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RK University (Pre-registration coursework for PhD program)

PhD Program PhD (EC Engineering)

Concerned Dean Dr. Ajit Kumar Shukla (email



Research Methodology

Subject of specialization:*
1. Digital Communication
2. Advanced
Electromagnetic :
Principles, Design and
Applications (AEPDA)
3. Wireless Communication
4. EEG Signal Processing
5. Embedded System
6. Introduction to Algorithms
Review of literature


As per syllabus
mentioned below
Research topic

Review of
literature for the
PhD research

Method of
(3 hrs)
(3 hrs)


Presentation +
Detailed report
in hard copy


(*Shall be decided by the Dean of Faculty, individually, for each PhD scholar)
1. The admission process of PhD program will comprise of 2 stages viz. (a) admission to
PhD program (b) final registration in PhD program.

2. A successful PhD candidate (RAT examination) will be admitted to PhD program

after paying admission fees (Rs.60000/-) and upon allocation of a PhD guide by RK

3. An admitted PhD candidate will have to submit synopsis and presentation of his/her
actual research project (in consultation with the PhD guide approved and allocated

by RK university) before Doctoral Research Committee (DRC) within 6 months from

date of admission(date will be declared by university).

4. An admitted PhD candidate will be registered after earning mini mum of 11 credits as per
above mentioned course-work structure.

5. The candidate will acquire credit of a subject on passing the examination that will be
conducted at the end of 6 months (date will be declared by university).

6. On acquiring required credits, an admitted candidate will be issued a certificate of

registration(along with project title)by RK University.

Course Title

Research methodology
Detailed syllabus

Meaning, purpose, Types, (Educational, Clinical, Experimental, historical descriptive, Basic
applied and Patent oriented Research) and objectives of research, phases of research.
Research Design:

Review of Research Literature: Purpose and use of literature review, locating relevant
information, use of library & electronic databases, preparation & presentation of literature

review, research article reviews, theoretical models and frame work. Identification of gaps
in research, formulation of research problem, definition of research objectives.

a. How of documentation

b. Techniques of documentation c. Importance of documentation

d. Use of computer packages in documentation
Research Publication:

Thesis, Research paper, Review Article & Technical Reports: Organization of thesis and
reports, formatting issues, citation methods, references, effective oral presentation of

research. Quality indices of research publication: impact factor, immediacy factor, H- index
and other citation indices

Presentation (especially for oral presentation):

Importance and types of different skills, contained, format of model, introduction, Poster,

Gestures, eye contact, facial, expressions, stage fright, volume of pitch, speed, pause &
language, Visual aids & seating, Questionnaire etc.
Cost analysis of the project:

cost incurred on raw materials, Procedure, instrumentations and clinical trials.

Sources for procurement of research grants:

International agencies, government and private bodies.

Industrial-institution interaction:

Industrial projects, their feasibility reports, interaction with industries.

Research Ethics and Morals:

Issues related to plagiarism, collaborative models and ethics, acknowledgements.

Intellectual Property Rights: copy rights, copy left: patents, Industrial designs, Trademarks.

Reference Books:
1. Research Methodology, Methods & Techniques, C. R. Kothari, Vishwa Prakashan

2. Research Methods- A Process of Inquiry, Graziano, A.M., Raulin, M.L, Pearson


3. How to Write a Thesis:, Murray, R. Tata McGraw Hill

4. Writing For Academic Journals, Murray, R., McGraw Hill International.

5. Writing for Publication, Henson, K.T., Allyn &Bacon.

6. Research Methodology by Bhattacharyya Excel Books 2nd Edition.

7. What is this thing called Science, Chalmers, A.F.,Queensland University Press.

8. Methods &Techniques of Social Research, Bhandarkar & Wilkinson, Himalaya



Doing your Research project, Bell J., Open University Press, Berkshire.

