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present continous tense

September 2, 2009 - Posted by progresif.iman
Kalimat ada dua macam:
1. Kalimat Nominal
2. Kalimat Verbal,

Kalimat Nominal

Kalimat Verbal

Bhs. Indonesia

Predikatnya bukan
kata kerja (Kata
sifat, kata kerja
benda, kata

Predikatnya berupa
kata kerja

Bhs. Indonesia

Ordinary Verb/
Kata kerja
utamanya berupa
To beRumus
dasar :

Ordinaru Verb/ Kata

kerja + O
utamanya bukan T
o be
Rumus dasar

S + To
be + 3C/ANA

S + V non to be + O

Ord.V .O

Ord. V

Ex. Kalimat Nominal

Saya bahagia. I am happy.

S P (kt sifat) S Ord O (adjective)

Dia seorang perawat. She is a nurse.

S P Oct benda) S Ord. O (noun)

Mereka di rumah They are at home.

S P (kt keterangan) S Ord. O(adverb)

Object dalam kalimat nominal berupa object complement yang terdiri dari:
1. Adjective
2. Noun 3C/ANA
3. Adverb
Ex. Kalimat Verbal

Saya membaca buku. I read a book.

S P O S Ord O

Kamu menulis surat. You write a letter.

S P O S Ord. O
Pengertian : Tenses adalah bentuk -bentuk kata kerja yang menunjukkan
terjadinya suatu peristiwa.
Aku belajar Bahasa Inggris tiap hari I study English everyday
Aku belajar Bahasa Inggris saat ini I am studying English now
Aku belajar Bahasa Inggris kemarin I studied English yesterday
Aku belajar Bahasa Inggris besok I will study English tomorrow
Secara global ada 3 golongan tenses :
Past (Lampau) Future (Akan datang )
Present (Saat ini)
Jumlah tenses dalam bahasa Inggris 16:
1. Simple Present Tense
2. Present Continuous (Progressive) Tense
3. Present Perfect Tense
4. Present Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense
5. Simple Past Tense
6. Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense
7. Past Perfect Tense

8. Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense

9. Simple Future Tense
10.Future Continuous ( Progressive) Tense
I I . Future Perfect Tense
1. Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense
2. Past Future Tense
3. Past Future Continuous (Progressive) Tense
4. Past Future Perfect Tense
5. Past Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive) Tense
1. Pattern / Bentuk / Rumus
(+) S + V1 (s / es) + 0 + Adv
(-) S + do / does + not +V1+ O + Adv
aux ord
(?) Do / does + S + V1 + Adv ? Yes, S do / does
aux. Ord. No, S do / does + not
(?) Do / does + S + not + V1 + O + Adv ?
Dont /doesnt + S + VI + O + Adv ?
aux. ord.


You, They, We, Org III jamak (ex. Ana & Ani)


V l+ s/es

She, He, It, Org III tunggal (ex. Ana)


Ex. Verbal
1. (+) They study English everyday.
S ord 0 adv.
( -) Do They do not / dont study English everyday.
aux S ord
(?) Do they study English everyday? Yes, they do
aux S ord. No, they dont.
(?-) Do they not study English everyday?
Dont they study English everyday?
1. (+) She studies English everyday,
S ord O adv.
( -) She does not / doesnt study English everyday.
S aux ord
(?) Does she study English everyday? Yes, she does.
Aux ord No, she doesnt.
(?-) Does she not study English everyday?
Doesnt she study English everyday?
(+) S + be (am, is, are) + 3C
ord O
(-) S+be(am,is,are)+not+3C
(?) Be (am, is, are) + S + 3C ? Yes, S + be (am, is, are)
ord No, S + be (am, is, are) + not
(?) Is, am, are + S + not + 3C?
Isnt /arent +S+ 3C?

Am: I

Is : She, He, It, Org III tunggal (ex. Ana)

Are : You, They, We, Org III jamak (ex. Ana & Ani)

Ex. Nominal

(+) I am a student II. (+) She is a student

Ord O Ord O
(-) I am not a student ( -) She is not a student
(?) Are you a student ? (?) Is she a student ?
Yes, I am Yes, She is
No, I am not No, She isnt
(?-) Am I not a student ? (?-) Is she a student ?
Arent I a student ? Isnt she a student?
Aturan Penambahan s / es
1. Verb berakhiran: ss, sh, ch, x dan o ditambah es. Examples :
Kiss - Kisses : mencium
Watch - Watches : menonton
Go - Goes : pergi
Box - Boxes : memasukkan ke dalam kotak

She kisses her baby

He watches television

Andy goes to Mahesa

He boxes these pencils

2. Verb berakhiran y yang sebelumnya konsonan (huruf mati) y diubah

menjadi ditambah es.
Carry - Carries : membawa
Study - Studies : belajar
Hurry - Hurries : tergesa-gesa
Cry - Cries : menangis

She carries a bag

He studies English

He hurries to go home

She cries


1. Kalimat Berita
(Statement) (+) She writes a novel
(-) She doesnt writes a novel
2. Kalimat Perintah
(Imperative) (+) Perintah, ex. Come here!
(-) Larangan, ex. Dont be noise!
1. Kalimat Tanya
(Question Sentence)
1. Yes No Question
Jawabannya Yes / No dan cara membuatnya dengan meletakkan Aux. Verb
di awal kalimat.
Ex. X: Do you study hard?
Y: Yes, I do / No, I dont.
1. WH Question Jawabannya berupa informasi dan cara membuatnya
dengan menggunakan Question Word (kata Tanya)
Ex. X: What is your name?
Y: My name is Meta
QW Arti Penggunaan
When : kapan - - menanyakan waktu
Where : di mana/ ke mana - menanyakan tempat
Why : mengapa - menanyakan reason / alasan
Which : yang mana - menanyakan spesifikasi pilihan
Who : siapa - menanyakan subyek orang (formal) & object orang (informal)
Whom : siapa -menanyakan obyek orang (formal)

Whose : milik siapa - menanyakan kepemilikan

What : apa menanyakan benda / pekerjaan
How : bagaimana - menanyakan keadaan
Ex. How are you?
- menanyakan cara
Ex : How do you come here?
How big : seberapa besar - menanyakan ukuran / besar
How old : seberapa tua - menanyakan umur dsb.
How Long : seberapa lama/panjang menanyakan ukuran (panjang) &
durasi waktu
Aturan WH Question
1. Menanyakan Subyek Aturan :

Setelah QW susunannya kalimat berita (QW + Kai. Berita)

Aturan verb menggunakan verb untuk orang ke 3 tunggal

Kalimat nominal:

They are lazy Who is lazy?

