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Digital Unit Plan Template

Unit Title: Softball

Name: Sydney Colenzo

Content Area: Physical Education

Grade Level: 7

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

1.1 Demonstrate mature techniques for the following patterns: overhand, sidearm, and underhand throwing; catching; kicking/
punting; striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
2.1 Identify and describe key elements in the mature performance of overhand, sidearm, and underhand throwing; catching;
kicking/punting; striking; trapping; dribbling (hand and foot); and volleying.
5.2 Accept responsibility for individual improvement.
Big Ideas/Unit Goals:
At the end of the unit, students will
be able to answer these questions:
How does physical education relate to what I do every day?
How will physical activity help me now and in the future?
What is healthy competition?
21st Century Skills
Students will learn how to throw a softball properly using different arm angles
Students will be able to utilize the different arm angles during a game
Students will learn the difference between positive and negative competition

Unit Summary:
n this unit, students will develop skills needed to successfully participate in a softball game. The students will practice in both closed and open situations throughout
the year. The students will learn how to throw underhand, overhand, and a sidearm throw. They will learn how to strike a softball off a tee and being thrown at them.
The students will be able to demonstrate proper techniques when fielding a ground ball or a fly ball. Throughout the unit, the students will not only be able learn, but
they will have fun while playing.

Assessment Plan:

Entry-Level: Brainstorm - what the critical elements

are for throwing to a partner?

Formative: Quiz - the five critical elements when

throwing to a partner

Summative: Presentation - throwing with a partner

using all critical elements of throwing overhand,
underhand and sidearm

Lesson 1
Student Learning Objective:

Demonstrate accuracy
of throwing

Acceptable Evidence
(Assessments): Completed
lecture notes.

Lesson Activities: Students will view a lecture presentation on how to throw a softball and fill out structured
notes given to each student by the teacher.

Acceptable Evidence:
Completed webercise

Lesson Activities: Students will complete the webercise activity on how to throw a softball. They will visit the
zunal website and complete the activity given on there.

Acceptable Evidence:
Completion of the graphic
organizer, KWL Chart

Lesson Activities: Students will create a KWL Chart and will write out what they know about throwing
side arm, what they want to know, and what they have learned after researching.

Lesson 2
Student Learning Objective:

Demonstrate accuracy
of throwing overhand.
Lesson 3
Student Learning Objective:

Demonstrate accuracy
of throwing sidearm.
Unit Resources: - This website is where teacher lectures will be posted. - This website is where quizzes may be uploaded. - This video demonstrates the proper throwing mechanics of how to throw a softball. Students can refer to this video
throughout the lesson.

Useful Websites: - This video shows the proper way to throw underhand. - This video demonstrates the proper way to a softball overhand. - This video goes over the proper technique for throwing a softball.

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