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In order to know how to do carbon sequestration using wet and dry peat moss or other
independent variables, I need to learn about wet and dry peat moss and carbon sequestration.
This includes learning about the environment of wet and dry peat moss and how they grow in
different climates and areas. I also need to know about how carbon sequestration works.
Carbon sequestration is simply putting carbon in solid or liquid form from the
atmosphere. Even though the concept seems simple there are many components to knowing what
is actually going on in the process. More information is needed in order to conduct an
experiment on carbon sequestration like what are each of the steps in carbon sequestration, and
what happens in each stage and how long it takes complete them. The importance of these can be
used to show us how to know how long it should take and how to make carbon sequestration is
actually occurring.
Peat is a type of moss found in different locations and based on where it is peat
moss can function differently. According to Denman (2016), wet peat is used for things like
natural water filtration and helping other weeds, moss, and plants grouping in its area last longer.
A big example of wet peat is the Peatlands in Scotland, it covers 20% of its territory and
contributes to how their farms and gardens. Dry peat is similar, but most people use it for

gardening like laying down grass seeds and what it does is holds it down and prevents the seeds
from moving and dying quickly (The Importance of Scotland's Peatlands, 2016).
In many ways carbon sequestration relates to the peat moss, but I still do not have enough
knowledge to state the relationship between the two processes. So as the project continues I will
continue to gather information and find out these relationships.

Experimental Design:
Problem Question: How can we determine seed germination rates based on inorganic and
organic fertilizers
Hypothesis: If we create an Ecobottle to test and record the rates of seed germination
among organic and inorganic fertilizers which will grow better
Independent Variable: organic and inorganic fertilizer
Dependent Variable: Seed germination rates
Control Groups: topsoil
Experimental Groups: organic mulch and miracle growth soil

Materials & Methods:

We are going use 2 types of fertilizer, and 3 seeds for our experiment. We are going to
create a closed system. We started off by deciding what kind of fertilizer we were going to use,
then we cut the three bottles into six pieces and filled the bottom halves with 100mL of water

then but the top half of the bottle over the half with water in it and measured of 300mL of
whatever fertilizer we wanted to use and stuck a pipe cleaner through the fertilizer so that it went
through to the water. Lastly we put in 10 seeds into to each bottle and sealed them all off with
-3 soda bottles
-30 seeds
-300mL of top soil
-300mL organic fertilizer
-300mL of inorganic fertilizer
-100mL of water for each type of fertilizer/soil
-pipe cleaners


After conducting our experiment throughout the month, our data concluded that our
hypothesis on seed germination was further refuted. The data produced throughout
the timeline showed significant rates among our control group topsoil and our
organic mulch. Although, our inorganic Eco bottle failed to germinate any seeds
because of faulty error. This error includes the flaw in the design where the spout of
the soil touches the water, flooding the miracle grow. Without this flaunt, the
miracle may have been able to produce an effective amount of germinated seeds.
In terms of our hypothesis, while the organic fertilizer did successfully germinate, it
did not produce as many germinated seeds as our control group.

Degmann, M. (2010, October 29). Gardening Preparation Tips : How to Mix Peat Moss &
Topsoil. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from

. (2016, February 2). Retrieved November 3, 2016, from


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