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----- - - - - -

"Every pla11l that 111.v Hca.Y"cnly Fa.Uu. -r hi\th nut plnr1h'tl 1-l1nl1 l.c n1t1!nl
'Such i.; lht. irre..,i_.qtiblu 1inturo of Truth, that :lll it n.r..;k~. :md al11t waul.... i!-. th<' ~ihnt.v uf El}lJ,ta:illg'."














B\" .M rn1 U. WlLl.BOll.

Pure as tl1e dt:w.r i.;iplc11tlor'i

That dt.:ck the bruw of morn ;
'ofl a..<; thl' fiUllllUt:.J' twilig:lit
That tinl- t l1t Ulo1mi11~ thorn;

as '"l'rnaJ zcphyrb
Thal fan the :urn re tp~s ;
Of \"inll'l.$ u.q thev wak e n
With :i. qni c k "and glad burpri..e,
WM she my own rnrth :UH{4],
Th~ J ll'er l ~~ n.11d th!! fair;
~ <ir will th<! young lte~'ll't won<ln
That I loHd my Lady Adair.
Pr.111d n. . lhc wnttr l ily

:-he in her i.;iher f..:hPtn;

brook t ..i~ la11!.!hte-r,
ru~-bud'"i dnnm.

lier glee v;a.... tlie

Iler cL4.:4.;k the


fu; all I hnl'e piltunxl,

Of delit.1llt nucl rare i
a.i; th\! cn11ir1g td10
Wa.,1; llw voke o f mr J.ndy Adair.
\rtH <lu I 111i11cl th<> 1\ 111mg

An<! low

~he S"ll ju



the tth1011h~3m1:1 ... wrn,

l>ru;;he<l fro in tl l' linwI of t.Jn.... il;"-4.

r1a .1.,........ 11

Ilrnirling tl11



Bordcrrng lwr rn:lnt1l' of hhu
.\_,.,::-Le ('OYIV kii...... td ftil1t. iu ;,\!1 ... Wl"r


Ill.); )"ou11g-



and true.

lhit tlu.::c c..m11c at k11gth lwt\ncn tH

.\ clotid tha.t ..,J1a1hd ti li~lit.
...\11,J the T11111114'1' l11nk f1i1111 111\ "l'irit
Kach rn""y h1;c i11 hi fl 1Jt.
)ly thc.k '" itl1 rn,

gl'<'\\' :t.. )w1t

\ul tl.1.: h l'fla1:t Ill n1.' 1y1'.

Wl1il('. \\it :1 tlw 1111t;?lh' of a ,ft!111011.
l 11lltn1l ll11 I u.... ,i111:atl' h-.


"'lu ... 1.inr\.'d

wil)L '-,OITIJ\Y;

Iler :->WU t litl l l111w1 I Y. it h :lffright

Unt th a.11 .. \\l'r di."I ;.II"' il't:Jt ..!i
:\i. <.}w .. tcr11d in Jwrrir i:1 ligl1l.

Site ..,tl'PI t.'<l v. ilh gT'l1c :ill 1pw{11ly,

.\1ro:>o.o.; tlw 1na111d,~d floor;
But her JWitk \\ a"i lr1ud11d \\'jll1 ~11rro~
A!=I slcrn Jy ._)w frn111 my tJuor.
A lune th 1nug-h the i; loHnl of 1ui<l1iighl
Uul thmueh the liitir1!! air
Fro1n me, w1 1!1 IH.'r ltl~\11 nil fru7.<'n
F led 111y g111t1c,r \tluir.

\Vi1dly T to... "'l'd 011 111Y 1 illmv,

Too 11nrd lo ai'kno"'lt1~g(' 111v wru11g,
Ton prou<l l o J<'C'.1 il'1 to 111 v h~m
'fhc Jamb J had dwri-,l1~J !;(} 1011g.
Ob, rouc k i11~ ly the morning "l\111bca.m-..
Streamed ovC'r my hr~ggmd fncc,
Uh, woe lo fl'IC for n1y tn-rum1c
Ha<l found h<!r n reetrng place I
In the tangled depth of woodland /
1:alf burio<l hen the t11rnw,
With a cnld fiton e fo1 her pillow,
AhLS, 1 had Jnid her lt1w I
Her b1nP eyes followed my footF1teps :
But ~to11y and cold WAA their light;
~o sm1l~ trace<l I o n ht.r Jove-lips
To t:llrnc


my sl3rle-..s 11ight.

I sit by my desolate hearth stone

Alone, nnd nCYCr ng:ain

Will I hcnr

from her lips the bl""8iog

To ta.kc from my bosom it1:1 pnin .
.All U1e peare I now cnn gather
la ouL in the !\hndow tlwre,
W11en I preti.8 my ht'a1 t <m tl1c grave-sod

Which bi<lc my Lady Adair.

'rhNc ie Htrcn[{lh
Doop bPdded in our he::i.r L.::, of which we reek

Dut Jiute the A1anft~ of licnven hnvc pierced

Its fragile d"'Plling.




~~ "" "m """''

not earth be rent

\Ve propose in this article to examine the books

contnincd in the Bible , for th e purpose of asce rtuining if there is anything ~ontaincd in th em,
which according lo the facts of rnodern spiritualism
might not have been di ctaletl by n Spirit, or any
miracles recorded which might not have been performed by a spirit or spirits. In doing this we
shall take the books a. they stand in onr Engli,h
trnnslation; or as it is called King James ' transJa.
tion . \Ye m:iy not be :ihlu lo <lo this in a single
nrticl e, but we .hall he as brief as is con is tcnt
with the nature of the subject nnd a clear presentation of the evidences. In orJer to do this in as
few words aR po ~s iblc, we will re ca pitulate the conrlusions at which we hayc nrrind in the '?rece ding
Fir't: That the Infinit e i, with< ' fnrut. bcin
Otnn ._


\l"uoLE No. 40.

was not <lidatc<l by a. ~pirit. ~eith e r is it nny

evidence that the ~pirit iutended to give a. fol se
account. Ile drew hi s concisions f'rom th e best
1ucans in his possession, and if found to he erronious, it only proYes the s<-arci ty of fac t ~ . M hi s
want of skill in arranging them. ]fol th e God of
I srncl, has been show n to be a fittitc hei ng, and lo
har e been the progenitor of th e i'h e1ueti c R a<c .TJc could therefo re not huv<' kuow11 nny:hiRg al.out
thu contlu ct of ~\dam nnd gve, unlc~ he lenrn ocl
it from tlllttt ; fur all fittite i11telligettce lwing e<1trnl
tu each other in their lufi11i1e relation H, a Rpirit out
of the L"dy cnn no"roorr "'C and come""e with the
lnfinitc than l Spirit in the body. .\.11 these first
clrnpters of Genesis then, allo wing them to be just
what they were originally, (and we have the best
evidence for believ ing that they are not,) are only
a theory of creation, drawn up by one who had better me~n;; of doing it, than 1rny one in the flesh, at
the tim e it wns dictated, and it is liahle to this objrctiou: 'l'l1.1t the Spirit was in error in his conclu
-l m t\ rmrrl as to other facts. such as


Rc rontl : 1'hatan Omniprce111 beinge1unot111"l~ Ii highly probnLlc th nt it thi~ hook cvuh 1 .1c
n Ioeul communiration
cimc down 111 u, in language conveying th e
'fhinl: That all finite inlei11)!el1Ce' arr rr 111il t cxn1t id~as Lf thu Auth or, it would be much more
each other, in l!tcir Tntluitc r~lat i11u,.
in hnrntunY with the lrn c theory of creation than it
Fuurth: Th at no hein!! can know
t11nk ".!act is nuw. J3nt even in tltnt en'!', it could only ha> e
before he wa in e" i st~ncc, ottly '" he Jt1olge' from h<'Ml <i theory, :md not the st inc111cuts of an actual
prcsfnt (xistin~ ,act~, lf('H'l tLd to Iii~ SC'll'C
I '"}l'clutur whv witnl';:;:;:cd t11c crention of the l "niFifth: 'l'hnt all lii1itc h"iD!!'. nrc p:trt" f tb n t" l'. 'flwr' ;, hut cone Bring "ho cou ld hare
ft11itc nllh'C'TSt t>.nd :.irt), thr.r1,,;fore . crc"~te 1 .l, wiLn Cs'\ei l il11 1n ation :111\l tlrnt i~ rhe Infini tc.incln rle1l in the term wurl I.
.\nd all that he has C\"t' r rt'Haled , li e hns r cvenlt<l
~i~th: Th:tt nil finite hin!!, are l'mic I in 'l"lC<', tu all finite inlelli!!e11cc' 1ltrut1gh !he ndiot1 of irnkno11 kclcre an<l pow1r.
muta!Jlc l:tw. Hu has in this way s pread before all
. flc'Yc1~th: Tl111t th' <1 011 ,,f r-in I i' :t finite I wen, all the pan allli bes towed upon tltcm th e
Ill'.! .
rnental pc..wer nf l'Cll.'on, tltnt is tu. ny, the power of
~:i.!!hlb That the 1:0,! of f,ra1 l j, 1lu pn~cni- P' rei>ing n11d prop l'iy arranging lh coc part~. o
tor C1f th e Sh cu1utie Haec
I a~ to arl'hc at true cund n sion~. lllau may ~ boo. c
'Ye will now Jl'OCeeU. with cnr examinati on, ht tn u;c this facu lty or he ma.v r.,fnc to nse it; nnu
ginni ng with the lJonk rif n1ue .. i.~
liberty 1~t' chv11:'il1g or rcfu:-iing r ci nd cr~ him an acThat the llud of T'rnt:l i,, till' author nf thi,; Lot>k, tou ntab lc li~ing. Tr is rt'tnnrkablc that the names
I sup1.osc we ncecl nut >top t> 1rnn' , 38 tli:tf j g nr- of .\clam" desccn<luuts, g iven in the Jifth chapter of
know Ice!_ hy nll wh:i cluim for it in>piratio11, and Genesis, arc rcprese1~tntions of pl?sicnl_ and mental
space will not admit of our giving more argument <level p tn~nr , near ly u1 the order m wl11ch tltcy oe
than we hayc given in our preceding article; fur cu r in a race, while progressing from oarnge to
the benefit of those who do not.
ci ili zcd conclitious, and in individuals in pa; It follow s , th n, that th e author of th e hook <> f ing from infancy to age. This fact strongly argues
Genesis was a finite bciog. 'l'his bciog the cusc thut they were nuvc r mcnut to be 1mdcrtood to
he could not have known in w1 1at mann er thi s uni represent inuil'iduals . The first nine chapters,
verse was brought into exi s tence , or the time when therefore, eannot be of much use to us . First, heit began to be brought into existence, or the length cauRe th ey arc only a theory ; and second, b cnusc
of time it WM being brought into existence, he be- lite langnngc, >ts we now h11ve it, is uncertain in its
ing a part of this created universe, and that all his meauing . In the te nth chapter tl1 ere docs not npstatemcnts in regartl to it arc conclusions drnwu pcnr to b e but oue name thnt is not mythological,
from the facts prcsentcJ to hi s mind by tlt e e:rnmi- nnd that is imrod, anti that can be und er. tood
nation of thiog8 which existccl around l1i111. It fol- cilhcr way. 'l'be same thing may be snid of the
lows then, that if the statements in the first chap- eleventh so for as the origin of Abram is concerned.
ter of Genes is, arc pl'oveil to be erroncus , as re- H er c we find Nabor, which menus hot and dry.gards th e timo and manner in which the uni1'ersc Xahor, or dry heat, bcgat 'l'crah, which means
was created, s ucl1 error is no evidence that the breath; Tcrnh , or breath, begnt Abram , which
book is not of Divine origin, in ~tbcr words tltnt i<, mean a high father, abo l ahor and Ilurnn , which~

' "It".'



""?. ~0
~ ~-4,,




_1:cil'1~- I c'u~: ;r;11::\~:1 '''~'.'.~~r':rnl ~1;;, '.~;:; rl::.::'.;1:,'.~~ ;" .::::1~-t'.:::,ar~:._'' :/i.~~:.11;:"~, '::1.:11'.~ '.'~" i~l11\ ,',1;;:;,.,i.~

.1l h tiu
toli .i:-i1111,d1.i1hrx'\'\, lit L.1l1i111':-od1f'lill:!~,
'ife 'II I lfl' .. .,., iUl'l 1 .i rrn"'.'I llitor, :tniunl JJ1...!Ut .ual iu \lnlt' ucitdtborhurnb :ffi1r1 l3 1l f.1111il.' lliill .Jo i 11'., ''n drl nu ~\'.'q ii: tht rlrc:i111~ uf l'hn.nul t" 1 ,i\tlll' ti l' ,,h ~ 1iu 1:.J l1f JTJlhll d tlw ha.1n 11 t 1HlC 1wr~1111 in it P""" .. L' .... 1f hi . . t'anlty r 111lt . . l~ntl t' t111l l::1k1 r, ]: .i11d J'h.1raoh 1:1 drcumtf,
<'l n~ :,..t )l\I._,. 1
L 111 n n. ti it I\'.! t
J tru
\ f, '' C f th+ lnl.,t inter fll1!! 1'.1:-'P:-: 111'1 w1 "ill xii. all br.l111Jr! to ,, liat i uuw '.dlf'cl cl:1in
,Jr nil )I) ;1!t<-11ti1111 \\a., 1-.ill11l ln this "h" nf
L) .. h \\i1l~ t11i.: n L1 ~h l'l)!i1JO .. ld Jll('\~HJ r nra.ltlir JUI l'\ tln" rt'.;,,L 1lPllOtil'f'11.


rfm1n~. 'J'llf idc h:l. ..\l11!lm :., :1 t11)Lh. i<; fur

th"r .. Lr 1~ti!tHf': 1 frnt.t 111. f:ilt l}t:t.t \l1ram .rnd
Br:u11.1 ;1P tl1c ..... unc 11i:1r;wlc'r, t1HI fr nm tht i1l1a
<if thi :111l'it t .J ws, th:1t :it drath tli<.y :-;lwulrl ret 1r11 'ntn / 1 t~1h . lu~om, whifh i:-1 al:--o tl1r irlr.a c. f
rlw Hr:i..mln~ This 1lndrin. <'onalitntc-:-- part of tlH'
contrn1 "foy lel\\e'n Apion nnd Josephus. \Y1
,hall, tl11,rcforc, dimi>. :ill tbcoc cLnptcr>, n con1n:11in" matt ., \\hith caun->t 001< he Ullil nlt'l>d;
nd '"lmitting Abr:wi or ;\ lirnl.iaw, to be " renl
iwr.;011agc, proccc1l to the pnssngcs in which he i
aid ., h~' ~ hrl<l nmmunion with the t1od of f,_
'l'h1 tw1 :fth rh.iptor of {~111coin lwrin~ hy nyil\g
I lh.1t "ti< ],urol lurl 'ni1l \Jnl" _\ !,ram, C..t thou out
Pt thy counirJ~ :101l ~r1.'m tLy kinrlrtti. ~md frnm th)
1 f.oil1n 'a Lon;c-, nnl) 1 lnud that I\\ ill oh, w thee;
1 111! f "ill mal:e ,f thee '' ~r,.at natinn, .11111 I 1dll
(1lr ....., thtt' .11Ht make thy 11:111h~ grrat. and thou
,hull h hkH,ing, .10d 1 will 1ii.._,, th,1m that
'10; th"' .1ud ' 'll'M' bim tLnt rur,cth thuc; and
in th~e ,hall :ill Lon>ilit~ 11f tho canh h, hlcssrd."
, 11 pc-1 '"'"" nr11u.1inle1l \\ itb
rll piritnnl
mu11ift,t;1!ions lrn1rn th:it -piril; '1>1nn111'l11:1t. in one
l't' tl1C' fvllnv. ing Wii~"



Fir:;:t. Tht.. p r."'i1'11. :i "' hom cor1rn1111inttion i~

i, olron.~ly im1rco;1d with :,rtai11 i1kao, ~Ithough nnt r,01,rriu'P, "' th tiu1,,., 1,f the j1T .-Hucf
i>I my -pirit
~ llCond,
arin;,{ word:-i: ~111tihi,\" u:unJ, a... when
S001l' pt1t1Q11 s ~p1~.tkin~. wh,n 1 ,, )ne i~ biblr
n1ul n mn1:-11ut1 ."I' Jl!-(atiun.
impr .,,.,,,,1

)J' \i~ion

H.1p~ing 1 movin~ furniture ~ln<l oth~t

lll!l.Uifc~!,lio11,; lllllY bl' Ci>lloi1icrcu, pctJwjl~, !IS lite
f;('\t:uth moil' ot' ,..pi ritual <.'L\1111tn1uic1tiJl1.
In wl:ih of the nl;o\ c 1\:l,Ys the c1>m111'1uieati1111
:1h1HC 1t11'lted WHS mndt \"C htl\C 110 IUC:tWi nf knowing. i;nt iu the seventh Hroe uf the saUJe chapter. "c arc h,IJ th.1t I he: Lu rd uppcat'ed and ,poke
t 1 J\hr,\m. Of the mauner in which Gool informed
Pliatnlh thnl Har~h wn:i the wjfo of -.\.hram, w


1!011 i'.".1rnrnnt, only h~ pla~ned him ;ind Lis house.

J;nt in 111<' twelfth cl'"pttr \\C .ll"C told llwt '11d
r"lll'' Ito J\hillleick in a <lr,.am and told 11im that
~hr:lh W!lS tlw wife ot
1.'hc t'n"..,. of \hrah:J.Ln'-; ~t rnwl, in ohtninmg He1>,,cca for ld:1at tnm~ prt1l~rl~ un1lcr the hc;;d of
nhyni,al munifoslntiun' or ca.Rtin~ lot.. 'l'bi mcth' '"I ,f ,;~crtaining I h<' will of the Lord is Ycry commo1. in ouccccdillg hc-ok It i" ucarly nllied to
rnppiug:, and is n uwlbt><l b) which :in :rnswor 11111y
frrcpt<'ntiy be oht:1iw1l by tho~<" wlui !Ire not in ,1
condilion to ohtain :10 11n . w1:- in un_y olh<'r way. It
1 nol, 11nwr.vcr 1 tr1 la" r<li<'d on, :t."' th' nn.~wcr may
hl' tlu~ rc"'ulL of tl<.'f'idcnt,


in l'a.:=:ting lvt:--, oonw

conlt murll alwa):< happ<'u. whctlrnr nmlcr the control o' ~ "I iri! ff llOJL Persons, th re:for<', ~re liabk to he midtakcn, 1mtl to auppOkC tho result lo he
thot of spirit ~cti1111 when no dpirit huo int11'ftnd.
Thus \' ,, nrc vrnrra.ntcil in concluding that mnny
thi1~g Auppo~rr! to he the words of the Lord, may
be tho mistakcri of tho:,c who were seeking, by
thc<l' my,trriou~ mean", to obtain answero to their

'l'h1' ca,rs l\f '.1ccing and 1onvcr<ing with spirits

arc too nnn~rouA to b '.II cilid in tbi.r<nrticl~. Bu~

prc,;ellt, and all tinit<-s arr r11rnl to 1:ll'li uthcr in

rdation to L[m, ~ll<l he cnn 111 rrcirn llO dilforcucr
in lhrsr fiuilrR a., r,~gn11ls nolil1 ur ig11uli l q11ulitics ~ "'hen tho grcatct mo11ar1l1 t>ll c;ulh <'all
liav< no hctttr daim to the right uf >peaking to the
Tnfinitc tlian the m<':rncst lcirgar ! ill the cight1cnth eltapt r i' au acconut of the ol'<ing of lhrcc
;.pirit' at the llllll' time; 01w of whi<h was the I :o(I
of fsr:wl.

