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North Wales Enemy in the Community

"something strange in the neighbourhood, who u gonna call, well

don't call the local police whatever u do" A network using red secret
police tactics infiltrate North Wales Towns

A closer look inside The Networkabusing domestic

violence victimsand terrorising communities

Domestic abuse / violence can take many forms with each being as bad as the next, whatever form it
takes it is a pretty horrific experience and one I would not wish on anyone. So can you imagine
finding out that you had the courage to leave , only to be further abused for many more years by
people who you sought help from, local councillors, solicitors, the police, womens aid, ect. The very
people who are there to help and protect you. The healing process can take years with the right help
and support. So why would the first minister Carwyn Jones allow under his command, a network of
people, to further abuse already vulnerable people. Why would cross border victims of the womens
aid refuge be horrifically betrayed, lied about and branded violent bullies to local community
snoopers. Why would he allow a network of people to surround a vulnerable person, prevent them
seeking real help, ??? The answer to this question can only be answered by the man himself, of which
I have given him plenty of opportunity, only to be ignored. This network is our enemy, and the
enemy is in all our communities. They lie, cheat, steal, manipulate, tempt, corrupt, covertly damage
your property, including your car, they drain your energy, your resources, property, then when
theres nothing left, they move onto there next victim and the cycle again begins. All these vile people
have one thing in common, they actually believe they are helping people, sad thing is, they are
helping the wrong people, they are helping evil criminals to harm innocent victims and being
rewarded for there treachery. This network are not uniform, they come in all shapes and sizes and

many speak in posh overtones, but look a little deeper and you will see that they are rotten
underneath. Having left my ex partner after years of domestic abuse I sought the help of several
people and organisations. One of those people was the local councillor Guto Bebb, and his office staff
Samantha Cotton and Barbara Balding.Later on Janet Finch Saunders and Gary Burchett. A solicitor
Phil Kentish & Graham Parry of JW Hughes Solicitors. Later to find that those people i had gone to for
help, went on to abuse me and my children even further and for many years. People who later came
into my life to befriend me, unknown to me at the time these people had been placed in my life , the
nosey neighbour, the new boyfriend, the new friend, these people set out to gain my trust, with a
hidden agenda, these people were there to make sure I did not get the help and support I needed, they
were there to stand in my way, waste my time, my energy, my resources, basically these people were
there to harm me. People I considered close friends, were not my friends, men sent to date me whom I
built relationships with, later to find it wasnt real. I want to tell you, both the fake friends, the honey
traps and the once respected professionals that whether you realise what you are actually part of, or
realise the psychological and traumatic effect that your part has on your target I can only imagine the
answer to be no, because no decent human being would afflict this cruelty on another person if they
understood the consequences of there actions. It is horrific cruelty.
When I first discovered this plan I was numb with shock, anger, disbelief, hurt, and fright too. These
people had taken full advantage of my vulnerable status and had come to cause me more harm. This
was beyond my thinking capabilities. As Im sure it would be to most people.
I am now past the angry stage with these people who came to hurt me, but i need you to know that
what you are doing is wrong on so many levels, and if you had any idea or could comprehend the
trauma of this act for just one minute, I know none of you would ever be part of such cruelty, I never
knew such evil existed, I would never have let people into my life who could act this way towards
another human being, justified or otherwise. We have laws in this country that are not meant to
covertly punish, torture, dehumanize, or discriminate, this alone should have told you that you were
part of something so very wrong. None of you people who I speak about are stupid, quite the
opposite, you are intelligent people, and this is the part I dont understand. So I need to make you
understand that you have been lied to very much, and what you are doing is totally unacceptable. I
know in my own case especially that I am an innocent woman, therefore I must believe you have also
been lied to about other innocent people that you people are terrorising. And innocent or not, we
cannot live in such barbaric conditions. And it is my duty to bring this horrific crime out into the open
and out of the hands of people who are supposed to be there to help and I hope you never do to
anyone else what you have to me. Its to late for many of your previous victims of many I am now
fully aware.
I hope you get off this very dark path and expose this unbelievable act of wickedness and ask God for
forgiveness. Decent law abiding human beings dont behave this way under any circumstances. This
is not a theatre this is real life and its a vicious crime. Perhaps one obvious suggestion on how to gain
info on a person would be to ask that person straight out. Ask the target exactly what it is you want to
know. There are ways to do things, and this is so very much the wrong way.
My own experience before the critical friends and honey traps appeared was one of severe mental
torture for many years towards me and my children, along with financial abuse and many other types
of abuse, and not once in those years did i retaliate. Neither did I receive any help whatsoever, in fact,
every door I knocked on was slammed in my face. And I knocked on every door. So having read the
link on the bottom of this page, it appears to me that crime does actually pay. Im not a criminal, but
iv been treated like one whilst the criminals are rewarded whilst these community spy groups are
actively creating and encouraging mental trauma and cruelty by there deceitful programs.
The fake Tax man who came to my house , I later bumped into on an unexpected visit I paid to Janet
Finch Saunders officers, the local AM/MP (AM means- ACTING MEMBER literally.

As for meeting up or associating with any of my critical fake circle I dont think so. We are not
friends, we never were. And I dont want friends or people around me or my children who are
involved in these acts. But I will make it my business that each and every one of you are made aware
of the cruelty you are involved in. Your actions after this, will define the person you are.
It might also be worth mentioning at this point , that any confidentiality clause, or official secrets
act document you may or may not have been asked to sign, isnt worth the paper its written on. Its
a FEAR tactic to ensure your co-operation.
My case does not lack in any evidence as to the huge amount of injustice and cruel acts sent my way.
And therefore someone, must be accountable. And a remedy in Law , must be found.

FAKE PEOPLE. Is this what they now call sustainable communities. The community I live in along
with Llandudno are absolutely horrific with deceit and lies on every level its very sad. Trust does not
exist here only shallow fake people.
And this is what they call creating communities?????
You have got it totally wrong.
The Watch Schemes Targeting Innocent People for Dehumanization

The above link is the blueprint for the power gangs rampant in Wales. Albeit always covertly,
deceitfully, creating lots of mistrust within communities, a far reach from creating or building
anything but a house built on sand.
The Watch Schemes- aka Power Gangs- aka Bullies.

For those local people who were victims of the vicious poison pen thoughts of Oscar this is how it
began- through the cogs of this vile network.

The following paragraph is an example taken from the blueprint showing were your fake friends
come from .
Your FAKE friends , Honey Traps, that have been set up for you
This vile network also frown upon you and treat you as a leper if you smoke cigarettes, or drink
alcohol, both of which are still legal in this country, they say its because of concern for your health,
but its more because we pay tax on these products which helps to keep this country afloat a little
Engagement and involvement of local people 2.3.3 Detailed scrutiny work can help the
community safety partners to involve local people more in the work they carry out. This can be
difficult for partners to do on their own, and the experience and knowledge and community
intelligence which councillors can bring to the process is invaluable.
2.3.4 Of course, you may feel that a more flexible approach is required. Many authorities have
involved local people closely in carrying out work by co-opting them onto informal task and
finish groups instead of onto the formal committee.

Guidance on the statutory National Standards for CSPs is provided in the Delivering Safer
Communities: A guide to effective partnership working which can be accessed on the Home
Office website through the following link:

In the last 10 years I have been battered, bruised, lied about, lied to, stolen from, thrown in jail for no
crime, honey trapped, to name a few, and on the odd occasion I have had to step out of my comfort
zone and into the pits of the snakes, simply to find the truth. Boy it is UGLY living in the controlled
zone under soviet conditioning.
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Networkabusing domestic violence victimsand
terrorising communities

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