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English Class Rules & Expectations

Ms. Seymour Junior and Senior English

School e-mail: (best way to get ahold of me!)

Dear Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Hello, and welcome to English! It is my hope and expectation that you carry
the knowledge and skills you have learned over the years and apply them to
your advantage in my classroom. Please read my policies and procedures for
the 2017-18 school year. I ask that you read them together, then sign and
date the bottom portion and return it to me. This is a graded assignment; if
turned in on time, the first recorded grade will be A.
Classroom Rules
*No food -- there is scheduled time for lunch (unless given permission);
*4 bathroom passes you will not receive more than 4;
*Water only -- drinks other than water will not be allowed in class;
*No cell phones, no texting if I see it, Im taking it;
Classroom Behavior/ Participation
Good behavior looks like:

Sitting in your desk working on the warm-up activity when the bell

Coming to class prepared and with an independent novel to read

during down time;

Raising your hand to contribute to the discussion or to ask a question;

Working independently when assigned to do so;

Staying in your assigned seat 99% of the time;

Displaying respectful behavior (to yourself, to me, and to the students

around you).

Late Work Policy

Assignment will be docked 10% every day they are late. If they are not
turned in 4 days after the due date, students will receive a 0.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, or submitting another
persons material as ones own. Any act of academic dishonesty will result in

severe negative consequences including but not limited to, a lower grade in
the class, an automatic F in the class, and/or expulsion from the class or
from the school. Always cite your sources even if you are simply borrowing
an idea.
Tardy/Unprepared Students
I follow the schools tardy policy. Refer to your school agenda for a detailed
explanation. If you are not prepared for class and you have to go back to
your locker to retrieve something, this is a tardy.
Pre-arranged and Excused Absences
A pre-arranged absence is an absence that is arranged in advance. If you are
an athlete or involved in other traveling activities will have to arrange with
me when you are going to be absent. Sometimes my lesson plans change
and some activities are in- class and participation based. Please follow these

Do not interrupt my class to ask about a pre-arranged absence. Please

be smart and chose a time when its appropriate.

It is absolutely your responsibility to get the work before you leave, I

will not track you down to make sure you have your homework.

Your work is due upon returning to class

Unexcused Absences
Students will receive no credit for unexcused absences. If a student thinks
his/her absence will be excused at a later date (if a parent was unable to call
the school or a doctors note was not provided, etc.) the policy for excused
absences applies (see above).
Grading Policies
A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 0-59%
Grades are updated and posted on a regular basis. If you feel as though I
have forgotten about an assignment or you are getting anxious for me to
grade something, send me an email to remind me. Extra credit opportunities
may present themselves throughout the semester; however, extra credit is
not given in place of regular credit.
My grading is on a point system. Classwork and homework assignments are
worth 10-50 points (depending on the time and effort it takes to complete
the assignment). Tests and writing assignments are work between 30-100
points, again based on the time and effort.

We have read through Mrs. Woodwards Class Expectations & Rules, and
understand that students will be held accountable to everything listed here
as well as all of the school rules/policies listed in the student handbook.
------------------------------------------------- ------------------- (Student Signature)
(Student Printed Name)
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- (Parent Signature)
(Parent Printed Name)
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- (Parent email and
phone number)

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