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eee SPIRACY . ye COW To Pat, Jim, Joe, and Tim, for countless hours of mayhem. And to Jenny, for putting up with it CREDITS Development: Frank Chadwick and Loren K. Wiseman Additional Development and Typesetting: Julia Martin, Front Cover illustration: Larry Elmore Back Cover Illustration: Dell Harris Cover Design: Steve Bryant, Amy Doubet, and Julia Martin Interior llustrations: Janet Aulisio, Timothy Bradstreet, Steve Bryant, Paul Daly, Elizabeth T. Danforth, Amy Doubet, Larry Elmore, LaMont Fullerton, Earl Geier, Dell Harris, Rick Harris, April Lee, David Martin, Ellisa Martin, Timothy Truman, and Kirk Wescom Colors: Steve Bryant, LaMont Fullerton, Mark Fullerton, Grant Goleash, and Kirk Wescom Art Direction: Steve Bryant Graphic Design and Production: LaMont Fullerton, Keith Ganske, and Lisa Deckers Copyediting and Additional input: Stephen Olle and Eric W. Haddock Primary Playtesters: Dan Beckwith, Joe Hideg, Mike Horn, John Langford, and Kevin Wickart Additional Playtesters: Kelly C. Davis, Ralph Faraday, Eric W. Haddock, Trevor Hoffman, Chuck Kallenbach, Ted Kocot, H. Michael “Dain” Lybarger, Julia Martin and Loren K. Wiseman Dark Conspiracy Copyright@1991 GDW, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Made in U.S.A No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 1-55878-076-9 Permission: Any purchaser of this book may photocopy or reproduce for personal use the forms and data cards in this book in order to play Dark Conspiracy. In fact, photocopying for that purpose is encouraged and is the reason that the information included in those forms was published in that fashion. Dark Conspiracy™ is GDW’s trademark for its game of unearthly horror in a modern world. GoW GAMES P.0. Box 1645 Bloomington, 61702-1688 2 SERRESREEN Pe Aner Ute e(oN Neon Sica emicatctc Mica Teel erates lcotseomcoraaresocteN tee miting oil refineries. I'm used to riots in the Farm Family Relocation Camps. | under- Beet te ests fern oN Kee tele e or Encsielniistel oom Tinteel oa oat eecto tte serrate) ofthe old nations, even if can’t pronounce half the names of Create nS nMt cl Nena oelstauteoe Utell Tevet bank heists in California. After all, it's California, right? feet Uke NT eR ee VAC UVR onectatt cast IMelbetine Men Chetek korn eae anes that only vaguely resemble fish are attacking people in the Great Lakes. A radio station in Chicago is broadcasting only a single, oscillating tone—all day long. Whole blocks of Mexico City have been abandoned—by people, anyway. My contact in the Michigan Secret Service said we're being Nee ertoe toca teecma cl recut da eot anos Pears (oR reo Rl so a ee viene eM t-te eee otis Now I have this feeling I'm being followed... Lester W. Smith CONTENT PLAYERS svsssstezeeveene Iemoouciva Bank Consrinacr “The Horror Begins. How to Use This Book You're New to Role; ‘Cuneacren GENERATION ‘Character Generation Overview Beckground * Ateibutes, Initial Experience Skills Secondary Activities» ‘Military Rank. Reserves nnn Contacts ‘Generic Contscts Sold Contacts Initiative. Age : Skill and Attribute Derived Values: Starting Money and inal Equipment Skill Improvement aay Character Generation Examples Dora Schworts Herbert Vahn .scnowne CAREERS on oe eS Education ‘Undergraduate University Graduate University Law School. Medical Sehooi ‘National Miltary Acadamy nn 35, “Technical Schoo! 