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4. Maintainability description
Maintainability of a system reflects the ease, accuracy, safety, and economy with which the
maintenance of a system can be carried out. It is a function of the way the system is designed
and is related to the time required and resources needed for system maintenance.
In other words, maintainability indicates the probability that a failed item will be restored to
operational effectiveness within a given period of time when repair action is performed in
accordance with the prescribed procedures. The best indicators of maintainability are therefore
MTTR (mean time to repair), personnel labour hours, maintenance frequencies, maintenance
costs and volume of related logistic support. It is expected that equipment of high maintainability
standards will require less of these.
Maintainability, like reliability, is an inherent characteristic of system or product design. A
system should be designed such that it can be maintained without large investments of time,
cost, or other resources (e.g., personnel, materials, facilities, test equipment) and without
adversely affecting the mission of that system. Maintainability is the ability of an item to be
maintained, whereas maintenance constitutes a series of actions to be taken to restore or
retain an item in an effective operational state. Maintainability is a design parameter.
Maintenance is a result of design.
Maintainability can also be defined as a characteristic in design that can be expressed in
terms of maintenance frequency factors, maintenance 'times (i.e., elapsed times and labourhours), and maintenance cost. These terms may be presented as different figures of merit;
therefore, maintainability may be defined on the basis of a combination of factors, such as:



A characteristic of design and installation which is expressed as the probability that

an item will be retained in or restored to a specified condition within a given period of
time, when maintenance is performed in accordance with prescribed procedures and
A characteristic of design and installation which is expressed as the probability that
maintenance will not be required more than x times in a given period, when the
system is operated in accordance with prescribed procedures. This may be
analogous to reliability when the latter deals with the overall frequency of
A characteristic of design and installation which is expressed as the probability that
the maintenance cost for a system will not exceed y dollars per designated period of
time, when the system is operated and maintained in accordance with prescribed

Maintainability requires the consideration of many different factors involving all aspects of the
system, and the measures of maintainability often include a combination of the following:
1. MTBM-mean time between maintenance, which includes both preventive (scheduled)
and corrective (unscheduled) maintenance requirements. It includes consideration of
reliability MTBF and MTBR. MTBM may also be considered as a reliability parameter.
2. MTBR-mean time between replacement of an item due to a maintenance action (usually
generates a spare-part requirement).
3. M-mean active maintenance time (a function of Mct and Mpt)
4. Mct-mean corrective maintenance time. Equivalent to mean time to repair (MTTR).

5. Mpt-mean preventive maintenance time.

6. Mdct-median active corrective maintenance time. Equivalent to equipment repair time
7. Mdpt-median active preventive maintenance time.
8. MTTRg-geometric mean time to repair.
9. Mmax-maximum active corrective maintenance time (usually specified at the 90% and
95% confidence levels).
10. MDT-maintenance downtime (total time during which a system/equipment is not in
condition to perform its intended (function). MDT includes active maintenance time (M),
logistics delay time (LDT), and administrative delay time (ADT).
11. MMH/OH-maintenance manhours per equipment operating hour
12. Cost/OH-maintenance cost per equipment operating hour.
13. Cost/MA-maintenance cost per maintenance action.
14. Turnaround time (TAT) - that element of maintenance time needed to service, repair,
and/or check out an item for recommitment. This constitutes the time that it takes an item
to go through the complete cycle from operational installation through a maintenance
shop and into the spares inventory ready for use.
15. Self Test thoroughness - the scope, depth, and accuracy of testing.
16. Fault isolation accuracy - accuracy of equipment diagnostic routines in percent.
Maintainability, as an inherent characteristic of design, must be properly considered in the
early phases of system development, and maintainability activities are applicable throughout
the life cycle.
4.2 Analysis of Maintainability Components
Maintainability, defined in the broadest sense, can be measured in terms of a combination of
elapsed times, personnel labour-hour rates, maintenance frequencies, maintenance costs,
and related logistic support factors.
4.2.1 Maintenance Elapsed-Time Factors
Maintenance constitutes the act of diagnosing and repairing, or preventing system failures.
Maintenance time is made up of the individual task times associated with the required
corrective and preventive maintenance actions for a given system or product. Maintainability
is a measure of the ease and rapidity with which a system can be maintained, and is
measured in terms of the time required to perform maintenance tasks. A few of the more
commonly used maintainability time measures are defined below.
1. Mean corrective maintenance time (Mct). Each time that a system fails, a series of
steps is required to repair or restore the system to its full operational status. These steps
include failure detection, fault isolation, disassembly to gain access to the faulty item, repair,
and so on, as illustrated in Figure 4.1. Completion of these steps for a given failure
constitutes a corrective maintenance cycle.
Throughout the system use phase, there will usually be a number of individual maintenance
actions involving the series of steps illustrated in Figure 4.1. The mean corrective
maintenance time (Mct), or the Mean Time To Repair (MTTR), which is equivalent, is a
composite value representing the arithmetic average of these individual maintenance cycle

