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Chapter 1

Vectors, Tensors, and

Linear Transformations
Classical mechanics is the quantitative study of the laws of motion for macroscopic physical systems with mass. The fundamental laws of this subject, known
as Newtons Laws of Motion, are expressed in terms of second-order dierential
equations governing the time evolution of vectors in a so-called conguration
space of a system (see Chapter 12). In an elementary setting, these are usually vectors in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, such as position vectors of point
particles; but typically they can be vectors in higher dimensional and more abstract spaces. A general knowledge of the mathematical properties of vectors,
not only in their most intuitive incarnations as directed arrows in physical space
but as elements of abstract linear vector spaces, and those of linear operators
(transformations) on vector spaces as well, is then indispensable in laying the
groundwork for both the physical and the more advanced mathematical more
precisely topological and geometrical concepts that will prove to be vital in our
subject. In this beginning chapter we will review these properties, and introduce
the all-important related notions of dual spaces and tensor products of vector
spaces. The notational convention for vectorial and tensorial indices used for
the rest of this book (except when otherwise specied) will also be established.
We start with a familiar situation. Consider a position vector x of a point
particle in the two-dimensional plane R2 written in terms of its components x1
and x2 :
x = x1 e1 + x2 e2 = xi ei .
The vectors e1 and e2 in (1.1) form what is called a basis of the linear vector
space R2 , and the components of a vector x are determined by the choice
of the basis. In Fig. 1.1, we have chosen {e1 , e2 } to be an orthonormal
basis. This term simply means that e1 and e2 are each of unit length and are
orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other. We note that the notions of length and
orthogonality arise only after the introduction of an inner (scalar) product
an additional metrical structure on the linear space [see (1.41) below)].

Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics










Fig. 1.2

Fig. 1.1

Notice that in (1.1) we have used a superscript (upper index) for components
and a subscript (lower index) for basis vectors, and repeated indices (one upper
and one lower) are understood to be summed over (from 1 to the dimension
of the vector space under consideration, which is two in the present case). This
convenient notational device, called the Einstein summation convention, will be
used routinely in this book from now on, and its elegance will hopefully become
apparent as we proceed. (Repeated indices that are not meant to be summed
over will be explicitly noted, while repeated summation indices that are both
up or both down will be accompanied by an explicit summation sign.) The
orthonormal basis {e1 , e2 } is usually called a reference (coordinate) frame in
Now consider the same vector x with dierent components x i with respect
to a rotated orthonormal frame {e1 , e2 }, rotated from {e1 , e2 } by an angle in
the positive (anti-clockwise) sense (as shown in Fig. 1.2):
x = x i ei


It is simple to show that

(x )1 = (cos ) x1 + (sin ) x2 ,

(x )2 = ( sin ) x1 + (cos ) x2


Problem 1.1 Verify (1.3) by considering the geometry of Fig. 1.2.

Equation (1.3) can also be obtained by working with the basis vectors, instead
of the components, directly. It is evident from Fig. 1.2 that
e1 = (cos ) e1 (sin ) e2 ,

e2 = (sin ) e1 + (cos ) e2


Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations

Thus, (1.1) and (1.2) together, that is,

x = xi ei = x i ei ,
imply that
x1 cos e1 x1 sin e2 + x2 sin e1 + x2 cos e2 = x 1 e1 + x 2 e2


Comparison of the coecients of e1 and e2 on both sides of (1.5) immediately
yields (1.3).
Let us now write (1.3) and (1.4) in matrix notation. Equations (1.3) can be
written as the single matrix equation

cos sin
(x 1 , x 2 ) = (x1 , x2 )
while Eqs. (1.4) can be written as



sin e1


Denote the 2 2 matrix in both (1.6) and (1.7) by





aji =

a12 a22



where the lower index is the row index and the upper index is the column index.
(This index convention for matrices will be adopted in this book unless otherwise
specied, and we warn the reader that, occasionally, it may lead to confusion.)
Equations (1.6) and (1.7) can then be compactly written using the Einstein
summation convention as
x i = aij xj ,
ei =





Note again that repeated pairs of indices, one upper and one lower, are summed
Equations (1.9) and (1.10) are equivalent, in the sense that either one is a
consequence of the other. By way of illustrating the usefulness of the index
notation, we again derive (1.9) from (1.10) algebraically as follows:
x = xj ej = xj aij ei = x i ei
The last equality implies (1.9).


Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics

In matrix notation, (1.9) and (1.10) can be written respectively as (note the
order in which the matrices occur in the matrix products):
x = x A ,
e = A e ,


where A is the matrix in (1.8), e, e are the column matrices in (1.7), and x, x
are the row matrices in (1.6). The above equations imply that
x = x A1 ,

e =A




where A1 is the inverse matrix of A. The above transformation properties

for basis vectors and the components of vectors are satised for any invertible
matrix. These are summarized in the following table for a general vector v =
v i ei = v  i ei .
v = v i ei = v  i ei
ei = aji ej

ei = (a1 )ji ej

v  i = aij v j

v i = (a1 )ij v  j

Table 1.1
In all the indexed quantities introduced above, upper indices are called contravariant indices and lower indices are called covariant indices. These are
distinguished because tensorial objects [see the discussion in the paragraph following Eq. (1.31) below] involving upper and lower indices transform dierently
under a change of basis, as evident from Table 1.1 for the case of vectors.
At this point it will be useful to recall the abstract concept of linear vector
spaces. One speaks of a vector space V over a eld F . In physics applications,
the algebraic eld is usually the eld of real numbers R or the eld of complex numbers C, corresponding to so-called real vector spaces and complex
vector spaces, respectively.
Denition 1.1. A vector space V over an algebraic eld F is a set of objects
v V for which an internal commutative binary operation, called addition
(denoted by +), and an external binary operation, called scalar multiplication,
are dened such that
(a) v + w V , for all v, w V

(vector addition is closed);

(b) v + w = w + v, for all v, w V

(commutativity of vector addition);

(c) a v V , for all a F and all v V

in particular 1.v = v for all v V ;

(scalar multiplication is closed),

Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations

(d) a (v + w) = av + aw, for all a F and all v, w V ;

(e) (ab) v = a (bv), for all a, b F and all v V ;
(f ) there exists a unique element 0 V , called the zero-vector of V [to be
distinguished from the zero of F ( 0 F )], such that 0+v = v and 0.v = 0
for all v V .
The above properties are said to endow the set of objects in a vector space
with a linear structure. As mentioned earlier and discussed below [following
(1.41)], the familiar scalar product, more properly termed a bilinear, nondegenerate, symmetric form on the vector space, is an additional structure imposed
on it, beyond the linear structure. It is easily veried that the set of ordinary
vectors, pictured as directed arrows in one, two, or three-dimensional spaces,
satises these properties. But we will have occasion to encounter more abstract
vector spaces, such as function spaces, for example, where each function (satisfying a certain set of prescribed properties) is to be thought of as a vector (see,
for example, our discussion of Fourier Analysis in Chapter 16). Abstract vector
spaces will also be needed when we introduce the notion of tensor spaces later
in this chapter.
The most important notion concerning linear vector spaces is that of linear
independence. A set of non-zero vectors v 1 , . . . , v m V is said to be linearly
independent if the vanishing of the linear combination a1 v 1 + + am v m = 0
(where a1 , . . . , am F ) implies a1 = = am = 0; otherwise the set of vectors
is said to be linearly dependent. The maximum number of linearly independent
vectors in a vector space is called the dimension of the space. A maximal set
of linearly independent vectors in a vector space is called a basis of the vector
space. It is quite obvious that, for a given vector space, the choice of a basis
is not unique. Given a basis, any vector in the vector space can be expressed
uniquely as a linear combination of the vectors in the basis. In physics, a change
of basis is usually referred to as a change of reference (coordinate) frame.
A subset W V of a vector space V which is in its own right a vector space
is said to be a vector subspace of V . It is evident that the dimension of the
subspace W cannot be greater than that of V , that dim W = dim V if and only
if W = V , and that W and V share the same zero-element. We note, without
going into details concerning questions of convergence, that the dimension of a
vector space may be (denumerably) innite. Equations (1.9) through (1.15) in
the above development are in fact valid for vector spaces of arbitrary dimension.
In this book we will be concerned mainly with nite-dimensional vector spaces.
A special kind of innite dimensional vector spaces, called Hilbert spaces, is of
primary importance in quantum mechanics.
Note that the matrix A given by (1.8) satises the following conditions:
A1 = AT ,
det(A) = 1 ,


