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his report updates a state-of-

the-art paper developed for a

Workshop on Earthquake Resistant

Reinforced Concrete Building Construction (ERCBC) held at the University of California at Berkeley in
July, 1977. Eight other papers84-91
dealing with prestressed and pre80

cast concrete buildings were presented at that Workshop. Information from those eight papers is incorporated into this report along with
research recommendations developed at the Workshop by a Working Group concerned with prestressed and precast concrete.



results for structural steel, reinforced

concrete and prestressed concrete and
There are numerous previous rehave dealt with experimental
views of the state-of-knowledge on studies," hysteresis studies,
i3,24 and
the seismic response characteristic of theoretical predictions of the response
prestressed concrete, Almost as in ch of elements.14
effort has been devoted to review'ng
The paucity of information on the
the work of others as has been s nt
behavior of prestressed concrete eleadvancing the state-of-knowledge.
The state-of-the-art a decade go ments as opposed to reinforced conand the contemporary questions of crete and structural steel elements, is
prime concern to designers are cle rly readily apparent from those reviews.
outlined by Linl" 2 and Despeyrou .30 For the ERCBC workshop, Parks$
The most frequently asked questi us summarized the results of recent work
concerned: (a) possible detrirne tal conducted in New Zealand, outlined
effects of the eccentricity of the t n- the updated recommendations of the
don on reversed loading capabiliti s; FIP Seismic Commission and pre(b) the abruptness of the failure d sented in detail the draft recommenthe degree of energy absorption or dations of the New Zealand Standards
Association for the seismic design of
loading reversals; (c) the design of
joints; (d) appropriate earthqu ke prestressed concrete members. Lin84
input loading criteria and drift c n- drew attention to the controversial,
straints and (e) appropriate struet al unbonded tendon issue and included
configurations for seismic zon s. as an Appendix the FIP Seismic
Lip's, Despeyroux's, and Guyon' i& Commission's, "Report on Prestressed
articles provide the best answ rs Concrete Members with Unbonded
available at the time to each of th se Tendons."
The 1976 Unified Building Code
In 1968 the Cement and Concr to prohibits recognition of the presence
Association 32 published a bibli ; g- of prestressing in concrete members
raphy of articles on the design of of ductile moment resistant frames
earthquake resistant prestressed c sr- designed for a K factor of 0.67 or 0.8.
crete structures and experience w th The reasons lie in the response specthe effects of earthquakes on s"u h trum approach incorporated into the
structures, and Newmark and Hal 27 Code. That approach allows the dediscussed the design of reinforced d signer two choices. 27 A high resisprestressed concrete structures w th tance can be provided and the strucparticular emphasis on their dyn is ture kept virtually elastic or a high
energy absorption can be provided
response characteristics.
In 197066 and 1971 23 Blakeley a d and the structure permitted to deform
Park provided excellent, comprehe - inelastically.
Highly prestressed structures fit
sine, historical reviews of the perf rmance of prestressed structures n more closely the first than the second
earthquakes and of simulated seis is category. However, while providing a
high "resistance they develop large deloading tests on prestressed concre
elements, Four reviews since th t formations approaching those astime have simultaneously examin d sociated with the second category.

JOURNAL/November-December 1977



Y max
- y y
T = period

Y max


y max


? 4C
F- C
g -4C







Fig. 1. Typical force-deformation response.

UBC Code provisions have been built

around the response characteristics of
structural steel and reinforced concrete frames and the characteristics of
prestressed frames do not mesh neatly
with those concepts.
The above difficulties have been
succinctly outlined by Rosenblueth64
and more comprehensively explained
by Nakano. 19 Consider the three diagrams shown in Fig. 1. They repre82

sent, respectively, a nonlinear elastic

system, A, an elastoplastic system, B,
and steady state vibration curves for
cracked prestressed beams, 22 C. System A is a more realistic idealization
of the response of Fig. 1(c) than System B.
Suppose the quantities, y, T, and
are defined as shown on Fig. 1 and
are for an "equivalent" linear system
(a system that has the same natural
period and damping coefficient as the
small-oscillation values for the nonlinear system under consideration).
System A will develop a peak deformation averaging about y f, when
the average acceleration spectrum is
hyperbolic for the range T to T ,fl . In
contrast for System B, peak y values
will be near those of the equivalent
linear system provided T lies within
the hyperbolic range of the acceleration spectrum.
Thus, although the virgin loading
characteristics of the systems are the
same, System A will be subjected to
maximum forces and deformations
approximately greater than those
for System B. Further, if the ground is
soft and a prevailing ground motion
period exists in the T to T , range,
structures of Type A will have an
even less favorable response. If, however, the spectral acceleration decreases faster than 11T for the same
range, Type A structures will have a
more favorable response.
If prestressed concrete members are
to be used as primary lateral load resisting elements they are likely to be
post-tensioned. General design concepts for post-tensioned structures are
now almost the complete reverse of
those of two decades ago. By comparison, conceptual changes have been
considerably less marked for pretensioned concrete so that now design
philosophies for pre- and post-tensioned concrete differ markedly.
In the early days of post-tensioning,
flexural tensile stresses were

minimized with the tendons bei ng percent when there is cracking but no
draped to balance the dead load [us additional deformed bar reinforcesome fraction of the live load. The re- ment. Thus, for prestressed structures,
sulting prestress was relatively h ;h, the cladding has a substantial effect
stresses seldom controlled, and t 're and typically increases damping by
was little additional deformed )ar about 3 percent.13
reinforcement. Now the post-t gin- In an early investigation of dampsioning force is typically determi ed ing, Penzien3 conducted both steady
from allowable flexural tensile st . >ss state and free vibration tests on small
limitations or even deflection crite: -ia. scale prestressed concrete beams. VarMembers are often on the poin of iables were the concrete compressive
cracking or are cracked under gra ity strength, the grade of the prestressing
loads. Deformed bar reinforcemen is bars and the eccentricity of those bars.
used to control cracking and prov .de The steady state tests showed that the
the necessary ultimate strength.
level of prestress and the concrete
This combination of prestress ng strength affected damping only in so
tendons and deformed bar reinfo ^e- far as they affected cracking. In the
ment differs markedly from that u ed free vibration tests the degree of
in most experimental work to date nd damping depended largely on
results in hysteretic response cha ac- whether the previous loading history
teristics more like those of Syste B for the member or the amplitude of
the displacement had caused crackthan those of System C.
Many of the difficulties associai :ed ing.
with prestressed concrete in seise zic In a later study, Spencer22 also conzones are conceptual. The difficult ies ducted steady state vibration tests on
lie not in analyses but in prestress: .ng small scale beams. Variables were the
practices and the assumptions and er- level of prestress, post-tensioning or
lying Code provisions. Ingenuity in pretensioning, and the application of
engineering and recognition of c r- end rotations producing either unirent Code assumptions are needed to form moment or uniform shear along
overcome those difficulties. 16 The e- the length of the member. All memsign recommendations under cons 'd- bers were centrally prestressed and
eration by the FIP Seismic Comer is- contained no deformed bar reinforcesion and the New Zealand Stands: ds ment. Damping ratios were not freAssociation are major efforts to ov r quency dependent and steady state
come those difficulties.
conditions were readily achieved.
Values increased with increasing end
rotations and with increasing prestress
and were higher for shear than for
Damping Internal damping can be moment loading.
divided into (a) elastic damping of he
In contrast to Spencer's results,
equivalent viscous type and (b) inei s- Brondum-Nielsen 29 recently contic hysteretic damping. This sect on ducted free vibration tests on cenconcerns elastic damping. For sn tall trally prestressed beams of a size
oscillations critical damping in r e- more likely to be used in practice and
stressed concrete is greater than in observed that the damping decreased
structural steel and substantially 1 ss as the prestress level increased or the
than in reinforced concrete. Typi al stress amplitude decreased.
In a series of tests on one-third
elastic damping ratios are 1 pert nt
when the prestressing is high enoi i h scale four-story prestressed frames
that the section is untracked, ant 2 containing both prestressing tendons

