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Is No Accident
Compiled by Dean Amory

Title: Happiness Is No Accident

Compiled by: Dean Amory
Cover photo is courtesy of Imagerymajestic - FreeDigitalPhotosNet
Publisher: Edgard Adriaens, Belgium
ISBN: 978-1-291-98712-6
Copyright 2014 Edgard Adriaens, Belgium, - All Rights Reserved.

This book has been compiled based on the contents of nformation found on the internet. A
number of the articles in this book are indicated by TM or or contain a reference to the
original author. Whenever you cite such an in a commercial situation, please credit the
source or check with the IP -owner. If you are aware of a copyright ownership that I have not
identified or credited, please contact me at:

How To Enhance

Your Life
Public Domain Information Compiled by Dean Amory

Love What You Do - A Key Ingredient for Success - Donald J. Trump
Discover How To Reach Success, Happiness, Fame & Fortune! - Goldiemaz
The Secrets Of Happiness - Jordan Cheng
Doing Our Full Potential - Scott H Young
Double Your Reading Rate - Scott H Young
Twenty Unique Ways to Use the 80/20 Rule Today - Scott H Young
The Critical Seven Rules to Understand People - Scott H Young
Law of Attraction : Questions, Questions, Questions... - Aldian Prakoso
Loving Relationships Affirmations Mastering the Art of Life - John Ryder
The Three Levels of Thinking - The Power of Purpose - Peter S. Temes
The Secret Of Happiness Noah Weinberg
10 Critical Success Clues for Success Lesley Fieger
10 Winning Traits for Success Richard Gorham
12 Elements for Success Lesley Fieger
How To Make Your Wildest Dreams A Reality Craig Lock
Ignite Your Success - Paul Frazer
Seven Character Traits of Successful People Chris Widener
Seven Ideas for Success Uravi Kumar
7 Things You Can Do To Reach The Success You Truly Desire BZ Riger Hull
Being a Winner - Ten Tips for Success Petra Rankin
The Amazing Success Secret Anyone Can Start Using Today Peter Murphy
How To Begin Your Journey To Success Dave Origano
Effective Strategies for Stopping Procrastination Garret Coan
The Power of Mind Imagery - Joel S. Nelson
What You Need To Do To Be Successful Graham and Julie
The Three-Step Formula To Success Dean Phillips
You Become What You Think About -
How To Remove Obstacles For Personal Growth - Author Unknown
How To Become Attractive - Thomas Leonard
Motivating Interviewing - Author Unknown
How To Live A Happy And Rewarding Life - Author Unknown
The Five Rules Of Happiness - Burt Goldman
Top Seven Strategies To Become The Best At What You Do - Lee Karjuki; Dean Amory

Sixty Small Ways To Improve Your Life In The Next 100 Days - Marelisa Fabrega
Quotes - Various Authors
What It Takes To Enhance Your Life - Dean Amory
Fifteen Ways To Enhance your Life Immediately - Dean Amory
Journey to Happiness - Organisational aid - Dean Amory


This is not a reading book that you can read in one evening. It's a kaleidoscope of opinions on
how you can enhance your life. Hence, the best way to read this book is to read one chapter at the
time and then bring into practice what you read before proceeding to the next chapter.
The texts in this book are public domain publications. However, before citing an article in a
commercial publication, it is advised to always check with the author.



by Donald J. Trump, Chairman, Trump University
There is an ingredient for success that is often overlooked, maybe because it sounds out of place in
business lingo. But I know for a fact that it is absolutely necessary to achieve any kind of long
lasting success, and I know this from experience. That ingredient is passion.
Enthusiasm on a big scale equals passion. If you dont have passion, everything you do will fizzle
out, or be mediocre, at best. You have to love what youre doing in order to make it in a big time
way. People with passion never give up, because theyll never have a reason to give up, no matter
what their circumstances might be. Its an intangible momentum that can make you indomitable.
Another way to see this clearly is to realize that passion conquers fear. This is an important fact
when considering achievement of any sort. Ralph Waldo Emerson said Every great and
commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was
ever achieved without it. I agree. Think about that statement and keep it close to you.
Next, assess your interests. What do you love doing? What is your imagination presenting to you?
Can you develop any of these interests into a viable source of income? Can you come up with a
personal blueprint? Do you have a foundation in place, or in the works, for this blueprint? Ask
yourself these questions, cover your bases, and then move forward. Without momentum, you will
simply be daydreaming.
Very often the dividing line between success and failure is a lack of passion. Ive known people
who have had fantastic ideas who cant seem to get them off the ground because they approach
everything passively. They think the idea will somehow get off the ground by itself, or that just
coming up with the idea is enough. Let me tell you somethingits not enough. It will never be
enough. You have to put the idea into action. And if you dont have the motivation or enthusiasm
to do it yourself, its likely your great idea will sit on top of your desk or inside your head for a
long time to come.
The pursuit of happiness is a proactive endeavour. People need to cultivate interests and explore
their own skills and talents to really find out what they love. But it doesnt end there. People
interested in happinessand who isnt?must also discover or create outlets to enhance and
sustain their passions.
Happiness, as a function of loving what you do, is a complex phenomenon that encompasses
temperament, talents, and deep-rooted personality traits. Theres a lot to sort out, but its more than
worth the effort because you cant fix problems you dont understand. A good self-evaluation,
undertaken through a formal assessment thats based on validated, statistical sampling, can go a
long way toward helping one learn just what it is that makes him/her happy, and finding a suitable
Passion is a catalyst. Use it to your advantage and you can start achieving tremendous things.
Whatever you do, dont overlook or underestimate this important ingredient for success. It can take
you to some amazing places!
Hope to see you there.


by goldiemaz
The secrets to getting ahead in life and being successful are so simple that we often overlook them.
Replacing a few bad habits with a few good ones can make a big difference.

Try the following tips to get ahead in life

Choose Good Companions
Two are better than one, and you will find it both protection and incentive if you can secure a
faithful friend; and in some respects better than two are the many; therefore you cannot do more
wisely than seek out a wider companionship. Whilst instructed by the information of some, and
strengthened by the firmer faith or larger experience of others, there are important themes on
which you will learn to think with precision.
Stop Procrastinating
Mrs. Whitney says, in one of her books, that "the things which are crowded out of a life are the test
of that life," and I believe that the saying is true in its widest sense. Examine our lives closely, and
we shall find that we constantly delude ourselves with the idea that we would accomplish certain
things if we had time, when, in truth, we have no real desire for those things. One person will say
that reading is out of the question; another will bewail the impossibility of maintaining social
relations; a third will avow that charitable or benevolent enterprises would delight her if she might
engage in them and all the time these good people are comforting themselves with a fallacy. The
things for which they do find time are the things they prefer.
The things which are crowded out are the things they would not choose if life lay unemployed
before them. Scores of wives and mothers are busied constantly with their family cares, but not
one in every score loves music enough to steal time for practice. Hundreds of young men are
forced by stress of circumstances to work hard for daily subsistence, but only one in a thousand,
perhaps, conquers the difficulty of his position, and makes a name for himself. This one might not
have found his way easier or its upward steps less tiresome, but he wanted to succeed, and so
wanting, let nothing needful be crowded out.
Keep Your Temper
You will accomplish nothing by losing it. Many date their failure in business to some hasty and illconsidered statement made during a fit of temper. When things go awry, business is dull, and the
prospect is dark ahead, it is very poor consolation to indulge in passionate and angry remarks to
those around you. The frown on a person's face is a good indication of the state of the feelings
within. The world judges us by our outward conduct and behaviour, and ill-nature and anger. Keep
your temper.

Energy and Courage

Energy enables a man to force his way through irksome drudgery and dry details, and carries him
onward and upward in every station in life. It accomplishes more than genius. Energy of will may
be defined to be the very central power of character in a man - in a word, it is the Man himself.
True hope is based on it - and it is hope that gives the real perfume to life. No blessing is equal to
the possession of a stout heart Charles IX, of Sweden, was a firm believer in the power of will,
even in a youth. Laying his hand on the head of his youngest son, when engaged upon a difficult
task, he exclaimed. "He shall do it! he shall do it!"
Nothing that is of real word can be achieved without courageous working. The timid and hesitating
find everything impossible, chiefly because it seems so. The Scriptural injunction, "Whatsoever
thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might", must be realized if you wish to succeed. It is
pluck, tenacity, and determined perseverance which wins soldiers' battles, and, indeed, every
battle. It is the one neck nearer that wins the race and shows the blood; it is the one march more
that wins the campaign; the five minutes' more persistent courage that wins the fight. Though your
force be less than another's, you equal and out-master your opponent if you continue it longer and
concentrate it more. The reply of the Spartan father, who said to his son, when complaining that
his sword was too short, "Add a step to it," is applicable to everything in life.
The Strength Of Silence
There is a mighty power in silence, and silence is frequently an evidence of power. There are many
people so weak that they can not hold their tongues, or keep their mouths shut. One who offends
not in word is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body. He who can control his tongue, can
control his entire nature. Hence silence is a token of power, of reserved force. He who knows how
to keep silence knows how to speak; and often his silence is more impressive than his speech.
"Brilliant flashes of silence" is by no means a senseless expression. How often have we seen the
babble of the foolish hushed by the silent glance of an earnest soul; how often the ribald jest or
scurrilous word has died upon the lips when an indignant silence was the only reply it could evoke.
That man or that woman who can stand silent amid reproaches and accusations and sneers and
scons, shows a degree of strength and power which falls not to the lot of every one. The silent
accomplish more than the noisy. The tail of the rattlesnake makes all the noise, but the head does
all the execution.
Idleness Not Happiness
The most common error is that of looking for happiness somewhere outside of useful work. It has
never yet been found when thus sought, and never will be while the world stands; and the sooner
this truth is learned the better for everyone. If you doubt the proposition, glance around among
your friends and acquaintances, and select those who appear to have the most enjoyment in life.
Are they the idlers and pleasure-seekers, or the earnest workers? We know what your answer will
be. Of all the miserable human beings it has been our fortune or misfortune to know, they were the
most wretched who had retired from useful employment to enjoy themselves; while the slave at his
enforced labour, or the hungry toiler for bread, were supremely happy in comparison.


By Jordan -
There are paradoxes surrounding wealth and happiness, which drive everyone to its pursuit. The
reality is, there are sufficient evidences to show a significant disconnect between wealth and wellbeing. Based on the research findings, you will know that happiness can be elusive and yet
The following are suggestions on how you can increase your happiness:
Realize That Wealth Does Not Create Permanent Happiness.
People adapt to changing circumstanceseven to wealth or a disability. Thus wealth is like health:
Its utter absence breeds misery, but having it (or any circumstance we long for) doesnt guarantee
The mind of every man, in a longer or shorter time, returns to its natural and usual state of
tranquillity. In prosperity, after a certain time, it falls back to that state; in adversity, after a
certain time, it rises up to it. (Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759)
Be Your Own Time Master.
Happy people are master of time management, and hence often feel in control of their lives. It
helps to set goals and break them into daily aims. Although we often overestimate how much we
will accomplish in any given day (leaving us frustrated), we generally underestimate how much we
can accomplish in a year, given just a little progress every day.
Be Happy, Even Deliberately.
We can deliberately put ourselves into a frame of mind by starting it with physical action. When
you feel moody, look at the mirror and put on a bright smile to yourself. It ignites the energy of
joyful emotion, which makes you feel better and trigger subsequent positive moods. When you
meet people outside, your energy can be felt by people and brings forth mutually contagious effect.
So put on a happy face. Talk like someone with high self-esteem, optimistic, and outgoing. Once
you go through the motions, it can trigger the emotions. As Mary Kay said: Fake it until you
make it
Align Work with Passion.
As mentioned in my previous post Experiencing Flow State, happy people often are in a
psychological state called in the zone or in the flow when one is completely absorbed in a
task that challenges them yet without overwhelming them. Most of the expensive forms of leisure
(such as sitting on a yacht) provide less flow experience than gardening, playing musical
instruments, painting, keeping fish, socializing, or craft work.
Be Physically Active.
It has become a known fact the exercise not only promotes health and energy, it is also an antidote
for mild depression and anxiety. Go for gym, jogging, swimming, yoga, aerobics, Pilates, and
anything that works your body and gets you perspiring. Sound minds reside in sound bodies. Read

my post Why Do I Wake Up At 6 am Every Morning on my experiences benefiting from daily

morning run.
Have Enough Rest.
Happy people live active vigorous lives yet reserve time for renewing sleep and solitude. Many
people suffer from sleep deficiency, with resulting fatigue, diminished alertness, and gloomy
moods. If insomnia is the cause, try to restore balance in life, exercise regularly, have proper diet,
get a massage, practice yoga and meditation.
Give Priority to Close Relationships.
Intimate friendships with those who care deeply about you can help you weather difficult times.
Confiding is good for soul and body. Resolve to nurture your closest relationships: to not take
those closest to you for granted, to display to them the sort of kindness that you display to others,
to affirm them, to play together and share together.
Focus Beyond Self.
Reach out to those in need. Happiness increases helpfulness (those who feel good do good). As
true as the saying what goes around comes around, doing good also makes one feel good. Being
opened to the needs of surrounding people also help you avoid dwelling in your own misery.
Be Grateful.
People who keep a gratitude journalwho pause each day to reflect on some positive aspect of
their lives (their health, friends, family, freedom, education, senses, natural surroundings, and so
on.) experience heightened well-being.
I cried because I had no shoes, states a Persian saying, until I met a man who had no feet.
Learn Not To Compare.
Most of the misery of people comes from comparing with others who are better or have more. This
is the definite source of discontent and a perpetual sense of lack. It may continue to drive you to
achieve more, but for the wrong reasons. It is like the rat on the treadmill, constantly chasing its
tail until exhaustion. It puts a person on over-drive without any sense of fulfilment. If there is any
happiness from achieving, it is often fleeting. When you stop comparing with others, you get
started on the path of freedom.
Our poverty became a reality. Not because of our having less, but by our neighbours having
more. (Will Campbell, Brother to a Dragonfly, 1977)
Nurture Your Spiritual Self.
For many people, faith provides a support community, a reason to focus beyond self, and a sense
of purpose and hope. Study after study finds that actively religious people are happier and that they
cope better with crises.
May you live a life of pure and permanent happiness!


by Scott H Young

An idea I am constantly referred to is that of living up to our full potential. I dont agree with
this concept. It might seem odd that someone who runs a personal development blog would
disagree with the concept of living up to our full potential, an idea that is often used as the
fundamental of personal development, so let me explain.
I personally believe that the idea of living up to our full potential illustrates a flaw in our
thinking about how we define success. Our full potential seems to imply that there is an arbitrary
point of maximum achievement for each of us in this life time. I think this type of thinking can be
inspiring, but also limit us in a way.
Thinking about living up to our full potential can often inspire or push us to make
improvements. In this sense, having a full potential to live up to is a good concept in order to get
us to make the improvements we need to make to live a great life. However, I believe that the
concept of full potential makes some inaccurate assumptions about success.
In order to see what these inaccurate assumptions are, we need to define success. So what is
I personally would consider success to be the measure of happiness, fulfilment and impact we have
with our lives. Success is the sense that we are fulfilled with our contribution to the world and are
doing our best. Think about it. Everything we do in life is pretty much to directly or indirectly
influence these factors. We want to be happy and fulfilled in our life and our lifes purpose. Once
we have that we want to increase the positive impact we can have on the world. That is how I
would define success.
So where does happiness and fulfilment come from? Happiness and fulfilment come from growth.
When we feel we are growing, improving and experiencing life to the best of our abilities is when
we are the most fulfilled and contented. Therefore I would say that the measure of success we have
in life is the level of growth we are currently experiencing.
So why does this conflict with the concept of living up to our full potential?
I believe this conflict arises because this implies that the true measure of success is in achieving a
certain point or position in the continuum of personal development. But based on our definition of
success, the position is not really what creates success. Success instead is based on the rate of
growth or velocity.
So instead of our past concept of living up to our full potential. I would say it more accurately as
doing our full potential. This may seem like semantics but the difference is crucial.
Living up to our true potential, that is the arbitrary point of maximum achievement in our lives is
daunting and rarely inspiring. How can one possibly live up to their full potential without the


benefit of hindsight? Even if we are doing our best, we might make mistakes or incorrect
decisions. This true potential implies that success, happiness and fulfilment, are linked to
achieving our full potential. Seeing as this full potential is always just out of reach, extending
this line of thinking says that we will not be happy or fulfilled unless we reach it. This is why I
think this statement actually demotivates a lot of people.
Doing our full potential implies that we are going to do our best to grow and improve ourselves.
This statement puts the pressure on the present, not the impossibly huge context of our whole lives.
In this sense, as long as we are doing the best we possibly can, we are successful. We can always
do our best, regardless of a specific outcome.
By focusing on doing our full potential we can experience maximum growth and improvement in
our lives. From this improvement and growth we can achieve happiness and fulfilment. Knowing
we are doing the best we can is enough to satisfy. From this context I would say that a recovering
alcoholic doing his best to improve his life is more successful than someone who has settled into
an average life.
Our full potential in the course of our lives is often at the mercy of different factors we cannot
control. If we were to suddenly die tomorrow, I wouldnt say that where we our right now was our
full potential. Furthermore, this full potential gets us to strive towards a point, rather than focusing
on the growth and direction itself.
This concept of success as being an arbitrary point is prevalent in the way we set goals. I often
hear about people who say that they werent any happier after achieving their goals than they were
before. These people would often go on to claim that the problem was with goal setting entirely.
The fact is, the real problem is that they believed success (happiness and fulfilment) was linked
with an arbitrary point, rather than the rate of their own growth. The reason you set goals is to
increase your velocity, to increase the rate of your growth, not just to achieve a specific milestone,
or position, in that development. It may seem odd that the purpose of goal setting isnt just to
achieve the goal, but rather to get us to push beyond our normal expectations, but it is very true.
I believe that many people who like this expression already use it in the way I describe as doing
instead of reaching a point. For those people I think youve already got the right idea. Focus on
how you can do your best right in this moment. As long as you are doing that, you are successful.
Life is a journey not a destination. Dont focus on reaching an arbitrary point, whether that is our
full potential or even your specific goals. Instead focus on whether you are doing your best to
grow, improve and expand. Focus not on living up to your full potential but in doing your full
potential in every moment of your life.


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Providing New Hope Today For Rewarding And Fulfilling Tomorrows
Bringing you positive ideas for self growth and success
Miracles are your responsibility! By : John Di Lemme
As you read this today, my goal is for you to take responsibility and realize that you have the
innate ability to create miracles. So lets get started!
The 7 Most Important Subjects Never Taught In School By : Kevin Michael Kiley
Life is actually very simple. The hard part is allowing it to be that way. This article briefly
describes the 7 areas of our lives to which we should pay constant attention. Having ideals in these
7 areas and learning to move toward those ideals in a regular and balanced way can provide a
powerful sense of meaning and purpose. This article is meant to help people see this more simply
and clearly and to prod them in that direction.



by Scott H Young
Reading is an incredibly important skill to have. Just about any form of education will involve
reading, sometimes almost exclusively. You can often make yourself an expert on an intellectual
subject just by reading enough in that area. But despite the incredible importance of reading, most
people are wildly inefficient at it. Sure: most people have enough reading skills to move around.
But they are far from running.
Over a year ago I picked up the book, Breakthrough Rapid Reading
by Peter Kump, an expert in the area of speed-reading. From that
purchase I took the time and energy to study other ways to improve my
reading skill. When I did the initial test, I could read at 450 words per
minute. A little above the average of around 300, but nothing
spectacular. By using the techniques Ill describe in this article I was
able to increase that rate to around 900 words per minute in average
situations, at least doubling of my reading rate.
I believe there are six major keys to improving your reading skill. Like
all skills, success only comes through practice, so just reading this
article wont be enough. But if you are interested in how you might be
able to make dramatic improvements in both speed and comprehension,
Ive found these six points to be the best start.
1) Remember, Reading is Not Linear
How do you read a book? Likely from start to finish, never going back and never skipping any
sections. This is probably one of the most inefficient ways to read. The beauty of text is that it is
non-linear. You can skip down to read only my main bullet points, or read them in practically any
order. Although the pattern of start to finish might be a simple one, it isnt always the most
For most books I do read in a roughly start to finish fashion. But I frequently re-read passages that
I want to get a greater understanding of and completely skim over passages that I feel are
redundant or unnecessary. Good writers generally add anecdotes or metaphors to improve
understanding of a concept which you can skim over top of if you already get their point.
Similarly, bad writers often go short on explanation of complex details so re-reading can allow
your brain the time to form the concepts.
Not only is reading non-linear but it doesnt have a set pace. Although I read some books at about
900 words per minute, I slow down to 200 if the passage I am reading is particularly information
dense or complicated. Similarly I can skim at over 1500 words per minute if Im reading mostly
fluff. Saying I can read at 900 wpm is like saying I can drive at 100 km/h. Speed reading isnt just
about faster but pacing yourself for the specific reading task you face.
Most people read a book as if it were given to them as a speech. They listen to the author and
follow along with what he is saying in a purely sequential manner. In order to reach faster rates of
comprehension you have to learn to abandon this tactic. You can start this by not sub vocalizing.


2) Stop Sub vocalizing

When you started to read you probably read out loud.
Your elementary school teacher wanted you to read
the book and say the words aloud. After you
mastered this skill, you were told to simply say the
words inside your head and read quietly. This is
where most reading education and skill levels end.
To move to a new level you need to stop sounding
the words inside your head or sub vocalizing. Sub
vocalizing takes time, more time than is necessary to
comprehend the words you are reading. It is almost
impossible to go much beyond 400 or 500 words
while sub vocalizing. Instead you need to train
yourself to read without hearing the words in your head.
But for most people this has become such an ingrained reading habit that they dont realize that
sub vocalization is a distinct process to comprehension. If I read at around a thousand words per
minute, there is no way I could hear the words in my head while trying to process them. Instead I
simply see the word and my brain automatically constructs what has been written. Ill understand a
line of text that I looked over in a second, even though it may have taken at least five just to say
the words in my head.
Since most people currently cant separate the sub vocalization from comprehension, they are
locked in at a rate of about 400-500 words. Moving beyond that rate requires that you practice
reading faster than you can actually read.
Edit: Ive done a follow-up to explain sub vocalization more as I think this post may have confused
people a little. Check it out here: Speed Reading Follow-Up
3) Practice Reading
Practice reading doesnt mean reading. Practice reading involves reading faster than you can
actually read. Chances are you wont comprehend much of what you are reading because your
brain is so used to going at a slower rate and sub vocalizing. The point is simply to see the text
faster than you can read so you can untie the habit of sounding the words as you comprehend them.
You can start doing this by taking out a timer or a stop watch and simply viewing as much text in a
book as possible in one minute. Use a book you havent read before to ensure your brain is actually
practicing instead of relying on memory. Mark out where you started and stopped. Count the
number of words per line (use a quick average) and then the number of lines you actually read in
the book to compute your practice reading rate.
Once you get used to practice reading at a high rate that you cant comprehend, you should slowly
be able to actually comprehend at a slightly slower rate but still faster than if you sub vocalized. I
would often practice read at between 1500 and 1800 words per minute, and although I lacked
comprehension skill, I could maintain it at about 900-1000, over double what I had done when I
sub vocalized.