where AT denotes the transpose of A. In general, an n n matrix that satises

(1.16) is called an orthogonal matrix; while one that satises both (1.16) and

Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics

(1.17) is called a special orthogonal matrix. Both of these types of matrices

are very important in physics applications, especially in the dynamics of rigid
bodies. Special orthogonal matrices represent pure rotations, while orthogonal
matrices with determinant 1 represent inversions, or rotations plus inversions
in n-dimensional real vector spaces. The set of all n n orthogonal matrices
forms a group, called the orthogonal group O(n). The set of all n n special
orthogonal matrices forms a subgroup of O(n), called the special orthogonal
group SO(n). Group theory plays a very crucial role in the understanding of the
symmetries of the laws of physics, which lead to fundamental conservation laws.
We will not delve into the details of this theory here except to give for reference
the denition of a group, which is the simplest of algebraic categories: A group
G is a set of objects with an internal operation, called multiplication, that is both
closed (a, b G ab G) and associative [a(bc) = (ab)c], such that the set
always possesses an element e called the identity (ae = ea = a for every a G),
and such that every element a always possesses an inverse element a1 (aa1 =
a1 a = e) which also belongs to the set. [Among references on mathematical
topics that are of interest to physicists, those on group theory occupy a unique
position and are perhaps the most prevalent. The reader may consult, among
many other excellent works, the monograph by Sternberg (Sternberg 1994).]
Rotations and inversions are specic examples of linear transformations on
vector spaces (of arbitrary dimension). A (square) matrix A represents an abstract linear operator (transformation) (also denoted by A) on a vector
space V . Mathematically we write A : V V . The property of linearity is
specied by the following condition:
A(a x + b y) = a A(x) + b A(y) ,

for all a, b R ; x, y V ,


where R denotes the eld of real numbers.

Property (1.16) in fact follows from the following equivalent denition of an
orthogonal transformation: An orthogonal transformation is one which leaves
the length (or norm) of a vector invariant. This can be seen as follows. Suppose
a linear transformation A sends a vector v V to another vector v  V , that
is, v  = A(v), or, in terms of components, v  i = aij v j . On the other hand, the
square of the length of v is given in terms of its components by [see (1.41) and
(1.42) below]

v2 =
vj vj .

Then orthogonality of A implies that

vj vj =

v i v i =

aij aik v j v k

aij (AT )ki v j v k =

(AAT )kj v j v k . (1.20)

Comparing the leftmost expression with the rightmost we see that (AAT )kj = jk ,
or AAT = 1. Property (1.16) then follows.

Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations

right-handed frame

left-handed frame






Fig. 1.3

We recall the following properties of determinants of matrices:

det(AB) = det A det B ,


det(AT ) = det(A) .


If A is orthogonal, we see that (det(A))2 = 1, which implies that det(A) =

1. Orthogonal matrices with determinant equal to 1 represent inversions or
inversions plus rotations. An inversion changes the orientation (handedness)
of a coordinate frame (see a more complete discussion of this concept in Chapter
2), which a pure rotation never does (see Fig. 1.3).
Problem 1.2 Write down explicitly the 3 3 orthogonal matrices representing
rotations in 3-dimensional Euclidean space by 1) 45 about the e1 -axis, 2) 45 about
the e2 -axis, and 3) 45 about the e3 -axis, all in the right-handed sense.
Problem 1.3 Show that SO(2) is a commutative (abelian) group, that is, any
two 2 2 matrices in SO(2) commute with each other.
How does one obtain a concrete matrix representation of an abstract
linear transformation A : V V ? We will see that a particular matrix
representation results from a particular choice of basis {ei } for V . Consider an
n-dimensional vector space V . For any x V given by x = xi ei , the linearity
condition (1.18) implies that
A(x) = xi A(ei ) .