PCI JOURNAL/November-December j977









(smfsmi+ (ssmfismi2 ( E sm f smis R

tsb __ _ Q
x 3/aE$F52Y
f sa --- P

3/4 E S FS 3

ESFs 11

Z E s Fs 2

E sb -E SG

Q Es





E sFs 2

I 1


L w2


Esa E sb

3ESFs 3

---- f sa


Fig. 2. Measured and idealized stress-strain relationships for prestressing steels

(Reference 14).

and ordinary reinforcement, Nakano'9

observed about 1 percent damping
prior to cracking, about 3 percent at
cracking, and values approaching 7
percent shortly before inelastic action
developed. Further, because the
dynamic forces varied over the height

of the structure the degree of damping

also varied.
Since the amount of damping that
occurs before cracking is small, the
response of structures in the field will
depend strongly on external damping
effects. The influence of non-struc-

tural members and intera^

the soil and supporting mei
be carefully evaluated. 50 E
are needed that define the
of damping after cracking.
Spencer has hypothesize
higher damping ratios for
posed to moment loading
interface shear transfer an(
effects determine the dam
and those effects are high(
loading. If that hypothesis
damping ratios should be less for
lightweight concrete since interface
shear transfer effects are smaller, 1 ss
for strand than for deformed wires ecause bond slip effects are less or
strand, and greater for shorter t an
longer span members because sh ar
and bond slip effects increase as he
span decreases.

havior of beam elements critical in.

flexure.11, 15, -. 20, 36, 46 Further information on the performance of such
elements can also be gained from
beam-column subassemblage23, 61 and
frame tests.19
Most of those elements have been
of extremely small size and outside
the regime of practical proportions.
Many have contained unreasonable
amounts of longitudinal reinforcement
and prestress levels, or there has been
no stirrups, the tendons have not been
eccentric or draped or no additional
bonded longitudinal deformed bars
have been used to ensure net p f , values similar to those necessary for
satisfactory performance of reinforced
concrete elements.27
In the first study of flexural members, Muguruma46 reported unidirecCharacteristics of prestress'ng tional loading tests on small scale, rectangular, eccentrically prestressed
steels Even though the response of
Tendons were both grouted
elements in which flexural effe is
Variables were the
govern is known to strongly reflect he
stress-strain cyclic load characteris ics loading, monotonically increasing, repeated between a minimum and confor the prestressing tendons, little xperimental work has been done on e- stant extreme compression fiber
fining those characteristics. Re r- strain, and repeated between a
ences 17, 20 and 61 report limi ed minimum and a constant maximum
load that initially caused extreme
tensile cycle data and for wires o ly.
compression fiber strains varying beThe result reported in Reference 17
tween 0.0013 and 0.003.
and its idealization for moment-cu aSpencer's tests, 22 described previture analyses are shown in Fig. 2.
ously, were also on small scale recThat data show that, as typical or
high tensile steels, there is a limi ed tangular beams, but in his case the
tendons were central and the loading
amount of hysteresis with unload ng
reversed. Paranagama and Edwards2o
and reloading, that the amount nconducted
unidirectional loading tests
creases with increasing maxim m
on eight small scale, rectangular, ecstrains and that there is a slow red ction in the stiffness with increasi g centrically pretensioned beams repremaximum strains. Larger variations in senting under, balanced and over-reinforced designs.
performance and behavior peculiar to
Inomata'-' compared the reversed
the metallurgical, finishing, and pr or
loading behavior of 12 half
load history for the steel are to be xscale,
reinforced, partially
pected for loading reversals.
prestressed and fully prestressed
beams designed for either the same
Behavior of beam elements cri
in flexure Many researchers I
ultimate strength or the same working
investigated experimentally the I
load. All beams had a stub at midspan
intensity reversed cyclic loading
to simulate a beam-column joint and
PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977


for two specimens there was a mortar

joint between the beam and the stub.
In 1973, Muguruma1 5 reported two
series of tests on small scale rectangular lightweight concrete beams. In
one series of unidirectional loading
tests, both stirrups and deformed bar
longitudinal reinforcement were used
in addition to the straight eccentric
tendon. Variables were the loading intensity with unloading-reloading at
extreme compression fiber strains of
0.0018, 0.002, 0.0022, etc. and the
number of load cycles, 1, 3, 5, 9 or 15.
In the second series of reversed cyclic
loading tests on specimens with similar cross sections, variables were the
presence or absence of stirrups and/or
deformed bar longitudinal steel and
the eccentricity of the tendon.
In 1977, Kvitsaridze summarized
the results of monotonic and uni-directional repeated loading tests on
small scale rectangular pretensioned
beams for which the variables were
the level of prestress and the use of
static or seismic loading rates.
In 1971 Blakeley and Park23 reported reversed cyclic loading tests on
four rectangular full scale exterior
beam-column subassemblages. The
columns were pretensioned and the
beams post-tensioned and grouted.
Additional longitudinal deformed bar
steel and ties were provided in the
columns and beams with the stirrup
steel in two units conforming to ACI
318-71 requirements and being considerably greater than that amount in
another two units. A mortar joint was
provided between the beam and the
column with only the tendons continuous across that joint. Two specimens were proportioned to form plastic hinges in the beam and two to form
plastic hinges in the columns.
In 1977 Park and Thompson61 reported reversed cyclic loading tests on
10 rectangular full scale, fully prestressed, partially prestressed or reinforced concrete beam-interior column

subassemblages cast as a single unit.

Tendons were axially post-tensioned
and grouted and the column made
considerably stronger than the beam
for all specimens. Additional variables
were the shear resistance provided in
the beams and the joints. One prestressed unit was loaded to failure,
repaired and then retested.
Nakano 19 has reported the only test
on a full frame. His structure was a
three-dimensional one-third scale
model of a four-story structure with
prestressed columns and beams. Each
floor was laterally loaded. Four different joint details and four different slab
details were used. A mortar joint with
only prestressing across it was provided between the beams and the
From those experiments and the
performance of prestressed concrete
elements in actual earthquakes,
4,s, 12,31,33,50,51,68,70
the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1. Most prestressed concrete elements, when designed for loading reversals, perform well in earthquakes.
The failures that have occurred have
been due mainly to failures of the
supporting structures or connections.
Many prestressed elements have held
together with little damage even
though they have dropped to the
ground with considerable force. Major
consideration must be given to the
strength of connections and supporting structures.
2. Elements should be designed to
withstand reversals of moment even
when such reversals are not indicated
by analysis. This consideration is extremely important for the corners of
rigid frames 50,70 or the ends of members where unintentional frame action4 may occur. Generally, deformed
bar reinforcement and confinement by
stirrups are necessary to provide
adequate strength under moment reversals. 10, 50 At positions of moment

