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In the development of the global era, lots of people open their own potential of inner
creativity. Due to positive habit and behavior, creative potential to get success can be figured out.
Through inner creative potentials, we will be able to do our best. Make the failure be the new
power to reach success.
The distance of our success must be gained by developing the extension of our power
potentials. Hopefully, the content of the module will be a bridge to help us avoid it from intentional
laziness, inferiority, and anxiety to cross.
The module contains resume of the materials having been taught followed by some
exercises in each unit. This enable the students to enrich their knowledge and refresh their
memory of the material they have achieved.
With the hope that the module will be beneficial to all; especially it can assist students to
study and make them easier in teaching learning process.
And the last but not least, deeply gratitude is given to those who encourage the existence
of the enrichment module. The suggestions and constructive critics for the improvement of this
module will be warmly appreciated.

Purwoasri, July 2008

The writers


Disetiap UAN selalu terdapat materi ujian dalam bentuk Reading Comprehension. Sejak tahun
1996, porsi untuk materi Reading Comprehension cukup banyak. Walaupun begitu, hampir seluruh
teks yang disajikan terbatas pada konteks yang pada dasarnya telah dikuasai oleh siswa, baik
yang terkait dengan isi teks maupun penggunaan vocabulary.
Dari sekian yang selama ini disajikan untuk UAN terutama sejak kurikulum 2004 diterapkan,
hanya jenis-jenis teks (genre ) dan functional texts(teks fungsional) yang disajikan. Hal ini berbeda
dengan ujian-ujian sebelum kurikulum 2004 diterapkan yang teksnya bersifat umum. Adapun jenis
-jenis teks di tingkat SMP yang disajikan meliputi jenis teks : procedure, recount, narrative, report,
dan descriptive. Sedangkan Functional text (teks fungsional) yang banyak disajikan biasanya
dalam bentuk : brochure, leaflet, table, announcement, short letter, advertisement dll.
Model dan jenis pertanyaan
Model pertanyaan yang diberikan pada dasarnya sama dari tahun ketahun. Semua pertanyaan
adalah multiple choice (pertanyaan pilihan ganda ), dimana siswa tinggal memilih saja. Sedangkan
model pertanyaan untuk Reading adalah sebagai berikut :
1. menanyakan informasi umum
- What is the text about ?
- What does the text about ?
- What is the topic of the text ?
- What is the main idea of the text ?
2. menanyakan informasi factual
- ( who, what, where, when, how, why .)
3. menanyakan informasi rinci
- which of the following statements is true ?
4. menanyakan informasi tersirat
- ( He was born in 1940 and died in 1965). How old did he die ?
5. mengidentifikasi langkah retorikan teks tulis esei / monolog
- What is the generic structure of the text ?
- The structure of the text consist of
- The genre of the text is .
- The first paragraph functions as .
6. mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks
- What is the purpose of the text ?
- What is the communicative function of the text ?
Bentuk Teks
1. Berbentuk Wacana biasa (genre)
Berupa teks biasa, yang biasanya terdiri dari beberapa paragraf, yang kemudian diikuti
dengan sejumlah pertanyaan 4-5 pertanyaan.
2. Berbentuk Functional text (teks fungsional)
Berupa brochure, leaflet, table, announcement, short letter, advertisement, yang kemudian
dengan beberapa pertanyaan.
3. Melengkapi wacana
Teks berupa paragraph pendek, biasanya terdiri dari 3 sampai 5 kalimat. Selanjutnya, sebagian
kata di dalam teks tersebut dihilangkan, yang kemudian anda diminta untuk melengkapinya
memilih beberapa options yang telah disediakan. Teks model demikian sangat mudah untuk
diselesaikan, akan tetapi juga sebaliknya dapat menjadi paling sukar.
Contoh Soal
1. GENRE ( Jenis Teks)
Contoh 1 :
Text 1
Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked
the hen, Will you marry me? The hen loved the brave, strong and wished to marry him. But she
said, I cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I will learn to fly, then we can fly
together. The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. This is to show that
you have promised to marry me, said the hawk.
It so happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw
the ring, he became angry. Throw that ring away at once! shouted the rooster. The hen was so
frightened that she threw away the ring immediately.
When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious
that he cursed the hen, Why didnt you tell me earlier? Now, you will always be scratching the
earth and I will always be flying above to catch your children, said the hawk.

1. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. to entertain the readers with a fable
b. to instruct the steps of making something
c. to describe a specific animal
d. to retell past events for informing
2. The above text is a kind of a / an .
a. Narrative
c. Report
b. Procedure
d. Recount
3. The organization of the text is .
a. Goal, materials, steps
b. Orientation, Complication, Resolution, Coda
c. Identification, descriptions
d. Orientation, series of events, Reorientation
4. Orientation can be found in paragraph .
a. one
c. two
b. three
d. five
5. Did the hawk finally marry the hen ?
a. Yes, it is
c. No, it doesnt
b. Yes, it does
d. No, it didnt
6. Why did the hawk want to catch the hens
children someday ? Because .
a. the hawk would marry the hen
b. the hawk gave a ring to the
c. the hen loved the hawk very much
d. the hawk is very angry with the hen

Contoh 2 :
Text 2
Dear Nanny,
We are having a great holiday here on the Gold Coast. Yesterday we went to Movie

When we got up in the morning it looked like rain. After a while the clouds
disappeared and it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to Movie World.
The first film I went on is Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy show. After
that I had lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mum and Kelly queued for the Batman
About one oclock we got a light shower of rain but it cleared up soon after.
It was a top day. See you when we get back.
7. What type of text is the above letter ?
a. Report
c. Procedure
b. Narrative
d. Recount
8. Who wrote the letter ?
a. Nanny
c. Gold Coast
b. Movie World
d. Gold Coast
9. What did the writer do after watching Police
Academy show ?
a. went to Movie World
b. had a lunch
c. watched Lethal Weapon
d. queued for Batman film
10. Who is WE in the text ?
a. Nanny
c. Sammy & his family
b. Nanny & Sammy
d. Nanny and her family
11. Did the writer have a wonderful day ?
a. Yes, he is
c. No, he didnt
b. Yes, he did
d. No, he doesnt
Contoh 1 :

1. What does the notice mean ?

a. People must not stop in front of it
b. Visitors cannot drop by there now
c. Pedestrians may not cross there
d. Other people must not enter it

Contoh 2 :
Curriculum Vitae Personal Detail1
: Dave Hendricks
: 38 years
Address : Third floor, Star Apartment
: PR International School
d. 1959
: Dutch

2. Where is Dave Hendricks from?

a. Netherlands c. USA
b. England
d. Indonesia
3. When was he born?
a. 1965
b. 1969
c. 1979

Contoh :
The Clever Judge
Once upon a time, a lion, a fox, and a donkey set off for a days hunting. They made an
agreement to have an equal share of what was caught. After a time, they were able to kill a fat
buck. The lion asked the donkey to divide the prize. The obliging donkey cut up the buck into three
equal parts then invited the lion to take his choice.
This made the lion so furious and killed the donkey with his powerful blow.
Then the lion told the fox to divide the meat. The fox was cunning. He put a side a big heap
(1) the lions share, and kept only a small piece for himself.
On seeing this, the lion (2) and said, Master fox, this needs the most satisfactory divisor.
Who taught you to be so clever?
The dead donkey has been my teacher, replied the fox. From (3) foolish conduct I have
learned to be wise.
1. a. for
c. to
b. in
d. on
2. a. thought very happy
b. looked very pleased
c. seemed very angry
d. looked very dispointed
3. a. his
c. him
b. he
d. himself


1. Ciri Umum
A.Tujuan Komunikatif Teks

: Memberi petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui

B. Struktur Teks

tindakan atau langkah.

: Tujuan kegiatan, Bahan-bahan, Langkah-langkah

C. Ciri Kebahasaan :
Menggunakan :
Pola kalimat imperative, misalnya; Cut, Dont mix, dsb.
Action verbs, misalnya; turn, put, dont, mix, dsb.
Connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya; then, while, dsb.
Adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya; for five
minutes, 2 centimeter from the top, dsb.
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks
Contoh 1 :

How to Vote
1. The voter goes to the party representative and gets a How to Vote card
2. He/She then goes to the polling clerk who crosses out their name to show the
have vote
3. The clerk then gives them a ballot paper
4. They then go to a polling booth where they vote for the party who they want to


for by putting a number for each person on the voting paper.

5. When each person has finished voting, she/he puts the ballot paper into a ballot

6. He/She then goes and watches the results on TV

Contoh 2 :

Making Indomie Fried Noodles

Do you like Indomie goreng ? Im sure you do! How do you make it?
Lets try to explain the way in English. First, open the package of Indomie fried
noodles while boiling two glasses of water in a pan. While waiting for the water to



and mix

pour the seasoning, chili sauce, soya sauce and oil into a bowl. After the water is
drain the noodles and throw away the water. Then pour the noodles into the bowl,
them with the seasoning, sauce, and the other ingredients. Your noodles are ready.

Text 1
Making Indomie Fried Noodles
Ingredients : - the seasoning
- chili sauce
- soya sauce
- oil
Steps : 1. Open the package of Indomie fried noodles
2. Boil two glasses of water in a pan
3. Pour the ingredients into a bowl
4. Drain the noodles and throw away the water
5. Pour the noodles into the bowl
6. Mix them with the ingredients
1. There are steps to make Indomie Fried
a. three
c. four
b. five
d. six
2. The following does not belong to the
ingredients of fried noodles
a. chili sauce
c. soya sauce
b. seasoning
d. pain
3. mix them with the ingredients The word
them refers to .
a. water
c. noodles
b. the bowl
d. the seasoning

4. The grammatical feature often used in

procedure text is .
a. past
c. present
b. passive voice
d. imperative
5. The statement is false based on the text.
a. Two glasses of water are boiled in a pan
b. The noodles with water are poured into the
c. The noodles are drained and the water is
thrown away
d. The noodles are mixed with the seasoning
sauce and other ingredients

Text 2

Making Fried Bananas

Do you like fried banana? Do you know how to make it? Making fried banana is very easy.
First, you need some good bananas, flour, and cooking oil. Then, usually, bananas are cut into thin
slices. Next, roll the bananas in the flour. After that fry them in very hot oil until they turn brown. If
you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top. Your delicious bananas are ready to eat.
6. Is it difficult to make fried bananas?
a. Yes, it is
c. No, it is not
b. Yes, it does
d. No, it does not
7. Three sequencers stated in the text are .
a. like, know, make
c easy, good, thin
b first, then, next d. it, them, you
8. ______Fry them in very hot oil __________".
The word them refers to .
a. flour
c. oil
b. slices
d. bananas

9. How many steps are used to make fried

bananas based on the text?
a. 3 steps
c. 4 steps
b. 5 steps
d. 6 steps
10. Find the antonym of boil in the text.
a. make
c. fry
b. sprinkle
d. eat

Text 3
How to reduce the risk of heart attack
Today I will tell you how to reduce the risk of having a heart attack.
Firstly, be a non-smoker. Secondly, see your doctor regularly for tests to check your cholesterol
levels. Thirdly, eat a low-fat diet and keep to a healthy weight. Finally, exercise regularly.
12. What type of text is it?
a. Anecdote
c Narrative
b Recount
d. Procedure
13. The generic structure of the text is .
a. Goal, steps
b. Identification, descriptions
c. Orientation, series of events, Reorientation
d. Orientation, Complication, Resolution, Coda
14. How many ways does the writer instruct to
reduce the risk of heart attack?
a. one
c. two
b. three
d. four
15. The GOAL of the text is stated in .
a. the first paragraph
b. the title of the text
c. the third paragraph
d. the second paragraph
16. The following statement is NOT the way how
to reduce heart attack.
a. not to smoke
b. take a regular exercise
c. see the doctors for test
d. eat very much food


1. Ciri Umum
A. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks

: Melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan dengan tujuan

memberitakan atau menghibur.

B. Struktur Teks
dan kapan

: ~Pengenalan


; memberikan informasi tentang siapa, di mana

; rekaman peristiwa , kejadian atau kegiatan yang terjadi

yang biasanya disampaikan dalam kapan urutan

~Pengenalan Ulang ; merangkum rentetan peristiwa, kejadian atau

C. Ciri Kebahasaan
Menggunakan :
Nouns dan pronouns sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan atau benda yang terlibat, misalnya;
the monkey, we dsb.
Action verbs atau kata kerja tindakan, misalnya; go, sleep, run dsb.
Past tense, misalnya; We want to the zoo; She was happy dsb.
Conjunctions dan time Connectives yang mengurutkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan,
misalnya; and, but, ,then, after that, dsb.
Adverbs dan adverb phrases untuk mengungkapkan tempat, waktu dan cara, misalnya;
yesterday, at my house, slowly dsb.
Adjectives untuk menerangkan nouns, misalnya; beautiful,, funny, dsb.
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks
Contoh 1:
Our Trip to the Blue Mountain


On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David and Dellas

house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful flowers and a tennis court.
On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic railway. It
was scary. Then Mommy and I went shopping with Della. We went to some
shops and I tried on some old hats.
On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw
cockatoos having a shower.
In the afternoon we went home. We felt tired but we were happy because we
a wonderful time.