Thus the action of A on any vector x V is completely specied by the n

actions A(ei ), i = 1, . . . , n. Since A(ei ) is a vector in V , it can be expressed as

Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics

a linear combination of the ei , that is

A(ei ) = aji ej


where the aji are scalars in the eld of real numbers R. Similar to (1.8) the
quantities aji , i = 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , n, can be displayed as an n n matrix




a2 a22 an2
(aji ) =


a1n a2n ann


Now suppose that, under the action of A, a vector x V is transformed into

another vector x V . So
x = A(x) = A(xi ei ) = xi A(ei ) = xi aji ej = xj aij ei


where in the last equality we have performed the interchange (i j) since both
i and j are dummy indices that are summed over. Equation (1.26) then implies
x i = aij xj ,


which is formally the same as (1.9). Thus we have shown explicitly how the
matrix representation of a linear transformation depends on the choice of a
basis set.
Let us now investigate the transformation properties of the matrix representation of a linear transformation A under a change of basis:
ei = sji ej .
The required matrix A = (ai j ) is given by [(cf. (1.24)]
A(ei ) = ai j ej


Using the equation for ei in terms of ej in Table 1.1, we have

A(ei ) = A((s1 )li el ) = (s1 )li A(el ) = (s1 )li akl ek = (s1 )li akl sjk ej ,


where in the second equality we have used the linearity property of A, in the
third equality, Eq. (1.24), and in the fourth equality, Eq. (1.10). Comparison
with (1.28) gives the desired result:
ai j = (s1 )li akl sjk


Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations

In matrix notation (1.30) can be written

A = S 1 A S


where A = (ai j ), A = (aji ) and S = (sji ) are the matrices with the indicated
matrix elements. The transformation of matrices A  A given above is called
a similarity transformation. These transformations are of great importance
in physics. Two matrices related by an invertible matrix S as in (1.31) are
said to be similar. Note that in (1.31), the matrix S itself may be viewed as
representing a linear (invertible) transformation on V (S : V V , using the
same symbol for the operator as for its matrix representation), and the equation
as a relation between linear transformations. The equation (1.31) may also be
represented succinctly by the following so-called commutative diagram (used
frequently in the mathematics literature):

The way to read the diagram to arrive at the result (1.31) is as follows. Instead
of using the operator A to directly eect the linear transformation (from V to
V ) as represented by the top line (from left to right) of the diagram, one can
instead start from the top left corner, use the operator S rst on V (going down
on the left line), followed by the operator A (going from left to right on the
bottom line), then nally use the operator S 1 (going up on the right line).
According to (1.30) the upper index of a matrix (aji ) transforms like the
upper index of a contravariant vector v i (cf. Table 1.1), and the lower index of
(aji ) transforms like the lower index of a basis vector ei (cf. Table 1.1 also). In
general one can consider a multi-indexed object

(with r upper indices and s lower indices) which transforms under a change of
basis (or equivalently, a change of coordinate frames) ei = sji ej (see Table 1.1)
according to the following rule [compare carefully with (1.30)]
1 l1
(T  )ij11...i
)j1 . . . (s1 )ljss Tlk11...l
...js = sk1 . . . skr (s


This multi-indexed object represents the components of a so-called (r, s)-type

tensor, where r is called the contravariant order and s the covariant order
of the tensor. Note carefully how the contravariant (upper) indices and the covariant (lower) indices remain in their respective upper and lower positions on
both sides of the above equation, and how, on the right-hand side, the Einstein
summation convention is used for the r sums over the repeated indices k1 , . . . , kr


Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics

and the s sums over the repeated indices l1 , . . . , ls . Thus a matrix (aji ) which
transforms as (1.30) is a (1,1)-type tensor, and a vector v i is a (1, 0)-type tensor.
(r, s)-type tensors with r = 0 and s = 0 are called tensors of mixed type. A
(0,0)-type tensor is a scalar. The term covariant means that the transformation is the same as that of the basis vectors: (e )i = (s1 )ji ej (see Table 1.1),
while contravariant means that the indexed quantity transforms according to
the inverse of the transformation of the basis vectors. Common examples of
tensors occurring in physics are the inertia tensor I ij in rigid body dynamics
(see Chapter 20 and Problem 1.5 below), the electromagnetic eld tensor F
in Maxwell electrodynamics, and the stress-energy tensor T in the theory of
relativity (the latter two behaving as tensors under Lorentz transformations,
which preserve the lengths of 4-vectors in 4-dimensional spacetime).
Let us step back to look at the mathematical genesis of the concept of tensors
more closely. We warn the reader that the somewhat abstract and seemingly
convoluted development over the next several paragraphs [until Eq. (1.40)] may
appear to be needlessly pedantic at this point for the purpose of physics applications. Our justication is that it will prepare the ground for developments of
key concepts and miscellaneous applications in subsequent chapters.
Our objective is to construct a vector space out of two arbitrary vector
spaces, by devising a tensor product between them, or tensoring them together, so to speak. The rst step is to introduce the concept of dual spaces.
Instead of linear operators A : V V , let us consider a linear function f :
V R. Recall that [cf. (1.18)] linearity means that, in this case, f (av + bw) =
a f (v) + b f (w), for all v, w V and all a, b R. Writing v = v i ei (with
respect to a particular basis), we have, by linearity, f (v i ei ) = v i f (ei ). Let
f (ei ) ai R. (Notice the position of the covariant index i a subscript.)
Then we can write (verify it!) f = ai (e )i , where (e )i is a particular linear
function on V such that its action is completely specied by (e )i (ej ) = ji (the
Kronecker delta symbol, dened to be equal to 1 if i = j and equal to zero if
i = j). If V is n-dimensional, the numbers ai , i = 1, . . . , n, can be considered as
components of the vector f in an n-dimensional vector space V , called the
dual space to V , with respect to the basis {(e )1 , . . . , (e )n }. Thus we have the
following denition.
Denition 1.2. The dual space to a vector space V , denoted V , is the vector
space of all linear functions f : V R on V .
The basis {(e )i } of V is called the dual basis to the basis {ei } of V , and
vice versa. Since dim (V ) = dim (V ), V is isomorphic to V , as follows from
the general fact that all nite dimensional vector spaces of the same dimension
are isomorphic to each other. Thus the vector spaces V and V are in fact dual
to each other, or we can write (V ) = V . Under the change of basis ei = sji ej
we have
f (ei ) ai = f ((s1 )ji ej ) = (s1 )ji f (ej ) = (s1 )ji aj .
This conrms the fact that the (lower) index in ai is a covariant index. So
vectors in V are (0, 1)-type tensors.

Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations


Now let us observe that the set of all linear operators from V to V , denoted
by L(V ; V ), is a vector space if we dene the vector addition and scalar multiplication by (A + B)(v) = A(v) + B(v) and (aA)(v) = aA(v), respectively,
where A, B L(V ; V ), v V and a R. As we demonstrated earlier, if V
is n-dimensional, each A L(V ; V ) is represented by an n n real matrix
(aji ). So there is an isomorphic relationship between L(V ; V ) and the set of
all n n real matrices M (n, R). On the other hand, M (n, R) is also isomorphic to the vector space of all bilinear maps from V V to R, denoted by
L(V , V ; R), where bilinearity means linear in each argument. Indeed, given
any A L(V , V ; R), w = wi (e )i V and v = v i ei V , we have, by
A(w , v) = wj v i A((e )j , ei ) .
So the action of any A L(V , V R) is completely specied by the n2 numbers
A((e )j , ei ) aji , that is, the n n matrix (aji ), and we have the following
vector space isomorphisms
L(V ; V ) L(V , V ; R) M (n; R) .