But how can you practice read faster than you can read? How do you follow the text but still go
faster than you can read? The answer is another of speed reading tricks, using a pointer.
4) Use a Pointer
Your eyes dont stay fixed in one spot when reading. Eye
tracking movements have shown that your eyes actually quiver
and move around considerably. And every movement away from
your position in text requires a few milliseconds to readjust.
These little readjustments in locating your place in a book add up
to be very costly if you want to go faster.
Use your index finger to mark where you are on the page at all
times. It should follow along with the word you are currently
reading, slowly scrolling across each line and then back down
one. It may feel awkward at first and it may even temporarily
slow your reading rate as you adjust, but using a pointer is
critical if you want to improve your reading skill.
Using a pointer is also crucial if you want to practice read. By
moving your finger faster than you can actually read, your eyes
get used to viewing text faster than your brain can process what is written down. This will break
your sub vocalization attachment and can easily let you double your reading rate with sufficient
You should use your finger as a pointer all the time. When I first started with the habit I found it
annoying to hold the book in a funny position so I could use my right hand to scroll the page. I
thought it was silly and maybe even a waste of time. But now I find it hard to read without a
pointer. Noticing how much it has helped me focus my reading efforts it is a priceless tool in
5) Eliminate Distractions
As a university student living on campus Ive noticed a few of my friends who study while
watching television. Not surprisingly, these tend to be the same people who complain about how
much studying they have to do. Reading cant happen in an environment where external
distractions are overwhelming.
If you need a break, take a break. Taking a few minutes to watch a television show, listen to some
music or just close your eyes can often improve your focus. But dont multitask with your reading
or youll lose any benefits speed reading can offer. Worse, because you have stopped sub
vocalizing, you might even skim through several pages before you realize you havent
comprehended anything that was written.
Distractions will hamper regular reading but they will make speed reading impossible. Sub
vocalization creates enough mental noise that it can hold your attention, but without that it can
often be difficult to stick with what you are reading.
External distractions may be a problem, but internal distractions are just as bad. They occur when
in the midst of reading you start pondering that conversation you just had with a friend, the movie


you want to see or whether you should do your laundry. The way to remove internal distractions
comes from clearly identifying a purpose and a motivation.
6) Find Your Motivation
If there was one piece of advice I would
offer to improve your reading rate it would
be simply to engross yourself in the
material you are studying. If you can
connect what you are reading to a deeply
held motivation, and determine your
specific purpose for reading you can
maintain a very alert and focused state.
Most people dont do this. Instead they
force themselves to study the book they
know they should and end up having to
refocus themselves every thirty seconds
when their mind decides that this book is
boring and would like to be somewhere
First, find a general motivation. This is
how what you are reading relates to your
truly motivating goals and passions in life.
When I read my psychology textbook I
focus on the fact that many personal
development principles come from an
understanding of human psychology and
that I may discover new ideas if I look carefully. When studying ancient Asian history I focused on
the fact that studying a completely different culture could offer insights into how Western and
Eastern value systems differed, giving me new thoughts on whether my values are as absolute as I
once thought. I also focused on the fact that many great philosophers such as Buddha and
Confucius lived during these times with a profound influence on the ideas of these nations.
The general motivation should make you want to read the book. If you dont genuinely want to
read the book, come up with more reasons it is attached to your deepest interests or it is going to be
a struggle to move through. You can find a general motivation for reading any book if you are
creative enough, so dont tell me you cant figure out one.
The second portion is to determine your specific motivation for reading. What are you specifically
looking for when reading the book. New ideas? A practical solution to a problem? An
understanding of a concept? A chance to flex your mental muscles? Figure out what you want to
get out of each reading session so your mind is primed to intake that knowledge.
If you are interested in improving your speed reading, I strongly suggest Breakthrough Rapid
Reading by Peter Kump. The book goes from beginner concepts that Ive detailed to even more
advanced ones that I have yet to master (such as reading several lines at once and reading
sentences backwards to save time on a pointer backstroke). Speed reading is definitely a
worthwhile skill and at the very least your friends will be impressed.



Im sure most people are familiar with Paretos principle, developed by an Italian economist and
most commonly known as the 80/20 Rule. While Pareto originally used the rule noticing that 80%
of the wealth was owned by 20% of the population, the rule has applications in almost every area
of life.
There are many ways you can use this rule. Heres twenty:
1. Work Tasks - Write down all the broad categories of tasks you do at your job. You can make
a little table that shows the amount of hours spent at each category (say, 1 hr for E-mail, 1 hr for
contacting clients, etc.) and on another column write down a value estimate for what percentage
you believe it contributes to your productivity. Eliminate, simplify or delegate low %s and focus
on high %s.
2. Food - Record your eating habits for a week. Calculate up the calories of the different items of
food. Ive done this before and Ive found it surprising how some treats contribute a high
percentage of your calorie pie for no nutritional value, when other vices consumed in smaller
portions take up only a sliver but still offer a tasty treat.
3. Daily Time Log - Do a time log on your activities for an entire day. Record the stop and start
point for any activity. Then broadly shuffle the different activities into categories. Figure out what
parts of your day arent contributing to either productivity, entertainment or personal happiness
and cut them out.
4. Reading - Look at the last few dozen books youve read. Rate them according to the amount of
useful info or entertainment value. Look for trends and use that info to skim or skip future books to
save time.
5. Relationships - Look at your social circle and friends. Do a rough estimate of the amount of
time and energy you invest in each relationship. Compare that to the amount of stress or
satisfaction. You might find that certain relationships are toxic and others are valuable and should
be invested in more.
6. RSS Feeds - Look through your feed list. Write down the percentage of articles you enjoyed
out of the last ten in the feed. Eliminate the lowest %s. You may want to take into account article
length or posting rate, but quality is probably the best measurement of all.
7. E-Mail - Group the types of e-mails you answer into basic categories. Consider developing a
template for the most common e-mail responses that contribute the least potential value for
answering personally.
8. Magazine Subscriptions - Same as RSS feeds. Go through all your subscriptions and give a
percentage scale of what you perceive to be the value of the last several editions. Cancel
subscriptions to the bottom and leave the top.
9. Television Shows - Record your television watching habits for a week or two. After watching
give a subjective rating of the television show. After your done, total up the amount spent on
different shows or channels. If you have a special subscription service, cancel the channels that
you dont watch or have little value. Otherwise, consider eliminating live television entirely and

recording the shows you feel are valuable to watch later. Ive done this before and it can be a big
time saver while still allowing you to enjoy some passive entertainment.
10. Web Surfing - Record your web usage for a day or two. Write down the sites you visited or
tools you used to get there (StumbleUpon, Digg, etc.) Figure out sites took up the most time and
which had the least value. Youd be surprised how often they are the same thing.
11. Spring Cleaning - Although its only a few weeks from summer, you can use this on any
organization attempt. Go through your items and trash all the items that you havent used recently
(except for important documents). Just because you have storage space, doesnt mean it should be
filled with garbage. Eliminate clutter and it becomes far easier to find and use the things you
actually need.
12. Clients/Customers - This one comes from Tim Ferriss, in the Four Hour Workweek. Figure
out which customers contribute the most complaints and the least revenue. Notify them that things
will need to change and set down some guidelines. Then fire the ones that dont comply. Goes
against the doctrine that the customer is always right, but some people just arent worth the trouble
they cause.
13. Hard Drive - Sort through your computer documents, comparing the last modified date for
various major folders. Create a separate folder system where you can move these rarely used files.
This will eliminate your computer clutter and make it far easier and faster to find the stuff you
actually use.
14. Desktop - Same thing as the hard-drive, but I do it every week or two. Just go through your
desktop and delete any short-cuts or move documents that havent been used in the last two weeks.
You dont have to completely eliminate everything, but it will make your desktop a more efficient
15. Applications - Go through all your computer applications. Figure out which ones are
distracting and are either rarely used or contribute little value. Uninstall those. If this seems like
too much work, a complete computer reformat can get rid of the trash.
16. Home Appliances - Determine which appliances cause the most frustration, stress and break
down the most. Once youve done this you have three options: learn to use the tool better to
understand it and prevent stress, buy a new one or find a substitute that is less damage prone. Save
yourself the headache and 80/20 your lawnmower.
17. Budget - Calculate all your discretionary expenses (after taxes, food and necessities). Now
compare the money value of each expense with the utility of the purchase. If you wanted to
compare different entertainment items in your budget, you could value each expense on the
pleasure it brought you. If you wanted to compare different investments or tools you could
compare return rates or productivity gained.
18. Blogging - Classify the types of posts you write into different categories. Ive done this
grouping by, post length, subject, format, style, images, etc. Multiply each by the amount of time
to write each type of post. Then compare that data to your estimate of traffic gained from each.
Use this as a guide for future writing.


19. Habits - Figure out which behaviours (or lack thereof) contribute the most to your life.
exercise? Rising Early? Family Dinners? Use this as a basis for making new habits.
20. Goals - It doesnt matter whether you have them written down or just in your head. Look at all
your goals and compare the resources required to accomplish each (time, money, energy, etc.) with
the benefits gained. Benefits could be physical rewards, purposeful work or emotional quality.
Pursue the goals with the highest value.



By: Scott H. Young
Clearly a rule cant define something as complex as human behaviour. But despite this, Ive found
most people tend to make the same mistakes. Remembering these seven rules will help you avoid
these mistakes.
People Skills is About Being Nice, Friendly and Interesting. Duh!
Most of the books Ive read on dealing with people either make two claims:
Obvious stuff that most people already know: Things like be nice, be considerate, etc.
Bizarre and complex theories that may explain some behaviour, but is difficult to

However, what most people need is information that can be applied generally, but isnt always
obvious and that helps to avoid people conflicts, social errors and emotional upsets.
Here are the seven rules Im talking about:
Rule One: Never blame malice for what can easily be explained by conceit.
People dont care about you. This isnt because people are mean or hurtful, but simply because
they are mostly focused on themselves. Consider this hypothetical pie-chart showing the variety of
thoughts a typical person has:
In this example, 60% of thoughts are selfdirected. My goals. My problems. My feelings.
Another 30% are directed towards relationships,
but how they affect me. What does Julie think of
me? How will boss evaluate my performance in
the next review? Do my friends like me or see
me as irritating?
Only 10% in this model is time spent in
empathy. Empathy is the rare event where one
person actually feels the emotions, problems and
perspective of another person. Instead of asking
what Julie thinks of me, I ask what is Julie
Within that 10%, most people then divide attention between hundreds of other people they know.
As a result, you would occupy a fraction of a percentage in most peoples minds, and only a couple
percentage points in a deeply bonded relationship. Even if you are in another persons thoughts, it is
how your relationship affects them, not you.


What does this mean?


Embarrassment doesnt make a lot of sense. Since others are only focusing a small portion of
there thoughts onto judging you, your self-judgement is overwhelmingly larger.

People who appear to be mean or hurtful dont usually do it intentionally. There are exceptions
to this, but generally the hurt you feel is a side-effect, not the principle cause.
3. Relationships are your job to maintain. Dont wait to be invited to parties or for people to
approach you.

Rule Two: Few Social Behaviours are Explicit

Basically this rule means that most the intentions behind our actions are hidden. If a person is
feeling depressed or angry, usually the resulting behaviours distort their true feelings. If I feel you
snubbed me, I might hold my tongue but ignore you later.
The old joke is that women use words like, fine, and, go ahead, when they really feel the
opposite. But Ive noticed men do this too in polite situations, although often not in the same way.
The application of this rule is that you need to focus on empathy, not just hearing a person.
Demonstrate trust, build rapport and learn to probe a bit. By focusing on empathy you can usually
break away these subversions and get to the heart of the issue faster.
The other application of this rule is that most the time you feel something, nobody else knows
about it. So dont get angry when people arent responding to you. If you deceive your thoughts
with your actions, dont get angry when you fool people.
Rule Three: Behaviour is Largely Dictated by Selfish Altruism
To say everyone is completely selfish is a gross exaggeration. That ignores all the acts of kindness,
sacrifice and love that make the world work. But I would argue that most (not all, but most)
behaviour does work from the principles of selfish altruism.
Selfish altruism is basically win/win. It is where helping you directly or indirectly helps me. There
are a couple main categories where this applies:
1. Transactions - If I purchase a car, both myself and the dealer benefit. I get a vehicle, which I
want. The dealer gets money to improve his lifestyle. This is the predominant form of selfish
altruism between people who dont have emotional bonds.
2. Familial - Blood is thicker than water. We are designed to protect people who share our genes.
This can sometimes shift towards extremely close friends and loved ones.
3. Status - Helping someone is a sign of power. Many species of primates will offer assistance as
a sign of dominance. People act similarly, offering aid to boost their self-esteem and
4. Implied Reciprocity - Many relationships are based on the idea that if I help you, one day you
will help me as well.
Occasionally behaviour falls outside this group. Nameless heroes dying for causes that dont help
their bloodline. Volunteers devoting their time towards humanitarian missions. But these are the
minority, whereas most actions can be explained by some form of selfish altruism.


How do you apply this rule? You understand the motives of people and appeal to them as if they
were selfish. Find ways to help people within these four categories. Dont expect people to offer
aid outside of selfish altruism, it isnt impossible, but it isnt likely.
Rule Four: People Have Poor Memories
Ever been told someones name at a party and then forgot it later? Another rule of human
behaviour is that people have trouble remembering things. Especially information (as youll recall
in rule one) that doesnt apply to themselves. People are more likely to remember your similarities
than your differences (unless they were emotionally incensed by them).
Recently I even broke this rule. I made arrangements to talk to a person I hadnt met before on the
phone. Even with my normally foolproof system of calendars and to-do lists, a few spontaneous
schedule changes caused me to miss the call. I quickly apologized and made a new arrangement.
But the fact is most people dont have organized GTD systems. People are forgetful by nature, so
once again, dont assume malice or disinterest if something is forgotten. The other side of this rule
is that you can demonstrate reliability by having a good memory or system (if it doesnt fail you).
Rule Five: Everyone is Emotional
Perhaps this is an exaggeration. But the core of the message is that people tend to have stronger
feelings about something than they let on. People who regularly have outbursts of anger,
depression or flamboyant enthusiasm are generally frowned upon in most cultures. This especially
applies to men (for women trying to figure us out).
The application of this rule is to not assume everything is fine just because someone isnt having a
nervous breakdown. We all have our individual problems, angst and upsets that are normally
contained. You dont need to call people out on their private deception, but being sensitive to those
underlying currents gives you an advantage in trying to help.
The alternate application of this rule is similar to rule two. People generally assume everything is
fine unless you just had a blow-up.
Rule Six: People are Lonely
This is another broad generalization. But it is amazing how many people who seem to have it all,
suffer from bouts of loneliness. As social animals, I believe people are especially sensitive to any
threats to becoming ostracized. In Neanderthal times, exile meant death, so loneliness and the
desire to be with other people is a strong one.
The application of this rule is that loneliness is fairly common, so in that sense, you really arent
alone. I used to be bothered when I felt alone or an outsider in a social group. Although Im still
human, Ive found recognizing this feeling to be fairly common as a way to minimize it.


Rule Seven: Did I Mention People Are Self-Absorbed?

This may sound like a reiteration of rule one, but I believe the applications extend beyond
relationships and your emotional state. The fact that people tend to be too concerned about
themselves to give you much attention, that people tend to be lonelier, more emotional and feel
differently than they let on applies to how you view the world.
If anything this perspective should make you more proactive and independent. Once I started really
learning these rules, it made far more sense that I needed to take charge. By placing your
individual happiness in the hands of another person (or people), you ignore all these rules and do
so at your own peril.
I like to take an optimistic, but realistic view of people. People who are generally try their best, but
make mistakes and suffer from unintended self-absorption. In other words, they are basically like



By: Aldian Prakoso

The Secret
The Secret is a film that was produced by Prime Time Productions. It is actually a series of films
that focus on the idea of The Law Of Attraction. The principle is that under the Law of
Attraction the things that people feel and think attract real things in life. It stems from the cosmos
to the personal relationships people form with people. The belief is that these things target
physical, emotional, and professional aspects of every persons life, whether they understand it or
Ask : Know what you want and ask the universe for it.
This is where you need to get clear on what it is you want to create and visualize what you want as
being as 'real' as possible.
Believe : Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.
Focus your thoughts and your language on what it is you want to attract. You want to feel the
feeling of really 'knowing' that what you desire is on its way to you, even if you have to trick
yourself into believing it do it.
Receive : Be open to receiving it.
Pay attention to your intuitive messages, synchronicities, signs from the Universe to help you
along the way as assurance you are on the 'right' path. As you align yourself with the Universe and
open yourself up to receiving, the very thing you are wanting to manifest will show up.

What is it you want in order to have a truly magnificent life?

What is it in your daily life that you could do, be, or have that would make a difference in the way
you experience life? What would take your life to the next level? What do you need (or want) to
experience life to the fullest?
We look at ourselves as human beings; but we are also human havings and human doings. What do
you want to have in your life to truly make it spectacular: True friends, a new relationship, great
health, passion? What do you want to do to make your life fun and exciting: Fly an airplane, run a
marathon, volunteer once a week at an animal shelter, write a book?
What would you like to be to make a difference in the world or to yourself, or your family and
friends: A great son, daughter, husband or wife? Would you like to be abundant, loving, forgiving?


Look at each aspect of your life and identify what you want or desire in the following areas.
What kind of relationships do you want to create with God, with your parents, children, friends,
co-workers, wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, and most importantly, yourself? How do you
attract the type of relationships that you want with the people in your life? How would your life
change if your relationships were closer, more intimate, less judgmental, more trusting, and more
Healthy Body and Lifestyle:
What do you want your body to look like? How do you want to feel? What do you want to weigh?
Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle? Do you want to live a long life? Do you have exercise
goals? Do you want to have healthy eating habits?
Finances and Abundance:
Do you want to save more money? Do you want to reduce debt? Do you want to increase your
income? Do you want to create other sources of income? Do you want to have a new house, car,
piano, boat, or other things?
Self-Improvement / Awareness:
Do you want a better awareness of who you are; why you do the things you do; think, the thoughts,
you think about; react in the way you do; judge yourself and others; are highly motivated in some
things, but lethargic in others? Do you want to take classes, workshops, seminars? Do you want to
finally get the degree, diploma, certificate, or credentials you have been thinking about? Do you
want to read more books on subjects for which you have a passion?
Hobbies / Entertainment / Fun:
What hobbies do you have now that you want to become better at? What hobbies would you like to
begin; gardening, chess, painting, reading, collecting (coins, stamps, comic books, cookbooks,
etc)? What would you like to do for fun and entertainment: Attend a live performance featuring
your favourite bands, fish, or travel? What would you like to learn to do for fun: Ballroom
dancing, golf, tennis, play an instrument? What would you like to do just once in your life: Jump
out of an airplane, talk in front of a large group? Do you want to travel and experience nature,
different cultures and scenery?
Passions / Purpose:
What are your passions? What is your purpose in life? An easy way to identify this is to look at
what you fantasize about or do in your spare time because you want to do it or love to do it. If you
have a garden in your back yard and you really enjoy the hard work of maintaining a garden, then
that is a passion of yours. If you play tennis, golf or bowl on the weekends, then that is a passion of
yours. If you enjoy babysitting your granddaughter, or fixing things around the house, or finding
new recipes to cook fun special meals, then that is a passion of yours.


Once we get past the belief that we can have only one passion or only one purpose in life, it is
easier to see that we have many passions and the only work we have to do is to make time for
them, be present while we arc doing them, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Our purpose in life is to live to
our potential, experience love and life to the fullest, become aware of whom we are and be true to
our soul. Whatever form that takes in your life is right for you.


109 East 36th St. Suite 4

Between Park and Lex

Starting at the top, where the star points toward the sky. This I refer to as the SPIRITUAL direction
which represents the gift of UNITY. This is where the mystical nature of love resides, it is where
you will discover whether there is a real bond between the two of you or not. Unity means that
something makes both people feel that they rather be together than apart, they both believe that
when they are together they are like "one". Unity is used to describe what happens when people
bond and experience the world differently; they are no longer just two individuals but, have become
a unit, a pair, a couple. Now they look at the world differently and the world sees them differently as
well. This is a social archetype, a religious one, and a legal one when two people get married. We
become aware of this notion of being a couple from childhood, hopefully growing up in a "family"
ourselves. The concepts of love, family, marriage, romance, happiness exist throughout every aspect
of our society, in every culture, across every nation and around the world. The images that these
words create are similar regardless where one looks. So why is it so hard to find and build a
successful partnership of love and happiness? There are many reasons that make it truly difficult but,
no one can claim that it is impossible.


Anyone can find UNITY, love and happiness. It would help if you would have a map of how to get
there. The STAR holds all the keys you need to find your way. The reason UNITY is at the top is
that it is the "lifting" energy for a relationship. It may be true that what attracts two people together
is often their physical appearance, some sort of instinctual drive gets engaged but, soon after getting
"close" both individuals look at each other and begin to ask more serious questions: "Could I live the
rest of my life with that person, do I really love them?" and that starts the mystical inquiry about
becoming bonded to the other person. That is when UNITY becomes so important. The best thing
two people can find is 'love at first sight' when both feel the excitement of attraction equally.
One arm of the STAR refers to NURTURANCE. The meaning of this term is found in how each
person takes care of the other with respect to their physical needs, emotional ones as well as the
material and spiritual needs. Love awakens this urge for you to either be "maternal" or "paternal" as
the case may toward your partner. The key word here is nurturing, sharing responsibilities and
helping each other achieve more in life. True love creates a desire in both individuals to support
each other through all walks of life. This does not necessarily have to be along traditional lines
rather, it often requires that both people seek unique and special ways to make their partner happy,
healthy, safe and prosperous. More than anything else if we become aware of our mate's potentials
then it is up to us to help them strive for and reach those potentials. Nurturance refers to the
direction we push and pull our love in. Everyone needs a push or a pull sometime, especially if it is
from your partner.
The next arm refers to the aspect of SHARING in the joys and pains of life from the level of the
mind, body and spirit. This reflects both individual's ability and desire to look at the world through
each others eyes, especially in terms of the past, present and future. The key word is shared vision.
This is what makes each partner feel special and valuable to the other. It is one's interest in their
opinion, their experience of life that helps you feel whole and satisfied. This aspect is expressed
through our curiosity about how our partner sees, hears or feels something. It is not necessary that
we share similar views but that both partners have a genuine interest in the other's experience.
However, it is important that we share similar dreams and goals for the future. In this manner both
partners participate in the construction of the world they live in and this allows for celebration of life
and that makes the difficult moments pass by more easily.
Then one leg of the star refers to COMPATIBILITY this aspect reveals how many ways two people
fit together, first of all in body - how great is their sexual chemistry, then socially, intellectually,
financially, emotionally, and spiritually. When two people have really great energy together, they
rarely get bored or tired of each other, there is a constant stream of excitement between them.
Compatibility refers to this sense of how well two people mix together, especially in making love,
that is where we hopefully experience the exhilaration of that instinctual passion for life. Chemistry
is physically manifested in love making, this is where the connection can be most concrete. There
are many important factors. In general, the appetite and passion are either in synch or not. The
questions are "how much sex" does each of you want - need, on a monthly basis; and secondly, does
the passion match both partners. If there are big differences in these two aspects, then don't fool
yourself thinking that you have great chemistry, it may not really be.


The other leg of the star refers to FULFILLMENT which represents the things we do for love's sake
that promote a sense achievement within the relationship. In our everyday life we try to master the
situation, we want to dominate to overcome but in a relationship it is more often a matter to make
the other person happy to please them. The key word
here is SURRENDER to your partner with the
expectation that it will express your sense of love for
them. It is not a matter of compromise, which has its
place in the other aspects of the love star, here
surrender refers to the complete giving in to the
other's needs or desires for the sake of love. When
one surrenders it is not always easy but it should be
with joy, to fulfil the other partner's deepest needs.
This aspect also represents each partner's confidence
to rely on one another, to be comfortable depending
on each other. With this aspect the relationship is
assured the survival through all sorts of difficulties.
All together, this represents the love star, and when
each of these directions is satisfied among two people
then they obviously share a tremendous partnership.
If both agree that they fit together, that each aspect is
present and fulfilled then they have the necessary ingredients to make their love work and enjoy a
lasting relationship. These are rare. Even if one believes that they share every thing with their
partner, this means that they have the potential to succeed. A great relationship requires a lot of work
and time, something people these days are not always eager to invest enough of. Once these basic
qualities are fulfilled then begins a life of passion, joy, adventure, excitement, tranquillity, love and
family. Good luck!
Counselling can help both partners better appreciate what you can be grateful
for and be aware of what is missing. That information is vital to decide what to
do, if possible, improve the relationship or if not, work to dissolve it amicably. I
have helped many couples resolve their conflicts and find greater happiness. I
have also given my support to the couples who determined that they cannot go
on and must change their relationship. These are the most sensitive issues and
difficult things we must deal with. I have the experience to help you better
understand and deal with your relationship. Call my office to discuss your
situation to see if you would like to have me help you work on it.


I am grateful for discovering the best means to reach my dreams and goals.
I realize that I am ready to enjoy life to the fullest and find peace of mind.
When I focus my attention on positive possibilities I achieve the best solutions.
I am glad to be finding ways to improve my physical and emotional well being.
I am grateful that I was born with many gifts and talents for me to share.
Each day I learn new ways to create and express my unique abilities.
Every day I celebrate my growing confidence and determination to succeed!
When I do worthy things I earn the respect of others and feel good.
By utilizing my rational mind together with my intuition I make greater progress.
As I express my gratitude, I can envision the goals I am achieving.
Moving forward and upward everyday symbolizes the joy of my destiny.
I take advantage of every opportunity to realize my true potentials.
I am grateful to be inspired to achieve my ultimate goals in this life.
It is great to feel the energy with a clear vision to see the path to my goals.
My motivation and determination constantly push me to reach my goals.
I am glad my mind has the ability to focus and concentrate on my purpose.
It is amazing how powerful my mind is when I work deliberately on my future.
I am confident that my life is automatically attracted to what is good for me.
Everything I decide to do has an important reason and purpose.
I value my time very highly and use every minute effectively.
Love is the source of my strength and happiness.
Whenever I smile my face lights up with positive energy!
My questions always direct me to achieve the most in the long run.
Each day I learn new ways to create and express my unique abilities.
Everyday I take the time to exercise, rest, eat right and cleanse myself.
I am glad to attract the most interesting, powerful and caring people into my life!
I accept my challenges as great lessons to motivate me to reach my goals.
I appreciate the outstanding qualities I was born with.
I recognize that I am a unique and very special person!
Today I observe my progress in fulfilling my plans and dreams!
I am grateful to have been inspired to achieve my ultimate goals in this life.