10. A Handbook of Academic Writing, Murray, R. and Moore, S., Tata McGraw Hill

11. Business Research Methods Donald R. Cooper and Pamela S.Schindler Business

Research Methods Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd

Research Methodology: A Guide for Researchers in Management and Social

Sciences Taylor, Sinha & Ghoshal

Course Title

Digital Communication Engineering

Detailed syllabus

Rev iew of Random Processes and Spectral analysis

Elements of Detection Theory. Optimum detection of signals in noise
Coherent communication w ith w aveforms- Probability of Error evaluations
Baseband Pulse Transmission- I ntersymbol I nterference and Nyquist criterion. Passband
Digital Modulation schemes- Phase Shift Keying, Frequency Shift

Keying, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, Continuous Phase Mo dulation and

Minimum Shift Keying

Digital Modulation tradeoffs. Optimum demodulation of digital signals ov er band limited


Maximum likelihood sequence detection (Viterbi receiver). Equalization

Techniques. Synchronization and Carrier Recovery for Digital modulation

Reference Books
1. Analog& Digital Communication B. P. Lathi

2. Communication System R. P. Singh and S. D. Sapre

3. Digital Communication Fundamentals (2 Enddition) Sklar and Ray

Course Title

Advanced Electromagnetic: Principles, Design and Applications

Detailed syllabus

1. Electromagnetic Computational Methods

Finite difference methods, Method of moment,

Finite element Method

Applications to microstrip structures

2. Passive Components

Rectangular and corrugated w aveguide

Components Tees, Rings, Couplers, Circulators, I solators, and Filters

Microstrip patch antennas: design and adv anced researches, Use of simulation softw are
for components (any one)

3. Active Devices



Materials : Conductor, dielectric, insulator, magnetic, Metamaterials

Lumped elements : design and application issues
Fabrication techniques w ith examples

Thin film and hybrid circuit formations

Reference Books

1. Elements of electromagnetics

Author : Matthew N..O. Sadiku, Publication : Oxford Publications

2. Numerical Methods for Engineering: An I ntroduction Using MATLAB and Computational

Electromagnetics Examples

Author: Karl F Warnick, Publication : SciTech Publishing Co., Raleigh NC : I SBN : 978-


3. Foundation of Microw ave Engineering

Author: R E Collin, Publication: Tata McGraw Hill

4. Microw ave Engineering ,Author : D M Pozar , Publication : John Wiley and Sons
5. Microw aves, Author : K C Gupta, Publication : New Age Publishing

6. Microstrip patch antennas using metamaterial , Author : VedVyasDw ivedi,

Publication:Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, I SBN: 978-3-8484-0985-3

Course Title

Wireless Communication Networks

Detailed syllabus

Introduction to Wireless Communication system:

Evolution of mobile communications, Mobile Radio System around the world, Types of
Wireless communication System, Comparison of Common wireless syste m, Trend in
Cellular radio and personal communication, Second generation Cellular Networks, Third
Generation (3G) Wireless Networks, Wireless Local Loop(WLL), Wireless Local Area
network(WLAN), Bluetooth and Personal Area Networks

The cellular concept- system design fundamentals:

Cellular system, Hexagonal geometry cell and concept of frequency reuse, Channel
Assignment Strategies Distance to frequency reuse ratio, Channel & co -channel
interference reduction factor, S/I ratio consideration and calculation for Minimum Cochannel and adjacent interference, Handoff Strategies, Umbrella Cell Concept, Trunking
and Grade of Service, Improving Coverage & Capacity in Cellular System-cell splitting,
Cell sectorization , Repeaters, Micro cell zone concept, Channel antenna system design
Mobile radio propagation model, Small scale fading and diversity:
Large scale path loss:-Free Space Propagation loss equation, Path-loss of NLOS and LOS
systems, Reflection, Ray ground reflection model, Diff raction, Scatter ing, Link budget
design, Max. Distance Coverage formula, Empirical formula for path loss, Indoor and
outdoor propagation models, Small scale multipath propagation, Impulse model for
multipath channel, Delay spread, Fehers delay spread, up per bound Small scale
Multipath Measurement parameters of multipath channels, Types of small scale Fading,
Rayleigh and rician distribution, Statistical for models multipath fading channels and
diversity techniques in brief
Multiple access techniques:
Introduction, Comparisons of multiple Access Strategies TDMA, CDMA, FDMA, OFDM,
CSMA Protocols

Wireless systems:
GSM system architecture, Radio interface, Protocols, Localization and calling, Handover,
Authentication and security in GSM, GSM speech coding, Concept of spread s pectrum,
Architecture of IS-95 CDMA system, Air interface, CDMA forward channels, CDMA reverse
channels, Soft handoff, CDMA features, Power control in CDMA, Performance of CDMA
System, RAKE Receiver, CDMA 2000 cellular technology, GPRS system architecture