She is at home Who is at home?

I am a student Who is student?

Kalimat Verbal:

I write a letter Who writes a letter?

You go to school Who goes to school?

She sleeps Who sleeps?

You dont ask me a question Who doesnt ask me a question?

1. Menanyakan selain Subyek

Aturan :
- Setelah QW susunannya seperti Yes/No Question tetapi yang ditanyakan

- Bile, menanyakan Verb ordinary verbnya diganti dengan do

Kalimat Nominal:

They are at home Where are they? She is sick How is she?

I am student What are you?

Kalimat Verbal:
You write a letter every week.
S Ord.V 0 Adv
(?S) Who writes a letter every week?
QW Vls/es 0 Adv
(?V) What do you do every week?
QW aux S ord Adv
(?O) What do you write every week?
QW aux S ord Adv
(?A) Howoften do you write a letter?
QW aux S ord O
A. Pattern
(+) S + am, is, are +Ving + O + Adv
aux ord
(-) S+ am, is, are + not + Ving +O+Adv
aux ord
(?) Am, is, are + S + Ving + O + Adv? Yes, S + am, is, are
aux ord No, S + am, is, are + not
(?-) Am, is, are + S + not + Ving + 0 + Adv?
Isnt / arent + S + Ving + 0 + Adv?
Ex. Verbal

(+) I am writing a letter

aux ord
( -) I am not writing a letter
(? ) Are you writing a letter?
Yes, I am
No, I am not
(?-) Are you not writing a letter?
Arent you writing a letter?
Note: Nominal Pr. C. lama dengan Nominal S. Pr.
Aturan Perubahan Vt menjadi Ving
1. Ving dibentuk dari Vi + ing
Ex. Visit Visiting
Read Reading
1. Verb yang berakhir dengan single e langsung diganti oengan ing.
Ex. smile smiling
write writing
1. Verb yang berakhiran ee. langsung ditambah ing.
Ex. agree agreeing ,
see seeing
1. Verb satu suku kata dengan 1 vokal dan berakhir dengan single
konsonan (pola kata kerja KVK) maka konsonan didobelkan dan
ditambah ing.
Ex hit hitting
stop stopping
run running
1. Verb lebih dari 1 suku kata, akhir suku kata hanya ada 1 vokal dan
berakhir d 1 konsonan, maka konsonan didobelkan dan ditambah
ing. (Jika tekanan jatuh akhir suku kata)
Ex. begin beginning
prefer preferring

admit admitting
jika tekanan kata kerja terletak pada suku kata pertama, maka hanya
ditambah tanpa mendobelkan konsonan terakhir.
Ex. enter entering
1. Verb yang berakhiran L dan sebelum L satu huruf vokal, maka L
didobelkanEx travel travelling
signal signalling
quarrel quarrelling
Bila sebelum huruf L terdapat 2 huruf vokal, maka langsung ditambah ing
tanpa mendobelkan L.
Ex. reveal revealing
conceal concealing
Verb verb yang tidak dipakai dalam Tenses Continuous
> Be: am, is, are > Possession
> Sense - Possess
- hear : mendengar - Own Mempunyai
- taste : terasa - Have
- smell : berbau - Belong : Milik
- see : melihat
Mental activity (Kondisi Mental)
- Know : mengetahui Recognize : mengenal
- Believe : percaya - Remember : mengingat
- Think : believe - Forget : lupa
- Understand : mengerti - Mean : maksud
B. Time Signal
Menggunakan spesifik Time Signal


Right now

At present Sekarang / saat ini

At this moment

This semester : Semester ini

Look! : Lihat !

Listen! : Dengar!

Hear! : Dengar!

C. Penggunaan

1. Menyatakan perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.

Aktivitas yang terjadi pada saat ini bersifat:

1. Short Term Activity
Pada saat bicara aktivitas itu sedang berlangsung.
Ex : She is eating now. ( Dia sedang makan saat ini)

1. Long Term Activity
Pada saat bicara aktivitas itu tidak harus terjadi, tetapi aktivitas itu dalam
kerangka proses.
Ex. They are teaching English in the school now.
(Mereka mengejar bahasa Inggris di sekolah itu saat ini)

1. Digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang berulang,

ulang, mengandung makna jengkel / terganggu, bisa juga
untuk menunjukkan rasa kagum.
Ex. - He is always disturbing my sister. (ada rasa jengkel)
- He always disturbs my sister. (tidak ada rasa jengkel)
- She is always reading many books. (ada rasa kagum)
- She always reads many books. (tidak ada rasa kagum)

1. Menyatakan Future Condition / sesuatu yang akan terjadi/

dilakukan di masa yang akan datang dan sudah direncanakan
Ex. t I am visiting you tonight.

1. Menyatakan situasi situasi yang berubah

Ex. - The population of the world is rising very fast.
(Penduduk dunia ini bertambah sangat cepat)
- The birth rate in Indonesia is increasing.
(Angka kelahiran di Indonesia meningkat)

1. Menyatakan kebiasaan yang bersifat sementara

Ex. We are living in Pare at the moment. (Sementara)

We live in Pare. (Menetap)


(+) S +V2 + 0+Adv ord
(-) S + did + not + V1+ O + Adv
aux ord
(?) Did + S + V1 + 0 + Adv ? Yes, S + did

aux ord No, S + did + not/ didnt

(?) Did+S+not + V1 +O+Adv?
Didnt + S +V1 +0+Adv?
aux ord
V2 : (+)
v l : (- / ? / ?-) All Subject


(+) S + was, were + 3C
(-) S + was, were + not + 3C
(?) Was / were + S + 3C ? Yes, S + was, were
ord No, S + was, were + not
(?) Was / were + S + not + 3C ?
Wasnt / Werent + S + 3C ?
Was : I, She, He, It, Orang III tunggal (ex. Ana)
Were. : You, They, We, Orang III jamak (ex. Ana & Ani)
Ex. Verbal Ex. Nominal
(+) She cried (+) He was lazy
ord ord
( -) She did not / didnt crv. (-) He was not / wasnt lazy.
aux ord ord
(?)Did she cry? (?) Was he lazy ?
Yes, she did Yes, he was