There is yet another way to view the above vector space. For v V and
w V , consider an element v w L(V , V ; R) dened by
(v w )(x , y) = x (v) . w (y)
x , v  w , y 

for all x V and y V ,


where the notation x (v) x , v  = v, x  indicates that the pairing between any x V and v V is symmetrical. Denote by V V the vector
space consisting of all nite sums of the form v w . It can be shown readily that the operation is bilinear, that is, linear in both arguments. Thus
v w = v i wj ei (e )j , and so V V is spanned by the basis vectors
ei (e )j . It follows that any A V V can be written as the linear combination A = aji ej (e )i . In other words, V V is also isomorphic to the set
of all n n real matrices M (n; R). Combining the above results we have the
following strengthening of the isomorphism scheme of (1.35):
L(V ; V ) L(V , V ; R) V V M (n; R) .


The vector space V V is called the tensor product of the vector spaces V
and V . Note that the ordering of the arguments in the binary operation is
important, and the complementary appearances of V and V in the second and
third entries in the above equation.
It is readily seen that the notion of the tensor product as developed above
can be generalized to that between any two vector spaces V and W (which may
be of dierent dimensions). In fact, analogous to (1.37), we have the following
Denition 1.3. The tensor product of two vector spaces V and W , denoted
V W , is the vector space of bilinear functions from V W to R, or real
bilinear forms on V W :
V W L(V , W ; R) .



Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics

Note again the duality of the vector spaces appearing on both sides of the
equation. We note that L(V , W ; R) can also be identied with the dual of
the space of real bilinear forms on V W , that is, L(V , W ; R) L (V, W ; R)
(the reader can verify this easily).
By extension we can dene the tensor product between any number of (dierent) vector spaces. An (r, s)-tensor [with components that transform according
to (1.32)] can then be considered as an element in the tensor product space
Vsr V V V V .

r times


s times

Such a tensor T Vsr can be written in terms of components as
T = Tji11...j
ei1 eir (e )j1 (e )js ,


where the components transform according to (1.32) under the change of basis
in V given by ei = sji ej [and the associated change in V given by (e )i =
(s1 )ij (e )j ]. Note again the use of the Einstein summation convention.
After the above ight of abstraction we will return to more familiar ground
for most of the remainder of this chapter the special case of physical 3dimensional Euclidean space and review the notions of scalar products and
cross products in this space. We will see that, while the denition of the scalar
product as furnished in (1.41) below is in fact valid for any dimension n, that of
the cross product given by (1.45) is specic to n = 3 only (although in the next
chapter we will explore the important generalization of the concept to higher
dimensions). The scalar (inner) product of two vectors u and v (in the same
vector space) expressed in terms of components (with respect to a certain choice
of basis) is dened by

(u, v) = u v ij ui v j =
ui v i = ui vi ,

where the Kronecker delta symbol ij (dened similarly as ji above) is considered to be a (0, 2)-type tensor, and can be regarded as a metric in Euclidean
space R3 . Loosely speaking, a metric in a space is a (0, 2)-type non-degenerate,
symmetric tensor eld which gives a prescription for measuring lengths and
angles in that space. [For a denition of non-degeneracy, see discussion immediately above Eq. (1.65).] For example, the norm (length) of a vector v is
dened to be [recall (1.19)]

v (v, v) =
(v i )2 .

It is readily shown, by steps similar to those in (1.20), that the scalar product
of two vectors is invariant under orthogonal transformations.
Referring to Fig. 1.4, in which the basis vector e1 is chosen to lie along the
direction of v, the angle between two vectors u and v is given in terms of the

Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations




Fig. 1.4
scalar product by
u v = (u cos , u sin ) (v, 0) = uv cos ,


where u and v represent the magnitudes of the vectors u and v, respectively.

The cross product (also called the vector product) can be dened in
terms of the so-called Levi-Civita tensor (also known as the completely antisymmetric tensor), which is a (1, 2)-type tensor given as follows:

0 , i, j, k not all distinct ;

ijk = +1 , (ijk) is an even permutation of (123) ;

1 , (ijk) is an odd permutation of (123) .

The cross product of two vectors A and B is then dened by
A B = (ijk Aj B k ) ei


The cross product gives a Lie algebra structure to the vector space R3 , since
this product satises the so-called Jacobi identity:
A (B C) + B (C A) + C (A B) = 0 .