35 Civilian Occupations. 36 ‘Astronaut 36 ‘Athlete 36 ‘Attomey 36 Bodyguard .swsnnnannsnnnana3T Bounty Hunter 37 Civil Engineer N37 Clergy 37 Commercial Pilot». 38 Computer Operator/Programmer 38 Consiruetion Worker 38 irinal = =n ybora Bacapce 39 Daiter. - 39 Entertainer ‘40 Environmentalist Factory Worker "40 ramet 40 Federal Law Enforcement au Gambler. sears Gangee ai Goverment Agent... Homeless. Jouralst Manager Martial Artist Mechanic Medical Doctor Mercenary. Merchant Marine mystic “40 Nomenkiture (le Rich) Paramedic Prisoner Private Investigator. Professor Prole (Corporate Welfare Poyehiatist Paychie Tesi Subject Public Employee a State/Local Law Enforcement Truck Driver Military Occupation: United States Army. Regular Forces Enlisted. Officers Elite Forces Enlisted Officer. United States Marine Corps United States Navy Enlisted Seamen Navel Officer Naval Aviater : Entsted SEAL (Soo Air Land) 2 SEAL Officer sen United States Air Force “Enlisted Alga ce Pilot (Oficer) Career List. Task Resoumon & Skitis. Empathie Success... Power Level Table 35 Empathic Difficulty Levels. 36 ‘Skill Deseriptions. 36 ‘Skil List, 37 Dank Toes... es “The State of the Union vsnnen88 "Future Dark Earth America 65 (Onset Of The Dark Times "65 ‘The Decline Of Govemment.....87 Urban Sprawl... eet Life In The City 67 “Ate You Anybody? 69 “God Shea His Grace on Thee. ....70 “Don't Drink The Water Don't Breathe The Ait 70 “Yeute ot Fem Arcund Here, Aw Yau" 71 The Dark... mr “The Dari Minions. 2 Demonground.. “ ComaaT & DAMAGE. 73 ‘Combat Movement “74 ‘The Grid System.. Senn a ‘The Combat Tum 15 Actions ate 5 Initiative 76 “Tum Sequence "75 Panic 7 Unarmed Mice Combat "78 ‘Armed Melee Combat 80 Fire Combat 82 Direct Fire Hit Procedure ‘Automatic Fie... Movement and Fir. ‘Ammunition Special Cases Direct Fire De Indirect Fire Tarown Weapons. Hand Grenades ‘Chemical Grenades and Rounds Shotguns Explosives end Demoiitions Frequently Used Burst biogas 93 Damage... ‘Gunshot Wounds “Huran/Aramal it Lacaton Cast. 95 Bums. Explosions Recovery From Seraich Wounds Medical Core ‘Treating Poison Wounds Adequate Diet and Shelter Surgery. ‘Wass oF Pi: Venues Teaver. & COMBAT coneccse107 “Travel end Encounters sone 108 Vehicle Movement Rates 108 Terrain and Trovel “108 Operating Aircraft 109 Vehicle Combat 109 ‘Combat Movement 109 Firing ot Vehicles and Vessels -- 112 Firing ot Aircraft. "3 cava 14 Vehicle Damage Vehicle Hit cations Chart Vehicle Damage Resolution Chart. 114 Hit Locations. 4 Damage Resolution wuewnsnner sue 11S “Teed Vehicle Damage Chart. 115 Standard Vehicle Damage Chart. 115 (Creu Hul Vile Darage Char... 116 Demage implementation. "6 Boat Damage Chart wn 117 sarspace Cat Damage Cia 18 Collision Demage “U8 ‘Seace TRAVEL. a 120 Spacecraft Characteristics 120 ‘Spacecraft Size Char. 120 Launch Characteristics Tabie «121 Reentry Tabl 121 InSpoce Transfer Tabie "a2 Space Missions "122 Launches: “22 4 HERES ‘Maneuvering in Space: ‘Avoidance and Intercepts 0.123 Difficulty of Intercept (Cased on Travel Direction) ..123 Maneuver Times CRAM evnnnn 124 Intercept and Avoidance Tires... 