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Teacher Candidate

Grade Level:

Haley Stover
Language Arts
15, 2016

Millicent Atkins School of Education: Common

Lesson Plan Template
List the Common Core/State Standard(s) to be addressed in this lesson:
Skill: Draw Conclusions
CCSS 1. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text
says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

List the Learning Objective(s) to be addressed in this lesson. Use the

following format: Students will be able to
Students will be able to use context and picture clues in order to draw their
own conclusion on what is happening in the story or in the pictures.
Describe how the objective is relevant to students lives.
The objective is relevant to students lives because students will need to
be able to draw conclusions in order to predict what is going to happen
next and using context clues will help them decide who, what, when, and
why the story or event is happening.
List the words relevant to the content area that you will either introduce
and/or review during your lesson.
Drawing conclusions, inference, hypothesize, context clues
List the materials you will need to teach the lesson.
Smart board, reading book, language arts notebook

Pre-Assessment: Describe the instrument or process you will use to
measure students level of understanding toward the learning objective(s)
prior to teaching the lesson.
I pre-assessed by having the students write their own definition of how to
draw conclusions on a sticky note and putting them on the white board. I
then shared with the class a few of the definitions that the students came
up with. If it looked like they were not fully grasping the concept then I
would go more into detail with how to draw conclusions before entering the
APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson pre-assessment. (if
Is your pre-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?
Describe the timeline as to when you plan to administer the preassessment?
(Recommended timeline is a minimum of two days prior to teaching your
The students have been discussing drawing conclusions for over a week, so
I just did a refresher to make sure they completely understood the concept
before I would start the lesson.
Create and insert a table/chart/graph that shows the pre-assessment data
results. (if applicable)


Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.

Describe how the results of the pre-assessment (what the students have
demonstrated they know) will be used to design the lesson objectives,
instruction, and post-assessment.
If the students demonstrate that they understand the concept of drawing
conclusions and how important it is then I will move on to the lesson and
get more in depth with how to form a conclusion.
Post-Assessment: APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of the lesson post-assessment
you will use to measure students level of understanding toward the learning objectives after
teaching the lesson.

Is your post-assessment included at the end of this lesson plan?

APPENDIX: Include a copy of a Key/Product (completed by you, the teacher) which
provides a model of the desired outcome.

Is your key included at the end of this lesson plan?

Describe the instructional and/or assistive technology that you plan to
incorporate into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning.

Smart board

Describe the accommodations/differentiation/modifications you will use to
meet the needs of all learners and accommodate differences in students
learning, culture, language, etc. * Be sure that these accommodations are
based on what you identified/described in your contextual information
(Task I).
The accommodations that I will make in this lesson is that there is a
student who struggles paying attention so his desk is placed in the front of
the classroom, next to the teachers desk. This helps him focus and stay on
task. Also there is a student who struggles paying attention that sits in the
back of the class, but he is allowed to stand up next to his desk which
helps him focus and stay on task.

Identify the management and motivational strategies you will use to meet student
behavioral/developmental needs in order to keep students on task and actively engaged
throughout the lesson.

When students are struggling to stay on task and pay attention I will have
them put their heads down and have their eyes closed for 10 seconds, this
lets them know that it is time to transition to the next subject/task and that
it is time to pay attention and learn. Also will be walking around the room
to make sure each group is getting their work done correctly and are not
messing around when they need to be working.