The metric ij and its inverse ij can be used to raise and lower indices of
tensors in R3 . For example,
klm = kn nlm = klm .


In fact, because of the special properties of the Kronecker delta, one can use it
to raise and lower indices with impunity:
ijk = ijk = i jk = . . . .



Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics

Problem 1.4 Verify the following tensorial properties under orthogonal transformations for the Kronecker deltas and the Levi-Civita tensor:
(a) ij transforms as a (2, 0)-type tensor;
(b) ij transforms as a (0, 2)-type tensor;
(c) ij transforms as a (1, 1)-type tensor;
(d) i jk [as dened in (1.44)] transforms as a (1, 2)-type tensor; ijk [as dened in
(1.47)] transforms as a (0, 3)-tensor.

Problem 1.5 Show that the inertia tensor density I ij ij xl xl xi xj , where

the xi are Cartesian coordinates and i, j = 1, 2, 3, transforms as a (2, 0)-tensor under

orthogonal transformations of the coordinates.

Problem 1.6 Use the denition of the cross product [(1.45)] to show that
A B = B A .


Problem 1.7 Use (1.45) to show that

e1 e2 = e3 ,

e2 e3 = e1 ,

e3 e1 = e2 .


The Levi-Civita tensor satises the following very useful contraction property:
kij klm = il jm im jl


This tensor is intimately related to the determinant of a matrix. One can

easily see that


a1 a21 a31 

det(aji ) = a12 a22 a32  = ijk ai1 aj2 ak3 .

a3 a23 a33 
Generalizing to an n n matrix one has

(sgn ) a1 . . . a(n)
(sgn ) a1(1) . . . an(n)
det(aji ) =

i1 ai11


. . . ainn


where Sn is the permutaton group of n objects, sgn = +1(1) if is

an even(odd) permutation of (123 . . . n), and i1 is the generalized LeviCivita tensor and is dened similarly to (1.44).

Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations


Equations (1.45) and (1.52) imply that


j k
A B = jk ei A B = A1




3 .



Problem 1.8 Verify the contraction property of the Levi-Civita tensor (1.51) by
using the dening properties of the tensor given by (1.44) and the properties of the
Kronecker delta.
We can use the contraction property of the Levi-Civita tensor (1.51) and the
denition of the scalar product (1.41) to calculate the magnitude of the cross
product as follows:

(A B) (A B) =
(A B)i (A B)i

ijk Aj B k imn Am B n = ijk imn Aj B k Am B n


= (jm kn jn km ) Aj B k Am B n
= Aj Aj Bn B n (Aj Bj )(Ak B k ) = A2 B 2 (A B)2
= A2 B 2 A2 B 2 cos2 = A2 B 2 sin2 .
|A B| = AB sin ,


where is the angle between the vectors A and B. Furthermore, using the
properties of the Levi-Civita tensor (1.44), we see that

(A B) A =
ijk Aj B k Ai = ijk Ai Aj B k = 0 .

(A B) B = 0 .


Thus the cross product of two vectors is always perpendicular to the plane
dened by the two vectors. The right-hand rule for the direction of the cross
product follows from (1.50).
As a further example in the use of the contraction property of the Levi-Civita
tensor we will prove the following very useful identity, known as the bac minus
cab identity in vector algebra.
A (B C) = B (A C) C (A B)



Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics


Fig. 1.5

Indeed, we have
(A (B C))i = ijk Aj (B C)k
= ijk Aj klm B l C m = ijk klm Aj B l C m = kij klm Aj B l C m
= (il jm im jl ) Aj B l C m


= (il B )(jm A C ) (im C )(jl B A )

= B i Am C m C i Al B l = B i (A C) C i (A B) .

Problem 1.9 Use the properties of the Levi-Civita tensor to show that
A (B C) = B (C A) = C (A B) .


The absolute value of the quantity in (1.61) can be seen to be equal to

the volume of the parallelopiped formed by the vectors A, B and C. Indeed,
referring to Fig. 1.5,
volume = y area of parallelogram f ormed by A and B
= | y AB sin | = | C cos AB sin | = | C (A B) | .