Mastering the Art of Life and the Science of Success!

I believe everyone is born with unique talents, gifts, a large variety of personal resources and a
smaller number of limitations. Every person has dreams and expectations some of which come true,
others never do. How fast and how far you progress in realizing all your potentials depends directly
on what you do and how you do it.
I have found that it is just as important to have what it takes to succeed as it is to have what it takes
to cope with those temporary setbacks we all must endure. Most people are better at one of these
than the other. Those who learn to master both these skills (achievement and adaptation) discover
that life becomes easier to conquer and cope with.
Throughout life, this becomes your quest for fulfilment and the art of living.
We already know the proven steps others have used to succeed at the game of life. Whether you
must overcome illnesses, bad habits, various personal obstacles or if you want to achieve greater
happiness, wealth, creativity, wisdom and harmony in life, there are many things you can do to
succeed. Increasing your awareness and understanding of yourself and life prepares you for the most
amazing journey. Those individuals who recognize life as an opportunity to learn and experience the
fantastic wonders of the world engage in this quest with passion. They discover the power of their
mind to escape the primitive instinctual nature that dominates most people with fear or anger and
allows them to transform these lower impulses into creative expression of their higher, spiritual
nature. Anyone can experience fulfilment and happiness, it is not reserved for just some people, its
for everyone.
In the larger perspective, I see psychology as both the science and art of working with the mind,
body, and spirit of the individual. I do my best to help each individual develop the skills and obtain
the knowledge to adapt or achieve. Once you know the science of success, the specific steps you
must take to reach your goals, then you must also develop the art of life, relying on your inner
wisdom or intuition to help you adapt to life most effectively. These two skills together assure you
the greatest fulfilment.
Few problems ever go away by themselves although many people are willing to wait a long time
thinking they might. I like to suggest that seeking professional help on a problem is intelligent, will
get rid of it sooner, and let you get on with life. I enjoy working with people from every walk of life,
from the very affluent and powerful to young students struggling. I have clients from nearly every
corner of our world and found that the same problems cause stress to us all. Consequently, I have
developed my own eclectic approach to teach you how to remove obstacles and promote positive
Some people may want to explore their lives and various issues or relationships in greater depth.
This can be a very rewarding process. Certain people who wish to journey farther in the psychic
sphere may choose to explore past lives or learn how to meditate and reach higher states of
consciousness. I know of no limits on the insight and rewards that an individual can attain in the
pursuit of knowledge.



by Peter S. Temes, PhD
The Power of Purpose begins with a simple but remarkable statement: "The more you focus on
helping others, the more you will succeed in reaching your own goals." Peter S. Temes builds on
this fundamental insight to share a simple plan for living with the truest and most enduring kind of
At the heart of The Power of Purpose are the "three levels of thinking." At the first level, we ask,
Who am I? and What do I want? At the second level, we ask, Who do other people think I am?
How do I look to them? But the real magic happens when we hit the third level, forgetting about
ourselves and asking the questions that lend a powerful sense of purpose to our lives: How do
others look to themselves? How can I help others become the people they want to be?
To help us along the way, Temes, who teaches humanities at Columbia University, draws on the
wisdom of great thinkers including Aristotle, Sren Kierkegaard, and Abraham Lincoln; the life
lessons of great achievers ranging from Mother Teresa to Michael Jordan; and home truths he's
gathered from his parents, his grandparents, and his three children. From all these sources and
from his own life of great personal accomplishment, Temes identifies the essential knowledge that
brings people happiness and success. He cites Aristotle's notion that happiness is not a
psychological state but a moral one, resulting from doing good in the world. Temes also believes
in the pivotal importance of trust and team-building in every area of life, from the family to the
workplace to the street corner.
The Power of Purpose is a map for finding the confidence and power, the opportunities and
occasions, and most important the techniques and strategies for centring your relationships
and work on helping others. It is a book with a point of view: the clearest path to your own success
and happiness lies in helping others get to where they want to go.
Make the leap from asking, "who am I, and what do I want?" to asking that most powerful
question of all "how do others see themselves, and how can I help them feel stronger and more
Games are played in all kinds of places sports stadiums, backyards, offices, classrooms,
kitchens, and dining rooms. But games are won in only one place in the mind of the winning
player. That's why Michael Jordan was consistently better than the tallest player in the National
Basketball Association every year he played having better physical tools to work with was not
enough to beat a player like Jordan, thinking at a higher level. That's why some salespeople
consistently sell more of the same stuff to the same people than the rest of their colleagues.
That's why David slew Goliath, and that's why your personal path for your success begins right
between your ears.
Here's the fact: how we think is the key to how we live. It's the key to your happiness, the key to
your personal goodness, and the key to your success.


East Versus West in the Pursuit of Happiness

One useful model of observation on how people think comes in the classic description of the
difference between Eastern thinking and Western thinking. Begin with the observation that
unhappiness is the product of unmet desires. Eastern thinking says, change your desires to match
what you already have, and you will become happy. Western thinking says, change the world to fit
your desires, and you will be happy. If you are unhappy because you live in a tiny house and want
a bigger home, the traditional Eastern view would be to change your desire so that you want no
more than you already have. The Western view would be to go out and build a bigger house, at
almost any cost.
There's some wisdom in this model, but the world we live in today is no longer easily divided
between East and West; each tradition has drawn on the other for decades now, and the habits and
patterns of thinking of each have blended together in important ways. And in my experience, the
most successful people have always combined elements of both traditions in their thinking they
embrace the ambition and outward focus of the West as well as the patience and humility of the
We all know people who are filled with the Western ambition to go out and change the world.
Many succeed, at least now and then, by pushing against the forces of the world and reshaping
them. But just about all of them also fail now and then because they come face-to-face with
people, ideas, or parts of the physical world that are simply too strong to be moved. And we all
know people who are filled with Eastern patience and humility, ready to reshape their own desires
to fill the world. At times, this approach to life is powerfully rewarding, with the ups and downs of
the external world softened by a philosophical detachment from external things. But how many
opportunities to make positive change in the world slip by, how many chances to have a real
impact on the world are missed, because of this detachment?
But imagine the man or woman who looks at the world and understands, this is when I should
push, here is the opportunity to reshape the world in some small way, and knows too when to say,
here is when I must step back, here is when my desire has to yield to patience. The real power lies
in being able to see both visions both the ambition of the West and the humility and patience of
the East and being able to employ each when it best suits the challenge at hand.
Beyond East and West to the Three Levels of Thinking
For the world we live in today, the best model of human thinking I've come across is built of three
levels or stages,1 and it draws from the best of both the East and the West.
At the first level, the most important question for understanding the world and taking action is
How do I feel? or How do I look to myself? Picture a teenager waking up in the morning and
saying to his parent, I'm not going to school because I don't feel well. Or the worker leaving a note
on her desk right after lunch Gone home, not feeling well. That's level one. How you feel about
yourself is almost all you care about.
One level higher, the teen turns to his parent and asks, Do I look as bad as I feel? Or the worker
decides not just to leave work, but to go talk with a colleague and say, Wow, I'm not feeling well.
In reply, the parent may say, You look fine to me. Or the colleague may say, You should sit down
and let me have a look at you. This is the second level, where you progress from asking How do I
feel? or How do I look to myself? to How do others feel about me? or How do I look to others?


This is a great leap forward the individual is beginning to realize that other people are
important, and that the ways other people see the world are important but it's not remotely as
powerful an outlook as the next level up, the third level.
At the third level, the central question is not about how I feel, or about how others feel about me,
but about how they feel about themselves. That might seem like a small step forward, but it can't
be overestimated. Think about a sales situation at the first level, the seller is focused on doing a
good job on her own terms; at the second level, she's focused on making a good impression on the
sales prospect. But at the third level, the salesperson herself might as well be invisible, because she
has no interest in looking good, but only in helping the sales prospect look good in his own eyes,
and reach his own goals.
Or think about that teenager who doesn't want to go to school. The teen wakes up and says "I don't
feel well" at level one. At level two, he's able to hear a parent say "you don't look sick to me." But
at the third level, he's asking about how other people feel and discovers the best possible motive to
get out of bed into the world: "other people are depending on me today." The motive to get up and
out is not about what matters to me, but what matters to others.
In this is some irony, and some magic. Once you focus on others in this way as a friend, as a
citizen, as a manager, as a colleague you find that you yourself benefit as much or more than
the others you're trying to help. Focusing on the sales prospect's needs instead of your own, you
eventually reap the benefits of greater sales more money, more respect, more confidence.
Focusing on getting up out of bed because you understand that you can help others and what a
transforming positive feeling that statement carries with it: I can help others you find that you
become healthier and happier. You help yourself as much as you help others, because your life
becomes infused with the purpose of doing good.
My grandfather is a wonderful example of this effect. A self-educated man, he worked most of his
life in jobs that did not satisfy his intellect or his desire to help others, but in his free time he was
devoted to political causes that he thought could improve the lives of many. He was a socialist and
an antiwar activist (though a veteran of World War II himself). Although some might argue that
the specifics of his plan for improving the world were misguided, his personal sacrifices to help
make positive change filled his life with a sense of purpose. I had the strong feeling that well into
his late eighties, he continued to wake up in the morning and get out of bed in order to strike a
blow against war, injustice, and poverty every day. That kept him healthy and engaged with the
world while many others his age slipped out of touch. But my grandfather had a reason to live and
to stay strong: he felt he was needed, and that he could help others.
A woman I know in New Hampshire has a similar story to tell. She calls herself a community
activist, having worked for years to get the local government in her town to provide more services
for young families and their children. She's spearheaded drives to create a free day-care centre, to
offer medical services for small children, and to give parents a safe and comfortable public place to
bring their children when the long New England winter drags on. Sundays, she sets up out front of
the local churches with her folding table, raising money and getting signatures on petitions.
Weekdays, she sets up in front of schools and the one big food market in her small town. Everyone
knows her, and she's got no shortage of critics as well as staunch friends in small New England
towns, there tend to be plenty of sceptics about providing public services, especially if they require
tax dollars to be spent. But this energetic woman, a mother of two young children, says she loves
her enemies. "Two things that motivate me," she says, "are helping the little boys and girls who
need the basics and don't necessarily get them at home, and proving to those folks who don't think


we ought to do more that of course we ought to do more. And I say this: thank goodness for those
fools who don't want to help! They keep me fighting. If I didn't have such good and proper
enemies, how would I know I was on the right track?"
She gets a good head of steam going as she talks. Clearly, this is a woman who sees her life as
filled with important work. She is a hero in her own eyes she's got to be strong to help the
children in her area, and so she is strong. Cause and effect. Because she asks herself the
fundamental level-three questions every day How are others living? What do they think of as
their greatest needs? she's reaching ambitious goals, making an enormous contribution to the
lives of others, and filling her life with high purpose.
The Story of Ed and Fred: Tuning in to What Other People Care About Most
We all want to be our own heroes, and hear our own stories. If you grasp this truth, you can use it
to reach your own goals.
A famous story about the advertising business offers another glimpse of the way the three levels of
thinking work.
Two advertising managers are arguing about the size of the type in an ad they're planning to run in
a newspaper. One of them call him Ed wants to save money by using smaller size letters in
the ad. Smaller letters mean a smaller, less expensive ad overall. The other call him Fred
says, "You dope, you need big letters to catch people's attention. If we use smaller letters no one
will stop and read the ad." Ed says, "Nonsense. If your message is the right message and you say it
clearly, everyone will read the ad." Fred's not convinced. Ed proposes a wager: "I'll bet you a
thousand dollars I can run an ad in tomorrow's paper that you'll need a magnifying glass to read,
and no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to resist reading every last word." Fred smells
easy money and takes the bet. The next day, the paper comes out and there on the back page is a
block of tiny type. Fred laughs. "OK, pal," he says. "Pay up I'm not reading it. I couldn't even if
I wanted to the type's too small." "Well, OK, if you really think you won't. But you should
know what's in the ad. It's all about you. It's your life story." Try as he might, Fred could not resist,
and before the day was over he'd gone out and bought a magnifying glass and read all about
himself over and over again.
Fred was stuck at the first level of thinking he was in love with his own story, as most of us are.
Ed understood that and used his insight to win the bet and to save money on advertising by writing
ads that used insight into the three levels of thinking to save on space. If you have no insight, your
voice has to be loud to be heard and your ads need to be big. But if you have lots of insight,
your voice can be quieter and more civil, and your ads can be smaller and less expensive.
Ed was at the third level he understood that other people didn't want to hear about the products
he had to sell, or about him as a salesperson, but were consumed by their own concerns about
themselves and their own personal struggles. He asked the right level-three questions How do
other people look to themselves? What do they care about most? Ed understood that if he could
connect the sale of his products to those personal concerns, his ads would be more effective and
he'd sell more.


The Story of Marty Edelston: How Second-Level Pride Hobbles the Critics of Successful People
This is the story of a successful businessman with no shortage of critics. But his critics were at
level one and level two. Marty was at level three. That's why the critics were working for Marty,
instead of the other way around.
I first heard the story of Ed and Fred from Marty Edelston, the founder of a company called
Boardroom, Inc. Boardroom publishes the newsletter Bottom Line/Personal, a title that has at
times had more than one million paid subscribers. I first went to work for Marty when I was
nineteen, and the experience was tremendous. It was a glimpse into big-time publishing and also a
fantastic exposure to a successful entrepreneur just hitting his stride as his company was reaching
sales of about $35 million a year. Marty is something of a legend in the publishing business, an
idiosyncratic man with an iron grip on all the details of his company, requiring personal approval
of every word published in his newsletters and books and signing off directly on just about every
dollar spent. Throughout the day, secretaries bring Marty healthy snacks of sliced fruit, which he
generally eats in the middle of meetings, with his fingers.
One of Marty's great talents is hiring bright and hungry people for key jobs. Many have publishing
experience in more traditional firms and some are put off by Marty's highly personal approach and
his total control of management at every level in the company.


The key to happiness is to appreciate

what you have. Sounds simple. So why
are so many people unhappy?

by Rabbi Noah Weinberg


The first thing to understand is happiness is generated by you. Nobody and no thing can make you
happy. There is a difference between happiness and a change in your mood. Your mood changes
all the time and is situational.
How do you make yourself happy? You have to get in touch with the real you. Without really
knowing yourself at the deepest level, how can you know what makes you happy? If you have
spent your life pleasing others and being less genuine because you fear what others think, then
there is some work that needs to be done in the area of self-esteem.
When you become real, everything tends to fall in line because you chose to only do what is in
alignment with the real you. When you BE who you are, you DO what makes you happy, and you
HAVE what you want in your life.


Another important ingredient to happiness is being in the moment. This is sometimes easier said
than done. It takes practice. Its easy to get lost in the thoughts about the past regrets, past guilt, or
wishing things were right now they way they were then. At the same time, anxieties and fears
about the future is no way to live either. All you really have and can feel happy about is this
moment right now.
Recognize that happiness is a choice you make. It is not an end result. It is part of the process. You
dont achieve happiness because of something. You simply are happy or you dont. If you havent
felt happy in awhile, ask yourself, What am I thinking about? Be honest.
Accept others realities, even if it isnt true for you. Recognize that it is their opinion. Having this
high level of acceptance will make a huge difference in your level of happiness. No one and
nothing else can choose how you feel.
Discipline yourself to be happy. Do something to lift your spirits each day. You have to raise your
own vibration.
A young man once came to meet me in Jerusalem. He had an unusually happy disposition, so I
asked him what's his secret. He told me:
"When I was 11 years old, I received a gift of happiness from God.
"I was riding my bicycle when a strong gust of wind blew me onto the ground into the path of an
oncoming truck. The truck ran over me and cut off my leg.
"As I lay there bleeding, I realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without a leg. How
depressing! But then I realized that being depressed won't get my leg back. So I decided right then
and there not to waste my life despairing.
"When my parents arrived at the hospital they were shocked and grieving. So I told them: 'I've
already adapted. Now you also have to get used to this.'
"Ever since then, I see my friends getting upset over little things: their bus came late, they got a
bad grade on a test, somebody insulted them. But I just enjoy life."
Sounds simple, doesn't it? So why are so many people unhappy?
At age 11, this young man attained the clarity that it is a waste of energy to focus on what you are
missing. And that the key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. Sounds simple, doesn't
it? So why are so many people unhappy?

Happiness Is A State Of Mind

Western society commonly perceives happiness as the outcome of what you achieve and acquire.
My whole life would improve if I had a new car...
I just need a better job and then I can relax and be happy.
If only I met the right girl...
You get the car and what happens? For a whole week you're walking on air. Then you go right
back to being unhappy. Sound familiar?


Judaism says: "Happiness is not a happening. Happiness is a state of mind. You can have
everything in the world and still be miserable. Or you can have relatively little and feel unbounded
"Who is rich? The one who appreciates what he has." (Talmud - Pirkei Avot 4:1)
Once you master the art of noticing, appreciating and consciously enjoying what you already have,
then you will always be happy.
(c) 2007 Victoria Wizell All Rights Reserved

Appreciate What You Have And Troubles Become Insignificant

You are standing on the 70th floor of the Empire State Building, gazing at the cityscape. Suddenly
a rather large man brusquely pushes past you, wrenches the window open and announces his
intention to jump.
You yell out: "Stop! Don't do it!"
The six-foot-five figure perched by the window turns to you and menacingly says, "Try to stop me
and I'll take you with me!"
"Umm... No problem, sir. Have a safe trip. Any last words?"
He says, "Let me tell you my troubles. My wife left me, my kids won't talk to me, I lost my job and
my pet turtle died. So why should I go on living?"
Suddenly you have a flash of inspiration.
"Sir, close your eyes for a minute and imagine that you are blind. No colours, no sights of children
playing, no fields of flowers, no sunset. Now imagine that suddenly there's a miracle. You open
your eyes and your vision is restored! Are you going to jump - or will you stick around for a week
to enjoy the sights?"
"I'll stay for a week."
"But what happened to all the troubles?"
"Ah, I guess they're not so bad. I can see!"
An eyeball is worth at least five million dollars. You have two of them? You're rich.
If you really appreciate your eyesight, then the other miseries are nothing.
Yet if you take it all for granted, then nothing in life will ever truly give you joy.

Misconceptions On The Road To Happiness

Misconception #1:
"Once I know the tools for being happy, then it will work like magic."
Don't expect the results to come automatically. It is possible to intellectually understand how to
attain happiness, yet not put it into practice.
In fact, many people might actually prefer to be comfortable and unhappy, rather than endure the
discomfort of changing their habits.
Just as learning any new skill requires effort, you have to be willing to invest serious effort to
achieve real happiness.


Misconception #2:
"If I become content and satisfied with what I have, I'll lose my motivation to achieve more."
Happiness doesn't drain your energy. It adds more!
Ask a happy person: "I have a boat. Do you want to go fishing?"
He'll say: "Great! Let's go!"
Now ask someone who is depressed: "C'mon, let's go fishing!"
He says, "I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow. And anyway, it might rain..."
Happy people are energetic and ambitious. There's never enough time to do everything they want
to do.
Misconception #3:
Happiness is optional. If I want to be depressed, that's my own prerogative
A beautiful Sunday afternoon. You're at the park having a picnic with your friends.
Suddenly the air is pierced by one person complaining: "Who forgot the forks? It's too hot for
volleyball. I want to go home already.">
You have an obligation to be happy when your mood is negatively affecting others. Don't spoil the
We all try to put on a happy face when we're at a party. But what about when we are at home, with
our kids? Or when we trudge into the office on Monday morning?
Like an open pit in the middle of the road, a sour puss is a public menace.
Being happy is part of being considerate to the people around us.

The Daily Pleasure Count

To begin appreciating life, pinpoint some things you are extremely grateful for and count them
every morning for one month, e.g.: your eyes, your hands, your children, your cat.
Set a time each day to contemplate these pleasures. Feel gratitude for them. This exercise can
change the mood of even the most miserable amongst us:
The next time you visit your aunt (the one who loves to complain), tell her very respectfully:
"Auntie, I came here to suffer with you today. But before we suffer, it is only fair that you also
share with me five pleasures that you had today."
"I had no pleasures."
"Auntie, did you have coffee for breakfast?"
Don't let her off the hook with this perfunctory answer. Make her share the pleasure. "Was it
sweet? Warm? Did the aroma linger? Did it give you energy?" (She'll comply because she wants
her turn to complain...)
"Okay, it was sweet and it was nice."

"Great Auntie! Now four more!"

"I didn't have any more."
"Did you wash your face? Was it pleasant? Warm? Refreshing?" Relive it with her. Then another
After she describes five pleasures, her complaints won't be nearly as bad.
To really work at this, sit down with your spouse (or roommate) every evening and discuss one
pleasure that each of you had that day. At the very least, you'll have a happier spouse or roommate!
Incorporate this into your family routine so that your children also learn to appreciate their daily

The One Hour Blessing Fest

The next exercise is more sophisticated.
Spend one hour writing down everything for which you are grateful.
Most people fly through the first 15 minutes. The next 15 minutes the pen moves more slowly. The
next 15 minutes get even tougher, but you can pull through if you include your eyebrows and
The last 15 minutes are excruciating.
Once the list is compiled, add one new blessing each day.
The power of this exercise is clear: You must be conscious of all your blessings, in order to
appreciate whatever new blessings come your way.

Prioritise Your Blessings

To really hone your skills and become an expert at appreciation, prioritize your list.
Which is more valuable - your hands or your feet?
Eyes or ears?
Sense of taste or your sense of touch?
Comparing each pleasure forces you to qualify the various subtle aspects of each pleasure. And to
quantify how much each respective pleasure gives you.
Follow this course and work at it daily. Your gratitude will continue to grow, building a solid
foundation for a lifetime of happiness.



The purpose of life is simply happiness. The feeling of happiness is what it feels like to be
perfectly human. To be alive and human without believing or experiencing the problems, doubts
and fears that we usually pay so much attention to.
It is in our moments of happiness that we can access our full capabilities. When we doubt or fear
we are limiting our capabilities.
Life, energy or whatever term you wish to call it comes to us and flows through us continually. We
are not the closed off, fixed beings that we think ourselves to be.
We are, at the subatomic level, a continually changing, flowing of energy. Every time that you
dust your house, you see parts of what was your skin yesterday. Now it has left you and begun to
be recycled for another use. Tomorrow the particles that currently make up that hated wrinkle,
will be dust around your house.
Continually energy flows through you and is guided into form, by the information in;

your DNA,
your emotions,
your thoughts.

This energy is limitless in potential. However the amount that you receive is limited by your
openness. The energy comes into you through your own funnel. Your funnel is determined by
your emotional state.
If you make your funnel tight and narrow, meaning you are down or fearful, you will experience;

little energy,
little motivation,
little capability,
little happiness.

If your funnel is wide and expansive, you will be happy. And you'll have all the energy,
capabilities and motivation to fulfil your vision.
It is in our most joyful moments that we are able to care about others.
It is then that we have the energy, motivation and strength to turn our dreams into reality.
The best thing we can do;

for ourselves
for others,
for the world is to be happy.

Our joy spreads out to others and helps them to be happy.

If you have a toothache, the aching tooth dominates your thoughts. In the same way, when you are
unhappy, your misery dominates your thoughts. When you are happy, your mind is clear to think
and care of others. So paradoxically, to be happy is the most altruistic and generous thing that you
can do.



A clear definition of happiness is very difficult to find for such a common term.
When I have asked others for a definition of happiness the most general response is a feeling of
As a result of this, many people, perhaps subconsciously, tend to be a little wary of happiness.
Happiness seems to be a selfish goal. This definition brings to mind an image of happy people
lying around all day.
Therefore people sometimes think that they would cease to be productive members of society, that
they would stop caring about others.
In truth nothing could be further from the truth.
You cannot help others, you cannot be truly productive and useful unless you are happy.
And you cannot be truly happy, unless you are productive, useful and helping others.

happiness covers three main elements.

