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1.1 Background
Riau Islands Province, directly adjacent to the developed countries of Singapore. This makes
the impact of globalization and technological advancement is growing very rapidly. The
province is known as the Malay culture with a strong tradition, character and manners. One
of Malay literary works are couplets 12 filled with meaning and character and is able to
produce character education.
However, with a growing era of progress of natural science and technological sophistication
makes Malay culture left behind. The impact of globalization on the changing patterns of
Indonesian society is enormous, especially in areas experiencing cultural change and of
course, cultural change is happening now can not be separated from the role of the
community. The younger generation is more attracted to the sophistication of the technology
that makes the younger generation deviant moral and attitude.
The driving factors for the erosion of manners and moral values of students affected by the
technology use is not wise. This has implications for teaching and learning in schools. In the
process of learning, especially learning chemistry often encountered various obstacles
experienced by students. Conventional learning process that makes students active in class,
especially on specific topics such as Organic Chemistry. Therefore, the authors make a
learning innovation that can stimulate the creativity of students and be able to explore
students' cognitive abilities and can preserve the culture of the Riau Islands among students
or young people. The need for the concept of learning innovation within the chemical in
accordance with local knowledge of the province in this regard couplets 12 and organic
chemicals consisting mostly of memorizing the material compounds naming. Where during
the famous chemistry learning with high degree of difficulty with the majority of students
who pursue science only stand in the calculations only. Thus it would be a fun learning when
making a chemical learning concept which integrated into the culture of this region that is
couplets 12. So students more interested in learning chemistry-based culture and also did not
leave the cultural elements of this province that contains advice or advice about character. It
is hoped through this cognitive learning of students in chemistry, especially in the field of
memorizing could be improved as well as the values and moral character are mandated either
by Raja Ali Haji is couplets 12 can preserve Malay culture.
Learning their etnosains it is expected that students and teachers can associate with the local
cultural environment. In implementing the learning, the teacher is not only expressed in
theory, but also can directly pass what values are taken from the learning activities through
character education. With the concept of the integrated science lessons to local culture can
foster the values of character as the character development of young generation in the Riau
Islands. This is because many scientists are great but there is no character values making
prowess to do anything that can harm others. Therefore, through this etnosains student
learning could be the younger generation in the Riau Islands are not only high but also
character berintelektual and can be one of the steps for the younger generation to the
Indonesian character of gold in 2045.
1.2. Formulation of the problem
1. How does the concept of learning strategies through etnosains in this case study chemistry?
2. How is the development of character education through the concept etnosains in Riau

Islands to Indonesia gold in 2045?

1.3. Writing purpose
Based on the background, as for the purpose of this paper is as follows:
1. To produce innovative instructional strategies in this regard to the concept of learning
organic chemistry etnosains to increase interest, student motivation and improve students'
cognitive abilities in the field of organic chemistry rote learning and improve science-based
literary character values of students.
2. To apply the values of character corresponding to character education Gurindam 12.
1.4 Benefits of Writing
Based on the background, the benefits of this paper is as follows:
1. Can add variety to the learning process pelajarankimia eye.
2. It can improve the cognitive abilities of students in the field of organic chemistry
memorizing the material.
3. Can regrow spirit of love for their own regional culture and preserving the culture of the
Malay youth in the Riau Islands.
4. Can make the young generation of character and has good manners through innovation
etnosains chemistry learning concept.
5. Can make the young generation high berintelektual and character.

2.1. Learning innovation
Innovation is defined as something new in certain social situations and is used to answer or
solve a problem (Sanjaya: 2008). The learning method is a planning or a pattern that is used
and the system is less than optimal model of education that can lead to difficult students
understand the concepts of the lessons that must be understood. To avoid such things, it is
necessary to develop an educational model that optimally increase the interest, activity and
creativity of students.
According to the Ministry of Education (2010) The purpose of National Education as a
definition of quality that should be owned by every citizen of Indonesia, developed by
various educational units in various levels and paths. National education goals includes a
variety of human values that must be owned by Indonesian citizens. Therefore, national
education goals is the source of most operations in the development of culture and national
character education.