The n:liC'r two Wl'Tl' .\ ugch; or mcl" .. ~D-

ge1a, w!10 went ou to Sodorn, while thl' God of Isracl rcmaiuc1l untl talkrtl wi!L _\brubnm a short time
and thrn \\cnt u l1i~ way." (YltRt~ ;3:~, ahm verse
2~ untl l'hnp!cr xi\: 1.) Thos1' p:ts<ngc> huve frc1111,11tly been tluol< ii li.Y those who co11sider tho
words, 11od, J,nrd nl1ll I.ore! Corl, as oynunimous
with Infinite, to show the absurdity of tLc Biblo.
llnl if, as tho5e Rpirit" claim, they were only finite
(~l'l' ~ix. 22) there lt1 nothing . . o YCl',Y r.idirulou or
ah~urd in the stor~.
Tl1e circnmslanr 11 connected with the hirth of
T!-t:.tar, :1rc nh;ll clnin1cd ns miraruloujo(. It is true
thr.t ll' rase of this kind has ocrurrctl, .o far us we
know in modern spiritna1i m. ]~ut the po vcr of 3
~pirit o~tcr a li\."'ing bod_l is :inch, ns to lenYC 1ittlr
1l~ul1t in th~ rnint.13 of those wl1n hnn' wilnt ~sed
tl n1 rr:"ltion:-l in case~ of fli:-.c.:as~. thnt rhry niiA"ht
h r 0 n ... ~rl t01u 1n t~q~nns .-~n.kcned by :1gc,
";1 -nllicicnt xll'nl tn pro<luec Mich an ctfcd.
hn1 ,. my~clf knom1 " pnt icnt tu he cured of un eati:tg 1anrrr, which bod hlcr! for dnya, until from the
!us: ,,f blood, 1hc st01113d1 lrnrl hcnomc so wonk lbn.t
a tc:ipoonfol of <nld water tul.rn in lo iL U'Oulil protl11r1 nanHa nnd yomiting, the do:; of lhr recovery
bcin;_! sM h_y the spi1it, at my rc'ltlfst, when I wai;
nr:1d~- a mile distont from the patient, nnd the pa ti1-nt ig11or11nt of wLat l wnH doin" or of my intention of making lhr roqucst or consulting any spirit.
The paticul at the time of makiug the inquiry was
u11uhlc to more or speak a loud word; aud the rurc
was complctctl on the day set by the spirit, and
without ll1c pr scncc or interference of nuy known
mcdic"inc, or the cxhihition of nny kuown medicine.
I haYc al"o lrn.d n patient cured in the snmc way, of
wh;1t w:1K supposed to be consumptiou while the
pnti1nt was crnn hundred 111ilcH distant from
[n thi~ case lhe patient, hy lrtter, rrqucslcd me to consult the pirit in her cnsc. I
couhl mc11Li1ln m1merous olhcr cn~c> "'iuallJ mirnc
'ow, if the pirits can produce such effect
nlou .
as thc>t! upon the diseased human ~~stem; i,; it
nlo ul'<l to M1pponc, that they cuuld hnvc invigorntcd
lhc ~ylcm vf a healthy old person for nu cspccinl
1nnpo9c. Ratuh lirn<l to be o hundred l\nd twentyevtn ye11r" old, :mtl .\.brahnm to tho age of one
huudr d and sevcnty-fiYc. Ruch person' must
ncces5:uily ha.-c bccu po"1'".icd of vigoro11,; constitious.
In the fil'tecntb chap!rr we an' told that the I.ord
ramc tu .\braham in a Yisiou . 'What is meant);\
the term 1 [sion in this place, we do not know ; ln;t
suppose that it iF. yn nimous wilh tra-icc. ,) acob's
vi ion of the Jr.ddcr, related in chapter Lwentycightb, is calkil n dream, and is snid to hnYC taken
place while he was sleeping. 'Iberc nrc so m11ny
oow who soc visions and dream dreams,tlrnt the !Ling
is coming to he bdter undcr~tood now than it wM

~ 11,1
11 .Hid ~t+ n,!! he .~pirit
ht t ht1riug r1" word.; 1.;11nkr.1t h) th1 ~piiit.
~ ifrh , N~ing the 'piriL and bcari11g Iii, wor<l.i.

,..;ixtli, ])uring ... }~rp, iu <ln:1111~

In th1 (a~f ,,f l lag:ar tf'hlli"'il iu ll11 .~i. IL' n1l1

chapt~:r of t:Cnc~i .. , tin: pirit "ith whnrn . . 111 ton.
\ <'r~ld wn. not llH' ]"l>nl 1 hut a 1nt1:;'1ne1 tif the
Lorcl';-;. rl'lll~ f'aet of nod':-: r:;cndi11g 1tl'-'~-;P11g' 1~;
is 01H' of the ..;tron~C'sl uri<lrnct~ tL:1l lH is nr1t Jn.
finite. For how i~ it J11ll- ... ihlc to imagi1w tl1:it tlH' rn.
th1ill would >'l'llll a m~>.;!'llger, if Jlc Wll' 11imsrlf

tlrc:1111:-. tuor1' th au twcnf~ j; :1g11, auJ I then

t1u inn . . tit:!.diuu of the ~ulJjcl't. The

our'l' wl1irl1 I pur;"luctl wa!-i on C'V1'r) fal11nilill' oc
c:1.d11n to r('latc .~onH' c11:-P "f thi:s kind of Jreantiug
fo thO'-l" 11rrsent. wlwu ~ 111111) n1w ~a morl' nf t.hc
com ,1nny w11nlrl rclntc a ti ream ,,f l1i (>l' Lcr own,
with lhr "coinl'iilcmcs" which followed. Jn this
wa~ I tli,cm ered that th1 .-a-<'' of dnirrnpnt
drcanting wrrc 1U111b more frc11uc11l than T had
suppo~ul, mid that linrJly Oil.)" pcraon rxistNl who
had 11n! hail one or nwrc <if thec dr<: n1s. I al<o
di&coYered that the n1enrnl oction wn~ of four
Fin.r, 1rht clrcaru r ~u" pluc('I ... a11 tl 1H11:-;on~, .iu~l
:1 the_,. cxist~r! at the time 11f thC' lrPam. a fad
wLicL ht' discoYcrrd afwrwnrib. , e1011d , II<' oaw
cYent' wl1ich \\"Cr<' tukill" place at oollle distanc ,
nt thr time of the dream; and beard the connr . . ntion of pcr,ons rng<1grrl in th~m. 'Third, He ROW
ornnts which had trau. pircrl 8omctimc b fore, but
of which he wns ignorant at the t ime of the r!rcnm.
Fourth. H e saw cHnts which took place jut nq
reprc<cntcd in the dream, HOIUC time aftenrnrd;.
In ox11mining the works ou m ntnl philosorhy I
find numerOU!"'. in!:<-hrnct.'R of these drcums relal1'd,
wLich arc ,-cry curiou . Jlut the mo~t curious thing
nh\)ut tli"m i the m:innn in which tLc writ r; C:<:pluia th< l'nu~o. Thi< may be 'ummrtl up iu jnRI
thr<:o word . , 1111agination and Curiuu. C'oin1idcncc.
One would l;e led tn hclil'YC, from readin7 tbc relJ':JT];~ on this ;ulijcd, that the \I ri!trx wen intcnl
on cli .. proving thC' 1x.ishnce uf a Uod a11tl tl.,
ur1 t.1lil~ of the ooul. f'cw wrir~ro take T
rdalc thc,r dream~, "~',b"" the 8uhjcct oft
I n.r, n J h1kr, a Jl1.hop or >omr one of l
II the whole liternl'y and ;;cieutilic world h
intent 011 dioproYing the doctrine that all "" 1 JI,
rrcatcd C<JU:\l, they could hnnll) l1ayc bHu more
rHcfnl in rdaliD!! !bc~e "uhjcrts. Y ct I hit' c
found thnt in the puor nc1dcckd in thii, \\orl<l.
the>c dreams nro quite "' 'i,id aud true to tacts
n:i in those claiming to bt I heir bl'tlcr"; p rmingly much more frcciucnt. l'rrh:lp8 thi is l.,,_
caU><' the coutlitio11s arc more f:11 urahle: or tl1c\
arc not a careful to abotnin from rebt in" !htm.
foar uf bring ridiculed hy their rornpauiu~s . ;\lurul
courngo is not " plnnt which llouri"hc in the 'oil
of tli1 UJ J'H !fndom, and trulh i, '" frc11uc11tlr
found in rng nlld cnlieo as in hro:Hlcl1Jth and sati1;.
Yi:dou arc not Ul'i cummun as dnam;-., al lea~t I


1wvc uot found


nuinv who nlntc1l them uutil

within a few years. l'c1.hn1i. tl1is mny Le ow,iu!(' to

th~ fac'., 1b_nt having gut_ the id''" of something

lh'd 1m~1ginalau11, lhPrc rn ~~n unrcrt:iiuty resting

lhe 1111ntl whc1hc1 anytlung hu~ l1appcnc'1 ur

no', and r1m-erpien!l) they 1li. not lik" lo relate
thir ,i.-iou:. lt is only wh u the vi.-iou i, , "ry
rrmn.l'knblr, th:\t auythiug i,. _,nitl :11>1111r it. Yi>ions
.tr,. u:-uu11~ l'Xlilniucn1 by iJH t\nn inwginution a itrm
whieb mean that uotbi11g was .. r1'u, or that nothing
h::H Lapp<-uctl; at ll'nt 11otlii11g which the phi]o,ophet ure ahlc to <'xplain. \nd, altbnunh tlwoc
with u:-;, :nc rPn1ly to admit thnt Il;l)ple !'a~ ~pirit~
:ind <'nn lhc I nfinitc (~>ti tLou~uutls of '\'Care 3"0
they >l'Cm tu t;1lk a. tlwu;:h h .. h:ul grown too
:rntl dccrcpid to conrii.uc l1i ';,,it: or cvc11 to ~end
his mcsscugcrM to lnok :iftrr this"., rid 11l the pre cut time. lu hort, h< has like ulLcr ,-er) old pc11plc,
colllu to ne,!!lect hnoine~, t'ntir11\ nud huth he :md
the DcYil, with all their angel,- hnYc left us poor
ruortnh to take enro of onrsehe uumolcsted, cnir
since the nppointmeut of hi Yiccgeren! in Home.
l'crhnps they arc right, iner all which they, the
augols? h:110 tlon_c ~ince or Lave aprcnrcil to du, i,
~o as81ot the pneslhood in kccpi11g lhc world in
1gnornnce. In our next we will examine a few
cases in cbe other hook. _A,~ the ca~es cx:m1incd
in the book of Gene_>is co\cr. almot :ill the ground,
we shr.11 only cxam1uc !ht most curious fcntn r ca of
those related in the remaining hookH.
L'hagrin Falls.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ii:.




-.A~--. <-3-=- I~~~T==.A==T

. ===O==:=R=-======.==..=-:::::...::====..-======-~

'l'h en hi s lat her wao angry with him, nnd Ill I

dt 11Ye him aw:.1..r , and c.11th1 rcd hi ~ sc~rv::rn t ~ tl1 h:ir
[ 11 rep1y h llH{lllr11
. " the u ntl1r~ll--';TII fJ. v.t11tk
rn .i-: l'IHl l llG .\L SO ,
the 11at~s :l j!:tin 4 hirn, tlrnt he 111ight en ter hi " honc sfato that th~ ( 'nmmittcP. 01 ,trlltcl ,-:it1 1 ihc allillf.!
11 mor e for cH' I' .
af" .National Coll';c riLiuu c1J SpiritualiML> ] ,;i, nu'
A l'.\HA ll f, }-: .
U Y M . OUR At8.
And as the se rvants 8Lut to th e gates, one of ns Y''" to me to tt fi nal <lc tcrm inn lion in the ru:uwr

nor will the dcchion lie mn<lr before the fiJ, nt

.\. certain ma1 hal three sons, and the two youn 0,,er th eir nu mb er in r1u iu d, I s thi s tl1 e t' cr wli o i' no January uext. 1 t has, hnwcnr, hPtn dniil1d tha
.,f t h ~111 '"id to th1ir fath, r : Gfrc u th e por tion of r e8pecle r of p e rsons, who i s infl ex ibly just, .a1ul if a C'mwention is ealkrl, i wiJl 11 0 ~ <'onven, ti!,
thine estate that foll; tou<. ~o thei r father uivid cd whose tender mer cieH are over al l his hou chold, th" fir~ t of Ju n<', 1 130.
to the two heir Jl"r tion.
and endure forever ? .\ nd they loo ked nt one 1111T hl' pr in<ipal raut of he-.if:oncy ie 1l1l laek of auy
_\ 1ul itot man.v u:i.y s afterward . th e t wo younge r 1oth er, an<l wer e all s ilent.
g-Pnnn l u~punc from lhP fr iends of l'piritu:iliRrn
in tl w ~ li d d le :mu \ \'r,ti ru !'it:it- lt is <le>irahle
mi- !!:tth"r"u t<1g->'lher th ei r prope rty, con ver te d it
that thi s $houl<l he a tru ly A aiiomd m<iveruet1!, if'
into mn ucy, anti tok their j ourn ey into a cl i$ tnut
it proceed ~ at all. l t i ~ hoprd that, between thi'
c mntry, and th<n wn ted it in rio tous li"ing.
'!'h er e i s not n mor e pl eas ing llwught c ntc r~ the and ,Janu ary, the , 'pi rirnol i< ls of ,.JI ~1.Ptiun> will
.'> ul 11 hrn thl') had spent all, a grea t famine hum:tn mi nd than the fact wh ich rcc c'nL scie rwc ha: cxp ru~s the ir sentimen t>, / NII cir r<m, ''"th~ jH
f b
t iott of huJ.l in rr a (;ouve1diun, tithcr \hnrn_nl iuc:
. L 1
ram0 up<ll th.11 ,uu11 try, and thes were dc$titute I o we JI ct a bl ts eu-u nu1c y , l 1e sameness u
e- pnpPr~ or by Jett

r s to the nn1]er

c\"Cll of till' ucce,nr ies of Efo.

inp and exi s tence in all world s of puc:e. '!'hi fact
'r he locality al wh ich tlie ('onvc uti<'r ,.},;.' mq 1
A11u they went :inil took pe rv icc with 11 citi ie n of is cs tal1li hed by a proc:e~s of r c:t><ltl~ " ' trrtain will depe nd upon th e rc"pGn<es from ih" \ \ c! tern
that co11nry: anJ h ' sent tlwm inr o hi ti c Id s to nnd tri umph an t as any by whi ,h tl1 c planet Nep- St ates. ('Jevcl anu ha i1o ~n named n th llllt
1 tuu c wa s discoYercd ; th e fo rces of wh ich it is not central point for the wl1ol J wu Htry . ll ut it tl1r
feed ai1tl tc:n <l swill" .
.\ nd they w<1tt!il have brrn l(ln<l thcmsck cs to our pnrpo ~c to detail Lere. But whrt hnats of west d o~~ not choose 10 pniti,i p:, h', th e eo rll'<'nicncce of o th ~r ~cc ti on1:1 wi11 :-:ug:c1-:t a more t:!st
foerl 11puu Lhc 1ery hu,k whi ch th cv !!'1 l c the ~up erst i t i u n nml o<n pcr ti rious conj <'cture an1l ip:no. ern ii ty.
~winv ~ hut w1 unt guvC' them :my thi ng. .
r an t <:r~tluli t y fll'c :twn.\ d i-= pl'r se c.l. ~ Hie u cj a1u.1
l ,p t "n rnit "'llJlpO~ fh:tt tJ ,. , . , tab li In .,,. vt ;.
;\ow comiug tu themflc l vr .. , t lll\\ .. aid: H vw iu:un truth h <.l1l up tlwir tor rl., li ke- fri ghtc 1h'd glitif..; !'It
a.tinr1al O rJ!:t11 iz:itinH, <if :u1" kiud. (111 t li j, ..... 0 11 ,.

f h
. h
" "I
of ra n ol1jti i,1 11ald t "ti1n:ll <-h:2r:ir :-. ~ i, t14

}ure in~~ m OUl' at er 1; .. cr v ui~. ;.L\ l ' fn11 1 m.trt' 'ays"" '' 11 11uu.; tun 11ng.
1 1
than l~nuu::h, whi le we art l"'ri . . }1;111_, wi"!li J. ~PJ'.
The f; 1M brin;.! onC'e t,_H;,Luli1i~l1ctl i. bt'('toi.lll't; :i (r !)tP h<'<'C!':!:O-:Ul'.Y i< .. !d t of tlu Jrtipu-.<'1 ! to11 11'i 11 .,
u t t' <t1111 rar_v. 1t ('alkd, it wili }., u l't111 ... i1t r tli
L et Ut: ad:w n.n tl r t~t urn 1Hlln :111 l ronft' '."' to our a maUtr of llli ..t thrilli u wour ler. antl -- ul.Jn uf' j1uc t h.n; 11f <rg.. oi1::.iu1 . :.tul <t' 11!- Jt r:, u, ti
fa her that we ha\'c ~ i nnt~d :t!\tl nh 11 ... , J hi -: f!'lllillH'\S~, i11te r c .. t :1 ..; 111 th<' t''C'O ll 1 irn y a11 1-1 lii i-r.ry ,Ji tlw-;l' 1 tht\ gc11t r:l i1dtr,..,t .. (f lh ~r,i rj u i ;d 1 -,t 1 ;.; 0 ,,,,,.ult'TI~
!in d a r o unv1orthy to be cnl lod his :""ll~; untl lct n .., ht in g:-:. n rg~11 i .::ccl a'i Wt', :Llld w b:1t nr,.. 1hi m i :111d to t:1~1 .: H1~1 a 1tio1i. n.. ~.h a ll hr"' d1 f'\l'''.l, .. p<<li
Cntr t"ll him lo r1'st11 r c lh In h i.: fa\1r a~ fl('l"\':. ! t ' S.
t ho ught-.. and f(\eliri!,!.;: wh; 1t th eir Jcgrt1, .. ut Pn t. l t 1"' t1.t'\:--f~ll<'d _t.hf'r d or n :.t.s 1111_1d~ .h 1r hu flJ_'