No, She didnt No, he wasnt

(?-) Did she not cry? (?) Was he not lazy?
Didnt she cry? Wasnt he lazy?
Aturan Perubahan Verb V1+ V2 + V3
a. Regular Verb (Beraturan) VI + died
Aturan perubahannya adalah:
1. Verb yang terdiri dan satu suku kata dengan pola KVK (Konsonan
Vokal Konsonan), maka konsonan terakhir ditulis rangkap kemudian
ditambah ed.
rob - robbed : merampok
wrap wrapped : membungkus
1. Verb yang terdiri dari 2 suku kata dimana suku kata kedua berpola
KVK,konsonan terakhir ditulis rangkap kemudian ditambah ed.
transfer - transferred : memindah
offer - offered : menawari
occur - occurred : terjadi
1. Verb yang terdiri dari 2 suku kata yang berakhiran huruf L, maka L
ditulis rangkap kemudian ditambah ed.
Cancel - cancelled : membatalkan
quarrel - quarelled : bertengkar
travel - travelled : bepergian
control - cer-`-olled : mengendalikan
1. Verb berakhiran y yang didahului dengan konsonan, maka y
diubah menjadi i lalu ditambah ed Examples:
try - tried : mencoba
study - studied : mempelajari I belajar
cry - cried : menangis

carry - carried : membawa

1. Selain verb-verb di atas, maka tinggal ditambah d
love - loved : mencintai
like - liked : menyukai
type - typed : mengetik
decide - decided memutuskan
realize - realized : menyadari
a. Irregular Verb (Tak beraturan)
(lihat daftar)
1. Time Signal
Memakai General Time Signal:
This morning : tadi pagi Last night . : tadi malam
Yesterday : kemarin Last week : minggu lalu
2 days ago : 2 hari yang lalu Last month : bulan lau
The other day : dulu Last year : tahun lalu
1. Penggunaan
1. Menyatakan perbuatan yang terjadi di waktu lampau.
1. Menyatakan kebiasaan di waktu lampau. Kebiasaan di waktu
lampau dinyatakan dengan :
Always + V2 ex. He always taught us
Would + Vbi ex. He would teach us
Used to + Vbi ex. He used to teach us
Be + used to + Ving ex. He was used to teaching us
was, were

1. Digunakan dalam konsep 2 kejadian.
A. Pattern
(+) S + was, were + Ving + 0
aux ord
(-) S + was, were + not + Ving + 0
(?) Was, were + S + Ving + 0? Yes, S + was, were
aux ord No, S + was, were + not
(?) Was, were + S + not + Ving+ 0?
Wasnt, werent + S + Ving + 0?
Notes : Nominal Ps. C. lama dengan Nominal S. Ps.
Ex. Verbal Ex. Nominal
(+) I was sleeping (+) He was sleepy
aux ord ord
(-) I wasnt sleeping (-) He wasnt sleepy
(?) Were you sleeping? (?) Was he sleepy
Yes. I was Yes. he was
No. I wasnt No. he wasnt
(?) Were you not sieeoing? (?) Was he not sleepy?
Werent you sleeping? Wasnt he sleepy?
B. Time Signal
Menggunakan specific time signal

At this time yesterday : Pada saat seperi ini kemarin

At 7 oclock last night : Pukul 7 tadi malam

C. Penggunaau
1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu tertentu
di masa lampau.

Bagan :
At eight oclock last night, she was watching TV
At this time last year we were holding the farewell party
Pada jam 8 tadi malam, dia sedang nonton TV.
Pada saat seperti ini tahun lalu, kami sedang merayakan pesta
1. Digunakan dalam konsep dua kejadian
1. Pattern
(+) S + have, has + V3 + 0
aux ord
(-) S + have, has + not + V3 + 0
(?) Have, has + S + V3 + 0? Yes, S + have, has
aux ord No, S + have, has + not
(?-) have, has + S + not + V3 + 0?
Havent, hasnt + S + V3 + 0?
(+) S + have, has + been + 3C
aux ord O
(-) S+ have, has+not + been + 3C
(?) Have, has + S + been + 3C? Yes. S + have, has
aux ord No, S have, has not
(?-) Have, has +S + not + been + 3C? Havent, hasnt S been + 3C?
l She
You He

They have It has

We Tunggal
Jamak (ex. Ana)
(ex. Ana & Ani)
Ex. Verbal Ex. Nominal
(+) They have left for Bali (+) She has been a teacher
aux ord aux ord
(-) They havent left for Bali (-) She hasnt been a teacher
(?) Have they left for Bali? (?) Has she been a teacher?
Yes, They have Yes, She has
No, They havent No, She hasnt
(?) Have they not left for Bali? (?) Hasnt she been a teacher?
Havent they left for Bali? Has she not been a teacher?
1. Time Signal
Just : baru saja
Already : sudah
Not..Yet : belum
Never : tidak pernah
So far
Urttil now sampai saat ini
Up to now
Up to the present
Ever since :sejak saat itu
All day / night / week : sepanjang hari / malam / minggu
All my life : sepanjang hidupku
Recently : baru baru ini
Lately : akhir akhir ini
Menggunakan time duration / durasi waktu / Iamanya waktu melakukan

Since (sejak) diikuti oleh:

1. Point of time/the beginning of time/awal terjadinya suatu peristiwa.
- Since last year : sejak tahun lalu
- Since 3 days ago sejak 3 hari yang lalu
- Since January : sejak Januari
- Since 1980 sejak tahun 1980
- Since the last ten years sejak 1U tahun terakhir
1. Kalimat (Since + Simple Past)
Since I left school : Sejak aku lulus sekolah
Since my mother came : Sejak ibuku datang
Since she lived in Surabaya : Sejak dia tinggal di SBY
1. For (Selama) diikuti oleh period of time / quantity of time
For 3 days : selama 3 hari
For a year : selama 1 tahun
For ten weeks : selama 10 minggu
For 10 years : selama 10 tahun
1. Penggunaan
1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang telah selesai dilakukan
tetapi hasilnya masih dirasakan sampai sekar
Note : Untuk penggunaan ini Pr. Pf tidak boleh menggunakan Time Signal
yang menunjukkan makna sesuatu yang masih berlangsung sampai

- They have already eaten. Mereka sudah makan
(Mereka masih kenyang)
- I have just washed the car. Aku baru raja mencuci mobil itu
(Mobilnva masih bersih)
1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang dimulai di waktu lampau
clan masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.
Note: Untuk penggunaan ini Pr. Pf. harus men ggunakan:
1. Time Signal yang menunjukkan makna sesuatu yang masih
berlangsung sampai sekarang.
2. Verb Long Term Activy, ex Live, study, teach, work.
We have learnt English for 3 months.
They have lived in Pare for a year.
She has worked for the company since 2 years ago.
He has worked for the family all his life.
He has smoked since he left school.
Kami sudah belajar bahasa hnggris selama 3 bulan.
(Sampai saat ini masih belajar)
Mereka sudah tinggal di Pare selama setahun.
(Samai saat ini masih tinggal di Pare)
Dia sudah bekerja di perusahaan itu sejak 2 tahun yang lalu.
(Sampai sekarang masih bekerja di perusahaan itu)
Dia bekerja untuk keluarga itu sepanjang hidupnya.
(Sampai saat ini masih bekerja untuk keluarga itu)

Dia merokok sejak dia lulus sekolah.

