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Los adjetivos en ingls presentan dos problemas:

1. No tienen plural, siempre van en singular.
2. Siempre van delante del sustantivo, la regla es: ADJETIVE + NOUN
Las dos reglas generan problemas en ingls porque en espaol no se
cumple ninguna de las dos, as que OJO!
Os dejo unas oraciones para que lo practiquis:
Write these sentences in English:
1. ste es un caf bueno.
2. El sandwich de queso y tomate es caro.
3. La chica joven es guapa tambin.
4. El hotel nuevo es bonito.
5. Es un restaurante barato.
6. Una botella grande.
7. Un cuaderno pequeo.
8. Una mujer alta.
9. Un hombre viejo.
10. Una habitacin llena.


This is a good coffee.

The cheese and tomato sandwich is expensive.
The young lady is beautiful too.
The new hotel is nice.
Its a cheap restaurant.
A big bottle.
A small notebook.
A tall woman.
An old man.
A full room.

Adjetivos y adverbios en ingls

Adjetivos y adverbios en ingls, sabes diferenciarlos? Bien, diferenciar un
adjetivo de un adverbio es algo que a los alumnos les presenta dificultades, quiz
porque no es algo a lo que se suela dar mucha importancia cuando enseamos y/o
estudiamos ingls, y quiz tambin porque implica saber algo de sintaxis, que no
es sencillo para tod@s, verdad?
Ah va la explicacin, veris que no es tan difcil, despus de una buena
explicacin, claro!
El adjetivo dice una cualidad de algo, por ejemplo: grande, pequeo,
bonito, feo, alargado, estrecho, etc.
El adjetivo siempre acompaa o dice algo del sustantivo o
personas (las cosas, los objetos)
Por ejemplo: l es guapo. Guapo es adjetivo o adverbio? A quin se
refiere? A l, por tanto, ADJETIVO.
El adverbio dice cmo el verbo hace algo.
El adverbio acompaa al verbo.
Por ejemplo: l escribe bien. Para saber si bien es adjetivo o adverbio,
pregntale cmo? al verbo, y si obtenemos respuesta, ser adverbio. Hacemos la
prueba: Cmo escribe l? Respuesta: bien. Por tanto, bien es un ADVERBIO.
Toda esta explicacin en espaol es muy importante para luego no cometer
errores en ingls.
Veamos unos ejemplos que no son correctos (common mistakes)

He drives slow.

Slow is an adjetive (el adverbio es slowly). En esta frase, necesito adjetivo

o adverbio? Vamos a preguntar al verbo, cmo?, recuerda que esto es la prueba
del adverbio. Hacemos la prueba: cmo conduce l? (how does he drive?).
Respuesta: despacio, por tanto, ADVERBIO. Como necesitamos adverbio, la
oracin es incorrecta, tendra que ser: He drives slowly.
Lo has entendido? Vamos a por otra!

I speak English good.

Good is an adjetive (el adverbio es well). Adverbio o adjetivo aqu? La

prueba: How do I speak English? Respuesta: bien, por tanto, ADVERBIO, y el
adverbio de good es well.

He is a dangerous driver.

Dangerous es adjetivo (el adverbio es dangerously). A quin se refiere

dangerous? A driver? S! Recuerda, dangerous acompaa a driver, que es
sustantivo, por tanto, necesitamos ADJETIVO, es correcta la oracin!

He drives dangerous.

How does he drive? De forma peligrosa, ADVERBIO, por tanto, he

drives dangerously.
Por ltimo, decirte que por lo general todo adjetivo tiene su adverbio. Para
hacer el adverbio tenemos que aadir -ly al adjetivo.
Por ejemplo:
slow (adj)
dangerous (adj)

slow+ly (adverb)
dangerously (adv)

quick (adj)

quickly (adv)

beautiful (adj)

beautifully (adv)

bad (adj)

badly (adv)

Hay irregulares, como siempre!

good (adj)

well (adv)

hard (adj)

hard (adv)

fast (adj)

fast (adv)

1. Could I have a (quick) word with you?
2. This is a (slow) train.
3. He talked very (interesting) about his work.
4. Youve cooked that meat (wonderful)
5. Ive got an (easy) job for you.
6. She writes in (perfect) English.
7. She sings very (good)
8. Could you speak more (quiet), please?


1. quick 2. slow 3. interestingly 4. wonderfully 5. easy 6. perfect 7. well 8. quietly

Los adverbios de frecuencia en ingls

Los adverbios de frecuencia en ingls son stos:






Every day

every + day
every Thursday

on + day + s
on Thursdays

once a month

twice a month

three times a month

once a week

twice a week

three times a week

Bien, vamos a agrupar los diferentes adverbios en dos grupos, segn la

posicin que ocupan en la oracin, ya que hay distintas posiciones.