reversal, tendons near both extre ae tures,28 it is generally appropriate for

fibers are preferable to a single c n- design computations to be based on

static loading strengths
tral tendon."
5. Prior to crushing of the concrete
3. Unless the first damaging lb ad
exceeds about 80 percent of the c )l- or marked inelasticity of the prestresslapse load the capacity in the reve se ing steel, loading-unloading curves
direction is unaffected." , " Fail re are bilinear with ranges correspondunder high intensity loading never; ils ing to crack open and crack closed
will initiate once the extreme cc n- conditions. The loading and unloadpression fiber strain exceeds ab ut ing curves closely parallel one
0.002. For cycling to greater stre us another22, 24 as shown in Fig. 1(c). The
there is a loss in strength and stiffn !ss width between the curves decreases
due to spalling of the compress ^d with cycling to a constant minimum
concrete and penetration of crush rig value once cracking stabilizes after
into the core of the member. 61 T iat two to three cycles to a new peak
degradation can be slowed and he value. There is no sharp change in
ductility and energy absorption .n- stiffness with cracking and only a slow
creased by the addition of eit. er gradual decrease determined mainly
bonded compression reinforcemen or by the magnitude of the previous
confinement but preferably both. I n- maximum loading. 19' 20 Crack reopenless confinement is provided there is ing moments do not change signifia marked degradation in the flexi ral cantly with cycling or with increasing
capacity for beams reversed cyclic Ely previous maximum loadings. 15,22 For a
loaded to in excess of 90 percent of central tendon the closed crack sectheir flexural capacities, 15 Confi e- tion stiffness degenerates with cycling
ment should be by closed stirr ps to about half the untracked section
with a spacing not exceeding ab tut stiffness. The ratio of the crack open
d14. 50' 6 ' Bonded compression re Ln- to crack closed stiffness also falls
forcement takes up some of the los in until it stabilizes at about 0.4 for high
compressive force caused by cone rte prestress levels and 0.2 for low prespalling permitting a small increas, in stress levels. 22,23 In design, cross secthe ductility at the maximum load nd tions may need to be modified to recsome slowing in the subsequent ite ognize such effects. 30,44 The addition
of strength degradation for increa: ng of moderate amounts of longitudinal
displacements. Care must be takes to deformed bar reinforcement or conavoid bond failures of the comp 's finement does not markedly alter
sion steel or tendons acting in co m- these stiffness characteristics."
pression. With stirrups and comp ,S6. Prestressed elements show
sion reinforcement there can be a kin marked elastic recoveries even after
in ultimate strength as large as 16 er- considerable inelastic
cent since ultimate concrete comp 's- Contrasted in Fig. 3 are beam mosive strains develop well in exces of ment-end deflection relations for
three beam-column specimens with
4. Seismic loading rates can re ult similar theoretical flexural strengths
in strength increases of 4 to 7 per( mt and with prestress levels of 1,160,
and ductility increases of 10 to 15 er- 386, and 0 psi, respectively. Because
cent 36 Since seismic loading can re- of elastic recovery effects, residual
suit in rates of straining in critical re- damage and permanent deformations
gions varying from as much as 2.5 n./ for a structure surviving a major earthin./sec. in rigid structures to as little as quake are less for prestressed than re0.025 in./in./sec. in tall, slender st] zc- inforced elements.19.31,44
PCI JOURNAL/November-Decemberl1977



at 7"crs.
dia, tendons


1_L4_tha. Grade 40
tf^a cover to

5 Y


Unit t





Beam End Deflection


f 50 1160 psi


3i dia. stirrups

dia. tendon


e Grade 40
(F cover to

Unit 2

fp, = 386 psi

at 3. crs.
4- 1 %a dia. Grade 4

ti /

2-1"dia. Grade 40

Unit 3

Fig. 3. Moment-end deflection relationships for beam-column subassemblages

(Reference 61).

7. The dynamic loading res onse

for small vibrations is not the sa e as
that for large vibrations. Strain 1 eels
in the extreme compression fiber must
exceed about 0.0006 before lar'e vibration response is obtained.
8. Energy dissipation for prestressed concrete elements is less
than for reinforced concrete ele ents
because of elastic recovery effec s. In
general, the residual tensile for e in
the prestressing steel is adequa e to
close previously open cracks. hus,
significant energy dissipation doe not
develop until the deformed ba reinforcement yields, the prest essing steel yields, or the concrete
crushes.17, 18, 19, 23, 28
9. Prestressed members dam ged
by inelastic action can be readl repaired and most of their resistanc restored.'
10. Recognition of the two 1 vel
earthquake loading concept (mod rate
and severe earthquakes) is de irable 5O Cracking and cyclic effec s of
the first earthquake may signific ntly
change the response of the fram for
the second earthquake.
11. Mortar joints between mem ers
can perform well and remain es entially rigid provided the tendon in intains compression across them.",1 23
12. For subassemblages ith
bonded tendons, plastic hinge len s
typically equal one-half the b am
depth or one-half the column d pth
regardless of the presence of a mo ar
joint within that length. There is no
significant change in the plastic hi ge
length with cycling or increasing inelastic rotations.23, c1 Informatio is
lacking on plastic hinge lengths for
members with unbonded tendons.
13. For sections similar in all respects, except for the eccentricity of
the tendon, there are no mar ed
changes in strength, stiffness, ene gy
absorption or energy dissipation
characteristics with changing ten on
eccentricities. 15 At the design mom nt
PCI JOURNAL/November-December 11977

the neutral axis depth should not exceed about 0.25 of the overall depth of
the section and the design moment
should not exceed 1.3 times the cracking moment,
There are valid economic reasons
for exploring the use of prestressed
concrete framing as a primary lateral
load resisting system in seismic
zones. 50 One approach might be to
proportion tendon quantities from vertical service load stresses and deflection criteria and to provide bonded
reinforcing bar based on ultimate vertical load and earthquake load criteria.
Such procedures are likely to lead to
greater reinforcing bar areas than in
the tests conducted to date and provide hysteresis loops less anemic than
those obtained to date.
Experimental research should be
conducted based on this model and
recommendations developed, following the New Zealand example,"' for
limitations on the amounts and distributions of prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement for seismic
loading, on confinement requirements
for prestressed members, and on desirable minimum values for the ratio
of the ultimate moment to the cracking moment. Typical damaged units
should be repaired and retested so
that the difficulties in making such
repairs and their effectiveness is determined.
Behavior of beam elements critical
in shear and bond There is little information available on the behavior of
elements critical in shear or bond and
subject to high intensity cyclic loadings. 24' 27 In Blakeley and Park's
tests, 23 large inelastic deformations
were obtained even when the shear
reinforcement only satisfied ACI
318-71's requirements for prestressed
concrete. In Park and Thompson's
tests61 the shear stresses in the beams
varied between 1.52 f and 1.8
so that either the concrete or the steel


was capable of carrying the entire

shear. Again, no adverse shear effects
were observed. In contrast, from the
performance of prestressed structures
in earthquakes4 it is apparent that
shear can be a problem when proper
provision is not made for moment reversals or frame action. Members
should be proportioned so that their
shear strengths exceed their flexural
strength.50, 7
The tests by Kaar and Hanson5 have
provided some relevant information
on unidirectional repeated loading
bond effects for members with a crack
in or near the transfer length. The
bond transfer lengths and the performance under cyclic loading were very
sensitive to the surface condition and
method of release for their 3/s-in. diameter 7-wire strands. Lengths varied
from 40 diameters for lightly rusted
strands released gently to 80 diameters for smooth strands released suddenly. Lightly rusted strands could
take 3 x 106 cycles of a loading severe
enough to open a crack more than
0.001 in. without requiring a distance
from the support to the load greater
than the transfer length. In contrast,
that length had to be 50 percent more
than the transfer length for only 1000
cycles of a similar loading and a
smooth strand.
Grouting and anchoragesThere is
a wide divergence of opinion on
whether ducts should be grouted.51, 84, ss Kvitsaridze 36 found that
the energy absorption for grouted
bars was 30 to 40 percent greater than
that for bonded bars but only 10 to 20
percent greater than that for unbonded bars. The difference was
mainly due to varying plastic hinge
Muguruma46 found that while
the response of bonded beams was
better in the first and perhaps the second and third cycles to a new peak,
any difference dissipated rapidly with

