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Perpindahan Panas Konduksi

Heat transfer from finned surface




Heat Transfer from Finned Surface

(Perpindahan Panas pada Permukaan yang Diperluas)
Laju perpindahan panas konveksi dari suatu medium bersuhu
tinggi (Ts) ke lingkungan sekitar bersuhu lebih rendah (T) dapat
dihitung dengan Hukum Newton untuk pendinginan

h.A.T T

Jika Ts dan T nilainya tetap, maka laju perpindahan panas dapat

dimaksimalkan dengan memperbesar nilai h (koefisien
perpindahan panas konveksi) dan nilai A (luas permukaan
perpindahan panas). Nilai h dapat ditingkatkan dengan membuat
agar aliran fluida lebih cepat, namun umumnya solusi yang
digunakan kurang praktis. Alternatif lain yaitu dengan menaikkan
luas permukaan perpindahan panas, dengan memasang bagian
tambahan (fin) yang memiliki konduktivitas panas tinggi pada
permukaan luar.

Permukaan suatu benda dapat diperluas dengan tujuan

memperbesar panas yang hilang agar suatu sistem tidak
mengalami pemanasan berlebihan (overheating).
Permukaan suatu benda diperluas dengan pemasangan
Pada permukaan yang dipasangi fin, terjadi perpindahan
panas secara konduksi, konveksi, dan radiasi. Namun jika
suhu permukaan fin tidak begitu tinggi, panas yang
hilang secara radiasi dapat diabaikan.
Fin yang dipasang pada sebuah alat diharapkan dapat
memberikan efisiensi pendinginan yang maksimal
dengan biaya untuk bahan dan pembuatan fin yang

Fin Equation

An important consideration in the design of finned surfaces is the selection of the

proper fin length L. Normally the longer the fin, the larger the heat transfer area
and thus the higher the rate of heat transfer from the fin. But also the larger the
fin, the bigger the mass, the higher the price, and the larger the fluid friction.
Therefore, increasing the length of the fin beyond a certain value cannot be

justified unless the added benefits outweigh the added cost. Also, the fin
efficiency decreases with increasing fin length because of the decrease in fin
temperature with length. Fin lengths that cause the fin efficiency to drop below 60
percent usually cannot be justified economically and should be avoided. The
efficiency of most fins used in practice is above 90 percent.

Here, Ab is the cross-sectional area of the fin at the base and Q no fin represents
the rate of heat transfer from this area if no fins are attached to the surface.
An effectiveness of fin = 1 indicates that the addition of fins to the surface
does not affect heat transfer at all. That is, heat conducted to the fin through
the base area Ab is equal to the heat transferred from the same area Ab to the
surrounding medium. An effectiveness of fin < 1 indicates that the fin actually
acts as insulation, slowing down the heat transfer from the surface. This
situation can occur when fins made of low thermal conductivity materials are
used. An effectiveness of fin > 1 indicates that fins are enhancing heat
transfer from the surface, as they should. However, the use of fins cannot be
justified unless fin is sufficiently larger than 1. Finned surfaces are designed on
the basis of maximizing effectiveness for a specified cost or minimizing cost for a
desired effectiveness.

The thermal conductivity k of the fin material should be as high as possible.

Thus it is no coincidence that fins are made from metals, with copper,
aluminum, and iron being the most common ones. Perhaps the most widely
used fins are made of aluminum because of its low cost and weight and its
resistance to corrosion.
The ratio of the perimeter to the cross-sectional area of the fin p/Ac should be
as high as possible. This criterion is satisfied by thin plate fins and slender
pin fins.
The use of fins is most effective in applications involving a low convection
heat transfer coefficient. Thus, the use of fins is more easily justified when
the medium is a gas instead of a liquid and the heat transfer is by natural
convection instead of by forced convection. Therefore, it is no coincidence
that in liquid-to-gas heat exchangers such as the car radiator, fins are placed
on the gas side.

1. Steam mengalir melalui sebuah tube (dimensi dapat dilihat di gambar).
Di permukaan luar tube (suhu dinding luar tube 180oC), terdapat fin
yang terbuat dari aluminium (k=180 W/m. oC). Setiap satu meter tube
terdapat 250 fin. Suhu fluida di sekitar fin 25oC dengan koefisien
perpindahan panas 40 W/m2.oC.
a. Hitung kenaikan laju perpindahan panas dari tube dengan adanya
fin. Diketahui efisiensi fin sebesar 98%.
b. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan
fin effectiveness ( ) dan hitung
untuk kasus ini

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