The new curriculum is to improve the education of character. Character education imparted to
the students in the school's very important didewasa and instilled early does not mean adding
a new field of study, but should should ditumpuhkan character education in the subject
material (Amin, 2012).
In the face of a variety of learning problems learning model being developed, particularly in
this case, namely science learning chemistry with culture. One of them is "Implementation of
Project Based Learning and Culture: Learning Chemistry with Making Drama / The play
Puppet People" which aims to integrate the linkages between culture and the arts. (Suastra, I.
Wayan et al, 2011)
One of the new breakthroughs in learning-based culture in Riau Islands namely Physics in the
poem, which is an innovative work in the field of education kebermanfaatannya very useful
for learners, educators and those who meembacanya. Works made of this makes the reader
interested and provide great benefits for education both locally, nationally and internationally.
With the existence of such learning is a big influence on the poems that are characteristic of
the Riau Islands. (Darson: 2012)
2.2. Gurindam Twelve
According Koentjaraningrat (Widiastuti, 2013), culture is the power of the mind in the form
of creativity, initiative and sense. Budi interpreted as matters relating to human reason, which
is the radiance of the mind and the power of all what is thought, felt and direnung then
practiced in bentuksuatu forces that generate life Riau Islands as a cultural center malay thick
is the legacy of one of the kings of Malay kingdom that Raja Ali Haji who produced many
national works, one of which Gurindam 12. the significance of this work is a description of
thoughts, feelings, attitudes and perspectives of the nation wilt when faced with symptoms in
this life, even social phenomena, including the concept of manners in creating the nation's
future that virtuous character. (Malik, 2014)
However, with a growing era of progress of natural science and technological sophistication
makes Malay culture left behind. The impact of globalization on the changing patterns of
Indonesian society is enormous, especially in areas experiencing cultural change and of
course, cultural change is happening now can not be separated from the role of the
community (Tuloli, 2003). The younger generation is more attracted to the sophistication of
the technology that makes the nation's next deviant moral and attitude. Nation of good
character was marked by the refinement and elevation attitude. Budi was glorified humanity,
medium or prevent a human being in the wrong way or do wrong (Malik, 2014).

2.3. Etnosains in Learning Chemistry

Learning science (IPA), especially chemistry at this time there is a trend of students just learn
it as a product, memorize concepts, theories and laws. Student learning need to be developed
affective and psychomotor besides cognitive (Winkel, 1996).
Chemical subjects are subjects that are considered boring and intimidating for most students
because they are subjects that consist of chemical formulas and calculation. Scary because
there are some subjects that require high mathematical abilities such as stoichiometry,
thermochemical, the rate of reaction, chemical equilibrium, colligative solution, buffer,
hydrolysis, solubility, and electrolysis. Boring due largely composed of subject matter that
requires an understanding by memorizing rumusrumus and properties of substances both

physical properties and chemical properties, such as organic chemistry, atomic structure,
biochemistry, and chemical elements. Learning any subject including chemical subjects can
indeed be boring when administered monotonically with just stuffing, students passively
accept apaadanya the teacher.
In one of the chemical subjects the material is organic chemistry, which discusses carbon
compounds. In this material the student is expected that students can know which consists of
carbon compounds Aliphatic and cyclic compounds and Functional Groups. Students are
expected to identify saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons as well as the nature and its
name, know the usefulness of such hydrocarbon derivatives of general formula, properties,
nomenclature, reactions manufacture and uses. Students often have difficulty in
understanding the concepts that exist in the organic chemical materials, especially in the
materials that require high understanding. Later in the discussion of organic chemical
material requires a student's ability to memorize some materials such as nomenclature, the
type of reaction and usefulness of hydrocarbons.
Organic chemistry has quite a lot of discussion so it is not uncommon students find it difficult
to remember. Learning difficulties can arise from the mistakes of teachers in an effort to steer
students to not just memorize. Definition, nomenclature, and on the use of organic chemistry
to be memorized, students who lack it will be difficult to memorize menganalnya (Ashadi.,
Etnosains learning based on constructivism view that prioritizes the creation of meaning.
Meaningful learning is tailored to fit their learning characteristics of students. Etnosains
approach is the creation of a learning environment strategy and design learning experiences
that integrate culture as part of the process of learning science (Sardjiyo, 2005). In this case
study etnosains implemented in learning organic chemistry with a way to enter the culture in
the learning process.
In the delivery of organic chemical material about the teacher also integrates character
education. The formation of the characters appear when teachers relate the learning materials
to the culture. Active involvement in their learning will bring the values instilled through life
experience and empathy to the environment by demkian teacher does not just convey in
theory, but also can directly pass what values are taken from the learning activities through
character education (Preswich, 2001 ). Thus the necessary motivation for the actors in
education, especially school teachers to integrate learning that gave birth to the character
2.4 Character Education
Today public education is facing severe challenges which represents the culmination of the
effects of globalization. Global situation of the world are supported by the development of
information and communication technology-based computers, has created a common
symptom that learners are very easy to obtain academic information from media exposure.
Learners easily gain increased knowledge and skills of skills, but very limited in the
acquisition of exposure values of character education. Then the pattern of behavior of
learners undergo many changes. The values of manners and decorum are sourced from local
culture which previously upheld by society are becoming obsolete. Current conditions
indicate that a lack of understanding of students about etiquette and manners, often forgotten
values of honesty, frequent breaches of discipline, lack of respect for diversity, low spirit of
self-development, and declining integrity between words and actions. Therefore serious
efforts to make the great value that has been known, back into the culture and character of the