further cycling as a result of the

grouted tendons losing bond.
Under cyclic loading the fatigue life
of a tendon assembly is likely to be
cut by a factor of 10 or its endurance
limit by a factor of 2 if tendons are
unbonded as opposed to bonded.
With bonded tendons the fatigue
characteristics of the tendon control
while with unbonded tendons those
of the anchorage control.48, I The
fatigue characteristics of the anchorage are sensitive to the number of
tendons anchored, the method of
gripping the tendons, the hardness of
the seating material and any local
bending effects at the anchorage. 71 All
these findings are for unidirectional
loading. Park's tests 23' 61 show that debonding is aggravated by loading reversals on the tendon.
One of the main reasons for grouting tendons is to prevent corrosion.70
However, if the earthquake causes
longitudinal cracking through the
grout, capillary action could accelerate corrosion. Because of the rapid
loss in bond with cyclic loading and
the increased possibility of corrosion
if cracking develops, why bother with
grouting? Lin S4 has also noted that
since unbonded tendons remain elastic even after a severe earthquake,
structures containing them will cost
less to repair. Park85 suggests that in
roof and floor systems not contributing to frame action, tendons can be
unbonded provided suitable precautions are taken against corrosion, fire,
and fatigue distress.
Careful consideration must be given
to the location of tendon anchorages 5
They should not be placed in regions
of high bending or rotation since their
capacity can be adversely affected.70
Mujumdar88 has noted that post-tensioning tendons are frequently used to
provide vertical continuity in precast
concrete bearing wall structures and
anchorages are often located in re-

gions where reversed cyclic loadin

most intense.
Consideration must also be give
the flow of forces from the anchor
For example, if they are anchore,
the outer face of an exterior colu
does the flow of forces adversely
feet the behavior of the joint?
Blakeley and Park's tests 23 a sl
beam stub protruding beyond the
umn was used to anchor the tend4
In Hawkins and Trongtham's slab
tenor column test59 the tendons w
anchored at the exterior face of
column. They were ineffective
controlling torsional cracking at
junction of the discontinuous edgy
the slab adjacent to the column ,
further, that cracking initiated eai
than for comparable reinforced c
crete specimens.
Specifications for tendon syste
and especially anchorage devices,
serve further attention. The 50-cl
ACI-ASCE Committee 423 test94
sults in a maximum possible ten
force change about twice that likel,
statically, reversed cyclically loaf
flexural members. However, it d
not ensure desirable seismic beha,
and may be inadequate for vert
continuity tendons or tendons
chored in regions of high rotation.
Beam-column connectionsIn P;
Thompson's 61 slab-interior colu
subassemblage tests the ratio of
maximum horizontal shear expec
to act on the connection to
theoretical strength for the core
dieted from ACI-ASCE Commie
352's recommendations 72 ranged f
0.71 to 1.13. Considerable degradai
occurred in those joints in which
hoop steel yielded during the first
elastic load cycle to 95 percent of
theoretical flexural strength of
beam. The strength of the joint t
controlled the strength of the sul
semblage and a large portion of
subsequent inelastic deformations

is curred in the joint along diagonal tension cracks. The units with tendons
i to passing through the central portion of
ge. the joint performed better than those
at without tendons.
an, Park and Thompson recommended
af- that the joint's horizontal shear
In strength be taken as the sum of the
ort shear carried by any tendons located
ol- within the joint's central third, the
ns. joint's hoop steel and if the mean colex- umn compressive stress exceed 0.1
ire the shear carried by the concrete. In
:he Nakano's frame 19 prestressing tendons
for from both the column and the beam
:he passed through the joint. The characof teristics of the joints affected cracking
sd, in the surrounding slabs and frame.
Particular care is needed in the de)n- tailing of portal frame corners where
both beam and column tendons may
ns, be anchored at adjacent edges. 70 As
le_ for reinforced concrete structures, it is
cle highly desirable that joints should be
re- ductile and stronger than the mem[on bers joined for the maximum loads
in and deformations expected as a result
.ed of seismic loadings.


)es Slab-column connectionsResults

for of moment transfer tests on six unal bonded post-tensioned prestressed
n- concrete slab-column connections
have been reported by Hawkins and
k- Trongtham. 59, 60 One specimen simulated a lift slab-interior column conhe nection, another a cast-in-place slabed exterior column connection and four
e specimens, cast-in-place slab interior
e_ column connections. In the latter tests
e variables were the loading history and
m the distribution of the tendons, In one
n specimen tendons in the direction of
e moment transfer were bundled
n- through the column, in a second they
e were bundled in the transverse direce tion and in the other two specimens
n the tendons were distributed in both
^- directions.
The proportions and loading for
these full scale specimens were cho-

PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977








L';t t_1d









4-'/,2.p TENDONS PER BUNDLE ----^'







Fig. 4a. Dimensions and reinforcement for Specimen 1 (Reference 59).

















a- 3



Fig. 4b. Lateral Toad-edge deflection

relationships for slab-column
subassemblages (Reference 59).
PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977

sen so that the stress and deformation

conditions on the connections and the
reinforcement in the connection region closely simulated those likely in
a prototype structure. Thus, to provide
the ultimate capacity required for the
prototype and to better distribute
cracking in the column region,
bonded deformed bar reinforcement
was provided in accordance with ACT
31S-71 requirements. Details of the
dimensions and reinforcement for a
specimen with tendons bundled in
the transverse directions are shown in
Fig. 4a.
Three of the connections were
loaded to a shear equal to the design
dead load plus two live loads and then
subjected to three reversed cycles of
moment transfer loading between 30
and 65 percent of the ultimate moment measured in a subsequent
monotonic moment transfer test to
failure. The other connection was
loaded to a shear equal to the design
dead load and then subjected to three
reversed cycles of moment transfer to
40 percent of the ultimate moment
measured in a subsequent monotonic
moment transfer test. Lateral load
edge deflection results for the first
three specimens are shown in Fig. 4b
and for the fourth specimen in Fig. 5.
For the first three specimens it is
apparent that the best hysteretic performance was obtained when the
amount of prestressing tendons
through the column region was a
minimum. For all three specimens the
width of the hysteresis loops decreased rapidly with cycling showing
the dominating elastic recovery effects caused by the prestressing tendons in spite of yielding of the
bonded bars passing through the column.
In Fig. 5 the response for the fourth
slab is compared with that for a similarly loaded reinforced concrete slab
with integral beam stirrups. In spite of
the use of distributed tendons in the










W 1.50
I.50.50 -















Fig. 5. Comparison of lateral load-edge deflection relationships for reinforced and

prestressed concrete slab-column subassemblages (Reference 59).
prestressed slab, its energy dissipation characteristics were not as good
as those of the reinforced slab. Elastic
recovery effects again dominated the
response. The behavior at the ultimate capacity indicates that the
energy absorption capacity for the
prestressed slab for cyclic loading
would probably be as good as that for
the reinforced slab (see Fig. 5).
Flat plate construction is frequently
used as part of the gravity load carrying framework in seismic zones.
Slab-column connections must be capable of transferring all required loads
at the deformations likely in a severe
earthquake. If a designer has any
doubts about the safety of those connections, he is likely to consider
strengthening them by prestressing

the slab before he resorts to redesigning the lateral load resisting elements.
Thus, there are valid economic and
practical reasons for exploring the
likely behavior of prestressed slabcolumn connections subjected to
simulated seismic loading. That research should build on the type of
structural design concept utilized by
Hawkins and Trongtham.
From the results of high intensity
reversed cyclic loading tests, recommendations should be developed for
limitations on the amount and distribution of prestressed and bonded
reinforcement in the column area and
for predicting the stiffness of such
connections for lateral loading. Particular attention should be paid to
slab-exterior column connections for








L \Z9




Fig. 6a. Dimensional and rein

model frame in direction of lo-,
on next page. Note that main
dimensions are in millimeters.

