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Verta Taylor
Nancy Whittier
Leila J. Rupp
0-07-319608-8 / 2007 / Softcover / 576 pgs


*Indicates new reading or boxed insert

Section One: Diversity and Difference
1. Oppression, Marilyn Frye
2. White Privilege and Male Privilege, Peggy McIntosh
*BOXED INSERT: Haole Girl: Identity and White Privilege in Hawaii, Judy
3. *Frontlines and Borders: Identity Thresholds for Latinas and Arab American Women,
Laura Lopez and Frances Hasso
4. Where I Come From Is Like This, Paula Gunn Allen
BOXED INSERT: Ain't I a Woman? Sojourner Truth
5. The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House, Audre Lorde
*BOXED INSERT: My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of
Chamounix, Susan Stryker
Section Two: Theoretical Perspectives
6. "Night To His Day": The Social Construction of Gender, Judith Lorber
7. The Medical Construction of Gender, Suzanne Kessler
8. *Theorizing Difference from Multiracial Feminism, Maxine Baca Zinn and Bonnie
Thornton Dill
9. *Feminism Without Borders, Chandra Talpade Mohanty
10. *Masculinities and Globalization, Bob Connell
BOXED INSERT: Womanist, Alice Walker
Section Three: Representation, Language, and Culture
11. Gender Stereotyping in the English Language, Laurel Richardson
*BOXED INSERT: The Ms. of Baghdad, Lauren Sandler
12. Cosmetic Surgery: Paying for Your Beauty, Debra L. Gimlin
BOXED INSERT: Myth of the Perfect Body, Roberta Galler
13. Hair Still Matters, Ingrid Banks
14. *Empowering Self, Making Choice, Creating Spaces, Cheryl Keyes

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Section Four: Socialization

15. Girls and Boys Together...But Mostly Apart: Gender Arrangements in Elementary
Schools, Barrie Thorne
*BOXED INSERT: Hostile Hallways, AAUW
16. What Are Little Boys Made Of? Michael Kimmel
17. *"We Don't Sleep Around Like White Girls Do:" Family, Culture, and Gender in
Filipina American Lives, Yen Le Espiritu
18. *Brown-Skinned White Girls: Class, Culture, and the Construction of White Identity
in Suburban Communities, France Winddance Twine
Section Five: Work
19. *Sex Segregation in the U.S. Labor Force, Christine E. Bose and Rachel Bridges
BOXED INSERT: Median Annual Earnings of Full-Time, Year Round Workers
by Education, Race, and Hispanic Origin, Irene Padavic and Barbara Reskin
20. *"You Wouldn't Want One of 'Em Dancing With Your Wife:" Racialized Bodies on
the Job in World War II, Eileen Boris
21. *The Managed Hand: The Commercialization of Bodies and Emotions in Korean
Immigrant-Owned Nail Salons, Miliann Kang
BOXED INSERT: The Realities of Affirmative Action in Employment, Barbara
22. Maid in L.A., Pierrette Honagneu-Sotelo
BOXED INSERT: The Living Wage as a Women's Issue, Eileen Boris
Section Six: Families
23. *Bridal Wave, Melissa Morrison
BOXED INSERT: Abstinence-only: Breeding Ignorance, Mary-Jane Wagle
24. *Moral Dilemmas, Moral Strategies, and the Transformation of Gender: Lessons
from Two Generations of Work and Family Change, Kathleen Gerson
25. Working at Motherhood: Chicana and Mexicana Immigrant Mothers and
Employment, Denise A. Segura
26. For Better or Worse: Gender Allures in the Vietnamese Global Marriage Market,
Hung Cam Thai
27. *Queer Parenting in the New Millennium, Nancy Naples
Section Seven: Sexualities
28. Doing Desire: Adolescent Girls' Struggles for/with Sexuality, Deborah L. Tolman
29. *After the Sexual Revolution: Gender Politics in Teen Dating, Barbara Risman and
Pepper Schwartz
30. *Black Sexual Politics, Patricia Hill Collins
31. * Toward a Global History of Same-Sex Sexuality, Leila J. Rupp
32. Becoming 100% Straight, Michael A. Messner
BOXED INSERT: My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of
Chamounix, Susan Stryker
Section Eight: Bodies
33. Hormonal Hurricanes: Menstruation, Menopause, and Female Behavior, Anne
34. "A Way Outa No Way": Eating Problems among African-American, Latina, and
White Women, Becky Wangsgaard Thompson

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35. *Loose Lips Sink Ships, Simone Weil Davis

36. *Beyond Pro-Choice versus Pro-Life: Women of Color and Reproductive Justice,
Andrea Smith
37. *Welcome to Cancerland, Barbara Ehrenreich
*BOXED INSERT: Stolen Bodies,Reclaimed Bodies: Disability and Queerness,
Eli Clare
Section Nine: Violence Against Women
38. Fraternities and Rape on Campus, Patricia Yancey Martin and Robert A. Hummer
BOXED INSERT: Men Changing Men, Robert L. Allen and Paul Kivel
39. Supremacy Crimes, Gloria Steinem
40. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence Against
Women of Color, Kimberle Crenshaw
41.*Sex and War: Fighting Men, Comfort Women, and the Military-Sexual Complex,
Joane Nagel
Section Ten: Global Politics and the State
42. The Globe Trotting Sneaker, Cynthia Enloe
43. *From the Third World to the "Third World Within:" Asian Women Workers
Fighting Globalization, Grace Chang
44. *Las Mujeres Invisibles/The Invisible Women, Sharon Ann Navarro
*BOXED INSERT: Femicide in Jurez, Pheona Donohoe
45. *Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural
Relativism and Its Others, Lila Abu-Lughod
BOXED IINSERT Globalization of Beauty Makes Slimness Trendy, Norimitsu
46. *The Lady and The Tramp (II): Feminist Welfare Politics, Poor Single Mothers, and
the Challenge of Welfare Justice, Gwendolyn Mink
Section Eleven: Social Protest and the Feminist Movement
47. The Women's Movement: Persistence through Transformation, Verta Taylor, Nancy
Whittier, and Cynthia Fabrizio Pelak
48. *Feminists or Postfeminists? Young Women's Attitudes toward Feminisim and
Gender Relations, Pamela Aronson
BOXED INSERT: The End of Feminism's Third Wave, Lisa Jervis
49. Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens: The Radical Potential of Queer Politics?
Cathy Cohen
50. *It's Not an Oxymoron: The Search for an Arab Feminism, Susan Muaddi Darraj
*BOXED INSERT: UN Commission Approves Declaration Reaffirming Goals
of 1995 Women's Conference After U.S. Drops Antiabortion Amendment
*BOXED INSERT: Fourth World Conference on Women Beijing Declaration

*Indicates new reading or boxed insert

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