Feeling good - Pleasure or a feeling of peace or contentment.
Thoughts - Looking back over your life and being generally satisfied with what has passed and
what has yet to pass.
Not feeling bad - Feeling bad obviously detracts from happiness.
Obviously these elements are part of happiness. However I think that these definitions of happiness
are missing the point.
Here's why.
Lets use the ageing of our bodies as an analogy of how we create unhappiness.
Ageing is a little like the rusting of a car. It is a gradual wearing down that leads to cellular
degeneration, which we observe as ageing.
Every year 99% of our cells are renewed. Every seven years we have a completely new body. If
the new cells were exactly the same as the previous cells we would never age. However because
the body is under continual attack the cells begin to mutate.
The attacks come from:

Pollutants in the atmosphere.

Lack of nutrients in our food.
Inefficiencies in our bodily systems for example lack of exercise or illness.
Biochemical effects of emotions such as anger and anxiety.


As a result of these attacks the blueprint, or design, from which new cells are made becomes
slightly distorted. So the new cells develop to be slightly different to the original design for the
In effect then the new body is alien to the original DNA blueprint. So ageing occurs when the body
begins to live according to a different design to that which is natural for it.
In the short term, we become sick when something alien to us, such as a disease, invades our body.
Many of the symptoms of a disease are the side effects of our body working to protect us.
For example, we experience a temperature as our immune system mobilizes to attack the invader.
The temperature is not caused by the disease, but by our bodys reaction to the disease.
Happiness is the emotional aspect of health.
We become unhappy when we take on something that is alien to us.
When we say something, or act in a way, that is not really true to us we become unhappy. We
experience unhappiness in a number of ways. Sometimes it is anger or frustration, other times it is
All are the emotional equivalent of a disease or illness.

Our emotions are not caused by events that happen to us, but by our reaction to the events
that happen to us.
Our happiness and emotional health comes under attack whenever we think, speak or act
something that is not really true to our natural design. Just as with our physical health, we are
continually attacked by many invading aliens. These include;
The pressure to conform to Societys, groups and organizational rules.
Expectations of ourselves, and others, to live up to certain standards.
Fitting into pre-designed roles, which restrict, confine and limit our expression of our true
My definition of happiness is a natural outcome of being yourself. It is having complete integrity.
Everything that you think, matches with what you say, which matches with what you do.


Inside every Singer is a song that has to be sung.

Inside every Poet is a poem that must be written.
Inside every Painter is a painting that must be painted.
Inside every Entrepreneur is an enterprise that must be started.
Inside every Social Campaigner is an ill that must be righted.
Inside every Administrator is an inefficiency that must be organized.
Inside every One is something that must be created, fixed or improved.


I have read many books offering ways to happiness. These can be categorized in three main ways.
Happiness By Description: The first of the ways to happiness
The first way is what I call the Mystic or Poetic group. These are personal accounts of people who
have reached a state of blissful happiness. They then try to explain what they have experienced...
and how they have reached that stage.
This leads to a poetic or mystical description that seems to its readers to be impossible or
unrealistic to reach.
The problem is that the gap between the reader and the author is so great that they cannot relate to
one another's experience.
The Author tries to describe how he or she reached this state. Their way to happiness. However
what worked for the Author, is not what will necessarily work for the Reader.
Happiness By Prescription: The second of the ways to happiness
The second of the ways to happiness is what I call the theory or formula route.
In this way someone or some group has a theory or formula that they believe leads to happiness for
each of us.
Every religion or philosophy is based on a theory or formula, of the best or only way to happiness.
It may be happiness in another life or world... but none the less it is happiness.
All of these believe that there are certain rules or behaviours that must be observed and kept before
you can be happy.
The major flaw with this, is that the theory or formula can be believed so deeply, that believers try
to thrust their own beliefs onto others. The most destructive acts in our history have come about
because of this theory or formula approach. Nazi Germany's attempt to impose an Aryan race was
their formula for happiness.
Many tribes, such as Native Americans and Aboriginals, have found their way of life taken away
from them. All in the name of technological progress or civilization. Which is the invader's name
for their formula to happiness.
Happiness by Observation: The third of the ways to happiness
The third of the ways to happiness is to study happy people and look for what is different from
unhappy people. Then they say this is what makes people happy.
This tends to be a lot by academics and other observers or researchers.
The problem with this is that the personality traits and behaviours displayed by happy people, may
be the result of happiness... not what has caused it. The fact of being happy may lead to that
personality trait or behaviour.


We can also see this approach used in business. When a business, or an individual, is successful,
they are analyzed and observed for clues to their success. Then hundreds of writers spew out
articles, reports and books advocating some new fad.
However what works for one business, worked because it fitted in with;
- their strategy,
- their employees,
- their marketplace
and all the other elements.
Along come thousands of other businesses in entirely different situations copying someone else's
tactics and then getting frustrated when they do not get the same results.
There are no ways to happiness... And yet every route can be a path to happiness. Happiness is a
choice in every instant.
If you follow any of anyone else's ways to happiness, you will always be settling for less happiness
than you could experience.
Happiness is a unique experience that must be reached in a unique way. This doesn't mean that you
can't learn from the experience of others. However when a choice has to be made between your
path, your choice and that of another, always choose your way.

To Be Or Not To Be Happy Is A Choice

Being happy is really a choice we make, but it doesn't always seem to be that straightforward.
In each of our lives there are two worlds. One leads to a happy life... and the other to a life of
frustration, despair and misery.
These two worlds are the inner world and the outer world. The inner world is made up of our
thoughts, and feelings.
The outer world is made of all the things that we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste. The outer
world is the manifestation of your inner world. Everything in the outer world is only a symbol
representing something in your inner world.
So when we say that we want more money. What we really mean is that we want to create the
feeling of being free to buy whatever we like, or to get rid of the feeling of worry connected to

Ceci Nest Pas Une Pipe

Think of your life as a film. The drama, excitement and stories unfurl before your eyes on the
Just as the drama, excitement and events in your life unfold in the outer world.
The screen however is only where the projection from the projector or video or DVD is displayed.
Just as everything in your life is created from your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.


If the wrong film were playing on the screen you would not start trying to make changes to the
Its clear to you that the source of the film is not the screen. You would change the video or DVD.
Yet in life we continually try to change the outer world. When we feel insecure we try to make
more money, build new relationships or buy insurance to make ourselves feel safer.
When we feel unhappy we try to buy new things, change things around or move to be around new
things or new people.
This rarely works for long because our feelings are created, not by things around us, but by
thoughts... our perception of what is happening around us.
Our feelings are from our inner world and things are from our outer world. The link is indirect...
and so the outer world is an indirect, slow and complex way of changing how we feel.
The solution to achieving a happy life as with many solutions is so simple that we cannot
understand or believe it. We are always searching for the high tech, the complex and impressive
solutions, but ignore the simple truth.
Happiness comes from feelings, not from things we buy to make us happy. We have become so
ingrained in seeking happiness indirectly that we do not always understand the difference between
being happy for the short-term and long term.

Don't Worry - Be Happy And Control Your Destiny

Don't worry be happy. This sounds such a simplistic phrase, but there is great power and wisdom
in it.
Worry blocks our thinking, narrows our options and limits us. Being happy increases our creativity
and problem solving skills. It increases our energy, motivation and our abilities.
Dont worry, be happy tells us to focus on what we want rather than what we dont want. When we
focus on what we want our actions take us nearer to our goals.
When we focus on what we dont want we move away from what we dont want. But not
necessarily in the direction that we want to go in. Out of the fire and into the frying pan.



Happy people get far less attention than unhappy people.
There is a mountain of research on depression and the many other thousands of ways that
Psychology has categorized our misery. Only recently has the focus begun to turn to happiness.
There are a number of benefits to being joyful. Research indicates that happy people seem to;
1. Have a stronger immune system and therefore better health
2. Live longer.
3. Be more creative.
4. Be more co-operative.
5. Be more productive.
6. Be more successful in their careers.
7. Be liked more.
8. Be judged as more attractive.
9. Be more successful in relationships.
10. Be better equipped to cope with adverse situations.
11. Have a higher self-esteem.
12. Believe they have more control over their lives.
13. Be more optimistic.
Beyond these research findings there may be other unproven benefits to being happy. I believe that
it is happiness that gives us the fuel and the ability to do whatever it is that we want to do.
We can want to do something. But when we want, while we are feeling low or powerless we
cannot achieve anything. Emotional pain is like physical pain in the sense that it keeps directing
our attention onto the thing that causes us pain.
We become like a car stuck in mud. The more that we think, the more that we act all only serves to
dig ourselves into a deeper rut.
The deeper into the rut we get, the more helpless we become.
Happy people are able to stay above any dips in the road. From this point we are able to see
alternative paths and options. This gives us the power and ability to change our reality.



You can feel happiness, this very minute, if you so choose.
When we talk of wanting to be happy, we are generally feeling sad or down.
Whatever emotions or feelings you are experiencing at this moment in time is dependent on your
thoughts. Every emotional state is created by a hormonal and biochemical mix. To be happy is
merely a chemical mix. If you have a great deal of serotonin pumping around your system you will
probably feel sleepy.
So to be happy now requires you either to pay attention to something else or to perceive what you
are paying attention to differently. Most people forget these options and try to go straight into
changing their mood by changing the chemical status of their body.
Perhaps they will take drugs, or maybe they will eat some chocolate or drink a coffee.
If you want to change your mood instantly use this simple exercise.
Notice exactly what you are thinking and paying attention to. If the feelings you have are not
enjoyable you are perhaps worrying about something, frustrated, angry or sad.
Draw a box in the air in front of you. Bring to mind all the things that you do not want and put
them into the box.
Now draw another box next to your first. Into this box put all the things that you do want.
Most people have trouble with this. They generally start to say things like I want to not be so
tired or I want to not have to worry about.. These are things that you dont want. Reverse the
things you dont want. For example, I am feeling healthy, strong and happy now I am excited
Now you have a clear choice of where to focus your attention between what you do want and what
you dont want.
If you continue to focus all your energy and attention on what you do want youll soon find
yourself with all the energy, motivation you need and youll be happy now.



Seeking happiness is not a luxury or a privilege. It is your attempt to give to the world.
It is not self-indulgent or selfish. It is the noblest choice you can make.
However it is a mistake.
Heres why.
The very phrase, the pursuit of happiness is based on a misunderstanding of happiness.
Happiness is not a thing that can be pursued, chased or won. It can only be chosen. And it can
only be chosen by the individual who would experience it. There is nothing you can do, buy or say
that will give lasting happiness to another.
The best that you can do is demonstrate happiness through your own life. This shows others that
genuine happiness can be chosen. And in their own time they may choose it also.
The pursuit of happiness is based on an assumption that there is an ideal that we need to match up
to before being happy.
Because of this faulty assumption, many people chase after things and experiences they believe
will make them happier.
Yet in truth there are no entry requirements to be happy. You do not need;

any educational requirements,

any status or income levels,
anything other than the pure intention and choice to be happy.

This is why all the world engages in the pursuit of happiness, yet few achieve more than fleeting
glances at it.
All the things that we want, whether it is a great fortune or saintliness. Are all motivated, at their
source by one thing: The desire for happiness.
Even those who shun happiness, such as ascetics, do so in the pursuit of happiness. Just a different
definition of happiness... and a different timescale.



Authentic happiness is not what most people talk of, when they talk about being happy.
True happiness is a state where you know that you will be happy tomorrow next week and
next year.
You know you will be happy if the sun shines tomorrow or if it rains.
Authentic happiness does not depend on anything happening or not happening.
Authentic happiness is a way of living that is in tune with your natural physical and emotional
design. It is the buzz of being in control of your life and of sharing all that you are with the
world. It is like the smooth hum of a luxury car running perfectly.
Most people talk of happiness when they are not happy.
When we are happy our mind is not on how we are feeling, but is absorbed in something exciting.
In our moments of deepest happiness we are not even aware of thinking.
We speak of happiness from a longing to be happy. Therefore happiness is spoken about in the
way that someone drowning would clamour about for a lifeline.
We speak of happiness when we are sick of misery.
We speak of being happy when we are desperate to get rid of the pain of emptiness and frustration.
This is why we grab at anything that seems to be easy for us to reach. We reach out to be happier
from an emotional state that doesnt believe anything more than temporary relief is possible.
So we settle for a short-term fix.
Our attempts at creating authentic happiness are like our attempts at being healthy.
We all want to be healthy. But we never think about being healthy, until we experience ill health.
We never concern ourselves with keeping our body in its best possible working order.
But when we get sick or experience pain, we crave health. And from the desperation to avoid
pain, we will take a painkiller.
The pain killer doesnt make us healthy. In fact many would argue that introducing the painkiller
may lead to imbalances in the bodywhich may lead to further health problems. But it does take
away our pain.
When our pain is gone do we concern ourselves with ensuring our health is the best it can be?
For most of us we forget about our health until we get another reminder.
We follow this same pattern for happiness And this is why few reach authentic happiness.
We forever chase the instant and easy cure rather than the effective and lasting solution.


We choose the thirty second sound bite over the deeper insight contained in the longer article.
We choose anothers suggestions rather than making the effort to find our own solutions.
We choose the comfort of conformity over the bravery of authenticity.
At times we try to lessen our pain and emptiness... By;

taking drugs
keeping busy
or otherwise distracting ourselves, we are taking the emotional equivalent of a painkiller.

That is not to say that painkillers do not have their place. Everything has a place in the world. But
their place is not to create health.
Authentic happiness can never be bought, given or copied. It can only be chosen.

Choose To Be Happy And You Will Be

The responsibility for being happy is up to you because no one or nothing
else can be accountable for your actions. Being responsible for your attitude towards yourself and
the world is the main ingredient for being happy.
Almost everyone has heard the hit single Dont Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin. The song
has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby McFerrins
simple message surely made an impression on a lot of people by telling them not to worry.
Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, and is also good for your health. Being
happy actually protects you from the stresses of life. Stress is linked to top causes of death such as
heart disease, cancer and stroke.
One of the better things ever said is - The only thing in life that will always remain the same is
change, and in our life we have the power to make the necessary changes if we want to. Even if
we find ourselves in an unbearable situation we can always find solace in the knowledge that it too
would change.
Social networks or relationships are essential to happiness. People are
different, accept people for whom or what they are, avoid clashes, constant arguments, and let go
of all kinds of resentments. If arguments seem unavoidable still try and make an effort to
understand the situation and you might just get along with people better.
Happiness is actually found in everyone, increasing it is a way to make a life more wonderful and
also healthier.
To be happy is relatively easy; just decide to be a happy person. Abraham
Lincoln observed that most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how
relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be. The choice is simple really, choose to be


There are several ways by which you can do this.

Being grateful is a great attitude. We have so much to be thankful for. Thank the taxi driver for
bringing you home safely, thank the cook for a wonderful dinner and thank the guy who cleans
your clothes. Also thank the mailman for bringing you your mail, thank the policeman for making
your community safe and thank God for being alive.
News is stressful. Get less of it. Some people just cant start their day
without their daily dose of news. Try and think about it, 99% of the news we hear or read is bad
news. Starting the day with bad news does not seem to be a sensible thing to do.
A religious connection is also recommended. Being part of a religious group with its singing,
sacraments, chanting, prayers and meditations foster inner peace.
Manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be
viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to
do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to
develop an efficient personal time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned further to
include the finer points of each skill that can give you that extra reserve to make the results you
Laugh and laugh heartily everyday. Heard a good joke? Tell your friends or family about it. As
they also say -Laughter is the best medicine.
Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. They will most
likely reciprocate your actions. Try not to keep pent up anger of frustrations, this is bad for your
health. Instead find ways of expressing them in a way that will not cause more injury or hurt to
Working hard brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of
being competent in finishing our tasks. Accomplishments are necessary for all of us; they give us a
sense of value. Work on things that you feel worthy of your time.
Learning is a joyful exercise. Try and learn something new everyday. Learning also makes us
expand and broaden our horizons, and could also give us more opportunities in the future.
Run, jog, walk and do other things that your body was made for. Feel alive.



I don't need to be a gypsy fortune teller to tell your fortune. I can tell with a 95% certainty whether
or not a person is (or is going to be) successful.
All I need is 20 minutes of conversation or a few email interactions and I know. It is easy to do.
You can do it too. Yes! You can actually predict whether or not someone will have the success
they say they want. Better yet, you can tell if you are going to be a success OR not.
The best part about checking to see if you will be a success is that you don't have to 'beat around
the bush' in a conversation to discover the clues, as you would normally have to do with another
person. The worst part about checking in with yourself is that you will run up against an outright
liar. Yes, you will attempt to deceive yourself. Now that you are forewarned about that, you can
watch out for your attempts to obscure (or divert yourself from) the truth about yourself.
So, if you want to predict the future of anyone, including yourself, here are the ten most critical
clues that you will need to uncover and clarify:
1- Attitude
2- Intention
3- Purpose
4- Passion
5- Plan
6- Resolve
7- Responsibility
8- Words
9- Actions
Let's take a closer look at each.
There is a winner's attitude and there is a loser's attitude. Most people have a mix of the two.
A winner's attitude is characterized by high self-esteem, a positive outlook on life, a general
feeling of gratitude, a sense of great personal destiny, a willingness to learn and the will to do what
is necessary.
Losers have poor self-esteem, a negative (they say realistic) outlook on life, a general feeling of
resentment about the trials and tribulations of life, a sense of impending negative fate, a
stubbornness about what they 'know', and lousy will-power or self-discipline.
As a general rule, things done with intent, produce intended results and things done without
specific intent produce unintended results.
It is my experience that most people think, say and do most things in life without any conscious
and specific intent. I like to ask people (and especially myself) the following clarifying questions:

What is your intent in holding that belief? What is your intent in thinking that way? What is your
intent in doing what you do? Most can't answer. Winners can. More importantly, winners are
always asking themselves, "what is my intended result for this chosen action, thought or way of
This is so simple it is almost ludicrous... a life without a defined and stated purpose is a life of no
purpose and no meaning.
Winners have a purpose. Losers do not. Winners live a life of purpose and 'on purpose'. Losers live
accidentally; victims of circumstance instead of creators of circumstance. The sooner you write
down the succinct and true purpose of your life, the sooner you will discover success, happiness
and personal fulfilment.
Important caveat: your purpose does not have to be altruistic or measure up to anyone's standards
except your own. It can be entirely selfish.
Passion is that fuel that drives you. Passion is also what attracts to you the people and resources
that you need to achieve your success.
Passion is magnetic. Desire is the metaphysical equivalent of gravity. It draws to you the elements
that you need to succeed. Passionate people attract followers and supporters. Winners are
passionate! ! ! ! !
You've heard before. You've read it many times. Every personal empowerment teacher says it...
You must have specific and written goals and a step-by-step plan to enact those goals.
Every business needs a business plan. Your life needs a plan. You must create it. As Ben Franklin
pointed out, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." Winners have a game plan. Losers are spectators
and armchair quarterbacks. Do you have written goals?
Do you have a specific game plan?
It is persistence that creates winners. It takes resolve to reach the top.
There will be obstacles in your path and impediments to your success. Losers allow themselves to
be defeated by these barriers. Winners use them to build up strength and/or to learn a better way to
do something. I see it all the time... people quit just before the finish line. They lose focus and
Winners persist. Losers desist.


Ask yourself this question, "Why don't I have all the prosperity, happiness, success and fulfilment
that I desire?"
If you blame any condition, circumstance, event, person or external thing, then you are a loser.
Winners accept responsibility. Losers assess blame.
Step up to the plate and accept responsibility for your life and you will become the winner that you
desire to be in your secret heartfelt moments. The wonderful part about accepting responsibility for
your failures is that you also get to accept responsibility for your successes. You don't have to say
that you were lucky or blessed or had the right breaks... you can say, "I did this."
The words you speak and the way you speak them tell a lot about you. They tell the world what
you believe, what you think, where you have been, who you hang around with and where you are
likely to end up.
Below average people talk about other people; average people talk about events and
circumstances. above average people (winners) talk about ideas and ideals (especially their own).
Winners say what they mean and mean what they say. Losers say what they think will please
others or repeat what they have been told.
And yes, actions speak louder than words. The things you do are a reflection of your character.
Most people tend to do what most others do, in some sort of wilful ignorance of the plain fact that
most people live mediocre lives and never achieve the success they had idealized for themselves.
Actions produces results.
If you want uncommon results, you must undertake to act uncommonly on purpose, with intent,
with responsibility, with persistence, with resolve, with passion and according to your plan.
Do what you love. Do what you will.
Birds of a feather do flock together.
If you want to be a winner, hang out with winners. Create your own 'mastermind group'. Try to be
involved with people who are smarter than you, more successful than you, have greater aspirations
than you. If you can't do it in person, read their books or read their biographies or visit their
Losers like to hang around with other losers, not just because misery loves company, but because
their self-esteem is not threatened by comparison to their peers. If you can find the way to love


yourself enough to always have a high level of self-esteem, then you won't need to compare
yourself to others.
Winners believe in themselves. Losers believe in the world around them.
So now you know my secret to be able to predict the future.
All I need to know about a person is:
1- Who they hang around with,
2- What they do day-to-day,
3- The way they speak and what they say,
4- Whether or not they assume responsibility or assess blame,
5- Whether or not they have the resolve (the stick-to-it-tive-ness) to overcome obstacles,
6- If they have a plan to live by,
7- A passion for life and their plans,
8- A self-designed purpose to live for,
9- If they act intentionally or in reaction, and,
10- What their overall attitude is to life and their part in it.
Now that you know, you don't need me, or some gypsy tea leaf reader, to predict your future.
The GREAT good news is that, if you discover, through this self-analysis, that you do not have
these 10 necessary characteristics of winners, you can change the way you are and the things you
do. So there it is... your destiny is yours, by design or by default. It is up to you.

Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and
The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World
with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and
ad-free eZine at or
Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included.
Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.

Richard Gorham is the founder and President of Leadership-Tools, Inc. His web site, is dedicated to providing free tools and resources for today's
aspiring leaders. Offering high-quality tools in the areas of Business Planning, Leadership
Development, Customer Service, Sales Management and Team Building.



No surprise - winning traits are common among high achievers.
Are you tired of schlepping to the beat of someone else's drum? Does the idea of being your own
boss appeal to you?
Are you entrepreneur material?
There are ten common traits among winners and the most successful entrepreneurs.
Ten Winning Traites!
1. An Eye For Opportunity: Many entrepreneurs start by identifying a common need and using
some basic elbow grease and imagination to deliver a solution.
2. Independence: Even though most entrepreneurs know how to work within a framework for the
sake of profits, they enjoy being their own boss.
3. An Appetite For Hard Work: Most entrepreneurs start out working long, hard hours with little
pay. They are driven by their vision so "hard work" to them is also just a matter of doing what
they love and following their dream.
4. Self-Confidence: Entrepreneurs must demonstrate the winning trait of self-confidence in order
to cope with all the risks of operating their own business. They are empowered with the
knowledge that each barrier is placed in front of them for the purpose finding a way to knock it
down and move forward.
5. Discipline: Successful entrepreneurs resist the temptation to do what is unimportant or the
easiest but have the ability to think through to what is the most essential.
6. Judgment: Successful entrepreneurs have the ability to think quickly and make a wise decision.
They possess the common sense and good judgement of asking others opinions, but after
gathering all available information, they make their own decision.
7. Ability To Accept Change: Change occurs frequently when you own your own business. This
is one of the most important traits as it provides freedom to the entrepreneur who thrives on
change - they understand that change is opens the door to new opportunity and growth.
8. Makes Stress Work For Them: On the roller coaster to business success the entrepreneur often
copes by focusing on the end result and not so much the process of getting there. To be sure,
this is one of the more difficult but necessary winning traits.
9. Need To Achieve: Although they keep an "eye" on profits, this is often secondary to the drive
toward personal success.
10. Focus On Profits: Successful entrepreneurs always have the profit margin in sight. They know
that their business success is measured by profits and their business survival is dependent on
good cash flow.
How many of our ten winning traits do you possess? Do you belong to this entrepreneurial profile
or would you rather maintain a more regular 9 to 5 job, pick up your pay check every other week
and leave the headaches to someone else? Most people, quite easily, choose the latter. They do
NOT possess the winning traits of entrepreneurs.