nent details of four-story prestressed concrete

(Reference 19). For load response see Fig. 6b
isions are in meters and cross-sectional

which specific recommendat ons

should be made for location of to don
anchorages and for assessment o the
effective prestress forces acting o the
critical section for shear.
Frames As discussed in the ection on beam elements critical in exure, Nakano19 has reported the my
test on a full frame. Details of the
frame in the direction of loading are
PCI JOURNAL/November-Decembe 1977

given in Fig. 6a. The measured and

predicted values for the first mode of
vibration and the natural period
agreed closely. Damping prior to
cracking was negligible and only 7
percent after cracking. Torsional
cracking of the edge beams transverse
to the direction of loading occurred
earlier than expected and reduced the
rigidity of the floor system. There was





0 3


0 40




6X.IO `2MM to

bxIQ-2MM i0
/v &v 4M




v A5W

,r0 a


X I O 2 MM



/o ax10-2MM








'S o

p ^t0


D aQ'

0 30


4 X IO 2 MM /o
.gym acv 4W

4W Aw /2w

io 6XIO 2 MM





4X 9V r<W A%V





Lateral load response of four-story prestressed concrete frame

(Reference 19). For details of frame see Fig. 6a on previous page.

Fig. 6b.





0 10.1




J 4.1

FMa' ^21ri
SAWUi, . 'I
1.0 ZA 3.0 40 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0


Fig. 7. Lateral load-deflectio re lationship for one-story prestressed
concrete portal frame (Refer nce 70).

no sharp change in stiffness ith

cracking and only a slow contin ous
decrease in the post-cracking ra ge.
The natural period increased sl wly
with increasing post-cracking 1 ads
and shortly prior to the formatio of
the first plastic hinge in the frame the
period was only 30 percent gre ter
than the initial value.
Nakano concluded that prestre sed
concrete frames are likely to ave
seismic response characteristics ery
different to those of reinforced oncrete frames. Under a seismic loa ing
that stresses the latter inelastic lly,
the prestressed frame would prob bly
still respond elastically. His struc re
did not go inelastic until deflect ons
of the order of twice the maximum deflection ordinarily permitted for s eel
frames in Japan. Fig. 6b shows the
lateral load-deflection diagram for
each floor of the frame shown in ig.
6a (see p. 95).
In the subsequent discussion,
Nakano used the lateral load-deflection test result for a one-s ory
frame shown in Fig. 7 as evide ce
that adequate ductility and energy abPCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977

sorption can be provided by appropriate design of prestressed frames.

Modeling of
load-deformation results
The two existing methods l',20 for
theoretically predicting measured
load-deformation results have been
succinctly reviewed by Park. 14 In
their 1969 investigation Paranagama
and Edwards 2 utilized a variable
strain compatibility factor F to obtain
agreement between measured and
predicted results for their pretensioned beams. The factorF related the
steel and concrete strains at the level
of the prestressing steel. Other assumptions were a linear distribution
of concrete strains over the depth of
the member, and known loading-unloading stress-strain relations.
The value of F required to achieve
agreement with the measured moment-curvature envelopes was high
initially and only tended to unity at
ultimate load. Use of the same F factors did not yield good agreement
with the measured load-unloading


oe EM Ms_
W" W
i= 1,

^..E /UN




Fig. 8. Measured and predicted moment-curvature curves for beam and column
regions of beam-column subassemblages, (Reference 17).

curves. Agreement for that case required use of another set of F factors.
In retrospect, it is apparent that the
poor agreement between measured
and predicted results was due primarily to inadequate information on appropriate stress-strain relations for the
concrete and steel.
Blakeley and Park'' developed more
accurate models of measured load98

ing-unloading stress-strain relations

for concrete and prestressing steel and
utilized them, without having to resort
to any compatibility factor, F, to predict the moment-curvature relations
they measured in their tests23 The
good agreement they obtained is apparent from Fig. 8 which shows in (a)
and (b) theoretical and experimental
curves for subassemblages with

o . --II

Fig. 8 (cont.). Measured and pre
column regions of beam-column


moment-curvature curves for beam and

semblages (Reference 17).

hinges in the beam and column,

spectively. Because of that agreen
they concluded that neglect of b
slip effects was reasonable. Howe
they noted that to obtain reasons
agreement it was essential to incl
hysteresis effects in the ideali:
stress-strain curves for the steel. E
PCI JOURNAL/November-December 1977

then the measured hysteresis loops in

the elastic range were still slightly
greater than the theoretical. They attributed that effect to incomplete closure of existing cracks.
Based on their test results and their
modeling work, Blakeley and Park
proposed a three-stage idealized .mo99

ment-curvature model with stages

representing behavior before crushing, behavior after crushing in one direction and behavior after crushing in
both directions. Their modeling work
predicts that until the concrete
crushes, elastic recovery effects
dominate and hysteresis loops have
the shape shown in Fig. 1(c). Significant energy dissipation and therefore
alteration in the shape of the hysteresis loops does not develop until
after the concrete crushes.
Thompson61 extended Blakeley's
work to predictions of the response of
his partially prestressed subassemblages and obtained good agreement between measured and computed results. Prediction of the complete response of frames will need
models for elements on which high
shear and bond forces act in addition
to flexure, models for elements with
unbonded tendons and partially prestressed sections, models for beamcolumn connections, models for slabcolumn connections and models for
torsionally distressed elements.
Analytical studies
Prestressed concrete has not won
rapid acceptance as a lateral load resisting material in seismic zones because of legitimate fears about the
stiffness and energy dissipation of
structures built from it. Flexibility 30 is
not a defect since the cross section
can be modified to compensate for it.
The defect is not knowing appropriate
values for stiffness nor the rate at
which stiffness degradation occurs
with cycling and increasing load intensities.
As discussed previously, prestressed concrete structures may well
have to be designed for load factors
higher than those for structural steel
and reinforced concrete if a uniform
drift limitation is adopted. The detailed work of Park et al., 55' 85 supports

that contention as does the Japanese

approach of using a higher load factor70 and the New Zealand Code approach of specifying 20 percent
greater seismic loads for prestressed
than for reinforced concrete.
The earliest theoretical study was
that of Spencer21 who used a step-bystep integration technique to examine
the nonlinear dynamic responses of
two reinforced and six prestressed
concrete versions of a twenty-story
frame structure subjected to the first 8
sec. of the N-S component of the ElCentro earthquake. The structure
analyzed was that discussed ` by
Clough and Benuska.13
For the prestressed concrete frames
the end moment-end rotation hysteresis loops for lateral loading were
idealized as shown in Fig. 1(c). Cracking moments were taken as twice and
six times the design moments for girders and columns, respectively. For
the reinforced concrete frames hysteresis loops were idealized as shown
in Fig. 1(b) with a strain hardening
stiffness in the inelastic range. A special model beam was used for each
frame member. That beam could have
moment-rotation loops like those in
either Fig. 1(b) or 1(c).
For prestressed concrete members
ductility factors were expressed in
terms of the curvature at cracking.
The flexural rigidities and the cracking moments for the prestressed concrete members were taken as the
same as the flexural rigidities and initial yield moments for the reinforced
concrete members. For structures
with the same mass proportional viscous damping the lateral displacements
were up to 50 percent greater and the
interstory drifts up to 70 percent
greater for the prestressed concrete
frame. However, maximum ductility
demands for members were 40 percent less and for rotations 70 percent
less for the prestressed structure.
Other variables examined for the

