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Mckenzie Sampson

Mrs. Hawkins
Period 2
11 October 2016
Macbeths downfall and corruption
In the story Macbeth by Shakespeare, three different characters are a big influence on
Macbeths downfall and corruption. The Witches play the biggest part, Lady Macbeth plays the
next biggest part, and Macbeth himself plays a part in his own downfall and corruption.
The witches play the biggest part in the downfall and corruption of Macbeth. The first
reason is because the thoughts of being king gets to Macbeths head. All hail, Macbeth! hail to
the Thane of Cawdor! (act 1 scene 3). This is the witches telling him about the first prophecy so
they're hailing to him. Next, the witches tell him about the second prophecy. All hail, Macbeth
shall be king hereafter (act 1 scene 3). This quote is the witches telling Macbeth he will become
king after. Lastly, the witches tell him about more prophecies later in the book. An armed head
A cole crowned with a tree in his hand and a bloody child (act 5 scene 1). By the witches
telling Macbeth about all these prophecies everything starts getting to his head and he will do
anything he can to be in power. Including killing people.
Lady Macbeth plays the second biggest part in the downfall and corruption of Macbeth.
Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth that he as to do all these things in order to become king like
Thus thou must do (act 1 scene 5). Lady Macbeth wants him to do what it takes. Next, Lady
Macbeth says unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the toe (act 1 scene 5) Lady
Macbeth obviously wants Macbeth to become king so that she can become queen. Lastly she

says When you durst do it and then says then you were a man (act 1 scene 7). Lady Macbeth
threatens him by saying he's not a man until he does everything he can to be king.
Lastly, Macbeth plays a tiny part in his own downfall and corruption. Macbeth starts off by
saying If chance may have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir (act 1 scene
3). Macbeth is saying that he won't need to work for the crown, that the crown will just come to
him. Next, he lets things get to his head and says Is this a dagger which I see before before me
(act 2 scene 1). Macbeth will now do anything he can to be crowned king. Lastly, ''twas a rough
night (act 2 scene 3). Macbeth said. This is Macbeth guilty guilty of all the things he and done
and all the people he has killed to get the crown.
In conclusion, there are three major characters that play a part in Macbeths downfall and
corruption. The witches were the biggest part, Lady Macbeth the next biggest, and lastly
Macbeth himself.

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