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Theory and Practice of

Counseling and Psychotherapy

Chapter4: Psychoanalytic Therapy
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4


What kinds of connections do you have regarding

psychoanalytic therapy?

What is your thoughts and attitude regarding

psychoanalytic therapy?

Which parts of psychoanalytic therapy do you like or

dislike? Why?

Strengths and limitations of psychoanalytic therapy?

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Tokoh Psikoanalisa

Sigmund Freud (1856 1939) pendiri

psikoanalisa atau disebut juga aliran
psikologi dalam
Orang Jerman keturunan Yahudi lahir 6
Mei 1856 di Freiberg dan meninggal di
London 23 Sept 1939
Menggambarkan jiwa sebagai sebuah
gunung es.


Menekankan pada pentingnya riwayat

hidup klien (perkembangan psikoseksual)
Pengaruh dari impuls-impuls genetik
Pengaruh energi hidup (libido),
pengalaman dini
Pengaruh pengalaman dini individu
Pengaruh irasionlitas dan sumber-sumber
ketidak sadaran tingkah laku

Conscious and Unconscious

Whats on the surface
i.e. logic, reality

What lies deep,
below the surface
i.e. drives, instincts


Kesadaran : Berisi ide-ide/hal-hal yang disadari

Prakesadaran : Berisi ide-ide/hal-hal tidak disadari yang
sewaktu-waktu dapat dipanggil ke kesadaran
Ketidaksadaran : Merupakan bagian terbesar, dan berisi
dorongan-dorongan yg sebagian besar sudah ada sejak lahir
yaitu dorongan seksual dan agresi, sebagian lagi berasal dari
pengalaman masa lalu yang pernah terjadi pada tingkat
kesadaran dan bersifat traumatis, sehingga perlu ditekan dan
dimasukkan dalam ketidak sadaran, sudah dilupakan.
Dorongan-dorongan ketidak sadaran bagian terbear dari
kepribadian, ingin muncul dan mendesak terus ke kesadaran,
mempengaruhi tingkah laku, sedangkan tempat di atas sangat
terbatas sekali.

Segala tingkah laku manusia bersumber

pada dorongan yg terletak jauh di dalam
ketidaksadaran, karena itu disebut
Psikologi Dalam.
Disebut juga Psikodinamik, karena
menekankan pada dinamika atau gerak
mendorong dari dorongan-dorongan
dalam ketidaksadaran itu ke kesadaran.

The Unconscious

Clinical evidence for postulating the unconscious:

Slips of the tongue
Posthypnotic suggestions
Material derived from free-association
Material derived from projective techniques
Symbolic content of psychotic symptoms

NOTE: consciousness is only a thin slice of the total mind

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

The Development of Personality


Ages 6-12

A time of socialization


Ages 3-6

Related to later sexual attitudes


Ages 1-3

Related to later personal power/control issues


Related to later mistrust and rejection issues


First year

Sexual energies are invested in life

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Ages 12-60

The Structure of Personality

THE ID The Demanding Child (biological

component, unconsciousness)

THE EGO The Traffic Cop (psychological


Ruled by the pleasure principle

Ruled by the reality principle

THE SUPEREGO The Judge (social


Ruled by the moral principle

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4


Sistem utama kepribadian

Rahim tempat Ego berkembang
Berisi segala sesuatu yg secara psikologis diturunkan,
telah ada sejak lahir termasuk insting yaitu insting
mempertahankan hidup (life instinct) merupakan
dorongan seksual/libido dan dorongan untuk mati
(death instinct) merupakan dorongan agresi (marah,
menyerang orang lain, berkelahi)
Reservoir energi psikis dan merupakan penggerak Ego
dan SE
Berhubungan erat dengan proses-proses jasmani
darimana energi berasal


Disebut Kenyataan Psikis Yang Sebenarnya, karena ID

merupakan pencerminan pengahayatan subyektif dan
tidak mengenal kenyataan obyektif (uncounscious,
irasional, tidak terorganisir)
Tidak mentolerir peningkatan energi yg dirasakan
sebagai suatu ketegangan pada diri seseorang
ID memiliki Prinsip Kenikmatan/Pleasure Principle)
--- > akan berusaha menyalurkan ketegangan dengan
segera dan mengembalikan keseimbangan, agar
kembali pada keadaan tenang dan menyenangkan.


Untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit dan mendapat kenikmatan, Id

mempunyai 2 proses, yaitu ; Tindakan Refleks dan Proses
Tindakan Refleks Reaksi otomatik dan bawaan, seperti
bersin dan berkedip
Proses Primer Menghentikan ketegangan dg membentuk
khayalan tentang obyek yg dapat menghilangkan ketegangan.
Pengalaman dimana obyek yg diinginkan hadir dalam bentuk
gambaran ingatan Pemenuhan Hasrat/ Wishfulfillment
Id tidak dapat membedakan antara realitas dan bukan realitas.
Proses primer tdk dapat mengurangi ketegangan, maka
dibutuhkan proses sekunder EGO


Berfungsi untuk mewujudkan kebutuhan pada dunia

nyata, dan mampu membedakan apa yang ada dalam
diri dan luar diri Proses Sekunder ;
Prinsip kenyataan (Reality Principles) mencegah
terjadi ketegangan sampai ditemukan objek yg sesuai
Pengujian terhadap kenyataan (Reality Testing) Ego
mengontrol semua fungsi kognitif dan intelektual,
menyusun rencana pemenuhan kebutuhan, dan menguji
rencana tsb.