Chapter 1. Vectors, Tensors, Linear Transformations


Problem 1.10 Use the bac minus cab identity (1.59) to show that
(A B) (C D) = C (D (A B)) D (C (A B))
= B (A (C D)) A (B (C D)) .


Problem 1.11 Use the bac minus cab identity and (1.61) to show that
(A B) (C D) = (A C)(B D) (A D)(B C) .


We conclude this chapter with some more mathematical digression on the

usefulness of inner (scalar) products of vectors. The inner product, other than
providing a metric structure for the vector space, serves another important
mathematical purpose. It establishes a canonical isomorphism between a vector
space V and its dual space V . This fact plays a crucial role in the mathematical
appreciation of the relationship between the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian
formulations of classical mechanics (see Chapters 31 and 33), and actually in
quantum mechanics also. Recall that, in general, an inner product ( , ) in a real
vector space is a symmetric, nondegenerate, bilinear, real 2-form on the vector
space. This means that, given any ordered pair of vectors v and w in V , the
scalar product (v, w) is a real number. Symmetry means that (v, w) = (w, v).
Nondegeneracy means that the condition (v, w) = 0 for all w V implies v = 0.
Bilinearity means that the 2-form is linear with respect to both arguments: more
specically, for any a, b R and any v, w, x V ,
(av + bw , x) = a (v, x) + b (w, x) ,
(v , aw + bx) = a (v, w) + b (v, x) .


We now assert that the condition of nondegeneracy of the inner product is equivalent to the fact that the inner product induces a special (canonical) bijective
[one-to-one (injective) and onto (surjective)] mapping between V and V . Dene a linear map G : V V by
G(v)(w) = (v, w) ,


for all v, w V . Note that G(v) V , as a linear function on V , is dened by

its action on any w V , and the linearity of G follows from the bilinearity of
the inner product. We will show that G is the sought-for canonical isomorphism.
Since the inner product is nondegenerate, it follows from (1.66) and the above
denition of nondegeneracy that G(v)(w) = 0 for all w V implies v = 0, that
is, G(v) V is the zero-map on V (mapping all vectors in V to the zero-vector
0 in V ). So G(v) = 0 implies v = 0. We say that the kernel of the linear


Fundamental Principles of Classical Mechanics

map G : V V is the zero-vector in V : Ker G = {0}. Take any two vectors

v 1 , v 2 V . The vanishing of Ker G means that
G(v 1 ) = G(v 2 ) = G(v 1 v 2 ) = 0 = v 1 = v 2 .


This says that the map G is injective. The fact that it is also surjective follows
from the fact that V and V , as nite-dimensional vector spaces of the same
dimension, are isomorphic. So G is a bijection. Conversely, suppose G is bijective, so it is certainly injective. This means that Ker G = 0; in other words,
G(v) = 0 = v = 0. It follows from (1.66) that G(v)(w) = (v, w) = 0 for
all w V implies v = 0; in other words, the inner product is nondegenerate.
This establishes the equivalence referred to in the sentence following Eq. (1.65).
The linear bijective map G : V V dened by (1.66) is called the conjugate
isomorphism between V and V .
In Hamiltonian mechanics, we will need antisymmetric, nondegenerate, bilinear 2-forms instead of symmetric ones. These are called symplectic forms.
They will play a crucial role from Chapter 36 onwards.

Problem 1.12 Let A : V W be a linear operator, where both V and W

are vector spaces over the same eld. Prove the following relationship between the
dimensions of the various vector spaces.
dim(V ) = dim(Ker A) + dim(Im A) ,


where Ker A is the kernel, and Im A W is the image, of the operator A.

(Hint: First show that Ker A and Im A are vector subspaces of V and W , respectively.)

Problem 1.13 Let W V be a vector subspace of the vector space V . Dene

the quotient space V /W to be the space of equivalence classes {v}, with the
equivalence relationship dened by v 1 v 2 if v 1 v 2 W . Consider the projection
map : V V /W dened by (v) = {v}. Use the result in the last problem to
show that
= dim(V ) dim(W ) .
(Hint: Ker = W .)

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