There are twelve necessary elements involved in achieving success:
1. Spend daily time in reflection, contemplation, meditation, stillness and silence. Ground
yourself in self-awareness.
Since all that exists arises out of the infinite, you should get intimate with the infinite so you can
have what you want. Meditation connects you the greater aspects of your self and also to the
Learn to meditate and then develop the discipline to do it daily; make it a habit, like brushing your
Contemplation of one's own internal self and of the external world will lead to wisdom.
2. Gain control of your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
Stop allowing your self to get yanked around by other people, by your culture, by events or
circumstances. You are you. You own your self. Take control.
Think what you want. Feel how you want. Believe what you decide is best for you.
Create you own ideals. Define your own purpose. Then, live that purpose.
3. Develop a strong self-image. Learn to love yourself.
Get to know yourself. You are an exceptional individual. You are unique in the whole universe.
You are special. You are sacred. Know who you are and then, love who you are.
Self-love is not egocentrism; it is simply the acknowledgement of your sacredness.
4. Think for yourself. Opt out of mass consciousness. Utilize your creative imagination.
Look around you. If you want to be average, to be the norm, then think like everyone else. If you
want more out of life, then learn to think for yourself.
Don't allow your culture to become your cult. Program your self.
5. Set your goals. Create your own game plan. WRITE IT DOWN.
Write down your goals. Define them. Affirm them.
If you fail to make a plan, then you might as well plan to fail.
Let's take a look at some research two university studies about written goals. The results will
astound you and, hopefully, convince you to begin now to write down your own goals.
In 1984, a follow up study was done on the Harvard Business School graduating class of 1964. All
members of the class stated that they had had, at graduation, clear goals to accomplish in life.

Only 5% of the 1964 class had taken the time to write down their goals. 95% of this group had
achieved those written goals 20 years later.
Of the 95% who did not bother to write down their goals in 1964, only 5% had achieved their
expected goals.
Even Harvard graduates only succeed when they plan to succeed and then commit their plans to
The Harvard study was preceded by an earlier study done by Yale University.
This study found that only 3% of the 1953 graduating class had written goals.
Twenty years later, in 1973, this 3% of the Yale graduates had accomplished more than the other
97% combined.
Set your ideals, clarify your goals and then write them down. Carry them with you. Refer to them
often. Map your progress. Plan to succeed.
6. Do what needs to be done. Develop self-discipline.
Become your own disciple. Don't allow yourself to become distracted or to become too lazy to do
what is necessary to achieve your goal.
Develop the discipline to be what you need to be, do what you need to do in order to have what
you want to have.
7. Be of service. Think win/win. Find a way to create success or happiness for others.
People succeed by giving others what they want. 'Find a need or want and then fill it' is an old
truism of business. Examine your own ideals.
Are there others who hold the same desires?
Find a way to give others what is in tune with your shared ideals and you will prosper.
8. Educate yourself, then use, apply what you know. Applied knowledge is power.
Get wise. Apply what you learn to your life. Many people know the secrets of happiness and
success but don't apply them and are confused by the lack of harmony in their lives.
9. Be visionary. Think ahead. Use the past. Live in the moment.
Create the future. Use your imagination. Become a visionary.
Turn off your television and turn on your inner vision.
Learn from others' successes. Learn from others' failures.


Everything you see was created in the past. Use the past but don't let it use you.
Live fully in this present moment. Imagine your ideal future. Make it real.
10. Use your time wisely. Live a balanced life. Be, do, have.
Remember to take time to play.
It encourages both halves of your brain to function so that your mind can inhabit and function in a
bigger space. Plan, rehearse and then execute.
Don't just spend all your time doing, without first being.
Frenetic activity is the sign of those who choose to work hard instead of smart.
It is those who spend as much time being and thinking as doing, those for whom 'work is play' that
11. Speak your truth. Live your word. Say what you mean, mean what you say.
Above average people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and below average
people talk about other people.
Talk about your truth, your ideals, what you desire to see manifest.
Don't spend too much time talking about what is already manifest, what already exists. That just
makes you average. Allow other people to live their lives. Don't waste your time talking about
You may be advised not to talk about yourself. Don't listen. It is bad advice. Speak always, first
and foremost, your own truth. Otherwise, you'll end up living somebody else's.
12. Enjoy the journey. Be here now. Be in the present moment. Be a spiritual being.
Happiness does not come tomorrow with the rising of the sun. It is only available now in each
present moment.
Slow down enough to enjoy this moment and each that follow will bring their own reward. Be
grateful for all that you have right here, right now. You will end up having more to be grateful for
in the next moment. Develop that attitude of gratitude.

Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide.

Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and
The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World
with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and
ad-free eZine at or



According to Bill Gates there are 3 keys to success in any new venture:
1) Being in the right place at the right time. (You could well be already there!)
2) Have a vision of where the industry/business you're working in is going!
3) Taking Massive and Immediate Action! (It is time to act!)
"The future belongs to those who believe in the quality of their dreams." Was it Johann Wolfgang
Von Goethe, the famous German poet and philosopher who said those wise words?
Here are my 15 steps to fulfilling my wildest dreams...
Know and accept your weaknesses and faults (we all have them), but even more so your strengths,
abilities and gifts. Build on your strengths and try to minimize or improve on your weaknesses. An
honest, objective analysis of yourself is the first step in preparing you for success and realizing
your dreams. Celebrate you for just being you, a unique creation.
Aim for mental clarity about what you most want out of life. Think about it and write it down. If
it's happiness, what do you mean by happiness: a sense of belonging, recognition, independence,
love, money or security? If you don't know where you are and where you want to go with your life,
how will you ever get there? Aim at nothing and you're sure to hit it.
Don't apologize for getting passionate. What excites you the most? If you are not enthusiastic and
excited about what you're doing, your path in life, you'll never get others to share your dream.
Once you find your passion, you will have found your POWER, MEANING and PURPOSE in
Always be aware. Negative people will poison your dream faster than anything else. Motto: "If
you can't be positive, shut up!" Try and stay positive...even in the face of negativity.
You're going to be misunderstood, misquoted, hurt some feelings, perhaps even lose some friends
(for the time being). Motto: "What other people think of me is none of my business!" Repeat this
statement to yourself, especially when you doubt or feel discouraged.
To thine own self be true. (Shakespeare's "Hamlet", act I.3.) This is supremely important, no
matter what the world may think of you. The masses are conditioned to mediocrity and other
people's success can make them not feel inferior for their own insignificant little lives.
Accept yourself. Learn from others--but don't be intimidated by them, or pretend to be someone
you're not; because... "We are most effective when we're being ourselves."



The only real mistake is one from which you learn nothing. Motto: "Far better to try something and
fail, than try nothing and succeed!"
Realizing your dream may be the hardest, most uphill thing you'll ever do. A truth ... "You can't
coast uphill."
The key ingredient in success is never giving up. Keep on keeping on with your quest. It has been
said that "success is 99% made up of failures".
(no matter how successful you may be.) Don't ever think you've made it and arrived--there's
always a lot ahead, more to do, higher mountains to climb. Motto: "The greatest way to do our
thing has yet to be discovered!"
There is incredible power in yourself (in the form of the unique human mind), but far more so in
the forces of the Universe. Make them work for you by living your life in harmony with these
natural forces. Like positive energy attracts like.
Enough "spiritual" thoughts! Back to the "real world" and you. Avoid developing an inferiority
complex (Who am I, a 'nothing'?"). Don't be filled with feelings of self pity ("nobody likes me"),
or think "I can't do it". These thoughts will steal your dream.
Nothing is ever as bad as it seems--don't get too solemn, or serious or too downcast when things go
wrong (as they surely will from time to time). Take a leaf from Thomas Edison's book: "I never
did a day's work in my entire life: it was all FUN!"
Laugh at life's funny moments... and there are plenty of them. "The secret of happiness is not in
doing what one likes, but in liking what one does." -J.M. Barrie
There will be plenty of times when you'll face the death of your dream. When failures,
disappointments, and criticisms come you need the will and faith to keep going. Remember: We
learn far more from our failures than our successes, because failures show us what doesn't work.
So, failure is just one step closer to ultimate success. Often the difference between failure and
success is trying just one more time, picking yourself up off the canvas after being knocked down
time and again.
Success on its own (i.e., for its own sake) will pollute and corrupt you--it's a dead end street unless
you have meaning in your life. The years of struggle breed fortitude and character. The gold may
be an inch away from the seam, where your fellow miners have given up. You need to succeed for
a reason, a purpose, a cause that's bigger than you! and IF (a very big if) you've fulfilled all the
above requirements...



They are all around you. There are no permanent problems--only solutions, possibilities and
opportunities. The Chinese word for 'crisis' means 'danger' + 'opportunity'.
If you truly believe in what you are doing, DEVELOP THE 'WILL TO SUCCEED with absolute
commitment. It is not enough to just survive, aim at being the best you can possibly be! Keep your
dream big, bold and even outrageous--don't water it down or settle for mediocrity... even if others
think you are crazy! Trust in your judgment, your intuition and your creative mind to overcome
any obstacles. "Be bold and mighty, unseen forces come to your aid."
Be patient. Don't be in too much of a hurry to achieve your goals and dreams. Be persistent and
never quit. As the saying goes, 'Winners never quit and quitters never win.'
Always remember, when you think you've exhausted all your possibilities, you really haven't-there's always another way, a better way...and even more importantly, there's always another day!
Life is not a dress rehearsal, it's the main event. GO FOR THAT DREAM. It is within you and
within your reach.

About The Author

Craig Lock has studied and written extensively on the subject of personal success and how to live
your dreams. Craig is a writer, who believes in encouraging and helping others to strive for and
accomplish their dreams. He truly believes people can overcome obstacles, rise to any occasion,
and accomplish their entire dream with enough faith.
Creative Writing Course:
Craig can be found accomplishing his dream at



Taking action is the strongest way to create success in your life. The following are the 21 Actions
that you can take right now, to ignite the success in your life, business, career, relationships, or
family. Take one or two of the actions that you are better at and practice them. Then, start working
on some of the other actions. You will be surprised at the success that you will have when you start
to take action.
1 STOP the way you do things presently. To stop allows you the right to take inventory of what is
happening in your life objectively and with clarity and then, when appropriate, to continue.
2 DROP the assumptions that you make about other people and yourself. To drop your present
way of doing things can mean starting anew or just altering the way you approach things. You
start with as clean a slate as possible.
3 EXPECT success. luck. fun. joy. love. what you truly desire. To expect creates sensitivity for
the expected. To expect good things opens a world of opportunity.
4 GIVE without expectation. without being requested. when you can and when you cannot.
creatively and in new ways. To give is the gift of self-esteem. When one is truly comfortable
with oneself, one gives effortlessly.
5 BELIEVE the world is abundant. in yourself. To believe goes along with action. When you
believe, your actions reflect the reality of your belief.
6 THANK people who are generous to you, the world for what you have, yourself for what you
contribute. To thank is to contemplate one's good fortune.
7 VISUALIZE your goals. your challenges. your victories.? the path you are taking in life. To
visualize is to use all of your senses and to have experienced the act completely before it
8 ASK for what you want. others what they need. for help. To ask is not a selfish action. In an
appropriate manner it is an act of progress, of clarification and of generosity.
9 CREATE your world. new art, new projects, new thoughts, new writing, new music, new fun in
your life and the lives of others. a safe place for others to exist. a fun environment for those
you touch. To create is human and awe inspiring.
10 LAUGH a lot. out loud. at yourself. To laugh is to always be selfless and to laugh at yourself
as much as you laugh at humanity.
11 DO Something. Anything. Doing will move you forward. Doing will get you out of your
doldrums. To do something and, at times, anything can be the catalyst that keeps you going.
Doing something means being active physically and mentally, not allowing yourself to become
stagnant. The act of doing is the act of success.
12 FORGIVE those who have wronged you. yourself. To forgive is to acknowledge and say
everything is okay.


13 BE the success you want to be now. Play the part to make that the new norm. true to yourself.
present in every moment for yourself and for those around you. To be in this sense is an
action. It means you are actively present and in the role of yourself. Being means you are not
lost in the past or in the future.
14 LOVE those people around you. those who support you. your family. your friends. yourself. To
love is to open yourself up to those who are close to you and ultimately to everyone.
15 FOCUS your efforts on your priorities, your goals, and your plans. To focus means your
energies are not wasted or spread too thin.
16 LEARN daily. To learn is to honour the capacity we all have within our minds. To learn
exercises our muscle of thought.
17 BALANCE your life for you, your family, your work, the world. To balance is to recognize
your boundaries and to act in a way to not cross them.
18 RELAX your body. your mind. To relax is the act of allowing our minds to catch up and
organize themselves. To relax allows rest for our muscle of thought.
19 EMBRACE your fear as a necessary part of success. change as the vehicle for new opportunity.
new people as just that ? people. To embrace is a hug that is comforting yet confident.
20 OBSERVE the world around you. the people around you. what you see, hear, taste, small, and
feel. what your gut tells you. what your mind is thinking. the power of a relaxed, rested mind
To observe is the willingness to be taught about your world and those people and things in it.

To receive the 21st and most important Action to Ignite Your Success, please subscribe to Food for
Thought, our newsletter that will make you stop and think.
Go to
Paul has always researched and studied the fields of human performance and personal &
professional development. As an engineer, Paul is extremely interested in how things work - the
mind being one of the most fascinating. Paul has lived a life of opportunity and abundance, which
has included living and working overseas in Africa and the Caribbean. He is a retired I.T.
consultant and executive, a husband and father of 2 boys, and has conquered marathons, triathlons,
and Mount Kilimanjaro. This wide background of experience has all supported his research. Paul
lives a life of success by practicing the Mindscape Principles.
For more information on Paul Frazer, his company Mindscape, his speaking programs, his book
Stop, Drop & Re-Balance: A Self Renewal Manual or to contact him please call him at 613-2643791 or visit his website at:



1. They are hard working. There is no such thing as easy money. Success takes hard work and
people who are willing to do it.
2. They are honest. Those who are successful long-term are the honest ones. Dishonest people may
get the first sale, but honest people will get all the rest!
3. They persevere. How many success stories will go untold because they never happened? And all
because someone quit. Successful people outlast everybody else.
4. They are friendly. Have you noticed that most successful people are friendly and people
oriented? This endears them to others and enables them to lead others to accomplish the task.
5. They are lifelong learners. Successful people are people who stretch themselves and grow
continually, learning from all areas of life, including from their mistakes.
6. They over-deliver. The old statement of under-promise and over-deliver became famous
because it made a lot of people successful, including the richest man in the world - Bill Gates
7. They seek solutions in the face of problems. Problems are opportunities to do the impossible,
not just complain. Successful people are the ones who find solutions.

About The Author:

Chris Widener is a popular speaker and writer as well as the President of Made for Success, a
company helping individuals and organizations turn their potential into performance, succeed in
every area of their lives and achieve their dreams.
To see Chris "live" at the upcoming Jim Rohn Weekend Event as he speaks on the subject of
Secrets of Influence go to or call 800-929-0434.



1. Any work activity, unless initiated at the earliest will not move ahead. Once you begin the work,
you will appreciate its scope, likely problems etc. Procrastination and success are inversely related.
2. Depending on the work, you have to work hard, in terms of extended work hours, physical
labour or mental labour. Don't leave things as such citing exhaustion or some other trivial reason.
3. Try to understand how you can source help from others in areas where you lack either time or
expertise. Many a times networking help you to accomplish tasks within time frame, cost
reduction, innovativeness etc.
4. Work with real interest, then work is pleasure. If you cannot have interest, you are not doing
justice for yourself or the employer, as the case may be. Understanding the task leads to innovative
ideas which in turn generates interest. Compare and compete with colleagues and friends working
with similar tasks, a sure way to work with zeal.
5. Have patience till the time you feel, you have followed the above. Till then never loose patience,
even if you have to start from the scratch, of course the boss should be willing to give you more
6. Resist temptations that divert your valuable mental and physical resources, while on the task. In
other words work with concentration. You can relax a while, but not get diverted to unrelated
7. Observe what others have done, their successes, failures, factors and reasons for the same and
relate with your mode of operation. Filter the accessible best processes.
The above provides just as a guide, and is not a generalized formula. It is out of observation and
own experience, one can frame better rules and ideas for oneself.

The author Holds a Masters degree in Agricultural Sciences and is cofounder of an organization
involved in Nature conservation and sustainable development. The author can be reached at Visit for more information on
Kolleru lake.



Ever have those days where no matter what you try life seems to be a series of one step forward
and two steps back?
Well today is the very best day to take charge of your life and develop strategies to achieve
personal success. You will need to work hard and make a commitment to your personal success
plan, but once you break the inertia you will find that small achievements will help you gain
momentum, and each step forward will attract more success.
1. Take a look at the one and only person responsible for your success- YOU. To be successful you
must take complete responsibility for your actions. You can't pin your success or your
shortcomings on anyone else.
2. Develop and nurture a successful self- Start by smiling more, look to the positive side in
everything. Don't list all the reasons why something is hard and you can't do it, find the reasons
even if it is only one to start with of why you can do something. You must develop a successful
persona to become a successful person.
3. Make the decision today- Decide today that you will be successful. Praise yourself for past
accomplishments, take stock of your strong qualities and work to nurture and improve those that
are underdeveloped. You have a purpose and a mission you must sweep aside the negative clutter
and define this purpose and begin today to fulfil yourself.
4. Always begin with the positive- every morning you wake up, every time you speak with other
people. Always stick with the positive. Associate with positive people. People who have also made
the commitment to success. Avoid negative people at all costs. They will not only drag you down.
Their negative actions and thoughts, their pessimism, whining, and complaining is a toxin and you
need to steer clear of it.
5. Visualize and write down how you desire to live successfully- think of the things that are
meaningful to you. Things that give you pleasure, comfort, and fulfilment. Then being as specific
as possible write down how you want to live. Don't listen to any of the negative, just concentrate.
Write down every detail, where you live, what your house is like down to the decor. What you and
your friends are passionate about, what kinds of community projects do you donate your time and
money to. After writing everything down copy the most vivid and important things into a new
journal. One you have chosen just for this. Make the journal come to life with drawings,
photographs, magazine clippings, articles, and poetry. Images and words that will help your vision
of a successful life crystallize in your mind. Look through this journal several times a week. Every
day visualizing living that life. Make all of your actions in accordance with that successful life.
6. Define what success means to you- Concentrate on what you are best at and what brings you
satisfaction and fulfilment. Using your vision of how you want to live, write down and then read
out loud what success means to you. Otherwise you won t know when you have achieved it.
7. Study and make the commitment- Read books and magazines about people who are successful
in your eyes, and ways to become more successful. Develop a daily methodical systematic
approach to reaching your goals and take one step towards your success.

Keep your mind in the moment don't let it wonder to negative discourse. Focus your attention on
your vision of success. With a resolute attitude you are well on your way.

About The Author

BZ Riger-Hull. For valuable free articles, assessments, & practical success
tools Certified as a Success Coach, "Four Agreements"
Facilitator, & Tele-Course leader We help you communicate powerfully, reduce stress,
Strategically Attract success, & increase your financial well-being.



Have you ever thought about how you want to live, and who you want to become? Everyone has
different values and puts them in different order of priority, so what works for others may not be
your own recipe for success.
To remind yourself about what your life is all about, I recommend taking the time to write down
ten principles that you consider most important. It is easy to get off-track at times, but if you keep
your personal values in sight it is much easier live by them. (After all, what is the point in getting
out of bed every day if not to live a life of value?).
Selecting only ten principles is certainly difficult, but well worth doing. Mine are clearly visible
from my computer where I work every day. Why don't you do the same?
Petra's Ten Tips for Being a Winner
Think big - dare to dream
Give without expecting anything back
Be persistent, even when it all looks too hard
Speak positively about yourself and others
Never stop learning
Smile, even when no-one is looking
Demand excellence from yourself
Put people before projects
Take responsibility for everything that happens to you
Have integrity - always do what you say you will do

(C) Copyright Petra Rankin 2005

Petra Rankin used powerful techniques to beat her own long-term depression. She is now
dedicated to teaching others how to be happier and lead more successful lives. Her first book Fast
Track Your Success and Happiness is due to be launched in September 2005 and is currently
available for download as a free e-book instead of paying $19.95. Limited time only!



However there is one success secret that costs nothing. And we can all use it today to get ahead
more quickly. I am talking about cultivating exceptional people skills in a way that puts you ahead
of the crowd, in a way that respects and honours the people you deal with in your life.
Ironically when we neglect people skills the complex business and social infrastructure of our
world can fall over in a moment. What do I mean?
Have you ever walked into the store of a major nationwide retailer and walked through the
multimillion dollar premises only to find nobody to serve you?
Have you ever phoned your bank and got a busy signal or even worse got cut off despite their huge
customer service focused advertising campaigns.
How about in your workplace? Have you ever done a fantastic job, stayed late to get it done and
felt taken for granted? The corporate slogan about caring for the welfare of the staff rings hollow
after this happens more than once.
On the other hand if you learn from the most successful individuals and companies you will find
one trait in common -- excellent people skills.
Here are three ways to become more successful by developing your people skills:
1 Learn from people who manage to remain cheerful in the face of massive challenges and
A good friend of mine was on the verge of losing his business last year but you would never have
guessed it. He was always smiling and confident things would get better. He somehow managed to
still treat his staff well even when he was worried about running out of money.
By listening to him and watching him cope with extreme financial pressure I learned a lot. His
belief that everything would work out kept him smiling even while facing some very dark hours.
You too need to become better under pressure. Anyone can cope well when things are going well.
It is only when you shine under pressure that you prove to yourself and the world that you are
destined for better things.
2 Exceptional people skills happen at the margin.
To go from average to good and from good to excellent is possible in a short time when you make
incremental improvements each day.
You do not need to change your personality or go on a two week course. Simply focus on listening
skills, on non verbal communication and on building confidence.
Read some good books, get advice from experts and apply what you learn. By making only very
slight improvements where it matters most you will quickly develop exceptional people skills.


The very best performers in sport and in business are only marginally better than their closest
competitors and these slight margins make all the difference between winning and losing.
Aim to make marginal improvements in your ability to communicate with confidence and your
results will improve dramatically. Now would be a great time to get started!
3 Say what you mean and mean what you say
Mark Twain famously commented that common sense is not that common and today sincerity and
honesty are far from common either.
You can stand out from the crowd by making a point of saying what you mean instead of saying
what you think people want to hear. Insincerity is a game you can never win as you are always
living in fear of getting caught out.
If you follow through on what you say people will respect you for your integrity and you will be
known and appreciated as someone who can be counted on.
Be unusual -- hold yourself to a high standard of integrity and commit to saying what you mean
and doing what you say you will.
When you live like this each day other people develop confidence in you and in what you say. And
success in the world gets a whole lot easier with a team of people who believe in you paving the
road ahead.

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10
Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available for a
limited time only at:



Becoming successful requires a lifestyle change. It requires that you know where you are going,
where you want to be, but most importantly, it requires that you know how you will get there!
Before you begin your journey to success, ask yourself these questions...

What do I want in life?

What do I want from my business?
What is my objective?
What am I here for?
Where do I want my business to be in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years?

Once you have answered these questions write them down as if you have already accomplished
your goal.
Start in this manner.
Figure out where you want your life to be 5 years from now. Don't hold back, this is the part where
you figure out what your dreams are, what your ultimate goal is. To clearly understand this point
we are going to use a real life story of how someone can accomplished his/her dreams.
Let's take Adrian's 5 year dream for example, and let's help him figure out how he can accomplish
his dreams.

Adrian was born in Brazil on September 14, 1973.

Adrian is 30 years old, he has never finished high school, and is now living in South Carolina,
United States. He works at the Coca-Cola factory and makes $19,000 a year.
Adrian has always had big dreams, and wants something better for his life, he wants to have a
6 figure income, and he knows that working at a factory is just not going to cut it.
He wants a big house ( $200,000 )
A swimming pool in his back yard. ( part of the house )
A brand new Cadillac Escalade ( $80,000 )
He wants to visit his home land ( $25,000 )
He wants to get married to his fiance, and have a big wedding, they have been engaged for 3
years and Adrian has not been able to afford a big wedding. ( $25,000 )

Realistically speaking, there's no possible way that Adrian can afford to accomplish his dreams
within 5 years, because in 5 years he will have only made $95,000.
In order to achieve his goals he requires an additional $235,000, which would in turn require an
additional 12 years working at the factory, not to mention his daily, and monthly expenses like
Rent, Food, Bills, etc.
Adrian, the optimist that he is doesn't allow the fact that he needs an additional $235,000 minimum
to stop him from accomplishing his dreams. Adrian has a vision -- Let's fast forward for a second,
shall we... The date is March 7th, 2008.
Adrian just came back with his wife from vacation, where they were visiting Brazil for 1 full year.