Los adverbios de este primer grupo se colocan entre el sujeto y el verbo,

siempre y cuando el verbo no sea to be. Si es to be, ir detrs del verbo. Ante una
oracin negativa, ponemos el adverbio entre la negativa y el verbo, es decir,
delante del verbo principal.

I always go to school by bus.
I usually get up at 7.
I often watch TV in the evening.
I sometimes have lunch in a restaurant.
I never arrive late.

My grandmother doesnt go out. Shes always at home = el adverbio de

frecuencia va detrs del verbo porque se trata del verbo to be.

often, usually y sometimes tambin se pueden escribir al principio de

oracin: Sometimes I have lunch in a restaurant.


Every day

every + day
every Thursday

on + day + s
on Thursdays

once a month

twice a month

three times a month

once a week

twice a week

three times a week

Estos adverbios pueden ir tanto al principio de oracin como al final.

Every day I have homework.
Every Monday I have my English class.

On Mondays I go to my English class.

Once a month I have a test.
Twice a month I have a test.
I work every day.
I have my English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
I play tennis once a week.
I go to the gym twice a week.
Normalmente se pregunta How often y se contesta con uno de estos
adverbios, por ejemplo: how often do you have Italian classes? = I have every
1. Para decir en ingls todos los das utilizamos every + day, por ejemplo: I
go to the gym every day, y si quiero decir todos los martes por ejemplo,
dir: I go to the gym every Tuesday.
Cabe destacar que la palabra every es singular en ingls, por tanto, tanto
day como cualquiera de los das que pongamos, deben ir en singular. Es
incorrecto decir: every days o every Tuesdays.
2. Los das de la semana se pueden utilizar tanto en singular como en plural,
es decir, si yo digo: I have my English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays
puedo poner los das en plural, ya que es todos los martes y todos los
jueves, no slo uno.
3. Hardly ever es otro adverbio de frecuencia que se pone entre el sujeto y el
verbo y signifca apenas, casi nunca: I hardly ever go to the cinema = casi
nunca voy al cine.
Vamos ahora a practicar con estos dos ejercicios:
1) Rewrite these sentences in the correct order.
Example: to the mountains / never / we go: we never go to the mountains
1. Often / she / write to me/ doesnt
2. Play football on Saturday afternoons / the boys / always

3. usually/ arrives late / the bus

4. go to bed before 11 / often / I
5. never / drinks coffee in the evening / she
6. it / rain in the summer / often / doesnt
7. read books slowly / I / always
8. usually / my father / goes to work by bus
2. Rewrite the sentences in the correct order:
1. dictionary / often / use / The / the / students
2. me / Paul / helps / sometimes / my / with / homework
3. visits / Jonathan / usually / dentist / the
4. I / fish / often / hours / for / catching / anything / without
5. try / police / keep / The / order / always / to
6. see / usually / Jennifer / out / goes / a / to / concert
7. often / money / Sally / her / borrows / friends / from
8. my / My / spoils / neighbour / holidays / always
9. angry / Our / teacher / English / usually / is
10. car / I / drink / never / if / drive / I / alcohol / a
11. T.V. / ever / hardly / I / in / watch / evenings / the

1) Rewrite these sentences in the correct order.
Example: to the mountains / never / we go: we never go to the mountains

Often / she / write to me/ doesnt: she doesnt often write to me


Play football on Saturday afternoons / the boys / always: the boys always play football on Saturday afternoons


usually/ arrives late / the bus: the bus usually arrives late


go to bed before 11 / often / I: I often go to bed before 11


never / drinks coffee in the evening / she: she never drinks coffee in the evening


it / rain in the summer / often / doesnt: it doesnt often rain in the summer


read books slowly / I / always: I always read books slowly


usually / my father / goes to work by bus: my father usually go to work by bus

2. Rewrite the sentences in the correct order:


dictionary / often / use / The / the / students: the students often use the dictionary
me / Paul / helps / sometimes / my / with / homework: Paul sometimes helps me with my homework o
sometimes Paul helps me with my homework


visits / Jonathan / usually / dentist / the: Jonathan usually visits the dentist


I / fish / often / hours / for / catching / anything / without: I often fish for hours without catching anything


try / police / keep / The / order / always / to: the police always try to keep the order


see / usually / Jennifer / out / goes / a / to / concert: Jennifer usually goes out to see a concert


often / money / Sally / her / borrows / friends / from: Sally often borrows money from her friends


my / My / spoils / neighbour / holidays / always: my neighbour always spoils my holidays


angry / Our / teacher / English / usually / is: our English teacher is usually angry

10. car / I / drink / never / if / drive / I / alcohol / a: I never drink alcohol if I drive
11. TV / ever / hardly / I / in / watch / evenings / the: I hardly every watch TV in the evenings

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