Contoh 2 :
At the Glendy Festival



Yesterday I went to the Glendy Festival with nine other kids from my
to take part in the dancing and to have a good time. This festival is held in
each year in a big city park.
At first, we went together to eat in one of the tents. We bought
souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast corn on the cob and drinks. Everything was so
Afterwards, we visited the school tent where we viewed the student
projects from many schools. Later, we gathered in front of the large stage.
The announcer
was calling the school teams one by one to dance Greek dances. Our turn
came! We danced two dances, a kalamatiano and a hasapiko. The crowd
gave us a great applause.
At the end of the day we were all tired but happy because we had a
wonderful time.

Text 1
At the Glendy Festival
Yesterday I went to the Glendy Festival with nine other kids from my class to take part in the
dancing and to have a good time. This festival is held in March each year in a big city park.
At first, we went together to eat in one of the tents. We bought souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast
corn on the cob and drinks. Everything was so tasty.
Afterwards, we visited the school tent where we viewed the student projects from many
schools. Later, we gathered in front of the large stage. The announcer was calling the school
teams one by one to dance Greek dances. Our turn came! We danced two dances, a kalamatiano
and a hasapiko. The crowd gave us a great applause.
At the end of the day we were all tired but happy because we had a wonderful time.
1. Who went to the Glendy Festival ?
a. I
c. We
b. The writer
d. The team
2. The festival is done .
a. daily
c. monthly
b. weekly
d. annually
3. A hasapiko is the name of .
a. food
c. dance
b. festival
d. drinks
4. Which paragraph tells us the event 2 ?
a. paragraph 1
c. paragraph 2
b. paragraph 3
d. paragraph 4
5. Which belongs to temporal sequences ?
a. when
c. probably
b. a week later
d. afterwards
6. At the end of the day we were all tired but
happy because we had a wonderful time.
The sentence at the end of the paragraph is
called .
a. twist
c. events
b. reorientation d. resolution
7. What is the setting of the story ?
a. March
c. School
b. The city park d. Glendy Festival
8. What tense is mostly used ?
a. present simple c. past simple
b. past continuous
d. present continuous
9. What kind of text is the above text ?
a. descriptive
c. recount
b. anecdote
d. procedure
10. How many students of the writers class took
part in the Glendy Festival ?
a. 7
c. 8
b. 9
d. 10

Text 2.
My End of the Week
On Sunday morning my family and I went on a boat cruise.
We went underneath the port bridge and then we went past some cargo ships. When we got to
Lincoln Park we had a picnic. After we had finished, we played on the rock climbing tower. Then Mr.
John smith came over and said Mr. Brown was giving out some apples. Then after we finished that,
we went home.
Although it was tiring we were happy.
11. Where did the writer have a picnic ?
a. boat cruise
c. a bridge port
b. Lincoln Park
d. rock climbing
12. When did the writer have a boat cruise ?
a. On Sunday morning
b. On Tuesday morning
c. On Monday morning
d. On Wednesday morning
13. Although it was tiring, we were happy. The
underlined word refers to .
a. the picnic
c. the family
b. the rock climbing d. the boat cruise
14. With whom did the writer go ?
a. his wife
c. his sisters
b. his daughter d. his family
15. How did the writer and his family feel after
the journey ?
a. bored
c. annoyed
b. satisfied
d. worried
16. What is the genre of the text above ?
a. report
c. narrative
b. spoof
d. recount
17. How is the generic structure of the text ?
a. orientation-events-twist
b. orientation - events - reorientation
c. goal - materials/ingredients - steps
d. orientation - reorientation - events

18. What kind of tense is used mostly in the text ?

a. simple present tense
b. simple future tense
c. simple past tense
d. present perfect tense
19. What paragraph belongs to Reorientation?
a. paragraph 1 c. paragraph 2
b. paragraph 3
d. paragraph 1 and 3
20. After we had finished, we played on the rock

climbing tower.
This sentence belongs to .
a. event 1
c. event 2
b. event 3
d. reorientation

Text 3
One Wednesday, my students and I went to Jogyakarta. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is
not far from Malioboro.
On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the
Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahma and Syiwa
temples because Wisnu temple is being renovated.
On Friday morning, we went to Jogja Kraton. We spent about two hours there. We were lucky
because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur.
We arrived there at four p.m. we heard an announcement that Borobudur gate would be closed.
In the evening we left for Jakarta by Wisata bus.
21. The text above mainly discusses about .
a. the writers trip to Jogjakarta
b. the writers experience at Jogja Kraton
c. the writers first visit to Prambanan d. the writers impression about Borobudur
22. Which temple is being renovated ?
a. Syiwa
c. Wisnu
b. Brahma
d. Syiwa and Wisnu


1. Ciri Umum
A. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks
B. Struktur Teks

yang dapat

: Menghibur pendengar atau pembaca (yang bertalian dengan

nyata, khayal atau peristiwa pelik yang mengarah ke suatu krisis,
pada akhirnya menemukan suatu penyelesaian)
: ~Pengenalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat
~Pengembangan konflik
~Penyelesaian konflik
; perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran
dipetik dari cerita.

C. Ciri Kebahasaan
Menggunakan :
Noun tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan dan benda tertentu dalam cerita, misalnya,
stepsister, dsb.
Adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase, misalnya, long black hair, two red apples, dsb.
time connectives dan conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian-kejadian, misalnya then,
before that , soon dsb.
Adverb dan adverbial phrases untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian-kejadian, misalnya here,
in the mountain, happily ever after, dsb.
Action verbs dalam past tense, stayed, climbed, dsb.
Saying verbs yang menandai ucapan seperti: said, told, promised, dan thinking verbs yang
menandai pikiran, persepsi atau perasaan tokoh dalam cerita, misalnya thought,
understood, felt, dsb.
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks
Contoh 1 :
The Lost Caterpillar


Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They had
had their breakfast on a big tree near a river. Come on, children. Lets go
home, Mama worm said.

Suddenly, a cricket said, Your last child is ugly! Ugly? asked mama worm.
Then she looked at the child. He was not the same as her other children. Hey,
COMPLICATION she said, You are not my child. Go away!
The little brown worm walked away. He was very sad. When he was near a
he looked into the water. Oh, how ugly I am, he cried.
You are not ugly, said a voice. Oh, I find you, my child.


The worm looked around. There was a beautiful big caterpillar and her
They all looked the same as he.
They may call you ugly, said mother caterpillar, But you are the most
beautiful child in the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly.

Contoh 2 :
The Lion and the Mouse

Mr. Lion was lying asleep, but was awakened by a mouse running over his
face. How dare you! he roared, and raised his paw to kill the mouse.
Please, Sir, begged Miss Mouse, Let me go and one day I may do
something for you in return.
You help me! Ha ha , laughed Mr. Lion , but he let her go.
One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net spread by hunters. I cant get out!
roared angrily.
But I can help you, said a tiny voice, and up ran Miss Mouse, who nibbled
gnawed at the ropes until the lion was free.
There, she said proudly, If you had not let me go, I would not have found
way to help you.

Text 1
Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended
on jungle fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungle
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to a nearby village to
try to get some food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came
continually, they refused to give him any more food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about
growing his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped and, taking a pity on the hermit, gave him
some paddy seed.
Before the boatman went away, he said, These seed will grow and give you everlasting
harvest if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the paddy plants will turn into weeds.
The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sow the weeds before the rains came.
Strangely, after a short period of time, the paddy was ready for harvesting. The old man go a lot of
rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plant grew back again right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful paddy, they flocked to his paddy
field and took home as much paddy as they could.

One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the paddy and he shouted, Oh, stop
growing, you wretched thing! As soon as he said this, the paddy plants turned into weeds.
1. Why did the hermit go to the village?
a. To buy some clothes
b. To ask the villagers for some food
c. To visit his relatives there
d. To ask the villagers to give him paddy seeds
2. What did the boatman give the hermit?
a. Fruit tree
c. Paddy plants
b. Some weeds
d. Some paddy seeds

3. Why did the paddy plants turn into weeds?

a. The hermit got angry with the villagers

b. The hermit stopped growing the paddy plants
c. The villagers grew weeds instead of paddy plants

d. The hermit shouted ordering the paddy

plants to stop growing

4. Which statement is TRUE about the hermit?

a. He lived in a small town in Sumatra
b. They went to the village to ask some food
c. He liked to give the villagers fruit and paddy
d. He hated begging thought there was nothing
to eat
5. What does the word flocked in paragraph 6
a. Rushed
b. Came in great number
c. Hurried
d. Came with all their families
6. One day, the hermit became so tired of
harvesting the paddy that he shouted .
(The last paragraph). The antonym of the
underlined word is .
a. Said
c. laughed
b. screamed
d. whispered
7. What the genre of the text above ?
a. Narrative
c. Anecdote
b. Descriptive
d. Report

Text 2

The Lost Caterpillar

Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They had just had their
breakfast on a big tree near a river. Come on, children. Lets go home, Mama worm said.
Suddenly, a cricket said, Your last child is ugly!. Ugly? asked mama worm. Then she looked
the child. He was not the same as her other children. Hey, ugly! she said, You are not my child.
The little brown worm walked away. He was very sad. When he was near a lake, he looked into
water. Oh, how ugly I am, he cried. You are not ugly, said a voice. Oh, I find you, my child.
The worm looked around. There was a beautiful big caterpillar and her children. They all looked
same as he. They may call you ugly, said mother caterpillar,. But you are the most beautiful
child in
the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
8. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to entertain the readers with a fable
b. to instruct the steps of making something
c. to describe a specific animal
d. to retell past events for informing
9.The organization of the text is .
a. Orientation, Complication, Resolution,
b. Goal, materials, steps
c. Orientation, series of events, Reorientation
d. Identification, descriptions
10.Orientation can be found in paragraph .
a. one
c. two
b. three
d. four

Text 3
Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky and asked
the hen, Will you marry me?
The hen loved the brave, strong and wished to marry him. But she said, I cannot fly as high as
you can. If you give me time, I will learn to fly, then we can fly together.
The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. This is to show that you have
promised to marry me, said the hawk.
It so happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the rooster saw
the ring, he became angry. Throw that ring away at once ! shouted the rooster. The hen was so
frightened that she threw away the ring immediately.
When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him the truth. The hawk was so furious
that he cursed the hen, Why didnt you tell me earlier? Now, you will always be scratching the
earth and I will always be flying above to catch your children, said the hawk.
11. What is the purpose of the text ?
a. to entertain the readers with a fable
b. to instruct the steps of making something
c. to describe a specific animal
d. to retell past events for informing
12. The above text is a kind of a / an .
a. Narrative
c. Procedure
b. Report
d. Recount
13. The organization of the text is .
a. Orientation, Complication, Resolution, Coda
b. Goal, materials, steps
c. Orientation, series of events, Reorientation
d. Identification, descriptions
14. Orientation can be found in paragraph .
a. one
c. two
b. three b. two
d. five
15. Did the hawk finally marry the hen ?
a. Yes, it is
c. No, it doesnt
b. Yes, it does
d. No, it didnt

1. Ciri Umum
A. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks

: Menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu, apa adanya, sebagai hasil

pengamatan sistematis atau analisis. Yang dideskripsikan dapat
gejala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia,atau gejala-gejala

B. Struktur Teks
keterangan, dan

: ~Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subyek laporan,


C. Ciri Kebahasaan
Menggunakan :
General nouns, seperti Reptiles in Komodo Island, dsb.
Relating verbs untuk menjelaskan ciri, misalnya reptiles are scaly animals (ciri ini berlaku
untuk semua reptilia), dsb.
Action verbs dalam menjelaskan perilaku, misalnya lizards cannot fly, dsb.
Present tense untuk menyatakan suatu yang umum, misalnya Komodo dragons usually
weight more than 160 kg, dsb.
Istilah teknis, misalnya water contains oxygen and hydrogen, dsb.
Paragraf dengan topic sentence untuk menyusun sejumlah informasi.