As they arrive at their house, they see their Cadillac Escalade, and their 2007 BMW parked in their
driveway. They are tired from the long flight and decide to go relax in their Jacuzzi found in their
back yard. The Jacuzzi is just a few feet away from their swimming pool.
As you have guessed it, Adrian no longer works at the Coca Cola factory, because if he did he
wouldn't have over 1 Million dollars in his bank account.
Most importantly, Adrian is happy to be alive and well as he now enjoys a luxurious lifestyle.
Adrian has accomplished his goals and dreams, and is now living the life that he deserves, the life
he has always wanted.
Life is Good!
Adrian knew that before he could accomplish his dreams, he had to have a clear vision of where he
wanted to be, and who he wanted to become.
Adrian knew that his job at the factory was not going to cut it, and was not going to provide the
type of income that he deserved, therefore he began to research elsewhere.
Adrian began researching the Internet in hopes of starting his own business.
Since Adrian didn't have much time to design his own products, nor the resources to start up a
company from scratch. He began researching for companies that could help him generate extra
After failing over and over again, he stumbled upon a site that was going to help him create
guaranteed monthly income. Since Adrian was new to the Internet he didn't know much marketing
strategies, nor did he have any know how on where to begin. He than began to learn, follow, and
apply the marketing strategies found in the company's marketing plan.
Over the next few months Adrian began creating a healthy secondary income, and eventually he
managed to quit his job at the Coca Cola factory and was on track to accomplishing his dreams.
The dreams he always wanted for himself.
Within 5 years, Adrian made over 10 times the amount of money he thought he needed to
accomplish his dreams.
Congratulations Adrian!
How did he accomplish this?
Adrian began learning everything he could about his company's marketing plan. When he realized
that this company could realistically help him accomplish his dream, he began applying his newly
acquired knowledge.
Adrian had big dreams in mind, and therefore he had to go the extra mile in order to make sure
they came true. He started designing a plan that was going to help him attain his long term dream.


The plan included short term goals, as well as daily goals to accomplish each and every day.
The key to Adrian's success was learning and applying his newly acquired knowledge, as well as
accomplishing his daily goals.
Adrian's Plan:

Learn how to promote his business on the Internet

Learn how others have succeeded, and model after their success
*Apply what he learned *
Never Give Up!
Write a daily to do list
Design Short Term Goals
Design 1 Month Goals
Design 1 Year Goals
Design 2 Year Goals
Design 5 Year Goals
Accomplish what is found on his daily To-Do list
Accomplish his 1 Month Goals
Accomplish his 1 Year Goals
Accomplish his 2 Year Goals
Accomplish his 5 Year Goals
Accomplishing the above was the basis of how Adrian's dreams were accomplished.

After Adrian accomplished each small step, he knew that he was one step closer to his long term
Adrian encountered a lot of obstacles along the way, and he never gave up. In the back of his mind
he knew that one day he was going to have a big house, a brand new car, and would visit his
Regardless of what obstacles Adrian faced along the way, HE NEVER GAVE UP!
Adrian learned that the difference between those who make a 6 - 7 Figure income, and those who
barely make a 5 Figure income, was that those who give up never succeed, and those who succeed
never give up!
What can you learn from Adrian?
You decide!

Dave Origano is a 24 year old entrepreneur that succeeded in the online world in merely 3 years.
With the right mind setting he growed his wealth with millions. Want to own the techniques that
he used to create these millions of dollars:



You will have the greatest success if you read the first newsletter and take some time to observe
your own procrastination patterns. Once you have accomplished that, choose a few of the
strategies outlined here. Keep working at it until you understand what you need to do to stop
putting things off.
Set Specific Goals
The most effective goals are specific, measurable, and achievable. An example of a good goal is, "I
will buy paint on Friday and paint the living room on Saturday." This is better than saying, "I am
going to get the house ready to sell."
Set Priorities
Write down all the things that you need to do, and place them in order of importance. The most
important tasks belong at the top of your list and the distractions go at the bottom. Start at the top
of your list and work your way down.
Organize Your Work
Set up a system for yourself. Prepare a daily schedule and keep it within view during your working
time. List the tasks for each day. Check things off as you complete them. When you are working
on a project, lay out all of the needed supplies or materials before you begin.
Divide and Conquer
Sometimes a project is overwhelming if you think about all of the work that is involved. Do
yourself a favour: Break the activity down into smaller steps and set progress goals for each of the
steps. This is especially helpful when you are beginning a writing project, studying for a degree, or
building a new set of skills. For example, if you need to write a report, make an outline before you
start writing. If you have to clean your house, make your goal to do the first two rooms by 10:00,
two more by noon, and two more by 2:00. Check tasks off your outline as you complete them.
Make It a Game
Turn the temptation to avoid working into a challenge. Use your imagination. For example, if you
need to study the first five chapters of your history book, pretend that you are a substitute teacher
and will need to lecture on the material tomorrow. Take notes and organize the information into an
outline that you could speak from. Sometimes changing the frame around a situation makes it more
interesting and less of a chore.
Schedule a Small Amount of Time
Tell yourself that you will only spend ten minutes on the task right now, just to get your feet wet.
Work on the task for the ten minutes and then choose whether to continue for ten more minutes.
Continue doing this until you decide to stop, or when you are finished with the task. If you stop


working on the task before it is finished, spend a few more minutes to plan a strategy for the next
When you are tempted to substitute a fun but unimportant activity (such as reading a magazine or
watching the weather channel) for an important project (such as finishing pages of your report),
make the substitute activity your reward for doing the important task. Do the high-priority job first
and reward yourself with the fun activity.
Ward Off Self-Defeating Thoughts
Telling yourself that you are going to do a poor job or even fail can seriously undermine your
ability to function. It is important to realize that your negative statements are not facts. Keep your
focus on the present moment and the positive steps you can take toward accomplishing your goals.
If these thoughts are based on a need for perfection or low self-esteem (described in the "Managing
Perfectionism" newsletter), you may want to work on these issues.
Make a Commitment
Make a verbal and written commitment to completing the task or project. Write a contract and sign
it. Tell someone about your plans and ask them to follow up with you.
One trainer wanted to create a how-to workbook and market it to other training professionals.
After weeks of procrastination, she decided to motivate herself by creating a deadline. She wrote
an ad for the workbook and placed it in the professional publication that she knew her colleagues
would be reading. When her telephone began to ring with orders for the workbook, she suddenly
became very focused.
Remind Yourself
Write notes to yourself and post them in conspicuous places. Leave them where you will see themon places like the outside of your briefcase, the bathroom mirror, refrigerator, television, your front
door, and the dashboard of your car. The more often you remind yourself of what you plan to
accomplish, the more likely it is that you will follow through with action.
Reward Yourself
Reinforcement is a very effective way to motivate yourself. When you complete even the most
minor task, be sure to acknowledge what you have done. This is especially important in the
beginning when you are struggling with procrastination behaviours. After you have mastered these
issues and have regained your peak productivity, don't forget to celebrate the completion of the big
projects. You worked hard for it and shouldn't take it for granted.
----------------------Garrett Coan is a professional therapist, coach and psychotherapist. His two Northern New Jersey
office locations are accessible to individuals who reside in Bergen County, Essex County, Passaic
County, Rockland County, and Manhattan. Garrett also offers online and telephone coaching and
counselling services for those who live at a distance. He can be accessed through or at 201-303-4303.



Today I feel inspired that I should speak more to the framework of a successful mindset. We've
already discussed how to ignore negative thoughts and encourage positive thoughts by monitoring
what we allow to dwell in our minds. We've also talked about the power of affirmations in
changing our inner-talk to things we want in our lives. Today I think we should focus on how to
use vivid imagery to obtain the things of our heart's desire. I call this "Mind-Imagery."
Olympic champions and other high-performing athletes understand the power of the mind and the
power of mind-imagery. They incorporate training for the mind as a part of their daily training
regimen. Not only do they have strength-coaches and technique coaches, but they have mindcoaches as well.
These athletes picture themselves making the throw, hurdle, move, stroke, etc. that brings them the
Gold, and they truly believe that before they start a competition, they've already won it. In our last
article, I spoke about Muhammed Ali and his use of affirmations. The reason athletes use mindimagery is because they know that what the mind believes, the body achieves.
So if world-class athletes are using these techniques to succeed in their professions, why not us to
succeed in ours? Let's talk about how we can use mind-imagery in our lives. It's important to note
that the subconscious mind does not understand the difference between reality and imagination.
What this really means is that we can show the subconscious mind pictures of what we want to be
our reality and the subconscious mind will achieve it.
If you are like me and millions of others, using mind-imagery may be hard for you. I've heard that
the average person in the US watches more than six hours of television a day! Incredible isn't it?!
But in light of that knowledge, it's not so incredible to see that many of us have lost our
imaginative abilities. Granted, we may not have had many to start with, but with so many things to
watch on TV and in the movie theatres, we no longer are required to use our imaginations at all.
Because the pictures we show our mind are so important, it's no surprise to me that so many of us
have trouble programming our minds for success. Only 4% of US citizens are truly financially free
at retirement age! We have lost the ability to imagine ourselves achieving goals and being truly
successful in the ways we desire.
Because the subconscious mind uses pictures to manifest what we want, we need to learn to reprogram our minds by learning to use our imagination again.
Let's start this by taking another look at the goals we have in our lives. We need to show the mind
what it is that we want. What is it that we truly desire? Spend a few quiet moments meditating and
imagining what those things would look like. If it is a dream home you desire, think about how the
rooms are laid out and decorated. If it is a dream job, think about how your office will look, what
you will wear, and the awards on your wall. Make a mental note of these images because we will
be using them from now on.
If you have affirmations, add pictures to them. If you have them memorized, add the
corresponding pictures and hold them in your mind while you speak the affirmation. If your
affirmations are written down somewhere, add pictures to the paper on which the affirmations are


For example, if you are affirming a million-dollar bank account and your dream home in the hills,
find pictures of the home you would like to have, and find pictures of a bank vault full of cash and
paste them onto the same sheet with your affirmations.
"Chicken Soup for the Soul" co-creator Jack Canfield had some very important insight on how to
supercharge the power of mind-imagery. He recommends that you use mind-imagery by imagining
you are in a movie. In the quote below note how he recommends you see YOU IN the movie as
opposed to WATCHING a movie OF YOU. He says, "If you're watching a movie of you, you see
your whole body up on the screen. But when you're in the movie, you just see your own hands.
You're looking out through your own face. You can't see your own face right now. We call this
associated imagery versus disassociated imagery, which is more powerful to produce change. So
whenever you visualize something you want, visualize it from inside of your body" (i.e. You In the
movie) "what it would look like if you had it. Don't see yourself outside of your world. It's not as
So, for the next two weeks, I want you to latch onto the images that go through your mind when
you meditate and imagine how your goals would look when achieved. Then, continue twice a day
with the affirmations, except for now I want those images you've selected to be included and to be
a central part of your daily mind exercises. Make sure that you take Mr. Canfield's advice and see
the images from inside your own body.
I hope that your life already shows signs of powerful, positive change. I look forward to speaking
with you again in a couple of weeks.
To Your Success,
Joel S. Nelson



What do you need to do to be successful? If you are searching the net you may feel that you need
to sign up for the latest affiliate marketing programme. Or perhaps you need to be a member of the
latest MLM scheme. On the other hand it may be that you need to follow the directions of the
latest web marketing guru. Each of theses routes give you the opportunity of being successful but
without courage, zeal and enthusiasm you will join the ranks of the 80% plus who fail.
You need the courage to identify your dream. Your passion. You need the courage to stick with the
process while you concretise your focus and then to stay the course when others are telling you
that it is a stupid idea and will never work.
To start your own business is difficult enough. It becomes virtually impossible when you select
something that only looks good or looks interesting and you don't have passion for. To be
successful you must identify your true calling in life. Your passion. Can you imagine what the
result would be if you allowed your passion to be your focus in life? So. What is it that turns you
on? What motivates you? What do you constantly talk to yourself and others about? What excites
Once you have identified your focus, your calling, you now need zeal and enthusiasm to carry it
through. To be successful. Zeal and enthusiasm is more than determination. It's about commitment,
fun, enjoyment. Something you want to do because you believe in it. A natural way to reach your
aim and objective in life. A belief that means you are willing to live with your dream 24 hours a
day, seven days a week.
You need to see life the way a sportsperson does. Can you commit to working day in day out with
the sole purpose of working towards your dream? Can you keep going when nothing appears to be
happening? Can you hold onto the slightest increase in your ability as a sign of success? Are you
dedicated to continually improving your personal best? Can you believe in yourself and your
passion enough to rethink the formula when the business reaches crisis point? Can you step back
and honestly analyse your actions when you have just lost a potential sale or the time you spent on
a marketing campaign was wasted? Can you be a totally focussed individual?
However, zeal and enthusiasm alone are useless. It's like driving a car at full speed without
knowing the destination. Alone they will not bring you success, but coupled with an aim and
objective, a focus, a passion, a desire to constantly improve and courage then, like the
sportsperson, the world is your oyster.
When you do something you love doing, time is immaterial and happiness and personal growth
naturally follow. You work because you want to and enjoy it. You are fulfilling your passion and
boy it shows. People buy your enthusiasm, your excitement. They can see the excitement in your
eyes; they can read it in your writings.

Look at your business and materials:

Do they show excitement, passion?
Would you buy from you, your site, if you were a customer?


The secret to success in life is simple:

If you have the power of determination in your thoughts, every task is possible.
Those who are successful in their chosen field have an extraordinary degree of self confidence.
They know they are living their passion. The only thing on their minds is to be the best. To give
their best at every opportunity. They know that the key to success is their mental toughness.
What about you? There are no shortcuts. You can only be successful because you have a passion
and the zeal and enthusiasm to work hard and conquer your inappropriate habits. The talent to
focus and refocus your activities. The courage to stand out from the crowd. It's not the money that
drives people to success it's the game, it's wanting to be the best. Do you have what it takes? Can
you do what you need to do to be successful?

Graham and Julie
To see more of our work please go to:



Believe it or not, there is a special 3-step formula that makes people successful.
Unfortunately, you can't buy the formula. But if you could, it would be hotter than reality
television shows!
So, what is this amazing 3-step formula I'm talking about?
Okay. Here it is:
1. Have a goal.
2. Do what you love.
3. Have relentless desire and determination.
That's it. That's the formula.
Now don't be fooled by the simplicity of the formula. After all, if it were easy, everyone would be
successful and we all know that's not the case.
However, the formula is definitely viable for anyone whom religiously follows the steps.
Let's start with the first part of the formula:
(1.) Have a goal.
Every ounce of human progress--our inventions big and small, our medical and scientific
discoveries, our engineering achievements, our business successes--were first visualized before
they became realities. High-tech satellites orbit the earth because scientists made it their goal to
conquer space.
So, what is a goal?
A goal is an objective, a purpose. A goal is more than just a dream, it's a dream acted upon. A goal
is more than just sitting back and "wishing you could." A goal is a clear-as- glass, "This is what
I'm working toward."
Nothing happens, no steps forward are taken, until a goal is established. Without goals, individuals
just wander aimlessly through life under-achieving. They stumble and bumble along, not having a
clue where they're going. So, as a result, they never get anywhere.
Goals are as essential to success as air is to life. No one ever stumbles into success, without having
a clear-cut goal. (Winning the lottery doesn't count). Develop a clear picture of where you want to
Write your goals down and review them every single day. Formulate a game plan. Ask yourself
where you want to be a month from now--a year from now--3 years, 5 years, 10 years.


Tape a picture of your goal on your bathroom mirror and on your refrigerator--whether it's a new
house, a new car, whatever.
Make visualizing and thinking about your goals a daily exercise. Because it is only by constantly
visualizing your goals will they become a reality.
And don't worry about setbacks, detours or little bumps in the road or big bumps either for that
matter. Setbacks happen to everyone. That's life. Forget about it. Make the necessary adjustments
and keep going.
Up next is the second part of the formula:
(2.) Do what you love.
There's an old saying, "Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life!"
Do you understand what that means? It means if you work at doing something you truly love and
enjoy, it won't really seem like work at all.
Speaking from personal experience, I'm here to tell you that is absolutely the truth. Let me give
you an example of what I'm talking about.
A few years ago, I made it my goal to have a successful business on the Internet, even though I had
no computer experience and knew absolutely nothing about the Internet.
At that time, I didn't even own a computer. All I had was my WebTV and a boatload of
Well, my friends, to make a long story short, I'm happy to say that I've achieved that goal. And
now I get to stay home all day, everyday and play on my computer, writing articles like this one
and publishing my "Let's Make Money Newsletter."
So, how did I do it?
I went to the library and taught myself how to use a computer. I read book after book on how the
Internet works and I taught myself basic HTML (very basic).
Anyway, the bottom line is, I'm now doing what I love. Most mornings I get up at six o'clock,
because I can't wait to get started. And most nights, I don't get offline until about eight or nine
Now by my calculations, those are 14 or 15 hour work days. But it doesn't seem like work to me,
because I'm doing what I love. Those 14 or 15 hour days fly right by--and that's the whole point!
"Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life!"
If you hate your job, find a way to do what you love so that you can quit. You may even have to
work another part-time job or something to get to that point. But if you really and truly want it
badly enough, you'll do whatever it takes.


Finally, we come to the third and last part of the formula:

(3.) Relentless desire and determination.
It is also the main reason why most people don't succeed. They don't have relentless desire and
determination. I want you to commit the following words to memory:
"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your desire and determination. The more
desire and determination you have, the greater will be your success."
Here's another example to illustrate my point:
Most people think it's Kobe Bryant's amazing talent that sets him apart from the other players in
the NBA. And make no mistake, his talent does play a significant role in his success. But what
really makes Kobe Bryant special is his "relentless desire and determination." He just wants to win
more than everybody else.
It's no secret that Kobe practices longer and harder than just about anyone else in the NBA, with
the possible exception of Karl Malone. He also works out like a demon.
But that's exactly what it takes. You have to be as maniacal about success as Kobe Bryant is. I'll
repeat something I said earlier in this article:
"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your desire and determination. The more
desire and determination you have, the greater will be your success."
Now after reading this article, I'm sure many of you are wondering where and how to get started.
The very first thing I recommend is a complete re- programming of your mind. Because before you
can start walking down that road to success, you first have to get your mind right.
In that regard, there are two books I consider absolute MUST reads, if you are at all serious about
being successful in whatever it is you choose to do.
The books are, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and "The Magic of Thinking Big" by Dr.
David Schwartz.
Your local bookstore or library should have both books, since they're all-time classics. If not, try But whatever you do, make the investment in yourself and get those books!
Another thing, if you're married or living with someone and you suddenly announce to your spouse
or lover that you want to eventually quit your job and "do what you love." Don't expect a whole lot
of support or kisses and hugs.
Unfortunately, most people are conditioned to the "9 to 5, retire at 65," way of thinking.
So, if you expect support and encouragement from your family and friends, you're probably going
to be disappointed. That's just the way it is. Most likely, you'll probably hear a bunch of negativity.


That's the point when you have to stay strong and focused. Because chances are, you're going to be
in this alone. That's why the mind re-programming is so important. It'll help you stay focused and
positive. And if by chance you do happen to have family and friends who do support you, so much
the better!
Anyway, that's it. That's "The Amazing 3-Step Formula To Success!" You'll notice not once in this
entire article did I mention anything about making more money. Why? Because "if you do what
you love, the money will follow!"
In closing, if you want to be successful, you must NEVER give up. You must NEVER quit.
NEVER! No matter what!

About The Author

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions?
Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:
Make Money Online! Internet marketing expert, Dean Phillips will help you make money online,
starting today...Guaranteed! For details just visit my website.


1) Dream big; creative visualization (think about your dreams) mental rehearsal; and
imagine yourself at 10 times todays earnings.
2) Do what you love to do; become better and better; commitment is starting point;
commitment to excellence; and become the best at what you do.
3) Focus on your strength - theyre unique; introspection - what are they; and ask people you
respect what should I do.?
4) See yourself as self-employed; be the president of your company; work for yourself; treat your
company like you own it; and remember if its to be, its up to me.
5) Never consider failure; life has ups and downs; learn from setbacks; and wisdom plus reflection.
6) Clear sense of direction; clear sense of goals; work on them everyday; decide what you want;
and what price you will pay.
7) Develop workaholic mentality; 12 hours a day; 8 hours to survive; over 8 for investment; and
try harder.
8) Get around right people; positive, goal oriented and successful people; associate with winners.
9) Be teachable; open to new information; do not be impressed with your own
intelligence; be ready to learn; take in new information; and ask questions, and advice from people
who knows.
10) Be prepared to climb from peak to peak; valley between each (ebb and flow); up and down always; and roll with it.
11) Develop resilience; bounce back; and remember all peak performances bounce no matter how
hard they hit.
12) Unlock your creativity; do 10% better; demand your strengths; and stretch your originally and
13) Focus on continuous personal development; with books, tapes, seminars, reading, studying,
listening, practicing, and developing your mind.
14) Be an unshakable optimist; look for the good in every situation; confident expectations no
matter how bad; expect to be rich; expect to be successful; you get what you expect, not what you
want; and stay away from negative people.
15) Dedicate yourself to serving others; people who give are the happiest and have the most;
people who take have the bare minimum; top performers lose themselves in other peoples reward;
and put value on your service.


16) Develop a reputation for speed and dependability; develop a sense of urgency - do it now; get
on with the job; and act fast on opportunities.
17) Be impeccably honest to yourself and others; honesty, truth, integrity and absolute trust in the
foundation of our system; and always deliver on your commitment.
18) Concentrate on one thing at a time; set priorities; concentrate on top task 100%; concentrate
100% of your energy on one single task; what is the most valuable use of your time right now; do
it 100% and then go on.
19) Be decisive; make decisions quickly; think and act; characteristic of genius is to make
decisions quickly; remember a bad decision is better than no decision at all.
20) Back your plans and goals with persistence and determination; stick to it longer than anybody
else; your measure of belief is yourself; persistence is a habit; and never quit.
21) Self mastery; self control; self discipline; develop capacity to force yourself to do what you
know you must do - when you should do it - whether you like it or not; and master key to riches.



Do you know how to calculate the amount of fear holding you back in life? Take a pen and a piece
of paper. On top of the page, write down your current age, for instance "34 years old." At the
bottom, indicate how old you intend to grow before you die. "Death at 80" is a reasonable target.
Now comes the mathematical part of the exercise. Draw a straight line connecting your current age
with your death. That line represents the number of days that you have left on earth. In our
example, the difference between 80 and 34 leaves you with 46 years, that is, almost 17.000 days.
The last part of the game consists of deciding how you are going to use those 17.000 days.
Now, draw a vertical line on your page, which divides your future in two areas. On the left side of
the line, you can write down safe and commonplace goals. On the right side, difficult and
disruptive ambitions. The rules of the exercise allow you to list as many activities as you wish,
provided that you don't run out of time to live.
Boring projects are easy to name and quantify. They include, amongst others, looking for better
jobs, cleaning the house and going on holidays. Dont forget mundane tasks such as working five
days a week, watching television, walking the dog, washing your car once per month and shopping
for new clothes. When your remaining term of 46 years is up, you are dead.
You only need to worry about the opposite side of the line if you have unused time, which is
unlikely. The truth is that most people will allocate their complete lifespan to left-side tasks.
What about the right side of the line? Does anyone actually write down adventurous, risky goals?
Are there people foolish enough to risk total failure in order to pursue their dreams? Is it not better
to stick to attainable objectives? This is the type of activities that usually come up under the label
"difficult and disruptive:"
1. Live in Paris for a year (500 days, including preparation and removals)
2. Start up and grow a global business (3000 days)
3. Write twenty great books (3000 days)
4. Save and invest until you are able to live from dividends (6000 days)
5. Learn to cook according to good nutrition principles (300 days)
6. Lose weight and acquire habits that allow you to stay in good shape (500 days)
One could argue that this game is useless, since it has no winner and no loser. Since the same
individual appears on both sides of the line, what is the point? What is the purpose of the exercise?
The answer is that, paradoxically, the subjects on each side of the line are different persons.
One of them is boring, the other fearless. One of them is aimless, the other determined. One of
them is predictable, the other exciting. The lesson is that, one day, the 46 years will be consumed
all the same. At the end, results will be trivial or spectacular, meaningless or irreplaceable.
If you don't like the outcome of your calculations, take a blank piece of paper, draw a new vertical
line, and start the exercise again. After a few times, you will get quite good at it. At one point, you
will begin to fear boring activities more than risky ones. If you are already there, congratulations,
now you know how to win the game.

