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Sentence Correction Strategy

Decision Points: Answer Choices are Assets

The Decision Point Process
1. Briefly scan for obvious differences between answer choices
The first and last words of the answer choices
Low hanging fruit such as (it vs. they decision points) and verbs (have vs. has) verb
differences can mean either subject-verb agreement or verb tense error
2. Read the sentence carefully (look for IMPACTS)
3. Eliminate incorrect answer choices, but only when you are absolutely certain that you have found an
Beware of false decision points. Just because it doesnt sound right doesnt mean its incorrect.
One of GMATs great weapons is correct-but-unusual diction.
Illogical Meaning
Agreement (Between Subject-Verb)
Tenses (or Time Lines)
Sentence Construction


Sentence correction is mainly about leveraging hints from the answer choices.
The game of sentence correction is process of elimination.
Sentence Correction problems test the same core grammar rules over and over again.
Sentence Correction is about Learning By Doing. If you get a problem wrong, you should determine why

you missed it. Was it bad strategy or dont understand grammar content?
Only Focus on Decision Points that matter.
When you are faced with a difficult choice, consider the meaning behind each option and you will often

find that the decision is clearer.

Purpose of grammar is to ensure that the language conveys clear meaning.

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