(Sampai scat ini masih merokok)
1. Pattern
(+) S +have, has + been + V ing + 0
aux ord
(-) S+have, has+not+been+V ing +0
(?) Have, has + S + been + V ing + 0? Yes, S + have, has
aux ord No, S + have, has + not
(?-) Have, has + S + not + been + V ing + 0?
Havent, hasnt. + S + been + V ing + 0?
Note: Nominal Pr. Pf. C. lama dengan Nominal Pr. Pf. Ex. Verbal
(+) They have been building the bridge.
aux ord
(-) They havent been building the bridge.
(?) Have they been building the bridge? Yes, they have
aux aux ord No, they havent
(?) Have you not been building the bridge ?
Havent you been building the Bridge?
1. Time Signal



So far

Ever since

All day, all morning



2. Penggunaan

Menyatakan sesuatu yang dimulai di waktu lampau dan masih

berlangsung sampai sekarang.
She has been sleeping on the floor lately.
It has been raining all day.
I have been learning to cook ever since.
They have been studying English in Pare so far.
We have been waiting for her since ten oclock.
How long have you been here?
Akhir-akhur ini dia tidur di lantai.
(sampai saat ini masih tidur di lantai).
Hujan turun sepanjang hari.
(masih hujan saat bicara)
Sejak saat itu aku belajar memasak.
(masih belajar memasak sarnpai sekarang)
Sarnpai saat ini mereka belajar bahasa Inggris di Pare.
(masih belajar sampai saat ini)
Rita sudah menunggunya sejak jam 10.
(masih menunggu sampai sekarang)
Sudah berapa lama Anda tinggal di sini?
(menanyakan durasi waktu / time duration)
Notes: Persamaan dan Perbedaan beberapa Tenses
1. I studied English.
2. I have studied English.
3. I have studied English for 3 months.
4. I have been studying English for 3 months
5. I am studying English.

Tenses Persamaan
1. Simple Past
2. Present Perfect Aktifitas stedah selesai
(tanpa time duration)
1. Present Perfect
(dengan time duration, LTA)
1. Present Perfect Continuous Aktifitas masih berlangsung
(dengan time duration STA, LTA)
1. 5. Present Continuous
1. Tidak memperhatikan basil
2. Memperhatikan hasil
3. Menggunakan verb (STA) dan Time Duration
4. Menggunakan Verb STA/LTA disertai atau tanpa Time duration.
5. Tidak ada Time Duration
1. Pattern
(+) S+had + V3 + O
aux ord
(-) S+ had +not+V3 +O
(?) Had + S + V3+ O? Yes, S + had
aux ord No, S + hadnt
(?-) Had + S + not + V3+ O?
Hadnt + S+ V3 + O?
(+) S + had + been + 3C
aux ord

(-) S + had + not + been + 3C
(?) Had + S + been + 3C ? Yes, S + had
aux ord No,S+had+not
(?) Had + S + not + been + 3C ?
Hadnt + S + been +3C?
Note : Auxiliary Had untuk semua Subject
Ex. Verbal
(+) She had finished the work.
aux ord
( -) She had not/ hadnt finished the work.
(?) Had she finished the work? Yes, She had
aux ord No, She hadnt
(?-) Had she not finished the work?
Hadnt she finished the work?
Ex. Nominal
(+) You had been a nurse
aux ord
( -) You hadnt been a nurse
(?) Had you been a nurse? Yes, I had.
aux ord No, I hadnt.
(?-) Had you not been a nurse?
Hadnt you been a nurse ?
1. Time Signal
Menggunakan beberapa Time Signal Present Perfect, tetapi
penggunaannyt disesuaikan dengan waktu lampau.

1. Penggunaan
1. Past perfect penggunannya setara (Equivalent) dengan
Present Perfect. Bedanya: present pefect masih berhubungan
dengan masa sekarang, sedangkan past perfect digunakan di
dunia lampau yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan saatini.
Bagan :
- My father teaches Biology in the school.
- He has taught in the school since 3 years ago.
- My father taught Biology in the school last year.
- He had taught in the school since 3 years before.
1. Menyatakan peristiwa yang sudah terjadi sebelum terjadinya
peristiwa yang lain pada waktu yang lampau (Konsep dua
kejadian Type 4).
1. Pattern
(+) S + had + been +Ving + O.
aux aux ord
( -) S + had + not + been + Ving+ O.
(?) Had + S + been- + Ving + O? Yes, S + had
aux aux ord No, S + hadnt.
(?-) Had + S + riot + been + Ving+ 0?
Hadnt + S + been + Ving + O?

Notes: - Aux. Had digunakan untuk semua Subject.

- Nominal Ps. Pf. C. lama dengan Nominal Ps. Pf.
Ex. Verbal
(+) They had been studying English.
Aux ord
(-) They had not/ hadnt been studying English.
(?) Had they been studying English? Yes, they had.
Aux aux ord No, they hadnt
(?) Had they not been studying English?
Hadnt they been studying English?
1. Time Signal
1. Penggunaan
1. Menyatakan perbuatan yang terjadi di waktu
lampau dengan penekanan pada durasi
waktunya (setara dengan Pr. Pf. C.)
- She finally picked us up at ten oclock.. _
- We had been waiting for her since seven oclock.
- Dia akhirnya menjemput kami pada jam 10.
- Kami telah menunggunya sejak jam 7.

