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Date: 09/26/16
Lesson: Component Relationship to One High Leverage Artifact
Grade Level: Multiple
Teacher: Perron
Class: EE
Many of the Domain 2 & 3 components are skills teachers demonstrate through their words and actions in the classroom but they are planned for
and set up/appropriated for ahead of time in D1 & D4. During your pre-conference for a formal observation make your evaluator aware of your
goals for the class period so evidence can be obtained.
Duration: Day in Unit/Sequence
(1c,3a) Is the objective/expectation clear to the students?
(1c & 1e) Setting instructional outcomes & Designing coherent
Are the objectives statements of learning, not "things to do?"
instruction- lesson is clear and sequenced to accomplish learning
(1c) Did I use multiple levels of Blooms Taxonomy within my
main concept, includes checking for prior knowledge and teaching of
objectives and questions to ensure my students are critical thinkers?
prerequisites to show relationships to one another. Instruction is
structured with use of specific strategies.
(1f) Can my objectives be assessed to check for learning?
(2b) Explanation of educational value in learning objectives (could
(1e, 3c) Student engagement is the result of careful planning of
be related to 21st century/global awareness skills)
learning experiences.
(2b) Challenging/rigorous work with high expectations sets
expectations and builds student pride in work
Essential Question:
Should tie into objectives and assessments


Success Criteria:
Students will...

21st Century Skill(s):

(1a) Does this concept increase my students global awareness, cultural
diversity or 21st century skills?

(1f) Assessments are planned to check for understanding of learning

Outcomes, include how they are differentiated for students
(3a) Students should know what they need to do/achieve to reach the goals
for learning

(1d) Is the lesson interdisciplinary (the idea is to avoid fragmented and

isolated skill instruction) extending the content knowledge? And how are the
disciplines related? Through a central theme, process, problem, issue,

(2b) Explanation of educational value in learning objectives related to 21st

century/global awareness skills
(2d) Soft Skills- Managing student behavior can only be observed but it can
be inferred if the classroom is run smoothly. In addition students, when
asked, should be able to explain the standards of conduct for the classroom.

(Work in progress)


INTRODUCTION (1d) Teacher Directed

(1a,1b,1e) - Acknowledgement and application of
how students learn, their interests, needs & taking
into account their prior knowledge.
Which pedagogical approach did you use for this
(1b, 3a) Use examples that connect new content
to students' backgrounds, knowledge, interests
and the school's culture

(2c,2e, 3c) Include routines or groupings within
the lesson and explain why you grouped students
the way you did. Reaching students to work
unsupervised is an important aspect of classroom
management. If you include their interests or
learning styles as a part of this you are also
aligning to 1b.
(2c) Planned use of a timing device or different
strategy for transition to manage a class
(2c) Materials and supplies are efficiently

(approx. 10-15 min)

(1b) (1d) (4d) Agenda or notes from a content

related PD session or a certificate from a class or
workshop- Explain relationship and how content
learned in the PD will be used to further the
knowledge of your students
(3a) Clear directions provided in various ways,
written, displayed, verbally explained, modeled.
An evaluator will know communication was
effective based on the response of the students,
this is also good formative feedback for yourself.

APPLICATION (1e) Guided Practice


STANDARD(S) (1f)- Include your Standards to

be assessed for

(2c) Efficient and effective use of

non-instructional time like attendance taking
during bell work or return to task/instruction
when you have a 3b lunch.
(2e) Accommodations are made for students who
have impaired vision or hearing and for those who
have an aide with them. This shows your
willingness to make adjustments to the physical
environment to ensure success.

(approx. 20-30 min)

(3b) Initial questions used to frame a classroom

discussion should be prepared ahead of time by a
teacher. Questions will promote student thinking
and often have more than one correct answer; they
allow for students to form their own hypothesis
and make connections. Well developed teachers
allow think time prior to responding and
encourage all students to participate by asking
them questions like, "Could you give an example
of that?" In addition, (2a) these kind of student led
conversations and questions posed by the teacher
convey respect for students and their thinking.
(3c) Engagement is not time on task or being
"busy," it is intellectual involvement. Students
should be using thinking and reasoning skills,
such as in data collection and analysis or student

APPLICATION (1e) Individual Practice

(1d) - Resources selected are aligned to outcomes
that are appropriately challenging for each student
to gain access to the content. An example is
different reading levels.

(approx. 20-30 min)

(2e) Can be incorporated if desks are rearranged
for student grouping or another activity.

(3c) Homework should also be engaging, never

busy work

(1b, 2a) Getting to know your students enables

you to interact with them as individuals and learn
about their life outside of school and extracurricular interests. A teacher who respects their
students' lives outside of school will NOT assign
large amounts of homework but rather quality
portions to ensure practice and understanding.

(3d) Students take responsibility for their own

learning as they learn to monitor their own
progress and seek corrective action. A good way
to assist students with this and to teach them this
strategy is by having them keep their own data
binder in order to see continuous improvement.