For the purposes of illustration, Table 4.1 includes data covering a sample of 50 corrective
maintenance repair actions on a typical equipment item. Each of the times indicated
represents the completion of one corrective maintenance cycle illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Based on the set of raw data presented, which constitutes a random sample, a frequency
distribution table and frequency histogram may be prepared as illustrated in Table 4.2.
Table 4.1: Corrective Maintenance Times (Minutes)

Referring to Table 4.1, the range of observations is between 97 minutes and 30 minutes, or a
total of 67 minutes. This range can be divided into class intervals, with a class interval width
of 10 assumed for convenience. A logical starting point is to select class intervals of 20-29,
30-39, and so on. In such instances, it is necessary to establish the dividing point between
two adjacent intervals, such as 29.5, 39.5, and so on.

Table 4.2: Frequency Distribution

Class Interval
Cumulative frequency
29.5 39.5
39.5 49.5
49.5 59.5
59.5 69.5
69.5 79.5
79.5 89.5
89.5 99.5

Given the frequency distribution of repair times, one can plot a histogram showing time
values in minutes and the frequency of occurrence as. By determining the midpoint of each
class interval, a frequency polygon can be developed. This provides an indication of the form
of the probability distribution applicable to repair times for this particular system.
From the maintenance repair times presented in Table 4.1, the arithmetic mean is
determined as follows:



i 1



Where MctI is the total active corrective maintenance cycle time for each maintenance action,
and n is the sample size. Thus the average value for the sample of 50 maintenance actions
is 62 minutes.
When determining the mean corrective maintenance time Mct for a specific sample population
(empirically measured) of maintenance repair actions, the use of equation 4.1 is appropriate.
However equation 4.2 has a wider application:


( )(Mct )


where i is the failure rate of the individual (ith) element of the item being measured, usually
expressed in failures per equipment operating hour. Equation (4.2) calculates Mct as a
"weighted average" using reliability factors.
It should be noted that Mct considers only active maintenance time or that time which is
spent working directly on the system. Logistics delay time and administrative delay time are
not included. Although all elements of time are important, the Mct factor is primarily oriented
to a measure of the supportability characteristics in equipment design.
Mean preventive mainlenance time (Mpt). Preventive maintenance refers to the
actions required to retain a system at a specified level of performance and may include such
functions as periodic inspection, servicing, scheduled replacement of critical items,
calibration, overhaul, and so on. Mpt is the mean (or average) elapsed time to perform
preventive or scheduled maintenance on an item, and is expressed as:


fpt Mpt


where fpti is the frequency of the individual (ith) preventive maintenance action in per system
operating hour, and Mpti is the elapsed time required for the ith maintenance action.
Preventive maintenance may be accomplished while the system is in full operation, or could
result in downtime. In this instance, the concern is for preventive maintenance actions, which
result in system downtime. Again, Mpt includes only the system maintenance time and not
logistic delay and administrative delay.
Median active corrective mainlenance time (Mdct). The median maintenance time
is that value which divides all of the downtime values so that 50% are equal to or less than
the median and 50% are equal to or greater than the median. The median will usually give
the best average location of the data sample. The median for a normal distribution is the
same as the mean, while the median in a log-normal distribution is the same as the
geometric mean. Mdct is calculated as:

log Mct

Mdct anti log

i 1


Median active preventive maintenance time (Mdpt). The median active preventive
maintenance time is determined using the same approach as for calculating Mdct. Mdpt is
expressed as:4.5