Wireless IP
Mobile IP, Route optimization, Handoffs, IP for wireless domain, security in mobile IP,
TCP in wireless domain, WAP
Recent trends:
Introduction to Wi-Fi, WiMAX, ZigBee Networks, Software Defined Radio, UWB Radio,
Wireless Adhoc Network and Mobile Portability, Security issues and challenges in a
Wireless network

Text Book:
1. Wireless Communication, Theodore S. Rappaport, Prentice hall

Reference Books

1. Wireless Communications and Networking ,Vijay Garg, Elsevier

2. Wireless digital communication, Kamilo Feher, PHI

3. Mobile Communications Engineering, William C. Y. Lee, Mc Graw Hill Publications

4. Mobile and personal Communication system and services by Rajpandya, IEEE press

5. Wireless Communications-T.L.Singh-T MH

6. Adhoc Mobile Wireless network, C.K.Toh Pearson

7. C. Sivaram Murthy and B. S. Manoj, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Pearson

Education, Second edition India, 2001

Course Title

Embedded System
Detailed syllabus

1 Introduction to Embedded Systems

Application Domain of Embedded Systems, Desirable Features and General
Characteristics of Embedded Systems, Model of an Embedded System, Microprocessor vs
Microcontroller, Example of a Simple Embedded System , Figures of Merit for an
Embedded System, Classification of MCUs: 4/8/16/32 Bits, History of Embedded Systems,
Current Trends

2 Embedded SystemsThe Hardware Point of View

Microcontroller Unit (MCU), A Popular 8-bit MCU, Memory for Embedded Systems, Low
Power Design, Pull up and Pull down Resistors
3 Sensors, ADCs and Actuators
Sensors, Analog to Digital Converters, Actuators

4 Examples of Embedded Systems

Mobile Phone, Automotive Electronics, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID),Wireless
Sensor Networks (WISENET), Robotics , Biomedical Applications, Brain Machine Interface
5 Buses and Protocols
Defining Buses and Protocols, On-board Buses for Embedded Systems, External Buses
Automotive Buses, Wireless Communications Protocols

6 Software Development Tools

Embedded Program Development, Downloading the Hex File to the Non-volatile Memory,
Hardware Simulator
7 Real-time Operating Systems
Real-time Tasks, Real-time Systems , Types of Real-time Tasks , Real-time Operating
Systems, Real-time Scheduling Algorithms, Rate Monotonic Algorithm, The Earliest
Deadline First ,Algorithm, Qualities of a Good RTOS
8 Programming in Embedded C
Brief about Embedded C

Text Book:

Author: Lyla B Das : Embedded Systems: An Integrated Approach ISBN:9788131787663

Reference Books

1. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C, 2/e by
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi and Rolin McKinlay Second Edition ,
Pearson Education

2. Electronic Instrumentation. By H S Kalsi. Edition -3. Publisher, Tata McGraw- Hill

Education, 2010. ISBN, 0070702063, 9780070702066

Course Title

Introduction to Algorithms
Detailed syllabus

1: Introduction
Algorithmic thinking, peak finding
Models of computation, Python cost model, document distance

2: Sorting and Trees

Insertion sort, merge sort
Heaps and heap sort
Binary search trees, BST sort
AVL trees, AVL sort
Counting sort, radix sort, lower bounds for sorting and searching
3: Hashing
Hashing with chaining
Table doubling, Karp-Rabin
Open addressing, cryptographic hashing

4: Numerics
Integer arithmetic, Karatsuba multiplication
Square roots, Newton's method

5: Graphs
Breadth-first search (BFS)
Depth-first search (DFS), topological sorting

6: Shortest Paths
Single-source shortest paths problem
Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Speeding up Dijkstra

7: Dynamic Programming
Memoization, subproblems, guessing, bottom-up; Fibonacci, shortest paths
Parent pointers; text justification, perfect-information blackjack
String subproblems, psuedopolynomial time; parenthesization, edit distance, knapsack
Two kinds of guessing; piano/guitar fingering, Tetris training, Super Mario Bros.
8: Advanced Topics
Computational complexity
Algorithms research topics

Reference Books

1. Cormen, Thomas, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, and Clifford Stein. Introduction to
Algorithms. 3rd ed. MIT Press, 2009. ISBN: 9780262033848

2. Miller, Bradley, and David Ranum. Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures
Using Python. 2nd ed. Franklin, Beedle & Associates, 2011. ISBN: 9781590282571

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