The Art of Obstacle Removal

One of the best ways to go faster is to remove the things that slow you down. This "obstacle
removal" is an integral part of many agile methods including Scrum and Lean. Sometimes it is
obvious where an obstacle is. There are a few small things that can be done easily to go faster. But
to get going really fast, we need to have a deeper understanding of obstacles... and the Art of
Obstacle Removal.
What are Obstacles?
An obstacle is any behaviour, physical arrangement, procedure or checkpoint that makes getting
work done slower without adding any actual contribution to the work. Activities that do add value
to our work may be slowed down by obstacles, but are not obstacles in and of themselves.
Obstacles and Waste
Obstacles are the causes of waste in a process. There are many types of waste, and for every type
of waste there are many possible sources (obstacles).
Types of Obstacles
Personal obstacles are related to us as individuals. There are several levels at which these
obstacles can show up.
Outside factors in our lives such as illness or family obligations can become obstacles to our work
at hand. These obstacles are hard to remove or avoid. Even if we would want to avoid an obstacle
such as illness, it is hard to do anything about it in an immediate sense. However, as part of our
commitment to the group we are working with, we should consider doing things to generally
improve our health. Good sleep, healthy and moderate eating, exercise and avoidance of illnesscausing things and circumstances are all possible commitments we can make to the group.
Likewise, we can make sure our personal affairs are in order so that unexpected events have the
least impact possible. This topic is vast and there are many good sources of information.
Physical Environment
Obstacles in the physical environment can consist of barriers to movement or communication, or a
lack of adequate physical resources. Sometimes these obstacles are easy to see because their
effects are immediate. For example, if a team room lacks a whiteboard for diagrams, keeping
notes, etc., then the team may not be able to communicate as effectively.
Other physical obstacles are not so obvious. The effects of physical environment can be subtle and
not well-understood. Poor ergonomics take weeks, months or years for their effects to be felt... but
it is inevitable. A too-small team room can lead to a feeling of being cooped up and desperation to
get out... and eventually to resentment. Again this can take weeks or months.


A lack of knowledge or the inability to access information are obstacles. A team composed of
junior people who don't have diverse experience and who don't have a good knowledge of the
work they are doing will have trouble working effectively. There may be barriers preventing the
team from learning. Common barriers include over-work leading to a lack of time or mental
energy for learning. With junior people in particular, there is a lot of pressure to be productive and
that can often be at the expense of a solid foundation of learning.
Other times, knowledge-related barriers can be more immediate. If a critical piece of information
is delayed or lost this can have a large impact on an Agile team that is working in short cycles. The
team may be temporarily halted while they wait for information. Building effective information
flow is critical to a team's performance.
Bureaucratic procedures, organizational mis-alignment, conflicting goals, and inefficient
organizational structures can all be significant obstacles.
One of the best sources of information about this is the two books by Jim Collins: "Good to Great"
(Review) and "Built to Last" (Review).
Sometimes the beliefs we have about how to work can become obstacles to working more
effectively. These beliefs are often in place because they have been part of what we think makes us
successful. Cultural assumptions can come from our families, our communities, our religious
affiliation and our national identity.
In organizational culture, one thing I constantly see is a public espoused value of teamwork, but a
conflicting behaviour of individual performance reviews and ranking. This is cultural. It is also a
barrier to the effective functioning of an Agile team. For corporate environments I highly
recommend the Corporate Culture Survival Guide by Edgar Schein.
Dis-unity is one of the most subtle and common forms of obstacle. Competition, legal and cultural
assumption of the goodness of "opposition" and habits of interaction including gossip and
backbiting all combine to make united action and thought very difficult.
This is an extremely deep topic. There are many tools and techniques available to assist with team
building. If you are interested in this topic, I highly recommend reading "The Prosperity of


Eliminate Waste
Waste is the result of activities or environmental conditions that prevent a team from reaching its
goal. The opposite of waste is something that adds value (more, faster or higher quality) to the
desired result.
The whole notion of eliminating waste comes from lean manufacturing. More recently, Mary and
Tom Poppendieck applied this idea to software in their book "Lean Software Development: An
Agile Toolkit for Software Development Managers". In this (excellent) book, the authors list the
wastes of manufacturing and the wastes of software.
Here I have summarized and generalized these types of wastes so that they apply in any situation:

The Seven Wastes

1. waiting - caused by delays, unreadiness, or simple procrastination
2. partially done work or inventory - caused by sub-optimal workflow
3. extra processing or processes - caused by poor organization or bureaucracy
4. defects and rework - caused by insufficient skill, tools, inspection or filtering
5. movement of people or work - caused by physical separation
6. overproduction or extra features - caused by working towards speculative goals
7. task switching - caused by multiple commitments

As wastes are eliminated or reduced, a team will function faster and with higher quality. However,
not all waste can be eliminated. Sometimes waste is legislated, sometimes waste is an unavoidable
by-product of work, sometimes mistakes are made, and sometimes it takes a great deal of effort to
eliminate a waste.
In order to eliminate waste, first waste has to be detected and identified, then the underlying causes
of the waste have to be identified, and finally changes to the work environment need to be made to
both eliminate the cause of the waste and the waste itself. Many agile work practices help with this


Value stream mapping is one particular tool that can be used by a team or organization to identify
wasteful activities. The team describes the amount of time that work takes to go through each
activity in their overall work process. Next, the team determines if each activity adds value or does
not add value to the end goal. All activities are subject to speed improvements, and activities that
do not add value are subject to elimination.
In order to determine the causes of waste, special attention should be paid to incentives and
motivations. Wasteful behaviour often exists because there is some incentive for people to do it.
Sometimes these incentives are explicit, but sometimes they are the side-effects of other things
going on in the team's environment. Changing the incentives can be an effective way of reducing
By eliminating waste, the team will find it has reduced frustrations, and enabled greater
productivity and creativity. The team will also increase its speed and delivery of value, and at the
same time reduce defects.
Removing Obstacles
The ability to identify obstacles and understand why they are causing problems is only the first
step in removing obstacles. In Agile Work, the person primarily responsible for identifying and
removing obstacles is the Process Facilitator. The Process Facilitator has several approaches
available for the removal of obstacles. A process facilitator has similar responsibilities to a change
Deal with the obstacle directly without involving other people. This can be as simple as getting up
and moving an obstacle impairing vision, or as nuanced as running interviews and workshops
throughout an organization to gradually change a cultural obstacle.
Command and Control
Identify the obstacle and give precise instructions for its removal to a person who will directly
perform the removal. This can sometimes work if removing an obstacle takes a great deal of time,
effort or specialized skills that you yourself do not possess. However, the overall approach of
"command and control" is not recommended for Agile environments since it is disempowering.
Identify the obstacle and suggest means to deal with it to a person who has the authority or
influence to get others to deal with it. This indirect method of obstacle removal can be slow and
frustrating. However it usually has better long-term effects than command and control.
Offer to assist and encourage the removal of obstacles that have been identified by other people. In
many respects this is a very effective method. It can assist with team-building and learning by
example. People are usually grateful for assistance.


Train others on the art of obstacle removal including obstacle identification, types of obstacles and
strategies for dealing with obstacles. Observe people's attempts to remove obstacles and give them
feedback on their actions.
Creating a Culture of Obstacle Removal
Encourage and measure obstacle removal at all organizational levels until it becomes habitual. In
many ways this is the essence of the lean organization.

Strategies for Dealing with Obstacles

Diagrams are a great way of communicating the essence of a concept. Feel free to share the
following diagrams with anyone (but of course keep the copyright notice on them).

Remove the obstacle altogether. This method of dealing with an obstacle is usually the most
immediately effective, but is also one of the most difficult methods.


The best way to actually remove an obstacle is to get at the root cause of the obstacle and change
that. This type of change results in the longest-lasting and most stable elimination of an obstacle.
Move Aside
Take the obstacle and put it in a place or situation where it is no longer in the path of the team.

In a team's physical environment, this may be as simple as changing the tools that the team is
using. For example, if the team is all in a room together, move computer monitors that are
blocking team member's views of each other. If there is a useless checkpoint that work results have
to go through, get management to eliminate it.


Build a shield or barrier to hide the obstacle so that it's effects no longer touch your team.

If a team is distracted by noisy neighbours, put up a sound barrier. If a team is unable to see their
computers due to late afternoon sunlight, put up window shades. If a manager is bothering the
team with meetings or tasks unrelated to the work of the team, then put yourself between the team
and the manager (or get someone in upper management to do that).
Shielding is excellent for immediate relief, but remember that the obstacle is still there and may
become a problem again if the shield cannot be maintained.
Change the structure or form of the obstacle so that it no longer affects effectiveness.


In general, this method requires a great deal of creativity and open-mindedness. This is one that
works particularly well on people who are obstacles: convert them into friends of the team!
For example if the team needs approval of an expert who is not part of the team, this can cause
extra work preparing documentation for this person and long delays while the expert revises the
documents. If the expert becomes part of the team, then they are well-informed of the work being
done and can give approval with very little overhead.
If done well, this can be a very long-lasting method of dealing with an obstacle. Make sure that the
transformation is true and that it takes hold... and beware that the obstacle doesn't revert back to its
old nature.
Find an activity that negates the effects of the obstacle by boosting effectiveness in another area.

As a coach or Process Facilitator, this is what we spend our time in early in a team's adoption of
Agile Work: we get them to work in the same room, use iterations and adaptive planning, we focus
them on delivering work valued by the stakeholders as defined by the Product Owner. All these
things are enhancing the team's ability to get work done without actually directly dealing with any
Watch out for barriers avoided this way to come back and bite you later on.



How attractive are you to your clients and customers? Are you attracting all the people you want
to your business? How do you attract abundance in your life in work, in friendships, in
relationships? One of the best ways to attract others is to become attractive yourself.
The late Thomas Leonard developed 28 Principles of Attraction that will help attract clients and
customers to you. Here are the 28 Principles, from Thomas Leonards book, The Portable Coach,
1998. How can you apply these in your life?

Become Incredibly Selfish. Without You, there is nothing and attraction isnt possible.


Unhook Yourself from the Future. Attraction works in the present, not in the future.


Over respond to Every Event. By over responding rather than overreacting, you evolve,
which is very attractive.


Build a Super reserve in Every Area. Having enough is not nearly enough for You to
be irresistibly attractive.


Add Value Just for the Joy of It. When you add value because you enjoy it, people are
naturally attracted to You.


Affect Others Profoundly. The more you touch others, the more attractive youll


Market Your Talents Shamelessly. If youre embarrassed about what you do, you
wont be very attractive.


Become Irresistibly Attractive to Yourself. How can you attract others if you dont feel
irresistibly attracted to yourself?


Get a Fulfilling Life, not just an Impressive Lifestyle. A great life is attractive; a
lifestyle is usually seductive.

10. Promise Little, Deliver Everything. When you consistently deliver more than was
expected, new customers are drawn to you.
11. Create a Vacuum that Pulls You Forward. Being pulled forward is attractive; pushing
yourself forward isnt.
12. Eliminate Delay. Time is expensive; using too much is very unattractive.
13. Get Your Personal Needs Met, Once and for All. If you have unmet needs, youll
attract others in the same position.
14. Thrive on the Details. Subtleties, details, and nuances are more attractive than the
15. Tolerate Nothing. When you put up with something, it costs you; unnecessary costs are
16. Show Others How to Please You. Dont make them guess.
17. Endorse Your Worst Weakness. When you can accept and honour the worst part of
yourself, youre more accepting of others.
18. Sensitize Yourself. The more you feel, the more youll notice and respond to the many
opportunities in the present.


19. Perfect Your Environment. The Attraction operating system is a sophisticated system
and it requires a first-class environment.
20. Develop More Character than You Need. Integrity is not enough to become irresistibly
21. See How Perfect the Present Really Is. Especially when clearly it is not.
22. Become an Unconditionally Constructive Person. High levels of respect are very
23. Orient Yourself Around Your Values. When you spend your days doing what fulfils
you, You are attractive.
24. Simplify Everything. Abandoning nonessentials leaves more room for Attraction.
25. Master Your Craft. The easiest way to become successful? Become the best at what
you do.
26. Recognize and Tell the Truth. The truth is the most attractive thing of all, but it
requires skills and awareness.
27. Have a Vision. When you can see whats coming, you dont need to create a future.
28. Be Real, Be Human. When you are human, You are attractive.

On the surface, these points may seem obvious but they are not easy to master and make them a
part of your life. Each requires a lot of thought, action, and a strong commitment to yourself!
Leonard said that one could make a big difference by mastering just 5 of the Principles. Which
ones would You choose?
Interested in learning more about the Principles of Attraction and how these can make a difference
in your life? Send an e-mail to: with the word Attraction in the
subject line.


Research question
Motivating interviewing has only been applied with persons who have an alcohol or drug problem.
Probably it has already been applied to other target groups, but I couldnt find any literature on it.
Motivating interviewing describes an interview style, this would be applicable in the
different settings. Inside the psychogeriatry you often see revolving door patients. The
motivating interviewing should be an extra support to the other therapies in the
healing. This process accelerates because the client is going to think more about what he wants to
achieve. This will make him intrinsically motivated. This process will not only be acted by myself,
but through the whole team. The continuity is hereby important.
I focused on psycho geriatric clients who suffer from a reactive depression. This means along
Cuyvers (2001) that a depression is caused by events from outside.
As people age, physical and mental changes occur. They retire, they move home or
they get institutionalised. This often happens without their approval. These are
extremely confrontational experiences for the elderly. It gives a reaction with this
person. Everyone reacts in his own way. Godderis, Van de Ven en Wills (1992)
notice several forms of coping.
Regression is a fall back on the primitive dependency feelings. The elderly will demand attention
and grumble.
Depressive position characterizes introversion, brooding, self pity,...
Denying of the physical and/ or psychic decline.
Acceptation advances when there is an accordance between the ideal about oneself and the reality
of getting older.
There are three forms of motivation according to Dhert (2002) and Van Laere (2008).
1. The first one is intrinsic motivation, the goal of the activity lies in the activity itself.
2. Next we have the extrinsic motivation, the person expects that the activity leads to positive
3. The last form is the internalized motivation, it advances when a person wants to meet the rules
and expectations of the environment. This is often present with the clients.


Motivation also has three components. The first on is readiness, the person knows what he wants
and is able to make priorities. The second component is willingness, this is the degree to which
someone wants change. The last one is ability, otherwise said the degree of faith that the client has
in the change. (Miller & Rollnick, 2005)
Motivating interviewing
Motivating interviewing is an interview style. It is a client centred and directive method.
It s goal is to increase intrinsic motivation so that change occurs by exploring
ambivalence and by solving this. (Miller & Rollnick, 2005)
The general principles that are concerned are: the construction of a relationship of
trust, the developing of discrepancy , the movement with the resistance and the
support of the personal effectiveness. (Schippers, 2000)
Inside the motivating interviewing are two marked phases. The first phase is the
building of motivation to change. We do this by: asking open questions, listening
reflectively, affirming the client, synthesizing and provoking language of change.
The provoking of language of change can be among asking the miracle question (how would it be,
if all your problems were gone?) or by looking back at the past, before the problem began.
We also need to work on trust by looking back at earlier successes, underlining the
strong sides and appliances, giving information and advice.
When the client starts to get more notion of himself and his priorities (wishes), he can go to the
next phase, which is amplify the involvement with change.
The situation will be synthesized again so we can decide what has to be done, this is
called recapitulation. We also have to ask open questions so the wishes and plans of
the client will be provoked. The last thing we do, is give information and advice (when the client
asks and gives permission). (Miller & Rollnick, 2005)
Motivating interviewing is a paradoxical concept because the professional helper asks the client to
go with him for a conversation. This is often an obligation. In this way it isnt easy to get the client
intrinsically motivated. That is why it is important to involve the whole team in the motivating
interviewing. This will give the client the experience that everyone has the same attitude and he
will develop faster.
Change and resistance
The model of Prochaska & Diclemente shows how a person will develop during his
process of change. It has several phases. In the pre-contemplation phase the client has no intention
to change something about his behaviour. He will display a lot of denial and resistance.
When he passes over to the consideration phase, he starts to doubt his problem, but he places it
outside himself.
Thereafter he advances to the decision phase. He proceeds to change his behaviour,
but he is looking for a strategy for change.


Hereafter he arrives in the action phase. In this phase he will literally change his
behaviour and will decide in which way this happens.
In the consolidation phase the behaviour will be made sustainable.
The last phase is the decline. In this phase people backslide into their old pattern
whereby they will go through the process again. (Schoofs, 2008)
When there is resistance, we need to be alert so we will react correctly. This is made possible by a
simple reflection, a strong reflection (reflect an exaggerated form of what the client says) or a two
sided reflection (report the ambivalence). We can also change the focus, express otherwise (see
information in a new light) and accentuate freedom of choice and self control whit the client.
(Miller & Rollnick, 2005)
Focus points
These include certain elements which one must take into consideration.
Restricted disease awareness and dementia result in the client not always
understanding what one means. With these people a step by step approach is
recommended so that not too much resistance develops .
Transmission and contra transmission must be taken into consideration so that a good relationship
can develop.
Medication results in unpleasant complications, the client must be understood if he
experiences problems.
Basic attitude must be integrated so that the client can experience the motivating
interviewing more quickly and so that it s easier to apply. Thus it is the task of the
colleges to apply motivating interviewing continually.
Practical study
I start with the client by taking an assessment, URICA (University Rhode Island
Change Assessment). It measures the intrinsic willingness to change. By this test one can also
deduce in which phase the client finds them self according to the phase model of Prochaska and
Diclemente. As a result of this assessment I gain a better understanding of the client and their
After this I conduct various other sessions so that I can achieve intrinsic motivation
step by step. The sessions are conducted with material so that the client is more easily able to
speak about their problems and feelings. The sessions are insightfully organized and are therefore
very demanding for the client. After this a discussion occurs so that one can go deeper into the
matters raised by the client.
I conduct six sessions in total, each session has a different goal. I work around the
cultivation of trust, round coping or how someone deals with the events, round the
creation of language change by formulating wishes and round situations where the
client is little or much influenced. I lead the client on a journey of self discovery and
confront him with himself by getting others to write down his characteristics. After four sessions a
retest of the URICA follows to see if there is a marked evolution and to see what problems they are


now experiencing. After this I make a weekend plan with the client and ask the client to assess the
It is also important to inform the team of the method being used. In this way the basic attitude can
be adopted and the client will understand and accept the intervention.
The execution of the practical was not simple. I had only one client that could complete the
sessions because of prematurely resign.
A client told me that she would change if she was younger. These people had already
experienced so much change, that they were not willing to experience even more
disruption. They attached much importance to the adaptation of the environment.
Only in the correct environment could they fully develop and feel better about them self. I also
noted that there were secondary pathologies, these made the intervention no easier. The continuity
of motivating interviewing is still useful with these target group.
It is also handy to make adaptations during the sessions and to give extra confirmation at the client.
The willingness for participation at the therapy is remarkable different for each one.
They have different reasons.
Clients in the action phase can be motivated easier by concrete tasks and are capable to formulate
their own wishes.
To go back to my research question I can conclude that motivating interviewing gives the client
more insight into them self and their ideas. The client knows what he wants, but this is not always
easy to achieve. The older clients will only change if their environment changes. Then and only
then can they fully develop and participate with full enthusiasm.
The goal of the therapies must be clear to motivate people.
There are therefore an accumulation of factors, that insure that the client is intrinsically motivated
to participate.
I have experienced that motivating interviewing is an uplifting interview style. Though it must be
said it is not selfevident because you must be aware of the different signals and your own reaction
to the signals.


This material is copyrighted 1997 by Journey of Hearts A Healing

Place in Cyberspace.
Everybody is invited however to share this information with others who may
benefit, but should share from the heart only and not for profit.

How to live a Happy and Rewarding Life

Watch Butterflies or Birds.
Be grateful for good health.
Don't interrupt.
Don't tailgate.
Keep it simple.
Enjoy good company.
Keep your promises.
Listen to your children.
Be a good loser.
Be a better winner.
Be romantic.
Take a nap on Sunday afternoon.
Never deprive someone of hope.
Be thankful for every meal.
Never be afraid to say, "I'm Sorry."
Improve your performance by improving your attitude.
Wave at children on the school bus.
Leave everything a little better than when you found it.
Leave the toilet seat in the down position.
Take time to smell the roses.
Be kinder than necessary.
Wear outrageous underwear on a job interview, or to work!
Take good care of those you love.
Make it a habit to do nice things for people who never find out.
Judge your success by the degree that you enjoy peace and good health.
Don't expect that money will bring you happiness
Enjoy a glass of good wine.


Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring and integrity,
they think of you.
Never refuse home made cookies.
Remember other people's birthdays.
Sing in the shower.
Resist gossip.
Don't nag.
Say "THANK YOU" a lot.
Take care of your reputation; it is your most valuable asset.
Take your dog to obedience school.
Slow dance.
Don't rain on other people's parade.
Don't postpone joy.
Call your mother.
Do more than what is expected of you.
Be someone's hero.
Count your blessings...daily.
Enjoy a sunrise, sunset.

Author Unknown - Last updated January 19, 1998



(by Burt Goldman )

What is it that makes a person happy?

It is important to realize, that what makes you happy might depress another person. There are
people who feel unhappy when they should be happy. Often because of guilt, a feeling they do not
deserve what they have, or because of fear that they will lose what they have. Possessions are a
poor measure of happiness. Possessions are subjective and relative to the individual and the
individuals viewpoint.
It is better therefore to use a philosophy. For example the philosophy to enjoy the things
you like, avoid or change the things you do not like, and accept what
you cannot avoid or change by the skilful use of your viewpoint. The use of this
philosophy, as embodied in the five rules, will allow you to test many problem areas in your life
and find solutions. With this philosophy, you will be well on your way on your pursuit of


1. Pursuit of Happiness - Rule Number One:

If You Like a Thing, Enjoy It.
Now that seems outrageously simple. At first you might say, Thats ridiculous, of course if I like
something, Im going to enjoy it. But when you stop to think about it youll probably agree that
there are many things in life that we like but dont enjoy. The reasons we dont enjoy things we
like are (a) guilt, and (b) fear. You will not enjoy something you like if you feel guilty after having
done the thing, or if you are fearful of the consequences of doing it.
2. Pursuit of Happiness - Rule Number Two:

If You Dont Like a Thing, Avoid It.

The second rule seems simple enough, but reflect for a moment on how many people are involved
with things they do not like a job, a person, a vehicle, a type of food, any one of a thousand
things and for some reason they dont avoid those things. Well, I cant avoid it. I have to work
there because I need the money. Or, I have to be involved with this person for many valid
reasons. How many justifications can you think of for not avoiding the things you do not like to
3. Pursuit of Happiness - Rule Number Three:

If You Dont Like a Thing, and You Cannot Avoid It, Change It.
Here again, the answer is simple: change it. But just as in avoidance we rationalize that we need
something about it the money, the time, the security something is holding you to that
particular thing if you dont like it, cannot avoid it, wont change it, but are still involved with it.
4. Pursuit of Happiness - Rule Number Four:

If You Dont Like a Thing, Cannot Avoid It, and Cannot or will Not Change It,
Accept It.
Acceptance now there is a catch. How can you accept something you dont like? How in the
world do you accept something that is 'unacceptable'? How do you accept a situation that youre
not happy with? How do you accept a person that youre not happy with?
Well, you really dont have to accept anything; you can, of course, be unhappy. If you dont like it,
wont change it, cannot avoid it, and will not accept it, I guarantee that you will be unhappy.
There are, however, five rules to the secret of happiness, and within the fifth lies the key.
5. Rule Number Five:

You Accept a Thing By Changing Your Attitude Towards It.

You are the result of your viewpoints and attitudes. Everything is relative to the person
experiencing it. There are no absolutes nothing is good, nothing bad, except as it relates to you.
Nor is life good or bad. Life simply is. You change those things you wish by changing your
viewpoint about them. How easy! - How difficult!
Your attitudes and viewpoints are all part of your mind and once you develop the power of self
mind control you will be the master of your own attitudes and viewpoints. The Power of Self Mind
Control will show you how to go to the meditative level and using these five rules, youll find
yourself on the right path on the pursuit of happiness. Youll realize why people are unhappy.

Eventually it will become automatic, and youll find happiness a predominant state of mind. Once
you realize the ease of acquiring this emotion, you develop an entirely new scale of highs and
Unremitting happiness, of course, is not a possible or desirable state. According to the principle of
rhythm, there is always an inflow and outflow, an ebb tide and a flood tide. Youll always have
highs and lows theres no way to avoid that. However, your highs will be higher and your lows
will be higher. Youll then find that what is a happy state for you might be a state of depression for
someone unaware of the Five Rules of Happiness.
The above article is a beautiful chapter from Burt Goldman's book, "The Power of Self Mind
Control." You can learn more about his latest book at Burt
Goldman has also been a Silva Mind instructor teaching techniques to make the rest of your life
the best of your life. To learn about Silva seminars near you just visit



By lee kariuki / adapted by Dean Amory
Today in life we are constantly faced with challenges: do this, do that, try this, try that
Believe me, the road to success and happiness is not to follow everything that everyone tells you to
First thing you should do, is take back control of your own life. You are an individual person, with
a unique identity. Your Road to success and happiness is the road that You will build, not the ones
others built for you. Here are 7 important tips that I use on a consistent basis that have never failed
me and I know they won't fail you either if you follow them with a precision!