Mdpt anti log

fpt log Mpt



Mean active maintenance time (M). M is the mean or average elapsed time
required to perform scheduled (preventive) and unscheduled (corrective) maintenance. It
excludes logistics delay time and administrative delay time, and is expressed as

Mct fpt Mpt



Maximum active corrective maintenance time (Mmax). Mmax can be defined as that
value of maintenance downtime below which a specified percent of all maintenance actions
can be expected to be completed. Mmax is related primarily to the log-normal distribution, and
the 90th or 95th percentile point is generally taken as the specified value. It is expressed as:



anti log log Mct Z log Mcti


where log Mct bar is the mean of the logarithms of MctI, Z is the value corresponding to the
specific percentage point at which Mmax is defined. And log MctI is the standard deviation of
sample logarithms of average repair times - MctI

7. Logistic delay time (LDT). Logistics delay time refers to that maintenance downtime
that is expended as a result of waiting for a spare part to become available, waiting for the
availability of an item of test equipment in order to perform maintenance, waiting for
transportation, waiting to use a facility required for maintenance, and so on. LDT does not
include active maintenance time, but does constitute a major element of total maintenance
downtime (MDT).
Administrative delay time (ADT). Administrative delay time refers to that portion of
downtime during which maintenance is delayed for reasons of an administrative nature:
personnel assignment priority, labor strike, organizational constraint, and so on. ADT does
not include active maintenance time, but often constitutes a significant element of total
maintenance downtime (MDT).
Maintenance downtime (MDT). Maintenance downtime constitutes the total elapsed
time required (when the system is not operational) to repair and restore a system to full
operating status, and/or to retain a system in that condition. MDT includes mean active
maintenance time (M), logistics delay time (LDT), and administrative delay time (ADT). The
mean or average value is calculated from the elapsed times for each function and the
associated frequencies (similar to the approach used in determining M).
4.2.2 Maintenance Labour-Hour Factors
The maintainability factors covered in the previous paragraphs relate to elapsed times.
Although elapsed times are extremely important in the performance of maintenance, one
must also consider the maintenance labourhours expended in the process. Elapsed times
can be reduced (in many instances) by applying additional human resources in the
accomplishment of specific tasks. However, this may turn out to be an expensive trade-off,
particularly when high skill levels are required to perform tasks that result in less overall clock
time. In other words, maintainability is concerned with the ease and economy in the
performance of maintenance. As such, an objective is to obtain the proper balance between
elapsed time, labour time, and personnel skills at a minimum maintenance cost.
When considering measures of maintainability, it is not only important to address such
factors as Mct and MDT, but it is necessary to consider the labourtime element. Thus, some
additional measures must be employed such as the following:

Maintenance manhour per system operating hour (MMH/OH);

Maintenance manhour per cycle of system operation (MMH/cycle);
Maintenance manhour per month (MMH/month);
Maintenance manhour per maintenance action (MMH/MA).

Any of these factors can be specified in terms of mean values. For example, MMHc = mean
corrective maintenance manhours, expressed as:




where i is the failure rate of the ith item (failures/hour) and MMHi is the average
maintenance manhours necessary to complete repair of the ith item.
Additionally, the values for mean preventive maintenance manhours and mean total
maintenance manhours (to include preventive and corrective maintenance) can be calculated
on a similar basis. These values can be predicted for each echelon or level of maintenance,
and are employed in determining specific support requirements and associated costs.