I Do
(Teacher introduces lesson and models expected outcome of
learning objectives)
Describe how you will activate student interest and present the learning
objective in an engaging way (this is your lesson opening).
I will start the lesson by re-introducing the topic on drawing conclusions. I
will do this by showing them a chart to follow on the smart board, along
with a definition of conclusions.
Describe how you will communicate (to students) how the objective is
relevant to their lives.
I want to make it clear to students that they are making conclusions every
day, whether they know it or not.
Describe what instructional strategies you will use to
model/explain/demonstrate the knowledge and skills required of the
objective. (cite theories/theorists)
The instructional strategies that I will be using is exit slips, only they will
be at the beginning of class and they will be my pre-assessment method to
see how much the students already know about drawing conclusions. I will
also be using direct instruction and then use the smart board to introduce
the concept of drawing conclusions and will be using choral response to
know that they are understanding what is going on. I will also use the the
think, pair, share method at the you do part of the lesson. I will have the
students think on their own, then pair up with a partner and come up with
a conclusion and clues for other students that they can share with.
Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on
to guided practice.
I will do choral responses with the students to make sure that they
understand the material that given to them. If they are able to relay the
correct answers back to me with an explanation on how they came up with
that answer then I will move on to the guided practice.
We Do
(Teacher engages students in guided practice)
Describe the learning activities you will use to provide students multiple opportunities to
practice the skills and content needed to meet the learning objective(s).

With the smart board, I will have a group activity where I will erase a part
of the smart board and it will reveal a picture. I will do this 4 times and with
those 4 pictures, they have to draw a conclusion on where this place is. I
will do this with 2 different places, one being the rainforest and the other
being a carnival. After we are done with that we will play a game called,

Who wants to be a millionaire? and they will have to read the text then
choose the correct conclusion. As you earn more money, the questions get
harder. The students are given three hints to use throughout the game. I
will let the students have 3 tries in order to reach the million-dollar prize at
the end.
Describe how you will check for students understanding before moving on to independent

I will be able to check the students understanding before moving on to

independent practice by seeing if they are answering the questions
correctly in the game and if they are using context clues to come up with
the correct answer. If they do not understand, then I will have to review
more on how to draw conclusions correctly by providing more examples.
You Do
(Students engage in independent practice)
Describe what the students will do to independently practice the knowledge and skills
required by the lesson objectives? (this is the post-assessment)

The students will be able to independently practice the knowledge that

they gained throughout the lesson by partnering up and coming up with
their own conclusions. They will then get with their partner and try to have
their partner guess that their conclusion is based on 3 hints that the
student will provide for them.
APPENDIX: Include a blank copy of your post-assessment.
Is your BLANK COPY of the post-assessment included at the end of this
lesson plan?
Lesson Closing
Describe how you will reemphasize the lesson objective and any
skills/content that were taught in an interactive manner (whole/small
group, etc.).
I will have some of the students share with the whole class their conclusion
and then have the students use their inferring skills to come up with the
correct answer. I will also use the exit slip method at the end of
class/before recess and have them put on a sticky note one thing that they
learned from the lesson that day. While they are sharing their thoughts I
will take the time to make this my post assessment and record how many
partners were able to come up with correctly drawing conclusions for one


(This portion may only be done after the post assessment is

Describe the results of the Post-Assessment and be sure to address the following:
Students progress from pre-to-post assessment. (if applicable)
Factors that may have influenced the post assessment results.
How the results of the post assessment highlight what areas of the
lesson will require re-teaching (if any).
If applicable, insert a table/chart/graph (below) that shows the post-assessment data
results. If you used the same document for both the pre and post assessments, it is strongly
encouraged that you show the comparison.

Insert an image of your table/chart/graph here.


List and describe two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess instruction

I feel like I kept the students interested in the lesson by providing an

activity that they could interact and work together with each other.
The students were able to participate and get involved in the lesson
because they understood the material that was given to them. This made
the lesson go smoothly and was a fun way for the students to learn.
List and describe two things you feel were challenges during the planning, implementation
and/or assessment of the lesson.

The students were a bit noisy at the start of class, so I could improve on
my classroom management and getting the students to focus early on.
I felt like I needed to review a bit more at the end of the lesson just to
double check that the students were 100% confident on how to draw
conclusions correctly.
List and describe two ideas for redesign you would make if you were to teach this lesson

If I were to teach this lesson, again I would provide a few more picture
examples. I would also make the picture clues more challenging so the
students would have to use deeper thinking in order to draw a conclusion
where the pictures are located.

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