prestressed structures were: (1 the

use of interfloor viscous dam ing
rather than mass proportional vi cous
damping; (2) the simultaneous u e of
both types of damping; (3) a dou ling
of the width of the hysteresis loo s to
allow for energy dissipation by ails,
floors, partitions etc.; (4) a doubli g of
the post-cracking stiffness of the prestressed members; and (5) a redu tion
in the column cracking momen s to
only twice the design moment.
All changes except that of inc easing the hysteretic damping result d in
little improvement in the behavi r of
the prestressed frame. Spencer oneluded that while prestressed oncrete structures could be design d to
withstand large earthquakes wit out
significant structural damage, 1 rge
amounts of non-structural da age
would be likely unless cladding, artition and fixture requirements wer adjusted appropriately. Allow nce
would also have to be made for the
large compressive forces likely in the
exterior columns.
In a second paper52 Spe cer
analyzed the effect of assuming that
the non-structural elements of his
twenty-story prestressed frame had
varying stiffnesses and frequent -independent force deflection mom nts.
The non-structural elements wer assumed to exert equal and opposite
horizontal forces on adjacent fl ors
and their hysteresis effects define by
Ramberg-Osgood functions that ei her
provided significant energy diss ipation or little energy dissipation. wo
specific yield stresses (high and 1 w)
were used with those functions bu no
specific provision made for the udden loss in stiffness and strength hat
would occur with brittle non-st uctural damping.
Spencer concluded there could be
severe consequences if the stiffnes of
the non-structural elements were reduced by failures part way thro gh
the dynamic response. Otherw se,
PCI JOURNAL/November-December11977

non-structural elements were very effective in reducing interstory drifts.

The more effective elements were
those which were relatively stiff and
non-yielding. They reduced interstory
drifts to one-half to one-third those of
the same frame without non-structural
The effectiveness of the non-structural elements decreased as their
stiffness and yield strength decreased
so that more energy was dissipated by
hysteretic effects. The inclusion of
non-structural elements or variation in
the properties of those elements had
little effect on column shears. Omitting elements for every third floor
over the height of the structure resulted in almost complete loss of drift
control by those elements. However,
omission of those elements in the central four floors of the structure had no
serious consequences.
In a 1972 paper, Parme44 outlined
the concepts underlying American
practice in seismic design and indicated how those concepts were applicable to prestressed concrete construction. He pointed out that for the
same np value (modular ratio times
reinforcement ratio) the ratio of the rotation induced in a cracked section to
that induced in an untracked section
is much higher for prestressed concrete than for reinforced concrete.
The marked decrease in stiffness with
increasing moments above that for
cracking means that for prestressed
concrete rotational ductility demands
are best related to crack conditions.
For a reinforced concrete structure
if an overall translational ductility of
about four is required for the frame
then a rotational ductility of about 16
is needed for the girder. In contrast,
in a prestressed concrete frame ductility demands are nearly all likely to
occur within the elastic cracked range
of the section. Translational demands
are typically halved and rotational
demands lowered accordingly.













.6 -4 -2
24 6



0 0



W .08
V .04
0 0
U. 04











0 20

, .04

J-, 04




J 9

v 7

a. 2




0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7




Fig. 9. Comparative responses of one story one degree of freedom portal frames with differing stiffness models (Reference 55).

For prestressed concrete, if the

building is made stiff enough fore hquakes, it is difficult to also ma e it
flexible enough to accommodate dimensional changes due to tern rature, creep, and shrinkage. In t eir
1974 paper Paz and Cassaro ss i dicated how restrained dimensional
changes may be taken into account
analytically in prestressed cone ete
seismic response predictions.
In the 1970 AIJ report70 the ssible incompatibility of prestres ed
concrete framing with finishes nd
lateral load resisting elements of o her
materials is highlighted. The to ger
natural period and lower dam ing
characteristics of prestressed cone etc
may make the combined use of restressed concrete frames and r inforced concrete shear walls, or restressed shear walls and reinfor ed
concrete frames, undesirable. L cal
fractures may develop at the june ion
between the two materials du to
their different vibration charact ristics.
In one of the more illuminating investigations to date, Blakeley nd
Parks compared the predicted dynamic responses of single degree-offreedom portal frames when th se
structures were built from: (a) an e astic material, (b) prestressed concr te;
(c) an elasto-plastic material; and ( ) a
degrading stiffness material confo ing to Clough's model.
The structures were subjecte to
the N-S component of the El-Ce tro
earthquake and were designed f r a
lateral force of 1.4 times the seis is
load specified in the New Zeal nd
Code. The three-stage idealized oment-curvature relation discus ed
previously . was used for the restressed concrete model. Variati its
were made in the percent dam ing
and the period of vibration for he
Shown in Fig. 9a are displacement
response curves and in Fig. 9b I adPC[ JOURNAL/November-December )1977

displacement curves for the structure

with 2 percent damping and a 0.9 second period. As typified by these results the prestressed concrete system
usually had a greater effective period
of vibration and was subjected to
greater amplitudes of vibration than
the other two displacement systems.
The curves in Fig. 9b clearly show
the number of excursions into the inelastic range for each system. The
prestressed concrete structure is obviously less heavily shaken than the
other two nonlinear systems.
Shown in Fig. 9c are the maximum
displacement ductility factors required for each system for 2 and 10
percent damping. Ductility factors for
prestressed concrete are defined with
respect to conditions at first cracking
whereas those for the other two nonlinear systems are defined with respect to conditions at first yield. The
decrease in the displacement ductility
demand with increasing period is an
important effect. It favors the more
flexible construction usually found
with prestressed concrete.
Also studied were the hysteretic
energy dissipation of the prestressed
concrete system and section curvature
requirements for prestressed concrete.
The hysteretic energy dissipation of
the prestressed concrete system was
still significant, relative to the degrading stiffness system in spite of the
small area of the hysteresis loops, because the average amplitude of the
vibration cycles was greater for the
prestressed case. Section curvature
requirements could be readily satisfied when the steel areas and axial
load levels were kept small. It was
concluded that under seismic loadings
prestressed concrete frames would
generally have maximum displacements about 1.4 times those of reinforced concrete frames with the same
strength, initial stiffness and percent
Thompsonsl extended Blakeley's

work to a range of prestressed and

partially prestressed systems subjected to a number of earthquake
ground motions. He showed that prestressed concrete portal frames, designed using the seismic loadings recommended for reinforced concrete
frames, can be made adequately ductile by keeping steel areas and axial

stress levels low. However, displacement responses would be higher for

prestressed than reinforced systems.
The displacement ductility demands
for prestressed single degree of freedom systems exceeded those for similar reinforced systems by the same
order as that reported by Spencer21 for
multistory frames.

Based on this study and the deliberations of the ERCBC Working
Groups concerned with Materials and
with Prestressed and Prefabricated
Concrete it is apparent that:
1. Analytical investigations should
be made, using existing experimental
information, to determine appropriate
limitations on structural configurations, design earthquake forces and
drift constraints for prestressed concrete structures or mixed prestressed
and reinforced concrete structures located in seismic zones.
2. Co-ordinated experimental and
analytical investigations should be
made to define the degree of damping, stiffness, abruptness of failure
and hysteretic characteristics of concrete subassemblages containing the
combinations of prestressing tendons
and deformed bar reinforcement
likely in practice. Recommendations
should be developed for limits on the
amounts and distributions of prestressed and non-prestressed reinforcement, on confinement requirements, and on minimum values for the

ratio of ultimate to cracking moment

at a section.`
3. Systematic tests should be made
aimed at developing recommended
design practices for prestressed joints.
That research should define the contributions of the concrete, tendon
forces, hoop steel and additional
bonded steel to the strength and deformation characteristics of joints, and
determine requirements for bonding
of tendons and location of tendon anchorages.
4. Studies should be made of
criteria for grouting and acceptance of
prestressing systems, with particular
emphasis on durability considerations, anchorage rotation considerations, prestressing steel type considerations, and the ultimate strain required for prestressing systems in
seismic zones.
5. Experiments should be made to
define the cyclic shear behavior of
prestressed members especially for
regions where tendons are draped or
the support located in the transfer
zone of the member.