. /H.11re 1tl.'J :i:; f. r th:'\ jrt ml:. ut or~an11.a ttor

:1n<l 1t
~ o tilt'_\ ar1\~1 :uul f:liet lllll fo1 linioe. R11t lon~.'
Jtun. t l1e1r
t'tta 11wl 1nt-; t\Tlll ncl11C\'~tul'llt~ of I u.J
" " l1c "X J1onn
t ' IH~ ~I
. Icw 1lJ\:.1
I r.- IIU I l t cSUtt
,.- t . t l l
t I:\
bPforl' their arr!..-al, thei r father ktn~w of thlir fun- art _:t.ncl "'~'ICtl"t: wlr1'th~r llly l~O.Vl' J~l }r:1rnetl J tl w ,Hwit <~n!t'l~t rt~o.(11 11- k1r .i~-, fait !J.. wi!J _rr<!vail
ditiou , :rnd of their a!1titip:1t<1'1l nturu. _\ uJ he
wi th 1 lulu..:ophat\l eyc
to " Lift t he km{! tuLc , 'I hnr :1 lllC'' tl ttrr u1 <.':tl' tlt'~t lr1 ,)ud uf ~I t ' :,wJi~IJ1
w a~ fill1 l wit It co111i1a ..... iou f11r tlH'ui. aud :If the c.:anw nnd pie1co the "' tar ry c;ky ;" w ht~ th ~r hope, nud fn.itn ~11 ~eerioni: cif our wid ,ly ex_tcnJcd <-1 uncry
t iuw wirh .~rea t !':ri<'r. r.1 ,. Le Jt:i,J "la 1> in hi liousc faith, an d love, :tnd tru t ex is t :md from tbc snine at wlu t:li th<') "'1:' look '' atL uih vi Ill tl,c f'~c<. eun:parc notes and vwws, 311,J t:!h fra~ru:tl coutt:,rl ""
th11t tho [!llilty on~ sluml<l nkay, ,,nff,r 1ritho tt t fa il !?roun ds; whether dulnted law lirings to them to the <lttti e, <l c,,1hing t1pon tli nrny rcml t in
for v11y in if11ity, :mJ tha t ~:rni gr 3 pc taten hy ns !O us, lh c pangs of body nu<l of miucl th:tl hake gr ~ a t goo d, har.lly a1lm it,.. of a q u~sti m 1 l j~ <hall
1>11c uf hi.i childr 11 shoitll twf ,,,t awithir' teeth lhe ~n u ] with agony? Jfo L ' r ec nlation will not <lo th en and ther e appear that frute rnnl OOpcr ati011
nn eel;:<'l1crc, and we arc left to the nl moL ct r tninty, mint! for " 1'." <<1wmoa cud j, irnprntticahll' FO kt it lie.
T8 tL <'o nvrn1 ivn wanted 1
:z<o I> keep thi" law i111iol:tt", ]1e J.etlwu"ht .him ,,fa and mattc1 hcin!?~ the arue in all world,, :rnd th1'
In 1><11a
. l l of ihe Con1mi tteP,
won irnus pl:ln ftir tlie ~:th~a1 ioH ,-,f tho:~
A. H. N J.\OTffi, 'v.r s, <: ~
1 lt' t :-' ni:=. 1lt:vclopmc11t.~ uurl phl'll\mcnn ol Loth tlH' ~:nn<', :
TI:dng c;;ent ont hi.: p}d,, ... t;. .~on infn a viiif"'y.tnl, J:r history of tl1mrn world~, :l.;i of unr..,., wunld rm1 t~i-1
l :tsl him sNrt:tl\' \;ct tq '" :l''d .,..].,; 11 J,r Iii Tir" l all,] thrnn'.!'h :tll the c:trtgf..: tllld vnri~til~c; ot lifo fltitl
h lh' tvL!i1\i t1ri1! pr~y r t. . W'l,.'.t- ,.r t!i !i irnt.JI,
bri,.ri:tr '1r .~,. d .,.,.,, 1 r.11:0,,\. - \\~th!,,
~<-... !ti'<'"
'-'l'l'\H.1lts.-11fwl111u1th<'1i11::-ln1ll!r\'tn..;o 11 ,.,Ju'.l.;- IJcing.
wL11 111111"" him to ;,l ( 1r.i..:.:J ii1"rr:"ng- hi;-; lirnuh with
Unt prhnp ... t.lJ('fC j.: ruom 1'\11' ti11 }rC11~f" ng lldit:t:
nail:', 311(1 l1i-; Yer.\ li1!lrt vith a 'flt'ar.
!:.'C~ti 11 n:




1 -'


__ _

Xov.' n_. the oltll''C _.,.<11. w...: tlnl' c:1''l')h'H<lc<l 1 Li:-:

,011l1l l1L1 ~fc11 fr11rn 11J,~ r11ttl-~itl :t.~ 111." J,roth-

"f:1nd ott.,



lJt'n'I tilth <l<t-n

.... io ua,
\,,.1,. I~r:irn.-.:ku
11l1 ..,,.( \0:1r -..pirit
Jt .. p1rif

rln w nn1. }{pt whf'H tliry w1rc C1JllH' witl1i11

sight of tlieir ft1rm1 t lio1r~. rlu\ir fitfl1er \nttt Duth




<lb! 1f1nt rutn 1 q,-...

t ~ '- ~

'fu \\ 11::.~

1 c.1;1r,111; ?111


i..:l1t C'l "t'\l le

:ivt U ~ -

Pin! dni~uo;. rni,ght I' ..,.,.. ioiu



To ,-.. },n 1 ... uuru ... rrh '"t to h :.. ...

'J'h:.t trniJ1 t'.1y 11i11:u" wi~li: ~. ;,, ... li

Th1"~ It

u... t ht 111 ~1:1~ ,. nm bhw T'1.:Ju

That t hrul1 ""ilh 1>:trf111 hli'-'~.

to meet. th~m. .\ nil''' ""lll ,,. he wu wirltin he:a rin", tllt'y ]10th bc!(:tll lo lame11t an(l confis~ lltc ir


fMril ''\Pl ,.:! 1 :!kin~ fonli.:11~:

Th1\~ 1!'11111111

lu' "'n dtdl :i nd rolil

.\..11d pul.,h-~.s :t"'- in thi".

l'lmt no wo11 tl11nw;i1t t11ight '~1

t)r lt C'1+1:11ind In "'Y h:.. a.t;

'fl at hr 1:1.d1 '\ orcl nml dtlil ::it11l !l:n.1l'hl

tr an qg r c~~ilmc:: and

to heg- ft1 Li! t:-i k 1n :\!!ilill in lo

J,et u s hope <ri, "t loitst.
Ulory i1ny to fly (;1nl h hroll{.dil !
hi s fo-..m"
Bu'!. wlm a;1- .. ; ..}l~" L1it l niu~: P,..,.
O s~eo, :z<r1 t. 15, J q;;n.
Ori the"\' fl~nl, t111l1 ! t.:ry..
But tl 1( t':otLccr o.1i1l: You b"'"' the hw "f mr
\\a ...!:. L1rd, :111J !uti(-. 111)' li<:ir'!
houf':c, bow th av C\'~ry ;!lilty 011c rnu~t sufTtn fur lii.s
'\'lwn d1:itl1, tl1( frrnma.u ~nhlimr.
And ~lll'n 't' ch:rn L11rJ, ).u~1 it tJ)
own inic1uit_y1 and no~ anotlwr for him. }Jow to tlJ
Jf:i .. t lippcd hi" o:u-.... !11;11 wt h.1\'f' fr.rlt!
Ff: tha.t_ J .. uitirO llm J 1:~'\ du.
(Jur :0ail .. l>t.',\' 011d th1 c.;.:a <1f finw.
hon or tn t\1is Jaw, ard n n.Jc r it r<> ib](' for YOU to
' ........,V II "' lt~n Tr't ~ hat .l
au l n .lt
[u 1b1 '-low. lhn1l 1hin!! hum:w hl':'\l't.
r etn rn, T hnc h:il your dl.' r Lrnt lt cr 5Jai~, and
or;r, hypo '""' 1 1 'f"'Y <ir ins titution
1'nr 1ltd" :111tl t.h11t1!!l 1l":. un1l tt~ Jin ... tiJI,
hung upon )'O n<l r r ( ' r o~'- lf yon will bow do wn
;\111 l 1n:r vt"! 11:.1 .. It-fl it ~ ma i l.
; Ill\'. ',. tnn 01.cnly uwnifo sts its own
l"'pun tll1 "'1>rhl nfgoud 01 ill.
I do;irc to ~h c ri s li no theory or 0 in ion
nnd rr.garcl lti111 o my C<ttt al , nnd r ly n11on th e
H O:\H JOlif!}\Al .
no s tand thi s ordc" l.
mer its of l1is hloocl fo r the fur,rrhc ness or your s in ~
. >e rson nccep in,!! t his propn<itiou will dagninst my law , you sh:ill liP nln red to 1u1 fnvor.
r, 0 slowh to the ~nlt r ta in m~nt of tLy fnnth ,"' 1 , Ne w Br ightou Po t o m,,c. '
Th~11 ai J one of tl1e prntlignl.', I both r eg~rd hi m lint <JUickly to their mi fortunes.
& > thy <'IJu:tl, and r <'ly uplln t he im ri ts 11f h is hl oocl
3, 1 59.
Ml expi at ion fo r ltl) o ffence~.
.\nu bi - f:ttlt cr aiu
'l 'rn lli will be upp n n 1o~t . <>n lime ot otl1t:r ,
to hi s servants: Brinp: fo rth th e best rob<'. and put like co rk , thottl(h kept <l own in th e watr.
it on him; nnd pnt a ring on hi s hand, :mu shoes
.:\ Cll11?h1 Almll pl'C\'itil a~n1n 1:1 t u11, o r d1 Htnth
J.g ra~h ~ rings lbe sad int elligrnec tliat
on l11s fe e t. And hring hi ther the fatted co.If, and
1)9 he1rful fut tb, thni nil whi<h we lwhold
' 1th is 10 an ~ , und has been take n to the
k ill it ; and let. us eat one! be merry , for thio my
h toll 11fhl"'"lll~.
dis solute son was dead , anu is ol ive :1gain ; w:i.
- - - lost and is snvccl by Lis Bider Brother 's ur a tL fr om
.\. g reat mnn will not tl'nntpl c upon a worm uor
cringe lo 1m emperor .
the penalti es of my I,aw.
tl1 of Oct. , nt C:1)1for11in, by J. ~!. Unl l, C1-1Antl::S
" H itlo no tl1uu~h t in IL ('OW :trd's L1.:t.rt,
.Jamc.... to\\n, an<l M iti.'i 111.nnu:r .A, IlL'ltr>JC~ of tLo
But the r emaining brother refused t o he parT h:Lt tJw wtirld u... b l~cc<l to kuo w.
doned on the proffer ed term s, desiring rather to
C' i;:nmc ti me nnd plncl' p B 1
su ffer the penalties of th e Law , than to he delivereu
' ~. . l1u11.t; -" :me! F. r ' ' ICF.
Nothin g is furth er th :m earth frow h<'avon;
from th em by h is brother 's death . For he paiu no thing is ne arer than heaven io earth .
that it was wrong th at the guil ty should be saved
Lif. ;, uui n wolki11K ,Jm<l ow : a 1wor pl~v r,
D E D;
from those pcnnlti e. by the 9uffe1ing of the iuno.
That 1itrn1 ~ llflll irPl'l hiR hourunpon tl.u: f'tJ~t,
tenrr. n. r.~ on the IOlh inst .. of pnrnl vsi3, Mrs.
~L ._,
.\nd t11ci: ,.1.. .,J no u1orc.
" " F.n, w ifoofMr. N icbolns A. Fenner, i~ the llilh

. .

- .




Tho:oC' who f{'("iin n 1.;ptci111<'n t'OJ1_r nf lh :\r.t-r.n11n.

mny u11dcr ...1:in<I that th<'y lrnv(' bl'<'n it1Ti1t1l tu "llth..;nilw for
it and obtain i:;ubl'l('nht~1 ..,.


En'ryholy l 1:i~, hy lltii'i ttrut'. lw:trd nf rlw in ... 11r1cl"ti1m nt
H:trpt~1.. ~ Ferr.l. 'rh1n a rP l111t tiw wi1~) 1lu nnl know that on
Rundny 11ight thC' 1Gtl1 of 0f111lwr. t'n.1t\w l~rown , with a
"'Ml' of men, look 1<><'85i<1'1 of tl.l' L"1111<d >'1:111.q Armory,

To ta. l't.:REl .. HED in tlw nr.xl numh<"r, i\n intern f.ting Jct
lf'r trnn ...latrrl frorn the Fnnrh. hv J1ofo"-or )f. nurni!->; To
.Mnr.r \\"illhor," a poem. l)y Clm:~ \\~illlrnrn; Pri<""ltly Ruh.,
hy J. L. Sn11th.

"Tn-tlav :il1hnrrt>d. tn-mm"1n\" :idoncl,

~o roimrl nrul round Wl' nm.
Anet l'Yrr tlw t rnlh rntN-s 11r1'4rmc)'.\t.
And E'nr b: ju~ticf' dl)o<"."

W!!: llA'\'"11 scvrral porms on hmirl tlml <:011tni11 good

thought"', 1H11 the rhythm;.., \11~'l rhrf'rlin for puhliPnhnn.
\.r e 11av<', al ... n, !'.C\(1n.l t:de!-1 well ('IH>11gh writlPn, hut 3i W'e
mufit ~C'lccl from thr grinl ~m11111nt of mnttrr ~ nt. Wl ta'kr
what seems to 11 ~ will lH' mo!->t ncrtptahlo to prni::;'lCfY>in!
min d!'!.

Of lllP t\i., of C'qit. 1rnwn'fl t-!lwnw ii i; nnt ti111<' to

iuch:('. To tl1t' 11ni 1iitia.hd it t'(IJl:dnh- ~f'rnic1 n l"N"kll'.:..<.( nn"lfl" of
.life, hul if lhf" fad1 wen. known-if it w<L" known upon whom
nnd how- mnny be }11\.fl IT~"lon lo rrl~ for n~..,i~tnn cc, quit l'l :m~
other nrdict mighl p<1. ~ihly hf rrndrr('d. 'rhe}'(' wn~ dc-op
signifi<"alion in J''l<.)Or 1'lH1mpMn'R wor<IH:

T HA?fKiOl~l'(C: l)\l.-S. P. r lut.;,;{' l1M n.ppoinlC'd Thnn-dny,

impn:-101wd twiN tht:ir numht'r,:1 tel f11r '"') rln:i-;, ~<'pt nt bay
,, Yhu mnr kill mr . hut it "ill he rt't'f'1l1?Nt. t lu:~ re :ire eighty
the 2-ltb d3J of 1'0Yrmb1.-r as i'\ day <if Th<t.nk~~h-inA'.
two thnu~nd :i~uwd mrn. P.t.t tlil tt.r11l li ro11 n1et cnd(rl; thouMnd pc'r~om1 ""'orn to c~rr)r out th i~ wo~k."
Tnr. .AnoLITIOXIRT"I hnxc appoiu tcd Dr ember 2d n.q a clay to
tlll' \"irtui-q "'''re l":lll'}Uii.litcl. Tlirr>t ot tb ,.,.l11ty flcrl lo the
11101111tai11 ... ; oti11rl'l th1 ougl1 1111 ..,nit of d1nth to the h\Jld of
\Ye hme no Inn of linm!nge ~nd Jililt fmtli '" the m1~s1on prny an<l to pledge an cv.r Uteir heart~ and hands to ihe sncred
Fnedom. tlu~ ollwr >ix arl- in a \';r~j 11 j 11 ::uJ.
of bloocl-holh hrlon~ to 1hc li fe of Forcf'. What '\\'9 ha~e en.use of Liberty .
Th, news of tlw in~un'f'i ti 1,, 1 Focut ;t rhi11. a terror, aki n I hatl'd mc'lrl, and laborct.l hnrdc.o;;l and 1ongl"8t to rursc and
RY.AD the eighth, E"rcrJ one who wrih1'4 C'..,pt:'t~inlly
to dt.>:-tth. to the great human hiart. TlH' fir:,l qm~tioms Wl.>l"C: nboli~h, i~ the Flln>~ry of Vi-nma.n ; still w' 1.ov' n~d .vcnerale
for the prel'io;;, r-hould purchnl-i a book i11 onr offic<-''The
"w-hnt wilJ thl\-lud of th~l' thing/) he'/" .. Will the on Capt. Tirown for 111~ la r~<' -lwnrl cdnc~. ror lrn1 Chri~hnn ay mHight ,,.~ord in the Right Place.
bt-' dhid1.-~d ag<'lintoil itt<>Clf ?'' .. 'Will a 1)(1pJi, Wl'.'..Uj' witb op !)rtthy for" those in ~011rlfol," Hnd for hi" pril~cip1 e~ now De~tb
PJ"pj;._<.iicm, nst. up :uid writ<' with Ulon<i lilt' hi!->l ury of their 111tl'nor 1d11nd~ al l~1i\ gnlo. Be hM h_ut 11vC'.rl the doclnn~
\\'p hn't"C for f'."l.le YowlPr ct '\\'l'i l~' Jll111o<trated J'hrr110Jog:ic:1.l
raptiYity. :-.:.imrinK~ nnd ddi,\'imic<' ?'' 'l'bt..:.o questions arc tlin.t trnche#(, "H.f.'~11-Jlanco tu l_vr:.i11ifl 1~ obeci1<"nco to God; Almann.c fvr 1 60. l 'dcc G ccn l.1 i po!-ilage 1 cent.
una 11 _..,w('rNl- tlte Fi:tui't' will nply.
nod tho~ who condemn him c:ihonld n)i:io condemn the lcnch'\\- . rl\n on hn11ci f'f'l'cml nrticlC'H from rnra '\r illhurn .
ina of Jc~11 . . and lhc Revolutionarv F:1thf'1'M.
Vi'lml n con:--lrnntion tw<.11ty-11l\y, t;CYen tocn men cun
~- .
PAiurt:n. PILLSnttnl" and B . S . To~o.;, of t he Auli- In,cry
m:i.1.:"~' Bru\"e l)Jd l .. irg inia, the mother of herot'Si gl'O '\\ S pnlc
Capt. Rrown an~ h1:-J friend, h.ag1, F!.pc-nl i>rn:rnl wrcks i.n DuglC'. Rpokc in Clc.\"'cland. on the flth in!-ll. g'i'ring their 'icws
with krror anri a ... kH in her R(')~row the Uni tl"d S tnlti:l truop~ Clcv"ln11d J:i.c.;t SprmS?. Tl1 0~. who l~:td t_he plcn . . uro of _1h l'1r of fi innry , the l,;n ion :Lnd Capt. .John Umw11 . 'l'he goc:ipcl
to pn>t...ct hrr from a l"('Or~ of fut". The who1e 11ati1111, with nrouaintanC"o 11f'ld them in lu!:!l1 eRltmnb<111 . We Finy, 111 <Jll

