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Lista de cotejo

evidencia de aprendizaje

Tema: qu hizo en su pasado cumpleaos?

Objetivo: Hablar en El Pasado Usando sencilla los verbos de la clase anterior
Tema: what did in your last birthday?
Objective: Talk in the past using simple verbs from the previous class.
CC1: competencia comunicativa 1: el estudiante identifica, organiza e interpreta
datos de ideas y conceptos explcitos / implcitos de un texto, teniendo en
consideracin su origen y objetivo.
CC1: communicative competence 1: The student identifies, organizes and
interprets data of ideas and explicit / implicit concepts of a text, taking into account
their origin and objective.
Fecha de entrega: 16/03/2016
Lesson 1
Nombre del estudiante: Sal Hernndez vila
Nombre del profesor: licenciado en lengua inglesa Talavera Valdez Francisco
Grupo: 204
Carrera: soporte y mantenimiento de equipos de cmputo.

Gramtica idea: Pasado simple

Concepto fundamental: nuestro pasado
Concepto subsidiario: la historia personal, familiar idioma local
la funcin de pedir y dar informacin sobre eventos pasados.
Grammar idea simple Past
Fundamental concept: our past
Subsidiary concept: personal history, family local language
Function request and provide information about past events.

Lista de cotejo

si no observaciones

1.El estudiante escribe todos los datos de la actividad

1. The student writes all activity data

2. El estudiante escribe 140 palabras sobre lo que realizo en su
pasado cumpleaos empleando el pasado simple
2. The student writes 140 words about what I do in his last birthday
using the simple past
3. El estudiante ilustra sus diferentes actividades
3. The student shows its different activities

on my last birthday I ate cake, drank soda, xbox I played, I played
football. listen to music, talk, dance, I ran, I cried, drank atole, talk with
my friends, I was with my family, I was with my friends, I was with my
girlfriend, I was laughing, I was in the park, take a shower, I cut hair I
went to buy clothes, I went for a walk, I went to train, I went to school, I
was exercising, I went swimming, I went with my family, I went to work,
I went to Toluca, I cook, I clean my room, enjoy my party, I help my
mom, I wash my clothes, I jump rope, I end up tired, I forget my phone,
I read my letters, I teach my gifts, I drive the car, I slept late, I present
at the table, I was watching movies, I broke a plate.

2. I answer the phone: Yo contesto el telfono

I arrive of the party: Yo llego a la fiesta

I ask the hour: Yo pregunto la hora

I clean my room: Yo limpio mi cuarto.

I close the Window: Yo cierro la ventana

I cook food: Yo cocina la comida

I change the baby: Yo cambio l bebe

I dance: Yo bailo

I end my homework: Yo termino mi tarea

I enjoy the holidays: Yo disfruto las vacaciones

I erase the blackboard: Yo borro el pizarrn

I fill my boat: Yo lleno mi bote

I help at home: Yo ayudo en mi casa

I hurry in the school: Yo me apresuro en la escuela

I jump the rope: Yo salto la cuerda

I learn English: Yo aprendo ingles

I listen to music: Yo escucho msica

I live in Zepayautla: Yo vivo en Zepayautla

I look the tv: Yo miro la televisin

I love the dogs: Yo amo los perros

I need money: Yo necesito dinero

I open the door: Yo abro la puerta

I play Xbox: Yo juego Xbox

I play football: Yo practico futbol

I start to read: Yo empiezo a leer

I stay silent: Yo permanezco callado

I stop traffic: Yo paro el trafico

I study in my home: Yo estudio en mi casa

I talk to the teacher: Yo hablo con el maestro

I travel with my family: Yo viajo con mi familia

I try to play: Yo trato de jugar

I use pants: Yo uso pantalones

I visit my grandparents: Yo visito mis abuelos

I walk in the morning: Yo camino en la maana

I want to eat: Yo quiero comer

I wash the car: Yo lavo el carro

I work at night: Yo trabajo en la noche

Colegio de Estudios Cientficos Y

Tecnolgicos del Estado de Mxico
Asignatura: ingles 2
Alumno: Sal Hernndez vila
Profesor: Lic. En lengua ingles Talavera
Valdez Francisco
Carrera: soporte y mantenimiento de
equipos de computo
Grupo: 204


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