nation. One effort in that direction is to improve national education system with an emphasis
on character education.
In Indonesia, a nation of character education again become a hot topic since 2010.
Development of the culture and character of the nation proclaimed by the Government with a
prefixed 'Declaration of Education Culture and National Character' as a national movement in
January 2010. This was reaffirmed in President's speech at the National Education Day , May
2, 2010. Since then, the character education a debate at the national level. The emergence of
the Declaration was allegedly due to the condition of our nation who exhibit behaviors
antibudaya and antikarakter (Marzuki, 2013). Antibudaya behavior among nations is reflected
in the attitude of the waning of diversity and cooperativeness of Indonesia, in addition to the
strong influence of foreign culture in the midst of society. As for the behavior of nations
antikarakter of which is shown by the loss of the noble values inherent in the nation of
Indonesia, such as honesty, politeness, and togetherness, and is characterized by the
emergence of criminal cases (Marzuki, 2013).
The term character is derived from the Greek charassein and "kharax" the meaning of tools
for making or to Engrave the means to engrave, the word is widely used back in the French
language "caracter" in the 14th century and then sign in English into "character 'before
eventually became Indonesian be a "character". Shape the character as we carve on the
gemstone or hard metal surfaces. Character is character, character, character, or even a
person's personality is formed from the internalization of virtues that are believed and
underlying perspectives, thinking, attitudes, and how to act in the person. Virtue consists of a
number of values, morals, and norms such as honesty, courage to act, trustworthy, respectful
to others. Characters materialize from the community character and the character of the
community is made up of the character of each member of the community of nations (Afandi,
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the
learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the
spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills needed
him, society, nation and state (MONE , 2003). Character education is an education system
with the planting of the values appropriate to the culture of the nation with the component
aspects of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes feelings (affection felling), and action, both
against God Almighty (YME) is good for themselves, communities and nation (Afandi,
By the Ministry of National Education (2011), have identified 18-character value that needs
to be imparted to the students who come from religion, Pancasila, Culture, and the National
Education Goals. Eighteenth values are: 1) religious, 2) honest, 3) tolerance, 4) discipline, 5)
hard work, 6) creative, 7) independently, 8) democratic, 9) curiosity, 10) the national spirit,
11) love of the homeland, 12) recognize excellence, 13) friends / communicative, 14) love
peace, 15) likes to read, 16) to care for the environment, 17) social care, 18) responsibility.
Although there are 18 grades have been formulated forming the character of the nation, in
every education unit can determine development priorities. Selection of these values stand of
interests and conditions of each educational unit. This is done through the analysis of the
context, so that its implementation is possible there are different types of character values
developed. Implementation of character values that will be developed can be started from the
values that are essential, simple, and easy to perform (MONE, 2011).