1. Menyatakan peristiwa yang telah berlangsung
dalam durasi waktu tertentu sebelum terjadi
peristiwa lain di waktu lampau (Konsep
duakejadian type 3).
Bila ada 2 kejadian berlangsung setara bersamaan, maka keduanya
menggun tenses Past Continuous.
I : Ps.C
When : ketika
II: Ps.C
s : ketika
While sambil (bila subject saml) .
sementara (bila subject beds
My mother was cooking when I was watching TV.
I was reading a book while I was listening to the radio.
1. Bila ada 2 kejadian, kejadian pertama sedang berlangsung
ketika keja, kedua terjadi. Makakejadian Tertama memakai
tenses Past continuous kejadian kedua Simple Past.
I : Ps.C
- When

- As ketika
II: S. Ps
I was writing a letter when the bell rang.
When he visited me, I was eating.
1. Bila ada 2 kejadian, kejadian pertama sudah berlangsung
dalam durasi waktu tertentu ketika kejadian kedua terjadi.
Maka kejadian pertama memakai Past Perfect Continuous dan
kejadian kedua Simple Past.
I : Ps.Pf.C
II: S. Ps
- When
- As ketika
- While
I had been writing a letter for an hour when the bell rang.
When he visited me, I had been eating for five minutes.
1. Bila ada kejadian, kejadian pertama sudah selesa ketika
kejadian kedua terjadi. Maka kejadian pertama memakai Past
Perfect dan kejadian keduanya memakai Simple Past.
I : Ps.Pf
II: S. Ps
Conjunction :

- After : dengan kejadian pertama

- Before : dengan kejadian kedua
- When : dengan kejadian I/II
Examples :
When I reached the station, the train had left.
We went on holiday after he had taken the exam.
1. Bila ada 2 kejadian, kejadian pertama sudah selesai ketika
kejadian kedua terjadi. Maka keduanya menggunakan tenses
Simple Past.
I : S.Ps
II: S. Ps
- After : dengan kejadian pertama
- Before : dengan kejadian kedua
- Whep : dengan kejadian pertama
When I reached the station, the train left.
We went on holiday after he took the exam.
1. Pattern
S + wil/shall + Vbi + O
aux ord
S + be (is, am, are) about to + Vbi
S + be (is, am, are) + going to + Vbi

S + will/shall + be + 3C
aux ord O
S + be (is, am, are) about to + be + 3C
S + be (is, am, are) going to + 3C
Shall : I, We British
Will : selain I, We
Will : untuk semua subject American
Will not = Wont
Shall not = Shant
Ex. Verbal Ex. Nominal:
She will go She will be at home
S aux ord S aux ord O
She is about to go She is about to be at home
She is going to go She is going to be at home
1. Time Signal
Menggunakan General Time Signal
Tomorrow : besok
Tonight : nanti malam
This weekend : akhir pekan ini
Soon : segara
Later : nanti
Next week/month /year : mingggu/bulan/tahun depan
1. Penggunaan
1. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang akan terjadi/dilakukan di
masa yang akan datang.

X : The phone is ringing

Y : I will get it

Metas bags are packed. She is wearing her coat. She is about to
leave for the Airport.

X : Why did you buy this paint?

Y : I am going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.

I will visit you tonight.


1. Pattern
(+) S + will/shall + be + Ving + 0
aux aux ord
( -) S + will/shall + not + be + Ving + O
(?) Will/shall + S + be + Ving + O?
(?-) Will/shall + S + not + be + Ving + O?
(+) S + will/shall + be + 3C
aux ord O
( -) S+ will/shall + not + be + 3C
(?) Will/shall + S + be + 3C?
(?-) Will/shall + S + not + be + 3C?
Ex. Verbal
(+) We will be visiting you tomorrow morning.
Aux ord
( -) We wont be visiting you tomorrow morning
(?) Will we be visiting you tomorrow morning?
(?-) Will we not be visiting you tomorrow morning?
Ex. Nominal
(+) We will be there tomorrow morning.

aux ord O
( -) We wont be there tomorrow morning
(?) Will we be there tomorrow morning?
(?-) Will we not there tomorrow morning?

1. Time Signal
Menggunakan Spesifik Time Signal
At 7 oclock tomorrow (pada pkl 7 besok)
At this time next week (pada saat seperti ini minggu depan)
From 7 to 10 oclock tomorrow (dari pkl 7 s/d 10 besok)
Tomorrow morning (besok pagi)

1. Penggunaan
1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang terjadi di waktu
tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
Ex. I will be watching TV at 7 oclock tonight.
( Pada pkl 7 nanti malam saya sedang nonton TV)

1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung ketika
sesuatu yang lain terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Ex. I will be doing the homework when you come to my house.
(Saya akan sedang mengerjakan PR ketika tamu dating ke rumahku)
1. Pattern
(+) S + will/shall + have+ V3 + O.
aux aux ord

( -) S+ will/shall + not + have+ V3 + O.

(?) Will/shall + S + have+ V3 + 0?
(?-) Will/shall + S + not + have +VL + O?
(+) S + will/shall + have + been + 3C
aux aux ord O
( -) S + will/shall + not + have + been + 3C
(?) Will/shall + S + not + have + been + 3C?
(?) Wont/shant + S + have + been + 3C?
Ex. Verbal
(+) He will have studied English by next month.
aux ord
( -) He wont have studied English by next month
(?) Will he have studied English by next month?
(?-) Will he not h we studied English by next month?
Ex. Nominal
(+) He will have been a student of University by next year.
aux ord
( -) He wont have been a student of University by next year.
(?) Will he have been a student of University by next year?
(?-) Will he not have been a student of University by next year?
1. Time Signal
By next month (menjelang bulan depan)
By the end of this week (menjelang akhir minggu ini)
By this weekend (menjelang akhir pekan ini)
1. Penggunaan
1. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang telah selesai dilaksanakan
di waktu yang akan datang.

