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Charity and giving

Renato Castro
Cristian Peafiel
Richard Ramos
Oscar Vintimilla
This document is an argumentative essay about charity and giving, we discuss issues about how
to do charity, not only from a financial point of view. We also talk about some examples in which
a type of charity can be counterproductive, and how we could effectuate an act of charity.
a. The way to see the charity is totally wrong
Beneficence for some people / companies is a way to help the needy by donating money,
essential items, among other things, but for profit sector this is business, since by means of
charity this person try to evade paying large amounts of money due to tax, then these people
in society are seen in a good way or form, but it is quite the opposite because for them charity
is a business but not a sector that helps people, ie beneficence is the way for big business can
make much more money, this is what happens when people confuse morality with frugality.
The non-profit sector on the other hand tries to help in some way to other people, but their
resources are limited, and also they are always judged if these did some maldistribution of
money obtained through people, why some non-profit sectors are seeking a way to invest
money received in order to multiply the money at any given time, Either by making any cultural
event to help collect more money by making a small investment by the entity. So when you go
to a charity do not ask for your cats rate this entity, but ask about the scale of dreams / ideas
that has this entity, so that their generosity can be used in a better way and this can help many
more people and with this play a huge role in changing the world for the most desperate citizens
what do you need of a change in the shortest possible time.

b. Why I stopped giving money to charity

If you really wants help other people, you never approached compassion, obligation or guilty.
Its better apply everything we learn in the live for give to charity. Every single person can help,
be creative give something of themselves, because every single person want new something, no
matter how big o small.
Basically, every single person can help. You can help you just have to find what the blessing you
have in life, and you share you blessing in others.

c. Donation: World Poverty vs. Charity That Actually Works - Learn Liberty
The charity actually led to real lasting improvements in human well-beign?. Is a better way?

Most foreign programs are based on a top down model with governments, NGO`s and experts
deciding what the poor need.
Four reason why top-down system are often ineffective
1. Top down systems lack local knowledge
For example: When Jeffrey Sachs Millennium Village Project gave high yield seeds
and fertilizer to a village in Uganda to help them grow their maize more effectively,
it worked. Crops fields increased by almost 300%. But because the village hadnt
developed any storage for excess crops and because there was no a road network
to transport it elsewhere, most of that excess sat around to be consumed by rats
and other pests and the rats brought disease.
2. Bureaucratic inefficiency.
The more money is spend on administration
3. Channeling money through governments
For corruption, much of that money never actually makes it into the hands of the
people who need it.
4. Big projects fail big
The big problems dont necessarily need big solutions. Sometimes, the best way of
dealing with a big problem is let lots of different people try lots of different small
ideas and find out which ones actually work.
d. Want to make a difference? Don't Work for a Charity.
From college wonders how to help improve but not found answers simply because there is no
one answer, do good works and work for charity or direct action to help improve such as
firefighters or calling for a good cause but it can also indirectly help with work such as Bill Gates
has donated millions but to specific causes such as health but their work is in computer science.
To help with the work and make a big difference also has to be in a position where any influence
over the world have and love is not as important as politics or business or companies and if we
make a work of charity or just try to enter a non-profit organization is not enough because 75%
of them have no significant impact and there is a mass of charities that produce less benefit
compared to others with the same resources.
To have a real impact you have to work for the most effective charities and work can make a
difference but it is easier with vocations profit that will produce resources even limited being
that it is easier also transform an activity for profit a nonprofit that on the contrary. Innovative
growth companies generate social value that contribute to making a better world, but are also
limited to their success or short or long term efficiency and generating resources that can be
donated effectively.
The most influential people in the course of human history are innovative scientists who have
helped millions as Norman Borlaug who seek to develop resistant wheat disease that increases
crop yields and has saved millions and most influential political that also you have the ability to
make a difference. Another option is the development of skills focusing where it is projected to
be in 5 or ten years building who I am as a person and developing the skills that I have to help
and how can I make a big impact on donations to be effective.

e. How to Kill Your Charity

In many parts of the world there are people who need help to survive. Many charities are
responsible for collecting donations to these places. But how effective charity is in these cases?
Some institutions collect large amounts of money, but the poorest people require clean water.
The easiest solution is to get donations of water supplies, but these are temporary. How can
they survive when supply runs?. It is therefore important that charitable organizations have their
resources more effectively.
For a work of charity more effective, it is first necessary to determine a goal, so that we can
ensure a positive impact to the greatest possible number of people requiring assistance more
urgently population. For example, in many parts of the world there are entire families living in
extreme poverty in urban areas.
You can take the example of what makes the big multinational chains like McDonald's or KFC.
They are able to go to any city with the worst conditions, and get clean water and hygienic places
for use and subsistence. Charitable organizations should propose projects to perform the same
actions, but for the benefit of the poorest people.
Should make use of all available resources. In some cities there are already some organizations
that provide help to the community. It is not becoming more, that maybe can stop any work
that is already in process, but must seek alliances to create larger groups that might try to cover
a higher percentage of populations.
You have to achieve the objectives. Many charities raise pilot projects, where only a sample of
some action is left to perform and other institutions or persons responsible are sought for what
forwarded in the future. These projects, usually tend to fail. Whereas, if shorter but attainable
goals arise, it will be shown that projects have great validity and can be more easily count on
contributions from private and governmental organizations to continue to expand its reach.
Finally, only when projects are operational and delivering results, seek other institutions to take
charge, so that the charity can offer its help elsewhere where needed.
It is good to enhance charitable works, but you need to have very clear who is helping
and how it is doing. Many charities are ultimately unnecessary costs for short-term
results, when what is needed are investments that can generate long-term results, to
give better benefits to the sector that want to help.
A good charity is not to reach needy with gifts but with actions that can improve their
standard of living.
Not to work for charity is doing something beneficial because they often may have
greater benefits with the same resources so if you want to really make charity and be
effective can contribute to the work indirectly either policy businesses or other but
making a difference and supporting organizations that really make a difference and help
where it's needed, it also can develop the skills you have to benefit others and help
either directly or indirectly and finding that aid is efficient and real and not just a way to
feel good about yourself.

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