f t 11ry prl'ac 11 l~ no exart 1,. p 1c;t-.;111~ 1o 11J

irt 1llgrnn or n
hPr }C'g1011 of wdl t1-:i.inr>d soMLC'!'... ; with lu'I' wP:tlth of pow f1;mkll<""<.(. tl1:i.1 WC' nP11f'r h:id any grPnl lH"l' for the nnmc o 111w enioni,..t, hut it i4 th!:!. trul', liYiug, hrl'nthilg g~1c:.pcl 11e\dtr, lllU!-.kf't~. :i.pcu:; and ca1111011-. tum bk~ try-d:iy wilh tl w Ifrown I ill_W<' lookt"d in1n !hr hrrnp~~ fo<.'C of the br::ixel"l, tru~t ('r!}l(k-......
numrn, nt l ht l 7th nnil lrlth rln.yq Cktohf'r. Thu Dt."'mocrnt~ of tlw fa1nly-,lohn, vr o~!-.UWi\llom1l'.
Want af room pr0\()11t~ 0111' ~idn!.{ a !-iJ110p~i:-. of the r('mark;\
sn" in l110 110.rpcr's Fnry wnr u 6110 opportunity fur politiC'al
Th(' '!d d:iJ llf nf'('rmlur will he a dad\ d:t.y in Amrricnn R111 luuJ ,;:('tho flJ1tlCC it v.-nul<l lie like rni11linl?' a t11undc
l'apitaJ. qo thl'y cried .. l3"11old llll grtat l',- j) brought upon hi-.;tnry- O" t11nl dnv Jrmcv. will 't'Pil hf'r fn<'f": MRnry p11I ~torm the rain an<l U1und~r n11d lightning would be- "-~nl
111i hy th!' non - w1)r~hippcr~t1l onr Fhri11c '" Tbl' IPrrnrl->tl'ilk- on 1'1."l<'k-clnth. :wrl FaYF.OOM, !hr c-ld<'Rf horn of hcnvcn, ntuin- ing.
111 lkpuhlican rq,Jiccl, u ire know 11nt tht<if' men ." Many r1N1 :111rl t1111m-rrownrd. will rai~f' to Ond her lNuful e_vc." and
of tllfl fri~ntl"t of Onpt. Brown, :rn cl hi1-1 ('O ''ra.ile". 1rmPmhm n~k hov ), v Hltr '"to h. 1.ftlZ!!f'd h !ht T-'nlpit, annfhl'mnLITERARY NOT ICES.
how dc:1r is Jif1 :1.11d Ol"t;! cfoMing tii<'ir skit'~ of nil kno"kclgc tizcd hy lht> Prr.... :ind ('lJrqcd i11 Con~rrR~ Hnll:i.
:.ind for Mlt.: nt th<' Agitn.tir ", 288
of till~ conlcmplnltd i1U"\\ll"TC'Ctio11.
nut to th< w01ld thC'r<.' C'OmC'th n hrighfC'r day-:\ <l:ty when
Gidding.... Halt" Forbt~ :11111 l'lnmli quitr ohli..-onc;i; of nipul>liranit-.m ;'llld Chri . . tia.nit.y will nut hcgreut wnrd-i rnean - ::iup< ri11r f'ltrc<'t.
Cnpt. Ilro"~n'f.I. inl('ntionR. 'l'hnt they Uonlst then fa nu Jng "ll'>fhinp. Thtrc C'Omf'lh a t ime> w-lit'n A mericnnP will not Tim Crn~1-: Er-;T.:H1.1m, by Ifarrict Hamlin Digflow. Price,
tluulit, tlml thcir .o1,ympntli i L~ nrc 011 thcHidl' of humanity is IJon."I of frt'f'rlom 3 ,,rl t.till hold in hondagc fonr millioui; or
$1.:.?;l; p~lagc 20 c-c111~.
'l' h i~ i an An ti-Sla.\('l'Y look that ju~t now will he rrad
cqunlly trn(I. UrNley h<t'i strangely forgoltln hiEi. Kn.11~"\..'I cor- Ameriran ritiz.l'n~; wli<'n the y will not prate abou t ,, Tndire.~pcm<lcnt, John K;igi i Copclandi hoping to his l ifo,:bi\~ vid ual 8o\"'errign ty," nnd then deny woman the rigbl to Rclf- with ~rent interest. 'fhr- nuthor F<ny11 ... J10 hn.::i written the lJook
turnf'd tmilnr. ltot a flw who e11couraged J\Jr. Brown in his rule.
becau& lhl' necet:."lity i~ l:tid 11po11 her. J\ good rrn ...on and
hrumrdous 1111drrlo.king tnlk now uf r' Brown lhc maniac-tho
The dcnth kii(lll of J ohn Hrown will hr Ui(' tochin of libNty. flhe l1M wrill cn n. good book.
reeklN~. dLa.lh~rtefying Il:own.'' Gcrrit Smith i~ ~iltnt and 'The rutomac will the Roun d on to lhe Stu and the M"n TFtF. Uni. A Gl'In P. TO l-h:.n-1'.\", I" George B . Smith. Price
25 cent~; postage 3 cents.
Frederick Dollgln."ifl, lik~ nriy ,.('nfiil ilo man, feels th e great ropea.t it thr "mld around; thr lofty Allc-p;haniPs will echo th e
irupoilance ofh rcalhin g J~ n glhdt air.
nl arm, and an hnnrl rC'd hill:-i will an~wcr tu F'rcedom'l'\ en. II.
Tho~c who l'Cgard the Dihlc a~ n "g11ide to hraven" ~hould
nut blill lhtre a~ a fow fcark'Si out-~pokcn hearts \\"h (l
Tbc ~Un of ncccmhcr !?d, 1950. will ri~ npon a .N:llion thnt mo~t Clrlainly rc>:ui thiq excellent hook.
clrng Jo,-ing-ly, tenderly to Juhn Brow n or Ob.c:.awntomic. Ji; htl.'\ lramed ln lo,-e Hum~nity anrl to r~pect human ri~hte. Jr How- A .... n W ny r RY.CA'H: A SPIRITl,;.\U!'ti," lil \\-n~h A.
Dnnkkin, llnllimorf', Md. ])rice, ~5 cent;, ; posfn~C' 1 ctt4.
t hii.;, trin.1 hour Ou.y will bl' true to that lov~ 3.nd ~\'ill 11 t put Rii.:l teouRjudgCR will lhPn n 1 1o th<" P"'nplt in l'igbt(ousne.~<;.
unde r ban the brn,c -v.-ords lhnt. spring Crom th ei r lwarb1 lt 'I i:i>"" who ma.kc a pil~rimn2'C to thi-r. planet 011 llial day , will
Mr. Danskin ha" t nl d a plain, ~('1lR ib1 c story; giving the
to their lip"l. Mr~. StnrfC'l":i.nt, lhe only irnplir:i.ted won1:ll11 ir1 f ti trnrcd Ride by sid r. tho namM of ,fohn Rrowu, J.ouiq hc5'1 of rf':l'>Oll"i for hc,c>nn1i11g a ~pirihmliHL '\Ve take plcni\fhrah
ure in rccrommc11di11g the bc1ok to tb(k-;c inn-~li~alin~ ~ pirit
P l1:1r:1n 1 rn ' ' ~
. d h' l {0&quth, Jo~p ~la7.7.ini :tn11 uro;g-c Wn<;;!Jington.

. . . ..


l" i~nn'"nl. only he plagued. him .m

l S io
Hnt in the twelfth chapter we :ire told t h ut
, 1 . i~ k in n tlrr:1l1> llnd tol tl him


- - -- -


n;;m<' tu J\_ >111u.

As wC' n n.r 1he Ifol1Jn:r1-1 anci FICC' C11ft Hocikq gnrng lo tl1c
Sar!1l1 wa. the wife <1f Abram.
. _ 1rintcr1o1 for grown prop1e wp lrnn wonrllrNl if Cl1ilclrc:-n wcrC'
1,lll' r,1 ... l:' of \l1n1h:un' ., ,wrnrnl. tn oht:uumg:oiug lo hl rcmcmlx>r<'d. 'rh<'re may he ph1it.Y (If bn11kR fo1

] , .,,. tnmr .. jH'lll>Crh the h c~hcm i but will fh(y h':\<'11 trnr nud }11\ i11g lt'""Oll~? It i-,

I.)CCC3. I f'r ~.1''"'

_ '. .
inifcstatin n l'> o r ca~ting lotM. 'J'hi 8 nn.... tly impn1hmt tlint lioo'k,.. of :t 40011 nrdC'r r.l1oulcl h1 p11t
t>lJ,\ ~' al m .
, wi ll of the Lord is YL'f}' nt.o yonng lm1J(li;, thal young hrn.1tri nilly lvinn 1lil'1'(frnm
11tl l)I a.u"crt::urnng th
. ~ifc's hl(>:.;..r.;l'd mi!Qo.ion.
1 11 1
mon in olH~ClC'diug bOt)ks. lt ~ near Y a
We wrote In Mary ".illhor and F:rnny Gn"'<'n-tbl'y lo'"'c
r(fppin"', :ind is a uu.:tlw1l by wh ich :m :\llb\\"C l:uHI write for <"hildr<'n-nnd n..:k"'I wh:11 ,~-:-i"' tu l1P tlonC'?
f J.-C' uP~tlV' Uc obtain1d hy tho,"IC' who nrc '. 10 J\.I!'~. Ort'<.'n rrpliccl, ' 1 "~ill p1r1 nn n. f'l11iHf111n~ l!'Ntl for
q . ' to 0 l>t aw nu nn 0 \\'I" ...' in ~lily other "1l'tlw
rld ldnn. Marv Vt1lll1or nrai rmnC'PS Br11w111"hall 1.1a\'C

. : ,

1n fingl'I' 111
l' d H\ 'l" thC' 'm~wc
llll1 pi1 .' 1\ o": I 11nt .. (':<mp1) JU"'l the> I h111~. .Mr:-.
t hnw1vcr to 1ir rr I(' t ' .

I k
11:> t\O
'. , ,
in l'\l.:)tiu 1r lotH, ?rel'11, (the nut \or of tltnt t!"il t~f hook: S}~n.nn,a 1,) no~,..
be t ht re ., ult ot itc t.: i.l cnt, ,\~
cl )ll~t wha.t to f..:ty anrl hnw to F:1y 11. ,A nuP 11ttl( honk, with
O&ttlt ninBt nhYil):"i hnppL'11, whether trn~cr t stnriL~, pich1rca nnd Ftong~. will hC> rra<IJ hy thC" l"'t 11f Der I ,.
1r: l )l' nut P crHOl\ii, thcrdort), Bcl'JulX'r. 1'1H rPt;iil prkc will lw 25 rrn1t-4: (he booli; fur $1:
tro o~ 3 " '

h(~ mistaken, an ti to ;;up l_J ORC th~ rchulttwclYc for $"1. A 11\,L'rn~thcrnm: tn:hol1bal' dtn.l~r.; . 81nd
b ~ to

" 11r:l h\S int('ryour arldrc ..s to lht A-1tator <1fl1ce, 411' tu ~I r~. l rann~ II.
' rit artwn w cu no el '

t I13 t Of sp
ti t Green, Prov1d!'nce, n. L , or Mary H. Willbor nf 11,,. '""'e
'l,hue " c.' HrC wn rranlc tl iu cone u ing in Ince.

'rim PLBl.ll Y1snon, puhl!!->hC'd hy E ..T:im<.',q k On .. Phila~

d ..:l phin, P:i.., 11ai;i united wilh the \\~onmn'R Arh~nrntc, nnd
.Ju~tph i nc J~. Dlwr:.1 l 1a~ tnkcn \111 Chnir ccli tori:il. he~irte Jn~.
I.awrrnf'<' Hi!{litmyrr. " -l, ~Jmll C');pt'd hiltC'r und 11111.Yr
thoughts fro111 thr uuiird ht'aJ:-. 'l'lml'l-i iu1t ~01y i11 g we bnl""c
nof lmd alnarly n.i::; ~oorl tliin gq n..... :i. ~111g1<' head <'Rn produrC'.
'l'he 1,nhJic Yi~ilm i:"{ pulili:-iht:<l cvC'ry ~alnrdl\y; ...ub:,crip-

t iu n prire 50 crnt~ ptr ,vcar.

1'1-n: A ~HY~,. h;i ... ht<'11 ~1.~11&{1d iuln a l\1r1'h. C:. A.
SpcnNr nnd )f. H. Allardt, arc it ... pn liJj . .,]1(1-... anti p;oprit'lnr'M.
Prier t .51J.

L1H Jr.1.tArn11m.-ln th o 1111murr for Xo,. 10th, -.rill ho

cnmtuC'ncu<l Tlw Sl'houl111n~tcr':; \Y V(')ing."
Tm: Sl1i:.1n .\L CL.\ltJJ'(, L"riah Clcirk. E 1itnr. Our hrot bC'r
...<'<'fn.;;: nt ti mt~ to he! sulfori11'-! fr111n FH'Y<'rc bi li ou~ attacks, an d
harn wilh rc,:.:n l 1hat the 1\g- it 111or lin, ofl(n iudurNI tlm:-;c
'\Y1 ilm1 hrpn i\\\":Ll'f' f i f \hjci r11rl, rind hnv c often 111nihd the pnper lo liim in MOITn\\, knowing t hr (ffect it
would pMrl ucc.
HL hrvl :111 ~thuul t11c JJ in~t., judging hy the paper

lPlTih]p '."jl<'llr:.

of tJ,;t 1lnl<.

thin"H sup poar il to be the woril.9 of tbc Lo'.if A new edition of the "Sk<'lcho., frnn Xatun>," will 1"
In th<'.;(' \\"'nrki11g day1.;, \\lu.>n the d cindla of i--lron~ men i~ so
tnlc of those who were ~eckmendy hy tlie 1:11 of the mnnlh. W" >lmll lmvo :1 lnrge n"ort - gnnt, it "-IN!Tl1H n lhnmnnd pilil'Fi tl1aL a man , claiming to be n.
bl: t \I) nus \.
t.o oht:tin :,m:;werti tone11t of JuYCnilc book~ hy D,ccruLcr)~t.
\Hlrker, "'hould m:mifl.-.t so f.lnmg ~ymptumc-; of l1y<lro7>11obll.
thc:rn my.;;t~non~ mcHn::t ,
Tlw "'~~ "f ,,,cing and comc r ;;111g w~th 1 1 - - - - - - - - -- - - - are too 11111n~rou" to bo ,,11 ci l rtl in t hiRnrhclr.------------------------------------.)ii~~~~

Jl1t. Rn.~xso"is BLOOD ~,OC'ID \\c gl:1<l lo know is n great good n1mrng t.h e atllit'ftd.



gem in iLs wny,-it numbers uhout forly scholars,

and a ~rc;1t dt>ul of inlcrc>L i8 111:u1ifc>tcd on the
part ot th soholar,. l:lomc nf our Clergy desire to
"D1t. Bno;<$O~. m :-fl may no1 lie \n.luPlt..ii'.., t1) y11u. t11 know what we arc tcacliiug our children. On being
know that I h;wc n~rl tl1t'.' C"'omhincd H.rj)nph11 .. ph:1tc-. :1n_cl inli>nned hy the writer tl1d tl1c lesson at that time
ry,.ophn81pl1att<S, or Ulr:>od-Fond, in :-;en:1a ca.~l ... and muwn C:Lrist' Ncrmo,.; on the :\101111!, roi:llied:
forml ...- with tmcec!;S; nnd tlml ] nm f'om irH'1d lh1r a

The following lcltt'T1', from genllemrn Wl'll knrrn.n in NC'w

York, tv Dr. Brom; m will trll lcll llwir own Mory.

ncanr appmximufiotl to the mean~ of a r.1.dicnl run oi tb~*-C

of CJJ.l'(.llliC lli~e~o for whkh 111\')~ n.rc pr<'p1tH'(I, than any

nthcr Mf'd1CRI Ag-<ncns kuown lo tht"! l1hii111i:11op~Piil..
I r('('onrn1cm.l thrse Pn!Ja1a.tio11~, a..c: 1:111111nl111ally dc<;irou.~

tlm1,. they .should ho ~n rp wi<fr>ly tt><;tt!d a11d aduptld, tban b.r

the cxvcneucc. and Ill the narrow cirdr of 111y prneli<'f'.
IL l\. lllt<HY\'.
Now York, Sop\. JR. 1859.
J20 \Yl',1 llrondwn~-
..An.otlv:r L~ftcr from Prnfu;.v>r Colbltr11.

Drt. Bno~~o~. Srn .-Thi.! folli>winl! ca.-.L' aIT1i:-d-. n.d1li1 ionn.1

if any w:L~ 11rPdC'd, of llw C'JliC'<W\" of yo11r Hlnod
Food, wliich lm.i d<nH.' so n1uch for 11a~. 1-'onltl 1011r or live
mo11tl1s flincc , I wn:-. c:dk<l upon to 1i\"t 111rnl 11111.:ic foi-:-;1>11"
to a ~oung lady lf llii::. cllv, and al ~IJ\T 1i1bl intL~l'Vi4'W with
~1~r, I Lw fnirn her pale aml 1madatl-d ~rnmtL11anr1" lier hatkrng- cou~h . anti .tlir.\ bc~ lil' l1 ~1!-.l1 011 lwr clichk-. , h<r -.hort11l:ss
o!hrC' s_11d faint a~ltl'11I:lt1on, that ~lie w~'"i fn..,t \"rrgim.r Ill
Co11 .. umpl1011, of wlrn:h U1f'.(:1..;< ~ht~ ]11-;l (l s1:-;tcr :d1out a v~ar
an<l i\ h;ilf ago. T infon11td h1r of my foa.r~. awJ told lwr'thi\L
lb di~la-;c n111st he lll'l"t'..,h1rl nt m1\~P.'nr it wonld ;-;0011 l1l' l<>o
Ink. I crmrludcd to g:ivf' hPr nil, rn11 k,...011 :t ,,.<:ck, (whirh
wa.... :di 8hc coulcl hlnr,) and rccclmn1etnlod lwr lo l:tke Your
Lif~-Hl~toring Prrpa1atio11:0:, :ind <'X('rci~c h.!r voirc ;rnd CJ1c.-..1
wilh g-ymna... tir cx<:ll'i L~, at l~a"t :\11 lumr <l dav at different
timcg. . 'he followC'J rn.\ ndvin t'<t1thfully, a11d {11 one wt'tk .
't\'hC'n I wc11t lo qive lw1 the M.lf'011d l1i-~1;1,J fnund her hca11h
~reatly jmp101Ni ;111J iwr co11gl1 c111vJ, an<l. ~h' could sustain
a. tont> thP uc;11al lenqlli uf tini<.! witli11lll tlilli('lllty. 1 htl"l"'C
cvidc!l('(', this ca.-..l' with a 1inlv i11trrCf'.t lo ~t.>(! if the curu

\"\'Ould hcn..;r!1dul'i11gn.o;; 11 r--f'r>nw:11n hr ('flniJilt"tC!. Thie wet>k
~he rcii~1111et.l her le;;,."\ou~. :11 1<1 it i-. only 11e1't'....-..ary for rnt~ tn
l"'ay, (us111g Iler own wordt; to nw.) tl1aL ,.;}w i.; uow i11 pf'rfl"l.:l


J w<rnld a..-ld,in rcfl.nncc to mr..;1ll. thnl Ill) t-1lrc110'll1

has not bcc11 ~ g-ooJ for tw en ty-fin.. \!Car....