Ex. By the end of next month, I will have studied English. (Menjelang akhir
bulan depan, saya sudah akan selesai belajar Bhs. Inggris)
1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi sebelum sesuatu
yang lain terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Ex. I will have done the homework when you come to my house (saya
sudah akan selesai mengerjakan PR ketika kamu datang ke rumahku)
1. Pattern
(+) S + will/shall + have + been + Ving + O.
aux aux aux ord
(-) S + will/shall + not + have + been + Ving + O.
(?) Will shall + S + have + been + Ving + O?
(?) Wont/shant + S + have + been + Ving + O?
Ex. Verbal
(+) By next month, we will have beenstudying English for a month.
Aux ord
( -) By next month, we wont have been studying English for a month
(?) By next month, will we have been studying English for a month?
(?-) Wont we have been studying English for a month by next month?
Note: Nominal F. Pf. C. sama dengan Nominal F. Pf.
1. Time Signal
By for.
Ex. By next week for a month
(menjelang minggu depan selama sebulan)

1. Penggunaan
1. Untuk menyatakan sesutu yang sedang berlangsung dalam durasi
waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.
Ex. By the end of next year, I will have been studying English for 2 years
(Menjelang akhir tahun depan, sudah 2 tahun saya belajar Bhs. Inggris)
1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung dalam durasi waktu
ketika sesuatu yang lain terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
Ex. I will have been doing the homework for 2 hours when you con house.
(Saya sudah mengerjakan PR selama 2 jam ketika kamu dating ke
13 s/d 14. Ps. F. s/d Ps. F. Pf. C.
A. Pattern

Ps. F. : S + would/should + Vbi

Ps. F. C. : S + would/should + be + Ving

Ps. F. Pf. : S + would/should + have + V3

Ps. F. pf. C. : S + would/should + have + been + Ving


Ps. F. : S + would/should + be + 3C

Ps. F. C. : S + would/should + be + 3C

Ps. F. Pf. : S + would/should + have + been + 3C

Ps. F. Pf. C. : S + would/should + have + been + 3C

B. Time Signal
Menggunakan Time Signal miliknya tenses Simple Past
1. Penggunaan

Ps. F.

1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang seharusnya akan terjadi/ dilakukan di

masa lampau tetapi gagal karena ada sesuatu yang menggagalkan.
Notes: Kalimat penggagal hams disebutkan.
- Kalimat penggagal bertenses Simple Past.
Ex. I would visit you but my bike was broken yesterday.
Ps. F. Kalimat penggagal: S. Ps.
(Sebetulnya aku akan mengunjungimu tetapi kemarin sepedaku rusak)
1. Digunakan sebagai Main Clause dalam Conditional Sentence Type II.
2. Digunakan dalam Bab Direct-Indirect Speech.

Ps. F. C.

Digunakan daalam Bab Direct-Indirect Speech.

Ps. F. Pf.

1. Menyatakan sesuatu yang seharusnya sudah terjadi di masa

lampau tetapi gagal karena ada sesuatu yang menggagalkan.
Ex. I would have been a student of UGM
but I failed in UMPTN 3 years ago.
(Seharusnya saya sudah menjadi mahasiswa UGM tetapi s gaga) UMPTN 3
tahun yang lalu).
1. Digunakan sebagai Main Clause dalam Conditional Sentence Type I
2. Digunakan dalam Bab Direct-Indirect Speech.

Ps. F. Pf. C.

Digunakan dalam Bab Direct-Indirect Speech.



Passive voice (kalimat pasif) adalah kalimat yang subjectnya dikenai


Ciri Dasar : Be + V3

Simple Present : is, am, are

Simple Past : was, were

Simple Future : be

Perfect : been

Continuous : being


Kalimat : Kalimat Verbal

Verb : Transitive Verb


1. S. Pr. : S + is, am, are + V3 + by + O

2. S. Ps. : S + was, were + V3 + by + O
3. Pr. C : S + is, am, are + being + V3 + by + O
4. Ps. C, : S + was, were + being + V3 + by + O
5. Pr. Pf. : S have/has + been + V3 + by + O
6. Ps. Pf. : S+ had + been + V3 + by + O
7. S. F. : S + wil/shall + be + V3 + by + O
S + is,am, are + going to + be + V3 + by + O
1. F. Pf. : S + wilUshall + have + been + V3 + by + O

Aturan merubah Active Voice menjadi Passive Voice

1. AV PV
1. Bila dalam Active Voice tidak ada be maka tambahkan be dalam
Voice. Bentuk be disesuaikan dengan tenses dan subject Passive Voice.
1. Letakkan kata kerja utama (ordinary verb) dalam bentuk V3 setelah
2. Tambahkan by object Passive Voice.

Ex. S. Pr. (AV) : You .write. a letter

S ord v O
(PV) : A letter is written by you
S be V3 O

WH Question PV

(?S) QW + aux (org III tunggal) + V3 + by + O + Adv?
(?V) QW + aux (org III tunggal) + done + by + O + Adv?
(?O) By+QW+aux +S+V3+Adv?
QW + aux + S + V3 + Adv. + by?
QW + aux + S + V3 + Adv. + by?
Ex. You are visited by him every night.
S aux V3 O Adv
(?S) Who is visited by him every night?
QW aux V3 O Adv
(?V) What is done by him every night?
QW aux V3 O Adv
(?O) By whom are you visited every night?
whom are you visited every night by?
who are you visited ever/ night by?
QW aux S V3 Adv
(?A) How often are you visited by him?
QW aux S V3 Adv
1. Pengertian
Conditional Sentence adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk pengandaian.
1. Pembagian
Conditional sentence terbagi menjadi tiga type:
Type I


Untuk menyatakan pengandaian tentang sesuatu yang mungkin tcrjadi

jika syaratnya terpenuhi.

Pola Dasar

Main clause : Simple Future

If clause : Simple Present
Reality :
Example :
- You will pass you test if you study hard
MC: S.F. If C: S. Pr.
- If he has many problems, I will help him
If C: S. Pr. MC: S. F.
Tvpe II


Untuk menyatakan pengandaian tentang sesuatu yang bertentangan

dengan fakta di masa sekarang.

Pola Dasar

Main Clause : Past Future

If Clause : Simple Past

Reality : Simple Present

Example :
I would be in time for work if I lived near my office
MC: Ps. F. If C: S. Ps.
Reality: I dont live near my office.
S. Pr.
Type III


Untuk menyatakan pengandaian tentang sesuatu yang

bertentangan dengan fakta di masa lampau.

Menyatakan penyesalan tentang sesuatu yang telah terjadi di masa


Pola Dasar

Main Clause : Past Future Perfect

If Clause : Past Perfect

Reality : Simple Past

Example :
If I had known that you were coming.
If C: Ps. Pf.
I would have met you at the airport
MC: Ps. F. Pf.
Reality: I didnt know. so I didnt meet vou.
1. Definisi
Subjunctive adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
pengharapan, pengandaian dan pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan
1. Pembagian Subjunctive
1. Present Subjunctive


Untuk menyatakan pengharapan, pengandaian dan pernyataan tentang

sesuatu yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan sekarang.