We have heard this repeated over and over and over: Life is beautiful! Life is abundance! Life is
happiness! So why would you spend an extra minute, if not a lifetime, doing what you dread?
Strike a balance, my friend! Your job may not be ideal, but for the time being, it supplies you with
an income. So, for now: Do this job while you work on what you really love doing! I have come to
believe that you can make a decent income in whatever you like to. But of course, you need to start
with the beginning and find out what it is you would really love to do! So for you to find happiness
enriched with longevity, my first tip is that you should absolutely find what it is that you love to do


Once you found your passion, make it your passion! Stop wasting time and energy: focus on
becoming always better in your chosen field. Read what you need to read! The worlds best
specialists are at your disposal. You will be amazed at the abundance of resources out there: The
library, the internet, magazines, seminaries, courses, the list is endless. Use this wealth of
information! Do your homework! And once you got started: find people with the same passion,
talk about your passion, live your passion! Your zeal and desire for perfection will draw attention
to you and soon you will discover opportunities to enhance your life by offering you the possibility
to spend most of your time doing things you love to do.
I can not over emphasize this! I am amazed at how correct my predictions about the outcome of
soccer games are! Believe me: it is no coincidence that the team that keeps taking shots at the
goalkeeper most of the time also wins the game. No matter what the weather is, keep on doing
what brings love and happiness to your heart! You may fail at times, but take failure only for what
it is: a lesson! No sportsman ever beat a record at his first try. It takes intelligence, time, energy,
commitment and confidence to keep studying and experimenting until you become as good as you
want to be!



There are things that we do simply because we want to get paid! Nothing wrong with that, but if
money is the only reason why you are doing what you do, then the chance it making you happy
and bringing you lasting success is very small. Let the perfection flow and the money will come! I
Focus on the end result! Regardless of the path, the destination is of the only thing that should
Dont allow negativity into your life, keep your goal in mind, make it your true intention and don't
worry to much about the path!

Don't let fear be the reason you do things you have no intention to do! Instead let fear be your
driving force!

Whatever you do, make sure
you are enjoying it to the
fullest! Dont waste your time
doing things you dont enjoy;
dont waste your time making
things that you do not enjoy
yourself; dont waste your
time offering services you
dont believe in. You cannot
sincerely hope to become
happy by doing things that you
dont feel good about, can
you? You cannot possibly
hope to become successful in a
field that you dont even like
and enjoy yourself, can you ?



By: Marelisa Fabrega
Marelisa Fabrega holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Georgetown University
in Washington, D.C., as well as a Juris Doctor from the Georgetown University Law Centre. She lives in
the Republic of Panama. Marelisa blogs about creativity, productivity, and getting the most out of life
over at Abundance Blog at Marelisa Online. She's the author of the eBooks "How to Live Your Best
Life - The Essential Guide for Creating and Achieving Your Life List", and "Make It Happen! A
Workbook for Overcoming Procrastination and Getting the Right Things Done".

Contrary to popular belief, you dont have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in
the quality of your life. At the same time, you dont need to wait a long time in order to see the
measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take
them consistently, for a period of 100 days.
Below youll find 60 small ways to improve all areas of your life in the next 100 days.

1. Create a 100 Days to Conquer Clutter Calendar by pencilling in one group of items you plan to
declutter every day, for the next 100 days. Heres an example:
Day 1: Declutter Magazines
Day 2: Declutter DVDs
Day 3: Declutter books
Day 4: Declutter kitchen appliances
2. Live by the mantra: a place for everything and everything in its place. For the next 100 days follow
these four rules to keep your house in order:
1/ If you take it out, put it back.
2/ If you open it, close it.
3/ If you throw it down, pick it up.
4/ If you take it off, hang it up.
3. Walk around your home and identify 100 things youve been tolerating; fix one each day. Here are
some examples:

A burnt light bulb that needs to be changed.

A button thats missing on your favourite shirt.
The fact that every time you open your top kitchen cabinet all of the plastic food containers fall


4. Follow the advice proffered by positive psychologists and write down 5 to 10 things that youre
grateful for, every day.
5. Make a list of 20 small things that you enjoy doing, and make sure that you do at least one of these
things every day for the next 100 days. Your list can include things such as the following:

Eating your lunch outside.

Calling your best friend to chat.
Taking the time to sit down and read a novel by your favourite author for a few minutes.

6. Keep a log of your mental chatter, both positive and negative, for ten days. Be as specific as possible:

How many times do you beat yourself up during the day?

Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
Are you constantly thinking critical thoughts of others?
How many positive thoughts do you have during the day?

Also, make a note of the emotions that accompany these thoughts. Then, for the next 90 days, begin
changing your emotions for the better by modifying your mental chatter.
7. For the next 100 days, have a good laugh at least once a day: get one of those calendars that has a
different joke for every day of the year, or stop by a web site that features your favourite cartoons.

Learning/Personal Development
8. Choose a book that requires effort and concentration and read a little of it every day, so that you read
it from cover to cover in 100 days.
9. Make it a point to learn at least one new thing each day: the name of a flower that grows in your
garden, the capital of a far-off country, or the name of a piece of classical music you hear playing in
your favourite clothing boutique as you shop. If its time for bed and you cant identify anything youve
learned that day, take out your dictionary and learn a new word.
10. Stop complaining for the next 100 days. A couple of years back, Will Bowen gave a purple rubber
bracelet to each person in his congregation to remind them to stop complaining. Negative talk produces
negative thoughts; negative thoughts produce negative results, says Bowen. For the next 100 days,
whenever you catch yourself complaining about anything, stop yourself.
11. Set your alarm a minute earlier every day for the next 100 days. Then make sure that you get out of
bed as soon as your alarm rings, open the windows to let in some sunlight, and do some light stretching.
In 100 days youll be waking up an hour and forty minutes earlier than youre waking up now.
12. For the next 100 days, keep Morning Pages, which is a tool suggested by Julia Cameron. Morning
Pages are simply three pages of longhand, stream of consciousness writing, done first thing in the


13. For the next 100 days make it a point to feed your mind with the thoughts, words, and images that
are most consistent with who you want to be, what you want to have, and what you want to achieve.

14. Create a spending plan (also known as a budget). Track every cent that you spend for the next 100
days to make sure that youre sticking to your spending plan.
15. Scour the internet for frugality tips, choose ten of the tips that you find, and apply them for the next
100 days. Here are some possibilities:

Go to the grocery store with cash and a calculator instead of using your debit card.
Take inventory before going to the grocery store to avoid buying repeat items.
Scale back the cable.
Ask yourself if you really need a landline telephone.
Consolidate errands into one trip to save on gas.
Keep track of how much money you save over the next 100 days by applying these tips.

16. For the next 100 days, pay for everything with paper money and keep any change that you receive.
Then, put all of your change in a jar and see how much money you can accumulate in 100 days.
17. Dont buy anything that you dont absolutely need for 100 days. Use any money you save by doing
this to do one of the following:

Pay down your debt, if you have any.

Put it toward your six month emergency fund.
Start setting aside money to invest.

8. Set an hour aside every day for the next 100 days to devote to creating one source of passive income.

Time Management
19. For the next 100 days, take a notebook with you everywhere in order to keep your mind decluttered.
Record everything, so that its safely stored in one placeout of your headwhere you can decide what
to do with it later. Include things such as the following:

Ideas for writing assignments.

Appointment dates.
To Do list items

20. Track how you spend your time for 5 days. Use the information that you gather in order to create a
time budget: the percentage of your time that you want to devote to each activity that you engage in on a
regular basis. This can include things such as:

Income-Generating Activities


Make sure that you stick to your time budget for the remaining 95 days.
21. Identify one low-priority activity which you can stop doing for the next 100 days, and devote that
time to a high priority task instead.
22. Identify five ways in which you regularly waste time, and limit the time that youre going to spend
on these activities each day, for the next 100 days. Here are three examples:

Watch no more than half-an-hour of television a day.

Spend no more than half-an-hour each day on social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and
Spend no more than twenty minutes a day playing video games.

23. For the next 100 days, stop multi-tasking; do one thing at a time without distractions.
24. For the next 100 days, plan your day the night before.
25. For the next 100 days, do the most important thing on your To-Do list first, before you do anything
26. For the next 14 weeks, conduct a review of each week. During your weekly review, answer the

What did you accomplish?

What went wrong?
What went right?

27. For the next 100 days, spend a few minutes at the end of each day organizing your desk, filing
papers, and making sure that your work area is clean and orderly, so that you can walk in to a neat desk
the next day.
28. Make a list of all of the commitments and social obligations that you have in the next 100 days.
Then, take out a red pen and cross out anything that does not truly bring you joy or help move you along
the path to achieving your main life goals.
29. For the next 100 days, every time that you switch to a new activity throughout the day stop and ask
yourself, Is this the best use of my time at this moment?

30. Losing a pound of fat requires burning 3500 calories. If you reduce your caloric intake by 175
calories a day for the next 100 days, youll have lost 5 pounds in the next 100 days.
31. For the next 100 days, eat five servings of vegetables every day.
32. For the next 100 days, eat three servings of fruit of every day.
33. Choose one food that constantly sabotages your efforts to eat healthierwhether its the decadent
cheesecake from the bakery around the corner, deep-dish pizza, or your favourite potato chipsand go
cold turkey for the next 100 days.

34. For the next 100 days, eat from a smaller plate to help control portion size.
35. For the next 100 days, buy 100% natural juices instead of the kind with added sugar and
36. For the next 100 days, instead of carbonated drinks, drink water.
37. Create a list of 10 healthy, easy to fix breakfast meals.
38. Create a list of 20 healthy, easy to fix meals which can be eaten for lunch or dinner.
39. Create a list of 10 healthy, easy to fix snacks.
40. Use your lists of healthy breakfast meals, lunches, dinners, and snacks in order to plan out your
meals for the week ahead of time. Do this for the next 14 weeks.
41. For the next 100 days, keep a food log. This will help you to identify where youre deviating from
your planned menu, and where youre consuming extra calories.
42. For the next 100 days, get at least twenty minutes of daily exercise.
43. Wear a pedometer and walk 10,000 steps, every day, for the next 100 days. Every step you take
during the day counts toward the 10,000 steps:

When you walk to your car.

When you walk from your desk to the bathroom.
When you walk over to talk to a co-worker, and so on.

44. Set up a weight chart and post it up in your bathroom. Every week for the next 14 weeks, keep track
of the following:

Your weight.
Your percentage of body fat.
Your waist circumference.

45. For the next 100 days, set your watch to beep once an hour, or set up a computer reminder, to make
sure that you drink water on a regular basis throughout the day.
46. For the next 100 days, make it a daily ritual to mediate, breath, or visualize every day in order to
calm your mind.

Your Relationship
47. For the next 100 days, actively look for something positive in your partner every day, and write it
48. Create a scrapbook of all the things you and your partner do together during the next 100 days. At
the end of the 100 days, give your partner the list you created of positive things you observed about
them each day, as well as the scrapbook you created.

49. Identify 3 actions that youre going to take each day, for the next 100 days, in order to strengthen
your relationship. These can include the following:

Say I love you and Have a good day to your significant other every morning.
Hug your significant other as soon as you see each other after work.
Go for a twenty minute walk together every day after dinner; hold hands.

50. Connect with someone new every day for the next 100 days, whether its by greeting a neighbour
youve never spoken to before, following someone new on Twitter, leaving a comment on a blog youve
never commented on before, and so on.
51. For the next 100 days, make it a point to associate with people you admire, respect and want to be
52. For the next 100 days, when someone does or says something that upsets you, take a minute to think
over your response instead of answering right away.
53. For the next 100 days, dont even think of passing judgment until youve heard both sides of the
54. For the next 100 days do one kind deed for someone every day, however small, even if its just
sending a silent blessing their way.
55. For the next 100 days, make it a point to give praise and approval to those who deserve it.
56. For the next 100 days, practice active listening. When someone is talking to you, remain focused on
what theyre saying, instead of rehearsing in your head what youre going to say next. Paraphrase what
you think you heard them say to make sure that you havent misinterpreted them, and encourage them to
elaborate on any points youre still not clear about.
57. Practice empathy for the next 100 days. If you disagree with someone, try to see the world from their
perspective; put yourself in their shoes. Be curious about the other person, about their beliefs and their
life experience, and about the thinking process that they followed to reach their conclusions.
58. For the next 100 days, stay in your own life and dont compare yourself to anyone else.
59. For the next 100 days, place the best possible interpretation on the actions of others.
60. For the next 100 days, keep reminding yourself that everyone is doing the best that they can.




Character cannot be developed in peace and quiet. Only through experience of trial and
suffering can the soul be strengthened; vision cleared; ambition inspired, and success
achieved.- Helen Keller

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.Ralph Waldo Emerson

Genius is seldom recognized for what

it is: a great capacity for hard work.Henry Ford,
1863 1947

Happiness is a choice that requires

effort at times.- Anonymous

Hard work beats talent when talent

doesn't work hard.- Tim Notke

How you spend your time is more

important than how you spend your
money. Money
mistakes can be corrected, but time is
gone forever.- David Norris

I count him braver who overcomes his

desires than him who overcomes his
enemies, for
the hardest victory is victory over
self.- Aristotle

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small
tasks as if they were great and noble.- Helen Keller

If there is anything I would like to be remembered for it is that I helped people

understand that leadership is helping other people grow and succeed. To repeat myself,
leadership is not just about you. It's about them.- Jack Welch

If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don't, you have
achieved half your failure.- David Ambrose

If you take too long in deciding what to do with your life, youll find youve done it.George B. Shaw.

Most look up and admire the stars. A champion climbs a mountain and grabs one.Unknown


Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.Barbara Johnson

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living, the other helps you
make a life.- Sandra Carey

One of the most tragic things I know about human nature is that all of us tend to put off
living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of
enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.- Dale Carnegie

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.- T.S.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like
work.- Thomas Edison
Reputation is what people think you are. Character is who you really are. Take care of
your character and your reputation will take care of itself.- (On an American plaque)

Success is a journey, not a destination.- Ralph Arbitelle

Success is your dreams with work clothes on - unknown

Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in
their desires to reach their potential.- John Maxwell

The middle of every successful project looks like a disaster.- Rosabeth Moss Cantor

The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.- Richard Bach

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.- Franklin D.

The purpose of life is a life of purpose - Robert Byrne

Outstanding leaders appeal to the hearts of their followers - not their minds.- Unknown

The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.- John D. Rockefeller

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have
much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.- Roosevelt

To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of
children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a
healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has
breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.- Ralph Waldo Emerson



Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never
grow.- Ronald E. Osborn

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.- Martin Luther
King, Jr.

Yesterday is a cancelled check; Tomorrow is a promissory note; Today is the only cash
you have, so spend it wisely.- Kim Lyons

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.- Beverly Sills

Truth fears no trial.- Proverb

If you aren't making any mistakes, it's a sure sign you're playing it too safe.- John Maxwell


Happiness, Good Health, Wealth, Success, ... are wishes. Wishing for the
sky won't improve the quality of your life and well-being. If wishes were
horses, beggars might ride ...
Neither will "wanting to succeed", "wanting to quit smoking", "wanting to
lose weight" or "wanting to become more social, assertive, ..." be of much
help to you. These are intentions.
What it takes to be successful at enhancing your life is: GRASP IT!
GRASP stands for: a Goal, a Reason, Action, a Strategy and Perseverance.
Now, let's look into these elements in some more detail:

Some of us may find it difficult to identify their dream, while others have so many dreams that their main
problem is to prioritise among them. In either case, it is important to remember that most dreams will
remain just that: dreams. Unless we prioritise and then transform our most urgent or important objective
into a smart goal..
SMART, meaning: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding and Time bound or Traceable.
Now, write this goal down as a positive and concrete statement.
For example: I will lose 10 kilos by the end of this year and will lose 2 kilos per month.
Hint: It may be a good idea to paste your goal in visible, prominent areas around you to be regularly
reminded of it.

Motivation is very important. The path to success is almost never a smooth one. If you are not prepared
for setbacks, you may discover that your goal suddenly seems a lot less important when the going gets
Motivation is what sparked the fire in the first place. It's the reason why you selected this goal and want to
achieve it.
But along the way, the intensity and direction of your motivation will vary. Maybe you started your path
with one important reason in mind, but discover after some time that this is not the real reason why you
want to achieve this specific goal. That is o.k. as long as your reasons fuel the enthusiasm and courage that
you need to learn from failure and continue toward the fulfilment of your goal.
Hint: A visualization board to help you visualize yourself enjoying the benefits which you will experience
once you have accomplished your goal, may prove very helpful to get you through difficult moments.


So, you have a great goal. But how exactly are you going to reach it?
First thing to do is to break down your goal into manageable sub-goals. Not only will these stepping stones
help you to keep things in the right perspective (- compare "half a kilo to go this month" to "still 8 kilos to
go" -), but they will also make it easier to draw concrete daily action plans and to review and evaluate your
progress on a regular basis. As long as you keep sight of your goal, this allows for some flexibility along
the road.
Hint: Once your preparations are done, don't delay: Act Right Now! And once you got started, don't stop.

Many roads lead to Rome. Depending on your personal experiences and preferences, your strengths and
weaknesses and on your actual life situation, you will have to pick a trajectory, a means of transportation,
the time you want to invest in your journey, the stopping places and the mileage you want to cover each
month, week and day.
But don't be too hard on yourself: even the best horse will stumble from time to time. Yet, it will get back
on its feet and keep going. It is likely that your initial action strategy will require some adjustment along
the road. Maybe you under-estimated the time or effort needed to execute your action plan. Or changes in
your life situation force you to reconsider your schedule. This implies that it may take you a little longer to
achieve your goal. But, hey! You know why you changed your action plan! The important thing here is to
always be honest with yourself. But, if necessary, it's even much better to adjust your goal than to throw
the towel and give up.
Hint: Regular reviews are important. They allow you to evaluate your progress, to adapt your daily action
plan and to celebrate your victories!

You started on this path toward the accomplishment of your dream in the firm believe that you can realize
your goal. Your goal is a SMART goal. You have the motivation and the right strategy to overcome any
obstacles that you might encounter along the way.
If you ever felt that you were a victim, by taking things into your own hands you have proven that you are
determined to be the protagonist in your own life.
It is not because the road is long and windy that it also should be dull and hard and lonely. Finding positive
role models may be a great idea: Become inspired by people who accomplished something important.
Read about them, watch positive movies. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who care
about you.
Hint: Share your goal with the people around you. Tell them about it and, if possible, find others that share
the same goals and form a small group in which members support each other and hold each other
accountable. Or find a mentor to support you.

Copyright: Dean Amory, 2014



Dean Amory







Elephants cannot fly: Know yourself
You cannot be the best at everything: Pick your targets


Co n v i c t i o n , d e v o t i o n ,
Develop a winners mentality
Always go the extra mile


Keep your Goals firm, but your choice of roads flexible





Plan on the short time and on the long time
Where are you now? Where will you be 1 year from now? And in 5 years?
Write your goals down and read them every day
Plan what can be planned, even if you know you will have to adapt the plan


Dont hide your expertise
A few hours of study is all it takes to know more about a subject than most.
Be happy. Be a success.


No one can go back and make a brand new start.
Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.



Never give up


Mo d e l h a p p y a n d s u c c e s s f u l p e o p l e
Take a coach
Mo v e i n c i r c l e s o f h a p p y a n d s u c c e s s f u l p e o p l e
Read about your subject
Talk about it



12. ACT! ACT! ACT!



When you fall, get up: you just learned something.
You are better now !






1. The grass is NOT greener anywhere else. Life is what you make it.
Avoid the 'if only...' syndrome at all costs.
2. Keep a close watch on attitudes.
3. Give yourself away to others if you really want to be happy.
4. Appreciate others around you, what you have and all creation.
It's amazing how many blessings we have when we begin to count them.
5. Put yourself wholeheartedly into whatever needs doing.






Imagine for a moment that, out of the

blue, a good friend invites you to go
on vacation with him.
A few questions that are likely to pop up immediately are:
- Is this o.k.?
- Do I want to do this?
- Is it safe?
- Is it acceptable?
- Can I afford this?
values: prescribe
desired behaviour,
character and culture

Suppose you see no objections.

You will start dreaming now:
What kind of vacation would I prefer? - and he?
Beach Exploration Cultural Sports Hiking

Hotel Touring Camping

* mission: brief, typically one-sentence, statement defining the
fundamental purpose of the enterprise and what it does to
achieve the vision.
E.g.: To organize a cultural city trip to a mayor European
* vision: concise aspirational, inspirational and measurable
definition of the mid- to long- term strategic objectives and
goals of the enterprise. States what you will be , will
achieve or will become within a certain time frame.
E.g.: We will go in August and visit the main museums,
churches and points of interest of the town, enjoy the local
kitchen, attend a cultural performance and make excursions
to some nearby places of historical or cultural importance.

Once you know what you want, it is time to quantif

y the vision
i.e: to become more concrete and consider
what timing suits the both of you,
where to go and stay and what to do there.
how you will get to your destination (by car? By plane?)
how you will spend your vacation time:
Which places you want to see,
what activities you want to participate in,
and when.
This includes setting priorities and deciding whether you
will do all things together, or whether you will combine
shared activities with a personal agenda.

(Strategic Analysis)
* Strategic goals are broad, long-term aims that bridge the value
gap: the difference between reality (now) and aspi ration.
E.g.: We will have a good time and enjoy the highlights of early
* Objectives are specific, quantifiable, realistic targets that measure
the accomplishment of a goal over a specified time.
E.g.: We will visit the Duomo, the Uffizzi, the Galleria DellArte, The
Santa Croce, The Chiesa Maria Novela, the Basilica San Lorenzo and
the Orson Michele. We will see the Ponte Vecchio and the Walls of
Florence, enjoy the panoramic view from the Piazza Michelangelo and
visit the market at the San Lorenzo. We will also make excur-sions to
Siena, Pisa and Lucca.
In the evenings, we will have lunch at least once at . And attend
one Opera performance. At least half a day will be reserved for
* Strategies are broad activities required to achieve an objective,
control a critical success factor or overcome a barrier.
E.g.: We will make reservations as much as possible beforehand,
since this will be cheaper than reserving in Firenze and will also
spare us the time lining up for reservation.

* The success factor defines the desired outcome from a successful

strategy execution.
E.g.: We will return happy but content after enjoying our city trip to the
* Critical Success Factors are essential parts of the enterprise that must
be performed or fulfilled if you are to achieve the mission, objectives
and goals
E.g.: The trip will be considered a success only if we achieve to visit all
the places that we planned. If however a planned item has to be
dropped, then we will drop the visit to the Orsonmichele and the half
day reserved for shopping. If an excursion has to be dropped, we will
drop the excursion to Lucca.
* Tactics are specific steps to be taken by a defined person, at a certain
time and at a specified cost, to implement a strategy.
E.g.: You will transfer to my bank account number XXX before end of
this Month. Within 14 days from receipt, I shall buy the airplane tickets
for the both of us at Voyage Agent XX
Following reservations will also be booked at this occasion:
We shall meet at your place on Thursday ../.. to check on the internet for
Additional opportunities.

After you agreed on the details of your voyage, its time to draw a concrete
plan. Plans are made to be changed, but remember : if you fail to plan, you
are planning to fail !
(Develop the Strategy)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

With everything properly agreed and planned, you now you have all the
information required to start making reservations and preparations for the trip :
booking travel agency, subscribing travel insurance, listing useful addresses,
checking luggage, clothing, toilet articles, mak ing sure your plants or pets
will be taken care off during your vacation, that your letter box will be emptied
(projects and actions)

A week before leaving start checking all your preparations. Travel documents
ready? Luggage ok?
Also, reconfirm deals made: your plans and pets count on being taking care off
during your vacation!
(monitor and re-evaluate your projects and actions)

Finally: Enjoy your Vacation !

Journey to anywhere
Before going any further: may I ask you to stop for a
moment and answer two little questions ? :

Have you noticed any important considerations that I

forgot to mention in the strategical approach on the
previous pages?


In your opinion, have I listed actions which do not

contribute to assuring that you will have a successful
trip to Florence? That is: suppose that you were really
leaving on a trip to Florence, which of the listed actions
would you NOT take ?

OK, after having answered these questions, you can

now proceed to the last page :

About Success in Life

If it takes this amount of planning to assure a
successful 5 day trip,
How come you are not planning and following
through on your planning
When it comes to assuring success for this
so much more important trip,
Which is :


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