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Naci el 17 de abril de 1919 en San Joaqun de Flores, Costa Rica;

nacionalizada mexicana.
Dio sus primeros pasos en la cancin en Costa Rica pas donde creci. Parti a
los catorce aos sola y se identific con el Mxico de los aos 50. Hua de los
rumores en un pueblo que no entenda que una mujer usara pantalones, no se
arreglara el cabello, usaba chaquetas, montaba a caballo, sea lesbiana y de un
pas que no supo, valorar su talento.
En Mexico trabajaba vendiendo cositas y cantaba, hasta que apareci la
oportunidad que le llevo a la fama: el tema Macorina, Cantaba con actitud
desafiante y musicalmente era acompaada por mariachis
Eran pocas en las que paseaba con Agustn Lara, es musa y amiga de Juan
Rulfo, viva con los pintores Diego Rivera y Frida Kahlo y cenaba grandes dosis
de tequila. Llegaron los discos y melodas como La Llorona, Somos, Luz de
luna o Cancin de las simples cosas. Con el tiempo, la artista estuvo durante 20
aos alejada de la cancin, de los escenarios y casi de la vida, por culpa
del alcoholismo bebio 40 mil litros de alcohol a lo largo de sus 78 aos
La mexicana graba ms de 40 discos -entre propios y ajenos, para los que prest
la gravedad de su voz- y protagoniz casi mil conciertos.
Una Chavela Vargas volvi a cantar a principios de los noventa. Manolo
Arroyo la redescubri en El Hbito, en Coyoacn, donde cantaba, y la llev a
Espaa. A partir de ah, el xito, participo en el film La flor de mi secreto. Fue
intrprete de cabecera para Joaqun Sabina. Una calle de Burgos (Espaa) lleva
su nombre recibio el Premio Latino de Honor. El Consejo de Ministros espaol le
concedi la Gran Cruz de Isabel la Catlica en el ao 2000.

La cantante mexicana se despidi en octubre de 2006 de los escenarios

con un concierto homenaje en Ciudad de Mxico, tras cumplir medio
siglo de carrera artstica aunque sigui colaborando en grabaciones
junto a otros artistas como Miguel Bos, Joaqun Sabina, Ana
Beln y Armando Manzanero. En 2004, present el disco En Carnegie
Hall. Durante 2009, con motivo de su 90 aniversario, el Gobierno de
la Ciudad de Mxico le rindi un homenaje nombrndola ciudadana
Chavela Vargas falleci en Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mxico, 5 de agosto de

He was born on April 17, 1919 in San Joaquin de Flores, Costa Rica;
nationalized Mexican.

He took his first steps in the song in Costa Rica country where he grew up. He
left at fourteen alone and identified with Mexico 50s was fleeing the rumors in
a town that did not understand that a woman will use pants, no hair fix, wore
jackets, riding a horse, whether lesbian and a country that did not know,
appreciate his talent.
In Mexico he worked selling tidbits and sang, until it appeared the opportunity
that led him to fame: the theme Macorina, defiantly sang and musically
accompanied by mariachis was
Were times when walking with Agustin Lara, is muse and friend of Juan Rulfo,
he lived with the painters Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo and dined large doses
of tequila. Discs and melodies came as La Llorona, we are, Moonlighting or
Song of the simple things. Over time, the artist was 20 years away from the
song, from the stage and almost of life, because of the alcohol he drank 40,000
liters of alcohol over 78 years
Mexico recorded more than 40 albums among themselves and others, for which
lent gravity of his voice and starred in nearly a thousand concerts.

Chavela Vargas became a singing in the early nineties. Manolo Arroyo

rediscovered in habit, in Coyoacan, where he sang, and took her to Spain. From
there, success, participated in the film The Flower of My Secret. It was
interpreter for Joaqun Sabina header. A street of Burgos (Spain) takes its name
received the Latino Honor Award. The Spanish Council of Ministers awarded the
Grand Cross of Isabel the Catholic in 2000.

Mexican singer was fired in October 2006 of the stage with a tribute concert in
Mexico City after serving half-century career but continued to work on
recordings with other artists as Miguel Bos, Joaqun Sabina, Ana Belen and
Armando Manzanero. In 2004, he presented the album at Carnegie Hall. In

2009, on the occasion of its 90th anniversary, the Government of Mexico City
paid a tribute by naming distinguished citizen.

Chavela Vargas died in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, August 5, 2012.

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