1. wish S + wish (that) S + S. Past

Example :
I wish (that) he were rich
Reality : He isnt rich / he is poor poor


1. would rather S + would rather + S + S

Id rather they studied hard
Reality : They dont study hard

1. as if / as though
S + V1 + as if/as though + S + S. Past
She acts as if she were rich
Reality : She isnt rich

1. if only If only + S. + S. Ps.

If only he were at home
Reality; He isnt at home
1. Past Subjunctive


unruk menyatakan-pengharapan, pengandaian dan pernyataan tentang

sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan kenyataan di masa lampau.

1. Wish S + wish (that) S + Past Perfect

Example :
I wish I hadnt been absent yesterday
Reality : I was absent yesterday

1. would rather S + would rather + S + Past

Example :
I would rather you had been serious
Reality : you werent serious

1. as If/ as though
S + S. Past + as if / as though + S + Past Perfect
Example :
She acted as though she had been rich

Reality : She wasnt rich


1. if only If only + S + Past Perfect

If only you had invited them
Reality : You didnt invite them
1. Future Subjunctive
Fungsi :
untuk manvatakan pengharapan tentang peristiwa / keadaan yang
mungkin tidak mungkin terjadi di masa yang akan datang.
X : will you stop smoking ?
Y : .
X : I wish you would stop smoking
X : Will you stop smoking ?
Y : No, I wont stop smoking.
X : I wish you would stop smoking
1. Definisi
Causative verbs adalah sekelompok kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menunjukkan bahwa seseorang menghendaki orang lain untuk melakukan
sesuatu, baik dengan permintaan, paksaan atau rayuan. Causative verbs
terdiri dari: make, have dan get
1. Pembagian Causative
1. Causative Active

S + make + O + Vbi Force

S + have + O + Vbi Request/ask
S + get + O + to inf Persuade
any tense usually person remain
Example :
Mr. Anto has made his son sleep.
S CV O Vbi
Mr. Anto has forced his son to sleep.
non CV O to inf.
He had me open the door yesterday.
CV O Vbi
He requested/asked me to open the door yesterday.
Non CV O to inf
The students got the teacher to dismiss class early.
CV O to inf.
2. Causative Passive
S + Have + O + V3
S + Get + O + V3
any tense usually remain
non person
Example: .
He had the door opened.
The students got class dismissed.
Note: Ada dua Verb non Causative yang selalu dibahas bersama Causative
Verb yaitu Let & Help.
S + Let + O + Vbi allow/permit
S + Help + O + Vbi assist
any tense usually to inf

Example :
The teacher let the students leave the class
The teacher allowed/permitted the student to leave the class.
I am helping my friend do his work.
to do
I am assisting my friend to do his work.
1. Pengertian
Question tag adalah suatu pertanyaan singkat (short question) yang
ditempatkan setelah pernyataan (statement)
1. Fungsi:
Untuk meminta persetujuan pendengar
Untuk meminta penegasan pendengar tentang sesuatu yang belum
meyakinkan pembicara.
1. Aturan-Aturan
1. Aturan Umum
1. Bila statement (+), maka tag (-)
2. Bila statement (-), maka tag (+)
3. Negative tag harus disingkat
4. Subject Tag harus berupa pronoun
(I; you, we, they, he, she it)
It digunakan sebagai pengganti Subject dalam kalimat yang berupa:
Everything, nothing, that, this, his (singular noun)
They digunakan sebagai pengganti Subject dalam kalimat yang berupa:
Everyone, every body, no one, no body, someone, somebody, these,
those, his(plural noun).
1. Aturan Khusus
1. Jika dalam statement terdapat verb be, gunakan be juga dalam

Example: Everything is OK, isnt it?

1. Jika dalam statement terdapat aux, gunakan aux dalam tagnya.
Example: Everyone doesnt come here, do they?
1. Jika tenses dalam statement Simple Present/ wimple Past (Verbal +),
gunakan aux (do/does/did) dalam tag-nya:
Example: Dodi visits Cahyadoesnt he? ,
Toton visited Cahya, didnt he?
1. Jika dalam statement terdapat Im-,-gunakan arent I dalam tagnya.
Example: I am student, arent I?
5. Jika dalam statement terdapat kata-kata yang bermakna negative (-),
maka tag-nya hams positive (+)
Seldom : jarang
Rarely : sangat jarang Nothing
Hardly Nobody
Scarcely hampir tidak No one
Ex : He hardly comes here, does he?
Nobody comes here, do they?
6. Jika kalimatnya berupa imperative + / -, gunakan will you dalam
Ex.: Dont cheat, will you?
- Study hard, will you?
7. Jika dalam statement terdapat ajakan lets, gunakan shall we dalam
Ex : Lets study hard, shall we?
1. Pengertian
Elliptic adalah kalimat yang dibentuk dengan cara menghilangkan bagian
yang sama dengan tidak merubah makna aslinya.

1. Syarat
Tenses harus sama
1. Pembentukan Elliptic
1. Menggunakan so/too (begitu juga)
Untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat ositive (+)

Susi is a student. Joni is a student.

Susi is a student, and so is Joni.

Susi is a student, and Joni is too.

I shall go to Jakarta. She will go to Jakarta.

I shall go to Jakarta, and so will she

I shall go to Jakarta, and she wil too.

Rudi has 3 books. I have 3 books.

Rudi has 3 books, and I do too.

Rudi has 3 books, and so do I.
1. Menggunakan either/neither (begitu juga)
Untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat negative (-)

He hasnt gone. I havent gone.

He hasnt gone and I havent either

He hasnt gone and neither have I

I wasnt a nurse. Ani wasnt a nurse.

I wasnt a nurse and Ani wasnt either.

I wasnt a nurse and neither was Ani.
1. Menggunakan but (tetapi)
Untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat yang berlawanan.


Totok has studied. Doni has not studied.

Totok has studied but Doni hasnt.

Santi doesnt speak English. Cica speaks English.

Santi doesnt speak English but Cica does.

