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Enhancing Inspiration Through the Third Eye Chakra

and Violet Crystals

One of the issues we are discussing this week in the Crystal Inner Circle is inspiration. Did
you know, among the many things meditation can bring you, it can also help you enhance
your inspiration? A guided meditation, crystal, and/or affirmation (or all three) can all assist
you in gaining creativity and intuition, which are both important in inspiration.
You dont have to be an artist, painter, musician, or writer to appreciate some inspiration
finding its way to your life. If you look up the definition of inspiration you will find, the
process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something
creative. If there is one thing crystals are good at, it is stimulating us. The soothing
vibrations and powerful color rays can inspire us to think, feel, and do.


The Third Eye Chakra, or the Brow Chakra, houses our

inspiration. Your Third Eye Chakra embodies your ability to expand your mental
consciousness in many ways and forms. It is your connection to the wisdom the universe has
to offer and is particularly recognized as the entry point of intuition and inspiration. The tone
of intuition that is associated with your brow chakra differs quite substantially from the
intuition of your solar plexus chakra.
You can develop your intuitive skills into precise tools of perception. For example, just as a
sighted person in a crowd of blind people would naturally have the advantage that sight
brings, so would a person with an awakened third eye of the soul have the advantage of allround vision.
Envisage yourself having greater awareness of auras and chakras, imagine connecting to your
spirit guides with ease and intuitively knowing your path forward. Through the experiences

youll have, youll gain knowledge, and through that knowledge youll gain perspective. An
open and balanced brow chakra enables you to separate the real from the imagined, the vital
from the unimportant and it allows you to become intuitive, optimistic, and knowing.
When the brow chakra is in balance we see clearly and understand what we see. We are able
to interpret visual cues and our perception is high. Our thoughts and internal communications
with ourselves are healthy and vibrant. We have perspective on events and ideas. We are open
to new ideas, dreams, and visions. We can be quietly observant, and reflective. We can
control the flow of energy within all the chakras.
When the brow chakra is out of balance, the whole organism suffers. Without perspective,
nothing makes sense. You will be confused, have difficulty seeing things clearly, and
knowing what is important and what is not. You will not have command of your body or your
thoughts. You will suffer headaches, ear aches and have vision problems. You will be unable
to work through problems or puzzles. Things just wont make sense. You will be disoriented
and confused.


1. Childs pose with forehead pressed to the floor

Come down to childs pose, knees open or closed, hands stretched in front. Press your
forehead on the floor, close your eyes and bring your awareness to the Third eye. Bring your
inner energy onto to this chakra, and let it show you how you would see the world through it.
What is needed for you to see? What is relevant, and what isnt?
Take 2-4 minutes here, breathe steady and long, and let your body relax.

2. Ardha Uttanasana Half standing forward bend

This mild forward fold relaxes the mind and at the same time creates pressure in the area of
the third eye, stimulating it.
Start in Tadasana, inhale your arms up, and fold forward into uttanasana, standing forward
bend. On an inhale straighten your legs and your back, and place your palms on the floor in
front, or on your shins (or on two blocks). Stay for 4 long and deep breaths, and come out by
folding back down to uttanasana on an exhale. Bend your knees, and come back up with an
inhale, arms all the way up towards the sky, palms touching. Close your eyes and bring your
thumbs close to your forehead, and pause here. Feel the third eye chakra, take 5-6 long
breaths before lowering the hands and opening your eyes.

3. Sun salutations with your eyes closed

Yes, with your eyes closed! When we close our eyes, we can truly start to see with our Third
eye. Make sure you have enough room in case you tumble, and take it slow. Feel your body,
feel you intuitive guidance and go with the flow.

You can do one round of Sun salutations with your eyes open, and flow through uttanasana
(standing forward bend), ardha uttanasana (half standing forward bend) , plank pose,
chaturanga dandasana (four limbed staff pose), bhujangasana (cobra pose), adho mukha
savasana (downward facing dog) and back to uttanasana and finally tadasana (mountain
After this first round, close your eyes before you begin the second round. Place your hands in
anjali mudra, and have the bases of your thumbs touching the forehead. Focus here, and again
draw all your energy into this one point of the sixth chakra. From here, begin 4 rounds of Sun
salutations with your eyes closed.
After the final round, take a few breaths in Tadasana and feel your body. How did you
experience your body when the eyes were closed. What was different?

4. Virabhadrasana III Warrior III

Practicing balance can bring energy and awareness into our third eye chakra. When we
balance the body, the mind needs to be just as engaged as the body.
Start in Tadasana in front of your mat. Inhale your arms up, and with the exhale bring the
palms together and place the thumbs again onto your forehead. Close your eyes, take few
breaths here and draw the energy into your third eye chakra.

With an exhale, bring your palms in front of your heart centre, pour all your weight onto your
right leg, and start lifting up the left leg while hinging forwards from the hips. Keep the hips
square, and the toes of the left foot facing towards the floor. Keep your hands on your chest,
or extend them forward or to the side. Take 3-5 deep breaths here. With an exhale take your
hands back in front of your heart space, and start coming back up with a straight back. Repeat
on the other side.

5. Seated meditation
One of the best ways to find contact with our Ajna Chakra is via meditation. Find yourself in
a comfortable seated position, sit on a block or on the floor, straighten the back and relax the
shoulders. Close your eyes.

Start with rubbing your hands together to generate heat in your palms. Do this for about 1520 seconds, after which you can place your hands on your eyes. The warmth of the palms
stimulates the eyes and lets the eyes soften. Once you feel the palms losing their heat, repeat
once more.

Then, place your hands on your thighs or on your lap, and focus on your breathing. Once
more draw your energy onto your third eye, and ask it to show you what you need to see. Ask
it to remind you of your purpose in this life, and then sit and listen to the answers coming
from within.


Choose one or several of the affirmations from below based on your needs. You can recite
one in the morning, one at midday, and one in the evening if youd like.

As I trust and let go, my intuition guides me to wondrous experiences.

Being inspired is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling every

Divine guidance is always with me.

Divine wisdom guides me in all that I do.

Every day I read something insightful and inspiring.

Every day my inner voice becomes louder and clearer.

Every day my intuition serves me better.

Every flash of intuition reminds me that my inner resources are all-knowing and allpowerful.

Every moment of every day I am becoming more and more inspired.

I accept my inner voice with reverence and respect.

I act on all inspirational impulses.

I act on all inspirations as soon as I receive them.

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