3.1 Learning Strategy Concept Through Chemistry Etnosains
Culture is as true that no man is living in a society that is not based on cultural values
recognized that society. Cultural values were used as the basis of giving meaning to a concept
and meaning in communication between members of the community. Such important cultural
positions in public life requires that culture becomes a source of educational value in the
culture and character of the nation.
As a country that is based on the values of Pancasila and cultural values that teach kindness
attitude and character, this is what needs to be instilled in students. Learning that has been
attempted is a balance or harmony between the knowledge itself to the cultivation of
scientific attitudes, and values of local wisdom and growing community. Therefore, the sociocultural environment of students need to be given serious attention in developing education in
Etnosains applied through the integration of local cultural values couplets 12 on chemical
subjects. Chemical subjects in this case presented by way of organic chemistry with couplets
12. mengkolaborasikannya chemical subjects are subjects that are considered boring and
intimidating for most students because they are subjects that consist of chemical formulas and
calculation. Scary because there are some subjects that require high mathematical abilities
such as stoichiometry, thermochemical, the rate of reaction, chemical equilibrium, colligative
solution, buffer, hydrolysis, solubility, and electrolysis. Boring due largely composed of
subject matter that requires an understanding by memorizing formulas and properties of
substances both physical properties and chemical properties, such as organic chemistry,
atomic structure, biochemistry, and chemical elements. Any subjects including chemical
subjects can indeed be boring when administered monotonically with just stuffing, students
passively accept what the teacher. In this case one material chemistry lesson is that discuss
the division of Organic Chemistry of carbon compounds. In organic chemistry teaching has
quite a lot of discussion so it is not uncommon students find it difficult to remember.
Learning difficulties can arise from the mistakes of teachers in an effort to steer students to
not only memorize, but also teaching technique that the teacher gave less support in terms of
the discussion on the definition, nomenclature, reactions and on the use of organic chemistry
must be memorized so that students who are less able to memorize it will be difficult to
For that presentation couplets 12 in materials chemistry, especially organic chemistry through
etnosains concept by integrating the values of the local culture is expected to assist the
student in mind. Gurindam consists of two couplets and there is a causal relationship,
couplets 12 containing the values of character and couplets in organic chemistry in order to
foster a love of culture and easier to understand the material of organic chemistry.
In this concept the expected learning materials that are considered difficult chemistry
presented through different concepts, with their cultural elements in it are expected to
cultivate students' interest in learning chemistry. In the execution of teachers of chemistry is
no longer just use the lecture method, but the teacher can give you an idea of how the subject

matter presented in couplets of organic chemistry and the first teacher should be able to
explain couplets 12 works of Raja Ali Haji and then give an example to the students of the
Organic Chemistry in couplets.
Teachers can also engage students to develop their creative ideas in developing the organic
chemical materials in couplets with the way students take over in making chemicals in
couplets, so students become better remember the material they create, and easier for them to
understand. To be considered boring learning methods with lectures, teachers can ask
students to present their work and other students become more excited untu expend their
creative ideas. After that, teachers can conduct outcome evaluation study organic chemistry in
couplets, to measure how students understand the material with the learning method like this.
Etnosains Reviewed 12 couplets very exciting to be applied to the learning process. Aside
from being a towing students' interest in learning, students also get to know and learn and
love the culture of their respective regions. Cultural values embodied in learning also creates
a feeling of love of the homeland, which contains the values of Pancasila therein.
To determine the success of this concept in the learning process teachers can analyze the
results by giving questionnaires to students on how their interest in learning this way. With so
teachers can know how difficulty and ease students in organic chemistry to understand the
material in this method.
Implementation steps to realize the idea of learning the concept etnosains Reviewed 12
couplets on organic chemistry as follows:
1. Understand the values contained in couplets.
2. Mesosialisasikan first distinctive culture, namely Riau Islands Province couplets.
3. Make Design Education Program (RPP) subjects Chemistry.
4. Implement appropriate learning materials RPP into couplets
5. Make the appropriate couplets subject matter based chemical character.
6. Apply a clam-based learning culture (couplets) and character in the classroom.
7. Conduct periodic evaluation of this learning process.
8. Make improvements and increased innovation learning the results of evaluations received
via questionnaire and Questionnaire.
9. couplets Chemical analysis on the topic of organic chemistry with research instruments.
10. Conduct evaluation of the interest and motivation of students through Kuisonier /
Questionnaire which include interviews with experts.
11. Evaluate through expert research in accordance with such studies by literary experts,
strategists islands and chemists.
Table 1. Examples of Chemistry in Gurindam
Gurindam 12 Nlai Organic chemistry character in couplets
Anyone who knows the world

He knew stuff that beguiled the human Being responsible for yourself and your family from a
world full of trickery with trickery of Satan Those who know the naming of alcohol
The suffix ana replaced by anol
Anyone who knows who the