2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks

Contoh 1:
group as


Contoh 2:

Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same
lizards (the scaled group, squamata) but form a sub-group of their own
Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them
along. Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps
on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake
slithers along the ground.
Snakes often sun bake on rocks in the warm weather. This is because
snakes are cold-blooded and they need the suns warmth to heat their body
up.Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live on trees, some
live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick,
long grass and in old logs.
A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a



relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania

and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long
and very strong back legs and a tail. They use these for sitting up on and for
jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight
meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high. They can also
run at speeds of
over 45 kilometers per hour. The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey
Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a length of 1.60 meters and
weight over 90 kilos. The Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo are
marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on
the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it
crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

Text 1
A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia, although it has a smaller relative, called a
wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They have short front legs, but very long and very strong back
legs and a tail. They use these for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to
make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters high.
They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per hour.
The largest kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adults grow to a
length of 1.60 meters and weight over 90 kilos.
Kangaroo are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the
front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch
where it spends its first five months of life.

1. What is mainly told in the second paragraph ?

a. the definition of a kangaroo
b. the origin of kangaroos
c. the classification of kangaroos
d. the kinds of kangaroos
2. The generic structure of the text is .
a. Purpose, Material, and the Steps
b. Orientation, Conflict, Resolution ,Coda
c. Orientation, Crisis, Action, and Coda
d. General Classification, Description
3. ___, which lives on the Australian__ (par. 1).

What does the word which mean ?

a. a kangaroo
c. a wallaby
b. an animal
d. a smaller relative
4. The following statement is NOT the description
of a kangaroo.
a. it eats grass and plants
b. it can make forward jumps of over eight
c. it has short front and long back legs
d. the male kangaroo has an external pouch
on the front of his body.
5. Which paragraph belongs to Descriptions ?
a. paragraph 1, 2 c. paragraph 1, 2, 3
b. paragraph 2, 3 d. a. paragraph 2, 3, 4

Text 2
Lightning is a sudden, violent flash of electricity between a cloud and the ground, or from
cloud to
cloud. Lightning flash or bolt, can be several miles long. It is so hot, with an average
temperature of
34,000 Centigrade, that the air around it suddenly expands with a loud blast. This is the thunder
we hear.
Lightning occurs in hot, wet storm. Moist air is driven up to a great height. It forms a type of
cloud called cumulo-nimbus. When the cloud rises high enough the moisture freezes and ice
crystals and snowflakes are formed. These begin to fall, turning to rain on the way down. This
rain meets more moist air rising, and it is the friction between them which produces static
electricity. When a cloud is fully charged with this electricity, it discharges it as a lightning flash.
6. Whats the topic of the text?
a. What thunder is
b. What the rain is
c. What lightning is
d. What the electricity is
7. The generic structure of the text are
classification and descriptions. Classification
can be found in .
a. the first sentence
b. the second paragraph
c. the third sentence
d. the first and second sentence
8. What is lightning ?
a sudden electricity between a cloud and the
b. a violent electricity from cloud to cloud
c. a sudden flash of electricity between a cloud
and the ground
d. a flash that expands with a loud blast
9. It forms a type of cloud called cumulo-nimbus
(Par. 2). The word it refers to
a. lightning
d. a great height
b. moist air
e. a loud blast
c. wet storms
10. Which statement does NOT describe lightning ?
a. its flash can be several miles long
b. its temperature is about 34.000 centigrade
c. it occurs in hot, wet storms
d. it is a loud blast that is suddenly expanded
e. a lightning flash happens when a cloud is
fully charged with this electricity


1. Ciri Umum
A. Tujuan Komunikatif Teks : Mendiskripsikan ciri-ciri seseorang , benda atau tempat tertentu.
B. Struktur Teks

: ~ Pengenalan subject
~ Ciri-ciri subject, misalnya tampilan fisik, kualitas, perilaku umum,

C. Ciri Kebahasaan
Menggunakan :
Nouns tertentu, misalnya teacher, house, my cat, dsb
Simple present tense.
Detailed noun phrase untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek, misalnya It was a large
open rowboat, a sweet young lady, dsb.
Berbagai macam adjectives, yang bersifat describing, numbering, classifying, misalnya, two
strong legs, sharp white fang, dsb.
Relating verbs untuk memberikan informasi tentang subject, misalnya; My mum is really
cool, It has very thick fur, dsb.
Thinking verbs dan feeling verbs untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi penulis tentang
subject, misalnya; Police believe the suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal, dsb.
Action verbs, misalnya; Our new puppy bites our shoes, dsb.
Adverbials untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang perilaku tersebut, misalnya; fat,
at the tree house, dsb.
Bahasa figurative, seperti simile, metaphor, misalnya; John is white as chalk, sat tight, dsb.
2. Contoh dan Struktur Teks
Contoh 1 :


There is a black cat who lives beside my house.

She is just a kitten. Her fur is soft, and her nose is cold. Although she is a
kitten, the cat is very bold. She can catch a mouse. She is a nice clean cat
dirt or any fleas. She is not too thin or too fat. She likes to lie in the shade of
the trees, and sometimes she plays with butterflies. It is very interesting to
watch her walk and play.

Contoh 2 :

My name is Ellen and Im 23.


I first arrived in London three years ago, after having come across from
India where I spent six months travelling. Im from Australia originally, and I
Australia once Id finished university. I studied drama and film in Sidney. I
was hoping to get some film work in London, but its very difficult, not having
much experience. So, meanwhile, Im working as a waitress, in a restaurant
in Brompton road.

Text 1
Situated in beautiful tropical gardens right by the sea, the Sanur Beach Hotel offers a friendly
atmosphere so typical of the Balinese themselves.
The accommodation comprises tastefully furnished, air conditioned rooms with a mini bar,
bath, shower, WC, and balcony or patio.
Other facilities include 3 restaurants, a 24 hour coffee shop, swim with bath, shower, WC and
balcony or patio. Single room per-person per-night : Rp 50.000,00 Child reduction 50 %.
1. How many restaurants are there in Sanur Beach
a. 3
c. 24
b. 50
d. 50.000
2. What does paragraph one tell about ? It tells
about of the hotel.
a. the price
c. the location
b. the accommodation d. the other facilities
3. How much should a child pay a night ?
a. Rp 25.000,00
c. Rp 27.000,00
b. Rp 30.000,00
d. Rp 50.000,00

Text 2
Pingvellir is a very famous historical place in Ireland, where a lot of things have happened
which have influenced the Iceland history.
Pengvellir was reserved in 1928 and became a national park. Now theres a fence all around
Pingvellir to protect it from sheep and other animals which can destroy the vegetation.
Pinvallavan, which is in Pingvellir, is the large lake in Iceland. In is 82.7 square kilometers, and
114 meters deep. There many kinds of fish in the lake, like trots, chars and toddlers.
Pingvellir is also a very famous tourism place and thousands of people come there every year
to see this amusing nature and beautiful surrounding.
4. What is the type of the text?
a. Report
c. Recount
b. Descriptive
d. Narrative
5. The communicative purpose of the text is .
a. to tell about the beauty of Pingvellir
b. to inform the reader about Pingvellir
c. to describe the condition of Pingvellir
d. to retell the famous tourism place of
6. The first paragraph is the of the text.
a. description
c. identification
b. conclusion
d. orientation
7. _____ was reserved in 1928. (paragraph 2).
The word reserved means .
a. kept
c. built
b. occupied
d. preserved
8. Which one is NOT TRUE about Pingvellir?
a. Pingvellir is the broadest lake in Iceland.
b. Pingvellir has been a national park since
c. Pingvellir is a historical place for Iceland
d. Pingvellir is a tourist resort because of its

Text 3
Ursus maritimus, the polar bear the worlds larges carnivore- is the world of 13 million square
kilometers stretching from Siberia to Alaska, across Canada and up into the Canadian Arctic to
Greenland and the islands north of Norway. The mammoth predator was once revered by some
Eskimo as a shaman, a being of infinite wisdom in communication with the spirit world. Today is
still rules in dignity, moving from one feast of seal to the next
Twice as large as a lion or tiger, a typical adult male weighs about 450 kilograms and
approaches 15 meters ant the shoulder. ( Female are about half that weight) It paws are up to 30
centimeters wide. It walks the ice with fluid grace.

9. Paragraph 2 tells us about .

a. the size of polar bear
b. the other name of the polar bear
c. the place where polar bear lives
d. the weight of the female polar bear
10. How many kilograms does a female weigh?
a. 15
c. 30
b. 225
d. 450
11. ___ once revered by some Eskimos as a
shaman ___ (paragraph 1)
The word revered means .
a. returned
c. respected
b. related
d. reflected
12. The communicative purpose of the text is .
a. to amuse the readers
b. to describe a particular animal
c. to share an unusual accident
d. to inform the reader about events


Wanted for English 08:00-12:30
From Friday-Sunday
1. Which person is suitable for the job?
a. Mrs. Yanti is a teacher. She works at 07:00 up to1 p.m. everyday
b. Mrs. Intan graduated from Mathematics. She teaches in a school for Monday to Wednesday
c. Mr. Yohandi teaches English in aschool from Monday to Thursday
d. Mr. Tono graduated from English Department. He teaches on Wednesday to Saturday.
Shanty, buy these !
1 kg
1 jar
pineapple jam
2 packets
chocolate biscuits
1 tin
chocolate INDOMILK
Time-table at

KEDIRI Station on Monday Saturday

05.00 a.m.
08.30 a.m.
06.00 p.m.
03.30 p.m.
11.45 a.m.
02.30 p.m.

4. How many train leave the Kediri Station


2. What did Shantys mother write to her ?

a. the ingredients
c. the price list
b. the recipe
d. the shopping list
3. Where did Shanty should go ?
a. grocery
c. vendor
b. butcher

07.00 a.m.
11.15 a.m.
06.00 a.m.
06.15 p.m.
02.10 p.m.
05.15 p.m.

a. three
c. five
b. six
d. twelve
5. How many places can people go to ?
a. three
c. five
b. six
d. twelve
6. The Jakarta train leaves from at six in the
a. Malang
c. Surabaya
b. Jakarta
d. Kediri

Ready within 8 hours

RAPI Tailors
Specialist in exclusive suiting
also available ready made suit
Wednesday ?
11, Jl. Veteran - Kediri
: 09.00 20.00
: 10.00 15.00
Tomorrow is the last day for you to join
the English Debate Competition.
So, join now!
Contact : Citra, Class VIII A

7. RAPI Tailors can make our clothes in

a. a month
c. a day
b. a week
d. three days
8. How long is RAPI Tailors open on
a. 5 hours
b. 8 hours

c. 11 hours
d. 12 hours

9. The text is a kind of a / an .

a. letter
c. announcement
b. advertisement
d. notice

10. The text tells us that .

a. Therell be an English Debate Competition
b. There are only two days left to join English
Debate Competition

c. All students join the English Debate

d. Today is the last day to register for the
English Debate Competition
11. you refers to .
a. Citra
c. teachers
b. students
d. teachers and students









12. The table tells us that Dodo ____ plays tennis.

a. always
c. sometimes
b. twice a week
d. once a week

13. How often does Helmi play tennis in a week?

a. once
c. twice
b. three times
d. everyday
14. What day can they play tennis together?
a. Sunday
c. Monday
b. Tuesday
d. Wednesday


A. Greeting
1. Ratna : Hi, Dina. Long time no see.
Dina : Im fine, thank you. And you?
Ratna : I,m fine too.
a. how do you do c. Nice to meet you
b. How are you
d. Are you OK
2. Santi : Its getting dark. I have to go home
Mira : Well continue our discussion
Santi : no problem.
Mira : Okay, .
Santi : Bye.
a. Good morning c. Good afternoon
b. See you
d. Goodbye

B. Introducing
1. Betty : Russell, .
He has just returned from England.
: How do you do Joe? Its nice to meet
Betty : Its nice to meet you too, Russell.
a. he must be Joe. Youve met him.
b. Joe is your good friend
c. you know Joe well, dont you?
d. Id like you to meet Joe
2. Siska : Hello, Im Siska
Diana : Hello, Siska. I am Diana. Nice to meet
Siska :
a. Now do you
b. Are you a new student?
c. Nice to meet you
d. Im fine, thanks.

