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ED 3601


KR 2011

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Aboriginal Studies 10_Unit:_Chapter 3____ Lesson Duration: __50_


SLO 2.1.2
SLO 2.1.3
SLO 2.3.2

Formative & Summative

you know they met learning

(2-3, clear, and measurable)

Students will:

(Observations, Key Questions,


Students will examine how harmony and unity are central

to traditional Aboriginal culture
Students will analyze role of sharing and generosity in
traditional Aboriginal culture
Students will gain an understanding that Aboriginal people
traditionally viewed life and its interrelated parts as a never
ending cycle

through handouts and group

through sharing of food
through discussion on
Blackfoot values

Resource #1: Aboriginal Studies 10 Aboriginal Perspectives - textbook & Teachers Resource
Resource #2:


Textbook: Aboriginal Studies 10 Aboriginal Perspective
Ipad or cell phone

Introduction (_10_min.):
Attention Grabber: Short story denoting Aboriginal worldview and the role of humor in ceremony.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Students will build upon prior knowledge of worldview and begin to explore idea of
All My Relations.
Connection to Curriculum: Students will explore that in traditional worldviews, mutual support systems governs all
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students will continue to explore the role of community in Aboriginal
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Students will explore All My Relations.
Transition to Body: Students will write their experiences with Aboriginal humor on post it notes.
Body (_30_min.):
What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?
Learning Activity #1: Discussion of 1491s
Formative & Summative Assessments: Students will read newspaper article and
watch movie clip, The Indian Store; discussion to follow
Specific Learner Considerations: Students will discover the healing effects of
humor and the importance of collectivity with relation to the idea of All My
Transition to Activity #2:Discuss other First Nations comedians
Learning Activity #2: Video clip of Redskins, Tricksters, Puppy Stew
Formative & Summative Assessments: Students will watch movie clip and
discuss the role of humor in healing and creating resilience.
Specific Learner Considerations : Students will examine healing and resilience in
Aboriginal humor
Transition to Activity #3: Students will discuss the role of satire in Aboriginal
Learning Activity #3: Handout Comic Strip

Students will read aloud, taking

turns from newspaper article, then
will watch short clip entitled, The
Indian Store. When finished
students will discuss and
brainstorm main ideas.
Students will view and discuss the
role of humor in creating healing
and resilience with questions
directly aimed at students
discovering this by themselves.
Students will examine the role of
All My Relations in Aboriginal

ED 3601


KR 2011

Formative & Summative Assessments: Students will discuss the role of satire in
Aboriginal humor.
Specific Learner Considerations: Students will explore the role of teasing in
exposing hypocrisy, foolishness and injustice.
Transition to Closure: Review post-it notes and share personal story of how I
have experienced Aboriginal humor in ceremony and healing

Students will explore ancient
form of humor, satire; and its
ability to poke fun at serious
topics to create positive change
Students will analyze Aboriginal
humor and think about it critically
through my personal story and
direct questions I ask regarding
the role of spirituality and All My

Closure ( _10_min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Restate the importance of humor in healing and creating spiritual renewal.
Students will be given a quiz on website, this will determine how much of the lesson students absorbed and
provide direction on what to expect in quiz on Aboriginal worldview.
Feedback From Students: Each student will be given the chance to voice any questions or comments
Feedback To Students: Address any comments or questions raised
Transition To Next Lesson: Cyclical cycles and the role of ceremony in Aboriginal worldviews.
10 Key questions to review your plan:
1) What will my classroom/ teaching area look like when I begin to teach?
Students will be seated facing the front of the class, their seats forming a half circle. .
2) How will I interest the students on the lesson questions/ topic? Show personal passion
and expertise of Aboriginal worldviews and provide direct examples..
3) At what part of the lesson will I assess formatively? Summatively?
At the beginning of the lesson I will assess prior understanding of Aboriginal humor and
its role in creating resilience and renewal of relationships. At the end of lesson I will
assess their questions and comments. Summatively students will be asked to if this
lesson has changed or influence their understanding of Aboriginal worldviews.
4) Have I clearly planned how I will transition from each part of the lesson (e.g. intro to
activity 1)
Through the use of stories and personal experience, I will end one subject and
introduce the next.
5) Have I given thought to what approach to use in each activity? (e.g., direct instruction
vs. group work)
6) Do I have enough detail in my activity descriptions to really understand what I will say,
do, and assess?
7) Have I considered how my students will react to each activity? Any special learner
8) Do I know what evidence I am looking for as I assess formatively (e.g.- as you observe
students working- what are you looking for? As you question the students- what types
of answers are you hoping to receive?)
Content in questions and comments will reveal how engaged they were in lesson

Does my closure solidify the key points to the lesson?

10) Do I connect my closure to the lesson objectives?

Lesson Reflections (After you teach):
How will the technology enhance student learning? This should provide a useful
rationale for using technology.
Technology will enhance and promote active learning, so that students are
experiencing Aboriginal humor directly. The PowerPoint presentation helped deliver the

ED 3601


KR 2011

lecture effectively and supplemented the handouts and stories to make the experience
interactive and keep students engaged. The repetitious delivery of key terms through
the different resources helped create a stronger lesson. During the conclusion the quiz helped assess student comprehension and provided students with
expectations of learning.

What are the important considerations when integrating this technology (student skills,
technology access, engaging students, etc.)? For instance, consider appropriate
classroom climate and structure issues (management). Think about issues raised in
your EdPsych module.
Prior to the lesson I will check computer and projector to make sure my PowerPoint
presentation and links are working. Handouts, specifically the, presents
essential ideas and concepts presented in lecture, needed for comprehension. The
newspaper article introduces the 1491s and sparks interest to keep student engaged
and motivated. The repetitive presentation of key terms and ideas through handouts
helps create the development of core memory development. By presenting the
material this reduces cognitive load to improve working memory.

Describe any potential downsides or cautions to using the technology or the way in
which you will be using it.
As a precaution QuietTube is used to load the video clip of the 1491s to avoid any
embarrassing or unnecessary ads or links from being displayed. The second clip is a
movie entitled Redskins, Tricksters, and Puppy Stew, from the National Film Board of
Canada website; therefore its a little more difficult to load specific segments. Ideally it
would have been better to use a hard copy.

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