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* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all

members of Congress;
--its a fine idea, not new. Incredibly hard to docongress will obviously not vote
them selves out of power. Also 1995 supreme court decision ruled that states
cannot impose stricter term limits on conger than assigned in the constitution.
Mitch Mcconel has already said this issue will not be on the senate agenda-so I
dont see this happening.
---personally I think if people valued mid terms more & just remained involved we
wouldnt have an issue with incumbency rates (I also dont take issue with long
time officials holding office---if they are doing their job)
* SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce
through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);
---long held republican idea, currently they are pushing to reduce employees by
10%. This encompasses almost 2.8 millions individuals who work at various
agencies. The focus on cutting from some areas and not others seems a bit
pointed. Hiring in public safety could continue & would include added border
patrol agents, which fuels a separate agenda of his (scares me). Potential for
these cuts to mean that outside contractors would be needed to take on these
roles---necessary privatization?
* THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing
regulations must be eliminated;
- seems unnecessary, also has ben another long time republican list item. Im
unsure where trump would start, but probably with EPA regs, or banking, which I
dont like.
The following all depend on you view of lobbying overall:

FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials

becoming lobbyists after they leave government service;

-currently senators cannot work as lobbyists for 2 years after leaving office, one
year for house members, one year (it varies) for senior staff and various
executive/legislative staff. I will say that after spending time as a legislative intern
& now working at a government agency, even I had to sign documentation saying
I wouldnt lobby for a year after my internship ended & now another year after
current position ends. It was always the first paper you sign & most emphasized.

So with my experience people take the legal constraints of accepting gifts, etc.
very seriously (always some trying to get around)-> check:
-this seems to go directly against how trump has run his campaign though. He
has a couple of lobbyists on his campaign team & transition team including the
former president of citizens united who is his deputy campaign manager.
Also would be interesting to know how he feels about the citizens united case,
since he would potentially be nominating a justice who-if right leaning would
support the earlier CU decision
* FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign
-again, dependent on your view of lobbying. Brings up Paul Manafort issue--which trump never commented on.
Also no mention of hiring former lobbyists, which would seem to also be a conflict
of interest if he believes the opposite as well.
* SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American
--again, like abovedependent upon personal view of lobbying overall
On the same day, I will begin taking the following 7 actions to protect American
* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the
deal under Article 2205
---withdrawal from NAFTA is not hard, the president has the authority to do that
without any other authorization. Us hasnt pulled out of a trade agreement since
1866, so unsure what the ramifications would be. Also, Trudeau seemed pretty
eager to work alongside whoever came into officenot ready to give trump credit
for that. I worry about how Pena Nietos past negative comments about trumps
politics would impact any negotiation, tbh. Canada and Mexico would remain in
the agreement without the US. This ties in to whatever you view is one
globalization overall. Trump has said he will pull out of this agreement if he
cannot get the best deal for American workers from negotiating, but has not
specified what the deal would be. If hes doing this in hopes of getting more
manufacturing jobs back into the US ex: automotive industry. I dont think he will
be successful. Raising tariffs on imports will up costs of products. Jobs in the

automotive industry still exist here for skilled workers. It is largely the labor
intensive-low wage jobs that have shipped out--I personally subscribe to the idea that the way to fix the unemployment issue
among Americas unskilled workers is not to bring the jobs back from other
countries-but to promote education, move towards jobs in new-growing fields (i.e.
sustainable energy) rather than try to revive job markets that have already left.
* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership;
---TPP is dead, I dont think Trump is to thank for that---also both this NAFTA
lean heavily on how you view globalization, which I spent a whole semester
studying and still couldnt fall definitively on either side of, but I support free trade
if it is done correctly. I dont think nafta is all to blame for the loss of
manufacturing jobs in the US could discuss pros and cons for years
* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency
--IDK much about this, but it seem as though it was once an issue that is passing
as Chinese currency has stabilized as of late, but Im not an economist:
* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade
Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American
workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law
to end those abuses immediately;
-back to globalization and that great debate. Assuming mostly regarding
workplace conditions in foreign countries---* FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars' worth of
job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and
clean coal:
-no. clean coal hasnt succeeded commercially & would need more pipelines,
dumping CO2 underground. Again I dont agree with his idea to bring back
antiquated industries instead of putting money into clean energy sources to build
future infrastructure.

* SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure
projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward;
---not ok
* SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and
use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure;
---again would like to see a movement towards sustainable infrastructure which
will not happen if he continues to deny climate change. But he can fix bridges if
he wants to. I tend to think there are other areas to cut spending in order to prop
up the federal budget, i.e. defense spending
**an 80 billion dollar movement of funds to education could fund free higher
education---if you believe in that
Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore
security and the constitutional rule of law:
* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order
issued by President Obama;
-this includes the very constitutional actions of Obama, such as an executive
order that raised the min wage for federal contract workers, protections based on
gender identity, order to halt the deportation of immigrants who were unwillingly,
but illegally brought to the US and children (DACA). Total of 13 supposed
offenses- none seemed to hold any merit if/when reviewed.
* SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from
one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of
the United States;
-2 lists, 21 names. Majority came from the conservative heritage fund and are on
theme with the efforts to make moves against Roe v. wade, moving away from
environmental protections and tightening gun regulations. Personal opinion yes,
but scares the shit out of me. Also unsure where the nom would really come
from-could be from outside the lists.
* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities;
- For me I personally am OK with sanctuary cities, protecting undocumented
immigrant from being prosecuted solely on their immigration status. NYC,
Seattle, LA have already pledged to remain sanctuary cities even if trump
opposes. Not sure trump will have much power to actually end this, unless

through threats of losing federal funding. Which would go very much against his
promise to improve infrastructure across the country.
* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants
from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back;
-I cant get into this one. I support having pathways to citizenship, although I
agree we need a streamlined plan- I dont quite know what his is & cant support
the build the wall rhetoric even if it will never happen.
* FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot
safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered
extreme vetting;
-immigration from terror-prone regions often come as refugees, very different
than those coming on HB-1 visas or otherwise-although Im sure all will be
impacted in some way. Been looking into this for a while, vetting seems extreme
to me already, multilayered for a reason. Its already massively hard for
immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers to get here. Again, I realize I support
refugee relocation & thats personal, but I dont believe any of us have much
claim to this land---historically the acceptance of refugees is why were all here &
Id rather not continue the cyclical horror of discriminating against the newest
group of people who are seeking refuge.

Additionally, don't know what his plan would be to amend/repeal & replace the
ACA---so can't comment until we see what happens....and I'm all for universal
childcare idk how that will roll out with him either.

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