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Bubbles Experiment

In Term 1 for Science, Research and Technology an experiment
investigating bubbles was to make a bubble liquid. Firstly, a
successful bubble solution created but there were some issues
such as the surface tension was too weak so they popped straight
away or you could not create a full bubble, only half a bubble. After
some modifications the near perfect bubble mixture was created.
This task required the creation of various bubbles which included to
make a chain of bubbles, frozen bubble, large bubble, a near cubic
bubble and at least one bubble inside another. Most of the bubbles
where successful the cubic bubble didnt get made. There were
some issues other than the creation of the square bubble such as
some people didnt have a photo taking device.
The Practical Write Up
The aim for this bubbles experiment was to make a bubble liquid
which could create the bubbles listed above. A prediction was made
before we conducted the experiment.
IF the surface tension of the bubble was strong
THEN the bubble would stay inflated for longer and be able to blow
more air into it
BECAUSE the surface tension will not be able to be broken so
To evaluate the experiment all, the bubbles except the cubic bubble
is created. There were the faults in the measurement, the
ingredients where not 100% measured and some ingredients where

added which werent part of the plan. The reason the cubic bubble
wasnt a success is because the frame was very unstable. The
chain of bubbles was by far the easiest bubble to make. In the first
lesson the chain of bubbles and the bubble inside a bubble was
achieved. Not long after the massive bubble was achieved. All the
bubbles where blown with a straw. In the last lesson Miss St Pierre
bought dry ice and the frozen bubble was successful. If more
glycerin was added the surface tension became stronger which
made the bubbles stronger. If too much glycerin was added though,
the bubbles would become too heavy and pop. There was lots of
equipment used in the experiment including beakers, stirring rods,
dishwashing detergent etc. (see journal for full list). There was a
very big method to make this experiment a success (see journal for
full method).
Risk Assessment
Dry ice

Level of Risk

Slip hazard


Working with


Why is it a Risk
Dry ice could easily
burn (instantly
freezes) your skin.
If people dont clean
up after yourself
people could slip
over liquid
If people spill
chemicals in their
eyes people could
be in severe

Analysis and Discussion

In the bubbles experiment it was found that the bubbles more
glycerin and water worked the best. The reason the bubbles with
more glycerin and water worked best was because it made the

bubble mixture not so thick but made the bubbles surface area
strong and thick. The bubbles where in average 7cm in diameter.
When another bubble liquid was tried with more dishwasher
detergent and baking powder, it wasnt a success. The average
bubble size was only about 2cm in diameter. The reason this bubble
liquid wasnt successful was because the ratio wasnt kept the same
and it wasnt measured out enough. The patterns in the bubble
liquids were whenever we added ingredients which were with
powder (baking soda, corn flour etc.) the bubbles would instantly
To conclude this experiment people have learnt a lot. The prediction
was correct as in if the surface tension was stronger/thicker than
the bubble would stay inflated longer. As stated earlier there were
some faults, one of the major ones being the ingredients werent
100% measured

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