NOTE: Part 2 of this report (covering precast concrete) will

appear in the next issue of the PCI JOURNAL.

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PCI JOURNAL/November-December X1977

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Delhi, Jan. 1977, pp. 5-179-184.
40. Velkov, M. P., "Earthquake Resists t
Design of Twenty-One Story Pr -
fabricated Large Panel Building"
Proceedings, 6WCEE, New Del i,
Jan. 1977, pp. 5-239-244.
41. Nemtchinov, Ju. I., et al., "Desi n
Method and Experimental Investig -
tion of Seismic Stability of Buildin s
from Box Units," Pro, ceedings, 6 CEE, New Delhi, Jan. 1977, p .
42. Djabua, S. A,, et al., "Research n
Seismic Resistance of Large Pan I
Apartment Buildings," Proceeding ,
6WCEE, New Delhi, Jan. 1977, p .
43. Paulay, T., Park, R., and Phillip ,
M. H., "Horizontal Construction Join
in Cast-in-Place Concrete," SP-4 ,
r l n f


Shear in Reinforced ' Concret ,

American Concrete Institute, Detro t,

Mich., 1974, pp. 599-616.
44. Parme, A. L., "American Practice
Seismic Design," PCI JOURNAL,
17, No. 4, July-Aug. 1972, pp. 31-44.
45. Inomata, S., "Japanese Practice n
Seismic Design of Prestressed
Bridges," PCI JOURNAL, V. 17, N .
4, July-Aug. 1972, pp. 76-85.
46. Muguruma, H., Tominaga, M., and
Okamoto, S., "Mechanical Properti s
of Simply Supported Prestressed
Concrete Beams under Repeated
Loadings," Proceedings, Intern -
tional Symposium on the "Effects f
Repeated Loading of Materials an
Structures" RILEM, Mexico, V. ,
Sept. 1966,
PCI JOURNAL(November-December 1$77

47. Kulka, F., Jang, Y. C., and Lin, T. Y.,

"Prestressed Concrete Building Construction Using Precast Wall Panels,"
PCI JOURNAL, V. 20, N. 1''""Jan.Feb. 1975, pp. 62-73.
48. Brondum-Nielsen, T., "Effect of
Grouting on the Fatigue Strength of
Post-Tensioned Concrete Beams,";
Proceedings, Symposium on Resistance and Ultimate Deformability of
Structures Acted on by Well Defined
Repeated Loads, Lisbon, 1973.
49. Okamoto, S., et al., "Structural Safety
of Precast Concrete Apartment
Houses Against Earthquake," Tenth
Congress, IABSE, Tokyo, Sept 1976,
pp. 517-522.
50. "Report of the FIP Commission on
Seismic Structures," Proceedings,
Sixth Congress of FIP, Prague, 1970,
pp. 91-95.
51. "Report of the FIP Commission on
Seismic Structures," Proceedings,
Seventh Congress of FIP, New York,
1974, pp. 64-73.
52. Spencer, R. A., "The Earthquake Response of Prestressed Concrete Structures with Non-Structural Interfloor
Elements," Proceedings, First Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, 1971.
53. Mattock, A. H., "The Shear Transfer
Behavior of Cracked Monolithic Concrete Subject to Cyclically Reversing
Shear," SM 74-4, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Washington, Nov. 1974.
54. Zeck, V. I., "Joints in Large Panel
Precast Concrete Structures," R
76-16, Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Jan. 1976.
55. BIakeley, R. W. G., and Park, R., "Response of Prestressed Concrete Structures to Earthquake Motions," New
Zealand Engineering, V. 28, No. 2,
Feb. 1973, pp. 42-54.
56. Architectural Precast Concrete, Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago,
III., 1973.
57. Schroeder, A. B., "The Influence of
Bond on the Transfer of Cyclically
Reversing Shear Across a Concrete to
Concrete Interface," MSCE Thesis,

University of Washington, 1977.

58. Chou, C. L., "Shear Transfer Across
an Interface Between Precast and
Cast-in-Place Concrete Subject to
Reversed Cyclic Loading," MSCE
Thesis, University of Washington,
59. Hawkins, N. M., and Trongtham, N.,
"Moment Transfer Between Unbonded Post-Tensioned Prestressed
Concrete Slabs and Columns," Department of Civil Engineering, University of Washington, Nov. 1976.
60. Hawkins, N. M., and Trongtham, N.,
"Moment Transfer Between an Unbonded Post-Tensioned Prestressed
Concrete Lift Slab and Column,"
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Washington, Feb. 1977.
61. Park, R., and Thompson, K. J., "Cyclic Load Tests on Prestressed and
Partially Prestressed Beam-Column
Joints," PCI JOURNAL, V. 22, No. 5,
Sept.-Oct. 1977, pp. 84-110. Also,
"Ductility of Concrete Frames Under
Seismic Loading," Report 75-14, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand, Oct. 1975.
62. Matsushita, K., et al., "Strength and
Behavior of Autoclaved Lightweight
Concrete Panel Wall with Joint
Under Shear Load," U.S.-Japan
Seminar on Precast Concrete Structures, Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1971, pp.
63. Ikeda, A., et al., "Development of 15
Story Precast Concrete Apartment
House (Part-2) Lateral Reversal Loading Tests on Full Size Model," U.S.Japan Seminar on Precast Concrete
Structures, Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1971,
pp. 69-80.
64. Umemura, H., and Nishi, T., "On the
Principal Construction and Working
Methods of Precast Concrete Building Systems in Japan," U.S.-Japan
Seminar on Precast Concrete Structures, Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1971, pp.
65. Kanoh, Y., et al., "Recommendations
on the Structural Design of 5 Storied
Apartment Houses in Precast Reinforced Concrete Wall System," U.S.108

Japan Seminar on Precast Concrete

Structures, Seattle, Wash., Aug. 1971,
pp. 211-222.
66. Blakeley, R. W. G., Park, R., and
Shepherd, R., "A Review of the
Seismic Resistance of Prestressed
Concrete," Bulletin, New Zealand
Society for Earthquake Engineering,
V. 3, No. 1, Mar. 1970, pp. 3-23.
67. Rosenblueth, E., Discussion of Refe re nce 1; Journal of the Structural
Division, ASCE, V. 92, No. ST1.
68. Arya, A. S., "Use of Prestressed Concrete in Earthquake Resistance Structures," Proceedings, Fourth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering,
Roorkee, India, Nov. 1970.
69. Paz, M. and Cassaro, M. A., "Determination of Seismic Response for
Prestressed Concrete Beams," Proceedings, Fifth Symposium on Earthquake Engineering, Roorkee, India,
Nov. 1974.
70. Architectural Institute of Japan, Design Essentials in Earthquake Resistant Buildings, Elsevier Company,

New York, 1970, pp. 186-200.

71. ACI Committee 215, "Considerations
for Design of Concrete Structures
Subjected to Fatigue Loading," ACI
Journal, V. 71, No. 3, Mar. 1974, pp.
72. ACI-ASCE Committee 352, "Recommendations for Design of BeamColumn Joints in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures," ACI
Journal, V. 73, No. 7, July 1976, pp.
73. Clough, R. W., and Benuska, K. L.,
"Nonlinear Earthquake Behavior of
Tall Buildings," Proceedings, ASCE,
V. 93, No. EM3, June 1967.
74. Walocha, H. J., "Parking Structure
Solutions in a Seismic Zone," PCI
JOURNAL, V. 17, No. 4, July-Aug.
1972, pp. 60-64.
75. PCI Design Handbook, Prestressed
Concrete Institute, Chicago, Ill.,
76. Chadha, G. S., "The Behavior of Precast Concrete Connections Incorporating Headed Steel Connectors,"
MSCE Thesis, University of Washington, 1976.