He knew the meaning of fear behave obedient and submissive, disciplined running printah
worship to Allah SWT including printah boss at the office working places Whoever knows
You know he -ANA replaced
If the eye terpeliharakan

Sedikitlah good moral ideals for mencaga senses When used formaldehyde
That aldehyde compound
The liver was the kingdom in the body

If zalim all members were collapsed Intelligence hearts like social intelligence such as caring
for the environment, not overbearing, helpfulness, tolerance, solidarity and others Processing
of palmitic acid in the soap
Important compounds in carboxylic acids
If you want to know the learned
Learn and ask tiadalah weary virtuous noble character, noble, civilized, polite, bertatakrama,
respect older If you want to know test alkenes
Bayer is our reaction to
Search by you will be friends
Which may be used as medicine bersilaturahim, tolerance, tepo selero, understanding the
condition of the companions Used ethanol
Compounds of alcohol
If many speechless

Therein lies the entrance Do not lie and lie Where sounding octyl acetate
Citrus aroma immediately remembered
Whoever treasonous himself

Moreover, the more trustful and honest If the yellow color is formed in the benzene ring
Xanthoproteic reaction that we use
Know that no good deed but done

Instead of human yaitulah clean incubus Heart is the source of good behavior. Because a
good or bad deeds are driven by heart isomer carboxylic acid ester function
Isomer alcohol ether function
With fathers do ungodly
So that God is not angry Obey, obey and not against parents recognize When toluene
Materials usefulness peledaklah
let the meritorious
To the countryman Love the motherland, loyal to the state, not faded sense of nationalism,
keeping the NKRI Iodoform haloalkanes
Antiseptic in use
King consensus with minister
Like a garden of thorns berpagarkan Respect opinion, the position of mutual respect, mutual
maintain the dignity of individuals and groups, subordinate leaders and vice versa loved
chloroform solvent haloalkanes
Substitution reaction of alkanes

3.2 Development Strategy Concept of Character Education Through Etnosains in Riau

Islands Indonesia Towards Gold 2045
In the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 mandates the Government shall
manage and organize a national education system that enhances faith and devotion to God
Almighty and noble character in the context of national life that is governed by law.
Character education or manners can be interpreted as pedidikan values, moral education,
education character that aims to develop the ability of learners to make decisions either
preserve what is good and spread the goodness in everyday life (Djoko Santoso, Director
General of Higher Education in Amin, 2012). In the cultural values that exist today actually
has embodied the moral values which should be an implementation of character education
itself. The essence of education is to be on the actual characters themselves protege
embedded and grow behavior to please others, as well as from society every day kelauar
words were polite, courteous, and friendly either at home or at school. It would be a separate
problem when students are not able to withstand the current environment socially inclined
beyond the control of parents, such as at school.
In strengthening the cultural values of each region in Indonesia, especially in the province of
Riau Islands, educators do not want to lose the solution to how students not only learn, but
also to rebuild the love of a culture that teaches the values of character. Not to be outdone by
the development of technology that makes many people interested, educators also want the
same thing, namely how peseta students are also interested in culture they have. Therefore,
there arose a concept etnosains as learning innovation that combines the selected subjects,
especially science in this case is a chemical that is considered extremely difficult with the

culture of the area.

In the concept of the couplets etnosains 12 as one of the province's local wisdom in learning
chemistry is a new breakthrough in order to input the values of the culture contained in
couplets into the world of learning. Given this etnosains, learners who have high levels of
boredom and the trend is difficult to learn first chemical-related subjects can be motivated to
increase the interest of students to learn chemistry material especially Organik.Untuk
implement the values of character code contained in couplets 12 into the chemistry learning
organic, then the students are required to understand first about values contained in it and
understand related couplets 12 itself. Character values to be achieved in etnosains concept
that learning organic chemistry in couplets 12 is not unrelated to the values of character
education in general. Character values obtained from this study will be aligned with the
values contained in couplets 12.
Etnosains their concept of learning can make a learning process becomes more attractive so
as to improve students' cognitive abilities. The concept of learning etnosains in couplets 12
against organic chemical materials able to put the character values in students considering
couplets 12 lots containing advice or counsel and character values. Basically the goal of
character education is how to be the formation of values of social and cultural life of the
nation Indonesia learner sourced from the noble values of local wisdom that is still held in
high esteem by the public. With the concept of learning is expected to be able to instill
character values in the younger generation in the Riau Islands as one of the initial steps
towards Indonesia gold in 2045.
2045 will be the most important moment in the history of Indonesia. Because in the year
2045, this nation entered the age of 100 years of independence. And in the same year
Indonesia will be filled by generations of gold. In building the 2045 golden generation, the
necessary effort and performance synergy between all parties. Therefore, to give birth to the
golden generation must be supported by all parties.

