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Elis Titin Agustiani: TPA education influence on learning achievement in the

subject of Islamic Education.
Weak education in landfill resulting in decreased performance of learners in
the subject of Islamic education in schools. The problems that arise, if there is a
positive influence between education landfill on the learning achievement in the
subject of Islamic education in school SDN 4 Payungagung? It departs from the
assumption that there are positive influence between education in a landfill on the
learning achievement in the subject of Islamic Education in SDN 4 Payungagung.
This study aims to determine the effect of TPA education on learning
achievement in the subject of Islamic Education in SDN 4 Payungagung.
With this purpose, this study is expected to be useful for the development of
the science of religion, science education administration and management at the
micro level related to school management about the importance of education landfill
for learners in order to improve learning achievement PAI Elementary School.
The method used in this research is descriptive method with quantitative
approach to research that seeks to reveal the circumstances / conditions are today
taking into account the state of the past that have past through the processing of the
figures obtained in the study.
Based on the results of data processing of the obtained results that TPA
relatively good education (Me = 83.91 is on a scale interpretation above 80.74 with
good classification), while learning achievement in the subject of Islamic education
is quite (Me = 80.63 is in the interval 77.35 to 82.7 with sufficient classification).
And the effect of TPA education on learning achievement in the subjects PAI has a
significant positive effect with high category, proved rs = 0.74 is in the interval from
0.61 to 0.80 and thitung> ttabel thitung (5.365) ttable (1.711). TPA education affects
learning achievement in the subject of Islamic education in schools by 55%, while the
remaining 45% is determined by other factors alleged that the professionalism of
teachers, a child's IQ, and parental guidance children.
Keywords: Education, TPA, Achievement, Islamic Religious Education.

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