Eksekutif kepribadian mengontrol pintu-pintu

ke arah tindakan, memilih lingkungan,
memutuskan insting mana akan dipuaskan,
bagaimana caranya. Mengintegrasikan tuntutan
ID , Super Ego dan realitas
Mengendalikan Id dan menghalau impuls dan
perasaan cemas dan tidak menyenangkan melalui
mekanisme pertahanan diri (Defense Mechanism)

Super Ego (SE)

Perwujudan internal dari nilai-nilai, prinsip

moral, dan cita-cita tradisional masyarakat.
Merupakan wewenang moral dari
kepribadian mencerminkan yang ideal,
bukan yang real.
Memperjuangkan kesempurnaan, bukan
Memutuskan benar-salah, bertindak sesuai
norma moral masyarakat

Istilah-Istilah SE

Suara hati (Conscience) Sub sistem SE,

berisi hal-hal yg menurut orang tua tidak
baik dilakukan, dan bila dilakukan
mendapat hukuman
Ego Ideal Wadah yg menampung halhal yg disuruh dan bila dikerjakan
mendapat hadiah
Introyeksi Proses masuknya suara hati
dan ego ideal dari pendidikan orang tua ke
dlm diri, sehingga membentuk kontrol diri.

Fungsi Pokok SE

Merintangi impuls-impuls ID, terutama

impuls seksual dan agresif
Mendorong EGO untuk menggantikan
tujuan realistis dengan tujuan moralistis
Mengajar kesempurnaan
Dengan demikian seolah-olah SE selalu
menentang ID dan EGO, serta selalu
berusaha untuk membentuk bayangannya

Ego-Defense Mechanisms

Ego-defense mechanisms:

Are normal behaviors which operate on an

unconscious level and tend to deny or distort
Help the individual cope with anxiety and
prevent the ego from being overwhelmed
Have adaptive value if they do not become a
style of life to avoid facing reality

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

View of human nature

Behavior is determined by irrational forces,
unconscious motivation, and biological and
instinctual drives.
The first 6 years of life

Libido: a source of motivation and energy

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Therapeutic Goals

Make the unconscious conscious

Strengthen the ego
Explore past to increase selfunderstanding and gain insight
Successful analysismodification of
the individuals personality.

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Therapists function and role

Little self-disclosure to foster a transference

Help clients to achieve self-awareness, deal
with anxiety, gain control, make unconscious
conscious, and understand why for their
Building relationship, listening, interpretation,
and paying attention on resistances
The role of clients readiness to change

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Therapeutic Relationship

Working though the transference

Understanding the old pattern, connecting
to current issues, and making new choices
Reactions is not equal to transferences
Contertransference reaction as a
therapeutic tool to understand the world of
the clients
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4


Free association activity

Write 5 minutes whatever come to your

mind for the following topic
1. Free association about your dream OR
2. Pick up an animal (e.g., Bird) and then write
any thoughts in you mind

Any themes?

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Psychoanalytic Techniques

Free Association

Client reports whatever comes to mind

Open doors to unconscious wishes, fantasies,
conflicts, and motivation.

Dream Analysis

Therapist uses the royal road to the

unconscious to bring unconscious material
to light

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Psychoanalytic Techniques


Therapist points out, explains, and teaches the

meanings of whatever is revealed
Close to conscious awareness
Go only as deep as the client is able to go
Point out resistance or defense before interpreting
the emotion or conflict that lies beneath it

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Transference and Countertransference


The client reacts to the therapist as he did to an

earlier significant other

This allows the client to experience feelings that would

otherwise be inaccessible
ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERENCE allows the client to
achieve insight into the influence of the past


The reaction of the therapist toward the client that

may interfere with objectivity

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4



Anything that works against the progress of therapy

and prevents the production of unconscious material

Analysis of Resistance

Helps client become aware of the reasons for the

resistance (e.g., avoiding pain or anxiety)
Helps the client to see that canceling appointments,
fleeing from therapy prematurely, etc., are ways of
defending against anxiety

These acts interfere with the ability to accept changes which

could lead to a more satisfying life

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

Psychoanalytic Therapy From a

multicultural perspective

Contribution to multicultural counseling

Help clients to build ego and cultural identity

Help therapists become aware their own source of
countertransference, bias, prejudices, and stereotypes.

Limitations for multicultural counseling

Cost, Upper- and middle-class values

Ambiguity (vs. Asian prefers structured and concrete solution)
Blame clients vs. blame external factors (social, cultural, or
political factors)

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4


Contributions of Psychoanalytic approach

Limitations of psychoanalytic approach
Case of Stan and Ruth

Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4

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