1. Untuk menyatakan dua point tercapai.
Both..and (dan.keduanya)
Both S and S + V (plural)
Ex. Dodi is happy. Toni is happy.
Both Dodi and Toni are happy.
Not onlybut also. (baik ..maupun../ tidak hanya.tetapi juga..)
Not only S.but also. S (singular) + V (singular)
Not only S.but also S (plural) + V (plural)
Ex. Dodi visits Cahya Toton visits Cahya
Not only Dodi but also Toton visits Cahya.
1. Untuk menyatakan dua point tidak tercapai.
Menggunakan: Neithernor.(baikmaupuntidak.)
Neither.Snor S (singular).+ V (singular)
Neither Snor. S (plural) + V (plural)
Ex. Tino doesnt visit Cahya.(Dedi doesnt visit Cahya
Neither Tino nor Ded,i visit Cahya.
Tino doesnt visit Cahya. His friends dont visit Cahya.
Neither Tino nor his friends visit Cahya.
1. Untuk menyatakan salah satu point tercapai.

Menggunakan: Either.or(kalau tidaktentu)

Either S.or.S (singular).+ V (singular)
Either S.or.S (plural) + V (plural)
Ex - Dodi visits Cahya. Or Tino visits Cahya.
Either Dodi or Tino visits Cahya.
- Andy visits Meta. Or they visit Meta.
Either Andy or they visit Meta

Direct Speech (kalimat langsung): kalimat yang digunakan

untuk menngulang perkataan orang lain deengan
menggunakan susunan kalimat yang sama.

Cirinya, jika dalam tulisan diletakkan dalam tanda kutip.


Indirect Speech (kalimat tidak langsung): kalimat yang

digunakan untuk mengulang perkataan orang lain dengan
susunan kalimat yang berbeda.

Cirinya, menggunakan Conjunction/kata sambung dan dalam tulisan tidak

diletakkan dalam tanda kutip.
1. Jika Main Clause (MC) bertenses: Simple Present, Present Perfect,
Simple Future maka Sub Clause (SC) Direct dalam Indirect akan
mengalami perubahan hanya pada pronoun.
2. Jika MC bertenses Past, maka SCDirectdalam lndirect akan
mengalami perubahan pada tiga hal (Pronoun, Tenses, Adverb)

Aturan Perubahan Pronoun

1. Jika dalam Sub Clause-Direct terdapat pronoun: I, me,
my, mine maka kembali keSubject MC.
2. Jika dalam Sub Clause Direct terdapat pronoun: You,
your, yours maka kembali ke Object MC.


Aturan Perubahan Tenses

Ps. Pf. S. Ps. S. Pr.
Ps. Pf. C. Ps. C. Pr. C.
Ps. Pf. Pr. Pf.
Ps. Pf. C. Pr. Pf. C.
Ps. F. Pf. Ps. F. S. F.
Ps. F. Pf. C. Ps. F. C. F.C.
Ps. F Pf. F. Pf.
Ps. F Pf. C. F. Pf. C.

Aturan Perubahan Adverb

Direct Indirect
Now Then (saat itu)
This That
Here There
Ago Before
Yesterday The day before
Yesterday morning The morning before
Last night The night before

Last week The week before

Last month The month before
Last year The year before
Tonight That night
Tomorrow The next day/ the following day
Tomorrow morning The next morning /
The following morning
Next week The following week
Next month The following month
Next year The following year
1. Direct : She says to me, I called you yesterday.
MC: S. Pr. SC: S. Ps.
Indirect : She says to me that he called me yesterday.
MC: S. Pr. SC: S. Ps.
1. Direct : He has said to me, I will visit you tonight.
MC: Pr. Pf. SC: S. F.
Indirect : He has said to me (that) he will visit me tonight.
MC: S. Pr. SC: S. F.
1. Direct : She will say, I am reading a magazine now .
MC: S. F. SC: Pr. C.
Indirect : She will say (that) she is reading a magazine now.
MC: S. F. SC: Pr. C.
1. Direct : He said, I am reading a magazine now.
MC: S. Ps. S C: Pr. C.
Indirect : He said (that) he was reading a magazine then.
MC: S. Ps. SC: S. F

1. Statement (kalimat berita)

Dalam Indirect menggunakan conjunction that (bahwa)
Ex. D : I will go to Malang tomorrow, said Meta.
I : Meta said (that) she would go to Malang the next day.
1. Jika dalam Direct, SC berupa kebenaran umum, maka dalam
Indirect, SC tidak mengalami perubahan tenses sekalipun tenses MC
Ex. D :The sun rises in the East, said the teacher.
I : The teacher said (that) the sun rises in the East
1. Jika dalam Direct, SC uerupa konsep dua kejadian berurutan & MC
bertenses Simple Past, maka dalam Indirect SC mengalami
perubahan tenses hanya pada kejadian pertama.
D : Andy said, I was reading a book when the phone rang.
I : Andy said (that) he had been reading a book when the phone rang.
1. Jika dalam Direct, SC berupa konsep dua kejadian bersamaan & MC
bertenses Simple Past, maka dalam Indirect, SC boleh mengalami
perubahan tenses dan boleh tidak
Ex. D: Andy said, I was reading while I was eating.
I : Andy said (that) he had been reading while ha had been eating.
I : Andy said (that) he was reading while he was eating.
1. Question (Pertanyaan)
1. Jika dalam Direct MC menggunakan verb say maka dalam
Indirect berubah menjadi:
Ask MC berobject ataupun tidak
Inquire MC tidak berobjec

Want to know
1. Dalam direct SC berupa kalimat Tanya, dalam Indirect
berubah menjadi kalimat berita.
Jenis-jenis Question
1. Yes/No Question
Dalam Indirect menggunakan conjunction `if/ whether. (apakah)
Ex. D : Meta said to me, will you visit me tonight?
I : Meta asked me if I would visit her that night.
2. WH Question
Dalam Indirect menggunakan conjunction berupa `QW (Question Word)
yang ada pada SC.
Ex. D : When did you come here? Meta said to me.
I : Meta asked me when I had come there.
3. Imperative
1. Jika dalam Direct, MC menggunakan verb say maka dalam Indirect
berubah menjadi:
Advise Command Invite Recommend
Ask Encourage Tell Forbid
Beg Entreat Urge Remind
Order Implore Request Warn
1. SC tidak mengalami perubahan tenses sekalipun tenses MC Past.
Jenis-jenis imperative
1. Imperative positive (perintah) Dalam Indirect menggunakan
MC + to inf.
S+V+O+to inf.
Ex. D: Forgive me! She said to me.

I : She begged me to forgive her.

1. Imperative Negative (larangan) Dalam indirect menggunakan
1 MC + to inf.
S+V+O+not+to inf.
Ex. D: Dont cheat! the teacher said to his students.
I : The teacher warned his students not to cheat.
I : The te1acher forbade his students to cheat.

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