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Step 1:
1. Erytrocyte disorder : is a condition where shape size and amount is
impared blood system , colour is abnormal, due to the decrease and
increase in levels of hemoglobin in erytrocyte,
2. The sympton of blood disorder: disorder in the procces of blood formation
Step 2:
Erytrocyte disorder:
1. What is kind of erytrocyte disorder ?
2. What is the sympton of erytrocyte disorder?
3. What kind of disorder that can change erytrocyte stuctur?
4. What is the etyology of erytrocyte disorder ?
5. Is there relation between sex and erytrocyte disorder?
6. What is the sickness of erytrocyte disorder?
7. What is the classification of anemia?
8. How about the treatment to solved anemia?
9. What if red blood cell count was normal but decreased hemoglobin
level include in the erytrocyte disorder ?
10.Why patients in this scenario felt weak tired and headache?
Step 3:
Erytrocyte disorder:
1. What is kind of erytrocyte disorder ,explain?
- Anemia (an: without, negative; haima: blood) is a hemoglobin level
below its normal range of 14-18 g/dl for males and 12-16 g/dl for

- Anemia Based Upon Reduced Production Rate

APLASTIC ANEMIA Pancytopenia: all formed elements are
deficient. Occurs with marrow suppressants such as used in
chemotherapy, radiation or drug reactions. All normal formed
element precursors are greatly reduced. CBI#10-3
IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA Most iron is recycled although
about 1-2 mg are lost daily in the urine, faces, and skin
(perspiration, sloughing); menstrual blood iron loss amounts to
another 1 mg/day. Iron from animal products (meat, liver, eggs) is
more likely in the "heme" form, a more easily absorbed form. First
absorbed iron is stored in the intestinal epithelium, liver and in

macrophages widely dispersed throughout the body. Often the

blood loss component of iron deficiency anemia is from GI
bleeding. Erythrocytes are microcytic and hypochromic. Do you
see how the red blood cell count may be "normal" and yet there is
anemia? CBI#10-4
daily and the body normally stores 2-5 mg. Vitamin B 12 is also
known as cobalamin and is required for normal DNA synthesis;
when lacking, pancytopenia results. But with no impairment of
RNA or protein synthesis, growth proceeds causing megaloblastic
anemia or more commonly pernicious anemia. These abnormally
large erythrocytes (macrocytic cells) are removed more rapidly
from circulation than normocytic cells. Most frequently,
absorption is inadequate because intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein
normally produced by parietal cells of the gastric mucosa, is
insufficient. The ileum absorbing epithelial cells contain receptors,
not for cobalamin alone but the combined cobalamin-intrinsic
factor. It is transported in the blood to the bone marrow as transcobalamin. Thus, the basis is often atrophic gastritis, an
autoimmune attack on both the parietal cells and intrinsic factor.
This vitamin is also needed for normal myelin formation and so
pernicious anemia is often associated with neuropathy as
well. CBI#10-5
FOLIC ACID DEFICIENCY ANEMIA Usually associated with
poor diets so is more common in poor, elderly, alcoholics and in
cancer patients. It is a megaloblastic anemia. Many forms of
chemotherapy produce a folic acid deficiency. CBI#10-6
long term infections and chronic inflammations. More
erythrocytes may be produced so reticulocyte count often rises.
Also, erythropoietin may be not be produced in sufficient
quantities to maintain equilibrium

What is the sympton of erytrocyte disorder?

- Feeling weak, tired and headache,
- System cardiovasculer : Tachycardia, shortness breath,
- Feeling cold on extremity,

- Nervus system : Abnormal hearing, headache,

3. What kind of disorder that can change erytrocyte stuctur?
4. What is the etyology of erytrocyte disorder ?
- B12 and folic acid deficiency
- Iron deficiency
- Destruction of erytrocytecell prematurely
5. Is there relation between sex and age on erytrocyte disorder?
6. What if red blood cell count was normal but decreased hemoglobin
level include in the erytrocyte disorder ?
7. Why patients in this scenario felt weak tired and headache?
- Due to lack of nutrition and lack of oxygen supply to the brain
- Lack of hb -> lack o2 -> less energy -> weak
- Lack of hb -> lack o2 -> supply of oxygen to the brain lower-> weak

Anemia :
8. What is the classification of anemia?
- megaloblastic anemia (,deficiency B12,asam folat)
- hemolitic Anemia (aplastic Anemia,Anemia cronic diseases, gagal
- Anemia hypocromic micrositer( Anemia deficiency Fe, thalasemia,
Anemia akibat penyakit cronic)
9. How about the treatment to solved anemia?
- Tes pemeriksaan fisik dasar ( konjungtiva pucat, rambutnya mudah
dicabut, wajahnya pucat, kuku sendok, pendarahan gusi , telapak
tangan kuning, nyeri tulang)
- Hematology khusus dan rutin
- Deficiency zat besi ( makana yg mngandung zat besi,suplemen zat
- Deficiency B12 ( suplemen B12)
- Gagal ginjal( transfusi darah)
10.Explain about patologys, fisiologys tiap penyakit kelainan eritrosit
saatu per satu,

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