Maintenance Frequency Factors

The previous sections cover the measure of reliability with MTBF and being key factors.
Based on the discussion thus far, it is obvious that reliability and maintainability are very
closely related. The reliability factors, MTBF and , are the basis for determining the
frequency of corrective maintenance. Maintainability deals with the characteristics in system
design pertaining to minimizing the corrective maintenance requirements for the system
when it assumes operational status later on. Thus, in this area, reliability and maintainability
requirements for a given system must be compatible and mutually supportive.
In addition to the corrective maintenance aspect of system support, maintainability also deals
with the characteristics of design which minimize (if not eliminate) preventive maintenance
requirements for that system. Sometimes, preventive maintenance requirements are added
with the objective of improving system reliability (e.g., reducing failures by specifying
selected component replacements at designated times). However, the introduction of
preventive maintenance can turn out to be quite costly if not carefully controlled. Further, the
accomplishment of too much preventive maintenance (particularly for complex
systems/products) often has a degrading effect on system reliability, as failures are
frequently induced in the process. Hence, an objective of maintainability is to provide the
proper balance between corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance at least
overall cost.
1 Mean time between maintenance (MTBM): MTBM is the mean or average time between
all maintenance actions (corrective and preventive) and can be calculated as






where MTBMu is the mean interval of unscheduled (corrective) maintenance and MTBMs is
the mean interval of scheduled (preventive) maintenance. The reciprocals of MTBMu and
MTBMs constitute the maintenance rates in terms of maintenance actions per hour of system
operation. MTBMu should approximate MTBF, assuming that a combined failure rate is used
which includes the consideration of primary inherent failures, dependent failures,
manufacturing defects, operator and maintenance induced failures, and so on. The
maintenance frequency factor, MTBM, is a major parameter in determining system
availability and overall effectiveness.
Mean time between replacement (MTBR). MTBR, a factor of MTBM, refers to the
mean time between item replacement and is a major parameter in determining spare-part
requirements. On many occasions, corrective and preventive maintenance actions are
accomplished without generating the requirement for the replacement of a component part.
In other instances, item replacements are required, which in turn necessitates the availability
of a spare part and an inventory requirement. Additionally, higher levels of maintenance
support (i.e., intermediate shop and depot levels) may be required.

In essence, MTBR is a significant factor, applicable in both corrective and preventive

maintenance activities involving item replacement, and is a key parameter in determining
logistic support requirements. A maintainability objective in system design is to
minimize MTBR where feasible.


Maintenance Cost Factors

For many systems/products, maintenance cost constitutes a major segment of total life-cycle
cost. Further experience has indicated that maintenance costs are significantly impacted by
design decisions made throughout the early stages of system development. Thus, it is
essential that total life-cycle cost be considered as a major design parameter, beginning with
the definition of system requirements.
Of particular interest is the aspect of economy in the performance of maintenance actions. In
other words, maintainability is directly concerned with the characteristics of system design
that will ultimately result in the accomplishment of maintenance at minimum overall cost.
When considering maintenance cost, the following cost-related indices be appropriate as
criteria in system design:
1. Cost per maintenance action ($/MA).
2. Maintenance cost per system operating hour ($/OH).
3. Maintenance cost per month ($/month).
4. Maintenance cost per mission or mission segment ($/mission).
5. The ratio of maintenance cost to total life-cycle cost.
4.3 Availability Factors
The term "availability" is often used as a measure of system readiness (i.e, the degree,
percent, or probability that a system will be ready or available when required for use).
Availability may be expressed differently, depending on the system, and its mission. Three
commonly used figures of merit (FOMs) are described below.

Inherent Availability (AI)

Inherent availability is the probability that a system or equipment, when used under stated
conditions in an ideal support environment (i.e., readily available tools, spares, maintenance
personnel, etc.), will operate satisfactorily at any point in time as required. It excludes
preventive or scheduled maintenance actions, logistics delay time, and administrative delay
time, and is expressed as




where MTBF is the mean time between failure and Mct is the mean corrective maintenance

Achieved Availability (Aa)

Achieved availability is the probability that a system or equipment, when used under stated
conditions in an ideal support environment (i.e., readily available tools, spares, personnel,
etc.), will operate satisfactorily at any point in time. This definition is similar to the definition
for A except that preventive (i.e., scheduled) maintenance is included. It excludes logistics
delay time and administrative delay time and is expressed by




where MTBM is the mean time between maintenance and M is the mean active
maintenance time. MTBM and M are a function of corrective (unscheduled) and preventive
(scheduled) maintenance actions and times.