Youn,, for the good oii..111i~rli1u; humanih,


llLUlCl"'3 Lf!LBOR:-1,
1\flw York. 'cpl. 15, 1859.

:20:2 ....:ixth Avenue."

Dr. BronRon ha.:.i. nr)w ready for sttlc his promi!-;cd prcpura.
tionA, Xo. 4, \\"0111an's Rl'>rati\-t'; Ko, 5, ~a11'1:1 Hcgcncra
tor. For sale at tbi'i oftir(. ltcad a<l.\crt i~cnw11t.

- - - -Trn: ronn havr not hocn qaite forgottrn.

We ,.,v,


r growu bO)" ' who mnwd '1'u'1l then ' the

happ1P~t h!'arl 1lml 1nr h1~t. Thoy had xr'" a]'""'",, idow
JUi11u.') flWl. flu~!' and f-lllH..'~. Tho hny~ .~nn.l geutl' ofl

olhl'r d1.1.y



their o\rn fund and "-'k"d oih"r' to do tlrn .-anw. ],. a -hnrt
timc_uw.. c young ufr.-~iorntrk~ !-..1"' n J-"ior famil.v n.:t.1l1 jn,yf.d
hy drnt of their C rt ionH. \\'hy will ,,,.1 otlwrs f,,IJo" the
nnUlo cxruu.f"1a or lho.-M 1unnn 1 -lw:utiit r.. n """?

We hope to be pardoned for gi,iug to tbe public

"l"l"hat was only intender! for tlie home-circle. A
good thought, a beautiful idea, and plain, out-sp ke11
truths belong to the public,- a.nd to the public they
shall be gi,en, if the writers do not object.

* * "

The last .Agitator brought me a

gentle hint that another dollar was requisite to my
happiness for a year lo come. In closed please find
the same, and govern yourself accordingly.
The last yea.r's dollar was the greatest dollar I
ever invested. It brought me more food, spiritually and intellectually, than I had :tnticipated or even
hoped for. Thanks to kind spirits, Brother Chase
and all others who were instrumental in making me
acquainted with the Agitator and "Agitatrcss"and may God and good pirits enable you to provide
a like repast for the year.
Speaking of Ero. Chase, I will say tlrnt we arc tn
hn,"e the" Olcl war Horse" in J_,awrence next Sunday.
.Father Clure and his daughte r SL1sie , were \1itL
us last Sunday. \\Te ha<! services in the morning,
afternoon and evening; and the Ilall (same one you
spoke in when here) was crowded to its utmost.
"Little Susie" is an ang:l, if eYcr there was one,
either in or out of the forlll. She rends and recites
her selections with surprising beauty and truthfulness, a~ yo11 well know. "01cr the Hiver, " nnd
"Out in the Cold.'' were r ecited with so much feeling and pathos, that many, very many faces gave cvi dence that their eyes rolled in fountains of waters.
She comes again in two or three weeks.
We continue our meetings every Sunday; they
:ire well attended. Our Sunday Schoo l, too, is a

J\h. GiLEAD, Morrow Co., O., Oct. 27, 1859.

]~DJTOlt AG!TA.Toit;-It is &ingLi lar bow ignornut

the opposers of tLe IIarmooi:.l Philo;opLy are;

they im agine the spii lualisLs, as a mass, arc an
aw u set o Jerngs-coniLining all the iui<1uitics of

every 1ow passion

in lhe land. l\lany of the ladies

"Very likely 01110 ,uc-11 doak will be used lo arc nfra.iu lo go and hear" Spi1ilual Lecture, lest
conr up the rrnl ohjcct."
they sho'd be subjected to all manner of indecencies.

T rcplicu: ", piriluali~111, unlike most doctrine, A few days ngo, while le~turing in J.--, I had 110
di>pe11sNl lJy so -call ed Chri stian ministers, needs latly anrlitors the first ernning, and in order to
no cloak, nor ncrcr l1au 011e. It stand~ up before draw them out ll1c second evening, the auuienrc
you in its naked &irnplicity, anu rhallengcs you to agreed to invite them <lll<l assure thcm that the
doff your cloak and mask. Dare you do it?"
"lcclur r said nothing that was Hnin;tructive, or
YourR llespcctfully,
J. c. J3.
tmchaste." The next day, several laclies crLlled on
____ ____
me, ancl finding that I was not dangerous, they
New Orl ean, La., Sep. 2~, '5!J.
come to hear me leclme. Thnt c1ening scrnral
I am glad '.\[r. Sier ling is rc>icw- professors attended; all seeming well i\lr. Rmitl1. I hope a rejoinder from the latter The nex.t evening, after concluuing, I was accosted
will be forthcoming. Two rn n wore earnest for the by a Methodist minister, with: "Jf you'd only jGin
truth c0uld not be found lo meet in discussion on our Church and preach in that way, you"d be a
the subj ect. Guou must result from it.
great light among us." A Presbyterian also won.
I well remember with what cage r interest I read dcred why I" didn't join their Chu rcl1 , for I cou ld
Gerrit Rmith's first cxpres~ion in favor of Woman's get $2,000 per year." A Quaker said it wa.~ "good
rights to the elective franchise. It gave me :i hope Quaker doctrine." A Unitarian sa id, "he didn't
I had not dared exercise before, when such a man know before that the Spiritualists believed as our
was found advocating the scouted doctrine.
Ch urch did ;" and thus the re.murks went round.
1\Ir. Smith is not so blind as not to know that a W e ll , the facts are, the Spiritualists liave gathered
large share of the legal marriages arc not natural all the kernels of truth round wbich all the
marriages _ ,, can't-help-it marriages"_ but he Churches cluster, and being the fulfillment of their
seems to think, with L.A. Ili1ie, that th ey Lad Let- 1 prophecies; the r eali ty of 1tl1 their forms, the untcr" tough' it out," for a kind of terror to the un- foldment of all ~enut'.ful o_r gcu~i."e ~crrns;
Lenee each denom1oat1on fi11cls in , p1ntunhsm its

* * * *

Tf it is a sin to marry from other than "can't own central truth, hence, all feel at home. But
. after they have tasted of the .food containing all. the
help-it" motire , w h y no t rn 11s case as we 11 as rn
other~," cease to do evil, and learn to do well?" clements _of truth, they will har<ll~ ~e at1sfied
b ~ b"dcl
r ... , k
to dwell 10 clouds of darkness, con tam mg but one
1Hl. ll ioc
pcn1 ent smncr c .101 l en to !Ol::ill e 1 1
fl" b
I .? I l
, . e emeut o 1g t.
I,. :M . .A.
11s sms.
n tie uamc of the od of l unty, must
a WOTil<lll prostitute lier elf nil her ]ifc long because, l

in her youth and i"noraoce she bas sold herself?
.\\ e clip the follow mg from the Kew Brighton
lliust she continue to Uce >Cn the uilt resting upon Times. Ilupc some bater of spiritualism will acl
. g
. ? G
ccpt l\Ir. 'r.'s propo;itiou:
}1Pr ~ou, as ung as :-.he l"t pcrm1tt<"i io live .
forbi<l-not only for he,. sake, but for the sake of
JcotTOR NEw BR!GttTol'< T1Mr.s: I am not d es irous
sav ing the world from those discordant" unstudied of cuulrovcrsy, hut as there have recently been
incidents" which result from such wicked unions. many misrepresentation. made hrre, prejudicial to
Spiritualism and its defenders , and iu order that its
Jfot why am I talkmg all tlus to you, my sister, a real claims may be srt forth, and that holh sidas
though you needed light? You who know so well may be heard, I pr.opose, i\lr. Editor, with your
whether a true soul can li,e in unholy wedlock aud I con c~t, to _discuss rn your columns, the following
harn a" conscience void of offence;" and who knows, qu~shon, with any Clergy_man or Layman in this
v1c1mty, who may be considered an acknowledged
too, whether the conscience can be quieted by break- representative of the Anti-Spiritual theory.
ing the hated legal bouds , aud facing the Rcorn of . " Do the Sp iri ts o~ departed human beings conthose who worship the lower law, who holu sacred tmnc to mnmfcst their presence, power and intellilaws sanctioned by a Government which l\Ir. Smith gence to their friends who remain on earth?"
The arguments to be based upon well authenticavery appropriately terms a " conspiracy against
ted facts-upon the cviclcnces recnrded in the Binatural ri ght ."
b le, and npon human testimon y in all a"cS. Bel begged of you in my last letter to spare your lieving with JeffcrsonJ that 1 J~r-rrr <'- h~;;.ml. s:..i srlong
as H.casou is left fr .r tn <111hat it, th:it
body and brain, and save yourself, if possible, from
"any theor_y, hypothe,ie J hi
pl1y, CJr institution
the fate of our dear sister, Corn Smalley; but when
that fears imco i;!"t10u O)'c11ly maui(ests its own
I think of ALL, I do not wonder lhat you venture PrrtJr ' I dc~iru to cherish no theory or O]linion
u11on another volume of the paper, "ltbougb you ,_ ,[iat will not stand thi ordenl.
Any person accepliug thi proposition, will adpcot to be taxed evcrely.
dress J3ox 18, New Brighton Post Oa\oc.
Osseo, Oct. ] 8,] 859.
Oct. 13, 1859.
I nm vc1y glad to learn that there
is to h e a "sifting" of r efor mers. l\fay good men
and spirits sec that the work is faithfully performed .
The telegraph l;ring the sad intelligence that
1 am rcauy to pitch in and ontribute my mite
Gerrit Smith is insnna, and Las been taken to the
whcuever I can find a chance.
Utica Asylum.
\Ye haYe just pa 'SC cl through ono of the most exciting political contests which I eYcr saw. Our
war and rall ying cry has been, "Equal Rights to
On lh~ 2lllh of Oct .. at Californin, by .r. M. Hnll,
All ;-H mes for the Homeless," llnd " ~o Taxation OnAUWlc, of .Ja1uc.-,to\n1, nucl Miss fi,uuur:T A. Dunuco, ofll10
without Hcprcsentation." A tall O>ents that is tbo Raine. place.
ground thaL I have worked upon, anu many others
Also nt. theSRmO lime and place, E. B. Loun1-;x and El"!'ilCF.
witb me; and we have come out of th e fight victori- E. Buuorc.
ous. Our nominees are pledged for the Homestead
Bill, to the cud of the cktpler.
In ProridenrC', R. T., Oll the 10th inst. , or pa.rnlysis, Jl[rs.
Good for j\[inncsota, the youn;;cst and fairest sis- D1:nou.An f LNNER, wife of Mr. Nicl.Jolml A. Fenner, in the 18th
ter in the Confedaracy.
year <lf her age.

* "' *



sec or f,~~ 1". J n'iig11t au<l in"4pirntinn, tlii dunl f;>l'<"l'"'' nrny
tcll a loig L:dc whose pilli t-lmll lil a grund r11:ility-3 n.mlit)
F:C'On, 111o1 ~urh_ tm the uull'r mo11;
and rnur1.




t1rtobf~r . Jb:i!I.

To E. . A--,

no!'liO!": It i,, now (1\'(T lhn.:1 rn1111thE.1.1incv

kft. yo11r r.1ty for thh.. d"Jlilrt menl of the united cm pin of
Blntc~ i rrnd, h<wing t.:urit1d for l(!du1ing purpo-.t'~ :it. HCYcrnl
place~. I propo<.,1~ to drnp you a fPw t.l101114"ltt!-: i11dirntivc nflht
stntu of 8p11itttal thingH the.r in, ns nlsu of th nccdR of 111-1 1trc
Hpiritun.lir;.ts--thus on<l i:;o, n~ citlitr adtln.o. : o.;f.'"' th~ !ll'rl~<'plions
of)tmr corn-.pnndcnt. Of course (am n11l to quot{ the prict.1
of pork, 11or <'nt1.:r i11fn :m t<;li111:tfl of Urn_t(hent nncl rnrn Cn>Ji!'i
of thi<i )..lcotl1d Ol1i11 Stnte. All .,ucli matlcr fir,d'{ olht"l'
cvnng1liil~ to appropriah ~plicrt!lo{. Spiritua.liti 'l.-11ot at nll,
by the '9t'<'Y in anl:1gouiHm witl1 ..Nnt.ur::ditie!-1, th1HtKii tiH~
pn1-1liini; ti~hh.!r :tg:tillt-l Jfalcrirdttir.s-dc111and from their ndv11ratt.~ ;u1<l d(~\'1>t<'1~., pri1onl ttnd cspccinl nlt.rntion. Tltl.'rl' ran
ht? no tnw C'<111j11gnli~rn before mrn bctw~n LhC!"l' Lwu-lhc
inner and Ll h N1tcr-till their rc..:;pctli\"C relntioni;i to l':J.t'h un
ond(r;.;tnood. TIJl' Kingdom of Ilcm-en is wit11ol1l a .. wdl a"I
Ll~:wiug Lht.! Ea;;rn ..Athcni:t1 then, [ procf't.'.'dctl via l)roYiLlf'nt'<', H. 1., :md r~unc this ~ ny - wnrd. ProYidrnct' it\ u fine
field lo labor in, n.,csur~dly-fnr quitr n numc1ouH m11nhcr
thL'I'" :irr cnthu .. in~titnlly inhr .. tcd in the guodM n11d usl!S of
the new 1mf1Jl<ling, :md in tlHJ uni,crsul ~prcnd of its earthly
dominion. ~till, l enn11ot IJut think a.g1eala number here U..'i
elAUwhcre, ai; yd, arc the rathcr ph1nominnlist~ than intcnrn lbts, a11d would 1T1.ll1er li~t<:n to repr::1ted fu&1'lad-~~ ngainsl ;1.11J
bombarclmcntH o( llib )i c~l litcratun and ll rapidly cr1UapUT11.{
thcolog-y. thntt ghc en! to nometbing whieh, if not plP:t.;iu;;
ncl tittilating- to lhc mental pnlalc, mi~hlJ nt J1._n,-.1, he in Yt~
ted with th !-.pirit of '3nggt~tin11c> ...>: . t\ c1tt..:rthcle-.'i, tln-tt are
miudB, tof>, :rnd not ;i fow a.t l'" "ho ~inct'Tt:'ly d t~frc lo grt
at, if pn....... ilih, the profounds of tl1i-; tl1i11g-, nnd "hrnn 110 l.r<a.t1ocnt ti( n 'JlH... ti111l "n,o the 1'l1arrhi11g, plumUinK or l'~~nr~in
one will fully s:itL... fy. Jndl'C'<l, lht>l"(' aJ'C OIH'S htrr of r1J....,lio\J
tenden<'i" nnd pPrciptions-c.;uch l'l.'jC'cting nothing ht'l'l\U'-t'
it. ii-; new, dt'<:ipi-iiug 11othing bccn1.1nc it is oJ<l. Dut !ht \\"omrn must 1.:1kr precC'deJH't': m:my hrrc arc fiill', 11pt 11 nnd
high in tonCJ \\ilh n!POlaJ..; 1Ltll fixed fa..'Jl l0 thC' p11.;I nf :I JJ1'1!YiOl18 belief. nor Mocked up, il'i i.omc 'V 'iilCm ri,cr., nf'e filhd
with Sll;"lg'-" by tho debris of prejudice-foll r1f -imokt, 1hi', if
nOt or 'jl:.I,] ti(e.
'l'JW.V f\l"C open to the IW'W :111<1 ,\clcotU" it
3-':J eoming.
By-n1ul-hy 1his d~ion uf the Cornurnpian-lll't(.. 11f
the Tiannouial ~~lectic' Philo:oophy will bcco111l' U1" rn11nHn1
one, nrJt r\,-: now 1hc rclati\t:h rare. The gn;1i mw lriuily
Dif)pcn~nlion of Truth , Low~ nnd -wi~dnm, fa~t flm., i11!! nut
UJJOll 11~, "\\ill ho arecplcd ;L,.., full nf l'l'~"lllTl', t111tl , .,,,_,frw1i1
il~ Wl'll a" i1ori.1th-rir and .. ng:.r,..tiH'. 'l'lu. J''11d11ln111 ,,f

thm1gl1t }in... f..Wnn~ >II(' w:ty prndhfion~IY ... 111rr> 1l1i- '-l'P'ltl
Ach-cnt i ii 11H1,..t "'" i11qo Lm:k il!.:'nir1 mid no\ tl1aL w:1\ in 11nii-.on: 1s ith 1hc f'ckstial r1f the J11fi1iitP. r. .. t 11 .......n _k il vi" ldgl1

nnd pn1fo11ud nu.I 1nan_r-.,idt:11,

8tQppi11g i'.ll eJt.n }nl!d . Whl'l'l' !]tl' !")Ullll11r ~f1H'il"-t W1 1rl'

rPgrrnnt rnuncl the whitt haltita1i1111-; of jt ... th\~Jll!i"", jf ,,n,
~i-;rn nw to l:lrl'y S1111cl1i.p; ;.nil ltc u,, 1J1t l'wli.
~ 1!
much chau~1 '-hrnr .. it .t'lfni111;~ lil"t I w;L., iie1T. Two ri11~i11:..!'
"-lwd~, you kuo", :11\! pnlJli->1wrl Ill the Fort ~t City-1 flm11
paper~ m;lll3'J;'{'.I liy '\ onH:11 men, not :\11d "1..111u11.
A numht\' of ndY:trH'td aud a.1h-:i.11ci11g' wiud:.. keep frl"-h that
hYc for thu u~cfnl :md b1\n11tiful of 'l'rnlh 11111~ !-:i11t<~ kinrllltl
within tlll'm: whifo utlwr~ lmYC .. t~1pp1~d .. 1ill, and, f1urful of
the fnhll'o and rlouhtfnl of 1hr- diritlL' te111lcn1.r llf lht! :ll!.'-r'.
n.rc <li:,pO.;;('tl to milk!.! a tinal hnll. 8,, Jiayti J '-11'n a picre uf
timh11r f\n:\ting dol\u n .,lr, a1n nnd appa.rrntly pu,-;e..,!--cd wilh
t.i~tira: 111tt
'' 111 inlet 01 a li.1.nrlhar, :-iCPmi11gly rcc:olnd
to gouo ta,lh1r, li .. t il v. ... 61 "r ,;,,, lo 1111 rurr\. 11f,11ot out'-'itlc
of it-lh1: r(':t1hing tH'rn" :md L(f 1t.1rt11 ir "-' u~ (If thi!- '"\\(pl
t.hc Roi'\lCr arnr <I own :lt \n.b1. J<; :lDJ one, ti ~' l.:11 ,., olijl'('th to rhc ~trca111 of progre:-;.-.? Lt-t. H'\ h~ mild, nt1d pl'1l~i1hlcJ nnd charit.'llJ}P :t111l 11at iM11 tli1!11. 'l'h<rn <'n111c .., to :ill R11rh,
I tl1i11k-tu all !Such .;,1)1111N ur latcr- a.n 1111d\1':,fon rli11g of Lhe
cornllllriC8 of 3. tiOul - progr(!~"i.liOn :in<l of in1mort:11i1y.
bound for ~e.,,- York, while aojourniog at Ult:vel:t11d, we <lo
not get th"r<', l P,, IJy taking the train for Chi\a,:to. It
is exceedingly harU . too, to kick against the pointril J)rirk.!l. of
truth. Thii, ltt~L st:in1I-, inruln mhl1..', an d no 111nu 'i:; manrn..:11'1
of thongh t or life cnn l ~n its natin~ <liguity. fk-.id1.: ... " !ml
we estimate n.s "f;DOl:it horrid" may. :iflcr 3Jl, if \\"'C }rnn. but
t he opened nnd cl0:.-Lmic<l vit--ion , graJ unlly grow- in <,-xtim:\li1n.
Are not the"" cnlJr-d damnrd lt'l' pnt upon now than form~
cr1y, a'i tho oril!iur.tot"R nnd !.lWt:ii1h'~n: of thi1i many ~illu< I
moYemcnt '(

Generally, 1h ro11g l1 out all the \\-\.....,1, howr.,cr. 111ort' Jnr!{CnCSti , l iber:tln'1'8, foarlcAAnc:i;;..;. ~nd M!arching 1H'AA nf fi11ul is m:ul<
maniftl':it in Huformcircl1..H than cLscwhere. 'Plif'y do ~my tbnt
from the ab ove-livc~.down fitr<::lm i ng,comc ri<'11C'!' :111d gmndC'r
inspiratory fl ows up<>n lhct't: W t!t<lC'rn tlonu1ins; :wd Lh3t,
whc.ire the bfis'-ii;~ippi roll"! hih turbid flood a11d far around.
millionB of the disembodied ROW the 1o;Nd1.i nr :i v1u..t nnd high
nnd ra11~acking Reform. ~a ny, indeed, all Cl\'t'r the lnn<l brgin lo fL'Cl gnat 01.!l'dK hcrcwitl.J-in ('.()JlflCCti11n. f mrnn, with
the sevt'Tal tcndcncicA of Ibo mo~c ro~nt. As it j .. ~iYt'I\ mu lo
interpreli tlu;rn, l finc.l m:1in]y thnv. f!ach m;m tdl"' tiS he

In llu ah~i,lutc ,..m(nolhifl(( t"<ln he prNip11:ittrJ; t~nry <1Uto, .. itM :dlott<d ti111 anti u....

