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Levels 3 & 4 Content Descriptions

Geographical Knowledge
Diversity and significance of places and environments
Representation of Australia as states and territories, and Australias major
natural and human characteristics (VCGGK079)
Historical Concepts and Skills
Sequence significant events in chronological order to create a narrative about
one navigator, explorer or trader and Australian settlement (VCHHC066)
Historical significance
Describe the significance of Australian celebrations, symbols and emblems
Community, remembrance and celebrations
Significance of days and weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia
and the importance of symbols and emblems, including Australia Day, ANZAC
Day, Harmony Week, National Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC week and
National Sorry Day (VCHHK076)
Visual Arts Practices
Explore visual conventions and use materials, techniques, technologies and processes specific to
particular art forms, and to make artworks (VCAVAV026)


Create your own Who am I? about an iconic Australian person.
You must list 6 clues about this person, varying in difficulty.
Get another person to guess the answer. If they guess it on clue 1, they get 6points, clue 2=5points, clue
3=4points and so on.
Recreate your own iconic Australia Emblem or Landmark from the list below using different art
supplies. Think about getting outside and using natural materials to show different textures to your
o Coat of Arms
o The Australian Flag
o Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flags
o The Great Barrier Reef
o Sydney Opera House
o Sydney Harbour Bridge
o The Twelve Apostles
Notepad and pen:
Each player of the game should have a notepad and pen.
During the game if there is anything they dont understand or wish to learn more about they should
note it down for further research, learning and clarification at the conclusion of the game.

To be the first team around the board to the FINISH segment.
Progress is made by correctly guessing what your teammates are describing.
You will need game board, cards, team markers, straws, blu-tack and timer.
Players divide into teams of two or more.
Each team select one team marker and put it on the start segment. By common consent decide which
team will start.
Each turn team members are nominated DESCRIBERS and GUESSERS. All players MUST take their
turn at being describers. No matter how big the team, there are never more than two describers.
Teams of 2 players have 1 describer and 1 guesser
Teams of 3 players have 2 describers and 1 guesser
Teams of 4 players have 2 describers and 2 guessers
Play begins when the timer is up ended. The describers take a card from the front of the pack and
describe the entry corresponding to the segment on which the team's playing piece sits. As the start
position is on the OTHER segment each team starts with this category.
When a team member shouts out the correct answer the describers quickly takes another card and
repeats the process, using the SAME category.
When the timer runs out, the turn is finished.
The describers count the number of cards that were correctly guessed and move their playing piece
forward that many segments.
Play passes on to the next team UNLESS you land on a STAR
Describers must be careful not to break any of the description rules (see below).
If they break one of these rules they forfeit the turn.
When a team reaches the FINISH segment, the DESCRIBERS on that team must describe a STAR
segment to everybody playing. To WIN their team must be the first to guess it correctly. If they fail
they wait until their next turn to try again.
When describing you MUST NOT:
Say what letter the word starts with, or how many letters it has.
Say the word or any derivative eg. if the word is "post" you may not say "postage" or "postman"; for
"swim" you may not say "swimmer" etc.
Use "rhymes with" or "sounds like" type clues.
When describing YOU MAY:
Choose to PASS and not play a card - but only once each turn.
Gesticulate, act, mime (NOT mouth the word).
When a team lands on a STAR, play does not pass to the next team, this is an ALL PLAY round.
The DESCRIBERS who have just been describing, take a card from the STAR pile and ask the whole
group a question or an activity may need to be completed.
There is NO TIME LIMIT unless stated on the card.
The team which shouts the answer out first, moves forward ONE segment on the board (unless they
have received an EXTRA POINT, they move forward TWO) then they get the next turn.
If the same team has a second turn, another player becomes the describer.
After the STAR winners' turn, play passes on to the next team as if that had been their normal turn.
If two teams shout the answer at the same time, another STAR card is taken.

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