Operational Availability (A0)

A lot of control over reliability and maintainability factors is possible at the design stages of the
system. These efforts usually characterizes what is termed the "inherent availability" of the
system. However, once the system is operational there are also other actions that can be taken
to enhance the "operational availability" of the system.
Operational availability is defined here as the probability that a piece of equipment, when used
in actual operational environment under specified conditions (production, etc.) will
operate (i.e. do its job) satisfactorily when called upon. It is usually indicated by the
proportion of official time during which the equipment is in operational or able to operate
condition. By official time it is meant the time during which the equipment is expected to be in
running condition (for production or other business functions).
Operational availability is made up of:
- reliability, measured in MTTF (mean time to failures)
- maintainability, measured in MTTR (mean time to repairs)
- maintenance efficiency, measured in MWT (mean waiting time)

i. e. operational availability =



Below is a quick summary of the factors influencing operational availability. The intention is to
increase MTTF while decreasing MTTR and MWT.
Availability = f (reliability, maintainability, maintenance efficiency)
For increased Operational Reliability
Reduce trouble intensity through: checking & inspections, engineering re-design,
accurate dimensions & tolerances, supply of quality inputs

Increase redundancy by installing: parallel redundancy, stand-by units, by-pass

troubled components


Increase maintenance intensity through: preventive maintenance, opportunity

maintenance, condition monitoring
For Increased Operational Maintainability
Increase Trouble detectability through: fault recording & detection means, test
equipment, condition checking
Increase Supplyability of parts, tools, etc. through: standardization, modularization,
procurement & stores control
Increase Reparability by: trouble analyses (types, frequency, etc.), standard tools,
accessibility of faults, good working environment.
For Increased Maintenance Efficiency
Increase Maintenance staff capability by: quantity (no of personnel), skills (level &
variety), work motivation & incentives, contractors & consultants


Increase Repair equipment such as: machinery & tools, special tools & equipment,
workshops, spare parts & other materials
Ensure Maintenance documentation for: maintenance instructions, operating
instructions, drawings, indices.


Increase Administrative capability through: organizational structure, maintenance

information system, planning and control systems

If one is to impose an availability figure of merit as a design requirement for given equipment
supplier; and the supplier has no control over the operational environment in which that
equipment is to function, then Aa or AI might be appropriate figures of merit against which
the supplier's equipment can be properly assessed. On the other hand, if one is to assess a
system or an equipment in a realistic rational environment, then A0 is a preferred figure of
merit to employ for assessment purposes. Further, the term "availability" may be applied at
any time in overall mission profile representing a point estimate, or may be more appropriately related to a specific segment of the mission where the requirements are different
from other segments. Thus, one must define precisely what is meant by "availability" and
how it is applied.
4.4 Maintainability Planning
Maintainability planning should be an integral part of the total system planning exercise.
Maintainability planning includes the following activities:
Establishment of quantitative and qualitative maintainability requirements for the system.
Note that if the operational reliability of the system is low the system maintainability may
have to be high to ensure a desirable level of system availability.
Using a variety of design procedures and techniques and practices to ensure that the
necessary levels of maintainability (or MTTRs) for a good number of possible alternative
designs is attained. Such techniques could include special assembly techniques to
facilitate dis-assembly, standardization of components, improving modularization and
accessibility of components; etc.
Maintenance analysis of selected alternative system and subsystems, for example,
configurations involving maintainability options, alternative repair policies, alternative
logistical support plans, etc. Perform such important analyses as:
the trade off evaluation of reliability and maintainability i.e., for each design
alternative compute MTTR & MTBF and hence the inherent availability and then
select the one with the highest availability.
repair versus discard evaluation based on the relative magnitudes of repair and
discard costs with the total cost of each component or sub-assembly or system
being evaluated under the following cost elements: estimated acquisition costs;
supply support, spares, unscheduled maintenance costs; supply support,
inventory management; tests and support equipment; transportation and
handling; maintenance training; maintenance facilities; technical data; disposal;
Predict the maintainability of the chosen system and its sub-systems on the basis of
initial engineering data available and compare the predictions to specified requirements.
Continue to adjust design parameters (i.e. improve design) in case of significant
variances. The approach is to use functional-level breakdown at components, subassemblies and assembly levels. For each of these establish the maintenance times for
various maintenance actions e.g. for breakdown maintenance (time for fault isolation,
fault accessing, fault correction, etc.). From these information, compute the total time for
each maintenance action (MTTRi). Combine times for components to provide time
factors for the next higher level. For example, the MTTR for an assembly:


( N i i TTRi )
N i i

Ni = number of components of type i
i = failure rate of component i
TTRi = time to repair component i.
MTTR = estimated mean time to repair for the


respective assembly of parts.



Further qualitative review of the maintainability aspects of the chosen system. Develop
and use a comprehensive checklist covering, for example:
- specifications of maintainability requirements
- compatibility of parts to be maintained or replaced
- standardization
- provision for diagnostic tests
- interchangeability of similar modules
- handling provisions (e.g. hoist lugs, etc.)
- quick-release fasters
- minimization of adjustments, alignments, calibration, etc.
- minimization of servicing and lubrication
Set-up procedures for on-going operational assessment of the maintainability aspects of
the system. Therefore specify data collection, analysis and evaluation of maintenance
related times for various components, sub-assemblies and assemblies. Examples of
typical maintenance-elapsed times include:
1) Mean breakdown maintenance times- i.e. the mean cycle time from failure
detection, fault isolation, to repairing the fault (i.e., MBT).



where BTi = breakdown repair times for item, incident i.
n = no of incidents over a certain period of operation.
(2) Mean preventive maintenance times (MPT), i.e., the average of elapsed times to
perform preventive or scheduled maintenance, etc.
- periodic inspections
- servicing
- scheduled replacement of critical items
- overhaul
- calibration


fpt Mpt

where :
fpti = frequency of PM action i (assume that there are n different PM actions on an item)
Mpti = elapsed time for ith PM action
(3) Hence: MTTR = MPT + MBT





A computer chip has a constant failure rate of 0.01 per thousand hours.

What is the probability that it will fail to operate satisfactorily for at least 10,000


What is the 10,000 hour reliability of a system consisting of 3 such chips?

To investigate the average time to failure (i.e. reliability) of a certain design and
construction of welds, seven welded pieces were subjected to specified frequencies and
amplitudes of vibrations and their times to failure were 211, 350, 384, 510, 539, 620,
and 715 thousand days.

assuming the exponential model, construct a 95% confidence interval for the
mean life (in thousands of days) of such a weld under the given vibration


assuming the exponential model, test the null hypothesis that the mean life of
the weld under the vibration conditions is 500,000 thousand days against the
alternative hypothesis that MLT < 500,000. Use the level of significance 0.05.

Recommend either of the following maintenance courses of action on the basis of the
data provided.
Action 1: Discard all component-board assemblies upon failure
Action 2: Repair all component-board assemblies upon failure
Action 3: Discard component-board assemblies upon failure when the replacement cost
is less than Tshs 30,000 each, and repair all other component boards.
Quantity Data:
Total number of assemblies = 10,000
Number of items under 30,000/= unit cost = 5000
Number of items over 30,000/= unit cost = 5000 (average cost per unit is Tshs

Failure-rate data:
The items under Tshs 30,000 unit cost will fail on the average of every 36
months. The failure rates, respectively, are 0.00048 and 0.00016 per item; or
2.40 and 0.80 per class.


The service life of the system is 10 years. The system is operated for 2080 per


An investment of 30,000,000/= is necessary for equipment to repair any or all of

the subassemblies. The equipment life is 10 years and it will have no scrap
value at the end of that time.


Labor costs are Tshs 900 for each repair. Component spares cost Tshs 600 per


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