77. Al-Yousel; A. F., "Composite Sh ar

Connections Subjected to Revers d
Cyclic Loading With and With ut
Ribbed Metal Deck," MSCE Thes's,
University of Washington, 1975.
78. Yamada, M., et al., "Study of Co posite Beams," Seitetsu Kenkyu,
260, Yawata Steel Corp., Sept. 1967.
79. Uchida, N., et al., "Cyclic Loadi g
Tests on Composite Beams," Pr ceedings, 43rd Annual Convention f
the Kanto Branch of Architectural I stitute of Japan.
80. Joint Committee on Tall Buildin s,
"Structural Design of Tall Ste 1
Buildings, Chapter A 41 Mixed Co struction," Lehigh Universit
Bethlehem, Pa.
81. ACI-ASCE Committee 426, "T e
Shear Strength of Reinforced Co crete Members," Journal of t e
Structural Division, ASCE, V. 9
No. ST6, June, 1973, pp. 1103-1108.
82. Mattock, A. H., Johal, L., and Cho
H. C., "Shear Transfer in Reinforce
Concrete with Moment or Tensio
Acting Across the Shear Plane," P I
JOURNAL, V. 20, No. 4, July-Au
1975, pp. 76-93.
83. Mattock, A. H., Li, W. K., and Wan,
T. C., "Shear Transfer in Lightweig t
Reinforced Concrete," PCI JOU NAL, V. 21, No, 1, Jan.-Feb. 1976, p
84. Lin, T. Y., Kulka, F., and James, T,
"Design of Earthquake Resistan
Prestressed Concrete Structures,
Proceedings, Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Reinforced Concret
Building Construction, University o
California a.t Berkeley, July 1977.
85. Park, R., "Design of Prestressed Co
crete Structures," Proceedings, Work
shop on Earthquake Resistant Rein
forced Concrete Building Construc
tion, University of California a
Berkeley, July 1977.
86. Englekirk, R. E., "An Evaluation o
the State of the Art in the Design an
Construction of Prefabricated Build
ings in Seismically Active Areas o
the United States," Proceedings,
Workshop on Earthquake Resistan
Reinforced Concrete Building Con
PCI JOURNALNovember-December 1

struction, University of California at

Berkeley, July 1977.
87. Becker, J. M., and Llorente, C.,
"Seismic Design of Precast Concrete
Panel Buildings," Proceedings,
Workshop on Earthquake Resistant
Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, University of California at
Berkeley, July 1977.
88. Mujumdar, V. S., "Earthquake Resistant Design of Precast Concrete Bearing Wall Type Structures-A Designer's Dilemma," Proceedings,
Workshop on Earthquake Resistant
Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, University of California at
Berkeley, July 1977.
89. Ikeda, A., Yamada, T., Kawamura, S.,
and Fujii, S., "State of the Art of Precast Concrete Technique in Japan,"
Proceedings, Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Reinforced Concrete
Building Construction, University of
California at Berkeley, July 1977.
90. Fuller, G. R., "Seismic Resistance vs.
Progressive Collapse of Precast Concrete Panel Buildings," Proceedings,
Workshop on Earthquake Resistant
Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, University of California at
Berkeley, July 1977.
91. Velkov, M., and Jurukovski, D.,
"Some Aspects of Application and
Behavior of Large Panel Systems in
Seismic Regions of Europe," Proceedings, Workshop on Earthquake
Resistant Reinforced Concrete Building Construction, University of
California at Berkeley, July 1977.
92. Fiorato, A. E., and Corley, W: G.,
"Laboratory Tests on Earthquake Resistant Structural Wall Systems and
Elements," Proceedings, Workshop
on Earthquake Resistant Reinforced
Concrete Building Construction,
University of California at Berkeley,
July 1977.
93. Mattock, A. H., "Shear Transfer
Under Cyclically Reversing Loading
Across an Interface Between Concretes Cast at Different Times," Report SM 77-1, Department of Civil
Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., June 1977.

94. ACI-ASCE Committee,., 423, "Tentative Recommendations for Concrete

Members Prestressed With Unbonded Tendons," AC! Journal, V.
65, No. 2, Feb. 1969,
95. Polyakov, S., Design of Earthquake
Resistant Structures, First Edition,
MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1974.
96. Suenaga, Y., "On Box-Frame Type
Precast Reinforced Concrete Construction of Five-Storied Multiple
HousesProblems in the Present
Jointing Methods and Stress Conveyance Methods in Earthquakes,"
Yokohama National University, Japan, 1974.
97. Suenaga, Y., "Study on Rationalization of Horizontal Dry Joints in BoxFrame-Type Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures," Bulletin, Faculty of
Engineering, Yokohama National
University, V. 25, Yokohama, Japan,
Mar. 1976.
98. Neille, D. S., "Behavior of Headed
Stud Connections for Precast Concrete Panels Under Monotonic and
Cycled Shear Loading," PhD Thesis,
University of British Columbia, May

99. Lacombe, G., and Pommeret, M.,

"Les Joints Structuraux dans les
Constructions en Grands Panneaux
Prefabriques," Annales de ITBTP,
Gros Oeuvre No. 18, Paris, Feb.
100. Hansen, K., Kavyrehine, M., Mehlhorn, B., Olesen, 0., Pume, D., and
Schwing, H., "Design of Vertical
Keyed Shear Joints in Large Panel
Buildings," Building Research and
Practice, July-Aug. 1974.
101. Benedetti, D., and Vitiello, E., "Experimental Analysis of Horizontal
Joints between Large Panels Loaded
with Normal and Shear Forces,"
Technical Report No. 1, Politecnico
di Milano, Milan, Italy, 1972.

102. Fauchart, J., and Gortini, P., "Etude

Experimentale de Joints Horizontaux
entre Panneaux Prefabriques pour
Murs de Batiments," (Experimental
Study of Horizontal Joints between
Prefabricated Wall Panels), Annales
de ITBTP, No. 300, Paris, Dec. 1972.
103. Pommeret, M., "Les Joints Structureaux dans les Construction en
Grands Panneaux Prefabriques,"
(Structural Joints in the Construction
of Large Precast Panels), Annales de
ITBTP, No. 314, Paris, Feb. 1973.
104. Pommeret, M., "Contreventement
des Batiments Prefabriques par
Grands PanneauxJoints Verticaux-Organises," (The Wind-Bracing of Precast Panel BuildingsVertical Joint Arrangement), Annales de
ITBTP, No. 234, Paris, June 1967.
105. Pommeret, M., "Le Contreventement
des Batiments Prefabriques par
Grands PanneauxLes Joints Verticaux Organises," (The Wind-Bracing of Precast Panel BuildingsVertical Joint Arrangements), Annales de
ITBTP, No. 246, QG (98), Paris, June
106. Pommeret, M., "La Resistance aux
Efforts Tangents des Joints Verticaux
entre Grands Panneaux Prefabriques
Coplanaires," (The Resistance to
Tangential Forces of Vertical Joints
between Precast Panels), Annales de
ITBTP, No. 282, Paris, June 1971.
107. Santhakumar, A. R., Swamidenari, A.,
and Lakshmipathy, M., "Behavior of
Joints in Prefabricated Shear Walls
for Seismic Zones," Proceedings,
Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, New Delhi, India, 1977, pp. 11-240.
108. Fintel, M., "Performance of Precast
Concrete Structures During Rumanian Earthquake of March 4, 1977,'
PCI JOURNAL, V. 22, No. 2,
Mar.-Apr. 1977, pp. 10-15.

Discussion of this report is invited. Nevertheless,

please hold on to your discussion until the second
part of this report on precast concrete is published.

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