(1b) (1d) (1e) - Use of a primary source document

not included with the textbook- An example of a
primary source might be a manuscript, diary,
recording, document or autobiography. A
secondary source is a source that sites, comments
or builds upon a secondary source. (1b as an
interest or related to a student's heritage)
SYNTHESIS (1f) Connections Past~Present~Future
Format: (3d) Formative AssessmentsContinuous monitoring of all learning as lesson
progresses allows for midcourse corrections to
meet learning goals (also representative of our slo
on a large scale). Keep data charts to show
monitoring of learning, is also (4b)
(1a)(1c)(1d)(1e)(2b)Summary of plan for
integrating instruction for creating
interdisciplinary units with other teachers:
Example: Connection within Arts,
Sciences & Health/Public Services
Academy about diabetes lesson within
related courses. Explain relationship and
collaboration for lessons focused on
diabetes. Could occur with:

(1b)(1e)(1f)(2a)(2b)(2c)Various instructional
Annotate and explain pedagogy behind each for
your discipline and when and how it will
specifically be used to further learning and
engagement with the content.
Teaching depends, fundamentally, on the quality
of relationships among individuals which allows
for students to take risks and helps establish
standards of conduct or routines for activities.
(3d) Numerous strategies are available to provide
formative feedback and then (3e) a response,
change in direction or addition of information
may be required to ensure students are on track

(approx. 10-15 min)

(4c) Ideas for communicating with
families: Send learning
objectives/newsletter for a unit to them
and keep them informed of the learning
going on in the classroom with their child.
Class website
emails, letters
Postcards written during academy
Personal invites to parent-teacher
conferences and purposeful conversation
with informative feedback
telephone calls, etc
**Keep a log of all communications

culinary arts (nutritional content of meals,

glycemic indexes)
science (insulin and hormones, Type 1 &
psychology (related disorders as a result,
like depression, eating disorders, anxiety),
Art, Drama and Photography (through
expressionism based on symptoms,
difficulties or life changes)
English (different papers depending on
focused essay style)
History (which people in the time period
you are studying had diabetes and how did
it affect their life?)
Organization (How are you going to prepare the students so they are ready for the next lesson?) :
(3d) Accurate, constructive, specific and timely feedback to students to use in their learning to achieve the desired performance. "Nice job" is horrible
feedback, feedback should be informational, drawing their attention to errors they can correct. This can be seen during an observation, through commentary
on student work, and even by use of a student questionnaire.
During/After the Lesson:
(1b,1c,1d,1e,1f,2b,4a) Modification of lesson plans and/or classroom level assessments: Explain why you modified the lesson (based on growing
knowledge of students, a formative assessment), and how you modified and to whom it will benefit. Reflecting on teaching (each component included
within lesson)
Many of the Domain 2 & 3 components are skills teachers demonstrate through their words and actions in the classroom but they are planned for
and set up/appropriated for ahead of time in D1 & D4. During your pre-conference for a formal observation make your evaluator aware of your
goals for the class period so evidence can be obtained.

(4d) Volunteer to lead teachers in your PLC/Academy meeting, in a PD or instructional strategy you find very beneficial,
Participate in an after school committee: Grading procedures, PTA, curriculum writing, book studies, whatever it is, keep a log.
(4e) Content area meetings, keep minutes and action agenda along with application of findings
Planning with and Co-teaching with another teacher to learn a new strategy
(4f) Food drive, locate clothing/winter coat for a child.
Provide ideas to student for outside learning: arts at Wustum or RAM, sports clubs, theater productions, Boys and Girls clubs, community festivals

JUST from this lesson plan and the brief notes that follow on PLC participation, a possible 76 evidence statements can be written. These are just some of the
ideas, not an all-inclusive list. The following chart shows how many ideas were given for each of the 22 components.
1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f 2 2b 2c 2d 2e
3 6











**An idea: Choose 1 to 2 components in each domain to focus on per quarter and collect evidence/artifacts for just those; you will start to see how they
overlap with one another creating a high leverage artifact.
Evidence Statement Examples:
1. My lesson plan on ____ aligns to component 1b exemplified through the pedagogical approach(briefly explain) I took in planning the lesson which
was dependent on my students prior knowledge, their interests and their learning styles. This approach, based on the data Ive collected about my
students, will provide active intellectual engagement.
2. The introduction/opener of my lesson plan aligns to 1b drawing the interests of the students into the content with the real life example of ____ which
also connects to our school culture in its expression of ____.
3. In the planning of my lesson I incorporated ideas from the ____ professional development I received at/on ____. My lesson plan incorporates this
new idea briefly describe, aligned to component 1b, showing how I can further the content and understanding of the student I have this year based on
the skills they will need to learn. **clue phone: This can also go into Domains 4d and 1d as a separate artifact with its own evidence statements.
4. The student groupings I planned for ____ activity in my lesson plan align to 1b because they were based on the students interests. This is important
in this activity because of its focus which is/incorporates ______. ** What other component can you write an evidence statement for that
incorporates grouping?
5. My lesson plan aligns to 1b showing how I incorporated the resource(s) of _____ to include components/details/info from the different heritages (can
list) in my classroom.

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