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Prepared by: kj prades

Kitchen Equipment & Utensils

Paring knife
Small knife to peel fruit
Also good for slicing or chopping tiny foods
Serving spoon
Also comes in slotted version- which can be used to serve foods cooked in liquid
Serrated Knife
Saw-tooth blade
Used to cut breads and pastry without crushing them
Liquid Measuring Cups
Liquid ingredients only!
Available in various sizes
Metric & English
Pastry Blender
Used to CUT-IN fats into dry ingredients
Also good for smashing foods like potatoes, bananas, and avocadoes
Used to shred or grate foods such as cheese or carrots
Vegetable Brush
Used to scrub vegetables and fruits- to remove dirt and pesticides
Muffin tins
Come in a variety of sizes
Grease individual cups, or use with paper liners
Can Opener
To open lids on cans
Metal Spatula
For evening off the tops of measuring cups
Also work well for spreading and frosting
Mixing Bowls
Containers to mix and blend ingredients
Come in several sizes
Dish Drainer/Rack
Drains Dishes after washing
Located under sink in each kitchen
Rolling Pin
For rolling out dough
Also good for pounding and smashing of foods
Detachable beaters
Good for batters and thin doughs
Heavy doughs will burn out motor
To turn or flip food without piercing it
Rubber Spatula
Used for scraping all of the product out of mixing bowls, etc.
Used to FOLD-IN
Do not use over direct heat
Dry Measuring Cups
Dry ingredients only!
Usually come nested in 1/4c., 1/3c., 1/2c. and 1c.

Garlic Press
Most presses require you to peel the garlic clove first
Also good for fresh ginger
Cutting Board
Protects counter when cutting with a knife
Can be wood, plastic and other various types of material
Sauce Pan
Come in variety of sizes
Straight sides
Dutch Oven
Large pot- many uses
Got its name from the early settlers who used it for baking cakes, casseroles, etc.
over an open fire place
To drain foods cooked in liquid
To remove fat from ground beef
To wash fruits and veggies
Strainer has wire mesh material
Cooling Rack
Allows for better air circulation around cooling food
Cake Pan
Common in 8, 9, and 10 sizes
Has straight sides
Some have removable bottom
Saute Pan!
Used to saut, pan fry and pan broil
Used to pare (remove skin from) fruits and vegetables
Measuring Spoons
Dry & liquid measurement tool
Usually nested in 1/8t., 1/4t., 1/2t., 1t. and 1 T.
To aerate dry ingredients for baking
Avoid getting the sifter wet- tap out over garbage and wipe with a clean, damp
Used for basting (adding moisture &/or flavor to foods while cooking)
Also used for removing fat drippings
Kitchen Shears
Snips foods such as vegetables, doughs and meats
Allows you to get more juice out of citrus fruits than squeezing by hand
Used for serving liquid foods and drinks
Food Processor
Quick and convenient way to slice, shred, chop, mix, etc.
Beware of very sharp blades!
Jelly-roll pan
Basically, a cookie sheet with sides
Used to make a jelly-roll cake
Also good for baking foods that may emit a liquid, juice or fat
Cookie Sheet
No sides allows for even air-flow and cooking of foods
Pastry Brush

Used to brush on liquids such as melted fat, egg wash, or glaze

Also used to apply marinade when grilling
Wire whisk
Used to incorporate air into foods
Do not use for thick batters or doughs
Double Boiler
Cooks food over water (steam heat) rather than direct heat, which prevents
Great for melting chocolate & marshmallow
Also used for egg & cream based sauces, puddings, etc.
Wooden spoons
Used when stirring hot things
Avoid using with colored food
Avoid soaking in water
Wont scratch non-stick surfaces
Casserole Dish
Used to bake casseroles
Used in oven and microwave only!
Egg Separator
For separating egg yolk from the egg white
Chefs knife
Used for slicing, dicing, chopping, etc.
Curved tip allows for rocking motion which helps with speed and accuracy
For mixing liquids
Ex. Milkshakes, frozen drinks, salad dressing
Stand Mixer
3 attachments
9x13 Pan
Rectangular baking pan
For cakes, brownies, etc.
Loaf Pan
Comes in a variety of sizes
For baking yeast breads, quick breads, and meat loaves
To store dry ingredients
Nested in various sizes
Pizza Cutter
To cut pizza- duh!
Also good for cutting dough
Meat Fork
To serve meat
Also used as a stabilizer during slicing
Apple Corer-slicer
Push down over apple to core and slice at one time
Pie Pan
Recognizable by its slanted sides
Tube Pan
Named for the air tube running up the center of pan- allows for heat circulation
and even cooking
Cakes are inverted on tube while cooling, for volume
For transferring ingredients to smaller containers
Also used to make funnel cakes!

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