C. Expressing an Instruction/a warning

1. Ferry : ! There is a snake next to you!
Irwan : Thank you for the warning.
a. Shut up
c. Calm down
b. Watch out
d. Run fast
2. Mr. Rahul : Oh, my goodness! What a noisy
class! Pandawa,.
Pandawa : All right, Sir.
a. please ask them to keep silent
b. tell them to talk much more loudly
c. go and ask them to speak up, please
d. please be quiet outside the classroom

D. Asking for and Giving Information

1. Doctor
: Tell me.
: My stomach aches.
: Let me see
a. What can you do for me
b. Why you dont take a rest
c. Whats wrong with you
d. Why you dont see the doctor
2. Mother
: What are you looking for ?
: Some food. I am starving
: Its in the fridge
: .. nothing left, Mom
a. There are
c. There is
b. There isnt
d. There arent

E. Expressing Gratitude
1. Tiara : Nina, here is your book. Thank you.
Nina : You are welcome. Are you sure you dont need it anymore?
Tiara : Absolutely.
From the dialogue, we know that Tiara expressing her .
a. apology
b. happiness
c. gratitude
d. kindness

F. Expressing an Apology
1. Librarian
: Your library card, please ?
: Oops . I forgot to bring it.
: So, you cant borrow this book
a. How com
b. Im sad
c. Im sorry
G. Expressing Politneness
1. Tom
: Would you like a heavy jacket ?
: You can wear my brothers leather jacket
: Thank you. Its very kind of you
a. No, thanks
b. Yes, please
c. Its all right
H. Asking for, Giving and Refusing Services/Goods/Help
1. Nurma: hi Kristin!
Kristin : Oh hello, Nurma. Look, this suitcase is
too heavy for me.
Nurma: With pleasure. Well, come on lets lift
it up together.
a. Would you help me, please
b. Shall I lift it up for you
c. How could I do it myself
d. What can I do for you
3. Driver


is there anything wrong, Miss?

Are you serious, Miss?
yes, my class starts in ten minutes. I
dont want to be late or my professor
will get angry with me.
Driver : As you wish, Miss.
a. you drive very fast, dont you
b. Could you drive a little faster, please
c. Can you drive more slowly
d. Do you always drive slowly, Driver
2. A
: Hello, is Ira there?
: She is having lunch right now.
her back in an hour?
: Sure. Thanks.
a. do you call
c. Could you call
b. Dont you call d. Are you calling

d. With my pleasure

d. I dont think so

4. Waitress
: Can I help you, Sir?
The Guest
: ?
Waitress : Im sorry, Sir. We dont have it today.
a. How much is a bowl of soup
b. Do you want me to bring a bowl of soup,
c. Can you show me the menu
d. Would you bring me a bowl of soup, please

I. Asking for and Giving Opinions

1. Komang
: What do you think about the
: Well, in my opinion, the picture
is fascinating.
: Okay. Ill buy it and hang it on
my room wall
Based on the bold-typed sentences, we can
conclude that Komang
a. giving an opinion
c. makes an opinion
b. refuse an opinion
d. asks for an opinion

2. Dion

: Riko, what do you think if we go

for study tour to Bali ?
: I dont think its a good idea.
Its very far from here.
a. agrees with Dions opinion
b. accept Dions opinion
c. disagrees with Dions opinion
d. follow Dions opinion

J. Expressing Like and Dislike

1. Noni
: Lia, what is your hobby?
: I like gardening. Do you like it
too ?
: Not much. I prefer cooking to
From the dialogue, we know that they are
talking about.
a. nice experience c. difficult jobs
b. hobbies
d. lesson
2. Tio
: Luki, can you drop by my house
this afternoon?
: I must go home soon
after school. Ive promised my
brother to take him to a
stationary stop.
a. No doubt
c. I like it
b. Yes, I do
d. No, I dont like it

K. Asking for Clarrification/Responding Interpersonally

1. Irwan
: Brian, Im very excited. Next
month Im going to Perth.
: Really?
: Yes, Im going to attend an
international boy-scout festival
: Thats wonderful. Youll have a
lovely trip.
: Thank you.
Brian said, Really? What does it mean ?
a. He asks for something
b. He asks for clarification
c. He expresses his certainty
d. He wants mor information

L. Inviting Someone
1. Rika
: Rio, will you come to my
birthday party this afternoon?
: ..
: Okay, then. Ill wait for you.
a. Sure, I will
b. Forgive me
c. Im afraid I cant come
d. Frankly, I cant go to you house.
2. Tio

: Luki, can you drop by my house

this afternoon?
: .. I must go home soon after
school. Ive promised my
brother to take him to a
stationery shop.
: I see. Perhaps another time.
a. Sure
c. Im sorry I cant
b. No problem
d. Just wait for me

M. Accepting and Declining Invitations

1. Myrna
: Fiona, lets watch a film
: I have a bad cold
: I see. I hope youll be okay soon
: Thank you
a. Good idea
c. Sorry. I cant
b. I like it
d. Id love to, thanks
2. Wieke

: Have you turned off the gas

tove yet ?
: Yes, but Im not sure.
: So, lets check it first before
a. Thank
b. Sorry
c. Good ide
d. I dont know

N. Agreeing
1. X

and Disagreeing
: Is Puncak Pass resort near here?
: Yes, it is.
: . Its about 100 kilometres
from here.
: Oh, really?
a. I disagree with you
c. I quite agree
b. I think so too
d. It certainly is

2. Ida

: Why dont you ask John to

repair you car ?
: Thats a good idea. I know he is
an experienced mechanic.
Yudi said, Thats a good idea. The sentence
expresses .
a. an agreement c. an advice
b. a disagreement d. certainty

O. Complimenting
1. Novi
: Yesterday I bought this novel. Its for you.
: Oh, how kind you are. Thanks. The bold-typed sentence shows
a. a permission
b. gratitude
c. a request
d. a compliment
P. Congratulating
1. Seto
: Nina, ? You won the English speech contest. Your English is so amazing.
: Thank you.
a. congratulations b. take care
c. I know it
d. be careful
Q. Asking to Repeat Something
1. Man
: Excuse me. Can you show me the way to the post office?
: I beg your pardon, Sir?
: Can you show me the way to the post office?
: Oh, just go straight for about 100 metres. Then, turn left and youll see the post
: Thank you.
The boy said I beg your pardon, Sir? What does it mean ?
a. He wants the man to go to the post office
c. He refuses to answer the mans question.
b. He needs to go to the post office.
d. He wants the man to repeat his question
1. Ratna : Hi, Dina. Long time no see.
Dina : Im fine, thank you. And you?
Ratna : I,m fine too.
a. how do you do c. Nice to meet you
b. How are you
d. Are you OK
2. Santi : Its getting dark. I have to go home
Mira : Well continue our discussion
Santi : no problem.
Mira : Okay, .
Santi : Bye.
a. Good morning c. Good afternoon
b. See you
d. Goodbye

3. Betty : Russell, .
He has just returned from England.
: How do you do Joe? Its nice to meet
Betty : Its nice to meet you too, Russell.
a. he must be Joe. Youve met him.
b. Joe is your good friend
c. you know Joe well, dont you?
d. Id like you to meet Joe
4. Ferry : ! There is a snake next to you!
Irwan : Thank you for the warning.

a. Shut up
b. Watch out

5. Mr. Rahul





c. Calm down
d. Run fast

: Oh, my goodness! What a noisy

class! Pandawa,.
Pandawa : All right, Sir.
a. please ask them to keep silent
b. tell them to talk much more loudly
c. go and ask them to speak up, please
d. please be quiet outside the classroom
Tiara : Nina, here is your book. Thank you.
Nina : You are welcome. Are you sure you
dont need it anymore?
Tiara : Absolutely.
From the dialogue, we know that Tiara
expressing her .
a. apology
c. happiness
b. gratitude
d. kindness
Nurma: hi Kristin!
Kristin : Oh hello, Nurma. Look, this suitcase is
too heavy for me.
Nurma: With pleasure. Well, come on lets lift
it up together.
a. Would you help me, please
b. Shall I lift it up for you
c. How could I do it myself
d. What can I do for you
Driver : is there anything wrong, Miss?
Janet : ?
Driver : Are you serious, Miss?
Janet : yes, my class starts in ten minutes. I
dont want to be late or my professor
will get angry with me.
Driver : As you wish, Miss.
a. you drive very fast, dont you
b. Could you drive a little faster, please
c. Can you drive more slowly
d. Do you always drive slowly, Driver
: Hello, is Ira there?
: She is having lunch right now.
her back in an hour?
: Sure. Thanks.
a. do you call
c. Could you call
b. Dont you call d. Are you calling

10. Waitress : Can I help you, Sir?

The Guest : ?
Waitress : Im sorry, Sir. We dont have it
a. How much is a bowl of soup
b. Do you want me to bring a bowl of soup,
c. Can you show me the menu
d. Would you bring me a bowl of soup,
11. Anang : Id like to send a letter to my mother
but I cant do it myself. Ive got a
little headache.
Arief : Certainly.
a. Can you write me a letter, please
b. Could you write a letter to me, please
c. Would you post this letter for me, please
d. May I send you a letter
12. Daniel : Where are we going to spend our
holiday ?
Rindy : To Bali. Why ?
Daniel : Do you think our class advisor will
agree toit?
Rindy : He has given his approval.
a. Im not sure
c. I doubt
b. Im not certain
d. Theres no doubt
13. Ira
: Our car cant move at all.
: How long have we got the traffic jam
here ?
: Two hours.
: Oh,
a. How comfortable the bus is
b. What a terrible day!
c. How slow the bus is!
d. What a nice bus!
14. Indah : while waiting for your flight ?
Putri : Well, I sat before the departure
a. What are you doing
b. What did you do
c. How long does it take
d. How do you feel

15. Nano : How many students will join the trip

to Bali ?
Nano : students. No one wants to miss the
a. Most
c. All
b. Both
d. Each
16. Teacher : What do you think of the worlds
population, Yogi?
: I think it in the year 2004 if
the people dont follow the family
a. double
c. doubled
b. will double
d. has doubled
17. Deasy : How often do you swim a week ?
: Actually twice. But last week I only
once, because I prepared myself
for the exams.
a. swim
c. swam
b. will swim
d. have swum
18. Assistant : We have a lot of sweaters made
in several sizes and colors.
sweater do you want, a red or
a black one?
Mrs. Andi : The red one, please.
Assistant : Here you are.
a. Who
c. When
b. Which
d. Where
19. Lidya
: There is not any sugar left,
Ratih. We need . to make
: Ok, Ill buy it then.
a. many
c. a lot
b. any
d. a few
20. Mrs. Ratna : What about our new uniform?
Are you going to sew it yourself?
Mrs. Heni : No, Im not. I to the
dressmaker next Sunday.
a. go
c. went
b. will go
d. have gone
21. Adi
: What is your plan for the next
holiday ?
: I to Bromo Mountain with my
: Wow, thats great.
a. go
c. went
b. am going
d. was going

22. Nina

: Id like to have lunch. Is there

any good restaurant near here?
: Yes, there is one.
: is it from here?
: Five hundred metres.
a. How far
c. How high
b. How long
d. How heavy
23. Tourist
: You know the best hotel
: Yes, Sir. It is Tanjung Hotel. It is
not far from here.
a. are you
c. arent you
b. do you
d. dont you
24. Teacher : Well, it seems to me that has
been here now. Lets get in the
Students : All right, Sir.
a. none
c. no one
b. someone
d. everyone
25. He with you if you wait for him.
a. goes
c. is going
b. will go
d. went
26. Teacher :There are some rules to obey in a
conservation. You cannot pick
anything in it
Students : What about catching the animals?
Teacher : You .
a. can do that too
c. have to do it
b. cannot do it either
d. you may do it
27. The Chinese football players played well
that all their supporters gave wonderful
applauses to them.
a. and
c. so
b. but
d. untill
28. Mr. Takamura: Id like to meet your manager.
Can I?
: Im afraid you cant. He the
office a few minutes ago.
Would you like to leave a
message for him?
Mr. Takamura: No, thank you. Ill be back
a. left
c. leave
b. leaves
d. is leaving

29. Nida

: Your younger sister, Fatimah, l

ooks bigger and taller than you.
: Yes, she is.
: is she ?
: She is 1.75 metres.
a. How old
c. How fast
b. How long
d. How tall
30. Arin
: What time is the meeting ?
Rica : It is about 11 a.m.
Arin : So, you have to be here before 11,?
Rica : Yes, I must go now. It is already
10.30 now.
a. do you
c. have you
b. dont you
d. havent you
31. Dora
: ! Is it new ?
: Yes, it is my mothers. She got it
from my grandfather on her
a. How nice is microwave
b. How is a nice microwave
c. What a nice microwave it is
d. What is a nice microwave
32. Vira
: Have you finished with your job ?
Diaz: Not yet, what about you ?
: . Lets doit together then.
a. I have too
b. Neither havent I
c. So do I
d. I havent either
33. Indah : Next week is Moms birthday. Lets
give her a present for a surprise.
Retno : But I a new long dress.
Indah : Have you ?
Retno : Yes, I bought it last night at Giant.
a. buy
c. will buy
b. am buying
d. have bought
34. Ida : May I go to the concert tonight,
father ?
Father : You have to study for your final
: But I really want to.
Father : You can go next time.
a. Of course you may
b. Yes, please
c. Why not
d. Its not a good idea
35. Vidia : Anton can beat his opponent easily.
Yuda : Can he? Did he play than his
opponent ?
Vidia : Yes, he did.
a. good
c. worse
b. better
d. the best
36. Which game belongs to outdoor game ?
a. tennis
c. boxing

b. badminton
d. football
37. are people who watch the games.
a. trainers
c. champions
b. athletes
d. spectators
38. The students in the classroom are so noisy
a. and the teacher is very angry
b. but they are clever
c. so the teacher gets angry
d. that I cant hear the teachers voice
39. I dont like boxing but .
a. Nurul does
b. Nurul doesnt
c. Nurul doesnt either
d. neither is Nurul

UNAS TAHUN 2006/2007

1. X : Have you done your homework, Rizki?
Y : Please forgive me, Sir. I havent
finished it yet. I had to take my mother
to the doctor.
X : Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Well, do it now.
Where does the dialogue take place?
a. At home
c. In the classroom
b. In the library
d. In the bedroom
2. Lusi : is your school from the bus station?
Anti : Its about two kilometers.
a. How long
c. How far
b. How wide
d. How
3. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at
Stratford-on-Avon in England. When he
left school, William was employed by his
father. He a local girl, Anne Hathaway,
when he was eighteen.
a. marries
c. will marry
b. married
d. have married
4. Andre : There is something wrong with
my computer. Do you think
Andini can repair it?
: . Her own computer is out of
order, too.
Andre : really?
a. No doubt
c. Im sure
b. I doubt that
d. Im certain
5. Mother
: Santi, lets prepare for lunch.
Help me set the table. Look, the
table is dirty, could you clean it?
: its time to have lunch.


