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1. To compare apples and oranges is to uselessly compare unlike things.

2. The apple of (ones) eye is a favorite or well-like person.
3. To say that the apple never falls far from the tree is to suggest that a persons
personality traits are close to those of the persons parents.
4. As American as apple pie means that something is quintessentially representative of
American culture or values.
5. (As) sure as God made little green apples suggests certainty.
612. To be a bad apple or a rotten apple is to be a bad person. Meanwhile, to say
that one bad (or rotten) apple spoils the whole bunch (or barrel) implies that one
flawed element or person can undermine an effort or a group, and to be rotten to the
core is to be thoroughly bad or worthless.
1314. How do you like them apples? (or How about them apples?) is a neutral or
taunting comment, depending on the context, that refers to an undesirable state or
1516. To polish (ones) apple is to flatter someone; a flatterer is an apple polisher.
17. To upset the apple cart is to ruin plans.
18. A banana republic is a weak or corrupt country.
1920. A second banana is a subordinate, and the top banana is the leader.
2122. To go bananas is to become excited or crazed, and to drive (someone)
bananas is to annoy or irritate someone.
23. Something in cherry condition is excellently maintained or restored.
24. To cherry-pick is to select carefully.
25. Life is a bowl of cherries means that life is easy.
26. To not give a fig is to be unconcerned.
27. A lemon is a flawed or worthless item; the idiom often refers to a vehicle.
28. Melon is sometimes used as slang for head or, vulgarly, for large breasts.
29. To say that someone or something is a peach means that they are beautiful,
excellent, or sweet.
30. When everything is peaches and cream, life is going well.
31. A plum assignment or job is a highly coveted one.
32. One is said to have sour grapes when one belittles something one covets but cannot

3336. To be full of beans is to talk nonsense, and to not know beans is to be
ignorant or uninformed. To be not worth a hill of beans is to be worthless, and to spill
the beans is to tell a secret.
3738. To dangle a carrot before someone is to encourage them with an incentive, and
the carrot in carrot and stick is an incentive or reward. (The stick is the punishment.)
39. A carrot top is a red-haired person.
40. Someone as cool as a cucumber is very self-possessed under pressure.
41. To pass an olive branch is to make peaceful or reconciliatory overtures.
42. A pea-brained person is stupid.
43. Fog or something else very dense can be described as being as thick as pea soup.
44. To be like two peas in a pod is to be very close with or similar to someone.
45. To be in a pickle is to experience complication.
46. A couch potato is someone who spends an excessive amount of time seated
watching television or playing video games.
4748. A hot potato is a controversial or difficult issue, but to drop (someone or
something) like a hot potato is to abandon the person or thing.
49. Something that is small potatoes is insignificant.
50. Salad days refers to the youthful period of ones life.

Fruits and vegetables figure occasionally in figurative references to color, such as beet
red (the color of embarrassment), or descriptions of specific hues, like cherry red, as
well as other comparisons, including pear shaped. The
words fruit andvegetable themselves appear occasionally in idiomatic phrases, including
the following:
To bear fruit is to produce results.
Forbidden fruit is something attractive but not allowed.
The fruits of ones labors are the results of the persons efforts.
To become a vegetable is to be rendered physically disabled or to virtually cease
physical activity

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