4.1 Conclusions
1. The chemistry is a subject that is considered boring and intimidating for most students
because they are subjects that consist of chemical formulas and count with couplets culture in
order to increase the interest of learners. In concept this etnosains expected learning materials
that are considered difficult chemistry presented through different concepts, with their
cultural elements in it are expected to grow the interest and motivation of students to learn
2. With etnosains concepts in chemistry learning that their cultural integration couplets 12 at
study organic chemistry is a new breakthrough in order to input the values of the culture
contained in couplets into the world of learning. Learners who have high levels of boredom
and the trend is difficult to learn first chemical-related subjects can be motivated to increase
the interest of students to study subjects especially Organic Chemistry. Etnosains in the
learning expected of these character values / character contained in couplets 12 can be
inputted through learning into organic chemistry in order to foster good character in young

people, especially in the province of Riau Islands as a first step towards the gold Indonesia
2045. Generation gold 2045 is expected to be the next-generation successor to the nation's
progress. Therefore, need to be prepared generation that not only has a high intellect but also
character to realize the dreams and ideals of the nation Indonesia.
4.2 Rekomendasi
The advice can be given through this paper is the need for cooperation with the school to
apply the concept etnosains in this study, and the need to do further research on the
effectiveness of the concept etnosains in learning chemistry in couplets 12. The success of the
realization of this concept etnosains the learning process can secrete young people who are
not only superior in terms of cognitive but also in affective and psychomotor as well as young
people can realize by integrating cultural character that contains a lot of character values as a
preliminary step towards Indonesian young generation of gold in 2045.

Menuju Indonesia Emas 2045 15 Mei 2014 23:46:58 Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2015 22:29:52
Dibaca : 3,206 Komentar : 0 Nilai : 0 Program 100 tahun kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia
pada tahun 2045 diharapkan menjadi tonggak Indonesia Emas pada saat peringatannya dan
realitasnya. Indonesia Emas dimaknai dengan kondisi negara yang Maju, Makmur, Modern,
Madani, dihuni oleh masyarakat yang berperadaban seperti yang dimaksud. Persiapan selama
kurang lebih 40 tahun sebelumnya, sejak diberlakukan undang-undang Pendidikan Nasional,
dan undang-undang Guru dan Dosen -- sebutlah sejak 2005, Pemerintah telah mempersiapkan
perangkat aturan terkait dengan tujuan itu. Sebutlah salah satunya adalah menetapkan aturan
tentang PAUD dan mengimplementasikannya di seluruh pelosok negeri. Penegasan
pendidikan di PAUD berbasis Pembangunan Karakter dan Budipekerti berbasis Budaya dan
Kearifan lokal diharapkan menjadi pondasi mental yang tangguh anak-anak bangsa pada
tataran pendidikan yang paling rendah. Output dari PAUD akan menjadi input di TK, dan
output TK akan menjadi input di SD dan secara berkesinambungan ke jenjang berikutnya,
tetap mendapat penegasan pendidikan berbasis Karakter, Budipekerti, Warisan Budaya, dan
Kearifan lokal, sehingga Pemerintah dalam hal ini merombak Kurikulum yang dikenal
dengan Kurikulum 2013, Kurikulum Kecakapan Hidup. Implementasi Kurikulum 2013
sendiri sampai tulisan ini dibuat (Mei 2014) masih banyak kedodoran di sana-sini. Sebagai
contoh proses rekruitmen dan penularan para Instruktur Kurikulum yang belum beres,
Perubahan buku teks dan buku pegangan guru terkait Kurikulum 2013 belum beres juga.
artinya yang sudah tercetak akan tidak terpakai dan rencana akan dicetak baru. Apalagi
Implementasi di lapangan, di sekolah-sekolah banyak yang kedodoran dan asal-asalan. Di
satu sisi pembenahan tenaga pendidik secara stimulan terus dilakukan dengan bingkai
mencetak guru profesional, dari guru-guru yang sudah ada kontinyu disertifikasi dan
mahasiswa keguruan maupun non keguruan yang berminat menjadi guru dan sudah lulus
sarjana wajib mengikuti PPG. Semuanya memang masih berproses, namun dari yang sudah
terjadi tidak ada salahnya untuk di evaluasi. Realitasnya Indonesia Emas diprioritaskan cukup
100 tahun terwujud -- tidak perlu seperti Amerika Serikat yang perlu waktu 200 tahun untuk
menjadi negara maju -- , telah dipikir dan diperhitingkan oleh para cerdik pandai, tokohtokoh nasional negara ini dengan bijaksana. Kerangka besarnya sangat kuat dan indah, namun
kerangka-kerangka kecilnya perlu diawasi dan dianalisis secara detail kemajuannya.
Beberapa analisis muncul di benak penulis yang membuat gundah dan gamang akan
kesuksesan tujuan besar dan mulia Menuju Indonesia Emas ini. Pertama, pihak pemerintah
dalam hal ini Departemen Pendidikan nasional maupun Departemen terkait lainnya,
melaksanakannya, merealisasikan blue print visi Indonesia Emas ini hanya sebatas proyek.
Proyek yang dilakukan per program yang ditargetkan. Apalagi terkesan Proyek akan jalan