Anything else, Mom?

: No, thats all.
a. Sorry Mom, I cant
c. Im not certain
b. I cant decide
d. By all means

Canada 9,976.000 square kilometers

U.S.A 9,363.000 square kilometers
Brazil 8,512.000 square kilometers
Canada is the country among them.
a. large
c. bigger
b. largest
d. smallest
7. Sonny : Hi, John, . The road is very
slippery because of the rain just now.
John : All right, Son. Dont worry, we will
drive down the hill slowly.
a. be careful
c. look out
b. watch out
d. hurry up

The text is for number 8 to 10

Animals are almost extinct if their number is getting smaller. It means more animals become
rare. One of the rare animals is Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros is a large heavy mammal with a thick skin. The word rhinoceros is derived from
Greek. Rhino means nose and Ceros means horns. Some rhinoceroses have two horns and others
have one horn. There horns are not part of the body structure of the head. They dont have any
bony core. They are out growth of the skin.
Rhinoceroses are herbivorous. The eat plant. They live in grassy areas or in a jungle.
Rhinoceroses spend most of their time in water. They usually live alone, except during breeding
season. One of these rare rhinoceros is the Java rhinoceros. The Java rhinoceros, the Sondaicus, is
comparatively small and slender. Its about 17 meters high. The males have a single horn up to 10
inches ( 25 feet) length, and the females are usually hornless.
Formerly the Java rhinoceroses live in Myanmar, Indochina, the Malay Peninsula, Java and
Sumatra. They are now relatively scarce. People hunted them for their horns. We only find them in
Ujung Kulon. West Java now. If we dont want the Java rhinoceroses to be extinct, we must protect
them, we must preserve their habitat. The law prohibits hunters to hunt them.

8. The whole text tells us about .

a. rhinos horn is special
b. we should protect the rhinoceros by breaking
the law
c. rhinoceros with their specific horn are almost
d. people can find rhinoceros in any jungle in
9. Where do rhinos like to spend their time better?
a. Both in water and on land
b. Mostly in water
c. Neither in water nor on land
d. Mostly in land
10. We must preserve their habitat.
(Paragraph 4)
The word preserve in this sentence means .
a. destroy
c. reduce
b. save
d. experience

Read the text and answer questions 11 to 13.

Brand new luxury 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. At Heather downs and green Street.
Convenient to Southgate Shopping Center. Close to bus route 22.
Rentals from 250 dollars include the following utilities: heat, air, shag carpet, appliances,
dishwasher. Patio, laundry, room, pool, 1 year lease and security deposit.
One-preschool-aged child considered in 2 bedrooms. Absolutely no pets.
Model open weekdays 1-6, Sun. 1-5 or appointment 241-7721. Managed by Sands Corporation.
An equal housing opportunity.
11. Which of the following statements is TRUE
according to the text?
a. Only one-bedroom apartments are available
b. There is no lease required
c. The bus route is far away
d. The rent includes some utilities
12. Which of the following families would be
able to rent an apartment according to the
a. A woman and her twelve-year-old child
b. A husband, wife and their preschool child
c. A man with a small cat
d. A husband, wife and two small pets
13. Rentals from $250 include heat, air, shag
carpet, appliances .
The underlined word means .
a. requirements
c. devices
b. improvements d. apartments

Read the text to answer questions 14 to 17.

The Indonesian Archipelago
Indonesia is an archipelago. It is the largest one. It lies between the Pacific Ocean and the
Indian Ocean. This archipelago is flanked by two continents namely Asia and Australia.
This archipelago consists of 13.667 islands. Is total land area is 1.905.453 square kilometers.
From east to west it stretches 5.152 kilometers and from north to south 1.770 kilometers.
There are five main islands in Indonesia. They are java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and
Papua, and the western part of New Guinea. The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta. This city
becomes the center of government and economic activities.
The climate in Indonesia is tropical with high humidity, slight changes in temperature and
heavy rainfall. It is because Indonesia lies along the equator. From November to February this
country undergoes the we season. The dry season prevails from June to September.

We can see a large variety of plants and animals life . Some species are endemic. They live in
an island or a part of a large island. Some wildlife reserves have been established by the
government through the country. Those wildlife reserves are used to protect the rare species from
extinction. The rare animals are the orang utan primates in Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Komodo
dragon in Komodo island, the one horned-rhinoceros in West Java, the pig dear and anoa, the
dwarf buffalo in Sulawesi and many different species of monkeys and birds.
14. Indonesia has islands.
a. 1.770
c. 13.667
b. 5.152
d. 1.905.453
15. The main idea of paragraph four is .
a. Indonesia has a tropical climate
b. Indonesia has high humidity
c. Indonesia has high rainfall
d. Indonesia lies along the equator line
16. How is the weather like from November to
a. Hot
b. Cool
c. Warm
d. Bright
17. Why does the government set up the wildlife
reserve? To protect the .
a. orang utans
c. one horned-rhinoceros
b. komodo dragons
d. rare species
18. Choose the sentence which has a miss
spelt word
a. Nadia looks happy trying on her new dress.
b. She sewwed the cloth carefully yesterday.
c. She made the pattern of the dress last week.
d. Mother cuts the pattern using a pair of

From questions 19 and 20 choose the best meaning of the underlined words in the text.
There are many reasons why people go to the beach. People go to the beach because they want to
(19) get fun and enjoy the beauty of the sea and its surrounding. They also enjoy the activities
which they can do there. For example: swimming or sun bathing, parasailing or offer different
activities, there is (20) something in common. You will always find sand around them.
19. a. have pleasure c. examine the wave
b. explore the sea d. enjoy the tide
20. a. specialty
c. average
b. similarity
d. a whole

carry the stuff .



Handle with care

The label above means that we have to

a. gently andcarefully

c. carelessly and

b. hurriedly and quickly

d. recklessly and

Read the text and answer questions 22 to 24.

There are many teachers in my school. Most of them are kind and helpful. But, my favorite one
is Mr.
David, my English teacher. Mr. David is tall and slim. He is about thirty years old and wears
Mr. David is always neatly dressed.
22. How old is Mr. David?
He is years old.
a. 30
b. 35
c. 40
d. 45
23. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE
about Mr. David?
a. He is kind
b. He wears glasses
c. He dresses neatly
d. He has a big size body
24. The word one in the text above refers
to . (Line 3)
a. school
c. dress
b. teacher
d. age

For questions 25 and 26 fill in the blanks with the suitable word.
My sister, Yulia, works for a travel bureau. Actually she doesnt lie her job because the work is not
(25). The salary is low and the manager is not friendly. So, she will (26) for another job at the
end of this month. She wants to be a secretary.
25. a. boring
c. disgusting
b. disappointing d. interesting
26. a. look
c. ask
b. wait
d. search

Read the text and answer questions 27 to 29.

The lion was having a nap when a little mouse woke him up. The lion was annoyed, so he
picked up the little mouse and threatened to eat him.
Please spare me, oh the king of the jungle. If you do, I will do something for you one
day!begged the mouse.
What! A little thing like you? Ha! This is really very funny, laughed the lion. Then he got the
little mouse free because he thought that the little creature did not even taste good.
Several days later when the lion was walking in the jungle, he got into a trap. He struggled
hard, but still could not free himself. When he was about to give up, the little mouse came. He
gnawed at the ropes of the net and then said, Didnt you once laughed at me for being little? Look
how I have saved your life today.
27. Where did the story happen?
a. In the kingdom c. In the jungle
b. In the village
d. In the field
28. How could the lion be free from the problem?
a. The lion walked into the trap
b. The lion killed the little mouse
c. The mouse gnawed at the net and set it free
d. The mouse woke up the lion
29. What can we learn from the story?
a. Help your friend only if you get a reward
b. Dont underestimate those who are smaller
c. Strength is always useful when we are in
d. Dont put your friend in trouble
30. 1. They prevent the soil from erosion and
2. The water flows into the river
3. Men must take care of forests
4. A new spring emerges from the ground
5. Rain water doesnt flow freely
6. It soaks to the ground
The correct order of the sentences to make
a paragraph is .
a. 3 2 4 1 6 5
c. 3 6 4 5 1 2
b. 3 1 5 6 4 2
d. 3 4 6 1 5 2

Read the text and answer questions 31 to 33.

1 bunch of kepok bananas (not too ripe)
1 liter of water
2 kg brown sugar
50 gr white sugar
10 gr vanilla essence
- Peel the bananas then roast them over charcoal until somewhat
soft and brown.
- Flatten them with a special wooden clamp or, if you dont own one,
use a large flat wooden spoon to flatten the bananas on a cutting board.
- Sauce: Boil the water with the brown sugar, white sugar and vanilla essence
until it dissolves into thick syrup, then pour over the bananas.
For 10 portions
31. What does the last thing we do in making
Epe Banana?
a. Peel a bund of bananas
b. Flatten the bananas
c. Roast the bananas
d. Make sauce of Epe banana
32. How much white sugar do we need to
make Epe banana?
a. 10 grams
c. 1 kilogram
b. 50 grams
d. 2 kilograms
33. Flatten them with a special wooden
clamp. The underlined word means .
a. fry
b. cook
c. press
d. steam

For questions 34 to 36 choose the best words to complete the text.

On a bright an sunny day TI went fishing. When I reached the jetty, I put a worm on the hook
and threw the line and waited for the fish to bite. I was very (34) when I didnt catch anything
after waiting for three hours.
I pulled in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. (35) was
so small that I didnt feel anything on the line.
I was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, let me go (36) or I will turn you into
a frog. I was so startled that I just stared at it.
34. a. happy
c. interested
b. good
d. disappointed
35. It
b. She
c. he
d. They
36. a. and
c. because
b. or
d. for

For questions 37 and 38 choose the word closest in meaning to the underlined words.
Elephants are the largest mammals in the world. Although they have huge(37) bodies and
great power, their movements are slow and gentle(38).
37. a. very big
c. spotted
b. wide
d. rough
38. a. fast
b. sharp

d. soft

c. polite

Read the text and answer questions 39 to 41.

The Jaguar
(Panthera Onea)
Although the jaguar is an animal that is not found in Asia, it is famous in Asia because of the
car named after the animal. This report provides information on the characteristics, habitat and life
of the jaguar.
The jaguar belongs to the cat family. It is one of the four big (roaring) cats: the lion, the tiger,
and the leopard. Because it has spots, a jaguar is often mistaken for the leopard. However, a
jaguar has larger rosette markings, a stronger body and a shorter tail. A rosette is a rose shaped
spot on an animal
39. Which paragraph tells about the differences
between a jaguar and a leopard?
a. Paragraph 1
c. Paragraph 1 and 2
b. Paragraph 2
d. Paragraph 2 and 3
40. How do people differentiate between a jaguar
and a leopard?
a. A jaguar has larger marking on its body
b. A leopard has a stronger body
c. A jaguar only lives in Asia
d. From the shape of their bodies
41. Because it has spots, a jaguar is often
mistaken for the leopard.
The underlined word has the same
meaning with .
a. lines
c. scratches
b. dots
d. rosettes

Fasten your seatbelt
while seated

Where do you usually find this instruction?

a. In the truck
c. In the ship
b. In the bus
d. In the plane

Please keep your city clean
Dont drop litter

What does the text mean?

a. You are not supposed to put the garbage in a dustbin.
b. you are not allowed to put the garbage properly
c. You are not allowed to throw garbage everywhere
d. You are not supposed to clean the garbage in the city

Read the letter and answer questions 44 to 46.