I!.{oin~ J1

.N(l'xt: th1 f1tlll'r nwt11od ; .. . Yu!/tfU/

I.l id rodirn!, t}mt i", it.
"hat (ITf,,ll~t gr<'nt mcd"' wc l ia.n t \1t tluy 1wt "! firtlt: m1Lkn;, tlll' prP\i'-l, ;iivl'ihrl a.nil 11111 .0111 iuorni-..iug Hl:ll<'montof a U1iitar!J null Lrui li:i:ing ~y!"ilC'rn of Jlhil11.!iopli,\ 1 rf'Cngniz :i"' lhiug-~ :m1, rt<.1 1lit\ 11 ug-1it tn lit'. :ind liol ;1~ 11w.intnincd b)
ant nncl trpli(athe,fLhC' ,n1'ild form..,.ofKdrnr and H.Pligiun, toiivl'illimialit'!- It lm mi f;.n 1,.. , vt J:wk,. 1111t \Yii.:.ilm1 1, lrnt
rtbfo to l'Oll!H'd nil !)11 llt~'C'l~dd of nil tJ.c f'.l:Y'ittrnk, nnd titlt or lit Jias thr }dftflf'; \Y i.,dnrn llirnu~J 1 tlt :u,d fi:wl'-'-.'HH'J-.'i vl
pa-.l that lm.'i bocu, t11l' 11n11~ pr ~nl thnl i!'1, and llw :intici-1 \'itw . It j ... 1lir <hild of rtli ...ti:tlitv, ... j 11 r1 th:ll ii- tlu.. ah!;oluk
pated futnn thal i-i to be. wit l1 l"dedic, compl.l.sile :rnd 1omll-1t1-11.i iipiri-, .wd tonw:-. l~irth with :l l'l~!"uHnnt ,uii''" n "-t1acJv n111l
~iv: "'pirit, pr<''M'nt to u~ ~1 Uca.util'nl nn d h~rrn.'.1:1ion-1 :u~d :>hin- finn l!'l'Ad :intl a li:uid ciirliviiw 1:n"l'.t'. Ii ..,.,.k .. to put lJ 1 i 11 ~..,
1 ~lg oue1iesa. We need, rnt.lcecl, .uie Ccle~tinl I ruth - D'."'f >"lh:l- fort Ji nR tht'y m-- and a ... thn: np iu Oiul lll.d :-.; :1tnr1.. 1 u1\.hon foreto ld b_y the man Chnst J<~tiF, :i.11d I d1) think lhl 1 r 1
. d
b. 1 1 k l
r 'J 1J
~ign~ of lLt tinH'!-1 i11<licalc jtr; ndYc11I. Thal. l"\'lolution- I tt Hl gr:antr . :t.'> it nrnq ,. tun~ t nt umn u1< 1Vl u:t '!"
(nmnngst lltt'
('~ of the P"''~l'lll Lhr,c prnmimut ,, iirUui- or col~l'.'rtrnl:i ~a.111Ht bl t~1r'.1'"t ur J11klll'd 111to r1f.1m1.<l :m~l

]) . lJ . ,
) .
. 1 .
l>ra1111fr1l c1111f!Jt1t11~. \'''' lk at gond ~rnd ,r li"t.' tn 111d101t1" 11
r1;t1e It
<t ors- nn1-1J urn~, Hpww -rnnslcl1 w1 11'lll1t\\.r..;n 111.y,

cclcct11Cf.i..:i, cun trul!livcncAA-111Hl th11t:1 nnJ ~o" it11 a. laivt a1;U po~... 1hk, ~hut 11f'-; ala:vl :md 111111.;t :it 1:: ht :ic11p1ttl. lt J-t
nll ernUracing di>inity-th:it is whnt we wanl 1111 "' ):~, l<U - HcrN ti1i, M1t11i to ;.;fate Tn1th, ll11111[!li it 111:1... lw tJ Ap1 1l_y it.
t .. '
.J d
Tl1t~tl1in~.,\\l1ich arc?'<lntnr:il uudrndit:il '111oymulu11t::t/,,,_
Hu 0r 011 - !() c
"Yi; cm WI
!o!U l
~\f(' l\H 1 n
grninC'd with Truth 1 Ba.con nod Ari~tot l u nrc b11tli true.- rnn1 pra<tirnl. It jo; i111po~-.;i11h w1 lo\\!\\' iu tllf' nry rn11m,.
Alonarcbv and H.t~pnbl ic:rn i1m1 :ind o-rN'V fnnu of ({41Jigio11- of tliirq~-- . fur i;tttlcd linin Hll i 'I to l.(' rn .. }wd 11p111t u.... ~'I" tr,
;ir tbt'Y ;wt, in ~me <':'J"ll'Utfal pnrtiC'lll~n-i. pillnnd and .,\II'- bttr tin. lih n 1-th~1ltlng :n ala111lic, r1111l th 1v :t.t.'P r11~ >.rtcldt11 111taiiud nnd kept from tl1e diAAolntion of th t:> til'nd hv n dhi1w trn111'i'1.1 mto nny Jll1-.l l''-ta!1. Ht11c(". :.i.ll 1"~1!'11 nid1n1l lldorm
tcalit.11 inr,tont 'Vl~ itli thrm? \ V(' llllltl ~N. lo thi1-t, :n~d g'(t the ~boul ~J ''" drild up bJ tl1: i-ur.-h,at 11! 111>1 '' . r ,. ,~ . . !ala I.hf'
offcriiig nfa Uh-inc wlioh.'llC'"'!"
tu1l '!1l'W antl do 1vlr_y1l11og- '-hort of <');trt11J.l\l to t1ctt~alizc~
it--f1aring not. T11<ll'('(l, it M'1'11l-" to Uh ~ 1,; 11111:( 110\\. Tb
Next; we nl.!t'd, a new u1iin~rb0.11. rntiuual alll.l o,.yw1;zo- prci>\Aing n.nd ~urgiug lifr ~ ithiu, tlw :w111111nlo.t1 d l1<11 lit of
tio11al Religion. !.>tamped with t1w nbiwt nHntioned chnrndcr- prople~. tlw bnptism \\ ith tLl' bpirit of i11diliduiliJo111, a11d 1}:c
j,..lic.-.-a ch.1rch of pro~n:: nnJ of pdrn.:ipJr..,, u Ji,ing po\\ Cr prophetie O--'-urtmct.., o f the the thing ... Lh:it :Ht' rn ht'- all lh'e
in the Jn.nd :u1d tlil' clnlral 0111'. When mrn c.un di s~olre li~\rou~ly dcrnautl no half v.ny 1ir l1 nl ti11~ Jn::la.rntiom1., .o
tbcil' own Hpirih1lll forms or tear tll<' Hun fro111 hiiJ Fipht~rl'J l/uu. ('J11Yt.'T1tion:tl pr<rriMi"lm, but the fr:11'11 ~.. :md t! l1rough f :o,<~
wi1l llrga11ir.nliv11..., rC'a.~ tu he uaturn.l anti 11 ( lL"'t'. \Ve n('('<l :rnd t11c fit net to fitly folfow nfl\!r.
such n. ltelig-11111 "-hich. cun'ifrnrtivl' :wd 111atedal in it<;. for\rlint ;~the nutural :llld m<licn.l ,~icw u! tht ~l:nri:i;t. ll,11t.>tomnh1, 'iimll yd <'mbody n ]?.rt;1'1' amount of <lhi1w Hfr nnd
1io11, let lllC usk? J.., it rl</t? rin:t; tli:t \d11 rt.' two arc tlTlt111th ihnn any other the worl<l CYcr fi.'ll'-. l cannot hut
hnppily ro11joined tJHiy m:iJ E:fp:mH1', ~ll!cl 01:gl1t t'1 . if tlu.y
tbink, il'J hu.~ brtn remarked, thut tbu truu lfrnntl Church of
1ldnk t}i,y nrr- arr~~ting tht~ lll'ogleN' <f <'ilh-'r- 8 tnt. , Olmrch
Ccl1....:tiu.l idiu-.y11crvry, muAt ''"rt' long /o.trik11,ul, :i~ ... 10'\\~lv
or SOC'i\'1)~. UH tlu!"t! ~t. prt'!l(nt nn, ro tl1u hmtr<ll)' 11otwith c11m<'o; for1J(thl~ inr<'n lor'i.: i<lfl:1.l 1n:tind fiL 1111hocli111111t in 1h~t
P.tamling. An abu~c of tltiP. right bring~ it'" o~!l f'Ct1linr
null'r an<l r;o c:tlJlcl ndunl.
111nlti1r;, P~11u]ti1.__.. :tr" lllixd ti) lik1 :u~ m1mnrtalAnd thircl ; wr llC'l'fJ, n..~ iH ind <.I jmplid l,y lh1 for(~;.t11i11J.\', ilj i'" <'M1j11i11iJ to tl1e !'!OUl uf man. H rn:rn, c..n a ,,ucia.l /J .. ~ng.
a pmrti11tl appliiathm <if pri11cipll'..--il -=1n11dhing hfgnn ur h:l >t not thf~ rij.{l1t tJ do ~A Ji, pll'!l""'IQ h1 l1l\1" th("' right tv ::u;...<'rt
cln1u-. at lnst, 1w 111nttrr in hon !"mnll or di .. pi"'c(l tt wny, thnt tlwl riul1t wh11."l. a t:.i]..,, l1n:n1i;;r m!""'lirttf'\I n1hl l1a11;11tring
shall ~bc,w thi,, nMV<'llH'nt i~ not tSimpl.v th~ur~li(' , but il 6ui1Jer ~tt<i1 ty infri11g1 <.1 l:! "''
jn it .. lnrgl't:lilJJl'i. f think ~C,tll"C"hjl1~ a11d <kVOUt t:H\J}!'-tll' :-...cund: tiw Crn1jt?gal Cit'lkpil 11''"' dt 1 u1r1di11~ luing l 11ity
VOtlt to cornpfJ"'ite 'rl'Ulh :t"' tlwy t11ukr'-l::mc1 it-foci llH'-''
;H })1 uli!y (1r tlil' dh inr m:1t1 lwnd) \;,ridy in diliue t:~1.
tl1rf'1' 11 rtls. an1l in thr i11tc11~<m~cio11.:;n1<1...; 11f th~'m foll \\(ll
:L11g:~ l-i1HPrnl1 t!.nnd 1tR crit-.ri<ll 11f pt.rity Jlti1rtr11111 rrnd l 71,tknnw tlint in tltl.' dm '(':1"011 i..111111ly will h<'. )."ot to h~ k('pl
11ln11, 11::ll ''r tl'm:il", m~y <11til'1 t\f!ain tu l11,ir e_.. 1i11 nted cmmli:wk hy rri<-t uf fo.nntif'iqm, clinUoJi;im, t1r i'~~lrt'rni..:111, th t'!
..,~ck nnd ...,nrd1 fnr liulll, )'1'1 rnon. li~ht ;'' fur thl')" 11m, tcrptul~ without ru1 1l.tern:"1l dh1rr1; 1~1r '' hnt \',n...: 11<)t co"joiiwd t'flllllot h ri:-,lly it1iu'ltntl3 di>:t1innl. 1f tl:t n:tin1n1e
i11n11 a-.-.ur:UH'I' nf tlw :i.mpk111..;i.; :inti f'\..lia11"'1t ... .,IH'"i'l llf tltik
i4 :l 11d~ltib'n 1m1 1 let tl1 .. rn takt Uu r ;.ipnn ... ihility tlwl"'Of.l 11h11ill Gnf.. }1li11;~. lln rwt l'\'(ry 11111 1 y j1 ... ':\. :.rmttl '!
t-\l1idy 1111 .. t "Cl' ro it tl1al it dot''" !1t1t l1rlp t-lup 1lfort-; f dillo~<.; rl ii!l1l,..1
\\illinm' .. , hd1;,. rm.I rlnilhV "11iJd '";1 l l1,
gn1~. h11~11 .. 1 1wi~ lthm Hn11t1d',; roor. lillf,.~ \1t mu\ ut.1 1 \ 1nL <.. ,,hnh111, 11t l't.r i..r Mm:l :ht i atliw~y '' 1 tn idnd
11rog"h-....I:' .
It'd v. illi 1111 ri1ko1- a:ul l'un~c1Htfll '-t:!'l1fub, ]111L."1r,.. aml la 11 'l'hirrl; l1t :lny '"U(h nnion i.1 r:i1l, t 1111 ofEu~ c1f 11r..... nt
l!;t,i lw:-. i11 1l1l' cn1lh-ki11gclo111 t
Clnrd1 1111<1 St~tl', pri "'1 nr 111:tgi~trnt1 : for mnni;igit-nr h1f-; uot tlll' ll1.f11n11 --pirif la111wl1<d u111111 :i.11d 111hr"l"'f"'''J
tn11al 11.11d <lh-infl, not l')..t<'nrnl. <'um1 numwl or l111rum1.
iuto u:-: 1 Wl1y frar a ~phuditl dt~ti11y, fit'!' :11ul l1n11d inlf'rn10 a~nr ,iJ tht: r:i.riollH Jti.1rri:11:~1:~, hut I r~f1r t,. 1.1 }, a.~<.,, 111 ,.
H'11in!!, nrvelthlh'""' "! Now, I fi11'1 hn1nHlh1d ... 11f J~lfonn
;m:: an cl 1hj-; lirit1g!' lllll lo .:.;tnt1~, iu c011111't.:li1111 tlwnwitl1, tlw fro111 1lw !iit 11011-. Any Qther~ nrr '.-'] nt\ tu t~~ :1h:.1 t:ti;( t1
lil1<'rl.>. '-ltif'I~ th1 ii.nrful :u1d 111i ... .Jin1,.J :i.: 1J1. l:.1-t to :'it t
nut li1w~ 11f :t 1li..;ro11r~1~ clili\ t 11'i'I thr1m~J1 a11d by : 1un l '1 rt'l"'IJllll a 11at 11rul litt~nht.~. Out;.; any 0J1\. 1.ow . . t:i It c.. t"P;o n:,~
11iud~11f at aml cl . . cwhlrr>, nrul "hiih, :l."l yuu lllll)"
tJa clo~rr rnnjoin<'d or 1wtrlt UH nl1Jtt cirH. 11; a1 1., <':!dt n 1nl
know. o.;u hi!{hl111t cl W\'ak ~"t1Ul!; ;rn11 wn..., rni-.-c~:">tin;ate<l an~I
pr11CC1'Vl 'f '] bnt tbt <+m111tnl :uu] C'tk.. tfrd :.11~1 bslfoH mar11 1i~-.,1at1~d hy tlw111 :i11d t'l!liai11 n11..,dir~t'lr>d i11tli,idunl'" thcr~
ri.:l~1 i."'I t1w rtnl cr bcnuM of th~ wnrd .. :i:1d pr<muurini11111t~
a<:. wtll Cl's t}o.;(whn<'. fl v. al" npo11 one of 1i1M~ g1rw1.. and
111' :\11 1r,lci<1:11,;ticnl rn:in. or oth<r "oti~ tit a ]:olil ical 111nn '!:_
N'rl:linly ,P.ry ititrn... 1iu~ 1p1t>Ations \\ hiC'li nr1 e.lirring up
Xa_y; but ld Huch uni111:. or r..ny ,itJur ,f lmt t1.m111<Jrnry and
'"''' 1ua11y "f 11~ and n.:~.i11g rnany rnorc throughout th~
l1J 1m tbc pl:im~ 1l \;uidy iu clrti111 ;~{, lw iu tllf" pn''-t~ IH'~ of
E:i.. tcrn and '\rP"il<'rtl "'l'diouR oi uur );'ation:.t1itv. '\Vhh a
frit111J~ (1r if )U\l will, witlh1t1l tl11 rn,) '' l11 r 11:1tn:nl pltdg fov. l'X1'tpliu11R tla Houtli i-.: walled in ln- her uwr; darbw~-:.
ings g-in- <111tt: r :itka:tnion lo t"urh ni.: :iic jn tcrc8tf'<l in the
Rf'fotrn i-; tlw dt"it th nfl1n; ro :;he :.rt" 1iZ..- fitf'c :iuninwf it like
wdfore tii the tw~1i11 ot 1lt! r1!:i.l union !'1lrN1dy C'
a tliut. But. a~ to Ilic q1u~...1inn 1 nli!r to-1h1 ,\J:i nia~1 t~111':<
wi lhi11 tl11n.. \Vho ~h~ll 1l:ir, ft rhit! Ht.Ch lmnct ; It j<.i tL1..
li>11-11ut .'L ftw 1c:tini:lt1~ it a..; tlu tAntrnl 011t 11f ti" ti111\~. ll' of lmlhi<lual Sovl'!d~11ty; and Ute indidtlt1:11iz<'<l tDJ 11111 giH!H fainL imlil'atiu11..- a" y<'t 11f it)l 111ornntou1:1111~s; it ht
tlC'slineU. I r:11111ot but think, lo gro" \q l:trgc ant! m M'lh~1we> not fr:lr Llll' rci:ponE:ibility whid1 ito the badge of fn.'ld1110.