jika ada pendanaan, dan proyek akan berhenti jika sudah tidak ada dana. Walhasil,
kekontinuitas program tidak jalan, hal demikian tercopy sampai jajaran tingkat yang paling
bawah-- sekolah--. Hasilnya apa ? produk program yang serba parsial -- patah-patah--,
bahkan putus sama sekali. Sebut saja sebagai contoh, pendidikan karakter dan budaya yang
seharusnya terintegratif di setiap mata pelajaran di segala jenjang pendidikan, sekarang ini
mati kutu. Kurikulum baru yang nota bene sebagai kurikulum berbasis Kecakapan Hidup -melatih murid agar mampu survival di masa depan, dengan mengedepankan vokasional,
prakarya, masih tumpang tindih pelaksanaannya di lapangan. Kedua, tingkat perencanaan
yang rendah tampak menyolok sekali terjadi di jenjang pusat maupun daerah. Terlihat
fenomena sekedar berani dulu, nanti kalau ada yang tidak sesuai akan dibetulkan. Apalagi
tidak semua elemen bangsa memahami visi Indonesia Emas ini yang memang minim
sosialisasi. Taruh contoh pembubaran Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional, pencetakan buku ajar
baru kurikulum 2014 dengan membuang buku-buku yang sudah terlanjur di cetak,
Kebingungan praktisi pendidikan di tingkat sekolah terhadap implementasi pelaksanaan
kurikulum 2014, penyajian pembelajaran dilapangan, dan evaluasinya. Hasilnya tampak
sebagai tidak ada perubahan yang berarti pada aplikasi pembelajaran, dan kualitas outputnya.
Ketiga, ketidaksinergisan semua Institusi kenegaraan dalam menyikapi kesuksesan visi
Indonesia Emas ini tercermin pada tindakan yang sendiri-sendiri dalam perjalanan bernegara.
Terkesan tidak ada kata sepakat untuk menyukseskan program ini. Departemen-departemen
lain berjalan sendiri yaang terkesan asal jalan. Seolah beban ini hanya dipikul oleh
departemen yang hanya menyelenggarakan pendidikan saja. Sementara di kehidupan sosial
masyarakat tidak ada greget sama sekali terhadap visi besar ini, di dunia penyiaran, mass
media tetap bebas menayangkan hal-hal yang justru bertentangan dengan visi besar ini. Visi
besar ini tidak dianggap sebagai Program Nasional. Kalau kita tidak segera mengambil sikap
Sepakat Nasional terhadap kerja besar ini, Saya kira tidak cukup power untuk kita
mewujudkannya. Kita simak sejarah di Amerika Serikat, mereka punya tekad American
Growth, sementara Jepang pernah menpunyai Restorasi Meiji, untuk memajukan negaranya-kita sekarang bahkan tidak punya bentuk tekad pasti. Jayalah Bangsa Indonesia, salam

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