Bandung, Jawa Barat
March 4, 2007

23 Jalan Jendral sudirman

Dear aunt Dewi,

How clever of you to send me blue beads! I was planning to wear a blue sweater and a
plaid skirt to the morning bazaar next Sunday, and the beads will match perfectly.
Our bazaar is going to be bigger than ever this year. Were having exhibits of arts and
crafts, books, food and flower arrangements. In the bazaar there will be folk dances and
You should be there!
Thank you again for your thoughtful gift
Your loving niece,
44. What did Aunt Dewi give to Nita?
a. Blue beads
c. A nice sweater
b. a plaid skirt
d. A big book
45. Nita wanted Aunt Dewi to go to the
bazaar because .
a. her aunt promise to go there to run the
b. she wanted Aunt Dewi to watch the folk
dances and games.
c. she thought her aunt would not be busy
d. their flower arrangements would be
exhibited there.
46. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE
about Nita?
a. She lived at Jalan Sudirman 23, Bandung
b. She wrote her letter on March 4, 2007
c. She was Ms. Dewis loving younger sister
d. She liked the gift that Ms. Dewi gave

Read the text and answer questions 47 and 48.

47. From the text we know that Mr. Anto will
come to see Mr. Charlie .
Dear Mr. Anto,
a. in the morning
c. in the
Your appointment to see Mr. Charlie is
b. in the afternoon
d. at midnight
on Tuesday 7th June at 2.15 p.m. Please be on time. 48. Please be on time.
The sentence means to come
a. fast
c. punctually
b. early
d. quickly
49. there is where a way a will there is
The correct arrangement of the words to make
a sentence is .
a. 2 5 1 3 4
c. 2 5 4 1 3
b. 1 2 3 5 4
d. 1 2 4 5 3

50. Choose the right order of the following

sentences to make a paragraph.
1. It takes place three days or more
2. the more important the person who dies,
the more buffaloes they slaughter
3. It is carried out in honour of the dead
4. One of the Torajan traditions is the funeral
5. It is done by slaughtering a water buffalo
a. 2 5 4 3 1
c. 4 3 1 5 2
b. 2 3 5 4 1
d. 4 3 5 2 1


In the development of the global era, lots of people open their own potential of inner
creativity. Due to positive habit and behavior, creative potential to get success can be figured out.
Through inner creative potentials, we will be able to do our best. Make the failure be the new
power to reach success.
The distance of our success must be gained by developing the extension of our power
potentials. Hopefully, the content of the module will be a bridge to help us avoid it from intentional
laziness, inferiority, and anxiety to cross.
The module contains resume of the materials having been taught followed by some
exercises in each unit. This enable the students to enrich their knowledge and refresh their
memory of the material they have achieved.
With the hope that the module will be beneficial to all; especially it can assist students to
study and make them easier in teaching learning process.
And the last but not least, deeply gratitude is given to those who encourage the existence
of the enrichment module. The suggestions and constructive critics for the improvement of this
module will be warmly appreciated.

Purwoasri, July 2008

The writers

UJIAN NASIONAL 2006 / 2007

1. X

: Ana, lets prepare food for lunch.

: What will we make, mom?
: Chicken soup is appropriate. Cut
the vegetables over there. Ill
prepare the spices.
Y : All right, Mom.
Where does the dialogue take place?
a. In the dining room
b. In the bedroom
c. In the office
d. In the kitchen
2. Tom : Look. What is that?
Bill : Its a key of motorcycle.
Tom : key is it?
Bill : I dont know. Lets take it to the
a. Who
c. Whom
b. Which
d. Whose
3. Arfan and Dino like to have window
shopping. Yesterday they went to a
supermarket but they buy anything
there. They just looked around the
supermarket. After getting tired they went
a. dont
c. wont
b. didnt
d. arent
4. Vicky
: I lost my wallet. Who came here
just now?
Rita : Budi did. But he didnt take your
: Oh, there it is, on the bookshelf.
a. I believe
c. Im sure
b. Im sorry
d. I agree with you
5. Dedi: Don, father asked me to cut the
grass in the yard. Is it okay if I use
a pair of scissors?
: You would be better to use a
Dedi: OK, I will.
a. Thats true
c. Yes, of course
b. I dont mind
d. I dont think so
6. Study the following pictures!




(100 pages) (150 pages)

(250 pages)
Which statement is correct based on the
a. The biology textbook is thicker than the history textbook
b. The history textbook is thicker than the English textbook
c. The biology textbook is as thick as the history textbook
d. The English textbook is the thickest
7. look at the picture!

What does it mean?

a. Dont buy any weapons
b. Be careful with soldiers
c. Dont shoot
d. Watch out for robbers

Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.

Dengue fever is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world. Dengue fever is endemic in
most tropical countries of the south Pacific, Asia, the Caribbean, the USA and Africa.
This disease rapidly spreads in most tropical urban areas of the world. It means people in these
areas have high risks of infection of the disease.
Dengue fever is caused by a virus. The virus is transmitted into the human by the bite of
infected mosquito, usually Aedes Aegypti. In other words, the disease cannot be spread directly
from person to person.
The disease is characterized by the high fever, severe headache, backache, joint and muscle
pains. Sometimes, many patients get nausea, vomiting, and rash on arms, face and legs. There is
no specific treatment of the disease.
8. What does the text tell about?
a. Many kinds of virus
b. The tropical countries
c. The symptoms of disease
d. Dengue fever
10. The disease rapidly spreads in countries.
a. big
c. endemic
b. tropical
d. infected

9. The disease , severe headache, backache, joint

and muscle pains.
What does the underlined word mean?
a. serious
c. risky
b. hard
d. mild

Read the text and answer questions 11 to 13.

Ponyo, Sundanese food 50
Nagreg;opened1988; seat 200
Simpang Raya, Padang food
234 Martadinata street;
opened 1995; seat80
Kabayan, Indonesian cuisine
86 Pasteur street; opened
seat 70
Putri Minang, Padang food 11
Flamboyan street; opened
1990; seat 70

Excellent; in the
suburban area of
Quite good; in down
town; congestion area
A little bit hard to find;
close to Maranatha.
University at the corner
of Gunung Batu Ave.
Quite good; in down
town; congestion area

11. Which of the following statements is TRUE

according to the text?
a. You can have Padang food at 86 Pasteur Street
b. The service at Ponyo is quite good
c. The price at Simpang Raya is the cheapest one
d. Putri Minang has less than 70 seats
12. Which restaurant has the biggest number
of the seats?
a. Simpang raya c. Kabayan
b. Putri Minang
d. Ponyo
13. The word cuisine in Kabayan,
Indonesian cuisine means the syle of
a. taste
c. flavour
b. cooking
d. decoration









Read the following text and answer questions 14 to 17!

My home: Bali
Bali is an island in the Indonesian archipelago. It is in the south of equator and has warm
weather all the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can rain anytime. Bali is 120
kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from north to south, so everywhere is quite
close to the sea. Bali is shaped like a diamond. Mount Agung, a volcano, is 3.142 meters high and
is visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and many
religious festivals.
Tourism is the most important industry. Many tourists visit Bali to see the beautiful scenery and
interesting festivals, to swim in warm seas, to look at the beautiful mountains and valleys, and to
shop for inexpensive and beautiful clothes, paintings, and wood crafts.
14. where is Bali located?
a. It is along the equator
b. In the south of equator
c. 120 km from east to west
d. Close to many temples and Mount Agung
15. The last paragraph is about ....
a. The location of Bali.
b. The most important industry in Bali
c. The most popular things in Bali
d. Beautiful mountains in Bali
16. The tourism in Bali offers us the following
things, except .
a. culture and nature
b. belief and religion
c. handicraft and tradition
d. wood crafting and painting
17. Which one of the following statements is NOT
TRUE according to the text?
a. Bali has four seasons
b. Bali is beautiful and interesting
c. Bali is surrounded by the sea
d. Bali is one of tourism destination in Indonesia
18. Which of the following underlined words is
spelt incorrectly?
a. We spent our vacation at the sea shore.
b. What short of car do you have?
c. I have a sore throat.
d. Sahara desert is too hot.

Read the text and answer questions 19 to 20.

The length of the country is 6,400 kilometers, stretches from Sabang to Merauke. Indonesia is
a big country. There are 13,677 islands in the archipelago, about 6,000 of these islands have got a
name, only 992 islands are inhabited.
Indonesia has more than 400 volcanoes. Most of these volcanoes are not active, but between
70 and 80 are still active. Every year there are about ten volcanoes eruptions in Indonesia. The
most famous volcano eruption in the world was Krakatau in 1883.
19. The word stretches can be replaced by .
a. pulls
c. lengthens
b. tightens
d. spreads
20. The word eruption has closely meaning
to .
a. sound
c. noise
b. explosion
d. erosion
The sign means .
a. we may come in
b. we can come in
c. we are allowed to come
d. we are forbidden to come in

Read the following text and answer questions 22 to 24.

Tiaras school is SMP 27. It is on Jl. Sudirman. The school has 21 classroom, a teachers office, a
headmasters office, a staff office, a laboratory, a data room, a library, and a computer room. The
school also has some lavatories, three canteens and a small mosque.
There are 47 teachers, 15 staff and a headmaster. There are 845 students there. They are boys
and girls. They study from 07.00 a.m. to 01.30 p.m. except on Fridays and Saturdays. They have
the first break at 09.15 and the second break at 11.45. During the break some students go to the
library, some others go to the canteen for breakfast or lunch and the others play in the ground or
talk with their friends in the veranda.
22. how many classrooms are there in Tiaras
a. 15
c. 27
b. 21
d. 47
23. what time is the school over on Monday
through Thursday?
a. At seven oclock
b. At quarter past nine
c. At a quarter to twelve
d. At half past one
24. They have the first break at 09.15 a.m.
What does the word they refer to?
a. The students
c. The staff
b. The teachers
d. Their friends

For questions 25 and 26 choose the suitable word to complete this passage.
Andika is an SMP
He also wears a blue
25. a. uniform
b. custom

student. He wears a school (25). The shirt is white and his (26) are blue.
hat on his head.
c. dress
d. fashion

26. a. shirts
b. socks

c. shorts
d. shoes

The text is for questions 27 to 29.

The Lost Ring
Many years ago a lady who lived in a big house in Wales lost her best ring. One of the servants
must have stolen it. She was worried about what her husband, who was away at the time, would
say. The ring had cost a great deal of money. She knew that she had to find it before her husband
What am I going to do? She asked her friends.
Send for Robin Ddu, they told her. He is the wisest man in Wales.
So she sent for the wizard Robin Ddu. He came at once.
Do not worry, he told her. We shall soon find the missing ring.
He asked that all the servants be gathered in tone large room. As they came in , he studied
them. But he could tell nothing from their faces.
Then he asked for a live cock and cooking pot that thing were brought to him. He put the cock
on the table and covered it with the cooking pot. Next he closed the curtains so that the room was
almost dark.
Now, he said, each of you must walk past the table and palace you thumb for a moment on
the cooking pot. The cock will crow if the thief touches it.
All the servants did as what they are told. But the cock never crowed. Robin Ddu opened the
The thief cannot be here, the lady said.
I think he is, answered the wizard.
He asked the servants to show him their thumbs. The first servant held out his thumb. It was
black with soot from the bottom of the cooking pot. So were the thumbs of the other servants all
but one
There is the thief, Robin Ddu told the lady. The one who was afraid that the cock might
27. Where did the story take place?
a. In a kingdom in Wales
b. In a small house in Wales
c. In a house of a rich family in Wales
d. In a house of wizard in Wales
28. What is the problem with the lady?
a. She wanted to know what happened
b. She wanted to find her lost ring
c. She was afraid of her husband
d. She wanted to live with the wizard, Robin
29. What can we learn from the text?
a. Rich people can buy everything they want
b. wealthy means everything
c. Wizards can do everything
d. People will feel afraid if they are dishonest

30. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a

coherent paragraph about how to wash
1. When washing is finished select DRAIN to drain the water out.
2. Put the appropriate amount of detergent and the clothes to be washed into the wash tub.
3. Set the drain selector to WASH RINSE position.
4. Put the clothes into the spin dryer basket and perform the intermediate spin.
5. Insert the power plug into the outlet.
6. Open the water tap and fill water in the wash tub about halfway to the desired water level.
7. Set the desired wash time referring to the table given.
The correct arrangement is .
a. 4 7 1 2 6 5 3
c. 5 2 6 3 7 4 1
b. 6 2 5 3 7 1 4
d. 2 5 4 1 6 3 7
The text is for questions 31 to 3

A Photo Fish Fun Frame

A Styrofoam tray, coloured tissue paper,
any photograph, glue stick, and varnish.
1. Draw the fish on the tray and cut it
2. out. The fish should be a little smaller than the photograph you want to frame.
3. Cut different-coloured tissue paper into little pieces.
4. Use a glue stick, glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray so that they overlap a little.

