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Classroom Rules

1. Strike System strikes given for minor infractions and names recorded on the white
board. Three strikes (in a week) and youre out; the student will receive a referral to the
2. Begin class when the bell rings; do not wait for the teacher to tell you. Same warm-up
procedures will be used every day, so it should be second-nature for the students within a
few weeks of the beginning of school.
3. Bring required materials to class every day. While the teacher will have, school
supplies you can use, asking for them constantly may lead to a strike.
4. Only talk when permitted. When permitted, talk quietly and do not disrupt others
5. Listen to the teacher. They have the students best interests at heart, and while they may
not be always right, they are the boss of the classroom.
Classroom Procedures
Beginning of Class
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class after the bell rings. The students will all have
assigned seats, and the instructor will be able to refer to a visual seating chart on their computer,
either created in Excel or provided by the district, to mark students as present or absent. On
Mondays, students are required to pick up a warm-up sheet for the week from the back of the
room. Every day, they will complete a warm up, described on the white board. These will be
submitted on Fridays after the teacher takes attendance.
When attendance and warm-up activities are done, the instructor will begin the lesson or activity
for the day. They will use a bike bell to signal to the class that it is time for learning.
There will be a word of the day or quote of the day on the board that the instructor will mention
at the beginning of class. These will either be loosely related to course material, or something of
pertinent interest to the instructor and or their students.
Ending the Period
If class finishes early, students may use the time to be productive. Sometimes, being productive
involves talking to your classmates when finishing group work, working on projects, etc.
Therefore, talking quietly is permitting during the time immediately before the end of the period.
If class is still going when the bell rings, students are expected to pack up and leave in an orderly
manner. Students may not pack up early.
Transitioning Between Activities
Depending on the nature of the activities being transferred to, students may be required to pick
up more handouts, change their textbooks, relocate, or simply remain quiet. During each of
these, students are expected to be quiet and orderly.

Out-of-Room Policies
Students will not be limited in how often they may use the bathroom unless the teacher sees it as
an issue in their academic performance. They will use hand signals (see below) to get permission
to exit without interrupting class, or may approach the teacher at his desk during work time as
Materials & Equipment
Students are expected to come to class prepared. Those that do not will receive, in some cases,
strikes against their participation grade. Students that do not have what they need can proceed to
the back table and pick up pencils and paper. If they do not interrupt class doing so, they will not
be penalized for being unprepared.
When special equipment such as white boards or alternative books need to be handed out, they
will be passed out by a volunteer. This will prevent crowding at the teachers desk or by the
supply table.
Each desk will come stocked with a textbook in the undertray, depending on what may be
Seat Work
Seat work is typically done when the teacher is lecturing, or individually. There will be times
that the teacher designates specifically for working on assignments for this class. When the
teacher is teaching, the class needs to remain silent. Note-taking and recording information from
presentations is strongly encouraged and, in some cases, required.
Group Work
Group work will be done on several occasions. Students will be allowed to relocate, but not
adjust the classroom layout. In many cases, the teacher may pick the groups. If students are
permitted to pick their own groups, it is expected to be done in an orderly manner any students
who scream, yell, or run across the room to their friends desks may face consequences.
Fire Drills When there are fire drills, students are expected to proceed orderly. This includes
filing out of the classroom in a single-file, deliberate line allowing the teacher to get a
preliminary head count for when they arrive on the field. Follow school instruction.
Lockdown Drills In case of a lock down, students are expected to remain silent, away from
windows, doors, and other exits. Depending on the classroom layout, students may be expected
to gather in one corner of the classroom. The teacher will lock the door and turn out the lights.
Students must remain silent.
Hand Signals To promote a positive learning environment without disruptions, students will
be allowed to use hand signals, held high above their heads, as means of asking to leave class for

any reason to get a drink, go to the restroom, go to the nurse, etc. These signals are left to the
teacher to create.
Chewing Gum in Class Students will not be allowed to chew gum in class. If they do, they
will be asked to spit it out. If it becomes a problem, it will be considered a strike.
Using Phones in Class Phones, tablets, and other personal technology items are great, but not
permitted in class. The teacher will tell the class when they can use their phones, but this will not
happen often. Students who are caught with their phone out will have the device confiscated and
immediately receive a strike. If phone usage becomes a problem, students will be required to
place their phones in cubby in the back of the classroom.
Extracurricular Communication The teacher has the right to contact the parents of any
student for any academic reason, good or bad. In cases of bad or disruptive behavior, the teacher
will warn the student before he or she contacts their parents.

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