in:; propol'tivn!-t lhrnu~honl th1 lnnd. \\ 1;inru1t thru-..t vi'

kfl'Jl tl1i8 C'hilcl in tlw r.ormr lung<'r. -.;o. :t..'i iL ii- :i Mlrl! t.:nb ~
j1..'c t Iv nry many, :i. 111i"l-C':-ti111atc of' "lmlewr b smrchiugly
-,aid 11po11 11 i"\ tl11 n-.uh. Fear anti pn.:imli11 ,lfJ',n ~u('i1 with
m1.11Lnl font : a11ll 110 cool. c:l]m 1 clmr lit' just vitw, ju~! 11ov:
f'nrt w-cll he expcctt~<l fruru ll1e alllichd. l'ern;it m~ t~
1101icr bri<fly, lwl'c wbnt. has been i:;:lid-hric.tlv :11.1 to the
promi11e11t CJuUwo <J r licw-~in('e then' hn~ l 1 t11 "'.,much ~'1a.ggcri\tinu of the utti.:ntl thought.
Than s.'l id thnt, pr i111 in Prltly. therr wl1c t\\o 111c:thodH of
; the <nw i..; l.'ons.,rvalilli'nnd p,.actictri tho uthf!r X alural u111l radhnl. Tltc fin-.t ct;t..1.inly hruo fai;l1 j11 progrct-i,hut wnit..,. , dot",.; 11111 antiripnte> nnd ia :-11ti1-ifit d " ith the MRUrtmce of tho unnltl'rnbh progr1~si1'C tendency and JcF1ti11y <if
m t~n and thiuJ.{f;. Lt rloC's not roucb bclicn: in criua or rcv1>Julio111i. nntl :ut'qJt .. for r3lm Wi.,J tu n comp:i.l'nti''O ,, mn.~tcrly
inncti., ily. ' 1 J L dot" not clir..l1a11<l it,; Cu ret::-, but dnn.llR an acti' c r;unpnig:n. <~uiPI and P"ttceful, it iuenlcnte~ tlu\ w n1 cl1wor<l.1;, "wnit a little> lnngcr. " Its h<.At nnd gn'nl 1: ..t, it bl'CmH
to me, is tu .;,pn'r n-. :i break w the ~w ift march of H'\-"Ollll th ought. It c.:pc-m,.. to Uc, but iF: not t11f' \\ ji.:('r-for :m
?mplC' wii-:durn know~ the 11ccc..._..ity , at t1,,1 t-s 1 <J( \1111c:i111prit-111gn ...r~. shork!-i :trHI dccisfrr 11ot to '3Y t1..nihll' conll'i..l...__tl1at
thC'l"'(lby, i11 tlH throe nnd a.;011y, n nu.~ cliilJ nm~ bc.. loum.

:\i.; to l'lf'j.i.ion~ of proprty ~nd clJild ren: th('~C l.!!l.n h f' J..('!th:t! nnd n.rrant!;M by the 1hi11king. 'rhos\! who ('an ' l think
rnuo.;t tak .. th-.: responsibility and tlw n1n1ll1-. Tbern'e a latent
c:orrtc:tivc j1Hli;111f11t 41f human it~, h\. :Utby and juht, and it n. \:1Hl J1:tl to rdch it O\lt, )fnd e.xtnmi-.1~
:ill lhu.f.are h:trd 11it by jt, a.t ]:l"'t. l F:iiil thnl it wa~ tb1.. :::g,~ of J11di,,iJ.un..lity--0f :Lo JndiTiJmility strugglin!:{, Jet. mu aJd. into 0
Ulli'foll 1\ ith :> pur1 nnd u:itutalizPd 8 ('ja}i!v. rfht:R. tho''''
wLv Retk highE'J:.t liapi:in<'!'A rnu~t c.'ount 1llt' ~~tot u.1i... t;l\~
an<l abfrl~ b.f tlw itoi-"l.l<'il.


'l'Jicsc then :.r(", a.. r N>tiraat<: Uwm, th" mdicaJ pnsenrntion~.

' ow th''Y inay hrrorue pr.1,, ticn~. Forl''t'rr, ns tn<'n gN~~ in
1o1y111patlJy v. ith Nahut. 1 mor~ !Ind tnur< <lof'i<. f'h"' prnrticaUz.e
h!.!r,.,clf t1) tlH'm. Aud let rut nrrh, in Flopping- nt th is exc"ed i<lgly _hri<f !lnntJ~at~~Hl of pnimulgot"d ., ic-w,.; <111 LLt? )fo.1Tw.gc
1.-~u'''~tMn, why 1t1 rt. that so nu1ny ~lt>C'lt"d mt><liurns. t'Rpt!c1ally among the pronrnlg:nor.h, both 1nnle nnd fe1n:llc, lm~e
11f'p:ir:lt('<l from their comrsniou~ 'I B'li1l\-e mt' the han <l or
s-p iri t j,.. hcro-tLc _1i:pirit u! Truth nnU Lol'"'1 nml not of C'rror
and.~lii:cor~. Men und wo1~cn rnt.Ut 1c arnuRP<l to :l tLomugb
('(n .. 1dnnhun, for ~ ...tllom,~nt i:' ...ak!J, or the most importnnt i;ob
jc--.ct v. itb wl1irh the hn1 can lmve to do.


-~~~-----------------~~ .AG-IT.ATORCA
T Er E

r _ .,

;-,-~\:~;~i'~~,~.:.1:~~-i:-~;.~ . . ~~t;

1 111 ~oll




'IhE ('lllLl1}{J~


m1tt1111? 11l t>' t' th: r1aI r, ol ! he \ ~italvr

tlt1:l~ll"" iu,: 1ri,.f n c , 1111 of :ny, }'<'riciwr with ~Ir.
.J ' 'I .n,linl1l tlll' trutliful, houorlilc ,111 .J ruuch
T R U E ST OR -Y ahu l'U nllJii:1u ~ _\, it i, our unty lo expn. c error
'" r u " ' ' 1 ~ '"
1INc11ti1n, it hct0111( a wcctn nrnl holier 1]uti 1
1 H \ 11 EI: 1 \ .
;;till, i.. give the worlJ 11ur tp,timony Jf mor;l
w~rth: and I feel it to hr lll!J dut;' to inform my
~luth".r li:i< br~n nr5 mneli tro11bl1'<1 "ilh hrr
_'\<'"torn incndo, and the i11\1otig tor~ of SpiriLu- <l_~mrst1c, -~" >h< thona;ht she ""ulil try tn <lo
of the result of my indiiidual cxpcuntil slrn coulU prourc such a one ns Hhc
r1cnee 111 that quarter.
On the Dth of la;:t ,July, from ffalim Madn., J cnt
It is now, tlmo or four wecb since we had nny
a ,cnl d Jetter to Mr. !ITanofi Id. Ju tLrce clays ~erYaul. l t sc rns good to he without, on ly moth r
aftcrwartl, my letter waR returned, with the accom- had to work so 111uch harucr; but she ~nys ,]ic got
panying answer; "igncd hy the ~pirit fri<'nd I had along nicely; for ::'>li . . '1.artiu, a good old lady,
addrc~~cd; gi>ing cicral sati,fnctnry replies and who live with us, to <lo sewing, :1,-. istc<l h r in
much con olution. In 110 ,wcr to an ,.nquiry regard- light work, such as wa,hing dishes. \Ye _gcncrnlly
111"' my spirit-father, the fulluwiua was written: wipe lh<'m, and . wrcp hctwrcn school hour,." Your dear father continni~ to so~r from >phcre ''i.<ter _\ nuic ha remained at home moruing, to
t .. ~phcn, n bc did frnm pbrt' h ]'lace lr\luw," and tak care of th baby. }Jothcr sa1~ that ~lie i;
tlhn wa- sketched rucl ly, hut trikinl-(h \h:tradcr- jn:t as hnndy n- :i wom:n, nnd wash~. and dre~:e
j,ti1, figure rcprc1:ocnliug 111 ) fath.r: ~~cmiu!!lr in hl'r, as 1wll a~ sltf an. I told }fan IInrt oi it
th hurry of tru>el, c;uryin" in oni bani! .i
and sl1e
. he tll'lught it was
:ms horli'.
11uarl' ho:t.
~ow, tbi- ron,dtl,. drawu figure to work so; that hl'r mother would not let.her, und
rou~ht to me <J>Cr'rhclmii J ,.,.i,lciie (if 1 neid.ed if he wa11te1! her to, . he wouldn't d it. It
auy) nf . piri power; it C!llllf'1"kly identified my rl.01. n't mnttcr to me, or an; of ru, what nny one
fathn, who w:b in th<: h:.liit of iui .iribly carryin" ~I)~ about it, so long n~ it i right. )father says
hi- jcw,I box: in tliat wa), :ilwa.> hy thP hand!;,, a: wc: could not be l1calthy without it, and that work
rrz n, .. nt d in th<' figure. It i" H trii ill! cirrnm- i. nohle: nnd I know mother know. be t. I like
cmingly; and wn, ,.,
cikci: frolll rny work Ycry well iud1-ed; but ~ometimcs I do wrong
1 1
minl, fur I wn~ uot thinking >fit; lllilhcr \\"fl }Ir. ttnd ran nwny from it.
Man.,ficl!I :i rnrr nf the rirrnlJl,tJll"I'. .,r haYe I
Day before ye tcrday :'\ti s }fartin hau nrrnni;rd
Ulentiouecl it to :tn,y
for ) ' H , , "1j father \\":lS c~c 1_-ythiug for Car~i ann mo to wipe tho dishc:.
n lravoler neatly all hi.> life; , [ th opiril tell~ me ''hilt Hbe w.1" gdtlllg the towclR, we mu nn<l hid
hi rttH' from Hphcrc to gphi rr.
J rc~ard th:lt unucr m~tlwr': bed. 'he pa sed our hiding plurc
communi1ati1n n~ a ~:t r!'il anl hrnutiful nHs. ngc; 8C\crul t1mcR 111 her. s~arch for us; bul nt hl tlw
.,tJicr ilfau.-,ficltl, for poor old Ind) gut t1rrtl. llnd gave llJI thr ~c~nli.
I " r.or1,.,J to 1111 'rr.1n I i;nntet! In work i11 my ilr:lwiug~, hut :tri1I SH liln"

unl ' the hell, J h:td h11rch- timt to reae:1 ~rhunl
J,! 1l III:-!. J ll 'In .
. ;. I ' .
J,.for1 the 't'<'0111I ],ell h3d run.
1 wn> uJJhnpJY
<'(;l u.1~

.. ,
d L' !abo11t1t:1ll1l:n-,:mdco11ldnolrc,1untilihad.a~kc 11
:"I 0011

3m 0 ng .un, n. . ~ flJ\ 1 :111 ,,p1nls I

<llll\ ktio\r ~Jil -. ~i . . .
hrr p1nlou.

111 :'\ "'" 1 .. 11l\ p atH lOTIOLt j c :-;qu 1
~ ~iiiltir"l ~, 'f. ti
'\\ 1 hn1 c our ta,h to prrform daily. ~aturd y':, '
.c. 4 r
111 l ,.. ..,:t C.
l' Wt 11 C-:trrv t C'
r:o-pcl of lmmortali : ti iu;iui h Uhnli .-. , ; , :n we haYc :i luub!c ~hare> of work. Each one know
0 11
,. Ii iinz ";tliott a i; , l.
hc1 duty. \\" c take turn for each coming week, in
Bro. l'ri.iil 'brk ha. ~iYmi "
,tiring krturc. ::rinding eoffc,., siftiu_g meal :ind flour, clcnnin"
in Xorlhamptou, anil ,
ill Floret er,
pro.pcruu >ilYer, anu bra.-., an
an.J pro~rr,iyr villa_gc two mil , from this. There fathl'r u"cd tn call us hio little bees; he won Id

~'!\ "Thnt' ri,.ht "1lhcr your hone
J 1

arc 'omc 1arnet, jttr1tua11~1 in thi~ rcgion,aud , 0 me ,

.~ n'
Y w 11 c you re
miuircr, :tfter more tiUbtautial hrcad of life than youug ! Th.-rc~ no prettier sight, than little chilthe churibe.< c: n "'iic. '\\"ill nnt Rr>me of our speak- drcn trying to muke themselves useful."
0 what w1ll beco1un of me 1 TJ1e ood 0 d
ers an1 I n1t'u1Um,, "' 1r11 t wy go to Bo&ton, ,'alem,
, h. un d,
I f
or till ncnrrr, ~pring!icld , come this wa,, und do pr Y
un~e o my a l'"lRer~ urns mto musrc an
thin r giou . ome gn1od? They will be hoRpitably ripples off Ro! yc~t rdny l\Ii~~ '.\Iauton read men long
cntrrbincd, and cvc:-y effort ma.Ji to pay them for lecture on the impro\cment of time; when lo, this
coming; beyond that they
not rxpect much; morning it comes jumpin.., hack ugain, with a r1ur

ti.on "oo deep I eannu t answer. B ul I'll wnte
1rnt 1anuot a little self-. acrifi"c he cntend upnu for h
'l'rnth'~ sweet ~ake? J k111\\' .1,,01i
, i'f' ,,.rJlt ere; 1111! per iap, somchod.r else r.nn.
:\t'r in the 1icinity; T haw liiilf promisrd for j!lll,
LJTTi.;; \!l,"l'TF..
knnwing that you will <'n111r if you rail.
Litll" 111iu11tr, little miuuto ~
J nm at form houc four mill' from lov. 11 : thP
I hnn 11i ..1l all day
T" lny "'.' 111111<1 upon lhy l11w1,
l1111 1huu dn ... t tlc1 awa~
~\cnery around is delightful. the .!!or"''''"" ancl ~O


1~m gr1~rrally,








.Id V lll"t'Ul>'nt.
t11ur for Truth,

l'or...\ "' n.i:n: .

Thrc nc n11!n who can rfi,. pntiently; 11ut they

nr nobl1'r Yf>t, who cnn Ii~' "'i h pntienl'c.- SI.

Litth. rninutr, litth. min11tt

'rhuu~h I rhth I h~t rnur1d 'en.rt'< :i ~lifllJifi t1f 1hy f.iWNl fscr
(':i.11 ;111y when Lt. fnu11cl.
Prit}Jt" tdl nit.: \\"'l1y thou g-Jidt ,,\
Thrnu~h m"\' h:rnd"' .-..) quirJ..
Likt! u .,.milin~ !{:n# coqu tte

Phi.dug off :--u11ir trick.

LiUl1 nimble footed fairy,
1lannn" 011 l1f~ lmC",
Tll 111(_ d..,t. thy tt.11d1r plnn """'''
C:luti1t. th1. ?.i114 ofTinw! .,
LiU~c rni11ut, tcJJ mr, tl'll ni .
\\ l1y upoo my e:tr
F31l_ ll1~ foot,lcp'~ hurri1'tl lot
\\ lm ... lL Jlll'-...10n hLr "!


r- 1

} a




"0," thought I, "if it would on!J rain, o I

could o,tny at home this afternoon- min Cl'"Cr, and
t'\'C'r ~o hard-:thunJcr nod lightning, I uou't cnr
whnt-wuuldn t I then h1nc n nicr time? I knO'J.u
I 1 1:11/tl," I 1rnid emphatic. lly to my. rlf.
\\ Ii.en l came home t1J di1111ur, I thou;rlit [wou l d
lt.1' rnto the cook-house, :111d t:ikc n pt'tp nt the
p1111cc. Mother wa. iu l ili1>11in.ll th'"" intu t..Lo
J 11,. How could I witbbtimd the temptation>

"Oh ti ear! I muet hnye ju t oue ta.,te a rei"'

"T~kc care, Yiolet' you'll i.:ct burnrtl Jierr ' ,, t

out of th.i wa1




Bu.-y-J.ody '" wPrc tlic wor<I


wh1r.h went rn at ttnc 1mr an<! out at th, o!hl'r.

' .T u~t one, one drop, mnth~r
l '11 L , er.' iart'-

'.ul ;" . aid I. . :-;o ~ eatc<l my. elf in a Ju': olrJ -f~sh
chair, w1th my spoon :it the . ide 11 t the

Gran~ ~oued flag

ber hue" of .\ulumn hlend; ,.. ,J,l ann Indian '11111mer warmth :i!ternnte, yrot all i beautiful, ,i1'wed
hy the ,uhmi,;aivo htart an1l hopeful . oul. 'fhe
Ion)! dr~ury winter is <'llmiug, and I ha,c never
e n it" glnr.v in the country. E1rn now, 111.r hl'art
prophntil'nlly wl1i,per- of qpriu,!!' fnlia~c :11 d the
returning: "'>ng: of hirJ,; uf 'IIny >tln hinl' 3nfi .June
roe,, ~for. hue l'Crtain of iultillment, all. .\mong
the kind fri.,nd here, tlw \gitator i :i welcome

r"'1 1

\\hen their mnther'o .ire 1.1akio~ hl'art~. or ruakiu"

JTC t:'r\ c-, l should like tu kuow if th y
ith knife and poon in hand, to catth the
drnp ~pillrd, or crumb~ kt fall; hitting her elbows,
stepp~ng on her toe,., and jumping al111u,t into the
11ven JU orucr to gel a nearer approach, Crl' in igbt,
or to secure tl1e firHL fragrncu[., whit-11 fall! If
others tlon't do so, l ilo; and mother suy~ 1'm always ronnc1 whencYer anything i~ goinp: 011 , and my
eyes aucl cars arc eYer opcu. Aunt l\aty gins me
a pretty true character. , 'hr snys there can be
uothirw of a private nature set in motiou, or tran ..
acted where I am; for if I don't say much about it,
she truots me for finding it out. \r(ll, as T av, I
a~ rnr in the way- can we help what i, natu;al?
"hen my mother is about to turo her cake out, I
almo t put ruy head in her mouth, ~o sgcr am I to
secure the drops. }lany's the one . be
throu h my means, from n11 unlucky hit of the
!bow; nn~ then- " ~n
haYC it!" i& echoed by
Bcveral >Otce~; and wme 1 by nu mean rhe Jowe,t
and softest.
In the Fall of the year, C\'f'ry J10 dy' mother, ns
well as mine, perserve fruit for the "'inter. One
very lovely day I saw the preparation> gning on for
tbe doing up of Quinces, nud othl'r /!O<lll thinrr ;





,_,,.:i. 1i..

1\: 111\\"'. () mn:-1 I, t 11 P'I

II i Ji thy_.,,,] 1 t<''1d:"

I w n1lcr ii an; other liltlc girl lta . 11 ,, 1 a habit

nf rni. !tllinl? with what they 1,n1rht tilJt ru, a. I h::>e'







Art thou noting t.lMn.1 Jjf,':!pul~~

.\ll it.,. joy nnd wu
. 'in und griti tlie pun hrart rlimin' Or lo\- '"' kimJJin~ glow ..