5. Cover the fish cut out, which will serve as the frames stand.
6. After you have covered the frame and the fish, varnish both.
7. Let the pieces dry, then glue the fish cut out to the back and use it to hold up the frame.
8. Attach the photo the back of the frame with sellotape. Pretty fishy, isnt it?
Use your imagination : You can cut out any kind of shape to make you frame. Try a
star, s sun, or a flower, or make many smaller openings for a multi photo frame.
31. What should we do after we glue the
pieces of tissue paper to the tray?
a. Varnish it
b. Cover the fish cut out
c. Glue the fish cut out to the back
d. Cut different-coloured tissue paper
32. How many materials do we need to make a
photo fish fun frame?
a. Four
c. Six
b. Five
d. Seven
33. , glue the pieces of tissue paper to the
(line 5). The underlined word means .
a. put
c. stick
b. set up
d. take

For questions 34 to 36 choose the best word(s) to complete the numbered blank
The Clever Judge
Once upon a time, a lion, a fox, and a donkey set off for a days hunting. They made an
agreement to have an equal share of what was caught. After a time, they were able to kill a fat
buck. The lion asked the donkey to divide the prize. The obliging donkey cut up the buck into three
equal parts then invited the lion to take his choice.
This made the lion so furious and killed the donkey with his powerful blow.
Then the lion told the fox to divide the meat. The fox was cunning. He put a side a big heap
(34) the lions share, and kept only a small piece for himself.
On seeing this, the lion (35) and said, Master fox, this needs the most satisfactory divisor.
Who taught you to be so clever?
The dead donkey has been my teacher, replied the fox. From (36) foolish conduct I have
learned to be wise.
34. a. for
c. in
b. to
d. on
35. a. thought very happy
b. seemed very angry
c. looked very pleased
d. looked very disappointed
36. a. his
c. he
b. him
d. himself

For questions 37 and 38 choose the option which is closest in meaning to the
underlined words.
The Baduy community is a unique(37) society. The people live in Banten. We can reach(38)
the place via a 10 km village road from Cibungur village in Leuwidamar district. It is a steep
37. a. unusual
b. very old

c. very strange
d. underdeveloped

38. a. gain
b. achieve

c. arrive
d. find

Read the text and answer questions 39 to 41.

Orchid is one of the most beautiful flowers on earth. Its trunk is thick and budding.
The leaves are long, stiff and thick. The color of this plant can be different by using crossing
method. It can be white, purple, yellow or others. People like to us orchid as a decorative

Orchid lives on a tree. It can only produce flowers not fruit. It usually lives and grows
in cool places such as highlands. The interesting fact of orchid is that it grows on the tree,
but it is not parasite.

39. What does paragraph 3 tell about?

a. The colour of orchid
b. The habitat of orchid
c. The appearance of orchid
d. the interesting thing of orchid
40. Why do people like to use orchid as a
decorative flower?
a. It is expensive c. It is unique
b. It is colourful
d. It is cheap
41. Orchid is one of the most beautiful
flower on earth. Its trunk is thick and
budding (Paragraph 1)
The underlined word means .
a. The lowest part of a tree
b. The reproductive part of a tree
c. The stem of a tree
d. The food factory of a tree
Type MUSIC and send to 8888
As many as possible
Where do people usually find this notice?
a. On a billboard
b. On a computer
c. On a cellular phone
d. On a laptop
Beware of Pickpocket
What does the text mean?
a. We must make a pocket
b. We must be careful of pickpockets
c. We must have a pocket
d. We must be friendly to pickpockets

Read the text to answer questions 44 to 46.

Salatiga, 1st April 2007

Dear Wati,
Hi! How are you? I havent contacted you for a long time. I miss you so much. Now, Ill tell
you about my experiences in visiting Ketep Pass. Ketep Pass is located in Magelang Regency. It
offers the view of high lands. I went there with my friends a week ago. I left Salatiga at 01.00
On my way to Ketep Pass I enjoyed the view of cocoa plantation and the beauty of the
After three hours, I arrived there. Unfortunately it was foggy. I was very disappointed.
I couldnt see the beautiful view of the highland, so I decided to enter the museum of
Merapi Volcano. There are many pictures of Merapi eruption. After watching them I continued
to see the Merapi eruption film. The film was so good that I like it very much. I have never seen
it before.
I am so happy because Ive got a lot of new experience.
Thats all. Please, tell me something about your last experience.
44. Where did the writer go?
a. Ketep Pass
c. Salatiga
b. Magelang
d. Mount Merapi
45. Why did the writer feel disappointed?
a. She was an unfortunate person
b. She couldnt see anything in Ketep Pass
c. She couldnt see the beautiful view of the
d. She went to the museum
46. Its the first time for the writer to watch .
a. the foggy weather
b. the view of highland
c. the pictures of Merapi eruption
d. the Merapi eruption film

The text is for questions number 47 and 48.

Dear Rudi,
I want you to come to my house for lunch on Sunday at 11 a.m.

47. When does Anwar expect Rudi to come to

his house?
a. In the morning c. In the evening
b. In the afternoon d. At night
48. From the invitation card above, we know
that Rudi is Anwars .
a. father
c. grandfather
b. teacher
d. close friend

49. Arrange these words into a good sentence.

By plane money more traveling by bus than needs
a. 4 1 7 2 3 6 5
c. 4 5 7 3 2 6 1
b. 4 1 7 3 2 6 5
d. 4 5 3 2 7 6 1
50. Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.
1. It interested me and attached me to collect it.
2. Since then, I collected the stamps when I got letters from my relatives.
3. I began to collect stamps when I got a letter from my uncle.
4. My hobby is stamp-collecting.
5. The stamp was very beautiful and interesting.
6. I started when I was 10.
a. 4 6 3 5 1 2
c. 4 2 6 1 3 5
b. 4 5 3 6 2 1
d. 4 1 2 3 5 6

1. X

: Get up, please Riko.

: In a minute, Mom. Im still sleepy.
: Come on. Have a shower right now,
or youll be late for school.
Where does the dialogue take place?
a. In the office
c. In class
b. At home
d. In the library
2. Dony
: do you go fishing?
Deni: Once a week.
a. How far
c. How often
b. how long
d. How many
3. Lidya
: what a lovely purse!
: Thank you. I it myself.
: Did you?
: yes, I did.
a. make
c. am making
b. made
d. was making
4. Mr. Wilman : Mr. Enoch, do you mind having
dinner at my house this
Mr. Enoch : that sounds good.
Mr. Wilman : Are you sure?
Mr. Enoch : .
a. Im positive
c. Im afraid I cant
b. fine, go ahead d. No, I cant

5. Rita : Hi, friends! Tomorrow is a holiday. What

shall we do?
: How about going to Ramayana
Department store?
Emi : . What about swimming.
Rita : OK, so what time shall we go?
Emi : Nine oclock.


a. Thats fine
c. Thats not a good idea
b. I agree with you d. Youre right

Based on the pictures above, the refrigerator is

a. cheaper than the washing machine
b. the cheapest of all
c. the most expensive
d. as expensive as the television


The notice means that the grass.
a. we are allowed to cut
b. we are allowed to pick up
c. we must not walk on
d. we must not clean

Read the text and answer questions 8 to 10.

8. The text is about .
a. Mawar AFI
c. Ismail AFI
b. Ve AFI
d. The finalists of AFI
9. What do you think about Mawar?
a. She is taller than Ve
b. She is heavier than Ve
c. She is younger than Smile
d. Her skin is darker than Ves
10. Her bright skin, cubby cheeks, and lovely smile
(Paragraph 2). The underlined word can mean .
a. white
c. brown
b. black
d. brownish


Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions!
Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They had just had their breakfast on a
big tree near a river. Come on, children. Lets go home, Mama worm said.
Suddenly, a cricket said, Your last child is ugly!. Ugly? asked mama worm. Then she looked at
the child. He was not the same as her other children. Hey, ugly! she said, You are not my child. Go
The little brown worm walked away. He was very sad. When he was near a lake, he looked into the
water. Oh, how ugly I am, he cried. You are not ugly, said a voice. Oh, I find you, my child.
The worm looked around. There was a beautiful big caterpillar and her children. They all looked the
same as he. They may call you ugly, said mother caterpillar,. But you are the most beautiful child in
the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
1. What is the story about?
2. Who is there in the story?
3. What are the worm doing?
4. How are they are now?
5. Who does they meet on the way?
6. Why does Mama worm drive the little child?
7. How is he now?

8. Does anybody help him? Who?

9. What does she say about him?
10. What does the underlined words below refer to ?
a. They all look the same as he?
b. They may call you ugly
c. You will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
11. What is the ending of the story?
12. What is the purpose of the text?
13. What is the generic structure of the text?
14. In what paragraph can orientation be found?
15. What kind of grammer/structure is used mostly in the text ?
The answers
Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions!
Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They had just had their breakfast on a
big tree near a river. Come on, children. Lets go home, Mama worm said.
Suddenly, a cricket said, Your last child is ugly!. Ugly? asked mama worm. Then she looked at
the child. He was not the same as her other children. Hey, ugly! she said, You are not my child. Go
The little brown worm walked away. He was very sad. When he was near a lake, he looked into the
water. Oh, how ugly I am, he cried. You are not ugly, said a voice. Oh, I find you, my child.
The worm looked around. There was a beautiful big caterpillar and her children. They all looked the
same as he. They may call you ugly, said mother caterpillar,. But you are the most beautiful child in
the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
1. What is the story about?
2. Who is there in the story?
3. What are the worm doing?
4. How are they are now?
5. Who does they meet on the way?
6. Why does Mama worm drive the little child?
7. How is he now?
8. Does anybody help him? Who?
9. What does she say about him?
10. What does the underlined words below refer to ?
a. They all look the same as he?

b. They may call you ugly

c. You will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
11. What is the ending of the story?
12. What is the purpose of the text?
13. What is the generic structure of the text?
14. In what paragraph can orientation be found?
15. What kind of grammer/structure is used mostly in the text ?
Read the text carefully and then answer the following questions!
Seven worms were walking happily. Their mother was leading them. They had just had their breakfast on a
big tree near a river. Come on, children. Lets go home, Mama worm said.
Suddenly, a cricket said, Your last child is ugly!. Ugly? asked mama worm. Then she looked at
the child. He was not the same as her other children. Hey, ugly! she said, You are not my child. Go
The little brown worm walked away. He was very sad. When he was near a lake, he looked into the
water. Oh, how ugly I am, he cried. You are not ugly, said a voice. Oh, I find you, my child.
The worm looked around. There was a beautiful big caterpillar and her children. They all looked the
same as he. They may call you ugly, said mother caterpillar,. But you are the most beautiful child in
the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
1. What is the story about?
2. Who is there in the story?
3. What are the worm doing?
4. How are they are now?
5. Who does they meet on the way?
6. Why does Mama worm drive the little child?
7. How is he now?
8. Does anybody help him? Who?
9. What does she say about him?
10. What does the underlined words below refer to ?
a. They all look the same as he?
b. They may call you ugly
c. You will turn into a beautiful butterfly.
11. What is the ending of the story?
12. What is the purpose of the text?
13. What is the generic structure of the text?
14. In what paragraph can orientation be found?
15. What kind of grammer/structure is used mostly in the text ?


1. X

: Get up, please Riko.

: In a minute, Mom. Im still sleepy.
: Come on. Have a shower right now, or
youll be late for school.
Where does the dialogue take place?
a. In the office
c. In class
b. At home
d. In the library

2. Dony
: do you go fishing?
Deni: Once a week.
a. How far
c. How often
b. how long
d. How many
3. Lidya
a. make
b. made


what a lovely purse!