124 Launch Vehicles In Orbit 124 Attaning Higher Orbits 128 Spacecraft 125 ROBOTS 128 Robot Behavior. 128 Battle Demoge (onvehicular Robots Battle Damage (Vehicular Robots) Bum Demage “Typical Drudgebois REFEREES 32 Rerererine Dank Conspnacy «134 ‘The World. 134 The Story. 135 The Rules 135 The Host. 136 ‘Conversion 136 Dani EARTH, Somclat We Are Not Alone. 138 ‘The Door to Hell. The Cities ‘The Countyside Technology ‘The Derk Ones. Demonground Empethy . Ronnina Abvenrancs & Camraicns Beginning a Campaign Running an Adventure Noling ella 2 Conan Et ‘Setting the Seene. Heightening Horrer ‘Maintaining Mystery Promoting Perenoio Preparing Adventures ‘A Delal of Corruption ‘Time end Money, NPCs in Combat NPC Stats Chart Other NPC Skills. NPC Motivations Spades: Ambition ~- Heerts: Sociabiliy Clube: Violence a. Diamonds: Greed NPC Appearance .. Stock NPCS sen Major NPCs... Contacts. Sample Stock NPCS, Beat Cops oven Bikers wncssnsnon Cults Derelits Dobies end Gidgets Eco-Wariors Gangers Giemoids.. Good Samaritans Goverment Agents 175 Igors : 176 Mother Eathers 176 Security Guards 176 Beasmis. Beast Combat Beosty Movement Mounts in Combat Beosty Atocks Beosty Morale ety tgs ing Your Oun Beasties Danx Races ‘arktng Asbuies Physical Atiinses Mental Atrbutes-. Soul Atibutes Daring Sate Designing Your Own Bar inion’. DaRkTex “Technical imagery Dimension Walk Device Proto-Dimensional Topology. Dimension Walk ‘ond Other Dimensions. PCs and Dimensional Travel Biocomputers ‘Computer Empathy and Dating Comper an Animator Generators» Cyborgs UFOs Death Rays ADVENTORES Ravening Walves (Other Adventures : EQuuPnenr & REFERENCE CHARIS ..258 Ear 60 Tripods ‘Ammunition Hand Grenades ss Types of Rounds Explosives, Tools Electronics sn Vision Devices Cyber Hands.. Cyber Hands Table Weapons Vehicles af REFERENCE CHARTS oe ecenneeneme Language Table Nationalty/Native Language Char. Soviet Nationals. F GS Enlisted and NCO Raniks US Commissioned Officer Ranks Career List. i Skil List. : ‘Character Generation Worksheet Part T Background Skills Chart ‘Secondary Aetivilies Chatto ‘Character Generation Worksheet Pat 2 tess alge Table ter Sheet neshe Char Power Level Table Body Amor Protection ~. Human/Animal Hit Location Chart ‘Combat Sequence sncnnrnen ‘Scatter Diagram Battle Rifles. Automatic Rifes ‘Shotguns Machineguns =. Heavy Machineguns Grenade Lounchers Rocket Launchers ‘Antitonk Missle Launchers » Morars o Flemethrowers.. ‘Surfoce-to-Air Missiles Hend Grenades. Rifle Grenades Cyber Hands... Fragmentation Attack Demaliton.. ‘Armor Values of Cover. ‘Armor Equivalent .. Explosive Penetr Frequently Used Burst Diagrams Belt Ammo Record Forms ‘Ammo Record Forms wn ‘Turteted Vehicle Damage Chart. Vehicle Damage Resolution Chart Crew-In-Hull Vehicle Damage Chart Vehiele Hit Locations Chart Boat Damage Char ‘Standard Vehicle Damage Chart ‘Aerospace Craft Damage Chart ‘Terrain Effects on Movement Chet. Combat Move Table. Cruise Speed Table... 8 With panic tightening his throat, the man stopped and turned. He wasccertain he was being followed, but the moon streaked street stretched emptily behind, ts sidewalks bare. Across the way, aclock tolled the hour from the tower ofa marble ronted building, Moonlight