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Early Years Pupil Premium Action Plan 2016-17

The Pupil Premium is allocated to children from low-income families.

For the financial year 2016-17 12/46 pupils are entitled (26%) to benefit from the additional funding.
The school receives 3,600 (based on September 2016 intake)

How well do our children achieve?

How good is the overall personal development and well-being of the children?
How well are additional learning needs of children diagnosed and provided for?
What opportunities do they have to develop self-confidence and to work in teams?
How well is equality of opportunity and inclusion promoted?
How effectively do we make links with parents, other providers, services and organisations to promote the integration of care, education and

any extended services to enhance learning and promote well-being?



How Achieved?

Nursery 12 (September 2016)

Total: 12

Success Criteria



To provide an inclusion

Provide support

To overcome barriers to

manager support for

throughout school to PP

learning by reducing worry and

identified pupils to aid

children through

lack of confidence.

academic, social and

transition and support

To reduce pupils experiencing

emotional development.

for additional

issues over an extended time,

behavioural and

with minimal referrals to

emotional needs.

CAHMS or other outside

Target 1: Reading: All staff to

have consistently high
expectations of what children


can achieve, including most able

To learn how to cope with

and disadvantaged children.

difficult situations, using an

Target 2: Assessment

adult for support in developing

information is used to plan

suitable coping strategies.

appropriate teaching and


learning strategies, including to

To reduce stress levels for

identify pupils who are falling

parents concerned about how

behind in their learning or who

need additional support,

well their child is coping with

enabling pupils to achieve well.

school life.

Target 3: The schools

Offer daily support and promote

engagement with parents,

parental involvement.

carers and employers helps

Attendance to be above 95%.

them to understand how

children and learners are doing

Academic progress to be

in relation to the standards

accelerated closing the gap to

expected and what they need

age related expectation.

to do to improve.
Target 4: Attendance : To
increase attendance to 96%

To provide a speech

Employ on a weekly

To provide support across the

1 day per


and language therapist

basis a speech and

school to children identified



to work with PP

language therapist to

with a speech and language need.

2 PP children


children on a weekly

work alongside PP

To achieve sustainability of



children and their

provision (TA to observe


parents in their

sessions). Provide sessions in


development of their

school to aid parents in getting


speech and language.

their children to appointments.

Target 1: : Reading: All staff

to have consistently high
expectations of what children
can achieve, including most able
and disadvantaged children.
Target 2:
Target 3: The schools
engagement with parents,
carers and employers helps
them to understand how
children and learners are doing
in relation to the standards
expected and what they need

to do to improve.

Funding to ensure all

Funding to provide all

Children to use their key worker

NR -2

All staff

Key worker practice is part of

children have their own

PP children with a Key

as their point of contact on a



everyday life at Fagley

allocated key worker.

worker in school.

daily basis. Key workers to

AC 7


Primary. Children access their

support children in all classes


key worker daily, they support

focusing on: homework, uniform,

MT 3

with homework and their day

parent engagement and


to day needs.

can achieve, including most able

participation in after school

All children

The bond formed by key

and disadvantaged children.


allocated a

workers ensures that a picture

Target 2: Assessment

key worker

is built up of the child and

information is used to plan

in their

their family. Special days are


known to the keyworkers so


they can prepare for

Target 1: : Reading: All staff

to have consistently high
expectations of what children

appropriate teaching and

learning strategies, including to
identify pupils who are falling
behind in their learning or who

excitement or upset. The

need additional support,

children trust their keyworker

enabling pupils to achieve well.

and will share information with

Target 3: The schools

them that they would not

engagement with parents,

carers and employers helps

normally share with other

them to understand how

adults. Keyworkers provide

children and learners are doing

the child with a substitute

in relation to the standards

expected and what they need

parent so that they feel safe

to do to improve.

and belong. A keyworker will

also be on hand if a child is
unwell for that extra comfort.

To provide a

To ensure the

Children to achieve age related


WellComm screening

in language and communication

practitioner to deliver

tool evaluates

particularly the speaking strand


childrens expressive

and Language

All PP
children in
nursery are

intervention) 2 days a

language skills



(talking) and


understanding of


language, up to the age

twice a

Target 1: : Reading: All staff

to have consistently high
expectations of what children

of 6 years. This

can achieve, including most able

screen allows us to

and disadvantaged children.

Target 3: The schools
engagement with parents,
carers and employers helps
them to understand how
children and learners are doing
in relation to the standards


identify and support

children who would
benefit from
intervention to
support their language

expected and what they need

and communication

to do to improve.

To provide support and

Delivery of Speakeasy,

PP parents targeted to attend a

Family Liaison

guidance through

Family links and Parent

minimum of one of the sessions


parenting classes to


this academic year 2016-17.

the most vulnerable

Target 2: Assessment
information is used to plan
appropriate teaching and
learning strategies, including to
identify pupils who are falling
behind in their learning or who
need additional support,
enabling pupils to achieve well.
Target 3: The schools
engagement with parents,
carers and employers helps
them to understand how
children and learners are doing

in relation to the standards

expected and what they need
to do to improve.

To purchase core story

Each child to receive

Children to access their core

books for each PP

their own copy of the

story book at home with family



class core story book

members. Build a library of

Key workers

each half term.

their own home reading books.

Family Liaison

Staff to receive feedback from


Target 1: : Reading: All staff

to have consistently high
expectations of what children
can achieve, including most able

families throughout the school

and disadvantaged children.

year re: their thought on the

Target 3: The schools

core stories and how they are

engagement with parents,

shared at home.

carers and employers helps

them to understand how
children and learners are doing
in relation to the standards
expected and what they need
to do to improve.



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