Thank you. I it myself.
Did you?
yes, I did.
c. am making
d. was making

4. Mr. Wilman : Mr. Enoch, do you mind having dinner at my

house this evening?
Mr. Enoch : that sounds good.
Mr. Wilman : Are you sure?
Mr. Enoch : .
a. Im positive
c. Im afraid I cant
b. fine, go ahead d. No, I cant
5. Rita : Hi, friends!Tomorrow is a holiday. What
shall we do?
: How about going to Ramayana
Department store?
Emi : . What about swimming.
Rita : OK, so what time shall we go?
Emi : Nine oclock.
a. Thats fine
c. Thats not a good idea
b. I agree with you d. Youre right
The notice means that the grass.
a. we are allowed to cut
b. we must not walk on
c. we are allowed to pick up
d. we must not clean

Read the text and answer questions

7 and 8.
Dear Anita,
Hi friend, here I invite you to my 13th birthday
Date : Monday, 15 April 2007
Time : 4 p.m.
Place : My house
Jl. Andalas no. 32 Makasar
Please come! Without you the party will be
7. In what year was Delia born?
a. 1994
c. 1996
b. 1995
d. 1997

8. Delia hopes that Anita .

a. brings a present c. attends the party
b. wears a new dress
d. sings and dances
9. the lights you before leave turn off
the room
The correct arrangement is .
a. 4 6 3 5 2 1
c. 5 1 3 2 4 6
b. 4 1 3 2 5 6
d. 5 6 3 2 4 1
10. Arrange these sentences to make a good
1. Yanto can collect six to seven hundred
rupiahs from selling newspapers.
2. He goes to an SMP in the afternoon and in
the morning he sells newspapers around
our neighborhood.
3. Yanto saves some of his money in a saving
4. Yantos house is not very far from my
5. He spends it on books and other things
a. 1 3 5 2 4
c. 1 3 5 4 2
b. 4 2 3 5 1
d. 4 2 1 5 3
11. Tom


Look. What is that?

Its a key of motorcycle.
key is it?
I dont know. Lets take it to the
a. Who b. Which
c. Whom
d. Whose

Read the following text and answer questions 12 to 15!

My home: Bali
Bali is an island in the Indonesian archipelago. It is in the south of equator and has warm
weather all the year. The rainy season is November to April, but it can rain anytime. Bali is 120
kilometers wide from east to west and 80 kilometers from north to south, so everywhere is quite
close to the sea. Bali is shaped like a diamond. Mount Agung, a volcano, is 3.142 meters high and
is visible from far away. Most of the people are Hindus. There are many temples and many
religious festivals.
Tourism is the most important industry. Many tourists visit Bali to see the beautiful scenery and
interesting festivals, to swim in warm seas, to look at the beautiful mountains and valleys, and to
shop for inexpensive and beautiful clothes, paintings, and wood crafts.
12. Where is Bali located?
a. It is along the equator
b. In the south of equator
c. 120 km from east to west
d. Close to many temples and Mount Agung
13. The last paragraph is about ....
a. The location of Bali.
b. The most important industry in Bali
c. The most popular things in Bali
d. Beautiful mountains in Bali

14. The tourism in Bali offers us the following

things, except .
a. culture and nature
b. belief and religion
c. handicraft and tradition
d. wood crafting and painting
15. Which one of the following statements is NOT
TRUE according to the text?
a. Bali has four seasons
b. Bali is beautiful and interesting
c. Bali is surrounded by the sea
d. Bali is one of tourism destination in

For questions 18 and 19 choose the option which is closest in meaning to the
underlined words.
The Baduy community is a unique (16) society. The people live in Banten. We can
the place via a 10 km village road from Cibungur village in Leuwidamar district. It is a steep
16. a. unusual
b. very old

c. very strange
d. underdeveloped

17. a. gain
b. achieve

c. arrive
d. find

For questions 18 and 19 choose the option which is closest in meaning to the
underlined words
On a bright an sunny day TI went fishing. When I reached the jetty, I put a worm on the hook
and threw the line and waited for the fish to bite. I was very (18) when I didnt catch anything
after waiting for three hours.
I pulled in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. (19) was
so small that I didnt feel anything on the line.
I was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, let me go (20) or I will turn you into
a frog. I was so startled that I just stared at it.
18. a. happy
b. good
19. a. It
20. a. and
b. or

c. interested
d. disappointed
b. She

c. he

d. They

c. because
d. for

Read the text to answer questions 21 to 25

The Indonesian Archipelago
Indonesia is an archipelago. It is the largest one. It lies between the Pacific Ocean and the
Indian Ocean. This archipelago is flanked by two continents namely Asia and Australia.
This archipelago consists of 13.667 islands. Is total land area is 1.905.453 square kilometers.
From east to west it stretches 5.152 kilometers and from north to south 1.770 kilometers.
There are five main islands in Indonesia. They are java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and
Papua, and the western part of New Guinea. The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta. This city
becomes the center of government and economic activities.
The climate in Indonesia is tropical with high humidity, slight changes in temperature and
heavy rainfall. It is because Indonesia lies along the equator. From November to February this
country undergoes the we season. The dry season prevails from June to September.
We can see a large variety of plants and animals life . Some species are endemic. They live in
an island or a part of a large island. Some wildlife reserves have been established by the
government through the country. Those wildlife reserves are used to protect the rare species from
extinction. The rare animals are the orang utan primates in Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Komodo
dragon in Komodo island, the one horned-

rhinoceros in West Java, the pig dear and anoa, the dwarf buffalo in Sulawesi and many different
species of monkeys and birds.
21. Indonesia has islands.
a. 1.770
c. 13.667
b. 5.152
d. 1.905.453
22. The main idea of paragraph four is .
a. Indonesia has a tropical climate
b. Indonesia has high humidity
c. Indonesia has high rainfall
d. Indonesia lies along the equator line
23. How is the weather like from November to
a. Hot
b. Cool
c. Warm
d. Bright

24. Why does the government set up the wildlife

reserve? To protect the .
a. orang utans
c. one horned-rhinoceros
b. komodo dragons
d. rare species
25. Choose the sentence which has a miss
spelt word
a. Nadia looks happy trying on her new dress.
b. She sewwed the cloth carefully yesterday.
c. She made the pattern of the dress last week.
d. Mother cuts the pattern using a pair of

For questions 21 and 23 choose the option which is closest in meaning to the
underlined words
On a bright an sunny day TI went fishing. When I reached the jetty, I put a worm on the hook
and threw the line and waited for the fish to bite. I was very (18) when I didnt catch anything
after waiting for three hours.
I pulled in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. (19) was
so small that I didnt feel anything on the line.
I was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, let me go (20) or I will turn you into
a frog. I was so startled that I just stared at it.
18. a. happy
c. interested
b. good
d. disappointed
19. a. It
b. She
c. he
d. They
20. a. and
c. because
b. or
d. for
For questions 21 and 23 choose the option which is closest in meaning to the
underlined words
On a bright an sunny day TI went fishing. When I reached the jetty, I put a worm on the hook
and threw the line and waited for the fish to bite. I was very (18) when I didnt catch anything
after waiting for three hours.
I pulled in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. (19) was
so small that I didnt feel anything on the line.
I was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, let me go (20) or I will turn you into
a frog. I was so startled that I just stared at it.
18. a. happy
c. interested
b. good
d. disappointed
19. a. It
b. She
c. he
d. They
20. a. and
c. because
b. or
d. for
Read the text to answer questions 14 to 17.
The Indonesian Archipelago
Indonesia is an archipelago. It is the largest one. It lies between the Pacific Ocean and the
Indian Ocean. This archipelago is flanked by two continents namely Asia and Australia.
This archipelago consists of 13.667 islands. Is total land area is 1.905.453 square kilometers.
From east to west it stretches 5.152 kilometers and from north to south 1.770 kilometers.
There are five main islands in Indonesia. They are java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and
Papua, and the western part of New Guinea. The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta. This city
becomes the center of government and economic activities.
The climate in Indonesia is tropical with high humidity, slight changes in temperature and
heavy rainfall. It is because Indonesia lies along the equator. From November to February this
country undergoes the we season. The dry season prevails from June to September.
We can see a large variety of plants and animals life . Some species are endemic. They live in
an island or a part of a large island. Some wildlife reserves have been established by the
government through the country. Those wildlife reserves are used to protect the rare species from
extinction. The rare animals are the orang utan primates in Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Komodo
dragon in Komodo island, the one horned-rhinoceros in West Java, the pig dear and anoa, the
dwarf buffalo in Sulawesi and many different species of monkeys and birds.
14. Indonesia has islands.
a. 1.770
c. 13.667
b. 5.152
d. 1.905.453
15. The main idea of paragraph four is .
a. Indonesia has a tropical climate
b. Indonesia has high humidity
c. Indonesia has high rainfall
d. Indonesia lies along the equator line

16. How is the weather like from November to

a. Hot
b. Cool
c. Warm
d. Bright
17. Why does the government set up the wildlife
reserve? To protect the .
a. orang utans
c. one horned-rhinoceros
b. komodo dragons
d. rare species
18. Choose the sentence which has a miss
spelt word
a. Nadia looks happy trying on her new dress.
b. She sewwed the cloth carefully yesterday.
c. She made the pattern of the dress last week.
d. Mother cuts the pattern using a pair of

18. a. happy
c. interested
b. good
d. disappointed
19. a. It
b. She
c. he
d. They
20. a. and
c. because
b. or
d. for

Read the text to answer questions 14 to 17.

The Indonesian Archipelago
Indonesia is an archipelago. It is the largest one. It lies between the Pacific Ocean and the
Indian Ocean. This archipelago is flanked by two continents namely Asia and Australia.
This archipelago consists of 13.667 islands. Is total land area is 1.905.453 square kilometers.
From east to west it stretches 5.152 kilometers and from north to south 1.770 kilometers.
There are five main islands in Indonesia. They are java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and
Papua, and the western part of New Guinea. The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta. This city
becomes the center of government and economic activities.
The climate in Indonesia is tropical with high humidity, slight changes in temperature and
heavy rainfall. It is because Indonesia lies along the equator. From November to February this
country undergoes the we season. The dry season prevails from June to September.
We can see a large variety of plants and animals life . Some species are endemic. They live in
an island or a part of a large island. Some wildlife reserves have been established by the
government through the country. Those wildlife reserves are used to protect the rare species from
extinction. The rare animals are the orang utan primates in Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Komodo
dragon in Komodo island, the one horned-rhinoceros in West Java, the pig dear and anoa, the
dwarf buffalo in Sulawesi and many different species of monkeys and birds.
14. Indonesia has islands.
a. 1.770
c. 13.667
b. 5.152
d. 1.905.453
15. The main idea of paragraph four is .
a. Indonesia has a tropical climate
b. Indonesia has high humidity
c. Indonesia has high rainfall
d. Indonesia lies along the equator line
16. How is the weather like from November to
a. Hot
b. Cool
c. Warm
d. Bright
17. Why does the government set up the wildlife
reserve? To protect the .
a. orang utans
c. one horned-rhinoceros
b. komodo dragons
d. rare species
18. Choose the sentence which has a miss
spelt word
a. Nadia looks happy trying on her new dress.
b. She sewwed the cloth carefully yesterday.
c. She made the pattern of the dress last week.
d. Mother cuts the pattern using a pair of

_______ Do your best and Good Luck! _______

Read the text to answer questions 14 to 17.

The Indonesian Archipelago
Indonesia is an archipelago. It is the largest one. It lies between the Pacific Ocean and the
Indian Ocean. This archipelago is flanked by two continents namely Asia and Australia.
This archipelago consists of 13.667 islands. Is total land area is 1.905.453 square kilometers.
From east to west it stretches 5.152 kilometers and from north to south 1.770 kilometers.
There are five main islands in Indonesia. They are java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and
Papua, and the western part of New Guinea. The capital city of Indonesia is Jakarta. This city
becomes the center of government and economic activities.
The climate in Indonesia is tropical with high humidity, slight changes in temperature and
heavy rainfall. It is because Indonesia lies along the equator. From November to February this
country undergoes the we season. The dry season prevails from June to September.
We can see a large variety of plants and animals life . Some species are endemic. They live in
an island or a part of a large island. Some wildlife reserves have been established by the
government through the country. Those wildlife reserves are used to protect the rare species from
extinction. The rare animals are the orang utan primates in Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Komodo
dragon in Komodo island, the one horned-rhinoceros in West Java, the pig dear and anoa, the
dwarf buffalo in Sulawesi and many different species of monkeys and birds.
14. Indonesia has islands.
a. 1.770
c. 13.667
b. 5.152
d. 1.905.453
15. The main idea of paragraph four is .
a. Indonesia has a tropical climate
b. Indonesia has high humidity
c. Indonesia has high rainfall
d. Indonesia lies along the equator line
16. How is the weather like from November to
a. Hot
b. Cool
c. Warm
d. Bright
17. Why does the government set up the wildlife
reserve? To protect the .
a. orang utans
c. one horned-rhinoceros
b. komodo dragons
d. rare species
18. Choose the sentence which has a miss
spelt word
a. Nadia looks happy trying on her new dress.
b. She sewwed the cloth carefully yesterday.
c. She made the pattern of the dress last week.
d. Mother cuts the pattern using a pair of

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