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Roles of local and regional governments

A Strategy and Program for a Climate Neutral Berlin in 2050

1st World Community Power Conference, Fukushima, 3. November 2016

Dr. Felix Groba

Head of Energy Working Unit
Berlin Senate Department on Urban Development and Environment
Special Unit on Climate and Energy

Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

Berlin: Facts and Figures




Capital city of Germany and one of the 16 German states (Lnder)

Administration: Central administration (Senatsverwaltungen) and 12 districts

Population: about 3.5 million, density: 3809 inhabitants/km2

High population growth, forecast: 3.75 million by 2030
Refugees: approximately 40.000 in 2015

GDP 2012 at 117.3 billion (low), above- (German) average growth rate of 2.2 %
unemployment rate at about 11 % in 2014
(German average 6.7 %), decreasing tendency
mainly service sector, also creative industries, research,
media and IT, tourism (about 9 million visitors per year)


green city: around one third of the city's area is

composed of forests, parks, gardens, rivers and lakes
remarkable public transport system, biggest metro system in Germany
motorisation rate: 324 cars/1000 residents in 2014 (German
average 538/1000); more than 50 % of all households own no car
share of private motorized transport is decreasing despite of growing population
(from 38 % in 1998 to 30 % in 2013)

Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

Challenges and Opportunities

Stagnant trend of CO2 emission reduction
Growing city
High percentage of fossil energies
Urban area, limited space for expansion of renewable energies


Role of cities in climate policy increasingly acknowledged
Lot of flexibility options (e.g. heating networks, power-to-x-technologies)
as window
innovative ideas
und Umwelt
High readiness for behavioural change in Berlin (e.g. sharing economy)

Status-Quo of Energy Supply

CO2-Emissions by fuel sources 1990 - 2012


CO2-Emissions in tonnes per capita

PEC by fuels in 2012

Emission by Source 2010

Substantial coal substitution since 1990

central and large scale CHP important
Lowest per capita Emission in Germany
Renewable generation marginal (electricity
and heat) but highest share of green
electricity consumers
Major emission source: Buildings (private,
industry, services)
Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

New Strategy: Climate-Neutral Berlin 2050


2011: Coalition agreement : Getting Berlin climate neutral by 2050

2012: Public vote on taking energy grids in municipality control and
founding a public electricity company
2012: Special Unit on Climate Protection and Energy



Development and communication of energy and climate policy positions

respecting special urban characteristics and needs
Coordination of activities of other ministries, districts, private actors.
Development of a schedule on reaching the goal.

Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

Triad of Instruments on policy

Feasibility Study
Climate Neutral Berlin

2012 - 2014

Berlin Energy and

Climate Protection
Programm (BEK)
Research study
City Government
Juni 2016
Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

Applications on running
energy grids by municipal
(since 2013)
Founding a public electricity
company for decentralised
renewable energey
generation (in 2014)

Turnaround Law
Berlin (EWG)

Drafting Process
2013 -2015
City Parliament
April 2016)

Feasibility study:
Climate-Neutral City Berlin 2050

Can Berlin become climate neutral?

Which requirements have to be fulfilled?
Analysis of CO2-emissionen &
reduction potentials
Reference scenario & two alternative
future development scenarios for
objective achievement
Recommendations for a climate
protection path

85 % Emission reduction possible

Linking electricity & heat sector by using excess
electricity from renewable in Berlin and suburbs
Large potential for solar energy (PV and thermal)
Recommendations of action for each action field
Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin
Very positive regional effects on the economy


Feasibility study:
Climate-Neutral City Berlin 2050

fr Stadtentwicklung
und Umwelt
Source: Machbarkeitsstudie

Energy Turnaround Act Berlin


Makes climate targets and their instruments legally binding

(40 % until 2020, 60% until 2030, 85 % bis 2050 compared to 1990)

Makes climate action and adaptation planning and its

monitoring mandatory
Role model function of the public sector mandatory

Came into force on 6 April 2016

Next step: Implementation of Berlin Climate and Energy Programme

Role model of public administration and buidlings

CO2-neutral public administration by 2030
Renovation roadmaps for public buildings
Climate policy on district level mandatory
Climate protection agreements with industry
Adaptation planning and climate education
becomes mandatory
Development of Berlin Energy an Climate Program and
regular monitoring legally binding (indifferent of political
Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin
party changes)

Berlin Energy and Climate Program

Function Key plan of strategies and measures (Roadmap)
Measures cover all relevant sectors (energy supply,
economy, transport, urban development & buildings,
private households & consumption)
Focus on 2030 and flexible due to fixed program-cycle
Elements Mandatory by Energy Turnaround Act
Broad public participation (online participation,
workshops, events)
Focus on implementation of specific measures (100):
Masterplan Solar City Densification of head grids
Shifting modal split
Flexibility option
City planning
Update Senate decision on 7 June 2016, review under
new Senate obligatory, Sub-programme on adaptation
fr Stadtentwicklung
und Umwelt Berlin of first measures started

Berlin Energy and Climate Program

All information available on , commenting possible

Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

Roles of local and regional governments

- Summary Challanges

Cities account for the largest share of economic acitivies,

population and hence CO2-Emissions
Energy and climate policy of cities has to fit in national regulation
which eventually does not respect city specifities

Communities/cities often closer to important actors which enhances

participation and policy support
Set their own goals and implement respective implementation
Soft measures to raise awareness among stakeholders:
(Information campaigns, Education, Workshops, promotion
of best practices projects)
Policies to enable stakeholders to act by providing
incentives (loans, guarantees, subsidies, grants)
Policies regulating the performance of stakeholder and
sanctioning the lack of it. (Mandates to achieve
objectives, city planning tools)
Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin


Source: Following Azevedo et. al (2013)

Thank You!

Senatsverwaltung fr Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Berlin

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