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REMARKS or ANALYSIS of Data collected

For the first part of the first experiment: Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Force, we
can observe the patterns or arrangement of the magnetic field with the use of magnets
and iron filings. We observe that the unlike poles attract and like poles repels. The
magnetic fields also do not intersect with each other. We can also say that the magnetic
field lines are also always going to the South Pole and always away from the North Pole.
For the second part of the experiment under table a titled: Magnetic Force and
Magnetic Field, where the voltage, set to max, and current, at 5 Amps, are constant we
also used SF 42 as our current loop. We can see that as the number of magnets
increase, the magnet force also increases. We can then see that the number of magnets
is proportional to magnetic force.
For the second part of the experiment under table b titled: Magnet Force and
Current, where the voltage set to max is constant and the current will start at 0 Amps
then increased with 0.5 A increments until 5 Amps we also used SF42 as our current
loop. We can see that as the amplitude or current increases the magnetic force also
increases. We can then see that the current is proportional to the magnetic force.
For the second part of the experiment under table c titled: Magnetic Force and
Length of Current Loop, where the voltage is set to max and the current set at 2 amps.
We can see that the longer the length of the current loop, the higher the magnetic force.
We can then see that the length of the current loop is proportional to the magnetic force.
For the second part of the experiment under table d titled: Magnetic Force and
Orientation of Coil, where we set the voltage to maximum and the current at 2 amps at
most. From this experiment, we can observe that if we rotate the coil clockwise the
resulting magnetic force will be positive and if we rotate it counterclockwise it will be
negative. We can also observe that as the angle increases so do the magnitude of the
magnetic force also increases. We can then see that the angle is proportional to the
magnitude of the magnetic force.
There are a multitude of possible sources of error for this experiment. One of
these possible sources is the constant changing of currents in the power supply. Since

the instrument is very sensitive the current can also change easily. The distance
between the wires and the magnets could also affect the results of the experiment if they
were not properly placed or not arranged uniformly. The arrangement of the magnets
could also affect the yield of the experiments.

There are three objectives for this experiment first is to study the nature of
magnetic fields around the poles of the magnet, the second objective is to determine the
magnitude of magnetic force on a current-carrying wire and the last objective is to study
the nature of the nature of the relationships between magnetic force and magnetic field,
current, length and orientation of current carrying wire. We were able to accomplish the
first objective with the use of magnets and iron filings. The second objective and third
objective by the use of various instruments like the current balance.
With the use of our yields in our experiments, we safely conclude that unlike
poles attract each other and like poles repel each other. This is also based on the first
law of magnetism. We can also safely conclude the direction of the magnetic field is
always toward the south pole and away from the north pole. We can also observe from
the yields of our experiment that as the number of magnets, current, length of the
current loop, and angle increases, so do the magnetic force increases. We can then
therefore safely conclude that the number of magnets, current, length of the current
loop, and angle is directly proportional to the magnet force. We also converted the
magnetic force in grams to magnetic force in Newtons using the equation
Magnetic Forcegrams x

1 kg
x 9.8 m/s .
1000 g

The first experiment titled Magnetic Fields and Magnetic Force can be applied in
our daily life. One of the practical applications of this concept is a compass. A compass
is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the
geographic points. The compass works by how a north-south bar magnet exerts exactly

the same sort of magnetic field as a solenoid. Another practical application of

Magnetism is the MRI Machine or a Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI Machines are
used by doctors to make intensive diagnoses without invading the patients body. MRI
operates by activating a magnetic field which causes atoms within the patients body to
spin at precise frequencies. The MRI machine then beams the radio signal at the
frequency matching the atoms. Then the radio signals are then shut off then the energy
in the atoms from the radio signal will then burst. Then a computer scans the body for
the frequency then translate those into a 3d images for the use of the doctors for their

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