. Gallbladder

: sistem pencernaan
: saluran pencernaan
: rongga mulut
: usus kecil
: usus besar
: kelenjar ludah
: kelenjar besar
: bagian parietal
: saluran pencernaan
: kandung empedu

B. Present Tens
1. The digestive system is agroup of organs working together to convert food into energy
and basis nutriens to feed the entire body.
System pencernaan adalah sekelompok organ organ yang bekerja sama untuk
mengubah makanan menjaddi energy dan dasar gizi untuk keseluruhan tubuh.
2. The alimentary canal is made up of the oral cavity,pharynx,eshopagus,stomach,small
intestines,and large intestines.
Saluran pencernaan terdiri dari rongga mulut,faring,kerongkongan,perut,usus kecil,dan
usus besar.
3. The salivary glands organs that produce a watery secretion known as salivary.
Kelenjar adalah organ yang menghasilkan sekresi berair yang dikenal sabagai air liur.

4. The eshopagus is a muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach thet is part of
the upper gastrointestinal tract.
Kerongkongan addalah otot faring yang menghubungkan ke perut yang merupakan
bagian dari saluran pencernaan bagian atas tabung.
5. The stomach is a muscular sac that is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity.
Perut adalah kantung otot yang terletak di sisi kiri rongga perut.
6. Theliver is organ of the digestive system located to the right of the stomach.
Hati adalah organ dari system pencernaan yang terletak di sebelah kanan lambung
7. Fundus is the parietal parts of stomach.
Fundus adalah bagian parietal perut
8. The diaphragm is a important part of the bodys digestive system.
Diafragma adalah bagian penting dari system pencernaan tubuh.
9. The stomach is a major organ of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system.
Perut adalah organ utama dari saluran pencernaan dari system pencernaan.
10. The cecum is a pouch making the division between the intestine ang the large intestine.
Sekum adalah sebuah kantong yang membuat pembagian antara usus kecil dan usus
A. Judul
1. The process of animal cloning
2. Making babies the natural way
3. The science of wine tasting
4. How does DNA fingerprinting work
5. Borrwing from Biology
6. Something in the air
7. Soking kill you
8. Sleeping to much to make the body sick
9. Eiting to much makes obesity
10. Seeing the mecanis of exretion

B. Phrasa
1. The need to consider the biodiversity value of landcapes outside a
picteded areas network is esensial to sustaining a meaningful
biodiversity convervation in the future.
2. The negative trend is particulary caused by widesprecid habitat less
3. The conservation value of biodiversity outside areas in indonesi
4. The conservation value of such areas.
Main idea if the text
The conservation value of biodiversity outside protecded area
in Indonesia

The conclusion of the text

The total land area gazenerd as protected area has increased
steadily so the writer hope in the future our biodiversity becom
effecnue and efficient in managing and protecting.

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