'ome one wa. entcriu 0" the room at tl1e t 1'111 .-, ,1nd
I tnrul'd my head to ~cc, for 1 can't liear the idea
of auy one' pa~oing m-. without knowin!! who it i ..
.\. I turn d ha-tih I ~. w one nf Ill)" ,1.,ter. on the
ot.hcr ~itl.c of me .., Xot noticiuu 111 .r chair, ,he
pp d forward sligh'.ly, ancl tripped
o' nit, pu~hIll!! me 01er, Pnd zrnll111g my right ha nu. which was
carc!cR>ly rc~ting on the jar, into the . ealdinrr
Oh dca1 ~ oh dear! wasn't l lr11rnP 11 J,,. 111, '. J t 1
now I
didu 't ~rem to me as if I r11ulil hear it~
J.11 I rry.' .,,, ot " 11 t h c ca I;t~. \'an<li .. ~. lruhv - thin..,~
anti fu11u: ><torics that wcr1 ro11i.tr11rtitl f'L,;. 1111- 1 ~.
li1f co111d quell me. JIJy J.111'11" ~!'"1111d l<r ,mart
lrnr<lrr und hardur l'Yt'ry moment ; I ""i"il llll1't of
the nttcruoon, and thought l wo11 l1l m11..l1 rnther haYe
I10ut s111 I1 a I1ittcr rxp<'riPncc.J!Olle t o sc bon I "1t
Thc ta~ll wa> not pl1nsi11g at all. l dou 't think,
after .~uch a 11Jan11 trial, I houlu Jin, r the rouragc
to wnlk through a firr) furn~c :1 Kh:id1;irh, :'Ile. huch and .\.bcdneJO did.
l am now pro~rc. sing fo~t. ) I i" "fa11ton 'aY-Yc tcrdny _he put 1uc up in th l<ir. t 'Ja,, of the
~ucoud l>i1ision in ,\rithm tic; she sho\H:d my '
writin!! liook to one of th ('ommitl1\'. who encouraged me vrry 111ucl1.
:llary ll:irt ~:iy~. ~he i, l!Oing next l.:nu tn an
\1n1kmy; thut it i. not 1on iJl'rctl fo-hiuual fo to
:1tt111d l'11U1r ~chvol, mul uouc uf' the !!irb who
lhil'k my thing of them cln~. would lot-cen "OinJ!. ~ht wi,bed lo know why l didn't h-a\e. e I
tol1l her 1 was getting alon:.: sn finth my parent~
pr .. fned my remaining wh1rc T wn .. 1:e turned
from me, with the mo. t 'cornful exprc~siou J ever
~:iw, hut what Joe it matter?
l Tu I C1ntin11~1l.]





NOTICE.-\\' ill
..-Jiu lHilt "" l <' parliculs.r lu J:il'O
lbe namt. of ihdr po .. t vftiC'c and . tnk. nru.J "rittA al? our ini-


.A ind came up out or the

And, 0





make room for me.


It will ufleu '-an gr1.:at ai10~ wuc




UE RIGHT IYORD JS THE l{f(;!J'r l'l.o\!'E. a

X cw Pockt:l Diet ionary an<l lfrf1.n11c1 HnPk . ~!m hmting an txh'n13in colltrtion of Sy11ony111 .. , 'l\drntt.:nl 'I ,run,

A Semi-Monthly Journal of R eform.

.. .
1t will lat tlw H'pn.,., 11tatin of 110 pu1. or t-C'<'t. \\1th it~
Ahn'>intiunR an<l Forcign Phra.c:l~: l~l1ap1tr-. cirl u riling for '' lllollcx ... " fflr ti'_'\l>', it will i..:o fmth to uproot Fnl.,.clwod n.ntl
till' Pr...... , Punrh.:ntinn and Prnof-lfradi111.{: n11d othn 111lc- pn.. 1.11t Trutl1. \\\ wuuld C":ttltl'r tltc GllQD ntt<l lidp to dt.And hurried lnnrlwnrd, far awav.
Crying," Awake! it is th day:"
rtsti11u iuformatio11. l>v the author uf" Uo\\' to \\"dtc ," "How ktrc1\' tlw .nt "lll'u~nr found.
to rnlk," tc. Price 50 ct.:nlt:t: pc.,.,tagt 10 r<nti...
T)1tt cl1!!rmlati1111 of Mrw, tlie <ki..tiny of " ..m11rin. and the
It finna: unto the for~iqt, u Shoat!
d!{llf .. uf <'liildrc11. will lw !'CUhjNt:-: for di.--cm--.iuu. \\'t hoJ'
Hang n1J your ltufy banners out!"
1l1cr('liy. l11 ri~hl r,oruc of liw wrongh- that arc cun-;j11g 11tir
OR $:!we will Bend the Rnnncr of 1,iJ[ lit. tlw Prindpl
lt lunched the wnoil-hircl's folded wing,
If W(' fail to :wcom/1}j,..h wlrnt wen!'(' hopi11g to do, our fnitli
and tlw Agitator 0110 year, and 011c copy of Ji' innt..y ~ wjJ1..,1ill 1t111ai11 llll!'i iukcn i11 thL rightcoUbllC's~ of llJl CUU!-t'
And sail], u
hirc.J, awake a11d sing.
forthcominH Uook.
we ]lend.
11'or ~2.51) we '\"ill Rend the Agilntor nncl Bnn1Hr ooc y(lnr,
And 0 cr tlw fi:um, '' 0 chn11tic1ecr,
ro tlw 1'rnf' :uul tlw Rrns<', tn llw ln\f"l'S nf Clod nnd 1T u
l?or .. :1.25 tlw J'rincipll' aml Agitntor 011C" y<'nr.
Yourclndon blow, tho dny is near."
manity .EVEHYWJll.nH, "\\C' t..xftnd tl11 h:111d of fl'llnWl'-hip. hnr-
1'hP Kpiritunl Age and the Tul<gtaph 11iny bo bud on the ing to be r<co411iz ..d :11' ;1 worktr i11 tltt. lln....,ll.'r'~ Yi11<)"arc1.
Mme l1rmP.
Jt whi,per!'d lo lb<? field., of corn,
I.NC:LJ: COJ'\', .............. ------- . .'l OU
''I o\V down, and hail the cowing morn."
Su'Lseriptio11for1hn"t" or !'\ix mouths ::it the !-arnc rul<'.
~All ktttr!-1. !-hould lw aclcln~... f'<) tu
[t hnul<'d through th bl'lfry-lower,
~lr . 11. l'. M. HHOWJ\, Clcnl:mcl, <lido.
ClRA PUIC and trothfnl :Narratio11, .. D1r:e:ing for Cup!.
"Aw:ik,', U hl'll! proclniru ll1e hour."
Kvdd'R Trra... nrcl" bv one of thr rlicgt~. T\vo .M illIt ~ro.. --tU the churchyard with a o::igh,
ion~ of llollarR a.r t-a.i<l to Ile buri~d withiu '"''' 111ilt~ of St'w
.And saitl, s-ol yt:-tl in quit'L lie."
Yvrk rily. The Hcvclation of lh pirit of Ksdd lho far
E will M?nd ". 'hnl111.nli,' 1'"'1 T aid, (tJ,.. priot 11f 1Jw
proved true. Scut hy JUail. Price 15 rtnt::.
book iK Sl,25) tunny 011< who will send 1 '- ...-uh ..
for the Agjtntor awonntint.t to $5.00. l''or ':"! 1.00 we v.ill M'lld
ONE OF Tm: GnEE:-1 .\Ior:>TAD< Boys."- Asa. )f.
U B. Ril'Tl<l. 'are rc-c~h-ed nt 1his C1ffiro for tlw Bnnofo.t, lla\"'"i~ furthcomin~ 1.~wk. or the 1 ...i v,.}. of the
n<r of Light, the Priuciplc, the Spiritu:U Age and tbe li,.,,uur>e>. hy ~[t-,_ Cora L. \". Hntch, with a l::'kHch of th~
Wyma.o, a. revolutionary veteran, is still living in
Aorhor'. Life.
Windham county. Vt., at the extraordinary age of
.Any child "bu "ill -~11d 0110 Fuh,cril"'r ,.hnll h< oulillcd lo
106 years. lli mental faculties sti1l sound.
~cripturc llJu,lratiun for Childn-11 P'"' paid.
Dr. C.
For t\\o ~nh:--crilwr"' '9;t' v.-ill :-cud !"kt:td1t ... from Xaturi.
for my ,lul""enil Fric11J .... by Frn11cc Brown, l>omul in gilt,
J aid,'" A Ki"' for a lilow, by Hc11ry C. Wri!(ht.
Consumptioll, Lfrer Complaints, Dysprpsia, and
li. Tao!>l.u;-Thcrc wn.< 110 p:imphld-r<'port of the t;tira
all other Cltronic Diseases arising from
or Buffalo Conventiun.
Over-Use, General Debility, or NervA. GEXER.\L Aortnirnl of Liberal Bo.,h nre for ale at
D1t. W ..\~D Miu.. \-.-Apples came afdy. Thank.
ous Prostration.
...'"'\.. Uw Agitatorufllci:. Awong them n1ay be found tl;c fol
~L<.ar W .-Yes, lhe pap<:rR arc presencd for yon.
HE;;<: OCl\" nnd succ"""fol rr.pnrnlinnR ,,f Food for lhe
lllnod (ba."l:d upon it< analyi i11 llnlth. "hich f(ives Denton and Birkle's Bible Discussien, Price 25
J. BLACKL&UCE-The Principle nod Ilnnuer ba1e bee11 or- .
the true sfan<la.tcl, and i11 differ nl DiH""n.i:t!"'-, w lum we n.i--rercts. Pu>lagc I cent. Por &.le nl this office.
dered for yon.
lnin the <lcticieurit~ in each rn~ and tlwn sup( 1v iltt-m with
lbe prop<'r mntcrinls for mnkiui: pure nut! h<:Uthj Rlu1xl.) ore A Discour e on hameful Life, by E. H.
J. H. H .UJ<E Ao X. II. TuCKEa-Book, gone by mail.
D. l>. Price 10 rcuta. For sale nt this office.
among the most important dif.:CO\"trics of the ~e. 1'hcy art
MKS. M. I'. Il.-fl will hc:all lhc same when you want tlw d<. '-linf\d to produce a rev-olution in lhc trrntment nnd cure of Diseases of ' Vomen, their
atu r e, Co.use and
ht'Onic DiM"asCfl. Ila.~ing a pl.!'rfoct sciPntifir foun<lntion.
Cure, by 'L L . .'.'/ ichol, M. D. Pfice 14 els.
tlt<J nrr far rrmoved from the Hpl1Lrc of nil .r,"ot-1trums nnd
A. EVAss-Thn11ks for the good wont and eked.
Pntr11t ~l1~<tici11cs. Ph.ysicinns of
schools nre URi11g these
w ith sorno ncrmmt of his .P.Jnrly Lifo, aud E<lucntion for lh{"
Prpnm1iu11s (11ot mrdici11es) \\ilh lhc rno~t Mll.ti...,fnctorv rP.Ministry ; co11tni11ud in a I.euer from him l<1 U1r 'T"
s'ilts. 'l'L,.y are lnkc11 by drops, not spoonfuL

Eighth Congrc.. in1111I Society of lluolo11. I'rir

Th~ Cor
l..nro) w" ALlvPtLi -~ :Ll'C nquc... ted to :u.t n,o.; ngc11t.
for \.he Agitator.
n 1 UlJh!-11 ,'fhruat DUM!_IUil!A,nronrhiti11, Cou~h~. L'n]d,.., The ]'aha and True Marriage; ti
D, fitp 111. l..n.t-r Cof!111]a1nt.. Huufw Jure, PnlpHnt 1 oi
!'-11 \o, ty "' ll. 1~ . .)[. llr''' n, Cle\cl.
Lt?fDLY .M. AxonEWt-i, Trm1rt fipe.nkcr, erpcdh to tnrn:l iri
th 1 H, irt. '- eur~t.."ln. T.. c~s~ '"!f Appnih, r11nhilit.\ to
Ohio and tht! Ea....t the l'orui11~ wiukr. and wiil an:-.wt.r cnll...
lt.t:p, n,p1-. .... :--1011 nf ... p1r1t> Trn:gnl:tntitJoL, nt. 1
of Freedom; or, the
tn Lectnn upon tlte l:larmu111aJ Pliilu'-''JlhY.
}1ult an~ \_\ t.nkTH.:~ .... ~h.
Hand: pr1tt $1 .~5; ]10!'-lrtgl' :.?.; e<~nt~.
Thcr.-e d~iring ie rnny nddn ... .; i1im ..\gitator orHcf',
lu ,1.ll ~n...-.c_.., 0 ~ C1m111w Cu!11pla111t..... ptfulinr to fi:11 :ih..i tJw~c
1'kctch ~ from .;\a.tur(, fur 111y ,Junoile Frieu
CltH:laruJ, 0.
Prtr :i. 10 ,Ji will \..,.. fo1111d 111~a)unhle-.
FrntH'ts Brown; prirt i111.Ini11 doth hindi11g 37 c ht-.:
:MM :\fH1 Tno:u., a Trn1ce :<poker ''""'.he n1ldrL~-ul, THERE A~E FIVE DIFFERENT PREPARATIONS.
!!ih .:lO ut..: foll :.!ilt 6:-i "''lit ... : pt.-.tagt tts. ...\. lil1t.1
Richmond, lnd.

tJ: .. l'11u11l tu Y. lmlv:1l1 purl ha-..1-...

Xo. 1.-fo (' I 1~. Cot '"' Tuuo.\ nr ~ ,... l \" I ....r...
SpJ:_\Kn~ ... ~\nony..., .. , -":\fr:--. Fr:uw .... 0. Ih-7.<.''", ,:\l11nlpeJi1 r. f'os .. t l"Tlot ti{ L U!!"' :i 1tl no\\ t )..:. l tt~. 4\ ,tt cl ,Clll"' f t1u
'I'I!EUDOHE J'.\HKEil'f' 'rORK ..
Yt.; )jj"' ... Liz/.1t. IJ11tc-11, l'l:nn .i;.tl!, ~f;..._
.... ; \.1. 1'. Fa.irfit1ld. \ 1w 1 01~nn ... Brni11 nwJ Ht-:1 t, l>r"l ''"":ii.ii 011,"r < hrouir
Gn...:nwi1h \ 11 ""-''.)fa_..... :_ ".\It .... :-', ~fan:t. IHi.... ,. 1,rin;!ridd. ("orn1 lamt ... nri .. iu~ fro11 OH1l"~'. tw11 ~rnl Pd ilnv. or
f.,Jl: \'J :.! \~ 11rk'i of TJH-~iorf' 1 ,_kt."'!" u.n r.....all.' ~t
1rTOU.'4 J'r, tion. i1 which the ('ircul:ui ,,. 1 Jr
~f;L....... ~ _Ir..:..:--:. \\a.nn1, :'.\hl:m. 0.; \\" .. \. Hm1.l. lluda111l,
lJ A rlfator ur \.'I,:.! .......... J \.')1111" :'lr l:
~.11. ln
o,ll)d',_fJ., E. t'n-<,.Jr.. 1-~,~lich.; ~f. \':tu ...1?\ oud .\1t1r1h) a'ld the .... in, I.ult ... inti Ki1l1 t'\'~ :lJ'
lllOfl orlc~ irnohcL
j4 I
.\ l)j,, our. c <if )lattrs Pertaiui11_ tu I!cli!!ion...\.n.-ry, lfadL""11 , l .
"\\:ith l :i, I, or :"1, :1.'t:OJJ.htg tu c1r it .....
F01nrth I:J: t 1 u
I\ 1. J~1 ..... L 11 ~1 .!J y -tahl' 1i
It hnil~tl the ,:;hip, nnd crit-d," sail on,
Ye mnrincn:, lhe night. i,q gone."


- - -- -----





c1 . .

:'cr:uon, of Th im, .\thcim. auJ the Porular

ru uL "' 1 \IL J!n ti. l'I11tli.. 'l ;;5'

Ten l'cnuon ... r Lt .. li'.!iun. l ,-ol.
"" l

J ihi:l;!\' 'll


l (l:o.'t~C :!ti




.\<1,l itioual "pccC'h(' . \ 1l<lrc:('s :mJ Oc .. asiunal


! o

l'.!n o.

Cloth . ....i~:lll: po-.tuge 4J c1u1i-..

('riric-al a111l .\li.,ccllancous Writir1;rs.

l 'loth , ~I


1 voL l:!mo.

I u:--1:1~1 ~o r111t..-.

,\ t'riticnl and I1i<fnrical Introductiou to the ('ann11irn.J ~111pl11r1..i of 1111 f Jld 'f\.,t:mw11t. From 1l1c (~l'lllan
tl n"". \\' (~tt1. Trn11 .. lnh tl ni1d t11l::tr~\<l by Thtodoro l'arklr. TUird Editiw1. !Yu\:.., ho.' "')utll, $:.J.7j; 1.m1t.nge
7J C'l'll\ ...

II. L. Haruherg<r, .... $1 00 JI. ,fal'.---- . _..... $

J.M. Kcnncdey, .. .
l 00 .J, EllwlL .......... .
Mrs. Ho"'"" .. .. .. .. . I 00 \L A. Swain ........ .
Mrs. AlkinMOn,.......
G. Curlis,............

J. L. Roberl'!Ou,......
B. B.Jackocm,........
Mn;. J. HutchinMJn,...
1'. l:! .. 'held on. .. .. .. .
A. Miller,.... .. . ....
R . Lowrey, .........
)frs. Sikes,..........
A.H. Luther .........

J. R. Talmadg~......
F.. J,ewis.... .... ....
l:i.ll.R~-<...., ..........

,',, mall.............

l Otl \ l rs. Barnum._ ...... .

50 'l'. Klinl(cr ..... . . . . .
00 W. A. Dankine .... ..
Hain""---------00 )fni. Newcomb .. . .
00 W. ~f. Laning .... _..
OU M. \\' . titroup ...... ..
00 L . .Tack>m ........ ..
50 1Anron F.,an----- .. ..
50 F. Ro:l"h .... ___ .. ..
00 Or, Jl. L. DaYi< .... ..


25 P. M. Ptbudv. .... ..

25 (;.Haxtun ... ~-------

25 1



lD~OPATHIC and Ho"'?OPATIC Phy-idn11 will rc-crirc
pal1enl!;\ nt her lmt1f'< or \'l~it th(rn :ll tb<'ir r ideurt
Dr. ~arrilt'i;; Ion~ exp<rien~t n~ a phy-.irinu wnrrnnt ... hfJr i 1;
uffcnug- her!'(:fVH'(,.. tu the public. Good Sur-,cswill he pro-

\ided, when wnntt>tl.

RC>;idencc, Su 131 Cnrnnd!.-t I., New fJrlc:m,, Ln.

'l'h<' Trial of ThnnJore l'arker, for the misdemeanol'

of a "'JJt'i!t.'11 in F:u1<tdl hn.11, n~ain~t Kidnapping; vdth thl~

Dtftr1rc. J \" ul. ,....
J ; p0titngc J ~ ct~nt~.

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